Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

“where are you going, where have you been?” by joyce carol oates

Connie's home symbolizes a more traditional way of life, while her position in the doorway shows that she wants to branch out into the world." Nothing can protect her from the outside threat of Arnold Friend, who cannot go into Connie's home, only lure Connie from the safety of it". Arnold's ability to charm Connie β†’

Types and theories of corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming very famous regarding the organizations, companies thinks this is the best way to operate their business and create a equal cost for the business and society. They care for the new Zealand and new Zealanders they take the best responsibility for the community and safety of the environment.

Don’t count me out yet

Today there is still a fascination with the cross We sense that the cross is the central symbol of the Christain faith We sense that the cross is the key that unlocks the mystery of God The cross is the key that unlocks the meaning of Jesus; his death and resurrection While on the cross β†’

Led zeppelin

The group was one the more popular hard rock groups that performed in the seventies, and even had some hits in the 1960s. The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at the time.

Rule or issue the decision whereof in a

Rule 23-A, added by the Amendment Act, 1976, further permits remand of the case where the court has disposed of the case otherwise than on a preliminary point and the decree is reversed in appeal and a retrial is considered necessary. The suit must have been decided on a preliminary point, and it is further β†’

Humanistic, psychodynamic and structuralism assignment

Running head: Humanistic, Psychodynamic and Structuralism James Price AIU PSY206 06 February, 2009 Humanistic, Psychodynamic and Structuralism I am going to discuss Humanistic theory, Psychodynamic theory and Structuralism. The first belief is that you must focus on the present, not to dwell upon the past or to look toward the future.

Question ideal cycle time (min./shirt) 0.5 0.5

68 Formulae Used Ideal Cycle Time Process which takes the maximum amount of time in the production chain Actual Cycle Time Inverse of total shirts produced per minute Manufacturing Lead Time Total WIP Inventory / Actual Production Capacity WIP Inventory Addition of all individual WIP inventories Production Capacity Number of shirts produced using ideal cycle β†’

The came to sickness many didn’t think of

The first doctors that existed were called " medicine men" or the Witch doctors because of the religion or magic that came with the practice of medicine. Along with a certificate and the passing of the exam, they need to have two years of residency supervised by the ACGME.

Goals: high school and personal life essay sample

In this situation, a goal for my personal life is to be more organized, as when it comes to going to school and also at home. Three goals I want to achieve is in high school to get A's and B's for the whole four years, to become more organized, and to become a nurse β†’

The three works, blakes london , arnolds dover beach (1867) and joyces araby

The three works, Blake's " London", Arnold's " Dover Beach" and Joyce's " Araby" are interrelated in their mood of exile and a labyrinthine journey through the cityscape that is fraught with a strange alienation for them. But with the onset of Araby, Joyce launches the consciousness of a boy and his artistic doom, which β†’

Project design constraints

When designing prosthetic heart valves, care has to be taken to ensure that the different biomaterials used to design them, fit the peculiar blood flow requirements of the human body. The model is made of aluminum, and has a similar size to the natural human heart.

The enron scandal and the sarbanes oxley act

The February of the following year, Skilling is promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Enron. Watkins told Lay that the questionable accounting practices being used by Enron would lead to the company's demise " in a wave of accounting scandals".

Discrete and continuous approaches to measurement of socioeconomic status

It is looked upon in terms an individual's status in the society, like, the position they hold, achievements that they have and influence Grouping in a particular social class depends on the resources available to the individual or household. In the continuous approach, data concerning the parents' occupation, level of education and wealth is obtained β†’

Comperative study of antony cleapetra and all for love essay

Notable authors: Ann Radcliffe, Bram Stoker Lake Poets A group of Romantic poets from the English Lake District who wrote about nature and the sublime.oNotable authors: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge American Romanticism Distinct from European Romanticism, the American form emerged somewhat later, was based more in fiction than in poetry, and incorporated a awareness β†’

Lit analysis of smokers, inc. essay

Kick the Habit, or Kick the Bucket Stephen King's short story " Quitters, Inc." involves a smoker trying to kick the habit, and getting results no matter the means. After that Morrison passes on the Quitters, Inc business card to a man known only as Crony, and tells him they changed his life.

Comparative methodological critique

Governed by the difficulty of access to gay and lesbian population both in UK and USA, and its " hidden" nature both teams chose their own strategy in unveiling the nature of work attitudes of gay and lesbian employees and demonstrating the progress organisations have made or are making towards the establishment of good practice.st β†’

Ethos, logos and pathos in john saul’s and miller’s articles

Both of these articles provide arguments that appeal to ethos, logos and pathos, but it is my opinion that John Ralston Saul makes a more convincing argument to his audience in ' Listen to the north' than Jim Miller makes in ' Which ' Native' History? While both articles make strong points using the argumentative β†’

Additional questions – test strategy

5System Testing Dependencies8 1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give the overview of the Test Strategy for Additional Questions Feature which will be developed and Implemented for V2. The Main purpose of the below table is to give clear picture of When AQ feature development will be started and in which release β†’

Cruso’s island vs. foe’s england

The novel's beginning takes place on the island, where Susan falls into a slow but steady rhythm of life with her new cohabitants, all the while developing a great deal of experiences and philosophies which she grows eager to share. And just as England foils the island, the character of Foe likewise seems to foil β†’

Culture and ethnicity: the delivery of health care

To work effectively and providing Maori health centered nursing care, it is prerequisite for nurses to know history of New Zealand, understand Maori health and incorporate principles of Treaty of Waitangi in their nursing practice. Nurses being agents of the Government are committed to recognizing the rights of Maori and honoring the Treaty of Waitangi β†’

Market research on primarks clothing marketing essay

Primark cannot continue to provide cheap clothing because of the high production cost and tax rate, if the prices of the products are increased and the quality keeps disappointing the consumers, consumers could decide to switch back their loyalties to the mid market retailers like Gap and H and M who have celebrity designers such β†’

Competitive advantage at nike

By altering marketing to the customer needs, Nike has been the most successful player in the past and continues to be today. The main players are Nike and Adidas.

Determinants of health in relation to sexually transmitted infections in young people under 35

This paper will also address the initiatives aimed at improving young people and adolescent sexual health and seek to find the key influences of contracting an STI's and decrease inequality of these sexual health outcomes in Australia. Raising awareness and knowledge of STI's and their consequences to young people and adolescents continues to be vital β†’

The model building approach to value at risk finance essay

Here the V is the VaR of the portfolio and it is function of Time and confidence level. An important component in the calculation of VaR is the daily volatility of the asset.

Telenor organizational behavior

The company is working very well and it is claimed that the credit for its success goes to the employees and indirectly to the company culture with strong values embedded in it. When employees are made to feel that they are an important part of the organization, they automatically feel motivated to work and determined β†’


Paul and his wife come to get them but Billie is hiding in a tree to escape from some of the bigger boys. The story is about a trip started by a local woman, who is the only educated person in the neighborhood and has taken it upon herself to uncover the unthankful children of β†’

Assessing performance management output enhancement models

Honoring and appreciating your employees ' attempts ensures that their degree of their public presentation and accordingly the public presentation of your concern is non compromised. As with any big and complex organisation it is of import that the undermentioned issues be considered when implementing a public presentation direction system.

Behaviorism and the learning approaches to personality

Extinction In classical conditioning the progressive weakening of an association between a stimulus and a response, because the conditioned stimulus is no longer followed by a the unconditioned stimulus. Sample approachMischel's description of assessment approaches in which there is an interest in the behavior itself and its relation to environmental conditions, in contrast to sign β†’

Tutorial solns cven2501

2 Chapter 1 Environmental Decision-making in a complex world * Layers of complexity associated with contemporary environmental dilemmas- contemporary Environmental Decision-Making * Issues under consideration are complex & involve a host of moral & economic factors * EDM not only encompasses broad temporal and spatial scales, but also typically involves multiple actors with different values β†’

Noises doubt due to volcanic action. these

They have been likened to the howling of storm, the growling of thunder, the clanking and clashing of iron chains, or the rumbling of heavy wagons along a road. These appear to originate in the sea, and may be due to the flashing into steam of the water which finds its way down through cracks β†’

Robert frosts life, after the depression, robert

The Mountain is another of the examples of Robert Frosts natural themes: The mountain held the town in a shadow. After the onset of the depression Robert Frost enters another phase of his poetry, in which he shifts his topics from man and nature, to man and man.Dr.

Social justice: glory fields assignment

Their second mistake was assuming he was involved in drugs because he was in the military and he was previously arrested for the possession of weapons and drugs. What happened to Tom Robinson does not support what Caldwell writes because Tom Robinson was in the wrong when he was shot and had nothing to do β†’

Disraeli’s support for reform was motivated by personal interest essay sample

However, as source 7 is dated prior to the passing of the bill, we know that increasing the popularity of the Conservative Party within the boroughs had been on his mind well before the passing of the bill, even if it was not his primary motivation in supporting the bill. In fact, that source 7 β†’

Observations of the spicules of a sponge essay sample

What we observed from this expirament was what shape the spicules of the sponge were because this can help us classify this sponge as a needle sponge and through our observations we see yet another example through just a small sample of sponge we get to see GODS amazing power through out this sponges complexity. β†’

Health care delivery systems

HealthCare Delivery Systems Introduction The health care delivery system is a structure that defines the organization of people, facilities and the necessary resources that are critical in ensuring that the healthcare needs of the people are met as appropriate. Funding of health care systems is essential in the sense that it provides a basis for β†’


Fight the Plight: The Identifying the Trouble of Female Mexican Laborers Leads to a Concrete Solution It seems illogical for the commercial agriculture sector of the global South to depend so much on females for labor, solely on the basis of them having more experience on the field than males are. Despite the obvious benefits β†’

Polystyrene and study styrofoam essay

Because of this problem, people think a possible way to reduce the disposal of Styrofoam and recycle this product. 5% of the orange peel oil Noguchi found that the polystyrene would break down into a liquid form that created a very strong glue and can be used to create styrene pellets that go back into β†’

Hardy and dickens. countryside verses the city.

In contrast to ' the hot exhausted air, and...the dust and grit that lay thick on everything'p135 in the City, the first description of the countryside in Hardy's novel of the personified night sky is alluring; ' the twinkling of all the stars'p19 that ' seemed to be but throbs of one body, timed by β†’

Neutrality in family systemic therapy

On one hand, it means that the neutral therapist positions himself in relation to the different family members such that at the end of the session, the family members are unsure which side the therapist is on. Transference refers to the patterns of experience that the client brings and enacts in the therapy whilst counter-transference β†’

The learning organisation

This paper aims to define and critically evaluate the concept of a learning organisation by drawing on the writings of core authors to both support and demonstrate criticisms of the ' learning organisation' concept. The concept of a learning organisation differs from organisational learning as it seeks to use the theoretical findings of organisational learning β†’

Hrm240 week8 checkpoint

The second is, the company may choose to hire native locals from the host country to manage an international site, and these employees are called host-country nationals. The last or third is, a company may decide to hire people from other countries outside the home country or the host country, these employees are called third-country β†’

How to make a good oral presentation

In this moment of our oral presentation is essential to catch the attention of the audience: it may be possible they are in because of misunderstanding, but it does not mean that, after a clear exposition of our purposes, they will not decide to stay and enjoy the conference. To maintain the control of the β†’

Sympathizing with coriolanus

However, a consideration of the values portrayed in the text those of the nobility of war, the dangers of democracy and the deceptive power of words and how the character of Coriolanus epitomises these values, allows one to recognise his emotional development and his worth to the state and thus truly sympathise with him. By β†’

Advantages and disadvantages in hospitality

There are potential threats to travel agents to and tour operators especially in the hospitality and tourism sector. A close analysis to the travel and tourism industry shows that one of the potential threats to tour operators and travel agents is change in laws and policies.

The effects of rape on humans sociology essay

There is no single theory that can conclusively explains the motivation for rape; the motives of rapists can be a variety of reasons and are subject to debate. Some believe that rape is due to an expression of gender inequality while some sociologists believe that rape is attributed to permissiveness, sexually, within society.

Retail marketing theories in e-commerce

Kadekova and Holiencinova state that " influencer marketing is one of the fastest growing tools in terms of getting new customers online", going on to explain that the correct use of this tool facilitates cost-effective marketing to promote goods through the use of creative content that is produced for the company and can reach the β†’

Crime prevention through environmental design criminology essay

Both types of barriers protect the outside of a space by guaranteeing that unauthorized persons do not get inside and create a perception to offenders that there is a risk in selecting the target. The point of territoriality is to convey a message to abnormal users that the property belongs to somebody and they should β†’

The impact of entrepreneurial characteristics in pakistan business essay

According to the SME policy 2007, " SME sector is the backbone of Pakistan's Economy"." Globally, this sector is the major growing force behind the fastest growing economy of China, in term of contribution to the national GDP, scale of assets, diversification of products and the creation of employment. Significance of the study This study β†’

An examination of post-humanism and body obsoletion

Max More a futurist, philosopher, and consultant pertaining to emerging technologies, describes it clearly: " Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values". β†’

The mutapa state

Pwiti argues that if one of the reasons for the collapse of Great Zimbabwe was the shift in the focus of trade to the north, then it is logical to credit the early rulers of the Mutapa state with the introduction of large scale external trade in northern Zimbabwe. It fuelled Portuguese demands for the β†’

Stereotyping in the workplace

Some of these reasons include the need to believe oneself as better than others hence attaining self esteem, childhood influences that develop as people grow and which make people to view others in a certain manner and that stereotyping helps people to mentally arrange huge amounts of information and therefore being able to take in β†’

A review and summary of the first three chapters o

In the first three chapters Zinn looks at not only the history of the conquerors, rulers, and leaders; but also the history of the enslaved, the oppressed, and the led. Zinn, however, stresses the role of a number of groups and ideas that most books neglect or skim over: the plight of the Native Americans β†’

“whoever, non-cognizable, bailable and not compoundable and

Explanation:- The punishment under this section is- In addition to the punishment to which the offender would be liable on a conviction for the offence with which he has been charged; and Without prejudice to the power of the Court to order forfeiture of the bond. The new Section 229-A is incorporated because " Under β†’

Abstract:- lossless compression Β· lossy compression lossless compression:-

To overcome the problem use of image compression technique is used to reduce to size without affecting the quality of image. The disadvantages is a slow encodingCONCLUSION:- Basic concept of image compression and various technologies used are discussed in this paper.

Campus area wireless network proposal essay sample

Even thought there is a wired network in the campus, the Wireless network is an enhancement to the campus wired network and provides access to on-line resources in areas where wired connections are either not available or not feasible. We will continue to partner with colleges and directorates who wish to install new wireless service β†’

Health care legal

Health Care Legal Reporting Systems for Medical Errors Errors in the field of medical practice are considered unintentional and generally occur owing to carelessness on the part of the medical expert treating the patient which leads to fatal incidents. In that, the healthcare concern can arrange for proper training of the medical staffs to render β†’

English fiction

Last night, they were the only girls that sneaked out of the tent to try a cigarette only to return ecstatically giddy-headed at the shock of the other " good" girls." Hey Shelley, could I have a word with you for a second?" Laura said motioning out of the tent. All she could let out β†’

The outcast essay

In Celia Behind Me, the author Isabel Huggan, through a sensitive and blunt retrospective first person narrative, perceptive characterization, extensive use of ironies and compelling images, illustrates the excruciating mischief and distress caused by the psychological and social confinement imposed on us, as we persistently attempt to integrate with the bourgeois, or the majority. As β†’

Business environment mcdonalds

It concentrates on the facet of the accretion of the available resources in the concern with the impact of Micro & A; Macro environmental factors on the Strategic Management. Different academic tools of the corporate strategic planning & A; control are pre-screened in the position of their execution in the concern Strategy planning is an β†’

Engineering mechanics – characteristics of a force

Characteristics of a force are its magnitude, the position Of its line Of action, and the direction in which he forces acts along its line of action. When the lines of action of all the forces in a force system lie in one plane, they are referred to as being coplanar otherwise they are non-coplanar.

Christi case study analysis peer review essay sample essay

Writer inquiry: List the alterations made based on this feedback. Besides list those that were offered but that you did non do.and explicate why you did non do the suggested alterations.

Chapter 1: introduction

The strength of the HTC community lies in its authenticity; it's the most accurate and honest voice of real-world understanding available. 3-inch, 1280 x 720 Super LCD 2 display, a built-in audio amplifier, and NFC capability.

Hsc 2024 pressure area care

HSC 2024 Pressure area care describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY The skin is primarily composed of three layers. The next layer of the epidermis is stratum spinosum, which is the first and largest layer of the germinal zone β†’

Nutrition and health exam questions

The ultimate use for the MyPyramid is to give individuals a quick guide to how much and the portion size an individual should eat. When an individual eats a healthy diet, it provides the body required nutrients in which to perform to the best of their ability.

Different types of resistors

The resistors can be made up of different elements and different materials and it depends on the applied voltage and the applied current. The specifications of the resistors however depend on the conduction of the current.

Arrangement for older people social work essay

Considering the increase of aging population in both nations, the reform on long term care policy and system undertaken in the two nations affected the older people the most, which is the primary purpose of the paper. The paper intends to first comb through the evolution of long term care policy and system of the β†’

Application of plga (poly lactic-co-glycolic acid) for anticancer therapy

The P -TPGS nanoparticles show improved toxicity and uptake efficiency and could be potentially used for the delivery of quercetin to breast cancer cells. Biotin conjugated poly -b-poly nanoparticles encapsulating the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin and the chemosensitizer quercetin has a potential role in the treatment of drug-resistant breast cancer.

In general: rbv competitive advantage

Also, in this essay, the link between a firm's resources and sustainable competitive advantage and the characteristics and strategic implications of the resource-based-view of a firm will be discussed. The key resources that valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources are very important for a firm to achieve competitive advantage.

The characteristics and issues of psychopaths psychology essay

Psychopathy is the disorder where an individual has a personality disorder that is associated with selfishness and ruthlessness and to top it all of the individuals lack the ability to feel guilty of acts committed and neither are they empathetic. However, as for the psychopathic disorder, it is a problem that arises due to the β†’

The psychological and political proponents of isis ideology

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or by its Arabic name Daesh, is a fundamentally Sunni Islamist movement, with the goal of creating one unified Islamic State or caliphate. Cockburn discusses how in the case of the capture of Mosul, ISIS capitalized on β†’

Comparison of the us political system with france and the uk

ThePolitical System in the US Favors the President to succeed in Solving Crisis The political system inthe US makes it more likely for President Trump to alleviate or solve theUS-Mexico border crisis, for the reason that the executive-legislative is morestable and democratic; the Congress has power and is more functional to balancethe power; and the β†’

Forecast of squash and cordials market marketing essay

The cordial was invented to meet the vast growth in the consumption of water and liquid enhancers in the United States. The product packaging is of a portable and ' quirky' nature.

What is the relationship between the cold war and the ‘war on terror’ in afghanistan?

It began at the end of the Second World War and with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The aim of the essay is to explore the relationship between the cold war and the ' war on terror' in Afghanistan and to find similarities in political patterns and warfare, in order to answer the question.

The unemployment in egypt economics essay

Moreover the problem of unemployment worsened and it is now one of the major causes of concern and something must be done to decrease unemployment rate and before the situation get more worse. So it's great chance for Egypt to construct and reform textile sector in order to reduce the rate of unemployment.

Challenges to the apparel industry in sri lanka

With the introduction of the open economy and liberalization policies in year 1977 paved the way for the textile and the garment industry to enter the world market. The supportive measures adopted by the government by granting concessions, duty rebates, free import of raw material and machinery, lower taxes and tax holidays as well as β†’

Maturity the regard deserving of a leader,

Maturity is not when someone startsspeaking important things...it is when we start understanding insignificantthings just like the book called Ender's game Ender The novel covers a lot of Ender'schildhood, starting when he is a six-year-old kid who is powerless against hismore established sibling and consummation at some point after his tenthbirthday celebration, when he has β†’

The glass making and rubber industry. both sphalerite

In addition the probable and possible recoverable reserves of lead and zinc in the district have been estimated at 69. In the district of Darjeeling 2.

Great gatsby retorical analysis essay

In other words, it is the filter that is in between the wealthy and the poor classes of society. I think Fitzgerald uses the name " The Valley of Ashes" to make it sound like a dark, dreary, and boring place that is hard to be in.

Information communication technology

Rothman, Sandberg, & Jacques, points out that there is a high rate of retention and acceptance of a project that meets the most pressing needs of people in a society. This should be in line with the intended use of the application and the people that will utilize.

Accuracy and automation

Given that the child is already able to do addition of integers from 1 to 100, the child is ready to be introduced to the process of subtraction. Aside from this, the terminologies used for subtraction should be introduced to the child including the symbols and the meaning of these symbols to the process of β†’

Chapter 4 reaction paper

I considered my own position in the world in a very different way after reading this chapter. I began to try to unwind some of the strands of my personality which had led me to see myself in a certain, stable way.

Rizal first trip abroad essay

There were allegedly three eye-witnesses to his retraction: Fathers Balaguer and Viza of the Society of Jesus and Captain Rafael Dominguez, who claim that Rizal had signed a document of retraction and conversion before he was executed. With that, I can say that he truly had the sincerity of delivering the message to the young β†’

Hr performance issues and motivation analysis

Once the problem has been assessed the theory of motivation will be used to explain what actions can be taken to change the disruptive behavior. This did not happen however because the worker claimed that the patron is the daughter of a coworker and she meant no harm.

The dynamics of irresistible faith theology religion

Faith expresses the confidence that hope will be realized because the truster is assured that through the power and fidelity of God he will possess the promised ownership. He sees and knows all the manner you have trod; Never entirely are the least of His kids; Have faith in God, have faith in God.

Health and safetyexample persuasive essay

I will explain the role of an early childhood teacher identifying and implementing health and safety in the centre according to the Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood and Care Centre 2008." When parents enroll their children in a program, they expect them to be safe". By preventing children from accessing the kitchen will also reduce β†’

Course preference essay

Chapter 1 Introduction Background of the Study Having been a former high school graduating students, we experienced the same stress and pressure of choosing amongst the multitude of course to take in college. We will make a parallel research having the pulp of the presently graduating 4th year students regarding their course preference, and a β†’

Importance of leveling a set of dfds essay

With the use of data flow diagrams, it is possible to show the logical flow of data within a system. With the leveling of data flow diagrams, it is possible to work on a complex system with precision and clarity.


She is too emotional; she is overwhelmed by her feelings of revenge to her mother and sadness by the death of her father. Another characteristic would be the tragic hero's hubris or excessive pride, the fact that she rely too much to Orestes for her revenge on her mother, she was easily persuaded in the β†’

More college classes should be taught online

I know that if there were more online classes available that I would take them because I work and it is hard to find class times that work into my schedule. Another disadvantage to online classes was the fact that I had no one on one time with the teacher if needed unless it was β†’

The absence of a mother in salvage the bones

The mother of the family is not physically present, yet the father of the family, though physically present, offers no parental guidance to the children. This is symbolic of the mothers that are seen as mean or unfit in the eyes of their children and families.

The tourism industry in the maldives tourism essay

However over the last 2 years the financial crisis in Europe and the rest of the world affected the Maldivian tourism industry tremendously recording a 4 % drop in total tourist arrival. The effects of the global financial crisis which hit the Europe and the rest of the world on the Maldivian tourism industry will β†’

Cultural events in penang as a tourist destination

According Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Penang is an island with an area of 108 sq mi/280 sq km and it is known as one of the busiest ports in the past and it is located in the straits of Malacca, on the North-West Coast of Malaysia. On top of that, by having cultural events and festivals β†’

Process of natural and sexual selection

Evolution is a miraculous process and refers to the fabrication and development of life on earth and establishes the formation of modern man. In conclusion, natural selection tends to focus on the degree of adaption and mutation for survival.

Economic fluctuation in the short run economics essay

For the Basic Model of Economic Fluctuations, the Economists usually apply the model of Aggregate Demand and also Aggregate Supply to easily explain the Short-Run Economic Fluctuations in the economic along the long-run course. The increase of spending of the four categories which is the business, household, government and also the foreign will eventually make β†’

Prefabricated components in warehouse buildings

In general, IBS is a methodology which drives local construction industry towards the adoption of an integrated and encourages the application in the construction industry to produce and utilize pre-fabricated components of the building at work sites. To understand the usage of prefabricated components and the level of application in the construction industry.

Culture and public relations: links and implications

This essay seeks to explore the relationship between culture and public relations in depth, especially the importance of intercultural competence in relation to a PR practitioner's work. PR in occupational cultures can also be said to comprise of more than one culture such as " consultancy culture" and " in-house culture".