Quality Psychology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Neurological structure

Mirror Neurons Mirror neurons have been identified as tiny neurological structures in the brain that have revolutionized the way psychologists perceive the human brain. G nther Knoblich, of Rutgers University, remarks that " the striking implication of mirror neurons is that the same brain region that controls action also supports perception".

Challenges in identifying mental disorders

It is pertinent to note that, it is hard for people's with mental illness to take care of themselves. For instance, it is important to consider one's culture, social norms, and stigmatization of a person after being diagnosed with a mental illness.

Life long consequences of child maltreatment

Life long consequences of child maltreatment Lifelong consequences of child maltreatment Introduction Maltreatment of children by their caregivers or parent has become an important public health and social welfare issue. Recently, it has become very common and can cause death, injury, and long-term consequences that have an adverse impact on the child's life in adulthood, β†’

Discussion question

The information we receive is stored temporary in the sensory memory before it is transferred to the short-term memory. Iconic memory is taken in through the visual system, and it is a neurological result of information from the environment that our eyes sense.

Mental health counseling

M.S.in Mental Health Counseling July 27, To whom it may concern I have planned to do M.S.in Mental Health Counselling to gain an in-depth understanding of all issues and concepts related to this field of study. I did my best to provide proper mental health counseling to the children.


Now that we know humans are the only ones with minds that can think we can look at Descartes's method of doubt. So know that we cannot trust our senses and our consciousness and our logic of what we seem to be very clear and evident, Descartes asks us then we can believe in?

What is critical thinking

Persuasive thinking is the core of critical thinking." Critical thinking is the identification and evaluation of evidence to guide decision making. In short, persuasive thinking and critical thinking are the two sides of the same coin.

The positive and negative effects of song lyrics on teenagers

On a critical point of view, it is extremely difficult to alienate music from the day to day lives of individuals in the society. This essay will attempt to highlight both the positive and negative implications of lyrics on the lives of teenagers in the society, and whether they harm or contribute positively the development β†’

Agression breeds agression

The effects that aggression has on the individual are also an important part of the study of aggression and this must be done in relation to the effects of social nurture upon the individual. The forces of the society often induce aggression in people and this may then lead to a chain reaction where aggression β†’

Diagnosing holden caulfield essay sample

His academic problems are apparent right from the beginning of the book." I forgot to tell you about that. All of his psychological problems most likely stem from this, since it was around the time of Allie's death that Holden began to show symptoms of these disorders.

Barrack obama as a good communicator

The second quality that makes him a good communicator is the fact that he knows how to read his audience and is able to customize his presentation to make the audience listen to him. As a political leader, he proves to his audience that he has a good understanding of the issues he is talking β†’

Good essay about why does understanding that our senses can be deceptive or inaccurate matter

It is therefore not important to realize whether our senses are deceiving us since the final information that triggers action comes from our minds and if the senses were somehow faulty, the mind will automatically rectify it and process fundamental reliable knowledge. It is true to conclude that our senses are part of the thinking β†’

Attitudes toward people with mental illness

The person who entered the cafeteria was aged in his 20s, apparently just like the rest of the students sitting there, except for the fact that everybody knew him! I would have the knowledge about the disease and therefore would be able to understand what outcomes could result with a specific disorder.

Article review exercise

The authors claim that the regime reproduced the scheme it devised following the riots of October 1988 to avert the effects of the Arab spring in 2011. Moreover, they claim that the economic concessions offered to the civilians by the Algerian government prevented the regime from the uprisings.


Dreams can occur in any of the four stages of sleep, but the most vivid and memorable dreams occur in the last stage of sleep. If you are looking for a place to have sex, then the dream may be similar to your search for intimacy and closeness.


Movie review of the American Graffiti The movie is one of the best coming to age movies, it describes some of the things teenagers get into before they start having adult responsibilities. In conclusion, this movie is one of the best that shows how teenagers undergo peer influence and struggle to make decisions.

Jerry sandusky

The issue about specificity is the battle composed in the pretrial litigation part that determines the anticipated to be a vastly publicized trial. This paper will analyze the argument developed by both the defense and prosecution side, and discuss in detail the probable side to win the case.

Final assignment

First of all, Christen will be made aware about the fact that autism is in no way related to mother's love or affection. She will be made aware about the fact that heredity is the reason behind 40% of the autism cases, and in the remaining case, the reasons are still unknown.

Lying on the couch book review

However, I commend the referral of this complex role to his senior, Dr. I think he did this in a good faith, just to build the name of this institute.

Erikson’s theory stages three and four essay sample

The first stage, infancy or the oral-sensory stage, is approximately the first year or year and a half of life. The task here is to cultivate the proper balance of generativity and stagnation.


Generally, surveys and correlational research are the effective form of descriptive studies that can be used to measure crime. Measurement Generally, the choice of data source used in crime measurement may assume the basis of understanding the facts source's purpose and the research methodology applied.

Child and adolescent development

The major controversy on this issue is raised by mental health practitioners and the controversy lies on the symptoms of bipolar disorder in childhood, specifically regarding when it begins. This is because, according to them, the bipolar disorder appears in childhood and should be treated for that reason.

Processes and stages in consultation

Process and Stages in Consultation I agree when you affirm that consultation is one of the processes used in changing a problematic situation. I also agree when you affirm that it is the work of the consultant to try solving the problems and issues presented.

Alexandro sanchez

When I was younger I had a speech disorder that I still occasionally struggle with to this day. This was extremely discouraging and made it hard for me to talk to people, because I feared that I would be made fun of.

Freud’s psycho sexual stages

The transition from stage to stage is not abrupt but gradual with the first stage being the Sensorimotor stage. In this stage, infants gain an understanding of the world through their senses and their object permanence is developed in which children realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

What people would do if they found money

The question that the group decided that they wanted the answers to is, " What would you do if you find money?" The group members investigated the morality of what people would do if they were to find money. The theory of the group members conducting the field study was that the majority of people β†’

Psychology assighment

If the parents of a child are caring and attentive then the child can be securely attached to them. Key Characteristic of Child 1) Secure Attachment - The child will be exploring freely with the parents or caregiver and will be upset when they leave.

Individual differences (evaluation of the usefulness of the psychometric approach for understanding personality or human intelli

Evaluation of the Usefulness of the Psychometric Approach For Understanding Personality or Human Intelligence Introduction Psychometric approach is one of the most popular ways of measuring human intelligence and personality, and it is based on the quantitative interpretation of the collective traits of an individual including verbal skills, mathematical and spatial skills, intelligence, and psychomotor β†’

Reading analysis of the article memory flexibility by sadie f. dingfelder, monitor on psychology, sep. 2005

This working-memory or short term memory plays a significant part in our lives, whatever the scenario, ranging from our interaction with the bystanders on the street, or with the salesperson in a shopping mall or with our class mates or the teacher in the class room. The broad types of memories that the psychologists have β†’

A case study in psychology

Because of the stressors in Jennifer's life she started to question her effectiveness as an employee, wife, daughter and a potential mother. She also feels the pressure to take care of her father in his old age.


In education, stereotype results in students of the labeled ethnic group to decide not to follow a sphere of a given study, in addition to restricting the assortment of professions in which they can practice. Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans.

Annotated bibliography example

Information in the article is useful to the sports coaches and psychologists as it focuses on the effectiveness of supporting athletes in coping with both sports and personal challenges. More emphasis of the article is based on the design of the cognitive and behavioral theories as psychological skills training to improve levels of athletes coping β†’

Bystander intervention

The reason I feel I should come to the aid of such a person is that I too would want the help of kindly strangers if I find myself in the same situation. In order to insure that the patient would get the necessary medical aid and that someone will quickly come to my assistance, β†’

Violence in video games can be transferred to the children’s real-life attitudes and behaviors

The paper " Violence in Video Games Can Be Transferred to the Children's Real-Life Attitudes and Behaviors" is a thrilling example of a case study on psychology. The researchers observed that men, who played violent video games and reflected on it, were more aggressive in punishing their opponents.

Emotional intelligence and stress level

This study advances the hypothesis that individuals with lower stress level would report higher scores of emotional intelligence while those individuals with lower stress scores/level, would report low scores of internal work locus of control. The reason why individuals with lower stress levels would report low internal locus of control is that stress is usually β†’


SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAMS Suicide prevention programs As of today, the United s is battling with not just the usual problems that range from finances to economy but also suicidal cases. In its bid to make the program work, it resolved to engage in offering services such as reducing the rates of suicide among the agency's β†’

Jeffrey eugenid’s novel the virgin suicides: studying the eyewitness effect

Although there are many perpetrators in the novel who could be considered responsible for the Lisbon girls' deaths, the boys across the street, who obsessed over the girls from afar during their last months on earth and continued to obsess over them twenty years after, along with the community as a whole, are the most β†’

The margin to make people remember things

I found this to be exceptionally useful because it helped me to revise a matter that I had deviously learned and it made memorization easier task. I also learned to take full advantage of the optimal memory curve, by labeling in the margins, using a different color and style.

Intelligence: more than genes or exposure

To prove further the genetic basis of aggressive behavior, " scientists have identified a gene that may increase the risk for impulsivity and violence, particularly in men". With the number of researches and studies on the factors influencing aggression, genetic influence proves that nature is a heavy factor of human behavior.

Bullying as one of the main social problems

I thought for a while and I understood that it was my duty to stand by what was right irrespective of the consequences. She also called their parents and the matter was forwarded to the principal.

Brief summary of the endocrine system assignment

The endocrine system is an umbrella term used to describe the complexity of different types of endocrine glands which are responsible to help the body carry out many of its functions. Gonads Male gonads are known as the testes, and ovaries in the case of females.

Dis 7 see below

The difference emerges is observed in that in a quasi-experimental design, the " experimenter" does not offer any assignment of any kind to the participants. In single-case experimental design, however, the " experimenter" is wholly in charge of the experiment, and acts as the control rather than use others Jackson.

Significant event

In the afternoon of the same day, I came across the book ' Starting Strength' by Mark Rippetoe. The iron game had truly begun in real earnest and I soon became familiar with the lingo and lore of this activity that segregates the weak from the strong.

List and describe the most important milestones in childrens language learning and development, starting from infancy

Likewise, as this stage continues to develop, the child usually builds upon the rudimentary understanding of communication as being effective to both giving and receiving things. This particular type of speech development is characterized by the ability of the child to string together multiple words in order to begin to form complete thoughts and ideas.

Critical thinking

Wally is having a problem with his studies and his friend is confusing him even more by telling him not to study. If he does not study, then he will be relying on luck and this might make him to be a total failure in this subject.

Intelligence oversight and ethics

INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT AND ETHICS Psychology, work June 16, Intelligence service of the US has been developed to the extent of its almost ideal level of homeland security. There is a high level object of the Department of Homeland Security of the US, that is, prevention of terrorist attacks, help in the case of their occurrence β†’

News reflection paper assignment

According to Pamela Hyde, one of the main contributors of the article, substance abuse reduces the productivity of American workers, and it affects their health and safety negatively. Thought/ reflection on the article The working portion of the population is a vital group towards the well-being of the society.

Psychology conformity report assignment

A total of 156 were observed, of the 156, 75 were females and 81 were males. Results The results of the experiment showed that females were more likely to conform at pedestrian crossing than males.

Forgetting journal

I was so mad at myself because I had to walk back to the car in the heat of the sun just to get the bags. I was late to class today because I could not find my car keys, which I swore I had placed on my dresser drawer the night before.

Psychology scientific articles summary

The demographic factors that trigger stress are the age of an individual, the relationship status and sufficiency of income cost of living. Demographic factors in individuals that trigger stress, which are, the cost of living, age and relationship status of students; have to be controlled to prevent the factors from becoming stressful on students.

Relating better to others

S, it is not necessarily true that all Mexicans are in the U. This is because his or her stereotype or prejudice to the Mexicans does not change the fact that there are both legal and illegal Mexicans in the U.S.

Pioneers of german physhology

He attended the of Bohn where he learned his appreciation for the study of anatomy and physiology. His contribution to psychology and physiology was in the study in the elements of thought.

Developmental psychopathology perspective on resilience

Developmental Psychopathology Perspective on Resilience The pathway in which an individual will major on in terms of his reactions is influenced by a number of factors such as experiences, social context, timing, and the historical background of an individual. Through research, scientists have discovered that factors, which facilitate resilience, have to do with the environment β†’

Ignited minds review

The book talks about his experience of meeting the numerous students from all over the country and how during the course of interaction with the people from the entire nation made him realise the potential of India to be a developed country. His emphasis on the role of parents and teachers in nurturing the younger β†’

Application of behavior analysis-

The behaviorists will play a part in this by ensuring that the stimulus is controlled, and the reaction of Brandon to the stimuli is the desired one. This is necessary as it allows for the teacher to measure the behavior problem, to understand why the students are behaving they are, while in class.

Psyc 317 psa video

Public Announcement speech on Homelessness in Central Florida Insert Insert Ladies and gentlemen, do you agree that Florida is currently facing inadequacy in the provision of affordable housing to homeless people? In accordance to the children and families department of central Florida region, there are 85, 908 homeless people at any given day.

Individual difference

Physical fitness is crucial in learning since it will make the learners vibrant hence; they will be able to learn the most important things if not everything in the learning situation. People in a learning environment who have commonalities will tend to favor each other while learning and those from a different race may not β†’

Assessments child behavioral checklist

Sabrina's CBCL/6-18 internalizing, eternalizing, total problem and other problem are all below the percentile hence he is functioning in the clinical range. Question 3 The CBCL/6-18 results show that Sabrina is having a psychological problem.

I am nujood, age 10, and divorced

I am Nujood, age 10, and divorced: This paper is an effort to discuss the character of the 10 year old Yemeni girl Nujood as told in the book, I am Nujood, age 10, and divorced. Moreover, her development can be related to the young adulthood stage of Erikson's 8-stage developmental model which typically begins β†’

Personal strategy assignment

Technical Reasoning: I will need to Tether my TRY as the week 5 assignment does quire it in measure so long as it does not interfere with my reports overall length or the information that I have included in it. Confluence: I will need to Tether my confluence as the week 5 assignment does not β†’


Prejudice and stereotypes Prejudice by definition means unfair negative attitudes addressed to refer to a particular social group and sometimes their members. The root of most negative feelings as well as beliefs especially in in-group and out-group emanate from individual processes with examples of motivational and cognitive processes.

Afro’s psychology

The manga is about a character referred to as Afro Samurai whoduring his childhood witnessed the murder of his father who was the number 1 fighter. In his adulthood, Afro is an accomplished swordsman and his vengeful nature is patent when he recalls his father's assassination and vows to seek revenge.

Ruoqi xu

In this paper, I will analyze what a dream consists of and how the content of a dream relates to the real life. When Freud interprets dreams between the " manifest content , " the surface story that the dreamer reports , and " latent content , " disguised psychological meaning , he correlates the β†’

Social responsibility to development

Social Responsibility to Development The society forms a critical part in the cognitive development of children. With this level of impact on the child's development, the society should strive to impart the appropriate norms, values and principles in the children.

Psychology assignment

The psychometric approach involves the use of Intelligence Quotient tests to measure human intelligence. Apart from the Psychometric Approach, the Developmental and Information Processing Approach are used to study intelligence.


1 Jim and Jack had a different reaction to drug overdose particularly due to the following reasons. Suppose If I had to do the rating keeping in mind the social impressions of these drugs, I would have given more score to illegal drugs than the legal ones such as tobacco and alcohol.

Audience analysis essay sample

In the context of the speech that argued against the use of elephants in circuses, the audience could be analyzed exploring the intricate details and the disposition. It has to be comprehended what the audience expects from the speech- something that would definitely enhance the appeal of the writing and persuasion.

Descartes divisibility

Descartes Divisibility Rene Descartes believes that the mind and body is different things and that the body is dividable but the mind is not dividable. I do think the mind and the body is separate.

Dream. case analysis

The reality of the Fields disapproving Fields' marriage to the Italian may have informed the fact that in the dream, they are absent when the Italian's brother brings a letter to Ms. It is also true that the dream raises a lot of questions on the fate of the dreamer, in respect to his safety β†’

Pre-employment schemas

Introducing the concept of Schema advances the concept of the psychological contract. People working in the same setting or members who are of the same society can share elements of schema.

Judging people by their looks and speech

Most of the time, people consider this issue in the light of morality or legality rather than the value of the judgment. Nevertheless, this is not a case of whether judging others' speech and appearance is right or wrong; this is an inquiry as to why people judge other people's looks and speech; and, how β†’

Psychodynamic theory assignment

The Deterioration of Psychodynamic Theory According to Cortina, one of the tell-tale signs that psychodynamic theory has taken a dive in the world of psychotherapy is because of the decline in related book sales. Psychoanalytical theory has a tendency to pay close attention to the development of the mind.

Personality theories

Personality Theories By: Theorist Orientation Key motivational forces Model of personality structure View of personality development Sigmund Freud Psychodynamic Reform of the insane asylum Interest in abnormal psychological states Id, Ego, and Superego Personality develops through a series of stages, each characterized by a certain internal psychological conflict Carl Gustav Jung Humanistic Sexuality, importance of β†’

The political setting of latino(as) in new york city

Latina Political setting in New York affiliation Latina political setting in New York Since the census conducted in the United States in 1900, the population of Latinos has been on a steady increase. The Latinos are growing in confidence towards their goal of putting a Latina Mayor at the helm of New York City.

Reflection on mood and color

Reflection on Mood and Color of Affiliation Color person environmental relationship Although this relationship is well documented, it is positioned that both the domains still need to be well integrated to understand the active role that colors plays in the relationship between a person and the surrounding. Understanding the color person environmental relationship will help β†’

My personal teaching philosophy

The satellite image of that onramp and characteristics of the car reported in that news article were sufficient inputs for a very real problem such as the radius of curvilinear motion, the car's weight and height, and the friction coefficient. Third, I support the use of technology to enhance the learning experiences of students and β†’

A research on understanding cognitive processes of the stroop effect:

To achieve that aim we had to measure how much time it took for the participants of this study to read a list of colors in black and white and compare it to how much time it took for participants to read each color of the words where each color that it named was printed β†’

Celebrity obsession

This syndrome is typical of a mental state subjected to the celebrity affecting the fan consciously and subconsciously. According to James Houran's team, there is a high side of obsession which comprises of compassion, over identification and a strange fascination with the celebrity where as the lower levels of celebrity worship involve watching, listening to, β†’

Nature vs nurture

I am also of the same opinion that it is impossible to separate nature and nurture. In the past, people seemed to believe in the inevitability and permanence of the genetic factor.

Juveniles and adults

Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Competencies in Court Trials In 2003, an assessment of the abilities of 927 adolescents' within the community and in detention facilities was compared to 466 adults within the same environments. The constitutional requirement is to be able to sufficiently assist counsel and to have a basic cognition of the trial β†’

Double-consciousness under the white gaze assignment

Double-consciousness under the White Gaze In Maude Martha The theme of double-consciousness was flirts defined by Du Bois in The Souls of the Black Folk. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world β†’

Professional competence essay sample

I plan on and will get my B.A.in Criminal Justice so I will need to have the education for that. I will and need to make sure I have all the education in my field if I plan on moving up the ladder.

How nicotine affects human behaviors

Its primary components act on the brain and it can reach peak levels in the bloodstream rapidly based on how it is taken. Firstly, the major behavioral effect of nicotine is addiction and this explains why most people use it without stop.

Week 5 practice problems

5 and the thick red line represents the t critical line of 1.86.0. This time, I will use the difference in the means of the two groups.

Types of distractions that create dangerous accidents on the road today

The numerous cases of road range have a fair share of examples that have been caused by this type of distraction. The problem is more complex and characterized by a combination of psychological, cultural, emotional and environmental dimensions.


Fairchild talk about Polysubstance abuse in which they have explained Polysubstance dependence broadly and have also discussed the case history of a 23-year-old white males recovery from 12 years of alcohol and other substance abuse including the addicts personal views about their addiction, their past lifestyle and the lifestyle that is currently freed of drugs. β†’

This american life on npr

When the first couple adopted the Romanian orphan, everything was perfect as they knew that is the child they always wanted to have. If I were the adoptive parents of the Romanian orphan, I would try and help the adopted child gain confidence and trust that I will not abandon him.

Attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder

The patient of ADHD experiences attentional problems along with hyperactivity in most of the cases, though the two problems may occur alone in rare cases. Stimulant drugs for the treatment of ADHD include Dexedrine, Concerta, and Adderall.


The human mind, according to modernist thinking, man is a natural creature and is governed by the laws of nature to reproduce and to survive. The postmodern theory states that the human mind's perspective of reality is socially constructed; unlike in the modern theory that reality is what it actually is.

Intervention goal setting

Basic Mental Skills Training The individual's ability to control emotional and mental elements helps in task performance and the psychological foundation for well-being and confidence. Both somatic and cognitive techniques are used to improve the performance of an athlete.

The royal road to the unconscious

Freud, the author of a monumental work on dream interpretation titled, The Interpretation of Dreams; should be a book that anyone who is curious of the psychology process of the dream should definitely read. The essential point, then, in this procedure is that the work of interpretation is not applied to the entirety of the β†’

Theoretical perspectives in social psychology assignment

Theoretical Perspectives and Theories in Social Psychology Man is the only animal for whom his existence is a problem he must solve.-Erich From Of existence and the ensuing behavioral patterns that so accompany it, the field Of social psychology holds to its credit a variety Of affiliated disciplines that collectively contribute to its attempt at β†’

Single – subject designs

They focus instead in the behaviour of a single subject both within and across the experimental treatments. Two conditions in exposing the subjects: Baseline phase to assess behaviour in the absence of the treatment Intervention phase to assess behaviour during the application of the treatment.

Reaction #8

The essence of this emotion is feeling of being exposed to potential unfavorable evaluation of one's behavior, thoughts or errors by people. Feeling of embarrassment is affected by social context, so we are unlikely to feel embarrassed in company of our family members, close friends or partners, but we are likely to feel embarrassed when β†’

Senior survey

Program Reflection Assignment Instrutor's Bachelor of Science in Psychology Senior Survey Top of Form With respect to each of the following Program Outcomes, how effective was your University of Phoenix Bachelor of Science in Psychology program content in preparing you to: Not at All Effective Somewhat Effective Effective Very Effective Program Outcome 1: Apply your β†’

Presentation of a research article

The major purpose of the article by Aneta Pavelenko, " Affective Processing in Bilingual Speakers: Disembodied Cognition", is to analyze the assumption that communication and thinking in a foreign language reduces decision biases due to a greater cognitive and emotional distance provided by a second language in comparison with the mother tongue. Affective reactivity to β†’