Complete Essay Samples on Politics

This essay is a comparison of the french and russian revolutions essay sample

The French and Russian Revolutions were both very dramatic and have influenced the political standings of both nations and nations surrounding them to this day. During the Russian revolution most nations had a capitalized government and were scared of the idea of communism spreading to their nations.

Example of essay on kashmir religious militancy

This situation created to regions that were in complete contrast with the majority in one country being the minority in the other country and therefore the majority in one country felt the need to protect the rights and fight for the interests of the minority in the other country and β†’

A democratic political system essay sample

Economic growth varies from economic development due to the fact that it only entails the positive movement of a country's GDP while economic development embraces other aspects in addition to economic growth. With the public as the watch dog government institutions have to be operated effectively and this is definitely a plus β†’

Democracy in india essay sample

Its adoption and implementation did not follow an evaluation stage or an evolutionary history, so to speak to test the applicability, practicability and effectiveness of such systems compared to other forms of government like the presidential form. Freedom of the people is a core characteristic of democracy, which is a manifestation and expression of β†’

Democracy and its types research paper

In the indirect democracy, ruling is done by the use of an elected body to act as their representative. On the other hand, the semi direct democracy is a type of democracy which contains both the rudiments of direct and indirect democracy. Representative is a type of democracy in which societies choose a body which β†’

Example of essay on good citizenship depends on the carrying out of responsibilities as well as having

The provision of basic services to those who need them is another crucial part of the coin for the eventual success of the whole enterprise of citizenship. The art of compromise and consensus Compromise and consensus is an important part of the political sphere and also involves what may be termed as good citizenship β†’

Rapid growth as a destabilizing force to effective democracy essay

The purpose of this paper is to establish the connection between democracy and economic development. Whether educated or trained in terms of modernization point of view or the chronological stand point, theories explicating the cradle of democracy possess deterministic characteristics. Contained in the theory of modernity no stimulates or causes democracy, but instead it is β†’

Democracy in france

Only those people who are represented by the majority party in the government have the bigger chance of getting their needs addressed. Being the case, the very principle of democracy is defeated because it is no longer the government that is for the people. The continued dominion of Communism in the French β†’

Nicaraguan students’ movement opposing ortega

In defiance, students and other protesters barricaded themselves in the campuses of the Polytechnic University and the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua in Managua. The attacks by the police force and armed government-funded mobs, resulted in the deaths of even more students.

Book review: “world on fire: how exporting free market democracy breeds ethnic hatred and global instability” essay (critical writing)

In her book World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability, Amu Chua comes up with somewhat controversial thesis as to the fact that, contrary to what is being commonly assumed, the process of Globalization, associated with the lowering of trade tariffs and with the enforcement of Western β†’

Democracy – 4th principle of indonesia

However, the essence of democracy contained in the fourth principles of Pancasila, the Sovereignty of the People, led by the wisdom of policies based on the Consultative / Representative. If a form of democracy which we have carried out were different (since the guided democracy, Pancasila democracy and democracy in the era of the Reformation) β†’

Example of my background and my future. essay

This is in contrary to US where families are small, and one is expected to take care of himself after the age of sixteen. Saudi society can be described as close minded; this explains the lack of some professional courses like Computer science and technology in the country. However, I intend to adapt and integrate β†’

Elections and democracy

The political aspect: How to have the election system reflect accurately the separate exercise of power in the state and promote citizen's interest at the same time? The heart of democracy in a state depends on the implementation of an electoral system because the will of the sovereign people designates through election β†’

Democracy in colonial america

Documents such as the Maryland's Act of Toleration, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and The Lady's Laws are prove of the spirit of democracy coming to light. Oddly, pubs and taverns are an example of the origin of democracy. Only a free adult male and resident of the colony was able to β†’

The introduction of democracy

Ultimately, it is clear that a culture of popular discontent must prevail. According to Putnam, there are three schools of thought through which we may come to an understanding of that which allows democratic order to thrive. And of course, absent of the genuine will of the people to actively take part, β†’

Creative artist should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas

Government fears these art forms may hurt the sentiments of the people and cause resentments. In these cases, government intervention may be essential to maintain the stability in the social infrastructure of the country.

Absolutism and democracy essay sample

The people were forced to obey the monarch. Absolutism was definitely the most widely used form of government in the 17th and 18th centuries. People in this time were not as educated as those in society today, and it was easy for them to just follow the words of the absolute monarch.

Logical fallacies found in public discourse research paper example

It is also trying to divert the argument about the wellness of the economy to the personal circumstances of the opponent. The counterargument does not mention a good reason why people should not vote for John McCain or why the fundamentals of the economy are not strong. For a fallacy free argument, both parts would β†’

Funeral oration of pericles term paper sample

Rather he is attempting to explain to the widows, children and parents of the dead that their sacrifice was not in vain, and that the city of Athens should be beloved by all for its many excellent political, economic and moral qualities. Its democracy, individual freedom and rule of law β†’

The required freedom and democracy in afghanistan essay

All these aspects freedom encourages democracy and enable Afghanistan to enjoy the experiences being enjoyed by the democratic federations. The government of Afghanistan deserves to promote and encourage the minorities' rights as provided for in the constitution. Access to justice and the rule of law is appropriate for the Afghan government in the wake of β†’

To what extent does democracy in the uk suffer?

Politics Essay To what extent does democracy in the UK suffer from a participation crisis? There are a lot of ways in which citizens can participate in politics in the UK without necessarily having to vote for example: joining a political party, boycotting, and even signing petitions and fund raising. A participation β†’

Free term paper on mass culture and its effects to the society

Understanding the mass culture helps an individual in essential characteristics and features and cultural phenomena of postindustrial society not forgetting the different means that help in resolving disagreements and conflicts in the society. The paper discusses Dwight MacDonald article on the Theory of Mass culture, evaluates the different arguments put forward regarding usefulness and merits β†’

Democracy in america: critical summary essay

The book, " Democracy in America" by Alexis de Tocqueville defines the thoughts of the author on various aspects of America from the angles of social, political, security, and the need for appreciation of diversity especially among the Anglo-Americans. As a result, the reader is placed in an effective and flexible environment that creates β†’

The foundation of democracy: waiting for the king to come essay (critical writing)

However, the process of the state democratization is far from being over yet. Another step that brought the country closer to establishing the democratic society and providing the rights and freedoms to all of its citizens were the presidential elections that took place recently. Once choosing the man who is bound to lead the country β†’

Alternatives to party government argumentative essay

The argument against a socialist party form of government is that the redistribution of wealth is unfair to entrepreneurs and businessmen. The graph is a clear indicator of what would happen if socialist economic principles and the concept of redistribution of wealth were implemented into the capitalist economy of the United States.

Democracy is the best form of government

Represents the people The biggest virtue of Democracy is that it is government by the people for the people. Respectof Human Rights Democracy as much it is understood, is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Corporate philanthropy in the singaporean workforce literature review example

The objective of this paper is to discuss a corporate philanthropy effort initiated by two organizations, the Yale University from the United States and the National University of Singapore to offer a global and holistic approach to research and education with a focus on Asian and Singaporean arts and perspectives. It is important to note β†’

Freedom of speech essay sample

Freedom of speech and freedom of expression should be exactly what they mean. Freedom of speech is arguably the most precious gift of democracy. Evolution of democracy is nothing but a history of the extension of the right of freedom of speech from the limited group of privileged citizens to the universal right of β†’

Essay on world war i

The attacks made by the Government against its own citizens by imposing laws that saw citizen forced to involve in war. Just as the laws affected negatively the Americans, Woodrow Wilson definition of democracy is out of order.

Democracy movement in the middle east report

In addition, the sections will highlight the assumptions of conflicts of Islamic religion as far as democracy is concerned. Finally, threats of religious terrorism and extremism will be thoroughly examined and the binding ties of any effective response to terrorism which has a direct impact to the democratic movement success in the Middle East. The β†’

Democracy and voting essay sample

Society, votes in order to bring about change, which would benefit the people and the country, physically, economically and socially. This shows that civil society has the power to elect a particular person who they feel holds the particular characteristics to be a leader, from what they have seen and heard through the media. β†’

Maguindanao massacre

The Maguindanao Massacre is the worst case of political feud in the history of the Philippines. In relation to the Authentic Christian Humanism, explain how the perpetrators of the massacre promote or violate the framework we use in class.First of all, killing is a sin, for that I can say that the perpetrators of the β†’

Hate crimes committed by white against african american essay

It is the case that hate crimes are a result of prejudice on the part of the offender against the victim of hate crime. The violence or hate crimes against the black minority groups by the whites according to this theory may thus be rooted in the perception that the socio-economic instability faced by the β†’

Good essay on women’s rights in saudi arabia and the united arab emirates

Saudi Arabia cannot be compared to the UAE when it comes to women's rights since the United Arab Emirates is far ahead from them in making their women more comfortable in the society. Women laws, policies and human rights in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have a regional and international impact on women. β†’

Athens and sparta essay sample

While both Athens and Sparta's population growth and economic development caused political and social problems, Athenians relieved tension by creating a democracy government and Sparta created a government based off of military means. They stayed in the military until retirement which was usually around the age of thirty, then went back home to β†’

Political parties essay sample

In a representative form of democracy, the main role of political parties should be reviewing of the current policies and coming up with policies that will better the life of their electorates. Pomper presents a close view of political parties in the United States like Fiorina but he differs in that he thinks political parties β†’

Essay about direct democracy

It obtained the assistance of the " National Legal Foundation" in drafting Amendment 2 and used the handbook which was written by a lawyer who represented the " Concerned Women for America" as a guide for its efforts to promote the amendment. The proponents of Amendment 2 appealed to the moral values β†’

The taliban insurgency: democracy in dangerous places case study

The grand question still remains to be whether the insurgency will succeed or fail in spite of the heavy presence of the US and UN troops. Despite the fact that we can tentatively present an argument that towards the south the surge was successful, it is vital to recall that other parts of the country β†’

Should sixteen year old be able to vote? essay sample

Some people think that at the age of sixteen the teens are not old and mature enough to vote in an election. They also have the right for political parties to give serious consideration to the needs and opinions of youth, and, get attention when developing public policy, and it can cause different benefits too.

Cultural and ecological factors in the education and socialization of african-american article review sample

ABSTRACT All practitioners in the fields of education, social work, and youth and family services should be aware of the cultural and ecological factors that affect the development and education of African-American youth, and adolescents in other minority groups that have traditionally experienced stereotyping and discrimination. This article considers two culturally-sensitive methodologies for β†’

Good obama care critical thinking example

This is the fact that has led to the common usage of the word ' whatever'. The author holds the assumption that the Democratic Party is a party of ' rotating pinwheels'.

Compare rome and han china at their heights

The Greeks and the Americans have a lot in common, such as their architecture, living style, and democracy. Similarly today victory is the main goal for the Americans and training/conditioning is still the most important preparation for war.

Relationship between development and democracy

The rapid political transformation that exemplified the last decade of the past century in various countries of the world encouraged a renewed interest in the relationship between development and democracy. It has been found that while being well-to-do matters at the level of cross national comparison; it is not necessarily the β†’

Jacksonian democracy essay sample

In the light of the following documents and your knowledge of the 1820's and the 1830's, to what extent do you agree with the Jacksonians' view of themselves? Patrons and devotees of Andrew Jackson believed themselves to be the guardians of the Constitution and the common people, as well as taking credit for an β†’

Bj;db; fjhk

The biggest reason is the fact that direct democracy is the fairest and purest way of making decisions as it is entirely up to the people to decide. Whilst you would not regularly use referendums to deal with every issue that parliament would have to deal with, they are a very good β†’

Discuss the following segments

Define and summarize Dahl's more significant points.Using what you have learned in Part 1 of the Dahl book , discuss whether or not the founding of our United States (the Articles of Confederation, creation of the US Constitution)seems to have been " democratic"? You will decide and argue for your positions on what seems β†’

Hcl technologies essay sample

CEO Vineet Nayar is committed to creating a company where the job of company leaders is to enable people to find their own destiny by gravitating to their strengths. How have the personality traits of HCL employees contributed to make what HCL what it is? 4.

Democracy as a form of government

A democratic government simply is a government " of the people, by the people and for the people." A government which is elected by the citizens of the country, which is been elected of the people and elected for the betterment of the citizens residing in the country, is a democratic government. Democracy is a β†’

Critical thinking on distribution of political power and under-represented people

This brings about discrimination as the under-represented do not get the chance in life to make any laws or orders in this field. The other form of distribution of political power that affects the life chances of under-represented people is the social power. The minority groups lack this form of resource and therefore have to β†’

K+12 curriculum

Respectfor diversity, meaning that each individual should be recognized for his or her own abilities, interests, ideas, needs, andcultural identity, and.the development of critical, socially engaged intelligence, which enables individuals to understand and participate effectively in the affairs of their community in a collaborative effort to achieve a common good. These elements of progressive education β†’

Free article review on comparative politics

A country needs to select the system that will best fit its needs and conditions. The writer decided to write about the US since the world view is that US is democratically matured and many nations end up copying its democracy. This helps people to understand that politics is a result of the scramble for β†’

The frozen republic: how the constitution is paralyzing democracy essay sample

But overall, Lazare feels that the Constitution produces inefficient, chaotic government. As far as the strengths of the book, I appreciate the perspective of the author on this original argument in that I have never read anything addressing this issue in a similar manner. I do feel the author did his research in his β†’

Same-sex marriage essay

Therefore, he says, taking the government involvement out of marriage, and instead having a ceremony with a different title, could be the answer to allowing equality for all, and in particular gay couples. Lindenberger gives plenty of examples as to why this idea would be preferable. Abolishing marriage as we know it and granting people β†’

Democracy measures in united kingdom, france, japan and china term paper

Competitiveness can be seen from the number of political parties that take part in an election, while participation is reflected by the number of people who take part in the election of state leadership. Power distribution is, on the other hand, reflected by the dispersion of seats in the legislature. The dominant parties here are β†’

Good research paper on gender inequality in sports author’s name: institutional affiliation:

Too often, though, " Controversy surrounds the different treatment of men and women in sport: the glorification of male achievements and the downgrading of women's achievements". Muslim participation has been discouraged when it comes to sports, especially for women. In other parts of the world, like Egypt, it is believed that older women should also β†’

Essay on democracy

Next, the relocation of power and some ways addressing that phenomenon are exposed. In the fourth section the problem of the democratic deficit is restated; accordingly a few principles are identified from which the restated problem can be addressed. Boutellier speaks of the ' culture of the bungee jumper', seeking β†’

Danish aid to africa: implication for civil society & democracy research paper

In this case, the international relations between the donor and the recipient play a great role. The Danish aid is predominantly used for policy implementation in developing nations." The dynamics of the aid relationship determines the extent to which a PRS process has effected, shifts in the social relations of governance and changes in the β†’

Political environment essay sample

The political environment could change as a result of the actions and policies of governments at all levels, from the local level to the federal level. The importance of monitoring the political environment It is important for organizations to monitor their political environment, because change in this environment can impact on business strategy β†’

Example of canterbury tales essay

The aim of the essay is to provide the similarities and the differences between the ideas and the artistic devices employed in the two tales. One particular area in which the paper will emphasize on is the institution of marriage. The Clerk's tale and Franklin's tale both depict romance, and β†’

Transition to democracy in latin america essay (book review)

Despite widespread economic gains during this period, one problem still persisted, transparent and equitable distribution of these financial benefits to the wider public. To demonstrate political autonomy to the outer world, Latin American countries realized that they needed a transparent political framework sensitive enough to the interests of its people and this could only be β†’

Free essay about low- birth weight and preterm babies

The black-white disparity in extremely low birth weight in the US is persistent, with 13 percent of babies with low birth weight are born to black mothers, when the equivalent percentage of white mothers giving birth to infants with low weight at birth is 6. Some minority groups and women β†’

Copyright and democracy critical essay

The first part of the chapter discusses the role of civil society and its association with democratic governance. The market may be a barrier to the advancement of the democratic character of civil societies.

How to read like a political scientist examples

Here are mine: Mueller, " Democracy's Romantic Myths" Argument: Scholars and others who are interested in democracy and its quality have worried too much about apathy of the public, political inequality, and low levels of participation. Rogat Loeb, " The Active Citizen" Argument: Lack of participation and social involvement by Americans is a β†’

Thesis on contrasting views of classical athens: plato and pericles

Pericles, on the other hand, used his aristocratic background and resources to make lasting improvements on the way of life for the citizens of Athens. Introduction Any discussion about the contrasting views of Pericles and Plato predictably comes down to democracy. He argued that the outside influences would corrupt the β†’

Elitism vs pluralism essay sample

To study the backbone of our government, democracy, we must look at the theories that contrast how we view ourselves as a democracy. As in any political debate, the two main theories, elitism and pluralism present numerous conflicts. The opposing pluralist view portrays that members of the same group form the group because they β†’

French revolution essay sample

The guillotine was a device that was invented during the French Revolution. This was used to make the death penalty less painful, by cutting off peoples' heads in the split of a second.

The evolution of democracy: from colonization to reconstruction essay sample

By the very nature of settling a far away territory, however, the colonists experienced a taste of freedom they otherwise would not have experienced. Early documents, such as the Mayflower Compact, expressed a desire for freedom while at the same time paying the necessary deference to the King of England. Settlers had a β†’

Imperialism and globalization definition essay

Bringing numerous changes to people's life, their state's policies and economy, globalization mixed with imperialism creates a fusion that can affect people's lives in the most negative way. In spite of the fact that Haiti is already past the threatening state of affairs that it experienced at the times of imperialism, it still survives the β†’

ο»Ώimpact of john stuart mill’s philosophies on philippines’ society essay sample

Social liberty, which is the protection from the ' tyranny of political rulers' as defined by Mill, has not been truly achieved despite the Philippine system having liberal and democratic characteristics. In this view, Mill's utilitarian principle has not been well-practised by the country's government. The case of freedom of speech of the Filipino β†’

Causes-course-consequences essay sample

In it, you identify the cause or causes of a particular event and what happened during the event, called the " course". What do you think was the most significant event of the 1980s and why?

Example of essay on the canadian federal election

The results of the party delivered majority to the Conservative while offering NDP the official opposition status. This is complimented by the leader's ability to deal with challenges both inside and outside the party. The party leadership haphazardly organized the Liberal Express tour meant to popularize the party among the electorates.

Book review on monsoon: the indian ocean and the future of american power

In this chapter, we learned that the author wrote the description of the country's democracy, based on the tensions that happen, as a democracy that is present in the failing state. We learned in this chapter that India's democratic status is a moderating force as this country is the birthplace of some religions such as β†’

Being a good citizen essay sample

To stand by state, under all the constitution, is his first and primary duty which he must perform. A good citizen must be ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his motherland. But he has to also keep in his heart, the good of the country, the welfare of the state, and the β†’

Good example of essay on remember the ladies

The letter, which is in the focus of this paper, is, on the one hand, just one of the 1200 letters, which are known to have been written by John and Abigail Adams during their marriage. She refers to the principles of Christianity, which seems to be accepted by the society, but, on the other β†’

Free women gender segregation in male societies essay example

This therefore, creates the assumption that women are destined to be employed in empathetic jobs such as teachers and nurses. Determinism suggests that, this has been designed by a law of nature and approved by biological research. The equality of men and women need to be recognized from birth.

The complex term of democracy essay (article)

The second face of democracy is that of rights and liberties consisting of given basic rights and freedoms that the law to citizenry must guarantee. This must be clearly captured in the constitution of any democratic nation. A good example of citizens' participation is captured by The Economist during the passage of Proposition 8 in β†’

By: katia awad

By: Katia Awad The Negatives of Absolute Free Speech Absolute freedom of speech opens the door to possible chaos. One cannot argue against the benefits of freedom of speech, it brings diversity to personal, social and government situations.

Women and global politics examination essay samples

In a global perspective, women are underrepresented in the world of politics, about 20 percent of the average percentage of women in the national parliaments. In the utility arguments, women improve the quality of deliberations, and women in politics act as role models for the younger generations or women. In the world of politics, a β†’

China and the united states compared: rising and declining superpowers essay example

China is a traditionalist, authoritarian, and collectivist society, with Confucian values, while the democratic, individualistic, diverse and pluralistic, with many different cultures and religions (Trompenaars and Hamden-Turner 2010). In a country like China, power is simply a ' given' and understood immediately by every person and groups, while in the is more subject β†’

American democracy research paper

Democracy is a cherished virtue on which the American government is built upon and upon which the whole society takes pride in and guards jealously." Democracy is defined as a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Thus, in a way, the government is ruled by the citizens of the country, β†’

The need for ethical leadership and governance in democracy essay

Eventually, the reader will appreciate the dedication and spirit instilled by society that helped America reach its current state. The relationship between the government and its citizens has strategically evolved since the declaration of independence in 1776. This gave the government an opportunity to win the trust of citizens regarding ethical leadership. Participation in campaigns β†’

Democratic political theory

The liberties and freedoms of the citizens were not threatened so as long as the leaders ruled wisely and justly and for as long as the latter do so, the former willingly abided by the laws. In another literature that deals with the topic, the next one would be a satirical place β†’

How political institutions can change female representation in politics essay example

Nevertheless, the economic development in the world has generated changed attitude in the society as much as modernization and industrialization have brought women into paid jobs, which has increased the activist activities crusading for gender equality. Political institutions such as political parties, special interest groups, labor unions, and parliaments have the responsibility of carrying out β†’

Why and how have liberals supported the fragmentation

Egoism determines that those who have the ability to influence behaviour of others are inevitably inclined to use that ability for their own benefit and therefore at the expense of others. The greater the concentration of power, the greater will be the scope of rulers to pursue self-interest and, thus, the greater β†’

Functions of pressure groups

Indeed the sustained and rapid expansion of pressure group activity and involvement in the political process is often heralded as a sign of growing political involvement among many thousands of people. Among the role played by pressure groups, large and small, we can identify the following: Pressure groups Promote discussion and debate and mobilise public β†’

Representative democracy

A Representative democracy is define as The form of government that rests on the principle of the people being represented by individuals they elect; it is government that holds the belief that elected officials represent the people. A Representative Democracy is the only type of governance that provides the order of having a hierarchy β†’

Stranded activity

Why? There would have to be certain moral laws as to how to live on the Island. As far as property and the rights to own the property, there should be an agreement as to which property each errors owns and that what was built or created by that person is their property. β†’

Right to information act in indian democracy

It is the best way to find a truest model of anything, since it is only through it, that the widest possible range of ideas can circulate. It is the only vehicle of political discourse so essential to democracy and the largest democratic country, India, stands 55th in the list of 68 countries in the β†’

“men compel women to assume the status of the other.” do you agree?

In this instance, the question is whether men compel women into such a role and it is clear that this is not the case in modern, mainstream society. The rise of feminism has enabled women to be stronger individuals and to take control of their own life. Women do not need to be marginalised or β†’

Sample essay on miss-use of statistical analysis methods

The article analyzed is the absence of democracy and gender inequality in education for the miss-use of statistical analysis and reporting. In the study the dataset obtained over the 1991-2008 period from 66 countries from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South America. The hypothesis of the research was, " The more limited is democracy, β†’

Example of the impact of the womens liberation movement essay

In the wake of women's lib, Hillary Clinton and Beyonce, women as a gender have made great strides in society at the same time, there is still a long way to go. The feminist movement was, ostensibly, a reaction to the successes of the Civil Rights Movement, indicating that women could work hard to achieve β†’

Essay on analyzing ???from a vindication of the rights of woman??? by wollstonecraft (chapters

She therefore asserts that it is only education that can act as the key for women to achieve the sense of respect and image that can help them prosper to their full live capabilities. In the argument that Wollstonecraft put forth, she gives more weight to education than any other notion, power, reasons and virtue. β†’

No pity by joseph shapiro essay

The implication of the title is that disabled rights as a movement is one that is far from pity. This begs one to question the role of charitable organization, the formulation of medicine that is rehabilitative as well as living that is independent as a movement.

Example of report on humanities

In addition, Plato became the founder and the father of philosophy; this implies that Plato was among the first thinkers and philosophers to systematize mans way of living and the view of life. The writings of Plato development the way of governance especially on adherents of monarchy, aristocracy, as well as democracy. Aristotle is also β†’

Sample essay on martin luther king

A good example of a person with good leadership qualities is Martin Luther King, who was once a religious leader, and would be remembered for pushing for civil rights in United States. A good leader must be persistent to push for change that would benefit the society regardless of the risks involved in this kind β†’

Essay on human soul for aristotle

According to Aristotle, the human soul is divided in rational and irrational, which is referred to what is external to the intellect. The rational soul is divided into " numerical" (the part of the soul that uses the intellect to make choices) and " theoretical" (the part of the soul that is β†’