Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

Good a. handwritten preface to reverse the book article review example

To conclude the argument about what the girl is doing in the aforementioned reading, the author highlighted three important points that summarizes the context of the book as a damaged eye with votive filaments. The main issue perceived from the reading is that the author is pertaining to useless writing when stating the term cyborg.

Orgies of feeling essay example

The book " Orgies of Feeling: Melodrama and the Politics of Freedom" is a book written by Elisabeth R. The Orgies of Feeling is a book about melodrama in the U.S.politics and the way it influences the nation.

Free essay about free speech on college campuses

This would bring tolerance with the two races and at the end of the day, people would be able to respect each other and accept the reality that fighting over the race is a matter of the past. For instance, the freedom of speech can be abusive and offending when it comes to the minority.

I don’t want to be nice, i want to be me

Therefore, I reasoned, I was not lovable and nice. And if I wanted to please the adults around me, I would have to continue to be nice.

The irony in the philosophical ideologies of socrates

The question that Socrates poses about Achilles " Surely you do not suppose that he thought about death and danger?" is revealed to be ironic in light of the entire portrait of Achilles, particularly given his additional curse against death as portrayed in the Odyssey. Although the principles that Socrates upheld were in great opposition →

Honesty, the best policy

Honesty can be the foundation for a well operating relationship, not only that, it nourishes the lifetime of most people, and it also builds the trust that is needed for most relationships. It never involves cheating and lying to others in life.it's an ethical behavior supported honesty and free from all the evil motives.

Life as we know it

Full of hurdles and hardships along the way because life is not easy and the best way to overcome a problem is to face it and keep moving. Do not hesitate for a second that your life is the hardest to live with.

Sport psychology – internal attribution

In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the work in classroom settings of John Nicholls, Carol Dweck, Martin Maehr and Carole Ames provided the early foundation for the understanding of achievement goals in sport when two distinctive achievement goals were identified based on the definition of personal competence: task and ego goals or, in other →

William james and stanley hall contributions to functionalism

Prior belief of the folks was that we see a bear, we get frightened and then we run due to that sensation of fear however in line with William James physical response occur before the manifestation of emotions. It is important to maintain good environment for the development of healthy habits because teen agers seek →

Integrity – a way of life

The scams and scandals that form our newspapers' headlines and become the subject of conversation in households lead to the erosion of the faith the society has, and continues to need to have, in our democratic institutions. The cynicism that all are tainted with the same brush of immorality leads to a form of parasitic →

The blind side – secrets of good people

Therefore, this reproduces relations of power and dominance in society as the African Americans are being stereotyped in a negative way which disempowers them. This is seen through how the White Americans in which are the dominant group, are empowered throughout the film, being represented to be of a higher social class and how the →

Analysis of socrates’ definition of justice

The philosopher-king is the rational part of a man as he is able to make the decisions that are best for oneself, while the tyrannical part only seeks to satisfy its own desires, at the cost of anything, making him unjust. In order to understand and know what pleasure really is, one must focus more →

Philosophy of life term paper

I had a strong foundation of morals and values thanks to the church but thanks to the people in my home growing up, I was able to see the dark-side of the light. I have created a great social network here at City College and I believe that these people have become the shoulder I →

What is the good life philosophy essay

The below essay seeks to address the philosophical aspect of the good life and how individuals in the society can achieve the good life. He argues that the life of ethical virtue tends to stand in the way of the good life and that of happiness.

Philosophy of life

The river is constantly moving, and eventually disappears into the evaporation, the lake, or the ocean. The elements that made the river are the merged, and recycled.

Attaining the good life philosophy essay

There are plenty of people who have a desire to live the " good life" and really make the most of the fun available to them. Aristotle's idea of the " good life" is very similar to mine because my definition the " good life" is merely one with a balanced lifestyle, accomplished goals and →

The great guide of human life philosophy essay

In Enquiry, Hume asserts that every matter of fact has been tested through the senses and that " reasonings concerning matter of fact seem to be founded on the relation of Cause and Effect". Additionally, extrapolations made based on experience, which " are effects of custom", allow one " to reach the idea of cause →

Question for analysis 4

The results With the seriousness of the matter at problem at stake, the office of the president will ultimately promote critical and profound thinking among students. Not all the information available via the internet are credible, the user must be able to select the right kind of information.

Humanities modern era

Violence has survived through all the ages in the history, yet it has become omnipresent in the present age because of the people's ease of access to the tools that can be used for violence. Islam and violence in the modern era.

Informative essay on philosophy

When you study Philosophy, the negative thing about this Is that you do not get to know all the answers as you go through the process of learning because philosophy talks about life and life unfortunately has handed us a numerous unanswerable questions. It simply that something has the ability to be ahead of you, →


The basis of his friends' plan was the expectation of the people after Socrates had been unjustly sentenced to death. Therefore, Socrates would have disrespected the state because of the unjust sentence and made his own rational decision to escape.

First time in church

Every time the priest or the person finished the reading, people said " The word of the Lord." People kept repeating what the priest was saying until he started to read the Gospel. I was not actually sure that the songs were in English because I did not understand what the crowd was saying although →


The first things that I would like to do with an amount of one million dollar are spend it in such a way so that I can reap its benefits over a long period of time. 23 Feb.2014.

The republic plato: the cave essay

Prisoners are unable to see any of this, being only able to see the shadows direct upon the wall in front of them. He was unable due to do so because of the confusion that he believes that the shadows are more real.

Inidividualism in the early modern period

Individualism The American Heritage Dictionary defines individualism as " a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual." The Early Modern period represents a shift in emphasis from the group dynamic to the worth of the individual person. In The Prince, Machiavelli writes of the need for a ruler who is →

Before the strong programme philosophy essay

The second is more specific to the sociology of science, and that was Robert Merton, who wrote extensively on the sociology of scientists - However Merton's view on the sociology of science did not include the field of knowledge'. As such causality undoubtedly plays a significant role in Kuhn's view of science, and this is →


As a matter of fact, the genesis and evolution of Western philosophy starts with Plato before graduating to later thinkers who followed and built on the foundations he laid. However, the application of the dialogues is not restricted to philosophy.

Hermeneutics and philosophers

Today we prefer to call " exegesis" to that of the biblical text analysis intended to discover what the author meant to his contemporaries, and " hermeneutics" to which the same text tells us today in a different context and in a comprehensible modern man. Therefore, say that the reflection can only be understood as →

Venture smith and olaudah equiano

The fact that " The slave system was one of the principal engines of the new nations financial independence", is the principal reason for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The authors describe the horrors of being flogged and confined to the hold of the ship like cattle and the stench of the over-crowded, non-ventilated space.

Is cphl214 a philosophy course or what

This is a logical error, for philosophy is not the only thing that is of no practical use. The final paragraph, the assertion that philosophy professors are " worthy of imitation" is arbitrary and subjective.

Cyper ethics

Cyber Ethics Homework Section Response to question 2 In his book, On Liberty, Mill explains " tyranny of the majority" as a scenario whereby, decisions made are in accordance with the will of the people or those who succeeded in making themselves accepted as the majority. He explains that this is as a result of →

Science, philosophy and society

From my point of view, we are absolutely live in the matrix, and the life is not real that we live. So if we think carefully and logically, we can admit that the life we live in is not real.

Author & aposs bias

Introduction From the definition of bias as a framework from which the author writes or the direction in which the author is spinning the article. The author's bias is therefore that the evolution of hominids is not supposed to be argued based on forage strategy as the mere reason they evolved to the current →

How might a utilitarian assess the moral of the ford motor companys decision

The fundamental determinant of the appropriatenessof an action that is undertaken by any party, according to the principle of Utilitarianism, is based on the fact that an action is good, if it gives an individual happiness. Therefore, while assessing whether an action undertaken by an individual is right, the vital aspect is to see how →

Hum m3 kj

In addition to that, emotions are directly influenced by the values which a person adheres to since a particular emotion might show that a person was not able to comply with the value. The next test dealt with my ability to take perspective on a single issue and it shows that I am able to →

Pascal’s wager

It should be noted that it is not the intent of this paper to judge Pascal's wager in an attempt to evoke an overall belief or disbelief in god; rather, the purpose of this analysis is to weight Pascal's wager on the scales of rational and philosophical thought. If one believes Pascal's wager then they →

Conformity and obedience

This is because the aim of a nurse is to provide a secure as well as caring surrounding that advances the health as well as well being of the patient.philosophy in nursing refers to attitudes to life and reality that progress from the beliefs of a nurse. Despite the fact that the nurse understands the →

Socrates and his philosophy

This statement is his own; it was the epitome of his beliefs and he managed to impart it to billions of world population dating back to his time. Though the author of this paper agrees with Socrates that truth is something to be sought, nobody knows what the truth is.

Should we spend time in the sun?

Unfortunately, researches show that people who sunbathe show a higher risk of getting skin cancer, and the earlier they start, the higher the risk. That is why many protection attempts are taken, such as avoiding excessive exposure to the sun, and using sunscreen to increase our protection, the higher the Sun Protection Factor, the higher →

The aquinas cosmological argument to try to prove the existence

The cosmological argument is an argument for the existence of God based on observation of the world from which a conclusion about the cause is drawn. Therefore, there must have been a first cause which causes everything but itself is uncaused, this is because if something was caused by something else then it is not →

Quantitative vs qualitative research assignment

Whereas there are many variations on the different types of techniques, Domegan and Fleming view the most commonly used types as: {text: list-item} {text: list-item} Domegan and Fleming, define observational research as: _'...refers to methods of generating data which involve the researcher immersing himself in a research setting, and systematically observing dimensions of that setting, →

What is morality db unit 5

It is a concept in which logical reasoning and evaluation is given preference over the ethical concepts. David must acknowledge that no rules have been violated since the president is his boss's ex-sister-in-law, and hence, he does not need to inform the company about the discovery.No 3.

Comparing different philosophical theory

In an argument by Roberts, determinism shape the behavior and the activities in the society. The idea is of the assumption that a person may take part in an activity out of free will.

Philosophy of human person

The second argument is that of the theory of recollection. The Phaedo of Plato.

My expectations assignment

I am excited about what is to come and the goals I will achieve this term. I am relying on her to help me when I need it, to challenge me to use proper grammer and to correct my mistakes.

Metaphysics, old and new: immanuel kant

Moreover, if the outcome that an individual desired was not the end product, then an individual's decision to act in a certain manner should not affect that particular judgment. In essence, it is wrong for an individual to prioritize the conditions of others from the condition of oneself.

Personal professional ethics

Personal Professional Ethics ' Ethics in safety, compassion and competence for a nurse' Becoming an outstanding nurse is my future dream in career and I am currently pursuing my nursing study in preparation for this. Principal to my profession is the essence of relations, human dignity as well as the essence of collaboration with →

Egoism and relativism

Explain And Evaluate Relativism With Examples The theory of relativism states that actions as well as decisions that may be ethical for a particular society are not necessarily ethical for another society or group. Relativists are of the position that no actions and decisions are universally ethical or unethical and vary in compliance from one →

20th century philosophy paper essay sample

Sigmund Freud and the Psyche The philosophy of the psyche was first developed by Sigmund Freud. The third component of the psyche is the unconscious.

The philosophy on educational

The value of education helped to fulfill his determination to see the school he envisioned involve, serve and help poor people in employment and ethnic dissension and in finding ways to gain self-esteem, independence and integrity. In conclusion, Highlander's example has helped in the realization of full rights of citizens, social order based on democracy →

Aristotle’s moral values

Aristotle implies that every person should carefully analyze the circumstances of each situation and apply this advice, seek an even solution. Aristotle suggests that circumstances dictate and sometimes even stand as an excuse for our behavior, but passion should not influence the core values of courage or boldness, depending on the case.

Awareness of range of interpretations philosophy essay

After this I will provide an outline of Bernard Williams' criticisms of Kant's theory of freedom, then a discussion on Korasgaard's interpretation of both Kant's theory of freedom and his categorical imperative in light of the criticisms from Williams. Kant maintains that morality is something that stems from freedom and this freedom must be presupposed, →

You can choose the topic

Analytical Response to Part I It would not make an ethical decision to choose to be plugged into Robert Nozick's ' experience machine' for the experience it promotes is not real in the first place and in the absence of reality, one can never ascertain whether there exists ' good' or ' evil' in truth. →

Ethical lens

In my Ethical lens Inventory I found that my preferred lens is that of a reputation lens, meaning I listen to my intuition to determine what character traits and virtues will best serve the community equally. My primary concern is the well being of the whole community and I believe that assuring the communities well →

Valley of the immortals

Apart from searching for the home of the Mahatmas, the purpose of one of Roerich's expeditions across Tibet and Xinjiang to Altai in 1928 is not made entirely clear in his diary, but it appears to have been related to the return of a small section of a sacred Cosmic Stone to its rightful home →

Philosophy and critical thinking skills

According to " Merriam Webster", Epistemology is the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge, especially with reference to its limits and validity. In my essay I will give you a description about the approaches to philosophical questions for each of the major philosophical areas of inquiry, and explanation of howphilosophyandcultureinteract →

Even busy executives can make time for a cause

I had the desire to give back to raise awareness and support for the. I then progressed to support the research and expansion of the organization's brand experience via its, Facebook, and other digital channels.

Donald palmers introduction to western philosophy

On hearing the famous word politics, the things that spring to the minds of many individuals are images of politicians and different governments and the ideas that these two institutions try to impart on people. Politicians are given the mandate of changing the constitution and coming up with new laws that are meant for the →

Artifact 12.2

The modern American society reflects over the influx of different architectural styles brought about by the Romans, which in essence has had a significant influence on the American architecture. The entrepreneurial culture reflected on the modern American society is a function of the traditional Jewish culture.

Karl marx: human freedom

In that premise, freedom in education is restricted or limited within the space provided only by these institutionalized beliefs and ways of thinking. These limitations are imposing the necessity of discipline in a certain lifestyle that men prefer to live.

Discussion 10

Discussion 10 Descartes has not convinced me that I am made of two substances, a mental substance or mind which is un-extended in space and capable of pure understanding and a body which is extended in space, divisible and capable of sensation. Willing is a non-extended mode of the mind a lone while the movement →

Aristotles model of communication

Thus, many communication theorists share some aspects of the model of Aristotle. Therefore, many recent communication theorists rely on the model of Aristotle in explaining about their development of communication models.

John hick and david hume

They both believe that if God is good and powerful, then there would be no evil, that God would have created the world and the people in it as, " perfectly moral persons who could only do good and could not do any evil". Differences between Hick and Hume is that Hick believes that there →

Comparison of eastern and western philosophers

To Socrates this meant he was aware of his own ignorance not that he was the wisest man in the world. What Socrates and Lao Tzu had in common Both Socrates and Lao Tzu thought that even the wisest of humans is still ignorant.


The notion that life is sacred out rules the second option of the decision. This is in reference to the importance and irrepressibility of the items involved in the decision.

Kant philosophy of self

It all comes down to the idea that you have perception, and you can think of your perception as a passive thing that is affected by something outside of it, and it cannot provide any material for inner sense since the self in itself is a pure formal unity without matter and the manner in →

Philosophy and politics

Despite the fact that both exist to fulfill the needs of man for order, it is evident that a man in one point of his life or another might choose whether to live under the influence of Politics or Philosophy. Politics in this part conducts a lawful proceeding that is made out of informal charges →

The importance of authenticity in a man’s life

By this, he should be living his life according to his true self. For one to acknowledge his freedom of choice and the responsibility that he hold as a being is, according to Sartre, to have an authentic way of living.

How to maintain motivated workforce in rmn philosophy essay

The drive to comprehend is best addressed by designing jobs that are meaningful, interesting, and challenging. This can make the employees have a sense of belonging to theis work and understand what they are doing and why they are there doing it.

Historical foundations in the field of psychology assignment

Historical Foundations Of the Field of Learning & Shaping Important Contemporary Issues It is a natural course of action for the field of learning to fall under the umbrella of the field of psychology. A branch of philosophy and science, the field of learning, just as the field of psychology, was created through the movements →

Reflection questions

For this reason, I believe time is a complex variable, of which it might be impossible to understand it as a whole. Nonetheless, most people have a myth, be it from religion or science, which they believe in and use to perceive the after-death experiences.


Anthropocentrism is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmentalphilosophy, where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human interaction with theenvironment; however, it is profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. Anthropocentrism is believed by some to be the central problematic concept →

Anselm of canterbury

Anselm's Ontological Argument in the " Proslogion," attempting to prove the existence of God, hinges on his definition of God as " something than which nothing greater can be thought of". This definition of God as the ' greatest' mandates a conception of God as Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent: the Perfect God.

A dystopia – everything changed essay

The creation of this dystopia was the result of the government fearing the power given to the citizens through the knowledge in books so they took them away. The ban of books formed the dystopia, the people's fear of being burned for reading made the social principles, and the people who did not fear to →

No exit essay – sartre essay sample

In No Exit the alienation of the characters from their environments is essential for the expression of existentialist ideas. Even though, the characters literally dwell in Hell, the environment is not the reason for this Hell to be a dreadful place.

Karl marx and marxist class struggle

Sammy's high admiration and observance from behind the cashier towards these girls in the story portrays a Marxist class struggle. He views the girls, especially Queenie, as superior and high-class, and compares himself and the place he works in as " crummy".

Ash experiment assignment

For this study Sacs showed groups of people two cards, one of them had a line, called standard line, and the other card had 3 more lines then the participants had to select which line of the second card was the same height of the line in the first card. We humans tent to behave →

Essay summary of exemplification essay

The image of a Kung Fu artist is assumed to be true for all Asian Americans resulting in a stereotype that all Asians know Kung Fu. For instance, the Asian American hiring in Hollywood has led to stereotypes that all Asians know Kung Fu.

Phil 102

The Categorical Imperative describes something that one is basically anticipated to accomplish regardless of the feeling they perceive of it and without regard to the different things that other personalities surrounding them suggest. Regardless of the fact that one may do good under instruction, Kant argues this to be a moral accident and not necessarily →

Kent theory essay sample

1 Description of the first tutorials submission In the first tutorial, I submitted a text about " what is responsible commerce and is it important?" In that submission, I defined that responsible commerce as a business which was responsible for some groups of people and organizations. Description of my learning journey During the study in →

The effects of substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration on enzyme reactions

The purpose of the experiments is to determine the effects of substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration on the direction of an enzyme reaction. The interaction of phosphate with the glucosidic bond results in the formation of glucose-1-phosphate and the loss of a chain unit in starch.

Nietzsche’s concept of overman essay sample

When Zarathustra decided to leave the mountain to preach his new-found gospel or idea to the mob of people below, he met a number of different types of people like the priests, the pitiful, the magician, the virtuous, the tarantulas, the last man, to name a few. He also claims that man is tied between →

Sri aurobindo essay

He was born in a well established and high standard Bengali family where he was provided all the standard facilities from the early childhood. He was born in a well established and modern Bengali family where his father always given priority to the British culture.

Just war/military ethics

Just War Just War Just war in the criteria by which nations lawfully and ethically qualify war to be a correct of action for particular reasons. The theory of just war dates back to the works of early Greek and Roman philosophers, Aristotle and Cicero who brought about the discussion on justifiable reasons to take →

Family counseling approach assignment

In terms of family therapy, Ellis would argue that the disarray that takes place in couple's marriage is not due to the act of arguing, but the beliefs each partner holds about the argument or other destructive behaviors. Families Cognitive-behavioral family therapy is seen to be similar to the progression of CBT in the use →

Summary of plato’s allegory of the cave

The main agent of the story The Myth of the Cave is Plato. The prisoners being trapped and forced to watch the shadows is representative of the controlling government of Plato's time.

Marx philosophy and the end of history

It was in the light of economics that he viewed the problems in society and sought to provide a remedy to it. The end of history as envisaged by Marx is not easy to implement in practice.


Reflection on Plato Chapter 4 of the book " Living Philosophy: A Historical Introduction to philosophical ideas" describes the lifeand the times of Plato in a chronological manner with core inferences to the knowledge and beliefs of Plato grounding its claims on knowledge and reality, Plato's ideas on immortality, mortality and the soul. In an →

Sophocles antigone

While this is technically breaking the law since it was not permitted, I decided to partake of the measures because I believe in the cause and necessity that the grievances should be aired and be made known. I consider that I may not always be right but there are moments when I have to be →

Patient confidentiality

Information-wise, patients lack the capabilities to properly assess the appropriateness of the medication being marketed to them by the manufacturers through the marketing company.2. If patients give their health information voluntarily, it means that they are allowing the information to be used freely by whoever sent the questionnaire.

Personality differences assignment

UTILIZING THE TEAM CHARTER WITH PERSONALITY DIFFERENCES Utilizing the Team Charter with Personality Differences Marquita Johnson University of Phoenix Utilizing the Team Charter with Personality Differences The personality portion of the Jungian 16 assessment revealed that I shared the same personality score with another team member which is ISTP. Colette personality trait is ENFP, and →


HERE YOUR HERE HERE HERE The Paradox of Omnipotence Mackie believed that ascribing evil directly to human free willwould not avoid the Paradox of Omnipotence, meaning that the paradox is still valid when viewing God and his absolute supremacy. At the same time, the paradox is a rational approach to viewing God's supremacy, suggesting that →


Task: Plato The Allegory of Den written by Plato highlights how human beings used to stay in the underground den since their childhood with chained legs and necks to restrict them from moving and turning their heads. Therefore, the home chores are similar to being chained up in the cave because they restrict an individual.

Kierkegaard and man’s search for meaning

For this reason, he described the stages of life as the movement at the self from one level of existence to another through an act. The largest task for any person is to find meaning of life.

Law 421 case scenario: big time toymaker.

Prior to the 90-days elapsing, the parties reached an oral agreement and BTT sent Chou an e-mail titled " Strat Deal" covering the key terms of the distribution agreement reaffirming the oral agreement. First, this was part of the negotiation process and Chou failed to draft the contract to " memorialize" the deal.