Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning


Application of SCT Application of SCT The strategies to use are all based on the ability to utilize and understand the impact that the environment, behavioral and environmental factors have within the workplace. The importance of this is to keep them working towards the implementation of the employees' professionalization.

Making bad hiring decisions

Diverse aspects of the personality tests are significant in the hiring of organizations' personnel. Besides, the losses involved in the hiring of unsuitable employees has also compelled some firms to take unjustifiable duration, in their effort to select the most suited employees.

Online obsessive relational intrusion: further concerns about facebook

The article proffered issues pertinent to an examination of social networking sites, particularly Facebook, as facilitators of Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion, or stalking. In the end, users of social networking sites are thereby advised to be vigilant and cautious in providing personal information that would encourage the public to pry and intrude on one's life β†’

Construct and support an argument

The purpose of this paper is to construct and support an argument on why I decided to pursue my master's degree in Business Administration and how the results of my Jungian Personality self-assessment test perceive. Decision In making the decision to pursue my masters in business administration never imagine the compromise that I was having β†’

Deception and psychological harm

As Kelman states in his article, " Human Use of Human Subjects, The problem of Deception in Social Psychological Experiments," the use of deception is not a cut-and-dried issue. While this experiment is cruel, because it leads the subject to believe he or she is torturing another person, it is a critical piece of information β†’

Behaviorism time line and today’s world assignment

Here the topic will look at the linear existence of behaviorism in reference to the discipline of psychology, as well as the main influential persons that raised the theory from its infancy to its heights as to the contributions each made. Behaviorism Time Line and Today's World To have an idea of the theories involving β†’

Active and passive student essay sample

A passive student on the other hand is most likely to be absorbed in his or her own thoughts, without a lot of care for what is happening in class. The passive learner usually takes a backseat in most discussions or activities that they have to take part in.

Conformity and individuality assignment

In the book " The wave", Morton Rue conveys his Idea of the conformity through the Introduction of the organization called " the wave" and its impact upon students in Gordon High. By showing the disruption of the school caused by wave, Morton Rue conveys the idea that individuality is fragile compared to conformity.

Complex skill behavior is affected by the hierarchical control of the outer and inner loops and may lead to bettering or worsening performance or the task at hand

There are two premises that the research aims to prove which are that performance that is based on the outer loop gets better when more attention is given to the task being performed and worsens with less attention and the other is that performance that is based on the inner loop becomes better when less β†’

Applied final project

Therefore, stalking is a criminal activity, just like robbery it is important for one to be aware of stalkers. Behaviors of Stalkers Some of the behaviors of stalkers include showing up or following up wherever one is.

Using the power of thought to discover your talent

You may have seen somebody else doing something and said to yourself, " I would like to try that". What have you done well that left you flat? 3.

Licensure for professional counselor in state of virginia

Licensure for Professional Counselor in of Virginia Licensure for Professional Counselor in State of Virginia Licensed professional counselors are basically counselors who have been certified to provide assistance and other material that can help to provide care to the patients who reside in America. After obtaining the prescribed education required being a licensed professional counselor, β†’

Aged care policy

Finally, the formal or the national aged care programme is always for older aged people whom are sent by the Australian government. The reactions towards the mental health programmes are appealing in the course of sponsoring and ensuring the ongoing of the programmes.

Inside the mind of a psychopath

In relation to thisarticle, it would be of importanceforme to subjectivelydwell in studyingthebrainstructures of thispeopleandunderstandwhytheygo through theseissues. It is important to live with thispeople in harmonyandavoidissues that would trigger their violence.


In a typical environment, such a research calls for the researchers to respect dignity and worth of all the people involved. This ensures that all participants make a decision on voluntary basis and based on sufficient knowledge with respect to the study.

Self regulation and learning

Being able to recognize personal potential, and utilizing the right skills in learning are of supreme significance for the achievement of their goals. Therefore, what matters is the ability to prioritize their objectives and pursuance of the right track to achieve them.

Theory of self actualization

A traditional understanding of Maslow's theory represents the hierarchy as relatively rigid and step-wise, such that an individual proceeds to a higher needs only on satisfaction of the lower needs. The failure of self-actualization theory: A critique of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.

Their usefulness in the business community

Appraisal performance and its usefulness in the business Appraisal performance and its usefulness in the business Hypotheses; the 720 degree process In this research, the 720 degree process can explain how appraisal performance is useful to businesses. M, Bryan, N.

Concepts of c. wright mills’ the promise of sociology essay sample

According to Frank Elwell, the sociological imagination is " a term referring to the application of imaginative thought to the asking and answering of sociological questions.[It is] the ability to see the effects of social patterns and history on human behavior". To possess the sociological imagination is to possess the understanding of the self, biography, β†’

How substance abuse addicts can benefit from art therapy and spiritual nourishment

For this particular research paper I will go over some details of the use of Art Therapy and some of the techniques that is used for Art Therapy. Not everyone can talk out their problems the way that they want them to, and now with the use of art therapy they can.

Mothers who kill their children

Because when a father murders his own child it is a felony punishable by law, whereas the case of mother the best and effective measure thought of in all fields is a recommendation for a meticulous medical check-up. Psychologists, medical practitioners and scholars, via numerous researches from the past, have lacked the valid reason why β†’

Robbers cave experiment

The third stage consisted mainly of a number of competitions organized by the administration of the camp, in which one of groups became a winner, and another suffered a defeat. At the fourth stage the administration of a camp created difficulties in the activity of a camp, which could be successfully resolved only on the β†’

Physical and verbal bullying in schools

Bullying in the school setting has various effects, both on the bully and the bullied. Secondly, bullying affects the learning environment of the bullies and the bullied.

Lifespan development

The differences in the intelligence and the level of IQ are determined by both social and environmental factors and the nurture. The contribution of the genetics and nurture in the development of personality and intelligence is expressed by Jackson, that " Learning is a biologically detailed, regulated and frequently narrowly limited process, and therefore human β†’


We tend to follow the rules of our authority because they generally know what is best for us and know what the right thing to do is. Unfortunately, that can make us feel responsible to the authority, instead of the content of the orders the authority is giving.

Psychology and human development related theories

Human Development Theories Erik Erikson's Developmental Theory According to this theory, there is a series of stages where we all travel through. According to Sigmund Freud, each stage should be passed with balance that means a person going through a stage in his theory must surpass it sufficiently.

Exercise 4: endocrine system physiology assignment

What was the effect of thyroxine on the normal rat's metabolic rate? What was the effect of thyroxine on the thyroidectomized rat's metabolic rate?


Thesis Statement: Bullying in Canada and the United States is similar to bullying in Iran; the only difference is the degree and form. Discussion Bullying in Canada and the United States Bullying in Canada and the United States is headache for authorities.

The o*net taxonomy

The advantages that the position analysis questionnaire has, is not similar to that of O'NET. One major disadvantage of the PAQ system is that it does not contain a large number of job databases.

How has psychological research and theory helped explain

Thus, a worryingly high percentage of juvenile rates of sex offending, and underestimations of rates of offending, in addition to the persistent nature of child molestation, highlights a need for comprehensive understanding, assessment and treatment of such offenders. The strength of the Precondition Model lies in its attention to the diversity of complex issues and β†’

Psychology questions

According to the statistics 46% of the at risk youths, involved in the Big Brothers/Sisters mentoring programs, were less likely to use illegal drugs, and there are improved numbers in regards to raised grades, school attendance, and avoidance of illegal substances. When they are introduced to a program like the Big Brothers/Sisters that implement developing β†’

Outline and evaluate explanations of conformity assignment

Outline and evaluate explanations of conformity AI: Conformity is a form of social influence and is the tendency to copy other people's behavior and attitudes from within a group. The second reason was that they honestly thought that the rest of the group knew better than them and that their own judgments were Incorrect, typical β†’

Psychological analysis of african immigrant interview

They from time to time chipped in about the experiences that they had from the questions that were generated from the interview. This is because they will feel the heat of being unlike the rest in a society that offers rights and privileges to its citizens.

The counselor

SUGGESTION AND PERSUASION ARE PARTS OF THE THERAPEUTIC PROCESS 24th, January, Suggestion and Persuasion Are Parts of the Therapeutic Process Introduction The therapeutic process entails treatment of a condition using methods such as reassurance, and instructions. The therapy situation and the expectations of the therapist on the patient greatly influence the behavior of the patient.

Power and overconfident decision-making

Power is discussed in terms of social, political, financial and influential positional aspects and the published paper's key points are discussed briefly with a conclusion based on all the arguments and counter arguments in the end. Highlights from the paper: This is paper presents the view that availability of privileged rights puts a person into β†’

Social development skills

It is also important to be aware of the effects that the environment has on a child's temperament, and to develop strategies to account for these variables, such as by making the areas of interaction aesthetically pleasing. Attachment classification from the perspective of infant-caregiver relationships and infant temperament.

W4a1 forgetting

Forgetting" Affiliation: How do you define or interpret the term " forget?" Forgetting is failure to retrieve information that is already encoded and stored in the long term memory or loss of the memory already stored in long term memory. In the first definition, the information one is seeking is still in the long term β†’

Reaction paper

The behavior relates to female psychological adaptations to avoid their fathers during periods of high fertility. I find that women seek to reduce affiliation with their fathers during periods of high fertility that relates to the sexual disgust experienced at this time and the need to avoid inbreeding.

Discussion question

The variability is extremely sensitive to change in the data, unlike the range and the interquartile variability data. The range variability, which is, defined as the most obvious measure of dispersion and it the difference between the highest and the lowest scores in a data.

Reprogramming of pericyte-derived cells of the adult human brain into induced neuronal research paper examples

One of the main challenges in the transformation of neural reprogramming into therapy is whether the adult human brain encloses some cell populations which are acquiescent to direct somatic cell conversion. A major hurdle that has been recognized for the conversion of neuronal reprogramming into therapy is whether direct translation can be attained from the β†’

The dual

The client's mother would have to be involved in some aspects because she is a minor which could be detrimental for treatment and due to the fact that it is very possible for the therapist and the girl's mother to converse. The therapist knows the daughter and the friend and this can automatically cause the β†’

Annotated bibliography example

Retrieved 14 November, 2014 from, http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/incorporate-motivation-theories-workplace-4118.html The author asserts that different motivational theories are not only used in the seminars and classrooms. How to Incorporate Motivation Theories in the Workplace.

Addiction and grace

This addiction is a desire that is manifested in each and every person, and it is present after one has been born, and it is said that the desire is insatiable. This article will focus on the definition of the term addiction and the psychological impressions and conclusions in relation to the book Addiction and β†’

How have psychological approaches specifically informed

The development of cognitive behaviourism is the culmination of the convergence of distinct schools of thought in Behaviourism, cognitive theory and social learning theory. The founder of behaviourism, Watson, criticised the traditional approach by pointing out the lack of objectivity in the study of behaviour and the unscientific nature due to its reliance on the β†’

Origin of art therapy

Although Orr described effective results in the use of art therapy practices in children, it is important to address the complications in the presented research. Art therapy is an effective method of allowing children to discover the truth in their experiences and learn from it in order to develop a greater sense of self-worth.

Active time

I am the sort of person that cannot relax by relaxing or giving something a half-effort. In the end, I am a better more relaxed person because of the effort needed to overcome the challenge.

Cognnitive developement theory

Cognitive developmental Theory Cognitive developmental Theory Several theories have been proposed regarding the development of an individual's cognitive process, the first and the most important theory of development of individual's cognition is the Cognitive Developmental Theory proposed by Piaget. From ages 11 and onwards, an individual experiences the stage of formal operation, during this stage β†’

Research design / hypothesis testing

The researcher will utilize the quantitative research methods in measuring and determining the effectiveness of drugs treated to schizophrenic patients. To determine the effectiveness of drugs, the research utilizes the Clinical Global Impression Scale that examines the patients' status in terms of its behaviour, symptoms, and response to treatment.

Comparing erikson to piaget

Piaget and Erikson's Theories of Development Piaget viewed child's development with four stages of cognitive growth. According to Piaget, it is the process of maturation that dictates the progress of the child through the four stages.

Observe developmental practice in action

I was very pleased to observe that no learner was ever neglected, but all were involved in the learning process and had the opportunity to ask questions for the instructor to assist expanding their learning. Therefore, the improvement that I would recommend for the teacher is to involve in a face-to-face dialogue with the learners β†’

Effective note taking

In doing research projects, it is very important to take pertinent notes that would be very helpful towards the work at hand. Any bit of data or information related to the topic would be of much aid to the research.

Perceptual experience

To specify the degree of difference in viewpoints the article addressed by both maxim and cosmopolitan about the various aspects of child-rearing would be the best example. While maxim addressed this issue keeping the Male role as protector and provider with a display of responsibility at the heart of the article.

Correlation between ice cream and personality

The complexity of ice cream flavors can be associated with a person's personality. A person's personality is as complex as choosing an ice cream flavor due to the number of choices that are present.

Example of essay on sensation/perception writing assignment

Perception is the organization and interpretation of all the sensory information, in order to understand and relate with the environment. The second principle of perception is continuation, and this is where the eye vision tends to evenly move from one point to the other, with homogeneity.

Transformative learning as an ideological critique

He connects the notion of power to his transformative learning theory where he defines transformative learning as a type of learning that shapes the learner and produces a significant impact. Critics of Jack Mezirow differ from his claims of power in relation to transformational learning by arguing that Mezirow's theory does not in cooperate the β†’

Define holistic health care, and describe the aspects of mind to body relationships and how this relationship manifests itself

Holistic healthcare can broadly be defined as an approach that not only treats the disease but also takes into account the physical, mental and social aspect of the individuals. They are intrinsically linked to mind and body and emphasize on the mental and spiritual wellbeing also.

Language and woman’s place

But with the emergence of non-profit organizations like National Women's Law Center and others like National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education are among some of the groups that have been in the forefront to promote gender equity and empower women. This has led to the creation of wage differentials between men and women β†’

Conformity assignment

This means that cost people when in a group will follow the rest of the group In a desire to fit in. This caused the participant to conform due to the influence of the group to whatever answer the rest of the group gave.

Describe the two levels of cognitive processing

Therefore, our brain is aware of the things we are conscious of. The brain is aware of things that we are conscious of.

Research methods & analysis in psychology

Since the constant remains the same for all, it is more important to define the variables since they are the things being investigated in the research. The commonest way to design a psychology experiment for the effects of classical music on memory is via the division of the participants into two groups.

Forensic psychology assignment

A forensic psychologist has to develop and review appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programs for the offender such as anger management, treatment NT for drug addiction and social and cognitive skills training. Pursuing a job in the field of forensic psychology takes almost an inter amiable amount of time and is only for those willing to β†’

Psychological reasons behind the childrens behavior

The science of babies Introduction The objective of this research is to find out the psychological reasons behind the children's behavior and what makes them be different from adults. In an attempt to understand the children's operations better, there should be a healthy engagement between adults and children.

Dejong and berg about their practice in interviewing for solutions

The second technique is asking the miracle question, where this technique is to help the client know what he/she wants to be done differently in that the first attempts chosen to solve a problem did not work out; therefore, another approach is needed. The last technique is to understand the structural component of feedback to β†’

Resolving workplace conflict

Facilitation of open discussion, establishing of rules or guidelines, creating an environment of mutual respect and stressing the importance of working toward a common goal are all methods that limit and effectively handle conflict. A study by Fortune Magazine in which several CEO's failures were studied, revealed the " in seven out of ten cases, β†’

Psyc 475 wk4 db replies

For that reason, I agree with the argument that the subjection of Christians to various warnings in terms of alternatives in the Bible result to characteristic behaviours among the believers, which may include conscious-activated behaviours because of the text contained in the Bible. Additionally, I agree that positive media campaigns have led to desensitization of β†’

The concept of double consciousness assignment

The initialization of anti-black sentiment from the outside world thus begins to shape the black American experience. Double consciousness also creates an element of conflict within the black American, as they struggle to to reconcile their identity as a black person and as an American citizen.

Ideas for a successful speech

My audience could see for themselves just which point I was making, thus easing my work and aiding their understanding. However, I feel that it would have helped my speech even more if I had added some more detail regarding how it is easier for married couples to pay their taxes: this could have included β†’

Kevin cost writ 102 9 april 2013

To perceive something is to get a personal understanding of something by involving the sense of touch." Second, solidity is dif cult to reproduce in the imagination because it entails touch, the sense whose operation is most remote us in imagining: Thomas Hobbes argued that the imagination is exclusively visual.. That is what makes Mar β†’

Ghosts in the nursery

The application of the attachment theory to help children heal from historical traumatic experience depends on improving the interactions between a child and a parent. The best treatment to help the mother and child achieve fondness is through application of attachment theory.

Statement of purpose

These and many more are some of the reasons why I want to continue with my studies and gain more knowledge and skills for the betterment of the society. The success of my evidence-based practice is attributed to the experience I have in guidance and counseling.

Overcoming obstacles in decision making

Overcoming Obstacles in Decision Making In your post, describe a decision you have made in the past which had an undesirable outcome or which you regretted. What lessons have you learned from both your successful and unsuccessful decisions that you will use in the future?

The mismeasure of man, by stephen jay gould (1996),

Other The Mismeasure of Man, by Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Gould's article d The MisMeasure of Man is generally a powerful and well researched publication that critically challenges the arguments of biological determinism. Additionally the book has effectively offered a well reasoned assessment of the various errors that have been underlying some of the empirical β†’

Psychopathy threatment

Regardless of the treatment model that a clinician adopts, the leading question should be whether there is likelihood of a psychotherapeutic change in the patient. In fact, the fear of attack from the patients is one the key factors that leads to clinicians opting not to treat psycopathy.

Procedural memory

The ability to ride a bicycle is an art and science that requires a combination of the two in order to maintain balance. While the learners can start and ride a bicycle, it is important for them to understand the importance of the helmet.

Conformity or consequences assignment

Indecisive about what she should do, she let her friend's excitement about the party persuade her and she decided to go ahead and go to the party, regardless of the rules and curfew her parents had set for her. Sarah's rinds kept assuring her she would have a good time if she would only go β†’

Autism and mental retardation

The main types of biological causes of mental retardation can be classified as follows; chromosomal causes, which are due to changes on the chromosomal structure such as down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. Mainstreaming on the other hand refers to the placement of mentally retarded children together with their non-retarded counterparts.

What is it like to be different

The imagination of the sexual union of the lovers of same sex individuals was really a captivating thing on the one hand and a unique experience for me on the other. However, attending and participating the functions and parties of the gay people is really a very attractive and bewitching idea for me.

Hypothetical case of counseling termination

Depending on the situation and objectives of a given counseling process, termination stage is usually important and deserves professional and sensitive attendance. I used the time to evaluate and assess recovery process of Miriam.

Organizational development plan

The organization has the potential of organizing in-house training to staff members which will require the expenditure of very little resources. The training will be directly linked to the objectives and mission of the company.

A birth order overview and the life of a middle child

Only children are usually easy to pick out, they are the ones who tend to strive for the approval of others and want to be in the constant spotlight. Children do not like being compared to their siblings and want to be recognized as the individuals that they are.

Eating disorders

Scholarship Essay The field of psychology has been of great interest to me and I wish to pursue my career in the field of psychology. This is owing to the fact that I am truly dedicated to the field and wish to provide my contributions towards a better understanding of the eating disorders.

Developmental psychology, assignment

The UK is overwhelming Christian and young people need to have a clear understanding' Of the main faiths and beliefs in the UK which is Christianity, and have a clear understanding of the festivals that concern this, otherwise children will be lack ins in intellectual development. The university of Historicalness say that children at the β†’

Models of decision making

Running Head: Models of Decision Making Models of Decision Making appears here] of appears here] Models of Decision Making Decision-making has become one of the most difficult tasks before organizations in today's corporate world. This is obvious that any one of the procedures is more beneficial to one of the parties than to the others.

Different perspectives in psychology

For example, the probability that behavior can be repeated in the future is dependent on whether that behavior is reinforced. On the contrary, cognitive psychology can be termed as an approach that relates to the human mind and thought processes.

Psychoanalytic, jungian, and individual psychology theories

These classical models are not extensively used in today's contemporary counseling practices and agencies however, they laid the foundation for the profession of psychology and the practice of psychotherapy as we know it today and their influences on counseling is still prevalent. The ego is the organized and realistic part of the personality.


It is important for employers to help employees manage their stress even if the employees' stress is not job-related. For this reason, employers should intervene whether or not the stress of employees is job-related.

Psychological approaches to explain human behaviour

The food is an unconditioned stimulus that brings forth a response automatically and the salivation to the food is the unconditioned response which is automatically produced. The first assumption is that behaviour can be explained in terms of how the mind operates and humans are seen as information processors.

Piagets four stages

In the sensorimotor stage, babies try to explore, perceive, and comprehend the things around them through the use of their senses and motor abilities. W, & Feldman, R.D.

Theory tables

Explanation of disorder personality- This theory entails the interrelationship of the parts of psyche, mind, or personality and their emotional, mental and motivational relationship with a greater focus on the unconscious part. Validity- Since this theory has its major study on ego, id and superego as the main emotional aspects, it is valid in the β†’

Week 11: stress and coping

I went under stress because my father stayed in hospital for two weeks and my mother committed himself to serve him. Also, I am not able to come out of the stress even after the event is over.

Business psychology

And if we want to manage and have profits from people, we must find out them. In each program of company, we must create the goal for our employees and then, trying to help them carry out this goal.


Parmentier and Beaman's Study on Auditory Distraction March 22, Parmentier and Beaman's Study on Auditory Distraction In " Contrasting Effects of Changing Rhythm and Content on Auditory Distraction in Immediate Memory," Parmentier and Beaman conducted five experiments to measure the impact of differences in the timing and content of irrelevant speech stimuli on verbal serial β†’

Non-rational escalation of commitment

But in order to secure benefits, the escalation of commitment must be rational. Thus, Ted has to keenly determine why they are continuing as planned and keep reminding themselves of the cost involvement.

Vital role of play in healthy development of a child

The Vital Role of Play in Ensuring Healthy Development of the Child and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Relationships by: [date of submission] The Vital Role of Play in Ensuring Healthy Development of the Child and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Relationships The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights recognizes play as a child's basic human right. According β†’

World of neuroscience

The section considers many other ways that the brain and the computer are similar. While currently the human brain is at a level of complexity that greatly outweighs the computer, every year computers increasing in complexity.

Concepts of job withdrawal

Concepts of Job Withdrawal According to Krausz & Koslowsky, job withdrawal is associated with employees removing themselves from a specific organization as well as their work role. The high turnover in a given organization as a result of work withdrawal also leads to the loss of competent employees which harms an organization.