Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Whether heredity determines personality

That is, heredity only establishes the basic foundation of one's personality particularly the physical aspects, while the environmental factors, which are represented by the cultural, social, and situational factors, more greatly influence the actual development and evolution of personality. From this analysis, it is clear that heredity alone does not develop personality, but in association β†’

Different types of memories

Psychology: Memory When dealing with psychology, and talking about memory, it means the process in that allows information to be, stored, retrieved and encoded. When talking of Prospective memory, I remember my appointment when I was supposed to have an interview on December 3rd 2007 at noon.

Enhancing cognition in older adults

The authors of this study examined a program directed towards improving cognition in older adults, which in turn was found to increase the openness of the participants to new experiences. The results were very encouraging as the authors of this study believe that the program helped the participants to become confident of their reasoning abilities β†’

Child custody (part ii)

Sur s The custody parent is a parent with whom the child spends the majority of time and who either soles physical custody of the child. Thus the intention of the desire to move away is to improve child's life and it cannot be reprehensible.


On the other hand, social psychology employs the use to scientific and empirical research techniques to study the social phenomena and thus come up with research findings that are binding. Types of Research in Social Psychology Social psychologist utilizes a number of research techniques to come up with the link of how individuals influence, relate β†’

Psychoanalytic family therapy

Since the given doctor is to deal with the patient directly, they need to understand personal constructs and understanding of the patient. With Psychoanalytic Family Therapy, individual therapists are able to analyze self-psychology of patients to understand the cause and nature of an underlying problem.

Psychosocial behavior of children

Drawing an inference from the video " in the shadow of feeling," I have come to understand that psychopathy is a trait attained by individuals at different stages of development. The intensity of the condition as well as the level of the provoking factor influence the commitment of a crime by psychopathic children.

Free essay about schizophrenia

It is important to note that a majority of people with schizophrenia have to handle this order till the end of their lives although this disorder can be treated for symptom relief. Schizophrenia: A Case Study of the Movie a Beautiful Mind.

Psychology as a science

Debriefing will help a researcher correct the intentional deception for the interviewees to understand the aftermaths of the interview. The basic components of a structured interview include term identification, situational questions, and behavioral questions.

Influence of culture on personality essay sample

There are many factors that are said to have an influence on personality, but the one that is most interesting is the idea that personality is shaped by culture. In the last article that I have come across, the researchers addressed how the Big Five personality dimensions manifest themselves within the culture of parenting.

Causes of stress

CURRENT CONDITION: Ordinarily, stress causes the turnover of employees to reduce which affects the productivity of the company. The issue must be addressed in the organization to prevent absents of the employees ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS: Lack of job security causes employees to have stress especially in this era of insufficient jobs The workload also causes β†’

Film critique

Cultural traditions and social interactions determine the behavior and expressions of people and their relations in the society." Paris is burning" is an acclaimed 1990 documentary that depicts several concepts of cultural psychology through its themes and plot. The behavior of the drag queens in the documentary contradicts the concept of masculinity and femininity.

Reflection paper

According to Sigmund Freud, in this essay on " The Sexual Aberrations", he noted that the sexual object and the sexual aim are two separate components. The sexual object refers to the desired object which in this case is a person of the opposite sex.

Intimate relationship

Intimate Relationship Intimate Relationship When an intimate relationship experiences a number of changing patterns, it seems tomodify the well-being of an individual. For instance, to achieve a happy family life one is required to understand the differences and similarities of every type of a family.

Peace and harmony

A sage is considered a sage because he seems to be anchored in peace and tranquility while facing the pains and pleasures of day-to-day living in his chosen field of activity, like any other ordinary person.'Self-realisation', to the sage, simply means the realisation the absolute, total conviction that 'events happen, deeds are done, but there β†’

Reading responds

Response April 25, Response Response to Starlinda's post The constitution grants people rights and freedom such as freedom of association and freedom of speech but these are limited to the extent that they should not interfere with rights and freedoms of other people. Possible unstable psychological condition among some members of the LGBTQ population could β†’

Parenting and socialization

As Emily's teacher has noticed her socializing problems and been trying to help by talking to Samantha, there is a scope for Samantha to take up a more proactive role with the help of the teacher to positively influence Emily's socializing skills. As there is nobody present to intervene in a positive manner, the aggressiveness β†’

Little albert experiment

Not showing any signs of fear or rage from Albert, Watson then proceeded to discover if pairing the loud noise with the touch of the animals and sight of the other objects could condition the emotional response of fear or rage, he wanted know if this fear transferred and how long the fear lasted. Watson β†’

Chapter 7, in half the human experience, by janeth hyde

Other Chapter 7 in Half the Human Experience by Janeth Hyde The book " Half the HumanExperience" by Janeth Hyde generally presents a critical analysis of a wide range of multidisciplinary issues regarding feminist psychology. Throughout chapter 7, Hyde not only presents a well researched scientific viewpoint on the relationship between age and female development β†’

Disscussion:what is your perspective

The behavioral perspective of understanding human behavior is most interesting because this perspective studies psychology through the lenses of observable or overt behavior, this perspective relies on scientific research and this perspective accepts the impact of environment on human behavior. Body One of the reasons due to which the behavioral perspective of psychology is so β†’


This study is related to the seed article because of its investigation on how other people perceive lonely individuals and because of the role of gender in these perceptions. It is also different from the seed article because this study measures the health conditions of lonely people, unlike the seed article that measures the perceptions β†’

Substance abuse

In the pop psychology blog site known as PsychCentral, the question on myths and facts surrounding the treatment of substance abusers is asked by the visitors of the blog site who seek informal information as well as the personal opinion of the blogger combined with the input from others. Other than the journals and empirical β†’

”the pie” by gary soto essay sample

Soto is aware that stealing the pie is a sin his guilt is amplified when he ignores his knowledge." My sweet tooth gleaming and the juice of guilt wetting my underarms". Soto causes the readers to believe he was not emotionally stable as a child, due to his subconscious and hints of an infinite imagination.

12 angry men

As portrayed in the movie, the initial step in the decision-making process comprised of the making of individual decisions. Other studies conforming to the events in the film include in-group and out-group minority studies, wherein the individuals in the minority groups are influential in making decisions as a group.

Integration assignment

A person who is very strong and believes in himself or herself possesses self-esteem and he or she has a low or no level of shyness. Without a magnificent social life, one can easily suffer mental problems and experience challenges in his life due to the great deal of shyness.

Overcoming barriers to communication essay sample

In order to overcome the psychological barriers to success you must understand that all people will try to put you down as long as you are going in a direction that they never took before. Meditation, Therapy Meditation This is an excellent process for helping you knock down psychological barriers that might stand in the β†’

What is observational learning

What Is Observational Learning The first experiment that I have chosen is the " What and How of the observational learning" which is writtenby Torriero, Oliveri, Koch, Caltagirone and Petrosini. The results of the study were that the rTMS put over cerebellum before hand of the observational training disturbed the efficiency of the new sequence.

Francher on galton

Although Francher uses interview as an ingenious way of exploring the contribution of Galton, he fails to capture some important concepts of Galton's impact in the modern society. Nevertheless, the overall podcast went a long way in detailing the contribution of Galton to the world of psychology.

Exercise for depression essay samples

The section criteria used in the review involved the use of randomized control trails whereby comparison was drawn between exercise and a standard treatment, a placebo treatment, psychological therapy, pharmacological treatment or any other possible treatments for adults suffering from the condition. Impact of the Results and Implementation The impact of the results is that β†’

Skill demonstration paper

The technique that I will use is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The following steps will be used to ensure the success of the therapy; 1.

Cultural view of life after death

In this paper, I will be comparing the concept of death and life after death from the perspective of the American culture and the Indian culture. This is predominantly the Hindu belief of death and post-death life.

Abbreviated plan

RUNNING HEAD: ABBREVIATED RESEARCH PLAN Abbreviated Research Plan of the of the Abbreviated Research Plan Introduction to the Topic The topic of the research will be elaborated upon in this section briefly. The extensive amount of literature searched on the issue will be able to provide the evidence to the viability of the research questions β†’

Go for it

Personal Goals Personal Goals After a careful consideration of the modules, I realize that there is a salient need for ensuring that I set realistic goals and that I can stay motivated to achieve them. The modules convinced me that I have to move beyond my comfort zone if I have to achieve my dreams.

Gays couple should have the same right as married couples

Most of the people of our society are in the favor of the equal rights in terms of status, accommodation, values, jobs and housing and so on. An advantage to heterosexual society of the existence of gay relationship is the fact that the commitment of a gay marriage means the participants are discouraged from philandering β†’

Descartes notion of the mind/body problem in relation to free will

In the philosophy of mind, dualism is the theory that the mental and the physical or mind and body are, in some sense, radically different kinds of thing. After the Scholastics, Descartes takes the conception of will and affirmed that the main ability of the mind is the ability of free will.

Process on job analysis: the validity and reliability

Job Analysis Job Analysis Job Analysis, The Validity And Reliability Job analysis is a way that one looks into the substance of a job in terms of activities and characteristics necessary to perform the job. A miscalculation in the process is a factor that promotes the reliability of the information.

A panic attack

Interpersonal Intelligence Knowledge of the internal aspects of oneself: access to one's own feelings and emotions. What are the benefits of behavioral assessments?

Music lessons enhance iq

So it helps in enhancing both the recognition and reputation of the individual and the organization as well. Moreover, it also helps in improving the verbal skills so as to amplify the reasoning abilities of the individual.

Academic pressure essay sample

When parents here that you are failing in a class or whatever it might be they go to you and tell you that you need to get better grades or you might fail. That is the same thing with academic pressure, it is not good to have pressure in school.

Disscuss the important factors in development of interpersonal attraction

Factors in Development of Interpersonal Attraction Introduction History of research in field of interpersonal attraction has prospered since 1960s and 70s; in fact, this prosperity was prior to impediment posed by research on the topic of romantic relationship in 1980s. In this case, people are bound to approach people that are related to pleasure in β†’

Case of anna o

H, & Durand, V.M. C, & Neale, J.M.

Developmental psychology

The growth of the child' brain includes more sensitivity of the brain to the external environment of the child. The brain of the child also develops in such a way that the child becomes more attentive and can connect ideas logically.#2 According to Watts, Cockcroft & Duncan, the theories of childhood development advocated by Piaget β†’

The patients of eating disorders

Stein et al.carried out a research to study the association between the attitudes related to life and death with suicidal behavior in the patients of eating disorders. To achieve this, the researchers conducted examination over a total of 43 inpatients of eating disorders that were nonsuicidal, 32 inpatients of eating disorders that had tried to β†’

Multicultural psychology – current event analysis paper

It is with these profound differences in cultures that multicultural psychology has become one of the most conversant and common branches of Psychology with many students taking it as a course to specialize. The role of studying multicultural psychology is to be acknowledged with some of the common and unique behaviors in relation with the β†’

Gratitude letter guidleines assignment

Gratitude Letter Guidelines The following are guidelines for writing a detailed gratitude letter: 1) Each student needs to think of a person in his or her life who has been kind to him or her but whom the student has never thanked. When this person has been identified, whether it be on the basis of β†’

Linguistic knowledge possessed by human being at birth

This suggests that the burden of proof should be left to the critics of the theory. This is to suggest that any fine-tuning of the language does cannot overrule the innate linguistics knowledge.

Case of jerome

Case of Jerome Case of Jerome Analysis of Jerome Case Jerome is a young African Americanmale suffering from a psychological disorder called as delusion of grandiosity. Likewise, it is noticed in the case of Jerome that he always claims that he has modeling gigs or he is recording when, in fact, he is not.

Hull’s systematic behaviourism theory

Hull postulated that some of the components of this behaviour may not be observable; for example, the adaptation of the organism to the conditions in the environment cannot be easily observed. According to Hull, the S-R response can be made stronger by making sure that the number of reinforcements is many; as a result the β†’

Disease/disorder “nail biting” essay sample

The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of co-morbid psychiatric disorders in a clinical sample of children with this habit who present at a child and adolescent mental health care outpatient clinic and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in their parents. First of all, nail biting is related to genetics, as it β†’

Social psychology vocab and notes assignment

Normative social influence conformity that occurs because of the desire to be correct versus conformity that occurs because of the desire to be liked and accepted Social Facilitation The tendency for people to do better on simple tasks when in the presence of other people. Identification is a concept in social psychology that is generally β†’

Resolving conflict

The first conflict that I witnessed during the present week took place between a male driver and a female driver. In response to this action, the male driver hit the car of the female driver and made sure that the bumper of her car was badly damaged.

Organizational behavior

The ability of making a fire is an expert power that those taking part in the challenge use to influence the others in a survivor event. In the real world, education can be one of the means to develop expert power.

Strengthening desirable behavior

For example, all students in the 5th grade who are complete a whole term with no tardies can get a simple reward, such as a 20-minute mixer in a common area, inside the school or outside, where they can have a cookie, some juice, and some relaxing conversation for a short time as a reward β†’

Abnormal osychology

Thus, it is very crucial for the family to take part in ensuring the process of treatment and recovery of an alcoholic become a success.Q 2). A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic.

Peer review

As a piece of research, it should have clear headlines and subtopic and fluency to enable the learner identify the topic quickly. On a positive note though, the research brings out the gap that have been there and suggested a possible measure that can be used to put to an end the problem.

How to remain in boxes

Professional settings should have to be open and should have better landscapes around them as there should be a natural environment there. For examples, there should be plants and trees in offices and there should be attached lunching places that are outside the offices.

Psychological risks of police work

For example, when Walker and another probationary officer respond to a bank robbery, Walker decides that they should go in and confront the criminal but the probationary officer gets shot in the leg in the process. In the case of Walker, the forensic psychologist would have conducted a therapy session and explained the nature of β†’

Play: developmental psychology and toddlers assignment

When It comes to Infants and toddlers the Importance of play is very crucial to their growth and learning. Having a safe environment for infants and toddlers to play in gives them the freedom to explore and discover new things.

Cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders; a transdignostic theory and treatment

Psychology In the past there has been an acceptance that CBT is a treatment chosen for specifically bulimia nervosa. The theory's procedures has been redefined specifically on those areas that address over evaluation of weight and shape and the method has been taken into account to suit for all kinds of disorders in eating, hence β†’

How does behaviorism explain criminal behavior? assignment

Operant conditioning is a method of the learning theory that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Ultimately, causing the actor to think that the behavior he was observing and is now engaging in is normal.

The effects of semantic interference on object naming

3014 Unrelated Condition Related Condition -1. On the third group, there was significant relationship between neutral condition and related condition p=.

Connectionist model

This article assesses the how the learning of a new skill occur based on the connectionist network model and how the connectionist model differs from the modified semantic network model. The connection network models have no limitation to the number of the connections that a particular unit may have.

Seung-hui cho: man-made monster

Though he was both a victim and a victimizer, Cho was victimized by society around him and his mental illnesses that went untreated long before he carried out any victimizing of his own. After being ruled potentially dangerous to himself and others by the court, he was let go after a night's detainment.

Causal uncertainty

Casual uncertainty is the differences in people's ability to understand casual relationships in the social world. The study is to see the participation and results of initial interactions and causal uncertainty.

Prenatal development

The attention is achieved through brain internalization of the external factors, and through physiological and psychological mechanism. The influence can also take place through exposure of the infant to various objects and colors.

Counselling and psychotherapy

Once the affected individual assures the patient with depression of understanding what the patient is going through, the patient get the courage to confide in the individual on the worries and tribulations he or she is going through. It is better to ensure that the patient has an improvement in his or her life thus; β†’

Kubler-ross model

This is the stage that is replete of the " If only..".or the " What if..".statements. The fourth stage of the grief cycle is the depression stage.

Life in the later years

The third subcategory of the programmed aging theory is the immunological theory, which states that aging is because of the decline in the immune system ability to protect the body against diseases. The second major category of aging theories is the error theory, which is represented by the phenomenon of wear and tear.

Abnormal psychology

The main aim of psychotherapy is ensuring that the individual has an increased sense of self and the environment that is around him or her. The theory and practice of group psychotherapy.

Assessment for learning: the roles of teachers

1: Compare and contrast the roles of the teacher and the learning support practitioner in assessment of learner's achievements. The roles of Teachers and learning support practitioners are similar in that they are both continuingly monitoring the progress and achievements of the learner.

Biological and humanistic approaches to personality

1 = Disagree strongly 2 = Disagree moderately 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Neither agree nor disagree 5 = Agree a little 6 = Agree moderately 7 = Agree strongly I see myself as: ___6___ 1. TIPI scale scoring: Extraversion: 1, 6R Agreeableness: 2R, 7 Conscientiousness; 3, 8R Emotional Stability: 4R, 9 Openness β†’

Psychological and psychophysiological stress disorders

According to Adelman and Legg, the four symptoms shared by acute and posttraumatic stress disorders are: reliving intrusive thoughts or images of traumatic events through nightmares or flashbacks; avoidance of the situations related to the traumatic event; reduced responsiveness characterize by numbness and detachment; and increased arousal manifested by nervousness and alertness.2. The heroic stage β†’

The prince and the cobbler

He says that the same person and the same man make up one same thing. He explains that it is possible for the same man to make at different times different persons.

Social psychology

Social Psychology in 21st Century and Modernization The paper " Social Psychology in 21st Century and Modernization" is the way to fulfill my desire of scrutinizing the Social Psychology in the 21st Century. In the turn of the twentieth century, depression, poverty, hatred, and belief systems, moralities and behavior were always the question and concern β†’

Dis 5 pscy

In addition, descriptive statistics can be used as a basis for exploration of inferential statistics while inferential statistics cannot be a basis for developing descriptive statistics in a study. Test of hypothesis is an example of inferential statistics and I choose it because of its common application in testing significance of variables and associations for β†’

Sexual orientation

Sexual Orientation Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation describes the nature of a person's long-term romantic, emotional or sexualdesirability to others. Heterosexuality, the most common type of sexual orientation, is the one in which a person is sexually attracted to members of the other gender.

Child psychology vergine suicide

On the other hand, the aspect of the boy trying to understand them by observing the diary book indicates the issue of concern and compassion for the Lisbon girls. For instance, the decision by the mother of the girls to completely ignore the first suicide of the young girls is a clear depiction of lack β†’

Educational psychology and assessment assignment

Then I will use formative assessment to know the learners view and doubts about their course and again I will use formative assessment during the session to know about the learners. After this I will take summative assessment to know the result of the learners and at last again I will take initial assessment to β†’

Article review

Using a meta-analysis in order to identify which of these measures are able to produce the high-order components of love using various theories, it was found that a range of self-report measures of love are consistent in using one general love factor only. It is important to understand whether a self-reported measure of love involves β†’

Eyes on bullying

The three types of bullying are the so called aggressive bullying, passive bullying and the bully victim. The major warning signs of bullying are self-withdrawal nature among the bully victims, depression and fear amongst the victims in the presence of the bullies.

Discovering emotional labour

Discovering Emotional Labour Emotional work is the control of a person's feeling in order to display the appropriate emotions to others in different situations. Although the practice of emotional work can be link all the way back to the ancient time, the term emotional labour is considered to be relatively new and is first discussed β†’

Nature vs nurture

The physical and personality traits determined by your genes stay the same irrespective of where you were born and raised. In other words it refers to your childhood or how you were brought up.

Mental illness in american society

Mental illness is completely different from physical illness as it cannot be cured with medicines alone and it requires efficient counseling and a human service-oriented approach from all of us. Hence, in my opinion, it is high time to treat the persons with mental illness equally with other normal human beings with a broader mind β†’

Summary of chapter 15: personality and social interaction, from personality psychology: domains of knowledge about human nature assignment

Another theory refers to evolution, and suggests that men and women faced different challenges and have evolved solutions to these different challenges.-Gender differences are clearly part of the social and cultural domain because they refer to and are played out in interpersonal relations.-Another socially important difference between people derives from their culture, the system of β†’

Article review

Article Review: " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" al Affiliation " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" Explanation on the Rationale for Picking the Article The article entitled " Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior" was written by Greitemeyer and Osswald and published in the Journal of Personality β†’

Case study: final

It appears there is much ground to be covered in the area of communication to first bring about a better understanding to Chris that it is a task for two that includes listening as much as it does expressing your own feelings. Personalities The SCOPE assessment evaluates the characteristics of each person in the couple β†’

Social psychology definition paper assignment

One of the other biggest social influences is n school which is another example of peer pressure and how one can influence another by trying to get them to do drugs, drink or even do sexual things that particularly are not allowed and that are against the law. Research in Social psychology Many different methods β†’

Influencing tactics, power and personality development

On the other hand resistance results to changed influence mechanism and use of threats and promises become evident.[Lus10] SA 2: Nature of Organizational politics and use of political behavior: Organizational politics are both positive and detrimental. When leaders recognize the essentiality of networking, they improve their leadership roles by being in the forefront to develop β†’

A psychological perspective

A health professional is exposed to innumerable challenges owing to his/her central role in the promotion of health care in the society. Trust between a health professional and the society is necessary for the development of intimacy that is the fundamental pre-requisite of quality health care.

Summary a psychology experiment

In other words, the authors wanted to examine whether the motivations for self-punishment for engaging in NSSI are the reasons for the high pain thresholds and tolerances among the victims. The results of the study showed that those self-injurers who took part in NSSI with the aim of regulating their need to self-punish tolerated pain β†’

Primary and secondary sex characteristics

Primary sex characteristics are the physical sex organs that have a direct link to reproduction. Tightening of the voice Hyperextension in the elbows Softening of the skin and hair Lengthening of the shoulders Conclusion Both the primary and secondary sex characteristics help in determining the gender roles in a society.

The issue of exerting self-control to overcome the temptations

Defining self-control and willpower, the author quotes that self-control is the ability to set goals while willpower helps the individual to attain those goals. However, the author ascertains that it should also be borne in mind that self-control is a virtue and that it cannot be considered lightly.

Professional for graduate school

It is for the same reason that I am applying to undertake my graduate studies at the university's school of psychology. I therefore am applying for the graduate program so as to further widen my understanding of psychology and society in order to better serve and positively influence lives.

Sensory keenness theory of intelligence by galton and cattell with cattell-horn-carroll theory

Sensory Keenness Theory of intelligence proposed by Sir Francis Galton and James McKeen Cattell has based on the conception that intelligence required keen sensory abilities and fast reaction time. The Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory of Intelligence has based on the postulation that human cognitive abilities consist of three strata: general intelligence or g, broad cognitive abilities and β†’

The leadership temperament

The Leadership Temperament The researcher contributes to the current group's success. The researcher leads the group members to ensure the cooperative stance continues to prevail within the group.