Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

The proper implementation of the contract theory

Discussion of Contract Theory Contact theory is concerned with the view that achievement of order in the society and harmony among people and systems of the society is through a constant social agreement that is in the best interest of the makers of the agreement. It argues that the basic rights of the society are β†’


The doctrine of utilitarianism rest on the worldview of maximizing benefits for all members of the society. This contributes to the measure of utilitarianism that measures the net of good and bad from an action or a rule.

Why does ruse say that creationism should not be understood as a science

Creationism and the Christian creation story found in the book of genesis of the bible are inextricably tied as it is the creation story that lays the foundation for creationism. It is Ruse's position that the beliefs discussed above that constitute creation-science should not even be understood as a science at all and as thus β†’

Ontology/human nature

Mind body identity theory Rene' Descartes takes us through the struggles between perception of the mind and what is on the ground; the physical, which is the human body. The theory of mind body identity is the best in explaining the aspects of a human mind and it explains how they relate to the physical β†’

The apology of socrates

According to him, he had no malicious intent in instilling these thoughts of his and was only accused of having such due to the ignorance and envy of certain individuals. He challenges them to go beyond the pretensions and restrictions of current human knowledge.

Can you remember the last time you had a sweet?

If you are not drinking it now, the last time you probably drank it was to ease the chicken and chips going down your throat for lunch. And the main reason why you drink caffeine is because it's in fizzy drinks; and fizzy drinks are addictive.

Joy by zadie smith

This is evidenced in the way Smith presented the ideas in the essay using her experiences to explain the difference between joy and pleasure. The projection made in the essays creates the impression that the author is a good listener and took the comments of her husband.

Nature of the mind

Nature of the mind Chapter four of the text " Philosophy Here and Now" by Lewis Vaughn gives rise to insights about the nature of the mind. This implies that the relationship between the states of mind and physical properties is that of supervenience.

In our time – an exquisite combination of literary technique and absurd realism

O'Connor transfers the vulnerability of one into many, and her mastery of shifting control within the cast of characters, ensures the uncertainty of the outcome and in the process. With the constant use of religious imagery, tragic foreshadowing and humorous irony, the stories " A Good Man is Hard to Find" and " Everything that β†’

Improving learning team as performance assignment

One strategy a team can use ensuring the team goal becomes a reality is understanding and considering each team member's personality type, trust in others, and listening skills during the development of the team charter. The Learning Team A places high faith in the team's ability and will to make their goal a reality of β†’

Can we make sense of the world by edward feser

The scope of thought holds that, the world is thoroughly intelligible in itself and partially intelligible to us. The third holds that the world is intelligible in itself and completely unintelligible to us.

Discussing the front piece of the leviathan

All the people of that state are looking up to him in the image as to express their submission and acceptance of the social contract to be ruled. Here, one can assume that what Hobbes meant by the leviathan holding a crosier is that the absolute sovereign of the state will be in charge of β†’

Descartes’ mind-body problem

Descartes then goes on to explain the relationship between the thinking thing and the corporeal body, in order to address the problem that arises when he concludes that he is " A thinking thing." Descartes concludes that there is a definite distinction between the mind and the body. The first is that Descartes maintains that β†’

Ethics and relativism

In an argument by Mosser, emerging trends and social life is the cause of insensitivity when it comes to morality. In a relativist point of view, age, situation of mother and child may make it just to have an abortion.


I strongly disagree to the argument of Pojman of rewarding the virtuous and punishing the vicious relatively to the extent of their deserts. In most of the positions, there are specific ones that are preserved for the women.

How our duties and responsibility affect our free will, determinism, and compatibilism

Therefore, compatibilism is the most accurate explanation because it is a balance between determinism and free will, since it states that both are possible simultaneously and that we have varying amounts of control over specific actions. Moreover, compatibilism states that determinism and free will are possible simultaneously, meaning that an action can be attributed to β†’


Despite being a moral philosopher, Thomson would oppose Governor Bentleys statement due to her notion that one has a right to ones own body and since the mother is a host in the case of abortion, she has the right to terminate its life. Others including, Ron Noonan, being pro-choice as opposed to pro-life, are β†’

Meditation on first philosophy, rene descartes, 3 pages attached follow the instruction

Meditation on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes Meditation on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes Summary This treatise seeks to demonstrate to the reader that through philosophy, the existence of God, and the soul can be proven using ancient philosophical truths. The writer seeks to use philosophy as a tool to demonstrate that God and the Soul exist.

Mentally disordered offender assignment

The author also realised the importance of communication among the multi-disciplinary team and some of the legal and ethical issues arises in relation to the provision of health care for MDOs such as, confidentiality and the restriction of liberty due to security and safety measures. However, there a certain barriers that are found to hinder β†’

Look at attachment

Therefore, the metaphysical problem is whether Data should be granted the right to choose or not, which is a right awarded to human beings. He is a free being, which implies that he has the right to decide for himself and his fate.

Gandhi and health- celebrating 150 years

His mind and senses are in the state of harmony and peace" which is proximate to WHO definition of health. He wrote articles in favour of Naturopathy and did several experiments by himself, on his family and the members of ashram.

Free will and morality in east of eden novel

However, I am going to add on to this and say that " Power" without responsibility is the main cause of corruption. And that's the power of anonymity".

Denying god’s existence

Because of this person's situation, the person decides upon the essence of the item that needs to be created. Because we must choose how we are going to be, this lack of a basis makes existence all the more difficult.

Answer the questions about a

Sagan's opinion, it is critical to note that double-blind is an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment. It boosts the integrity of the experiment such that the outcome is representative of the actual event.


Therefore, some crossword puzzles are not challenges that are easy to meet. It is true that some G are B.2.

The deontology notion and human equality

The ethical idea of " deontology" states that it is not always correct to help more people, if it is necessary to hurt even one person in the process of helping the larger number of people. I feel that the best thing to do in that situation would be to get a knife and scare β†’

Drama monologue – blame it on the dreams

Sometimes I think I could really FIX things if I could just dream them right. I wish I could dream about that.

Philosophy montessori

The sensitive periods are categorized in six terms, the order with environment, the sensory impression, the ability to use language, the development of walking and movement, the interest of small objects, and the spirit to be involved with social life." A very important and mysterious period is the one which makes a child extremely sensitive β†’

Sentences and proposition

One major distinction between sentences and propositions is that, a sentence cannot be a bearer of truth value while the proposition does so. A sentence will convey truth when it expresses a proposition, that is, when a sentence has a reference and it is meaningful.

Overview of the functionalism archetype of psychology

Want to study the function of the mind that how it helps us to accommodate to environment. James' theory of the self: This theory is divided into two parts: " Me" and the " I".

Decartes’ argument

Descartes Argument on Trusting Our Senses Descartes tried to figure out the relationship between our senses, experiences, ideas, reason, and how we relate them to the outer world with the help of his arguments on trusting our senses. We look at and feel the objects around us with our senses- thus our senses are the β†’


Wisdom may be in the form of enlightenment as in depicted in the Allegory of Cave, when the cave is left and the world outside of the cave is viewed from a whole different perspective and observe the world as it really is and not what has been imagined or envisioned. Plato was of the β†’

Rationalism and empiricism and kants assessment of the problem of knowledge

Kant explains the principle of conceptual containment, as an opinion is regarded to be analytic if the subject is influenced by the predicate and is synthetic if it is not shaped or linked with the predicate. An analytic opinion is not significant to the predicate in that it " leaves" the notion of the subject β†’

Plato and utopia

It is in this book that Plato attempts to outline the best possible conditions for mankind to experience the perfect life. He points out how important it is for each individual to feel as if they are fully in control of their own decisions and challenges in life as well as the importance of shaping β†’

Ethical issue and core stakeholders case study

The protagonist of the case is Derek Evans, an employee of SofTec, who is faced with a choice whether to pursue own self-interest by using Locite's software for SofTec, or whether to inform Loctite, Inc, his previous employer, about the project and to request their permission for the software use. In case using software is β†’

Plato’s philosophy the right way,” (phaedo 80e). socrates

Plato's affinity argument for the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo is Socrates attempt to show that the soul most closely mirrors that which is non composite, divine and immortal " the soul is more like the invisible that the body, and the body more like the visible" well the body mirrors that which β†’

Awaken the giants with in philosophy essay

In the first part of ties off dreams to destiny Anthony quotes his life experience that his craving and frustration bought him to his destiny of success where he sees himself from concierge to business executive and the therapist of dreams. The key to his success was the " concentration of power" which moved him β†’

Personal statement on jealousy

The bottom line is we want to be like them because we do not want to be in our situation. Or worse, we believe that we cannot be more than who we are to become who the person we feel jealous about.

Critical thinking: why is it so hard to teach? assignment

During the course of this class i found myself in a few situations to where I had to switch up my learning patterns. I found it to be a lot easier to forge the weaker pattern and go with that.

Can we know when to trust our emotions philosophy essay

When you think of the phrase, of the pursuit of knowledge, some would believe that it is a person trying to discover or learn new things, but it can also be the gain of knowledge of self-awareness. In Conclusion, by saying that we should not allow our emotions to influence the pursuit of knowledge is β†’

Connection of just war theory and religious

The Soviets were taught that the good of the many far outweighs the good of the few or the one and that through the equal sharing of goods and services all would benefit. After the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan in World War Two the United States took it upon itself to be β†’

Please discuss the following question with philosophy ethics and knowledge

Utilitarianism and People's Happiness Utilitarianism, in accordance with contemporary moral issues, appears to be directly inclined to people's happiness. Peter Singer's reply is quite convincing when it comes to the roles of utilitarianism in people's lives.

Racial profiling

This causes discrimination of Muslims by citizens and the law enforcement officers. This has helped prevent other attacks and paralyze the operation of terrorist cells in USA.

W.a.5 essay example

These were some of the issues that he sought to fight against because in his eyes, they were meant to benefit the nobility and make many people suffer in the hands of a few people. New York: John Wiley & Sons.2009.


Utilitarianism The core of the ethical theory of utilitarianism is the utility principle, which implies that we alwaysact in order to promote the greatest amount of satisfaction and the least amount of dissatisfaction for the greatest number of people. Mill argued that the notion of human pleasures is equated with happiness therefore; the right action β†’

Womens role in platos ideal state

In Plato's Ideal State, women also have a military role." And let them share in the toils of war and the defense of their country" Since they are weaker, Plato wants women to be given the lighter tasks." Only in the distribution of labors the lighter are to be assigned to the women who are β†’

Reflection paper

It comes to my mind that the message of the song in particular leads me to a deep understanding about what is morally good or bad, as I ponder on the utilitarianism telling us that the good things are those that should maximize happiness. If majority would wear a pokerface, then based on the utilitarian β†’

Discuss this question. ( more likely to discuss the opinion and knowledge no sources are needed)

For instance, moral principles, standards of justification or truth are sometimes referred to be relative to the culture, language, or biological make-up. For instance, the integration of science which is universal across culture can dispel the attitude that certain justifications or truth are tied towards a particular culture.

Philosophy of science

Philosophy of Science Definition of stress within the Two Perspectives From a logical perspective, stress entails theamount of pressure that people experience that result to overtraining due to the mental condition it puts people into. It does not provide the tools that can be used to measure the existence of stress.

Should intelligent design be taught in public school

In this case, the US National Academy of Sciences stipulates that ID is not a science and it should therefore not be taught in schools. In this perspective therefore, scientific experts argue that if ID is to be taught in schools, it should be taught in fields such as philosophy, religion and politics.

William wordsworth’s philosophy of nature

This is evident in both of the poems Ode: Intimations of Immortality and Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey in that, hisphilosophyon God, immortality and innocence are elucidated in his contact with nature. For Wordsworth, nature had a spirit, a soul of its own, and to know is so is to experience nature β†’

Reflaction paper of conversation partener

She is Spanish and enjoys going to her farm in Amish where typical Spanish cuisines are her favorite. We are also not allowed to have pork for the same and it has brought me closer to her.

Raw #8

For companies to adhere to this principle, it means that they must a clear policy that rejects forced labor, present contracts understandable by the workers and ensure all officials understand the forced labor regulations. This starts from the recruitment to promotion of workers within an organization and across the different communities.

Structural rationalism

In the advent of industrialization which is marked by the affordability and mass production of construction of materials like iron steel and glass, an architectural school of thought emerged known as structural rationalism which emphasized the important and distinctive role of structural efficiency in the form of buildings including space requirements and architectural design. The β†’

Philosophical views of life in “candide”

So in " Candide", Voltaire exposes the other evils in the society that boredom, vice and poverty bring and presents the different philosophical dispositions of the characters in the story in relation to the events and the evils of men existing around them. So, even when he is out of the Baron's house and every β†’

Rene descartes

In his pursuit of new philosophical methods Descartes was initially motivated by the need to find a way of defining certain knowledge and the way of acquiring it for he thought knowledge acquired with help of sense perception to be inaccurate. Along with that, Descartes philosophical doctrine was dualistic as he admitted existence of two β†’

Justice and the politics of difference – five faces of oppression by iris m. young

The imposition of the dominance of one group over the others results to Cultural Imperialism since culture variations become a source of oppression through intolerance. Violence is an outward manifestation of systemic oppression whereby the sole reason for belonging to a marginalized group, the members suffer this face of oppression.

Compare and contrast

This paper contrasts and compares Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological theory and the looking glass self theory of Charles Herbert Cooley. According to this theory, the indication or manifestation of individual character materializes beginning with an individual's believes and assumptions of how s/he is viewed by others, opinions by others about him/her, and also the emotions and sentiments β†’

The sartre’s rules behind the concept of doing the right thing

Sartre's belief was that people are forced in everything they do, like to choose what they will become in their life or to define themselves by their action that means: ' all that is given is that we are, not what we are'. So, as we can see our three most outstanding philosophers of the β†’

Rhetorical analysis: “you are being lied to about pirates”

The article shows that his audience is the people he recognizes to be the real villains in destroying the pirate " organization" as well as the uneducated readers on the topic that are looking to grasp a new understanding of pirates and where it all started. It's said in the article that one of the β†’

Philosophy of an slp

Danielle Williams SPED 299 MyPhilosophyof Speech-Language Pathology My Philosophy of Speech-Language PathologyI believethat babies, toddlers, teenagers, adults, and elderly, many of them are afflicted with a speech impediment, there often seems to be a little hope. I want to help the kids and adults that has a speech disorder, care those individuals, and make sure β†’

Compare and contrast the philisophical positions of thales and anaximander

Comparison of the Philosophies of Thales and Anaximander of Your Full of Introduction The purpose of this paper isto critically and evaluate two Pre-Socratic philosophers Thales and Anaximander. Thales' main methodology was to explain the logic of things through geometry and this included the long, square and cube of an object Anaximander Anaximander was a β†’

Asian philosphy reflection

Asian philosophy reflection of affiliation The focus of this essay is the topic reflected in book III is known as " the concentration binds the minds on to a single area". Another aspect evident in this book is the process of that an aspirant takes from dharanja to dhyana and then to Samadhi.

Essay for “the stranger” by albert camus

Campus uses the character of Muralist to illustrate the absurdness, yet affirm the value of life. All of this is shown beside the point that life is worth living.

What is the essence of me

One of the things that I consider is that I have changed a lot over my lifetime. One of the largest reasons is because forgiveness is a character trait that I have considered to be a strong value in my life.

Enlightenment period: thinkers & ideas

Bernie Sanders hails from vermont and he is a former mayor of Burlington, elected to the House of Representatives in 1990, elected to the Senate in 2006 and he ran for president in the 2016 presidential election. Bernie Sander's objective for equal education and equal opportunity for health care is connected to the enlightenment idea β†’

Good intentions

The volunteers want to seduce the people they purport to help to share the same ideals of America that based on affluence and education. In other words, the good intentions of the volunteers amount to dominance of other countries.

Man 4102 class project part 1

He held the position of director of Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation through 1980 and currently is the professor of organizational anthropology and international management. Meaning and Impact of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions John Bing's article discusses the impact of Hofstede's work on consulting and business practices across the globe and states that Hofstede's findings β†’

Hum m3 meka

From Burns arguments, it is clear that behavior informs an individual on when and how to respond to certain deeds. Cognitive concept assesses the significance of thoughts and beliefs in shaping the behavior and values of an individual.

My educational philosophy a reflective comparison

As an educationist I need to be enthusiastically attentive of the place I participate in a pupil 's existence. A In any circumstance I will help pupils in their hunt of their individuality immediate to the extended ends of instruction.

Rhetorical analysis of fdr’s first fireside chat

He slowly and comprehensibly informed the American people on what has been done and to explain the complex banking system while using rhetorical appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos to effectively restore American faith in the United States government and banking system. Roosevelt used pathos effectively throughout his speech to draw attention to the desires, β†’

A comparison between johnhospers and william james in regard to free will and determinism

The opposite side of the argument comes by James, where he argues that knowledge and free will are an agency of humans and they have the ability to control the consequences and their choices. The overall message that James wants to convey is that of freedom and the ability to think and make choices is β†’

T.s eliot the waste land

Good example is the use of the various periods of the year in terms of the weather changes where the spring is making the roots of the shrubs and trees to dry instead of sprouting out. The human ability is declared worthless as the little the persona does not result into anything fruitful and this β†’

Three sides of abortion debate

Referring to the right of a woman to undergo abortion, some people consider it wrong in all circumstances due to its failure to recognize the right of the fetus, as well as the challenge it puts on sanctity of life. Overall, the society should allow abortion services to be provided in a way that it β†’

Analyze the pork barrel essay

It's stated that the government is our government so how the government is working to help people over come complex problem if there the one who giving them and courses them in the path of lies and faults. Now this day we should do what we know is right and stand on our two very β†’

Good example of differences between plato and aristotle argumentative essay

Plato's metaphysical position is the wind, a leaf, and the tree are mere copies of a perfect form of wind, leaf, and tree. Plato's epistemological position is that while I see in this world the wind blowing through the trees and the leaf, it is a lesser form of knowledge.

Alex and the amazing time machine ?

When I got home, I was pretty excited because I was sure that it was going to work. While I was on my way to the camp, I had to make sure that I was not seen.

The philosophy of the human person

But the outcome of any philosophical inquiry is determined by its starting place" relates to the question of horizon, a limit of what can be seen from a definite perspective consisted of a subjective and objective fixed point of reference. The philosophical inquiry of Lily is " what is Justice? " The outcome of this β†’

Position paper 2

All disabilities should be encouraged in the sense that a disability is not an inability hence the child should be given a chance to live and evaluate what he or she has to give back to the society. This paper examines the extent to which Yury and Yelena are not justified to do an abortion β†’

Language & identity assignment

Language is closely related to one's identity, Baldwin even mentions that language can sometimes reveal the speakers origins and could force out a lot about a particular person, it could give out how you were raised, your self-esteem and confidence and your Income for example, a lot of which Is tied to one's identity. The β†’

Observation 5 observing kindergarten classroom

The school had a rule according to which, the children were required to do exercise guided by the teacher for 15 minutes before the commencement of the first class. The teacher blew the whistle to gain the children's attention, and asked them to make a line and move toward the class in that pattern.

Special education key terms assignment

Mainstreaming the placement of students with disabilities in general education classes for all or part of the day and for all or only a few classes.0. Hemiplegia A condition in which one half of the body is paralyzed.0.

Following a psychotherapy career while avoiding my narcissistic hurt

When it came time to sign up for my role-play as a " therapist", I decided to choose one of the last slots so that I would have enough time to gain some experience, and so that I could learn from my classmates' struggles. As I think back to that night, and to the emotions β†’

Simone de beauvoir

The Second Sex was written by her in 1949 and in which de Beauvoir traced the development of male oppression through historical, literary, and mythical sources, attributing its contemporary effects on women to a systematic objectification of the male as a positive norm." The Woman in Love" is one of the chapters of The Second β†’

Communicative construction of social reality philosophy essay

It's important to understand that ' social reality' and ' consciousness' are the absolute categories of human world cognition.As E. Based on the targeting of this social event, we could say that performance is functioning by scheme of interaction, i.e.in socially communicative way.

The fragments: heraclitus

21 February The Fragments: Heraclitus The fragments from Heraclitus show that the ancient Greek philosophers considered the act of inquiring things very valuable and rated it very high. Heraclitus comments very early on in the fragments that men appear to be uncomprehending and unknowledgeable both before and after hearing the voice of wisdom.

Head start early education program

Dean asserts that the Head Start Early Education Program deals with the provision of early childhood education, nutrition, and parent involvement services to children as well as families with low income. In this regard, Garces, Thomas, and Currie examine the long-term effects of the Head Start Education program.


Socrates wonders whether the love of the gods is even relevant to the meaning of piety, so he asks if " Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?" This is a question about causality. Is piety caused by the loving β†’

Apology paper

Socrates violates none of the four charges, and by his eloquence, he embarrassed his accuser in front of the public, especially the wealthy young group of people and leading the defense on the jury and trap the accuser. And yet Socrates is believes in the god of Athens.

Applied logic

Hence, free will are much interrelated with applied logic as free will is the foundation of applied logic as it helps individuals to be self-determined and accountability of their actions. Applied logic: reality The concept of reality has been controversial since the times of great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle particularly due to the β†’

Out of body experiences

Actually, out of body experiences make people to imagine that they are working with the brains only while the body is at a different place or it is observing the work of the mind. People's imaginations and past life are of great influence to out of body experiences.

Machiavellis rationalization

But if the ruler need only show that he/she is free of vice and not truly be so, this is a very difficult facade to keep up. In short, for a ruler to be free of blame and constantly praised, the ruler must realize that this just can not be.

The blindside

The blindside movie versus the book Robert ward Chowan University This paper was prepared for [critical thinking102, section c], taught by Professor Collins Blindside truths and lies In the movie the blindside there are many truths and differences from the book. One of the most disputed facts was when in the movie did Michael ever β†’

Coping with stress

Coping with stress Stress is a situation that arises in the life of people due to several different factors. The major cause of stress in my life is the psychological factor.

Plato’s republic book two: a study of the theme of injustice a depicted by gyges immortality

Egoists' say that a man is going to do whatever he needs to do to flourish, even if it means that the man will have to do something unjust. If it is true that a man is only looking out for himself and is selfish, than the man would do everything in his power to β†’

Nature of capitalism

This type of unfair rights and inequality is not a very good picture in the modern society. This kind of division is not supportive for moral values and ethics in the modern society and in turn leads to inflation, loss of jobs, insufficient workers compensation.