Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

The existence of god

Even though it is absolutely impossible to prove Gods' existence, I personally believe that the presence of God is so evident that we do not need solid proof to verify that he is our creator. Most believers do not feel that is necessary to prove that God exists however, there are others that believe that β†’

Saving the environment and generation gap

The chief cause of degradation are the use of forestland for agriculture and the access emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. First of all, we can do our best to increase our knowledge of the flora and fauna around the world.

Market saves. Β· age: 16 to 40 Β·

Age: 16 to 40 Male and female Single/Family Low to medium income Living in towns and cities, not rural Enjoys food but not cooking Usually loyal to a brand Responsive to promotions/advertising Market segment: Pressedfor time This market segment are light users of fast food. These consumers will purchase the quickest and easiestoption and will β†’

White pollution in china assignment

In China, however, white pollution, increasing rapidly, stands for some plastic waste due to its major color, caused by single-use plastic tableware and thin plastic bags, which are parts of municipal solid waste. And it's hard to resolve the problem in a very long term.

Decent work essay sample

The value of work should increase and the state should make it such that the bargaining power rests not with the employer or the labor union but rather with the individual employees. In a Decent Work environment, the legally granted rights should be respected by the employer and taken advantage of to the fullest by β†’

Case study

Hence, training will make him learn how to stay composed and calm when he faces a stressor, and he will prove to be confident and solemn. Employee development is a kind of strategy that employers adopt to increase employees' knowledge, talents, and expertise in particular areas they work in.

Mbti assesmeny/ jung

The MBTI is an effective tool as opposed to other popular psychology tests such as the Rorschach system and the Word Association test. Similarly, the Word Association test identifies a person's current attitude and their thought processes, something that the MBTI is unable to do.

Do they really think differently essay

While the correct game must be chosen to teach students, it has been found in studies that this new technique of teaching can actually increase student scores in subjects. While the new generation has technological brains, I do not agree that students should be taught only through gaming and technology.

Hidden intellectualism gerald graff rhetorical analysis essay

In this section of the article Graff tells readers that young students would learn to be more intellectual if they got to choose that the wanted to be intellect in instead of teachers pushing students to be intellect in other things which ther are not interested in such as; Plato, Shakesphere, or the French Revolution. β†’

My worst for plant growth and

The next part of the strategy is to install the lamps inside the boxes in such a way so that it could give equal amounts of light to each of the set of plants. As for the best soil for growth, that was a harder answer to question as it varied because of light.

Digital bangladesh

But it is a affair of great sorrow that we have non been able to traverse merely the phase of a underdeveloped state even after the oversight of a long period of 38 old ages of release. The gradual connexion of the digital system in all the activities of Bangladesh.if possible.may give birth to a β†’

Increasing market share in japan – coca-cola

We have saturated the vending machine distribution chain in Japan, and we see no room for Pepsi to gain share in the market in this manner. We truly market our product to everyone in Japan often through the media.

Old julian calendars essay

Accounts Receivable1, 150 Sales Revenues1, 150 Office Supplies Expense1, 875 Office Supplies1, 875 Insurance Expense4, 350 Prepaid Insurance4, 350 To recognize period insurance expense) Depreciation Expense Equipment1, 740 Accumulated Depreciation Equipment1, 740 Salaries Expense2, 750 Salaries Payable2, 750 Rent Expense................................................................... 1, 750 Unearned Sales Revenues1, 025 Spraying Revenues1, 025 Unearned Rent Revenues1, 575 Rent Revenues1, β†’

Value driven management flashcard

With operations in the United States, Canada, Europe, China and Mexico, Best Buy is a multinational retailer of technology and entertainment products and services with a dedication to growth and innovation. It is through these activities that Best Buy add value to their customers and made the company the leader in all customer technology and β†’

Ibm’s board of director’s essay

He's the chairman of the board of ABB Ltd and also member of IBM's Executive Compensation and Management Resources Committee.5. He's also the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Caterpillar Inc.and a member of IBM's Audit Committee.10.

Collapse of enron

The result was that many of Enron's debts and the losses that it suffered were not reported in its financial statements. In October, 2001, the share price of Enron fell to $20.

Plan for recognizing tort

It is imperative that if such a situation were to arise, that the company have action plans in place to deal with the risk involved in order minimizing risks and liability to the company. The following is a list of regulatory risks and a plan for prevention, detection, and the measures to be taken to β†’

Crt-205 argument evaluation

This argument is deductively valid since the premises logically involve the conclusion, and the premises provide a guarantee of the truth of the conclusion. The premises support the conclusion because the terrorists did strike fear in the hearts of Americans throughout the United States as proven by the very reactions that this article eludes to.

Reviewing vincent van gogh’s painting: thatched cottages at cordeville

In regard to the spatial dimensions, there is a diagonal divide between the cottages and the fields, between the natural world and its periphery, with more or less equal attention paid to the scale and detail of the different scenes, and the swirls relative to the size of the object, appearing more prominent with the β†’

Nationalism in the questionable legitimization of conflict in satrapi’s persepolis

Actions such as the Shah's visit to the grave of Cyrus the Great, and a frivolous government celebration of 2500 years of dynasty were two examples Satrapi gives of a celebration of Iranian national identity that was not in step with the political realities of Iranian autonomy. Though early in the novel the Shah's government β†’

Sports among women spectators in india media essay

Hence, this study would be to understand how the Indian woman consumes sports and the level of involvement or motivation achieved set in the context of the Indian society. The objective of the research is to understand the Woman sports consumer in terms of her involvement level and motivation to consume a particular sport.

The outcomes of the third crusade history essay

Yet, the historiographical importance of the Third Crusade lies not in the human tragedy of the expedition to the Holy Land, but in the tactical, strategic and political outcomes of the war and the failure to re-establish Latin Christian control over large areas of the Levant and the consequences of their actions for the Crusader β†’

Programs to improve education in the us

Current programs and curriculum in Career and Technical Education are cognizant of this alarming statistic and the need to provide scholars with competences and training in industry besides scholastic preparation for college and beyond. Career and technical education is often viewed as way to prepare scholars of lower socioeconomic standing for the work force.

External threats that face coca cola commerce essay

Considering the level of uncertainty and changing circumstances in the international business arena, especially in the face of the looming economic down-turn, the report, proffered the following recommendations: The use of environmental impact assessment, both before building a plant and afterwards.development of daily/weekly/monthly reports which will keep it abreast of what's new and significant in β†’

The it strategy of marks and spencer business essay

In this report, we analyse the organisation's PEST, value chain that are the techniques to examine the activity of the M&S in order to reveal and discuss what was the basis of their competitive advantage and were the resistance to IT strategy in Marketing sector, and influences policies and decision making. This is because of β†’

Rhetoric 1

Herrick's rhetoricsystematic study and intentional practice of effective symbolic expression6 characteristicsPARRSA planned, adapted to an audience, reveals motives, responsive, seeks persuasion, addresses contingent issues6 social functionsTADDSB tests ideas, assists advocacy, distributes power, discovers facts, shapes/builds knowledge, builds community5 themesPTEAS power, truth, ethics, audience, societyOrigins of rhetoricSyracuse, legal disputes, court system, CoraxChanges in Athenspolitics, religion, courts, β†’

Medical condition

The best strategy to help prevent and reduce childhood obesity is to improve the diet and exercise habits of the entire family. Teaching your kids proper nutrition, daily exercise, and an increase in activity habits, rather than watching t.v not only is the best plan to reduce and help prevent childhood obesity.

New charges in the coin.mx case

Months after the first charges were submitted by the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, a new indictment has been filed against the former operator of bitcoin exchange Coin.mx: Anthony Murgio. According to the filing, the customers were induced to misleading their banks, " also in furtherance of their unlawful Coin.mx β†’

This to obtain sufficient support to guarantee victory

Needless to say, intelligent rebels havepromised to respond to public complaints, and if the government is able toanticipate the prospect of guerrillas and implement the necessary reforms, itwill lose legitimacy, as the British promised. This can only be done if the government has suppressedcorruption and incompetence in its own ranks, and has made an honest β†’

Marketing myopia assignment

The last key failing point in management failure perceived by Levity is they have a poor product structure, they are not possible comprehensive product development, failed to know its clients product range resulting in the failure of the business and cannot have a good sales in the market.3. From the world today, operating under the β†’

Gender roles in cinderella essay sample

Natural beauty, obedience to the husband, and dedication to the maintenance of the home are all standards for women modeled throughout different versions and adaptations of fairy tales. Furthermore, Cinderella provides another example in fairy tales where the heroine of the story must be " rescued" by a man of princely ways and helped by β†’

Explore the ways harper lee presents conflict in to kill a mockingbird essay sample

Prejudice is part of everyday life for most of the characters in Maycomb, and this was the case for most of the American South in the 1930s. Conflict is in all aspects of life and To Kill A Mockingbird reflects this.

Mg 1011 task 2 assignment – a reflection of the work done

It is important for someone to take charge and become the team leader that can guide the other members of the team, while at the same listening to the opinion of others to integrate their ideas. The team was a great group of people.

Sample of abstract essay

The results showed that there is a significant difference in the level of acceptability of the Squash Ice cream and the commercial ice cream in terms of palatability, taste and texture. There was a significant difference in the level of acceptability of Squash Ice cream with the commercial ice cream in terms of palatability, taste, β†’

Gas and atoms essay

Describe the motion of atoms and molecules in a liquid.the atoms are tight and compact, they bounce off of each other.they generally dont leave a certain section of the liquid, and stay in the same area.3. How does the motion of atoms and molecules in a solid resemble people in a movie theater? eople in β†’

Abercrombie & fitch executive summary essay

Competitors are larger and Smaller than A&F.o Very low switching costs for customers.o Exit costs for competitors are high; difficult to sell fixed assets.o Growth of industry varies with economy climate.o Perceived product differentiation is high due to brand image. A&F could widen their available product line to increase revenue and reduce the threat of β†’

Is the bible reliable theology religion

One of the challenges about finding the dependability of the Gospel is to how we account for the many differences amid the four Gospels. The Gospel of Luke was more centered on the true historical reading of the life of Jesus.

Philosophy of physical education

From Wuest and Butchers opinion on the sociological aspects of physical activity, it is obvious of the benefits that it can have on an individual sociologically. Wuest and Butcher agree that there are many educational benefits to participating in a well-structured physical education lesson, and one of the main benefits they believe, is an improvement β†’

The structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education

Nursery school: 3 to 4 year olds Reception: 4 year olds Primary: 5 to 11 year olds Secondary: 11 to 16 There are 4 main types of state school: Community schools, Foundation & Trust schools, Voluntary aided schools, Voluntary Controlled schools. Foundation & Trust schools Foundation schools are run by a governing body which employs β†’

Data structures, arrays, and modularizing

A single variable name such as ' first' can be used with all 40 first grade students." The individual data items that make up the array are referred to as the elements of the array. The smallest element of an array must also be the size of the largest element, so in using the months β†’

Three important lessons in john wyndham’s the chrysalids

The reader learns of the unjust actions towards the Fringes people, things are not always what they seem to be. The people who can think-together We are the people that are going to build a new kind of world different from the old people's world, and from the savages".

Homeland security responses to chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive terrorism

The role of Homeland Security Intelligence in facilitating the furtherance of counter- Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and Explosive materials, policy and practice within homeland security is to provide a new and improved standard toward the threat of reality when counteracting issues involving weapons of mass destruction on at a HSINT level. Homeland Security Intelligence had to β†’

Biosynthesis, metabolism, and utilization

The whole range of biomolecules are protected by combination of the reducing power of glutathione with other antioxidants and ascorbate, which also helps in regulating their function, and to assist the survival and maximum functioning of the cell as a living unit. Glutathione and also glutathione S-transferase plays important role in the regulation of both β†’

Recruitment and conflict dynamics in the salvadoran civil war

Recruitment and Conflict Dynamics in the Salvadoran Civil War The two main actors in the Salvadoran civil war were the Salvadoran government/army and the Farabundo Mart National Liberation Front. However, Nicaragua and Cuba provided the most direct support to the FMLN, in the form of arms and funding at the start of the conflict.

Franchising in the food service sector in vietnam marketing essay

Moreover, the development and current status of the franchise industry in Vietnam will explain the necessary carry-out of the project. The Vietnam Franchise Association and the Business Centre from the Republic of Korea forecasted that the Vietnamese franchise sector will earn revenue of US$36 million in 2010 if it grows at the current rate.

The battle of dunkirk

It became clear to the British that the battle was lost and the question was now how many Allied soldiers could be removed to the relative safety of England before their resistance was crushed. On May 29, the German armour stopped its advance on Dunkirk leaving the operation to the slower infantry, and the Luftwaffe β†’

Mutism anxiety speak

The change of wording from Elective to Selective is to represent that the child is not choosing to remain silent but is unable to speak even when they want to. Betsy remains a quiet student but is able to speak in class and feels that her selective mutism is in the past.

Utilisation of grasscutter for household protein intake

The grasscutter belongs to the mammalian order and family of Rodentia and Tyronomyidae, respectively and is genetically more closely related to the porcupine than to the rat. Adequate control of temperature, humidity and ventilation in the animal house should be maintained.

Paul klee: art analysis

He was a natural draftsman who experimented and researched most of the time in obtaining new color combinations and most of them in natural and shining forms. The other fishes are small and are in different colors in order to get the feel of an ocean or sea.

Road traffic control

Our class boys were given such an exposure to the traffic rules by being posted on the Traffic Control duties, every week on Sunday when the rush in the market and cinema halls used to be the maximum. We used to line the roads, leading to the Bazar from the four directions and the senior β†’

Chaparral steel

The climate of informality and once of very organic process of management at work is visible right at the start of the case where the UP of operations and the superintendent of the melt shop and the general superintendent of the rolling mill discuss in an unplanned way on a major proposal for capacity expansion. β†’

Advanced vocabulary

Similar to banal and to trite words which we have all heard before) We all need something to lift our eyes from mundane things, to the higher meaning of life.euphoria A state of excitement, an emotional high the mental equivalent of ecstasy, which is the physical state The euphoria of the cup final triumph stayed β†’

Consciousness & language in george orwell’s 1984

Proles do not care about anything the Party would call important, so they are allowed to think what they want without having to fear the Party. Winston is conscious of how the Party uses language to manipulate the people.

Reaction to “maus” assignment

Young Bladed, before the war, had never thought he will become the person he was in the future. I believe that Bladed did not want to change the person he was after holocaust, but the war pushed him.

Which of these three projects do you think should have the highest discount rate reflecting risk inherent in the business plan which one do you think should have the lowest

The discount rate is an arithmetical approximation of the time values of cash to a number of areas the risk in an asset. Merely place, this is the rate of interest at which the applicant is implicit to put in the award, following the results of price rises have been removed.

Criminal justice and policing

As an officer of the law you will be obligated to follow the due process of the law. This would cause an imbalance in provision of services to the community which does not appeal to the professionalism required from a police officer.

Cultural dynamics

Cultural Dynamics The Dynamics of Organizational Culture Mary Jo Hatch and Organizational Culture Mary Jo Hatch defines cultural dynamics from the origin of anthropologists. Stein sees cultural dynamics as a learning process and Mary Jo Hatch see it as a change process that describes how an organization defines the things that are important about it β†’

Racial profiling questions

Unfortunately, the approach taken and being taken is to place a band aide over one problem and has never been to address the core of the problem. We should use education because the use of education will lead to understanding, equality and a truly blended society.

Deculturalization and the struggle for equality

To start with, the author seems to have skillfully thought on the front cover which is actually displaying the true reflection of education in America during the era of great racial discrimination. The end result was to be able to speak on behalf of this minority group in America and to expand the student notions β†’

Journalism essay

Even though Randy David had supported his claim very well, we cannot deny the act that in some parts of the article, readers tend to question his Judgment. Besides that, the writer had effectively won the reader's side through his question, " Is this Journalism? " found in the last part if his article which β†’

Ethics and social responsibility in international business commerce

To enable these companies to successfully develop and market their merchandises and or services internationally a clear apprehension of the societal and ethical duties of all stakeholders must be established. These values in bend underpin the leading features and intent of a company, which enable the followers:" Constructing an Organization that genuinely makes a difference β†’

Philippine literature in the spanish colonial period

Furthermore.the tardiness and the deficiency of assiduousness of the colonial disposal in doing a public educational system work meant the endurance of unwritten tradition.or what was left of it.among the conquered folks. Ironically and possibly merely because of its profound influence on the popular imaginativeness as artefact it marks the beginning of the terminal of β†’

Plato’s city of justice

The aim of the paper is to analyze ' The Republic' written by Plato and defend the following argument: Plato's city with the most justice is in many ways not a just city at all. The predestination of the just man is to support friends and relatives, and to hurt enemies.

Michelle jordan

The author is trying to show the sacrifices that immigrants will make for their children to have a better life in America. The tone in the beginning of the poem is patriotic; in the first line " wrap their babies in American flag...feed them mashed hot dots and apple pie this is to teach them β†’

Japanese dining etiquette

Remember that if you are eating from communal dishes, it is considered an important etiquette to pick up the food using the opposite end of your chopsticks, or serving chopsticks if any are provided. Remember that it is considered very rude to burp, blow your nose at the table, and talk about unappetizing topics.

Barry goldwater’s life and the birth of conservatism

Barry Goldwater was one of the pioneers of the conservative movement. Of course Barry Goldwater rose to national prominence in 1960 and led the conservative takeover of the Republican Party in 1964.

Considering schiller and arnold through claudia rankine’s citizen Β Β 

Arnold's arguments in " On Poetry" and " The Study of Poetry" suggests that poetry, itself, is of the utmost significance in the way it harmonizes human ideals above all other facets of study and consideration. Citizen is then engaged deliberately with a component of societal division, and is also a work both Schiller and β†’

The causes of underdevelopment in middle east politics essay

The development of the social forces that are " rampant in the Middle East" can be pinpointed in the mixture of political, socio-cultural, and economic factors which are common to the region. Thus the result is that the educated are suffering more than the illiterate in the region in the sense that the unemployment rate β†’

Analysing utilitarianism by john stuart mill philosophy essay

It is important to note that Mill defines morality's purpose as that of bringing about a particular state of the world. If something desirable is an end to an action and happiness is desirable, then it's clear that happiness is one of the ends and one criterion of morality.

Impact of secular music on church during the middle ages

Peter, Grout, Donald Jay, Palisca, Claude V." Music In the Renaissance" in A History of Western Music, edited by J. Peter, Grout, Donald Jay, Palisca, Claude V." Sacred Music in the era of the Reformation" in A History of Western Music, edited by J.

Exploring stem careers through nasa

The contributions and inputs to the aerospace industry from astronautical engineers are significant. Astronautical engineering work is versatile and able to help many people in the aerospace industry as a whole.

Audit plan of quality tools company

Audit plan is the plan of auditing the entire process at periodic intervals so that it can evaluate the effectiveness of the control of process and review whether the process is in control or not. Audit Plan The aim of auditing is to determine the processes of a company to challenge the policy, regulations and β†’


Simon Krebs thinks that he is a smart man, for he always feels delighted with his " genius". It shows that Krebs is so impatient to wait for being the god of those sanding, what vain man.

Audit memo

1 Internal Audit Objective The objective of this review is to audit confidentiality, integrity, and availability of XYZ Company's MySQL 5. 2 Internal Audit Scope and Approach The scope of this review includes an assessment of MySQL 5.

Salary caps for professional athletes essay sample

By not limiting the amount of money a team can spend on a player the odds of a team winning increases and level of competition decreases, witch leads to decrease in value of an organization as a whole. It has been studied that in a league like the NFL, witch talent is said to be β†’

Cultural variation and culture change essay sample

Introduction An increase in comprehension of the understanding of " cultural variation " also means increase in the understanding of culture change. Conclusion Indeed, an increase in comprehension of the understanding of " cultural variation " also means an increase in the understanding of " culture change ".

The five bases of power essay sample

There are five bases of power that will be discussed in relation with the corporation and the relationships they have in regard to each other. In Corporation A, the reward power is demonstrated in the provision of a bonus to the employee with the best rating.

Ergonomics safety and health

The requirements of product manufacturing industry is not just limited to the heavy machinery, rather it involves lengthy working hours and using of the hard material which damages the softer parts of human body in many ways. Human Factor Investigation Plan Having identified the problems and injuries that the workers can come across, it is β†’

Mod 4 ca fin 301

0000 -$ 1 $100, 000 1 $100, 000 0. 0000 -$ 1 $141, 000 0.

Major punishment philosophies

This is because the offence when committed is a threat to human life and if not punished properly, there is a probability that there would be a recurrence of the same. The brief confinement would serve the purpose of punishments which is to incapacitate the offender by denying him/her the opportunity to commit the offence.

Ethics in research

Whether quantitative or qualitative research approaches are employed to study human phenomena, the knowledge quest rests on the thing of the quest - the object of study. There are some research studies that need to be covert, that is the object of study need not or should not be disclosed beforehand.

Bodybuilders essay

A portion of the documentary is singled out for facts in order to accentuate the dangers of the bodybuilding conduct and its effects on those who take part in them. The documentary, Baby Faced Bodybuilders, is presented in an effective manner to educate and appeal to the audiende about the problems of bodybuilding.

Business idea analysis

The main reason why I did this was, to find out if my business idea existed in the market and if it was a good enough idea before I opened my cafi. From my research I carried out on the market and financial side of the business, my business idea seems to be viable.

Nomadic societies

Because they had such a strong worriers they were able to seize the wealth of settled societies they then were able to build imperial states in the regions surrounding central Asia. In Persia they had cases of excessive spending which strained the treasury, and overexploitation of the peasantry led to reduced revenues.

Main theme in everyday use novel

Her portrayal of herself in like manner demonstrates a recognition and solace with her environment and with herself: she is " a vast, enormous boned lady with unpleasant, man-working hands" at the end of the day, she knows the truth of her body and acknowledges it, notwithstanding discovering solace in the way that her " β†’

The downfall of antigone and creon

Antigoner's stubbornness causes the death of herself when she goes against the law of Creon, the King to bury her brother, Polynices, and readers learn that what one expects it not always the outcome. Antigoner's stubbornness concealed decisions might not lead to desirable consequences Creonr's stubbornness causes the death of not only Antigone, but also β†’

Case study of goa tourism essay

Tourism destinations are also perceived as a brand and as such can be amenable to marketing activities that enable the development of a specific brand image due to the actions of the destination marketers or the emergence of a specific brand image due to the actions of the players and the actions of the tourists. β†’

Tourism and tourist behavior in the past tourism essay

Consequently, the use of internet and web technologies is important and is becoming a direct marketing tool for improving the success of a business in the online environment, which is very appropriate to adapt to tourism industry as call e-tourism This paper is presents what are the effects of e-tourism on tourist behavior and how β†’

Beijing 2008 olympics opening ceremony

Aspects of the Opening Ceremony may be divided into three main categories; the Political, the Historical and Cultural, and the Ideals and overall Message. They have the chance to make the best impression possible on the world; and to impress all with the speed and scope of China's development.

Recycling behavior among university students

To identify factors affecting students to recycle In accordance of the topic we are studying which is recycling; since this topic is wide we have to narrow it down to the students studying in Multimedia University. The main focus of this study is to find out the effects of recycling, as in the positive of β†’

Literature review strategy for evidence based practice (ebp)

It is important for the nurses to be aware of the best available evidence regarding antiseptic preparations to minimise the risk of surgical site infection. A review of methods for ensuring the comparability of comparison groups in randomized clinical trials.

Comparing different international hrm strategies

Brewster and Bournois posed the following question as a point of departure to justify such a comparison, " To what extent there is sufficient similarity in Europe to require us to question whether there may not be significant difference between HRM in Europe as a whole and the United States of America? They conclude that," β†’

Comparison of south african and jamaican english

The English of South Africa started to develop in the 18th century, when the British first occupied the Cape in 1795, however, in history, the arrival of the 1820 settlers in the Eastern Cape is considered to be the birth of a new English dialect called South African English. Many authors say that the formation β†’

Poverty in the dominican republic and in mexico history essay

The second is the poverty of not having the opportunity to work your way out of poverty. This is the major kind of poverty that exists in many countries because this factor determines life of many families and at the same time determines the progress of the entire society.

The african presence in early modern spain

In the first part of the essay I will attempt to outline some of the major events in Iberian Peninsula Spain, that had shaped the mentality of both the Muslim and Christian kingdom and how they would have related with Africans. In 589 the goths converted to Catholicism and abolished all laws that separated the β†’

Class differences in victorian london

Despite their distance from the harrowing struggles that the working class were forced to face, the wealthy in London society notoriously feared the poor and attempted to stay away from them either because of their distance from, or perhaps knowledge of, the reality of the poor people's lives. The misfortune of the poor as opposed β†’