Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

(2) attract the application of section 14 of

Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 2 of Order XXIII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, the provision of sub-section will apply in relation to a fresh suit instituted on permission granted by the Court under Rule 1 of the Order, where such permission is granted on the ground that the first suit must fail β†’

The the employee behaviour which is related with

The author will elaborate and discuss the themes and the key elements in more detail, in the literature review and will utilise the conceptual frame, which will assist the researcher in the gathering of data. Secondly, training and development, which is also vital for the business as the main aim and objectives of the company β†’

Introduction main crontab file is /etc/crontab. you

Its values are between 0 to 23.dom This is a day of the month you want the command to run on. Its values are 1 to 31month This is the month in which you want the command to run on.

Personal statement example

This encouraged me to work and excel in my bachelor program, as I wanted to pursue a master course related to administration. I believe I am suited for a career with the Public Management Institute, since my master degree certificate will be a proof required for in public institutions.

International migration

United States of America provides Medicaid facilities to the legal and illegal immigrants but this results in a very big loss for the economy of the country because the people take undue advantage of the same by overstaying in the hospitals even after recovery. If these two steps are initiated than the overall health care β†’

Applying your understanding of fallacies

Before discussion of the issues would be presented, it is proper to establish that the purpose of the said advertisement was to promote a skin pill known as " Imedeen" to females in Singapore. From the age of the model, the niches of the product are young women in their early twenties.

The death of a moth

Although the moth is just an insect, Woolf is able to create a sense of tragedy when the moth looses its life at the end of the essay. The style of writing that Woolf uses makes the story of the moth intimate and emotional for the reader.

Managing change and creativity in organisations

There have also been discussions regarding the complexity of creativity as to why creativity is complex, the fear of making a mistake, the inability to tolerate ambiguity, the inability to incubate, lack of challenge, excessive zeal, and lack of access to areas of imagination. The concepts of creativity and innovation are often used interchangeably.

Economic and political systems of the zulu culture

The men and herd boys are primarily responsible for the cows, which are grazed in the open country, while the women do most, if not all, of the planting and harvesting. The violence continued through the 1980s, and escalated in the 1990s in the build up to the first national elections in 1994.

Ma linguistics and elt topic student english language

The intent of this essay is to research Fodor's thought of modularity and to analyse and associate the deductions of modular theory of knowledge into the development of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. These procedures in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition can be loosely related to that of Fodor's modular system on the footing of Fodor's description β†’

Marketing strategies of bpl color television

This is to certify that the project report entitled " Marketing Strategies of BPL Color Television" submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration of Sikkim-Manipal University of Health, Medical and technological sciences Mr. The period were followed with increased market share of these industries which were by β†’

Chapter 11 flashcards

True or False? True or False?

Essay notes for horace’s odes

In light of this the Greek jars element of the metaphor represents Greek poetry forms the ' containers' of Horace's poetry are the lyric forms developed by Greek writers such as Sappho and Alcaeus, which he adapts, improves and pays homage to in his work? Quinn, text and intro In the Odes it is the β†’

The marshall plan argumentative essay

This plan, which later became known as the Marshall Plan, was the primary program for rebuilding and creating a stronger economic foundation for the countries of Western Europe during the post-war era, 1948-1952. The Marshall Plan provided an additional $13 billion in aid to European nations.

At the hands of persons unknown: the lynching of black america by philip dray

Before reading the first word of this book and analyzing the book cover you can suggest that this book is not going to be on a warm and fuzzy subject. The author perlustrate the white Americans justifications they used on their terrible actions of lynching and the real intentions on the abominable acts.

Different educational traditions in gulliver’s travels

As a whole, the educational practices that Gulliver encounters in the various lands are different from the educational practices in England at the time of the book's writing in 1726. Swift is addressing the elevated level of amusement and fun that is allowed in the English educational system compared to the Lilliputian system; professors surveil β†’

Amy tan’s life experiences in “two kinds”

Since Tan is a Chinese-American her readers can have a sense of what it is like since she intertwines her culture into her stories to help her readers visualize what it is like to be a Chinese-American. Tan's plot of her story is intriguing because of how she uses similes, metaphors, and irony to illustrate β†’

Neo-liberalism in latin america: brazilian and cuban models research paper

In the case of Brazil, the liberalization policies aimed at eliminating the monopolies established under the Import Substitution Industrialization. It entailed the reduction of economic roles of the Brazilian state, characterized by the transfer of several trade functions traditionally under the control of the state to the markets.

The theme of liberation from racism in two plays by august wilson essay

Further, the feasibility and relevance of the short stories in the life of Wilson will be well outlined. The discussion will outline the clearer way in which the author could have better presented the theme of liberty and effects of racism.

The presentation of suffering in “remains” and “war photographer”

The war photographer clearly makes an experienced attempt at detaching himself from the " hundred agonies in black-and-white" so he can focus on the work at hand as a desperate coping mechanism, however a certain memory weaves its way to the front of his mind as he remembers " the cries of this man's wife" β†’

International relations major in diplomacy politics essay

Factors and Theories of Analysis in International Relations and Diplomacy Research Methodology and Design Foreign Policy Formulation and Diplomacy International Public Law Current Economic Problems and Policies International Organizations Current Issues in International Relations Beginnings of the Contemporary Political Order Comparative Politics Anthropology and Politics Post-Modernity and International Relations and Diplomacy Issues in U.S. Exploring β†’

Plato and aristotles best form of constitution politics essay

There are echoes here of Plato; remember in The Republic Socrates' argument with Thrasymachus, in which Socrates argued that government is an art the purpose of which is to further the good of the governed". Oligarchy", the generic name for rule by a few, is also the name of one kind of rule by the β†’

Study into the process of wound healing

These factors may include the age of wounded individual, the ability to recover, and the severity of wound. The Proliferative Phase is the second phase of the healing process.

Nursing leaders in afghanistan: competency and challenges

Moreover, understanding of the competency of nursing leaders in Afghanistan would provide evidence to maintain equity in the provision of learning opportunities, serve as an advocate for allocation of resources through the MoPH for the capacity development, and facilitate donor attraction for the development of nursing profession to create carrier development opportunities. The purpose of β†’

Reflection on cultural competencies

It is only logical that part of learning about providing care to a patients of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds is learning about my own perceptions of culture. The subjects with a neutral response included acceptability of the use of languages other than English, participation in insensitive comments or behaviors, and recognition of different English β†’

The origin and types of thrash metal music essay

Along with the band Death and its frontman Chuck Schuldiner, who is often referred to as " the father of death metal" bands such as Possessed, Obituary and Morbid Angel are often considered pioneers of the genre [b]Early Thrash:[/b] Many people see the genre getting it's beginnings in California and the West Coast. A later β†’

Project on the effects of absenteeism management essay

The number of times the scheduled work is disrupted because of the need to reschedule as a result of employee absents. The flexible work arrangements may help in two ways which are increasing level of motivation and encourage individuals to attend.

Nature and nurture in language acquisition

After a significant period of research of child language acquisition, it is still a mystery the machinery that enables a child to piece syllables and words from the different sounds the child hears to obtain grammar and to yield language.. I am of the idea that for a child to acquire language there has to β†’

Should britain join the euro

There is no guarantee that the Euro will be successful, and this is a key issue to consider when assessing whether or not Britain should join at this stage. If Britain were to join the Euro, our interest rates, currently the tool used for control of inflation by the Bank of England, would be set β†’

Product development at dell computer corporation

To capture back the market share and rebuild the Dell legendary, the company would like to differentiate the new generation of Dell portables through battery life. Thus, deferring commitment to either battery technology and following a dual development approach would be the best option.

In partners in the development cycle than

In conclusion Biotechnology industry is making The ability of attracting a partner is critical in thebiotechnology industry, since firms face vigorous competition in the aspect ofprominent and valuable allies. Biotechnology alliances can be extremity helpful on the developmentof new drugs and medicine to help the need of the world.

Legislation and frameworks assignment

Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Rights Act involves: The right to life The right to freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment The right to freedom from slavery and forced labor The right to liberty and security The right to affair and public trial in a reasonable time The right to freedom from β†’

Government health insurance medicaid and medicare assignment

In this paper, the effect of this government based insurance will be discussed, such as how it has impacted the historic revolution of healthcare, beliefs, and values regarding this event, the history, and among other ' arioso topics. Johnson signed the bill on July 30, 1965, creating the Medicare and Medicaid programs, it was the β†’

Epigenetics mechanism that primarily occurs when a methyl

The epigenetic changes have the potential of influencing the growth of various neurons in the brain. After the fertilization process and the period of pre-implantation, the loss of DNA methylation is customarily essential in the setting up of the zygote's totipotency.

Trends in adventure lodging for housekeeping department in chateau hotel

In addition, the hotel can exploit the historical narrative of Louisiana and New Orleans to its advantage. Furthermore, the hotel should invest in equipment that facilitate the adventure of self-food preparation.


What transpires is that one ends up doing no exercise at all, as one has to specify a time slot out of one's busy schedule to go to gym and do the routine. Thus in my opinion, exercise is an important part of keeping a person healthy and the best way to do this is β†’


Personal Philosophy: Leadership in School and Community Relations My personal philosophy on leadership in school and community relations is guided by the concept that despite the public character of school and community we as citizens are stakeholders in the success and peaceful co-existence of the school as a public/community institution. As Bagin and Galleger inform, β†’

Comparison a good man is hard to find and boys and girls

The grandmother starts to fear even more when she hears the " pistol report" for the second time after the children's mother and June Star were taken to the dark forest." Pray! The grandmother is the last member of the family to persist with The Misfit before she is killed.

Fgjh college essay

Step 4) If you do not know the location of the Hebrew alphabet on your keyboard, you can use Microsoft Visual Keyboard Utility. You can start this Utility by clicking on the Microsoft Visual Keyboard icon on desktop or from Start menu.

Persuasion persuasive essay

At the end of this essay a reader should capture the basic idea of the persuasive techniques used in Hearst's article and how these techniques should be used to allow the reader to make a choice to support or dismiss Hearst's argument. In this essay, our population is going to be the target audience of β†’

Globalization – advantages and disadvantages essay sample

It is a batch harder to maintain people in the dark about events in the remainder of the universe. The ultimate end of globalisation is the peace of the world all states going accepting of one another and the diverseness of civilizations and beliefs that exists in the universe as a whole.

Germany 1793 essay

At a simple level, the constitution may be seen as a representation of the traditional German desire for clarity and order, applied to the rights and duties of the individual. At the same time it ordered that Mannesmann was to provide access to the D2 network for 90% of the population and 75% of the β†’

Milgram study

What Milgram set out to study was the issue of obedience in retrospect of theholocaustand the probable reasons that many people then under the Nazi regime followed orders that were inhuman or barbaric. The experiment involved what Milgram called the learner, theteacherand the experimenter who authorized the course and duration of the study.

Alison bechdel’s fun home and michel foucault’s “repressive hypothesis”

In Alison Bechdel's Fun Home, Alison's indulgence in lesbian literature and experience within the gay community rewards her with a sense of liberation. Alison is acting in concordance with the repressive hypothesis on a variety of different levels.

Stanhope as a leader

Gerald Brooks said that " when you become a leader you give up the right to think about yourself", which is definitely the case for Stanhope's character, as he sacrifices sleep to stay up doing paperwork and to keep the men on the front line company as they suffer through the night shift, creating a β†’

Rewriting the tragic mulatto

For Sag Harbor's Benji Cooper, he must find a balance between the black community he is a part of in the summer and the white community he lives in during theschool year. For Barack Obama, a man of mixed race, he attempts to find an identity and a place in his family and as a β†’

Cultural and structural theories

Cultural approach explains that health differences can best be understood in terms of our way of life as society and as an individual and on the social class in which we find ourselves, the lower the social class the worse the health issues. The black report also agrees with this view, as finding continues to β†’

How reliable is eyewitness testimony?

The retention stage is the period between the time the event ends and the time the witness are asked for a recount or questioned about the event. The contention of this essay is to identify and evaluate the extent of accuracy of this claim by identifying and evaluating factors that affect memory and by reviewing β†’

Older sibling’s influence on drug use

In the sibling measure, they focused on use of marijuana by the older sibling, if there are other siblings in the family, and how closely they identified with their older brother. All members of the family interact together, and a younger child can often look up to their older sibling.

Are humans naturally bad or good philosophy essay

Thomas Hobbes recognizes the evil nature of humans and paints a very blatant picture of it in Leviathan. The Chinese philosopher Mencius states that humans are naturally good and that one's circumstances influence their nature.

Distinguishing the state from the government philosophy essay

In their opinion, the state exists for our good, tries to help and foster the citizens, cares about the individual as about someone who is truly subordinated to it, but the existence of the state is highly profitable for him. Therefore, it is not right to claim that the legitimate use of physical force is β†’

Postcolonial feminism in marjane satrapi’s persepolis 1 and 2

Persepolis gives the reader an insight into the Iranian world and allows a female Iranian to voice her story, where in the west she is considered to the ' other'. The depiction of God seems to soothe and calm a young Satrapi and she even refers to him as her friend." The only place I β†’

Contribution of indian mathematics history essay

The picture is yet not complete, and it seems that there is much more to do in the field of the history of Indian mathematics. The importance of mathematics in India can be seen by a well-known verse in Sanskrit of " VedangJyotish" as: This verse means that " As the crown on the head β†’

Heaven on earth rise and fall of socialism history essay

This would be important to keep the indoctrination of the people, under the idea that liberty would have to be sacrificed in order to achieve equality. The message that was carried in the pamphlet and that shaped most of the 20th century was the following;" Engels presented the basic ideas of ' scientific socialism': historical β†’

The turkish migrants generation in germany history essay

Facing a situation where this group of migrants has already reached the third generation, this paper discusses the identity of Turkish migrants in Germany and suggests that there is a shift in identity between the first and the second generation. Furthermore the concept of Heimat is being discussed, in order to identify whether the idea β†’

Civil engineering design geotechnical design engineering essay

A suitable embankment design has been chosen to solve the problem of the motorway which will cross through the existing Moor Road as shown in the figure below. Therefore, this would help to save the cost of construction and time.

The process of time management education essay

The purpose of research is to investigate the awareness of FPPSM students about the importance of time management. This study will lead students to understand more about time management and inquire into the importance of time management to their academic performance.

Cs 105 final review

A ___ is someone who develops software or writes the instructions that direct the computer to process data into information.developer A ___ is a portable storage device that has much greater storage capabilities than a floppy disk, but is small and lightweight enough to be transported on a keychain or in a pocket. USB flash β†’

Article the decree passed ex parte but also

123 is not restricted to an application to set aside the ex parte decree passed in a suit. If an order is passed ex parte and has the force of a decree, then an application to set it aside will also be governed by the Art.123.

Sample sop for iit madras assignment

My outstanding academic performance at school, active participation in academics with strong quantitative and analytical abilities, in addition to good leadership and communication skills earned for me the " Young Student Scientist" title from the Ministry of Human Resource Development from among the thousands of students who applied for it nationally. My deep interest in β†’

Pollution control board assignment

This was followed by the setting of series of laboratories in all remaining states of the nation. The natural environment is clean, but due to multifarious activities of man it gets polluted resulting in what is called as environmental pollution.

Originality: and cc superfamilies’ and due to

The article aims to address the influence of VZV onleukocyte migration in particular due to glycoprotein C. Data shows that VZV gC does enhanceleukocyte migration through the modulation of chemokine activity, which couldfacilitate VZV infection of host leukocytes and dissemination of the virus.

Lord chesterfield’s letter to his son essay sample

Do not think that I mean to dictate as a apparent; I only mean to advise as a friend, and an indulgent one too: and do not apprehend that I mean to check your pleasures; of which, on the contrary, I only desire to be the guide, not the censor. The Lord is passing the β†’

Hornton wilder’s ”one town” essay sample

The simple plot and seeming commonness of the play reflects a crisis that every average individual face in his daily life yet fails to grasp because of its being ordinary: realizing the significance of the little things that happen in life. The play reflects upon this in the last act when the dead and the β†’

Inspection essay sample

He came to the conclusion that blood was dirt, this is one of the many ways that Owen connects his poems to the bible. In the bible in says that man is made from dust and when the poem says, blood is dirt, it is correct according to the bible.

American psychological associations ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct

In case the therapy is to be afforded to families or groups of patients, the psychologists should clarify the roles and responsibilities of all involved. In case an interpreter is used by the psychologists, consent from the patient for using the interpreter should be obtained in order to ensure confidentiality of the test results.

Sociological/criminology theories on the film american history x

For him and his group, killing the black guys trying to rob him was an act of honor, as he was able to rid the society of one of his enemies. When his father was murdered by a black man, all he has left was his brother, and eventually, the gang of white supremacists.

Sustainability definition essay

Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs and aspirations of the present without compromising the ability to meet those of the future? It contains two key concepts: the concept of ? needs, in particular the essential needs of the world? s poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed β†’

Moon conspiracy theory

Some of these arguments include: NASA lacked the expertise to put a man on the moon, the absence of stars in the lunar photographs, and the filming of the astronauts on the moon should have melted due to the high levels of radiation. Another popular theory as to why NASA and the government would have β†’

Individual taxation research paper-arlene case

Issues * Whether equestrian activity and design activity could be considered an integrated activity? * Was the integrated activity for profit? * Whether expenses related to equestrian activity should be considered personal expenses or expenses incurred in the integrated business? Conclusion Arlene's equestrian activity and home and barn design activity could be treated as a β†’

Kierkegaard and nietzsche

That is, the individual needs to look at his or her own flaws and come to an anagnoris of that is somewhat akin to enlightenment and personal spirituality. That is, use the flaws of the group as a guiding principle for self enlightenment.

Napoleon bonaparte dbq

Napoleon Bonaparte, a Revolutionary hero, seized control of the government in France in 1799, he was looking to bring peace to the French people by ending the Revolution. It showed the French people that Napoleon was blessed to get the throne." he whom God had raised up under difficult circumstances to re-establish the public worship β†’

Dark tourism within the tourism industry tourism essay

The topic of this essay will discuss dark tourism within the tourism industry and what motivates tourists to visit this place The aim of this essay is to discuss the relevance and appropriateness of different approaches of research in the researchers chosen subject area and what motivates tourist or visitors to visit this place. To β†’

Primate distribution in southern india

The distribution of Nilgiri langur from the southern tip of the Western Ghats ends in the north at Brahmagiri, the region which also marks the end of Cullenia dominated forests. Primarily, bonnet macaques and Hanuman langurs are found in the dry deciduous forests of the eastern slopes, whereas lion-tailed macaques and Nilgiri langurs are found β†’

Validity and reliability in forensic research

When the test is given to the norm sample population, the test results give a distribution of scores. The United States Supreme Court identified the role of the trial judge as a gatekeeper regarding all scientific testimony and Daubert tests must focus on validity and reliability, and that in order for the scientific evidence to β†’

The sound of movies: building a storyline using notes

For example: Toulouse is flashy and free, Christian is green and overly eager to find love; Satine but up a front with all men she encounters, but has a desire to be free of her past and to be truly loved; Zidler appears to be a serious business man, but is a gentle soul, especially β†’

Swot analysis for vodafone plc

Vodafone has created a very good Brand Image in the Customers Perception, Vodafone has its services around the world and It is listed in the worlds top 500 Brands and ranked 183 in the year 2006 and is published in " Barron" and also ranked 86th place in the world's 100 largest companies and the β†’

The importance of vocabulary knowledge

The aim of the present thesis is to investigate the relationship between EFL learners' depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge[1]and the extent to which vocabulary knowledge contributes to listening comprehension in English as a foreign language[2]. The overriding aim of the thesis is to empirically investigate the relationships between depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge, β†’

Should primary education in ethiopia be compulsory education essay

Most children living in main towns and cities in Ethiopia have more access than those living in the rural areas. In the Ethiopian government's development plans, the right to women's education is a big issue that is currently being solved.

The metallurgy options for tubing

A brief of the suitability and limitations of these materials in various environments encountered in oil and gas wells: This steel is immune to stress corrosion cracking in the presence of chlorides like other nickel free low alloy steels. Corrosion resistance of this steel in the presence of H2S is poor.

Trivac industries ltd organisational behaviour

Rohrtech Board's choice was not a discerning one due to not plainly distinguishing the issue, not scanning for the majority of the conceivable choices, and not assessing the viability of the picked answer for the issue. O'Grady did not see the significance of participating with Devine, rather he just observed the negatives that doing that β†’

Effects of auxins and cytokinins on plant growth

In most of the plants, the formation of roots can be promoted by auxins while cytokinins promote the shoots formation in vitro. The objective of this experiment was to commence tissue culture using petunia and carrot and study the effects of different concentrations and proportions of two plant hormones auxin and cytokinin, in nutrient medium β†’

Supreme went to go live in cleveland, ohio.

While in Cleveland, Scalia was admitted to the Ohio Bar and worked for the law firm of Jones, Day, Cockley, and Reavis until 1967. In 1971, Scalia became General Counsel of the Office of Telecommunications Policy for the White House, and from 1972 to 1974, he was the chairman of the Administrative Conference of the β†’

Damage and malfunction of the calculator

Note that this is not part of the actual key operation you perform; The following shows an example of how a key operation to select an on- screen menu item is represented in this User's Guide. Note that this is not part; The cursor key is marked with four arrows, indicating direction, as shown in β†’

7 great virtues essay sample

For example, it is okay to write to the newspapers and write a " letter to the editor" and express your feelings and preferences. It's possible that we could have a different type of leader in charge and we could not get to choose who the leader was.

Covert observation and court proceeding essay sample

As the judicial system is quite particular in what is in the public domain, and what is not, covert observation could be a great method to use to get an idea of what really goes on. Positivists would argue that data collected by covert observations are not valid at all but are merely biased, subjective β†’

Justification for an internal control system

Another factor is that the increasing dynamic business environment and the volatility in the market have greatly increased the risks to the interests of the stakeholders. The new system of internal control is designed to boost the confidence of the investors and improve market credibility and performance outcome.

Green buildings in hong kong

Running Head: GREEN BUILDINGS IN HONG KONG Green Buildings in Hong Kong [The [The of the Dissertation Proposal Topic: A study of the barriers for the development of Green Buildings in Hong Kong A study of the barriers for the development of Green Buildings in Hong Kong Introduction According to the latest research Hong Kong β†’

Capital punishment

Death as a penalty for a crime has no place in a country that prides itself as the bastion of democracy and the grand protector of life and liberty throughout the world. This arbitrary imposition of the death penalty is a very dangerous weapon in the hands of the government that is sworn to protect β†’

Negative externalities and the coase theorem essay

The downside is that it reduces the incentive for firms to find innovative ways to further reduce their emissions.b) Restricting the quantity produced, either of the output or of the pollution being produced through production. The benefit of this to other regulations is that the monitoring costs are very small.

Truthness in and of filipino independent films: a gadamerian hermeneutical approach essay

This is expressed in Gadamer's notion about The Experience of Art." Gadamer describes the experience of a work of art as an encounter with a world." It is further stated that " when we enter the world of the work of art, we are able to understand ourselves and our world through the work of β†’

Baidu value chain analysis

However, they are a fraction of the size of Google, with a fraction of the resources, and their market share lead will shrink as Google invests heavily and marketing their services and learns how to do business in China.5. All of these pieces add up to significant value and a dominant market share for Baidu β†’

Business scandal essay

Based on the pattern that caused the fraud, the management style of HealthSouth is clearly practice very authoritative which the reason for Richard orders fulfilled dutifully in order to partake in the fraudulent schemes. The code of ethics of HealthSouth Corporation should reflect the core values of the company and guide employees in making appropriate β†’

Eng standard notes essay

The specific purpose of this piece is to show the contrasting views or perspectives of the husband and wife, and how their different views create a gulf to emerge between them in their daily lives, shown through dialogue that is not in the form of a conversation. The man having the last say is an β†’

To what extent does shakespeare provide his audience essay

The identities are revealed and viola is relieved to discover it is in act her brother that is Olivia's husband. Orsino is constantly rejected, and Sir Andrew is so stupidly ridiculous that he fails to gain Olivia's attention, even for a moment, despite his firm belief that he is the one to win her over: β†’

How to read literature like a professor essay

The Greek myth of Oedipus allowed Sophocles to create a stage play for performance.-Landscape with the Fall of Icarus [poem and painting]: The myth of Icarus allowed the creation of both a painting and many literary works. The weather of the novel directly reflects the events of the story and gives the reader a better β†’