Quality Profession Essay Examples for Your Learning

Sample research paper on the gender wage gap

There are many problems and issues that exist with the uneven professional opportunities, educational opportunities that are available to women and the extremely deep-rooted beliefs that society holds about women working especially in jobs that is considered for men. She is going to college and getting a career that will place her in the workforce →

Example of essay on pros and cons of mandatory continuing nursing education

However, there is a mixed reaction among the nurses in the profession as they often disagree based on the Pros and Cons of continuing mandatory nursing education. Because people can attend further education does not guarantee knowledge and better practice in the field of nursing.

Good example of essay on the way financial aid companies determine who need aid is unfair

The dejection comes, and it becomes even clearer that the price of having a " productive" life is beyond the imaginings of the average person in the society. There are many factors that affect the ways in which students get financial aid from organizations, but the key to this help comes through credit checks on →

Good example of thesis on political science

The descriptive method of research encompasses identification of the assumptions and limitations of the selected method, which will also be discussed in this chapter. In this study, the phenomenon to be explored is the state of affirmative action and how it changed the employment situation of African-Americans in the higher education sector.

Essay on game theory

The fact that the student Ben strategically chose to alter his decision in the course of the game shows that he was indeed applying the basics of game theory to make a better decision. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.2011.

The importance of college education essay sample

What is more, in college students gain communication, problem solving and planning skills all of which are central to a happy life. Such skills and experiences are better learnt in a college setting because the environment is convenient for that.

Example of academic honesty case study

Consequences are vital hence; the student should receive punishment if he engages in the act of plagiarism and not get the scholarship to the university. It is advisable that he be sincere in his pursuit of the scholarship even if it means having to fail.

Compare and contrast two ways of studying essay

In our study we are going to compare and contrast two methods of studying for an exam. Both techniques ensure that there is thorough and accurate memorization of the subject learnt/studied.

The advantages of study habits on the performance of the students

Study habits are the ways that you study the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits are the ways that you study the habits that you have formed during your school years.

Free essay on stress as a college student

Students lack upkeep money to sustain them in carrying out the daily activities and the most basic needs are not met adequately relating to food, clothing and shelter. The students have to work to raise the money needed and some even engage in criminal activities like drug trafficking.

A self review and needs analysis of the students existing knowledge and skills base

I am confident in my ability to design exciting and relevant activities for the children in my care, but have chosen to focus on improving my ability to constructively reflect on these activities, to ensure the next steps can have the best possible learning opportunities for the child. I intend to assist in the filling →

Essay on ludwig von mises: memoirs

The discussion covers the summation of the first four chapters of the reading. The second chapter of the reading focuses on the context of etatism drawn from the author's experiences during his time in the university.

Educational leader interview report examples

He demonstrates that he knows how to keep abreast of the school laws through engagement in principals' organizations. He suggests that the school curriculum seems to be expanding.

Motivations and benefits of students volunteering

One of the motivations that encourage students to engage in volunteer work is the need to meet new people and help their cause. As can be seen in the figure below, the number of volunteers in the University age bracket is still very low and thus the need to encourage students to enrol.

Example of analyzing educational curriculum of texas research paper

The total students appeared in the test of Mathematics were 4037. The students appeared in the exams of social studies were 4038 in number.

Example of american government structure essay

The government structure of the United States of America is based on an electoral college. This is the point of articulation of the federal and the state governments.

Teacher/student memorandum

The use of marijuana is the most common in the United States. Intake of marijuana is most of the time detrimental to the health of the people dependent on it.

Role of students in the purification of the society

The students had also played in a very important role in the constructive growth of society. Some of the significant functions of role of education in society are To complete the socialization process.

Free research paper on type of services the disabled students would benefit

The rationale behind inclusion is the argument that the students would be exposed to a non restrictive world ultimately. Teachers must appreciate the cultures, the attitudes and the reasoning of the students to be able to accommodate them.

Essay on neo-liberalism in public education

It advocates for the privatization of government owned businesses and enterprises, support for the role of the private sector in the society and deregulation of markets. Neo-liberalism is more concentrated in shifting the control of economic and social factors from the public or government sector to the private sector.

New monroe college it department research proposal

The need for staff is important in the sense that the implementation of the procedure that will be carried out will be their responsibility. To reduce the cost of the same, a proposition is made that the school tables and chairs to be ordered from the school of arts and engineering.

Scattering of sunlight essay example

The extent to which light is dispersed by air molecules depends on the wavelength of the different inherent colors. The visibility of light scattered by air molecules depends on the intensity of the light beam.


By the fact that the Knight, the highest-ranking of the pilgrims, is selected as the first teller, we see the obvious social considerations of the tale. What this does - and this is a key thought for interpreting the tales as a whole - is to apparently strip them of writerly license, blurring the line →

Free essay about country analysis report

It is a country in the content of Asia placed towards the east of the continent. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which rouse to the high of 4000m above the sea level was the result of the collision of the Indian and European places and is also called " the roof of the world".

Example of creative writing on the school setting

In the conception stages of the organization, the organization is a prisoner in the imagination of its originator. This blind following of the organizational goals for the sake of achieving them or for the promise of a reward is a form where thinking of the people within the organization becomes clouded and they see nothing →

Example of should kids start college right after high school or wait a year or more essay

For students who seek scholarships in other states or abroad, it is easier to obtain a scholarship when they move straight from high school to college. Joining college straight from high school means the student has a lot to learn and grow.

Free essay about bar chart

A bar chart or bar graph is a representation of data in the form of rectangular bars where the length fo each bar is proportionate to the value of that they carry. This is available by a set of 23 students in the class.

Term paper on sociological theories in education

Some of the topics that are frequently studied are the ways in which people learn, the ways in which they interact, and the ways in which the make choices in the early years and how these choices influence them throughout their lives. These examples are also the foundations of the principal of the functionalist theory →

Study abroad essay samples

Studying abroad, in times when the world has become a global village, is considered childish by a number of people. People also claim that studying abroad does not help in filling the cultural gaps and the most significant aspect of studying abroad is the expense that is too high.

Career planning workshop essay samples

The subject is also helped to examine the job market, the educational requirements for that career and the salary in order to for him/her to find a career that suits them and their desires well. The subject is helped to lay out a plan of how he/she will reach that career goal and all the →

John dewey essay sample

The long-term benefit of education, the good of society, was recognized by Dewey as being important. One of the greatest challenges of using a student-driven curriculum was teaching educators how to account for the differences between all of the students.

Research paper on sex-segregated education

That is why, when in 2006 the Bush administration referred to the passage No Child Left Behind Act and gave public schools opportunity to increase the number of same-sex classes, it was perceived as rude violation of Title IX that barred sex discrimination in the field of education. The question of establishment and perception of →

Web calculator exercise 3 essay sample

Ha of the study is that there is a difference between undergraduate students and graduate students in the amount of time spent praying each day.d. Ha for the study is that there is a difference between male and female students in the amount of time they spend studying for statistics.d.

Example of plagiarism argumentative essay

This is despite the common knowledge that plagiarism is unethical, wrongful, offensive, immoral and utterly dishonest and unfair to the legitimate authors who expend time, energy and other resources in developing their well-researched publications only for the undeserving and opportunistic plagiarists to run away with the credits and praises on account of their sweat. The →

Good the durkheim school:structuralism, semiology, and beyond book review example

There are few theories and theoretical frameworks in the realm of sociology that can rival structuralism and semiology in its scope and lasting impact in the academic realm. In way, the attempts of Durkheim, Barthes, and Levi-Strauss are means by which cultural analyses are moved closer to the realm of science and objectivity.

Classification of students

The persons that are inclusive to the universals are talented, optimistic, smiling, jolly, lively and smart and they are mostly respected as well but they are pure in heart that they never want to be prejudice and they never want to underestimate anyone who are lower than them. They are the kind of students which →

Essay on nursing leadership

This type of motivation is based on the natural inclinations of an individual in terms of the things that are enjoyable or important to him. In this type of motivation, refers to the situation where the task being carried out is in itself the reward.

Good example of admission essay on hani alsaedi

I consider that studying here will give me the opportunity to learn more about how to raise health awareness so that people from my country and from the third world countries to benefit of improved health opportunities. I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and since then I was involved in various internship →

Example of research paper on gun control: how much is too much

The result of this opposition has led the government, especially in the state of New York, to review gun control. It should be noted that the recent changes to the New York gun control laws were made with the aim of preventing shootouts such as the one in Newton, Connecticut.

Civic disengagement of young adults in the usa essay

The feeling of a sense of identity and pride of American citizenship has dissipated amongst the youth. O'keefe, G, & Pearson, C.

What is the minimum allowance of a college student?

The reason why we like to conduct a study regarding the student's allowance is that we would like to know if how and where they are going to spend their allowance and is it enough in their day-to-day living expenses. This study signifies the benefits of all the students in La Salle University for them →

Free first letter argumentative essay example

It is obvious that in Michigan and most of the states in America do not include a full day kindergarten in the K-12 system of education that is funded by the government. The full day kindergarten should not be scrapped in a bid of saving taxpayers' money since the benefit derived by the society outweighs →

Elizabeth blackwell biography examples

As was common in the 40s of the 19th century in America - in the medical schools of both the New and Old World girls were not enrolled. Despite the objections of fellow students and the public, she became the first female graduate of the Medical School in the United States.

Example of essay on purposes of education

The importance of education is to teach a person to become morally upright & educationally balanced, it a process of building a good human being with good values & morals, to develop knowledge, skills & creativity. Schooling as a system is the process of education from kindergarten through high school.

Truancy among students

Thus, to avoid the truancy become more critical issue among Malaysian school students the Ministry of Education have to take action by solving this problem. Teacher needs to improve their skill of teaching so that the students will enjoy every moment in the class as problem of truancy can be prevent.

The class: analyzing and educational issue essay examples

While the concept of a caring teacher for a group of troubling students is probably one of the most used cliches in the genre of drama in film, the movie still manages to pull it off with a mix of realism, humanism and optimism The film covered a great amount of social and educational issues →

The importance of life skills education for students

It develops students' skills that will help them in the present time and for the near future or let say it helps students to prepare for the " real world". In a growing technology in the world, STEM based are the education that our world focused on to prepare students for the coursework and careers →

Education in prison the effectiveness and justification of letting prisoners learn thesis examples

The Determinate Sentencing Law provides the ability for judges to sentence offenders to California state prisons for a set amount of time, depending on the severity of the crime and the verdict itself. Inmates with a voice and new skills to use on rest of the world.

4-i think the following will be interesting or important sources of information essay example

1- For my Research assignment, I plan to write about: The critical reception of popular films based on ' tactical realism,' and the increasing popularity of that school of film criticism in popular culture and media. Retrieved from http://smugfilm.com/the-movie-lied-tactical-realism-and-the-return-of-the-living-dead/.

Do children learn better in single sex schools essay

Advocates of single sex schools claim that girls taught in an all-girls school take more risks when it comes to answering teachers' questions when in the company of the same sex, rather than when in the presence of the opposite sex. In the same light, the American Council of Education stresses that there is not →

Free admission essay on statement of purpose

My husband and I relocated to Ohio where I intended to continue and hopefully build my career in Speech Language Pathology. Through the online Masters in SLP course from the University of Akron, I intend to revive my career in this field and resume contributing to patient care and treatment at the earliest.

Admission essay on why is graduate study important to you please describe what your educational goals

Carnegie Mellon's graduate program in Advanced Infrastructure Systems will afford me the opportunity to conduct research, advance my knowledge of civil engineering and study with some of the finest faculty in the field. The courses offered through the department of civil and environmental engineering are in depth and comprehensive and will further expose me to →

Personal statement on physical therapy-central application

From then on, I have decided to improve my credentials further until I already 100 percent think that I am already worthy to occupy a slot for a Physical Therapy course in a reputable physical therapy school. I worked there for a total of 2 months until I finally decided that my master's degree demands →

Changes in students’ homework

Their response is either to make students complete the practice portion of a lesson for homework, have student try to gain the knowledge on their own, or to use homework as a form of assessment. This rule is also not true for all students, so the most important thing is for a teacher to get →

Technology is having positive effects on how students learn research paper

Bordbar, in " Communication Without Barriers" says that at the inception of the technology integration process, a common problem is that classroom teachers often rely on technology to teach students, rather than using the technology as an educational tool, or the technology is used in situations that do not warrant its use. The perceived reason →

Learning and training programs l&t

Mmanagement skills and deepbroad thinking on the basis of learning and training eventexperience, learning and training program are provide a surroundingenvironment to the student that they move toward experimental scientific understanding, using scientific words and development of scientific interpretation reasoning. My PI provide me a great chance to develop my mental and thinking strength by →

All students should study abroad essay sample

The best way to do that is to study at a place that can offer a student the scope stay in touch with all that is happening around in the world. It is definitely beneficial for students to study and every student must at the least try to apply for a chance to study.

Essay on special music school, new york

The school has well talented teachers who enhance efficiency in learning and play a part in encouraging the students to work hard so as to become better people in the music world. The main actors in the in the Special Music school are the parents, teachers, students, the government, private sector, and the society.

Successful student

They also participate in class even if their attempts are a bit clumsy and difficult. They take the time to produce a final product that looks good, and reflects of a care and pride in their work.

Swot analysis term paper examples

Hence in the process of financial planning, in having a SWOT analysis, the given board of the school might be able to identify some of the internal environment strengths and weakness it possesses. SWOT analysis is often used for financial planning by the board of a school as it also provides a better analysis of →

New students

Even though Eve learned a lot of things while at ocean the transition was not that smooth, I think the most difficult thing for me was having to remember my classes on my own. I now how to mange my time better, and my money, and I have the skills to study correctly for an →

Michael l. h (2011) human exceptionality: school, community, and family: wadsworth essay sample

One striking feature of the chapter is the story on Roosevelt who was elected as a US president in 1932 and went through untold pains just to conceal his "diffrerences" The provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, passed in 1990 also form an integral part of this chapter. Also discussed in this chapter is →

Are test scores a good indication of school’s competency essay sample

The test scores are often averaged by the teachers in order to determine the overall performance of the students, as well as the performance of the whole school or institution. The positions of the various schools can be evaluated with the help of test scores f the students in each school in order to know →

Example of article review on race and ethnic relations

In Waren's " Using Monopoly to Introduce Concepts of Race and Ethnic Relations," he showcases a potential method of introducing concepts of ethnic and racial relations to students through the game Monopoly. The overall goal of this modification to the game is to show students the effect of racial discrimination from the other side of →

Good example of admission essay on babson college essay

My career aspiration is to study Business and particularly at Babson, the field of Foundation of Management and Entrepreneurship totally mesmerize me and I want to pursue my career as a working professional and eventually lead my family cosmetic business known as SARANTIS. There are a lot of aspects related to Babson College that really →

Problems in ohios economy argumentative essay sample

For Instance, an average student in Ohio State has a student loan of $27713 while the Ohio resident gives up 17% of their annual income on credit card payments. Although the credit card debt in the State of Ohio is at par with nationwide average of $2800, but many a time, high default rates on →

Basic counting principles essays example

The students must also become aware that 15 is the number that represents the total number of chocolates. Following this, the learners will be evaluated based on the order irrelevance rule in which the learners will be asked to count the number of dots on a certain page.

Example of literature review on examining secondary school saudi male students’ english writing quality and fluency

The author focuses his discussion on a study of Saudi English-Major Undergraduates and the problems they experience in academic writing. Al Asmari on the other hand, points out that acquisition of second language skills include writing and speaking the language is affected by a myriad of factors in the immediate social environment.

Higher education and income does it pay off argumentative essay examples

The following examines the literature available on the subject to gain an understanding of the pervading wisdom of academic professionals on the correlation between education and income. Despite the possession of a bachelor's degree not guaranteeing employment, and the usefulness of post-graduate programs in increasing one's income, the institution of higher education does seem to →

Types of business activities

Pido Company AL-Maha Company Those companies are famous in Oman, they produce minerals, oils, rocks and other natural resources, After that exported then this to make profit and improve the economics of Oman. Oman Oil Company exported oil to foreign countries through that helps to improve the economics of Oman and make profit.

Free argumentative essay about technology in the classroom: using digital game based learning as an educational

The latest tablet or phone grabs the attention of the public sphere, enrapturing the masses with the latest capabilities and capacities of the hottest device. Studies show that with proper integration into the school curriculum, the use of digital video games as an educational tool can prove beneficial to the learning process of high school →

The good i can do for the african methodist episcopal church essay examples

The Mission statement of the church is to spread the gospel of Christ through ministering to each needs of the society. The emphasize on the African community is mainly because of the negative attitude that has been held against them by other communities that feel superior to the black race.to accomplish this, the church launched →

Standardized test scores in the college acceptance process

How that student scores on the SAT, or Scholastic Aptitude Test, and/or the ACT, or American College Test, is often the biggest factor in determining admission to college. Despite the traditional belief that standardized test scores such as the SAT and ACT are the best indicator of how a student will fare in college, the →

The case for paying college athletes essay sample

By getting some material benefit from the institution, the athletes' morale is boosted and they are able to do their best in nursing their talents especially to the ones who are talented in various games. These opponents fail to understand that many of the college athletes or students live in near poverty because the aid →

The article was written by a certain professor, whose identity was not revealed article review example

Article 1: Gary Soto's " Looking for Work" One initially presumed that the main point of the article was basically the adventure or challenges allegedly encountered by Gary Soto in looking for work. One envisioned the contents to be about the travails of searching for permanent employment which would provide the searcher with a →

Aimed at providing insight in housekeeping, entertainment, and knowledge research paper

Indeed the use of technology has become so common that it is independent of the limit of age, with even a toddler having full command of all types of available technology.his group believes that spoon feeding will bring no good to students who need to do much more hard work to achieve their goals. The →

Part time jobs

Having a job helps you feel a sense of dignity and worth.- The Third Advantage of it: It can have a positive impact on your career. It is great when you earn your own money while not having to rely on others to give it to you.- The First Disadvantage of it: There is a →

Free case study on finance management

This is in spite of the numerous income sources which they individually have and bearing in mind also that they do combine their incomes at the end of the month in order to pay the bills due. During this time, the couple is expected to finish the mortgage payments for their home; set aside savings →

Are test scores a good indication of a student’s competency?

Are test scores a good indication of a student's competency? Thirdly, test score is not a capital, but some time it is the knocking brick of success.

Free term paper on plagrism

The paper lacks proper citation of the source of information because there is no use of quotation marks yet there is use of exact words used in the original source. After paraphrasing be sure to check whether the there is use of the exact words or phrases and that all information is captured.

Uniforms should be made mandatory at high schools

However, introduction of uniforms gets rid of this problem because all the students wear the same clothes to school and no one has a reason to mock at the poorer students. Uniforms are a symbol of the school that a student belongs to.

Free subculture study: architecture students and the library essay example

This is why the university banned carrying of foodstuffs and drinks into the library in order to avoid disrupting others. Perhaps the other reason for this is to maintain the cleanliness in the library.

Why do people dropout of university essay example

The general answer is that these students are not, in a sense, cut out for college due to their life circumstances. Some of the causes of dropped enrollment can be explored; priorities, depression, and finances are all very vital factors in a student's decision to quit school.

The tradition of war poetry

This poem has a similar quality to that of ' Henry V' in that he compares the war to a game, and the fact that in both, you have to work as a team. The belief at the start of the war was that it would be short, and many of the recruitment poems play →

The blues of langston hughes and his importance in modern poetry

In addition to race and racism playing a key role as to why he is not read as often as he should, powerful critics and scholars often show little interest in black America, and as a result his work is not celebrated in the way it should be. It often follows the form in which →


The speaker takes a bath, washes the pans and plates, and spends idle time sitting by the window.2. On a Sunday evening, the cars that spent relaxation time in the countryside return to the city to bring their passengers back to work/school again.3.

The influence of drugs on early beat poetry

Although beat poetry is known in the literary community as a radical approach to literary genius, there is evidence to show that early beat poets such as Allen Ginseberg, Neal Cassady, and William Burroughs may have been influenced and affected by marijuana, amphetamines, and opiates while creating the literature that is now considered the foundation →

Chapter 9 poetry questions

Chapter 14, The Sounds of Poetry Pages 785-788, Edgar Allen Poe, " The Raven What is the frame of mind or soul of the speaker at the beginning? In paragraph 17 of his essay " The Philosophy of Composition," Poe draws his reader's attention to several aspects of the poem, especially the refrain, the progression →

Robert frost: poet, icon, legend essay

Frost's most valuable contribution to American Literature was his ability to relate to the common man through his writing; this was accomplished through his masterful blending of traditional iambic pentameter with common speaking rhythms to create free verse. Although his writing was not autobiographical, Frost was heavily influenced by nature and the tragedy in his →

The most successful poet amongst students within the sheffield college essay

Her abilities as a writer are remarkable as she gives the reader a fascinating but shocking incite into slavery and the oppression of black people by the whites. This accolade brought her to the attention of a wider audience and is an obvious indicator to the quality of her poetry.

Poetry analysis

In " Batter my heart, three-personed God, for You", John Donne uses the poetic devices of tone and rhythm to emphasize the desire and passion the speaker has for growing closer to God. The use of internal rhyme is being used in " The Flea"- making it easier to understand the theme and speaker's feelings.

Literary devices and their use in poetry

The study guide suggests that selective deviation occurs in a work where the majority of the language used is conventional, but the poet will select a word, phrase or sentence and rearrange the syntax so that the particular word, phrase or sentence is accentuated. The lines of the poem are spaced in such a way →

Aesthetic differences between chinese and western poetry

The reader of the poem sees the similarity in the natural description and the human condition, and comes to a new awareness of each by this contrast. Secondly, from a lingual perspective, the languages of poem is quite succinct and the information in one unit structure.

Poetry analysis the famous blue raincoat by leonard cohen

The tearing at the shoulder of the raincoat suggests the passage of time, vulnerability, and also the inability perhaps to " shoulder" responsibilities like fidelity. Maurice Ratcliff in The Complete Guide to the Music of Leonard Cohen suggests that since Cohen has admitted that the title refers to a " Burberry" raincoat he owned himself, →

Trend in contemporary british poetry by adeel salman flashcard

It remains the case twenty years later that there is a strong hint of the majority of the English poets to rediscover their ' Englishness' as a poet, and at the same time the presence of the various other cultures ensures that their remains a deep variety in the creative material. But a walk down →

Presentation of the city in poetry

In this essay I will explore the structure, form and setting of the poems, the poems' main themes, language and imagery, how the poems portray people and society in London and the sights and sounds of the city, in order to compare in depth the different ways in which the city is presented. The rhythm →