Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

Political philosophy in “of cannibalism” by michel de montage

Rousseau defies his beliefs by claiming the opposite, when a man is in a state of nature he is with peace andhappinessand society is what corrupts that. Hobbes believes that human nature is entirely greedy and ill without the stabilization provided by a greater power such as he establishment of a state to protect all β†’

Philosophy 5

Noe postulates that the brain functionality is not based on the gray meat slab that is located under the cranium but rather the body itself interacting with the world that it inhabits. Which view has he shown to be inadequate From the points that Alpha Noe brings out throughout his work, the inadequacy that he β†’

Is it time now for a new social contract?

It seems that the policies and practices in the employment of relationships in America are no longer responsive to the needs of today's working families and society. The reason here is because it shifts the focus from the true values that count in thefamilyto the material wealth and greed that entices people to come work β†’

Boethius and good substance

Substances that are good for the virtue of being good are not always good. In my opinion, a substance is always good for the virtue of its being.


Duty of the government and that of a ruler are set in accordance to the ethics of Lao-Tzu. Plato's view of goodness in a ruler is similar to the views of Lao-Tzu.

John locke provisos essay

His logical thinking that the land becomes the person's private belongings is that a individual has the right to the fruits of his labour.and he besides has the right to the resource that bore his fruits.in this instance the belongings. By this he means that by tuging over the land.the land is taken off from β†’

Health- road trauma evaluation, mark a assignment

Also in the presenters' reflection, they noted a microphone could have been used as the sound efficiency at the back of the room was limited, and in act of this it was hard to re-acquire the audience's attention. Also research indicates that this method of delivery does not lead to lasting behaviour change for this β†’

How to structure a dissertation: chapters & sub chapters

You are not expected tointerviewor survey anybody, but you must be able to understand the organisation, literature review and methodology, up until the point that you can write a convincing thesis to answer your proposed research question. We have provided a simple guide called, how to write a dissertation the literature review, that might be β†’

The art or propaganda debate between du bois and alain

He called on the Negro Art to help in the effort to emancipate the Negro to be equal and therefore, for art to have value, it has to be used for Propaganda. Du Bois on the other hand is a " pragmatist" in the treatment of art seeing it as a tool to advance the β†’

Baconian, and baroque systems of vision

And this " ocular centrism" is approached in different levels of philosophical thinking, hence the birth of Cartesian, Baconian, and Baroque systems of vision; albeit the focus of Jay's discourse is the comparison and contrast of the first and last school of thought. If the aforementioned ideology is specific about seeing the world in consonance β†’

Argument about animal rights and welfare

We have the ethical obligation to take care of the rights of animal and need to work as much as we can, for their welfare. We must be ready to be the saviors of animals, inform and educate people about the rights and the welfare of animals.

The secret under the veil

The same thinking was used as the underlying theme in this story, which is a narrative of the choices made by Parson Hooper, the local minister who refused to remove the veil from his person thus causing him to be avoided by townsfolk and associated with the idea of evil and secrecy, or both. Facades β†’

Death and dying – assignment

In one scene she is up in the middle of the night and vomits and does not understand how she could if she has not eaten anything in days. However she has not come to grip with her illness and believes that this treatment will cure her and that when it is over she will β†’

Experimental psychologist

Bureau of Labor Statistics classifies experimental psychologist under the psychologists and their annual salary for most psychologists are in the sphere of $68, 640 as by 2010. The amount of salary given to Experimental psychologists however vary depending on their education level, the sector in which they are employed and also the geographic location.

Legalizing medical marijuana will have more benefits to society than disadvantages

It is important to note that most conflicts around the world are as a result of intolerance to other cultures, societies and people. This is exacerbated by the fact that drugs and treatments required to alleviate the effects of those illnesses are expensive and unavailable to the poor or the illiterate.

Critical thinking

She however condemns the act of shaming people basing on things that are unavoidable such as maturity Premises Shame is good People feel ashamed for all sorts of reasons Everybody is ashamed of one thing or the other It is okay to make people feel ashamed sometimes Due to bound to happen things people ought β†’

The abolition of man

Question 1: Lewis' argument Based on the argument by Lewis derived from the book ' The abolition of man," it is clear that the main argument Lewis was putting forth is the assumption of judgment. This is simply because morality is human and humanity is nature and that nature is a thing to rule β†’

Psychology behind supreme court case

The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the State of New Jersey, by a resounding margin of 6-3, declaring that the search conducted by the school authorities was valid and thereby the exclusionary principle did not apply to the evidence presented against T.L.O. Thereby the search conducted by the school in the case of β†’

Behavior therapy and the changes in psychology assignment

This paper will discuss some of the specific contributions of behavior therapy as well as some of the problem areas where this approach is particularly effective and the changes it will make in the field of psychology. Behavior Therapy and the Changes in the Field of Psychology I believe that the most significant change in β†’

Happiness and meaning

Philosophy 17th May, Happiness and Meaning of Life As Kolak and Martin argue in their article " Meaning", the question of the meaning of life is a question that is inevitable in life; every person at one point or another in his/her life has to grapple with this question in an attempt to get the β†’

Barclays dark pool

The first lesson is that it is important to investigate a company thoroughly before investing. Another lesson that can be learned is the importance of transparency and accountability in a company.

Philosophy plato& personal opinion

The start of the essay will be devoted to deciphering the ethics and ideals of Socrates' philosophy and describing the three key components being Socratic method, irony and ethos as well as how they are engrained with Socrates' belief that, " the unexamined life is not worth living. Questioning is the key to understanding and β†’

Why courage matters: the way to a braver life (study questions)

4) McCain's decision to stay behind with his fellow soldiers brought him physical harm and included the risk of death, so in terms of physical courage, he is a brave man who physically suffered from his valiant act. He preserved the virtues of camaraderie and constancy through his moral courage.

On humanism and determinism

This is because if everything is caused, then so are the actions that we claim to be free. In this statement, it is given that we are given the freedom to do what we wanted to do.

Ethical objectivism and kantian ethics ar arguments to ethical relativism

A great number of ethical theories exist in contradistinction to the ethical relativist model, with the Kantian approach to ethics the most convincing. The articulation of ethical responsibility as rooted in innate moral laws characteristic of all humanity is antithetical to moral relativism.

Paragraph writing assignment

Then I will start my Pre-writing, by organizing my thoughts in an outline form, to help identify my topic sentence, important facts, ideas and a conclusion for my essay. From there, I will step in my writing process is editing.

Plato’s ideal city

The guardians of the city are placed in the gold category, the auxiliaries in the silver, and the farmers and craftsmen are in the bronze/iron category. The farmers and craftsmen are considered to be in the bronze/iron category, they are the producers of the city.

Deconstruction in j.m. coetzee’s disgrace

Coetzee's Disgrace is a multi-layered narrative of deconstruction- from the language, the characters and their values, the setting and the context. Coetzee subverts this expectation by depicting a post-apartheid life and existence that is still, in the metaphorical sense, imprisoned and clinging to the misery and antiquity of the colonial past.

Rousseau’s theory of education

Rousseau constructs a theory ofeducation, starting with the influence of the child's naturalenvironment, which should prevail over the influence of society and social institutions. The enlightenment may have been a big influence to Rousseau, but the peasants and urban workers of the 18th century were not particularly interested.

Making a fair decision when bias is held on a subject

MAKING A FAIR DECISION WHEN BIAS IS HELD ON A of The aspect of bias presents itself in a way during decision making processes in which case a person is inclined or holds an outlook from a partial perspective. Application of reporting bias is also an aspect that can be used to remain rational in β†’

How can teachers/trainers establish ground rules assignment

Facilitating learning and setting ground rules One of the main tasks of the teacher is to establish an appropriate microculture within the group, this includes the physical environment, the psychological climate and the interactions between the teacher and the groups and between the individual group members. In specific learning situations, such as when dealing with β†’

Immortality – the existence of souls

To Plato and Melinda, death is the separation of the body from the soul, not just the end of 'life' in the body. The soul is pure and unchangeable; it is close to the divine Plato speaks of.

The knowledge argument

However, the Knowledge Argument goes beyond the idea of physicalism as it has been perceived that there is more knowledge in the world than just having an idea of the physical objects around us. And thus, with the help of this particular example, the philosopher has argued that physicalism is indeed false because there are β†’

Week 7 dq

The results could determine the destiny of the relationship and I do not know whether I would continue if found to be HIV positive. In as much as the solution goes against moral standards, my family would be saved from financial stress and I would get to go to the school of my desire, Ivy β†’

Pasadena city college

The Moral Life of Babies The thesis ment of this article is, " Although the growing body of evidence suggests that humans do have a rudimentary moral sense from the very start of life, babies and young children do not lack a sense of right and wrong. In light of this, he defined a baby's β†’

Landfill, civilization, disposability, material culture,

1 Production of disposable materials is a key concept in waste management. Common waste management practices include decreasing overall waste production, production of disposable materials, use of landfill and recycling.

Comparing both immanuel kant and john stuart mill’s philosophical positions

In his ethical theory that takes on a deontological approach, Kant placed an emphasis on the " Good Will" of actions as opposed to the consequences. However, one major assumption of Kant's theory is ignorance of the consequences of actions based on good will.

Philosophy vs. ideology

While there is the above broad ranging distinction between philosophy and ideology, there is also an understanding that ideology oftentimes carries a sinister element, while philosophy is virtuous. The essay has further demonstrated that oftentimes ideology carries with it sinister intentions, while philosophy attempts to be objective and virtuous in its pursuit of truth.

Just in time concept

Incomeamount of resources available for consumption at the end of a period and yet be as well off as it was at the beginning of the period. Installment Method: opposite of production method: no reasonable basis to estimate collectability, so revenue on sale recognized as cash is collected Continuously: such as rent and interest The β†’

Idealism versus naturalism

Idealism versus Naturalism By focusing on the statue of god Hermes with the Infant Dionysus, Ernst Gombrich shows the shift from idealism to naturalism by Praxiteles and other Greek artists. Moreover, their desire to portray the true, the good, and the beauty of a real a man - ideal humanistic outlook resulted in a quite β†’

Listening behavior assignment

My buddy called me the other day while I was playing video games, he is one of my few lifelong friends and he was Just calling to see how I was doing. I noticed that while communicating with my friends we tend to constantly vocalize our opinions and ideas when listening to each other.

Sex offenders: when both parties are victims

The Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences has published a paper entitled " The Christian Response to the Phenomenon of Violence in South Asia" that encouraged the use of nonviolent actions to address diverse types of violence in societies. 2: The Methods of Nonviolent Action.

When is it time for you to use the proposal writing service?

Any proposal writing service will gladly help you with your proposal; of course, not many of such services do this for free. If you are disappointed with your paper, it is not always the fault of the proposal writing service.

Scholasticism essay

Scholasticism is derived from the word " scholasticus" which denotes " that belongs to the school." This term refers to the " school of philosophy" that were instructed by the " academics or schoolmen of the medieval universities between the periods of 1100 to 1500." The " medieval Christian theology and the ancient classical philosophy" β†’

Why is panhu such a political entity

In profound reference to the exemplary deeds of the Yao/Moyao ancestral lines that trace back to the time of Panhu, eventually, generous provisions extended to the descendants who were known to possess strong relations with the culture of the dragon-dog. Through the continuous honour and respect for Panhu, people of the mountains further took advantage β†’

Key themes

Meta-ethical relativism on the other hand, provides that the falsity or the truth of moral judgments or their justifications are not universal but relative to the convictions, practices and traditions of a group. 2 Arguments for moral relativism include the diversity argument which provides that there is a great diversity in the notions of what β†’

Assignment 2

The Qualia Problem by Frank Jackson At the centre of Frank Jackson's articulation of the Qualia Problem is the claim that " one can have all the physical information without having all the information there is to have". In the case of sensory experience, for example, while all sorts of comprehensive data could be recorded β†’

Challanges we face

In an essay of 400 to 800 words, list all sources, respond to the following question: Analyze the changes in the concept of hero and saint in the emergence of Romanticism, the agony and ecstasy of Michelangelo, Enlightenment patterns of cultural mutation, and Kierkegaards portrayal of Abraham. Moriah Revisited: Saintly Transgression The agony and ecstasy β†’

Daphne scholinski the last time i wore a dress

Daphne wanted to be tough; when she hung out on the streets with her gang she needed everyone around her to see her toughness. They wanted her to tell the truth but she was and this caused a major conflict for Daphne.

Ethic issue

In any case, Aristotle says that this is just the case in compelling circumstances and that the singular ought to be, however, of and dealt with first and in the event that we are to deal with the few, the numerous ought to be dealt with. Aristotle imagines that a fortune is not joy, in β†’


It is thus a figure of inevitably, sense that the moral worth of an action is resolute by its outcome the ends validate the resources. But get into contemplation the life With all of this in brain one can end that a) It is ethically wrong to kill human beings.

Nature of human thinking by thales

Insights into the nature of Human Thinking According to Matson, Thales was a great scientist and he believes human beings wish to be the top most in the world. He is not bothered about how the world is arranged in accordance to the order of thoughts of gods.

Albert bandera

After watching the video the children were presented to a bobo doll just like the one in the video. Last is motivation, for a person to act the behavior learned after observing he or she has to be motivated.


Cheerleading involves skills that require the strength of football, the grace of dance, and the agility of gymnastics. For example, if there is one spot left on the team, and the coach must pick between a girl with tumbling and a girl without tumbling, the coach is going to pick the girl who has tumbling.

Yala swamp conflict

The aim of the project was to prevent degradation of the wetland and improve the lives of local people. I realized that the local community feels deprived of the right to use the land for the farm by the development project hence contesting for the natural resources.

Karl marx manifesto and its impact on europe

The colonialization of the Americas and the controlling of the Chinese and Indian Markets allowed for the Bourgeoisie to continue to rise using the raw materials and resources of the new lands. The price of a commodity and labor is equal to the cost of the production.

The comparison of the matrix with the readings from plato and descartes

However, in his betrayal of Morpheus, Cypher implies that it is better to live in the artificial world of the Matrix. Which is better: the harshness of reality or the " ignorance is bliss" of illusion?

Compare and contrast karl marx’s and walt rostow’s theories

The function of a theory is to allow us to understand and predict the behaviour of some aspect of the world. According to Marx, the growing independence of the individual within the community meant that it was not possible for the traditional stage to survive.

Thus spoke zarathustra

Because of this " death of God", Zarathustra views the nationalistic state as ' the new idol.' He teaches that the nationalistic state is the " new idol" and " the coldest of all monsters" because it was informed by the death of God. In the book therefore, the nationalistic state becomes " the new β†’

The influence of constructivism

Determining the Influences of Soviet Propaganda on Contemporary Advertising and Promotion The purpose of this study is to look at the representation of political ideology on Soviet posters and the ways in which this style continues to influence today's advertising and popularculture. I am going to investigate the idea that soviet Marxist ideology continues to β†’

Barry lopez on entering a new place assignment

He also shows the stages you face until you realize to Just grab the bull by the horns and go with it. You will try to run away from everything, and when you try to Jump back into it, it's something totally opposite from when you initially left.

Methodology – research study essay sample

Methodology is the part of a research proposal in which the methods to be used are described. Data gathering and procedure A qualitative research design, guided by the philosophy of phenomenology, was selected to guide the study.

Socrates and euthyphro

Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro Socrates and Euthyphro disagree on the meaning and the definition of holiness and religiousness, as presented in the Euthyphro dialogue. Having noticed the logical inconsistency, Socrates challenged Euthyphro to substantiate if something is holy because the gods approve it, or the holiness of something makes the gods approve it.

Science versus pseudo- science

A suitable example of the former is astronomy: it operates with a data which can obtained by different probes and can be collected by people without any special equipment which can may everyone a researcher; people in different countries were able to come to same conclusions regarding astronomical phenomena; finally, it brings useful consequences for β†’

Teacher metaphor assignment

I am a fisherfolk and my students are the fish. My teaching methods were mainly aligned to the power oriented metaphor where I am in charge of the learning environment.

Philosophy paper

The recognition by the law of the patient's right is so strong and resolute, such that the disregard of the patient's wishes through the administration of medical treatment despite his refusal would amount to battery. However, despite the legal principles allowing, in certain circumstances, the decision to curtail a life or to halt the provision β†’

St. augustine’s β€˜the city of god’

Augustine wrote the treatise as a general defense of Christianity, that is, to admonish the assumption that Christianity was the cause of Rome's downfall. In addition, Augustine stated that the state is a necessary object of man's existence.

Immanuel kant

It is evident that we are all being evaluated before a decision is taken, and my friend Tom and I are the most likely candidates for the promotion. However, I justify my action on the basis that I am not responsible for the road trip: in fact the idea is Tom's.

The mind-body problem

We could also interpret this as a statement about the fundamental nature of existence, one that precludes the possibility of the mind and body being reduced to the same material. The differing characteristics of the brain as a material and the mind as an experience are undeniable, and the disconnection is ideal if one wishes β†’

Cameras in current time period

The Instax Square SQ10 is a hybrid camera that combines the mechanics of a polaroid camera and the technology of digital cameras today. Retrieved from Life Wire website: https://www.lifewire.com/cameras-of-the-future-493442 Wikipedia.

Give an example of such an ideology and explain why it is an ideology in the above sense. how does it distort our understanding of reality who benefits from this distortion

Firstly, the socialization of the person into intellectual beliefs and secondly, the person's structure of social and moral implication. Literary ideology is a supplementary basic evolution in the configuration of moral judgment and refers to beliefs norms, and principles that subsist separately on a single individual and that are common in a cluster as an β†’

Critical analysis on the philosophy of education

Does such an exercise actually reflect on the true actions and intentions of the instructor in regards to his methodology, success and creativity in the classroom setting? The only losers in such a situation are the students themselves and may be detrimental to the entire educational process.

The utopian worldview of afrocentricity: critical comments on a reactionary philosophy

While Ferguson only includes the first stanza of that poem, the entirety of the poem somewhat relates to the view of Afrocentrism in how Cullen articulates the beauty of Africa, but by the end of the poem the mood has changed to Cullen's current life and how it has changed. Like the poem the main β†’

Television and video and computer games are detrimental to the psychological well-being of children assignment

Objective: To assess the effects of reducing television, videotape, and video game use on aggressive behavior and perceptions of a mean and scary world. 14 EFFECTS OF THE INTERVENTION ON AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR AND PERCEPTIONS OF A MEAN AND SCARY WORLD Results are presented in the Table.

Designing and conducting mixed methods

The researcher used mixed methods design in order to broaden the research questions and get more insights into caregiving services to rural parents. I would have chosen the mixed methods approach in order to provide strong proof for a deduction through corroboration of findings.

The differences in perception

That is, the special training did not have any significant effect on the athletes. Hence Type II error would occur if it was concluded that the special training did not have any significant effect on the athletes, when in fact they did.

Moral and social philosophy

One of the major contributors to this school of thought is Immanuel Kant who said that " deontology" holds that an act is considered to be right if it goes with the moral rule or principle. Since it is required by the law then the parents will have to allow their children to be immunized; β†’

Aol and time warner merging

Reaction of the company to solve their stock decline Parsons who is one of the leader in AOL Time Warner planned to sells the rights of the AOL. Time Warner is the principal company of AOL, however the Time Warner was not able to support AOL.

Love and desire ass 1

Analyzing the Seven Views on the Philosophy Of Love and Sex and Understanding Personal Preferences Section A: Explanation of The View I Endorse Thomas Nagel's article " Sexual Perversion" was a path defining work because it acknowledged the topic of " Philosophy of Sex and Love" from a view that was different in comparison to β†’

From my lai to abu ghraib: the moral pschology of atrocity by john m. doris and dominic murphy

The authors have proposed two premises for their conclusion that individuals in combat create situations where they are not morally responsible for their behavior. They assert that when people are cognitively degraded they are not morally responsible for their acts and in combat situation, individuals are cognitively degraded.

Business ethics

She should have gone for a robust action against the company had she at least been sure that the practice of dumping the hospital waste in the landfill is potentially dangerous for the community. Had Deborah been in a position to make the decisions, she would have never allowed the dumping of waste in the β†’

Sophie`s world by jostein gaarder

Then at the end of Sophie's World, the book that Hilde is reading, while at a party for Sophie on June 15, Alberto and Sophie disappear. Sophie wants to try to interfere in the world of Hilde and her father, and at the end of the book she is learning how to do so.

True value of philosophy

A heart and a brain and a pair of lungs that are functioning but together may longer be considered " human?" Could I really be selfish enough to allow this to happen just so I could keep having that person by my side? Indeed, more than anything, this course has allowed me to step down β†’

Nietzsches genealogy of morality

Name Tutor Course Date Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the highly influential thinkers of the past century especially in the field of understanding morality. In the book ' On the Genealogy of Morality', he writes about work and ethics, questioning and offering critiques on the value of our moral judgments β†’

Response for vygotsky

In children, the zone of proximal development is the potential of actual development. The zone of proximal development is the abilities the child can be taught.

Christian metaphysics

It is the active engagement of reasoning systematically, in support of an idea, action, or theory, through the use of logic, a series of statements of which the last is said to be the conclusion, and the others the premises or evidence for the conclusion.d. FAITH Faith is a belief or creed that is used β†’

Ethical theories

The end as the teleological theory explains is the important aspect and it has to promote the good of everyone. Ethical dilemmas in most cases might lead to actions that would be considered unethical but overall leading to fulfilling the rule of utilitarianism, and the deontological and teleological ethical theories.

Deming β€˜s philosophy assignment

He is the author " Out of the Crisis" in 1986 and " The New Economics" in 1994. This topic helps the reader accomplish broad understanding of management, and the areas of knowledge and skills required to carry out the major functions of management.2.

Mini essy short answers

Philosophy Explain the differences between knowledge and opinion through the eyes of Protagoras and Socrates. This is the accusation provided by Plato in Apology and it also contains the wisdom of Socrates.

The ableist conflation by joel reynolds

The reason for this lies in the cultural beliefs about disability that have determined the status and perceptions of disabled people in our society today. Disabled people were not considered fully human, had no role in society, and no basis for a positive social identity The theories of psychosocial identity development in onset disability, particularly β†’

Course schedule of philosophy

Emphasis is placed on the identification and management of the perception process, use of assumptions, emotional influences, and language in various forms of businesscommunication. Analysis of the Use of Language in Thinking and Argument Explain the role of language in the critical thinking process.

Computer literacy study questions assignment

Answer: He was not a fool for not suspecting danger and going to the castle. It was Lady Macbeth the driven him to that point.


Hence, his vision of the Christian metaphysics runs into different terms to make a reader understand the reality of causative-consecutive line of events presupposed with a rich history of the Christianity against the rest of the world's religions. In addition, Owens provides his vision of metaphysics in Christianity through foci-Aristotelianism and Thomism in further rendering β†’

The five proofs of god: thomas aquinas, summa theologiae

The third attest of God's existence is the Aquinas argument about the necessary being. In this aspect, Aquinas therefore proved the survival of a great being that is the basis of all greatness.

Nostradamus and his quatrains

As for the explorers of Nostradamus' predictions, they had considered the quatrains of Nostradamus' as predictions of the future; however, from the term itself, a prediction should fist be relayed and interpreted prior to the occurrence of the events. From his supporting statement, the predictions of Nostradamus and the vagueness of his quatrains had somehow β†’

Dr. king and bertrand russell

To change the way a person thinks about an issue, or to find a solution to the problem is what many of the ideas revolve around. The ideas in conjunction with obstacles from people challenging the change, and a lot of the solutions were in a constant state of improvement.