Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Effects of british colonial rule in india essay

The colonisation of India and the huge transportation of wealth that moved from the latter to Britain were critical to the success of the British Empire. For poet.militant and politician Aime Cesaire.the finding of fact was in: Colonizers were " the decisive histrions...the adventurer and the plagiarist.the sweeping grocer and the ship proprietor.the gold digger β†’

In twelfth night, what are your impressions of malvolio

Malvolio initially seems to be a minor character, and his humiliation seems to be a little more amusing than the Viola- Olivio- Orsino- love triangle, but he becomes more interesting as the play progresses and I see him as one of the most complex and fascinating characters in Twelfth Night. To be locked away in β†’

Underage drinking essay

You and you are three best friends load up in your truck and head out on the country roads toward home. Everyone's laughing and having a good time, Trent's on the phone with his girlfriend letting her know you are on your way home.

Kfc malaysia essay

As well as being the franchisee of the KFC chain of restaurants in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, KFCH operates the home-grown Rasamas chain of restaurants, the Ayamas kiosks, and the Kedai Ayamas chain of convenience stores. KFC using the BCG matrix and SWOT analysis to analyze what is the current position of the company and β†’

Twenty parts of the brain and their functions

Thalamus The thalamus functions as a director for the sensory messages except the sense of smell. It regulates the body temperature, controls the operations of the autonomic nervous system, and contains the biological clock controlling the body's daily rhythms.7.

Neural tube defects

The biology of NTDs The complex nature and the process of neural tube closure have temporarily halted our understanding of folic acid and its interactions during NTDs. The environmental study researched the responsiveness, of genes and its environment and the external environment, to folic acid in hopes of surfacing mechanisms through which folic acid promotes β†’

Long days journey into night: character analysis

On the other hand Edmund is some what succeeding in life compared to his brother, he has sailed around the world and his only stunt is that he is always ill. This is to do with the fact Jamie does not understand and he his only contribution is purely sarcasm.


I believe that ratings and being the most popluar source of news someimtes gets in the way of repoting the news that really hits close to home. I believe it is the job of reporters to deliver the news in a timely manner and to deliver the facts.

The memory

Types of memoryThere are various types of memory and they are categorized depending on how long it takes for a person to remember, the first one is the sensory memory; A. Long-term memory is known to keep huge quality of information for probable indefinite period of time and in some occasion a whole life period.

Physician attitudes in nursing

Fragmented patient care, desensitized relationships toward the patient and family along with giving an assembly line perception to the patient are just a few consequences that have come about from the principles of improving efficiency and care to an ever growing population of patients and their needs. Hospitals have reorganized, and reconfigured the service delivery β†’

Polic process part i

Current IssueAccording to the Kaiser website, for several years the cost of health care in the United States has been increasing and in 2008 health care expenditure surpassed $2. The costs of health care have been a challenge and at the current health care spending rate, by 2018 the proportion of the GDP is projected β†’

Huffman trucking gap analysis

A proper evaluation must also be done to determine the organization? s current marketing strategy and in addition determine the sustainability of the proposed strategy and the overall benefit to the organization. Huffman will be number one in the trucking industry and will have successfully implemented a marketing structure that is relevant to both the β†’

The peshawar district of kpk health and social care essay

In addition to the gender differences, the plan is also to investigate if any patterns in the relationships among the behavior variables emerge between the genders; in other words are there any differences in the conceptualization of the cell phone behavior between the genders. The scope of this study is wide because its concern with β†’

The concept of hofstede cultural dimensions theory in the white tiger, a novel by aravind adiga

Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. India's score, a 40, indicates that most of society is willing to make changes to plans on the fly, and differ from plans.

Cornel west’ views on liberalism essay

West is of the view that blacks in the United States are different from those in other parts of the world because of the exceptional levels of unregulated and uncontrolled violence that is always directed towards them. Unfortunately, America is perceived as a representative of democracy due to the structure of its government, the performance β†’

Abraham lincoln and civil war

The first major battle of the Civil War in July 1861 was disastrous for the Union. Great Britain On what did the South mainly rely to finance the war? money from cotton exports The map " Battles in the West," depicts how control of the ________ was the focus of most of the battles in β†’

From all indifferency: the bias of selfishness in jane austen’s emma

Emma's visit to the sick family is as much to get exercise and have an excuse to lead Harriet to Mr. The third provides a backdrop for the valiant Frank Churchill to rescue her from " half a dozen children" so that Emma will think Harriet is in love with him and not Mr.

Analysis of the wanderer

The courage to resist one's fate brought about the idea of Fame, which " is something greater than Fate": the strength of will and the courage of human beings, and the memory which could preserve their deeds. Memorial is the praise of living men After his death, that he must depart He will have done β†’

From galileo to hubble philosophy essay

Galileo was not the first person to question whether the Earth was truly at the center of the universe. Copernicus's theory proposed that the sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth revolved around it.

Today in the virtual world of gaming media essay

The emotions stated by Lazzaro relate to the player types of Bartle's as it shows that both emotional and motivational factors participates in an important role of influencing players to play, making the two have a parallel connection to each other. This means that it is difficult for players who struggle to be convinced in β†’

Role of education in rural development

Like in the body of human being liver is responsible for the proper functioning of the body, in the same way education acts a backbone for the economy. The continuous growth of the Indian economy forces the Indian government to accelerate the process of developing all the branches of the Indian education system.

Benefits of perfect competition

The first assumption is the homogeneity of the product which means that the product sold by any one seller in the market is identical to the product sold by any other supplier. Also as we can see in the short run we have the allocative efficiency because the price is equal to the marginal cost.

Composition of the complex ion by continuous variation biology essay

The charge remaining on the central atom or ion when the ligands are removed with their lone pairs is called the oxidation number of the metal in the complex. T The optical system of the spectrometer is designed to give different angle of incidence so that the radiant energy of a desired wavelength can be β†’

Zidovudine for the prevention of hiv transmission

Therefore the systematic name of zidovudine is 3 -azido-2 , 3 -dideoxythymidine, as the oxygen of the hydroxyl group on the 3 carbon of the ribose ring has been removed, giving 3 -deoxyribose, and has been replaced with an azide group and the oxygen on the 2 carbon has also been removed. Zidovudine decomposes greatly β†’

Robert ross was proficient enough at painting this

He was the creator and host of the PBS program The Joy of Painting. When Ross started making more money from selling the painting than the military paid him he retired from the military and started his renowned show The Joy of Painting two years later.

Public speaking class

He started his speech by joking that the secret to speaking to a multitude of eager minds like his employees is, not letting them know that he is afraid of them. From his introduction, it was important to note that a key tactic in successful public speaking is to begin on a light note and β†’


A poll by NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard School of Government found that the majority of people in The United s of America believe that schools should teach sex education. Sex Education in America stated that parents in general are happy with whatever sex education is taught and the school principals reported β†’

Security policy for mcbride financial services

Running Head: McBride Financial Services Security Policy for McBride Financial Services Jayant Kaushik The purpose of this security policy is to make you understand that you share your personal information with us whenever you apply for a loan. You can use our mortgage service only when you submit the application form; however, you can continue β†’

Discussion question

Indeed, there are sustainable modern practices in agriculture that have adopted and customized even conventional means yet whether they can maintain this sustainability or not seems to crucially depend upon a range of applicability considering the prevailing crop species and frequency of quality operations. 29 Mar 2011." Field to Market: Using Sustainable Agriculture to Meet β†’

Legal writing: fundamentals of commercial code

Dan: Does Pat have an enforceable contract against Dan, and if so, what are the exact terms of this contract and what do those terms enable Pat to secure? Dan showed a de facto acceptance of the terms of the deal not only by the terms of his offer, which Pat lived up to, but β†’

Modern technology

Even though some argue that technology negatively influences society, modern technology has become a necessity which can be observed in medical advances, the way we communicate, and the way we learn. The way we communicate is also greatly influenced by our modern technology by allowing us to keep in touch with loved ones and others.

Counseling and human development in multicultural society sociology essay

We will steer you through Germany by discoursing the historical position, facts about the civilization, traditions, nutrient, how the civilization as it is today in America, the instruction, struggles between the household, guidance, and how to advocate and steer our multicultural clients. The job with the gun was it wasted ammunition and was inaccurate the β†’

Innovation and technology in tourism

The purpose of the report is to demonstrate an understanding of issues, developments and approaches for utilizing technology and innovation in Tourism Leisure and Events. With the use of Journal articles, newspaper articles, websites, personal communications and lectures, this report analyses the context; the role of regional and organizational innovation systems to TALE; Technology, innovation β†’

The northern lights: aurora borealis essay

The sun is the actual source of the northern lights. This plasma is also called solar wind, and travels the distance from the sun to the earth in the span of about three days.

The top job

The 'top job.' Two floors down, amongst the hustle and bustle of productive workplace, a young man stares almost blankly but in awe at his computer screen whilst in the secrecy of his office.'PARKER: HE CAME, HE SAW, HE OWNS ALL' reads the truthful headline, and with swift disgust he turns away. You can be β†’

The nature of dalit literature and “the life we live” by arun kamble

Dalit literature, to which " The Life We Live" belongs, is essentially a type of Indian literature that voices the angst of the subaltern in India. This is a work that expresses the reality of Dali lives and juxtaposes it with that of the lives of the " savarna".

The advantages and shortcomings of daisyworld philosophy essay

The aim of this paper is to try and establish whether Daisyworld is an appropriate model of the real earth system, to analyse the debate between academics and in turn to discern wheather any part of Daisyworld and indeed Gaia hold any merit. The main purpose of the Daisyworld system was to illustrate the crediblity β†’

Nursing as defined by me florence nightingale

I assumed that care is fundamental and pertinent to nursing and that for proper care to be provided that the nurse must recognize environment as a determinant of health. I plead that the nurse should be aware of the effect of nature on the mind and body to help pain perception in the patient.

Overview of background of tesco marketing essay

The current economic condition of whilst suggest that Tesco's key value message will succeed but there is a weakness in non-essential, the lower disposable income effecting the mid to high ticket price and the rising cost of living. Tesco is the third largest global grocer and that suggest by statistics and that indicates a level β†’

Did hitler and the nazis improve germany?

People who were not so keen about the Nazis, people telling Nazi jokes; people not quite believing in the Nazi beliefs and also the Nazi ' enemies' must have been the ones suffering the most from the strict control of the Nazi regime. In history children learned about the rise of the Nazi party and β†’

A dream to work in a multinational company commerce essay

it has always been a dream to work in a multinational company such as an oil and gas companies after my M.sc program in other to apply my skills learnt to the sector regarding business unethical practices and negligence of corporate social responsibility by this companies in this sector.firstly it would be necessary to define β†’

Ga3 producing fusarium and its impact on growth

The aim of the present study was therefore to isolate and characterize a GA 3 producing Fusarium sp.from soil, optimize the culture conditions for maximum GA 3 production, and to evaluate its effect on green pea and rice growth promotion. The incubation time for GA 3 production by the fungal isolate under submerged fermentation at β†’

Dominos online case analysis

The Future Foundation Report was commissioned by Domino's Pizza to analyze the social, economic, demographic and technological factors likely to impact on the pizza delivery and takeaway market for the remainder of this decade. Dominos vision is " Exceptional people on a mission, to be the best pizza delivery company in the world." Today Domino's β†’

A critical assessment of the effectiveness of performance appraisals

Bennington & A; Baix besides describes public presentation assessment as a direction construct from the West aimed to better single and organisational public presentation, he farther elaborates that the construction put into topographic point for measuring and appraisal of employee public presentation in an organisation is known as the Performance Appraisal System. Apart from the β†’

Business essays – marketing strategy benefit

Furthermore, the amplified competency that emerges as a consequence of the outsourcing of assorted undertakings in the industry experts can every bit good consequence in the decrease of the labour costs.regardless of these many opportunity and chances for cost decreases, some fortunes arises where outsourcing may ensue to be the most expensive replacement and it β†’

The definition of an ideal mate

At the end of the day we may discover that our ideal mate is not a perfect person, but that they do possess qualities which make them perfect for us. Even when our visions are not exactly the same, our ideal mate will be open to listening to what our needs and desires are and β†’

Ative leopard without this huge contrast of hues

In the positive paragraph, I made a point to describe how presentable the placement of objects on her bed is. The connotation in the first paragraph is of a positive idea".

The members are now necessary for a decision.

The Charter provides for a continuous session of the Security Council and every member-State, which is represented on the Council, is required to maintain a delegate at the Headquarters of the United Nations. All the functions of the United Nations with respect to Trust areas classified as " Strategic" are exercised by the Security Council.

The number of variables, such as the amount

Moreover, skin colour depends on a number of variables, such as the amount of pigment in the skin and the depth of the blood capillaries under the skin. The width and height of the nose is also of great importance in the physical measurements of the various races.

Two section assignment

I used Kola's cycle when producing my SOW and lesson plan for this unit as this allows for differentiation and allows for all students to get engaged at the stage which they prefer and go through the learning cycle comfortably like learners A and B. I support my learners individually on a one to one β†’

An analysis of the evolution of gender roles assignment

The evolution of gender roles, in my opinion, is the root of the drastic difference between the lifestyles of a 1980's teen as compared to its 2012 counterpart. Obviously, I never lived in the 1980's, but based on what people have said and what I have seen through the various outlets of media, I think β†’

Parts emporium essay sample

The total inventory cost with the current system is $886. The average cycle inventory is 500 belts, which costs $635 to hold each year.

Jonbenet ramsey case essay sample

JonBenet was born into a family of two, and she was the younger of two children, she was a very cheerful and a happy little girl who enjoyed playing and dancing, and she loved participating in pageants. Their friends and the family arrived at the home to support the Ramsey's.

Genre film essay sample

Neil Perry has just performed A Midsummer's Night Dream against his fathers wishes and even though he is congratulated by all of his peers and gets a standing ovation, his father is disappointed and we see that in the long shot through he expression on his face, the posture and the fact that he is β†’


3: 10 to Yuma, Sleepy Hollow and The Red Badge of Courage are all examples of films that make use of both honor and duty to enrich the plot and give the story line more depth. His past as a soldier haunts him which is why he vows to himself to honor his word and β†’


He an I had a very interesting conversation and I observed how I encouraged him to continue.1." Are you for real?" This question often came as we were talking about the uses of medical marijuana and how it was used to stop pain. When I would ask a client about the fact that she is β†’

Racial harassment

Is it because the people who believe that they are much greater than the other feel that they have to exploit those whom they presume the lesser one in order to preserve their interests We cannot help but to think of such things because more often than not these people explains why they are greater β†’

Sports exports essay

What are some of the disadvantages Blades could face as a result of foreign trade in the short run? The theory of comparative advantage would apply to Blades in the long run because of the superiority of its production process.

The pains and pleasures of being an adolescent in your country

Adolescence is the conjugator of childhood and adulthood; indeed adolescence is a period of physical and psychological development from the start of puberty to maturity in a person. In order for the discrimination to come to an end, the perspective of the media and adults should change to give adolescents the benefit of the doubt β†’

Recruitment and selection: a study on beximco pharmaceuticals

BEXIMCO Pharmaceuticals, they follows standard pattern of selection activities through beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with final employment decision; when they will have a pool of potential applicants, they can element some of these respondents based on screening inquiring and screening interview procedure; they prefer three types of interview to use for β†’

How could alipay dominate chinese market essay

A main marketing concept, customer value creation is about the customers perceive the value of the product and services, just like the main article states that Alipay group keep providing leading services as well as benefits to Chinese consumers. In the rest of the essay, I will introduce the deeper meaning of customer value creation β†’

Human physiology analysis essay

The inside of the cell membrane is negative, not only due to the active transport system but also because of _intracellular proteins_, which remain negative due to intracellular pH and keep the inside of the cell membrane negative.3. What was the effect of lidocaine on eliciting an action potential? 13.

International aspect & value congruence

If to compare employer/employee value congruence on the international level, e.g.on the examples of American and Japanese models of behavior, we find certain differences. To drive the bottom line, Johansson & Nonaka puts the influence of value congruence on performance and job to be higher for Japanese sales representatives than for U.S.sales representatives.

Divided thesis essay

My three main goals for myself are to be on high honor roll, to be on varsity volleyball with a better attitude, and lastly be the first in myfamilyin three generations to graduate from high school. Yes I have had uncles graduate but I am the fourth generation and I need to graduate not only β†’

Temple of heaven

On the east and west sides of the hall are two halls which was where the gods of the sun, the moon, the stars, thunder, and lighting were prayed to. The vault housed the tablet of the Emperor of Heaven and the emperor's ancestral tablets.

Socio-political essay online for free

This project will look at the development of Brecht's playwriting over time in response to the socio-political changes in Berlin, by evaluating Brecht's work in the three periods of different political environments that Brecht was exposed to in Berlin. The polarisation of the Weimar Republic and the rise of fascism that resulted in stronger political β†’

Hyperbolized feminist realism in northanger abbey

Ultimately, the comment that Austen makes is on the mutability of the ' feminine' figure; her juxtaposition of stark realism to the amplified tropes of gothic feminism buts Catherine in a position of identity crisis. When Catherine faces ignorance again in the ballroom, she muses that her fate is similar to a tortured and deceived β†’

Identity formation of multiracial and multiethnic individuals

In the context of a multiracial/multiethnic individual, the process of integrating the individual's " own understanding of his racial identity," and the " perceptions of others" becomes more complex. Before continuing the discussion on the significance of understanding the identity formation of a multiracial individual, it is important to note that the U.S.

Overview of neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the growth and development of neurons in the brain. In conclusion, neurogenesis is the growth and development of neurons.

Care, rationale and outcome in coronary care unit

Mr Smith was not managed in Atherton due to the lack of cardiac catheter services and was transferred for a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention the next day where he had a stent placed in his proximal area of his Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery. This causes the depolarization of the cells to be interrupted and changes β†’

The standardization versus adaptation marketing essay

On the other hand, " product adaptation refers to the degree to which the physical characteristics or attributes of a product and its packaging differs across national markets". For example, Procter & Gamble's Oil of Olay skin moisturizer has different type of product in different countries, based on research of the need of customers in β†’

Adverse experiences in infancy and toddlerhood: impact on academia

Researchers assessed the children in the study at ages 1, 2, 3, and 11 using parent surveys, interactive tasks with their children, checklists and Likert scales to determine the type and number of ACE exposures children had at age 1, 2, and 3. Participants were given the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Inventory β†’

Purification of 1,3-pd from complex fermentation broth

3 The effect of flow rate The effect of flow rate to the adsorption of 1, 3-PD was showed in Fig.5A. 4 The effect of temperature The effect of temperature in the adsorption of 1, 3-PD showed in Fig.7A.

Bio fertilizer industry in india

Chemical fertilizers are meant to boost the growth of plants and increase the fertility of the soil; however they cause significant damage to the environment and also human health by increasing the day by day concentration of toxic chemical in food. In the current scenario one of the major concerns faced by the agriculture industry β†’

The operations challenge key questions business essays

One of the chief constructs which helps to explicate creativeness in operations is that of the 'trade off '. Content is the end product of the operations scheme procedure.

Lesson 2 a

What is the term for voice information delivered in digital form as packets of data using Internet Protocol instead of the traditional circuit-switched lines of the public switched telephone network? What is the term for the integration of telephony and data technologies?

April hamlet, but in order to resolve the

Hamlet is driven to reveal the truth of his father's death and seeks to avenge his murder to achieve justice. Hamlet feels that if he kills Claudius while he is repenting his sins, that Claudius will go to heaven, and that would not achieve the justice he deserves.

Review representation, they fail to get rid

Hence, the paper attempts tosay that the existent representations of the real condition of women in thepopular Hindi television series and the many various attempts that have madeover time to break these normative ideals of patriarchy is yet again acting asa an act of stereotyping in itself. Karim, discuss the problem of stereotyping the Muslim β†’

New media technology assignment

It serves many functions and is used widely by individuals and businesses." Mobile and wireless technology will spread the network society to the most remote places and the deepest pores of the world". One of the key functions of the cellophane is the availability of internet access without fixed-line and expensive broadband costs that now β†’

Sexually active teenagers

As for adults, they can be more informative for all teens about the dangers of premarital sex, and should pay more attention to the larger problem. If this is done, than the affects of premarital sex could be recognized by teens and all who listen, and to the morality behind it.

Various forms of imperialism and bristish imperialism essay sample

Referred to as " the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination"1, European states such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia engaged themselves in excessive aggression to influence and control weaker nations, especially those β†’

John stuart mill’s harm princple essay sample

What this essentially means is that a democratic government that, in theory is supposed to be a representation of the full population, is rather a system of representation of the majority. Relating this back to John Stuart Mill's Harm Principle, it is evident that the consumption and possession of marihuana should be allowed.

Critically reflect upon an incident or situation when an individual’s behaviour has challenged you

At first he had difficulties figuring out the nature of the buttons on the machine and the TA was able to see him staring at the vending machine for a long time. When the TA and the helping assistant managed to reach the spot where X was throwing a tantrum as he literally wrestled with β†’

Family threats during the cold war era

Russian influence was being spread across the countries of Europe and into Cuba, the people of the Unites States felt that this was getting too close to home and felt that the only way to prevent Russian expansion into America was to use military force and atomic weapons. I would ensure that my family was β†’

Democratic national convention 1968 essay

Through the year, some of the most famous events in American history took place, from the assassination of Robert Kennedy to the My Lai Massacre, to the most famous Democratic National Convention riots. The 1960's gave birth to opinionated activist organizations, such as the famous Yippies, Students for a Democratic Society and the National Mobilization β†’

The pantawid pamilyang pilipino program essay

This program has dual objectives: first is to provide cash assistance to the poor to alleviate their immediate need and the second one is to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investments in human capital. In the Philippines, perhaps just like in any parts of the world, the complexity of the root cause of poverty β†’

Social mobilisation in jaipur rugs foundation essay

After placing, so research is done to understand the support activities undertaken by the people of the country and placing the families that are willing to take the rug weaving as their support Identifying the endowment and the potency of members by organizing assorted self- aid groups by carry oning meetings and studies. She wanted β†’

Are nerds and geeks cool or still the fools? essay

Nerds are known to have a high level of intelligence, and others do not want to feel inferior to them. It is true that nerds and geeks re marginalia in society because of the Judgment of others.

Research literature review emotional intelligence

UDF Article 2: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS The article defines emotional intelligence as" the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in the self and others" The article cites the example of U. The aim of this article was to establish link between β†’

Ambition seen in my antonia by willa cather essay

It can be good to you or destroy you and that depends on the risks and size of your desires. She spent ten years in the Klondike, working up her fortune and that was not going to be the end of it.

Kernel data structures

In the following sections, we cover the most useful of these generic data structures, which are the following: * Linked lists * Queues * Maps * Binary trees Linked Lists The linked list is the most common data structure in the Linux kernel which, allows the storage and manipulation of a variable number of elements, β†’

Generation x – consumer behaviour

Patterns of history for Idealist generations suggest that Boomers will have a long tenure of political office and cultural influence, as was true for the Awakeners of Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams, the Transcendental of Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman, and the Missionaries of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and George Cattle Marshall. In the coming decades, β†’

Parental support

Connections Between Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Students Arel Dohner-Ch vez Abstract This study used a correlational design to investigate how parental involvement and ethnicity is related to the academic achievement of college students. The aim of this preliminary study was to work with a group to research the relationship between β†’

Evaluating published research problems narrative essay

Smith also addresses the issue of a growing number of AS students entering higher education and the need for the Office of Access and Learning Accommodations to provide services that will address the needs of all types of disabilities. Explain how the problem was addressed through designing and conducting a research study.

A worn path critical analysis

The significance of the time of year is that it is close to Christmas which, according to the Bible, is the time of the birth of Christ. As it ties to the main character, Phoenix Jackson, its not so much of a new path, but a new journey with new encounters that symbolizes that of β†’

New generation sequencing technologies: population genetics

New generation sequencing technologies: implications for the science of population genetics Kate Elizabeth Moffitt New generation sequencing technologies have the potential to rapidly accelerate population genetics research, allowing scientists to comprehensively understand complex evolutionary histories, as well as functional and ecological biodiversity (Shokralla, et al., 2012; Shendure & Hanlee, 2008)....