Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Approach of architectural conservation environmental sciences essay

It is a process to prevent decay and the action is aiming to prolong the life of the buildings. The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites in its Venice Charter describes the process of conserving a historical monument as: " it implies preserving a setting which is not out of →

Dombey’s lack of compassion

In the excerpt, the author displays his disapproval of Dombey's self-centered nature as well as his pity towards Dombey's son and wife through a variety of figurative devices. The passage begins with the a description of the setting in which Dombey, the son, and the Mrs.

Charlotte brontë’s apology: gothic undercutting in villette as a feminist revision of jane eyre

However, my reading traces the differences in Bronte's employment of the Gothic mode in each novel, ultimately figuring the Gothic undercutting at crucial moments in Villette as a feminist revision of the problematic representation of mental illness in Jane Eyre. A dissolution of the tension between the Gothic and realist modes in Villette, as well →

Evaluation of exogenous ketone supplements

The possible detrimental metabolic effects of KME ingestion, such as the attenuation of plasma glucose and lactate concentrations has led to the co-ingestion of KME and carbohydrates as a fueling strategy for exercise performance. Therefore, the aim of this present study was to investigate the effects of acute ingestion of an exogenous ketone monoester on →

Impacts of classism and lookism stereotypes

Much like the other " isms," classism is at play on an institutional level and can be found in recruitment and hiring practices, reimbursement of job expenses, jokes, and slurs heard in the workplace, informal networks, designation of work hours, and even in the location of the workplace. According to the Huffington post the author →

My personality type indicator psychology essay

ENFPs skip from relationship to relationship without the ability to commit and in the same time they are unable to stick to a career or job for any length of time. Since my score is in the mid-range, however, I am not taking full advantage of my potential.

Case study: psychological disorders

Sometimes referred to as the Bible of Psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a manual that contains all the mental health disorders, the cause, prognosis, and treatment methods for each disorder. To be diagnosed with a disorder in this category, a psychologist will look for the following criteria: Symptoms have been →

Modernism and modernisation in architecture and culture philosophy essay

1 Habermas argues that Modernity is an expression that represents the consciousness of an era that relates back to the past of classical antiquity in order understand itself as the movement from the old to the new. Through this Venturi's point links directly to Habermas' notion of modernity, as he is relating the new Modern →

Comparison of baroque era and modern music concerts

As a result of the resurgence of these theories, composers became more aware of the potential power of music and developed the illusion that if they correctly emulated ancient music, their own compositions could have similar effects." Johann David Heinichen, Dresden, 1728: the ' true aim of music' is to move the feelings". In this →

Treatment with hydroxyzine for paradoxical vocal cord dysfunction

The aim of this case report is to add to existing literature the importance of early diagnosis of paradoxical VCD and to expand the evidence base about the medication options that can be used to treat VCD. A systematic review of psychological interventions for adult and pediatric patients with vocal cord dysfunction.

How britain has changed into a multicultural britain?

After the Second World War there was a labour shortage in Britain because the country needed rebuilding after the wide destruction of the war and many people chose to move abroad. Other weaknesses that came to attention from the act included that no single body of people had powers of enforcement of the act and →

General motors core business

General Motors core business of producing cars and trucks operates in 34 countries and selling and servicing these vehicles through the following brands: GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Buick, Cadillac, Opel, Vauxhall and Wuling. The other feature of OD is that it gives importance to team work and small group.

The bamboo and construction with bamboo biology essay

The world is at the jaws of crisis in many sectors in the near future. One of the most important of them is the availability of timber.

Hidden figures chapter 1: setting the scene

NACAwhat federal agency had they worked for? study of flightwhat had the NACA researched? a pioneerwhat was Dorothy Vaughan? Langleywhat was the name of the lab that they worked in? changing the worldwhat had the war been doing?

Best topic for your tagalog term paper

The base of each rests on the fascia of the pectoral's major muscle and supporting ligaments extend from the skin through the breast to the fascia. In Nigeria, the incidence of breast cancer is 15.

Marriage the legal guardian (wali) of the bride,

In Muslim law, marriage depends upon the free volition of the parties concerned, so does its dissolution, though the wife's volition in this regard is subordinate to that of the husband, since the Muslim jurists subscribe to the notion that of the two partners, the husband, on account of his physical and intellectual superiority, has →

Turnaround strategy essay sample

The strengths and weaknesses of a firm are the part of the internal environment of a firm and can be controlled by the firm. At the final step of evaluation stage, the various evaluation results must be integrated together in terms of the level of the company's turnaround situation, the internal and external variables etc.such →

Amazon kindle report essay sample

After analysing the internal and external situation and position of Kindle in the market, it appears that defects of function, inadequacy of promotion and trouble with price policy are the reasons led to the decreasing of Kindle's market share. In the first decade of the 21st century, new devices for reading, e-readers, entered the markets →

Tate and lyle performance analysis essay sample

Furthermore, there is no universally accepted set of ratios that will provide a complete picture of a company's prospects, and the selection of ratios should be based on clear objectives and a firm understanding of the ratios. Based on the above figure, T&L has a higher margin due to the scope of the business, which →

Wake up fatties – before you don’t essay

Alice Davies' article showed us in different aspects of her writing the reason, solution, and effect of the overweight children by showing us details, statistics, and ideas of the children's life style. In the beginning, she gives us the reason for the increase by showing us an example that children of today are lazier than →

International relation since 1945

Impact on World Politics The aftermath of the Cold War continues to influence world affairs.[13] After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the post-Cold War world is widely considered as unipolar, with the United States the sole remaining superpower.[239][240][241] The Cold War defined the political role of the United States in the post-World War II →

Thermochemistry: an ice calorimeter determination flashcard

McCann Thermometers: An Ice Calorimeter Determination of Reaction Enthalpy 9/1 1/2014 Introduction: A chemical reaction often indicated by a transfer of energy measured in heat. By measuring this heat transfer in a constant pressurized environment, the enthalpy of the reaction can be used to Infer certain Information about a specific reactions reactants and products.

Personal marketing plan persuasive

Below is an outline of what the accounting industry is and why I want to join the industry. The Big 4 firms belong to what is called the corporate accounting industry and that is just one aspect of the larger accounting industry as a whole.

Lord of the flies: a grotesque view on human behavior

Why things are the way they are? " In chapter five Simon has a hunch that the beast is really the boys themselves and the words spoken by the Lord of the flies confirms that hunch. The idea of the evil on the island being within the boys is control to the novels exploration of →


About the project: The kinetic energy of a ceiling fan is converted to electrical energy using a dynamo and stored in the battery via battery charging circuit. A LCD display indicates the voltage levels at the battery and the dynamo.- PROJECT DURING COURSE: * Temperature monitoring system using 89S52 controller interfacing with LCD.* ISP for →

Compare/contrast of two and a half men

Alan has to put the house up for sale as he is unable to afford the mortgage payments and property tax. At the end of the episode Walden tells Alan that he is going to buy the house.

Analyze the breed specific legislation essay

Credibility As a dog owner who spends everyday of his life with a breed of dog often found on breed ban lists, researching BSL is as much a part of my life as my dog, Lucky. Breed-specific legislation is the banning or restriction of the ownership of a dog solely based on the dog's breed →

Different parts of school schedule

They give the children an opportunity to express themselves and their uniqueness, gives them a chance to interact and be sociable, and gives them experience for possible future careers. The electives give students a mental break from the rigorous classes they participate in and lets them be kids.

Results chapter on cmv infection research

Table: Age distribution of the studied patients Studied patients No.% Age Mean SD 9.9 3. Table: Age distribution of neonates with congenital anomalies Studied patients No.% Age of neonateswith congenital anomalies group Mean SD Median 4.1 1.6 4.

Peoples formation of impressions psychology essay

08 A two-way between subjects ANOVA test was conducted that compared the effect of Order and Group membership on forming an impression of someone. The results also failed to support that group membership and Order would effect participant's formation of impressions.

Reflective practice is an integral part of developing skills to improve

Through experiencing new situations medical students are able to learn and develop new skills but the level of learning depends on the depth of reflecting of the experience. Reflection in the medical practice can be viewed from three directions; reflection-on action, reflection-in action and reflection-for action.

Ethical legal decision-making dilemma for the nurse practitioner

As a hospice nurse, and soon to be hospice provider I am aware of this request and the ethical and legal ramifications that can become unleashed due to this request. Violation of ethical principle and law The legal ramifications and violation of law for practicing PAD are as followed; FNP's cannot legally or ethically make →

Chapter one the press in mauritius media essay

Then, the evolution and development of the written and audio-visual press in Mauritius will be examined before considering the constitutional foundation of the freedom of the press of the country. Freedom of the press was recognized by the National Assembly of France in the Article 11 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and →

Puppetry theater in pakistan media essay

Puppetry captures the imagination and interest of young students and therefore used in many schools in the west and east as a medium to communicate and teach the children. Steve Tillis in " Art of puppetry in the Age of Media production" questions if the figures made of the computer can be termed as puppets →

Benefits and types of family therapy

However, would not you prefer to have a family that is resilient in the face of all your challenges? Reaping the Rewards of Family Counseling Family therapy is a productive approach that can serve the interest of not only the affected members, but the whole family.

Effects of disputes in construction

The way the contractor, the client, the architect and the engineer view a delay or its effect to the project most of the times, if not all, vary significantly. The impact on the construction schedule depends mainly on the activities in which the delay is encountered and the existence or not of float in the →

Classical conditioning (associative learning) ivan p. pavlov

conditionedsomething that must be learnedbefore conditioningunconditioned stimulus unconditioned response neutral stimulus no conditioned response ONCLASSICAL CONDITIONING IVAN P. 90/PAGEOrder Nowduring conditioningunconditioned response happen naturally, do not need to be learnedafter conditioningconditioned stimulus conditioned response learned reactionsacquisitiondevelopment of a learned responseextinctionconditioned responses dissapear uf the association between the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are broken.reduction of →

Electronic devices and posture

Marten Boss and Amy Cuddy thought of the behavioral effects associated to these different body postures when using mobile or electronic devices based on the size of these devices. Boss and Cuddy also are planning to conduct a field experiment, measuring the effect of device-induced body posture in an actual office tenting.

Working women in family and its positive & negative sides

Our survey and report is named as " A study on working women in family and its negative & positive sides". In this report we tried to show the condition of working women in our family that how they are harassed domestically and socially on the basis of financial status.

What to do in kolhapur? essay sample

Kolhapur is an important city of Maharashtra which is located in the southwestern side of Maharashtra state. Numerous Lakes, magnificent hills, forests and pilgrimage add the colorful flavors to the beauty of the city and attract thousands of visitors every year.

Illustrate hazards essay sample

Another example of a hazard from the modified physical environment is the occurrence of brush fires. In addition to these physical hazards there are many others related to the social and economic composition and life-styles of the area, such as the racial riots in Watts in 1965 and in central Los Angeles in 1992.

Health promotion and prevention project for elderly

Various studies have been conducted to formulate that about 45% of the US population is known to have one or more chronic illness and this illness account for 78% of all health care spending. It is estimated that longevity in women is more as compared to men, women of the age group 65- 85 relates →

High school sports personal to myself

During my high school years I dedicated many hours to after school practices and came to develop a number of friendships through my involvement in the school baseball program. In large part I recognize that my experience on the high school baseball team was a positive experience.

Douse the online flamers summary essay

Under this act, innocent victims of the unidentified slander are not able to sue the internet service providers to get the names of the anonymous who damaged their reputation. He proposes to introduce more punishment to those who intentionally devastate the lives of other individuals.

Gran torino essay

By first glance, Walt already has a guard up towards them, and matters get worse once the son of the family, Tao, tries to steal his Gran Torino in order to be a part of a gang. To make up for it, and restore honor back to the Hmong family, Tao works for Walt, and →

Dpcm – college essay

5 0 Bernd Girod: EE398B: Image Communication II DPCM no. 5 0 Bernd Girod: EE398B: Image Communication II DPCM no.

Curley’s wife deserved her fate

To understand Curley's wife you need to ' read between the lines' of what she is saying and why she is saying it. She put her hands behind her bank and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward.' From my point of view, Curley's wife thinks that this is the →

Difference between flow shops and job shops

A) Inputs are fixed for continuous shops and the flow of work is mutinous for flow shops b) In flow shops, there is a discrete product or service instead of products not naturally divisible c) Degree of automation is higher for flow shops d) Continuous shops tend to be very small while flow shops tend →

Discuss personal therapist variables

Emotional maturity is said to be borne from experience and age, and although I am not advanced in age, I know that I am emotionally mature because I have already experienced a number of difficult situations in mychildhoodwhich also gives me an insight into the feelings and thoughts of my clients, I am in a →

Q77. if you were given the chance to meet any famous entertainer or athlete of your choice who would you choose and why?

Thesis: Therefore, Stallone is not just a movie Star to me; he is also a Star in real life since he had a dream and went on to pursue and realize it. Stallone is therefore not just a movie star to me; he is also a star in real life since he had a dream →

Watching emptiness

The first thing I think of when I walk up to the empty track is how quiet it is now. Even though there is nothing to see but an empty track and bleachers, I can see the competition already.

Made to order babies

Today, the sex of the baby, the hair color, and the eye color can all be modified to the choice of the parent. But when a baby is " designed to get " rid" of disease and disorders, there are embryos that are killed in order to find " the perfect baby".

The emerging role of electronic markets

Functions of a Market Markets have three main functions, summarized in Table 1: matching buyers and sellers; facilitating the exchange of information, goods, services and payments associated with market transactions; and providing an institutional infrastructure, such as a legal and regulatory framework, that enables the efficient functioning of the market. Sellers determine a schedule of →

Culture of heavy metal

Culture of Heavy MetalHeavy metal is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the Midlands of the United Kingdom and the United States. Major Genres of Heavy MetalHeavy metal mainly consists of trash metal, black metal, death metal, power metal and Christian metal.1.

Hrm531 phase one – the new team

To determine the position responsibilities, I used a combination of job performance and interviews. This two-pronged approach allowed me to determine job duties and get the employees opinion of the job requirements.

Association of renal insufficiency health and social care essay

1, 2, 3One of the main disadvantages of severe chronic renal insufficiency is that it augments the incidence of cardiovascular disease, particularly of atherosclerotic disease. In the present investigation, the relation between renal function and coronary artery disease burden was studied in a cohort of 2687 patients.

Compare benjamin franklin, thomas paine and thomas jefferson

In a letter Franklin wrote to his grandson, he expressed how he wanted to return to America before his death but did not think he would be able to. Thomas Jefferson took part in politics as well as Franklin and Paine and was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

Pervasive racism in the secret life of bees

Within the historic world created in The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, one of the many underlying influences in Sylvan is that of prejudice and bigotry. Although the justice system has the best intentions in the world of the novel, it seems as though the system has become corrupted; the chief enforcers →

Accessibility and the ever-changing technology in education

ACCESSIBILITY AND THE EVER-CHANGING TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Accessibility and technology are issues that are affecting how the instructors prepare and teach their lesson in the classroom. They can give the students new experience and can relate with the students using the devices that the students use daily and make the lessons applicable for each of →

Is gospel work more sacred than secular work?

The history of faith and work The Bible in Genesis describes God's creation of the world as work that also includes the creation of humanity. It is also evident that God always intended for us to work and eat the fruit of our labors.

Invisible contract

This research seeks: To compare the Old and New Types of the Psychological contract To explore the opinions of a selection of Starbucks Coffee's employees and their managers about their side of the psychological contract. To examine the changes in the psychological contract over the years, the reasons for the changes and the influence the →

The theory of determinism and its supporters philosophy essay

The philosophical understanding of this theory is related to the understanding of chain of various events. The main teaching involved that none of the Greek gods accepted a human to do a bad thing as the wrath of the gods was beyond imaginable.

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic impacts on well-being: case study

This essay will discuss the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of each of the medications Vera is taking, in relation to dosage, concurrent use of multiple medications, and other factors that can alter the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of drugs in the body, as well as exploring any possible interactions and adverse effects. The dosage and administration →

Effective leadership styles in problem solving

Effective and efficient implementation of change and improvement is a dynamic and comprehensive process which takes its due time to come into action and specific management and leadership programmes are usually unique to every organization. The management must set the scope of these improvements and it is leadership's responsibility to aide in bringing and implementing →

Development plan for at-risk students

Challenges of At-Risk Students While we remain optimistic of this committee's dedication to improvement for at risk students in the classroom here at Burns, we also know that there are challenges that these learners will face. This online resource is a user-centered parent resource that was designed to create products and services that increase Parent →

Structural capital a theoretical construct business essay

This is because the real promise of the knowledge economy comes in the creation of structural capital, that is, knowledge that gets captured and institutionalized in an organization. Firm capacity to transform Human Capital and Relational Capital into Structural Capital -knowledge that is inserted in the structure and processes of the organization-.

Bricks and clicks model

It is also known as click and mortar, clicks and bricks, and bricks, clicks, and flips. The register is simultaneously an up-to-date view of the account and data entry point.

‘parthenocarpy’ and water melon. thompson seedless due to

' Parthenocarpy' which refers to the development of fruits without fertilization or even without the stimulus that comes from pollination. If a parthenocarpic fruit develops even without the stimulus from the pollination, then this phenomenon is vegetative parthenocarpy e.g.banana with the stimulus of pollination, stimulative Guava and water melon.

The of customers using the platform for this

To reveal the effect of consumer trust on the adoption of mobile banking app for customers in a rural areaG5.III. To assess the effect of banking perceived cost on the adoption of mobile banking app for customers.IV.

It more differences than do really exist.

The following commentaries besides the Mitakshara are accepted in this school: 1. The authority of following commentaries besides Mitakshara was accepted in this school: 1.

The during field work, several factors were put

According to Christian, " an intentional community is a group of people who have chosen to live with or near enough to each other to carry out their shared lifestyle..".. One of the main lessons learnt was their effort to bring gender equality in the community.

Psychology is the study of human behavior, how

Following the undergraduate degree, a two year program of graduate studies in Psychology in a university will lead the student to a Master's degree. With a doctoral degree in Psychology and one year of a supervised internship, a student can become a legal psychologist.

Managing organizations and leading people essay sample

Effects of Current Leadership The current effects of the primary leadership at SMC creates a positive work environment in which all employees are encouraged to act in a way that is beneficial to the company and its individual employees. I believe the reason for this is because the primary leaders from all the departments throughout →

Current event to american politicis

Rather than perceive of the election of women into positions of political authority as natural, or a consequence of the merit of capacities of these women, many still view female politicians as an anomaly. The implication here is that they are capable of being as strong and as tough on the issues as are the →

Bradley vs leavis, notes on othello essay

The Othello who enters the bed-chamber with the words, " It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul," is not the man of the Fourth Act. In short, a habit of self-approving self-dramatisation is an essential element in Othello's make-up, and remains so at the very end.

Teaching assistant level 2 assignment 1 essay

Support the pupil There are various ways in which you can support the pupil with the main issues being there: * Social and emotional development.* looking for signs of distress and tying to dissolve those issues.* Making sure you are caring and comforting.* Deal with any accidents that the pupil may have.* Making sure the →

The spread of greek culture essay

After the Peloponnesian war, in effect a civil war between the Greek city states, the mainland was in a state of turmoil, which Philip of Macedonia took advantage of, defeating the Athenians in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. But the true propagators of Greek culture were the Romans, for it is Western civilization →

Organisation theory case study – motivation at the bradley clothing company

Organisation Theory Case Study Motivation at the Bradley Clothing Company The personnel manager of the Bradley Clothing Company, Alice Johnson thinks the theories of Maslow and Herzberg are very suitable for the management; therefore, she put the theory into practice. The same principle to the realistic situation and it is that the employees always think →

Understand what is required for competence in own work essay

It is part of my responsibility to help encourage the patients to eat and tell them what they wide variety of food that is available for them to eat. 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting It is also important to promptly alert the nurses where there are any changes in the →

School readiness and later achievement review essay

Purpose of the Study and Hypotheses The researchers of this study wanted to estimate links between key elements of school readiness-school-entry academic, attention, and socioemotional skills-and later school reading and math achievement. Data that was used was collected from direct achievement tests and surveys of parents, teachers, and school administrators The Children of the National →

The old man and the sea essay

He feels this way because he is old and does not have the strength that he had when he was a young man and he needs all the strength he can get. Santiago's determination to have success over self-defeat is one of the main reasons he captured the marlin and kept it in his possession →

The falkland war: why did the argentine military junta invade and seize british territory

In order to understand the reasoning behind the conflict over the Falkland Islands it is pivotal to acquire an understanding of the history behind the islands as well as both parties involved, namely Britain and Argentina, this is paramount in order to determine the significance of the Falkland Islands to both sides and will undoubtedly →

The internet is america’s villain essay

Contrary to Goldwasser's opinion and her call to action to stop regarding the Internet as a villain, I would argue that the Internet and cell phones are indeed what is wrong with kids today. Kids no longer have to look up a word in the dictionary to see how It Is correctly spelled and get →

Night college essay

He had much faith in his religion and the innocence of the boy he was. He used this to symbolize, emphasize, and repeat the importance of the events that happen in the book, and to show the process and reason for the death of his faith in his god.

Man vs. man in william shakespeare’s play ‘the tragedy of julius caesar’

The conflict of man verses man through characters Caesar and Pompey, and Antony and The Conspirators are two very prominent representations of man verses man that are shown in this play. One main conflict in the play that represents man verses man is the conflict between Caesar and Pompey.

Walden by henry david thoreau and a walk in the woods by bill bryson: comparing the significance and symbolism of nature

Nature can symbolize calmness and peacefulness because when you walk into the woods you would mainly see trees, flowers, etc and you would hear the birds chirp or the sound of the wind because its quit enough for you to hear rather than in the city its to noise to hear the birds. The purpose →

Injustices in a good man is hard to find

The grandmother soon realizes, however, that she is mistaken as to the location of the plantation house but decides not to tell the rest of the family her error. From what the grandmother says at the beginning of the story, it is clear that she fears the Misfit and is aware of the terrible crimes →

Key features to the psychodynamic approach to psychopathology

Psychodynamic approach is one of the approaches, which explains the dynamics of behaviour, and what motivates a person. The root of the abnormality is the effect of repression of unresolved conflicts between unconscious desires.

Reporter’s privilege examples

Wolf edited the videotapes and then posted it on the news website Bay Area Indymedia but he was subpoenaed by the court to testify to provide all the videotapes he had captured during the protest. It was also irrelevant for the court to hold charge against Josh Wolf because he had already posted the edited →

Pestel analysis political factor management essay

China automobile industry, the top vehicle superpower in the world has become the backbone in the national economy due to the fast growing of the industry in 2009. The consequences of the growth sales in automobiles are such as air pollution, sound pollution, and of course the global warming due to the overconsumption of oil →

Evaluation of jack ma’s leadership style

According to Jack Ma's tips for leadership, it can be clearly seen that he is iconic of the new leader in this period because he has a unique style of leading. Another distinguished characteristic of Jack Ma is the way that he is leading his employees.

Example health essay

With reference to the UK, discuss the reasons why tuberculosis is a contemporary public health issue and give examples of relevant public health and health promotion initiatives. Screening of immigrants in the UK for imported latent tuberculosis: a multicentre cohort study and cost-effectiveness analysis.

Building luxury apartments in colombo construction essay

The number of units to be constructed for Phase I will be 123 units in a 30-storey tower and will be aimed at the mainly local buyers in the middle to upper income brackets, as well as Sri Lankan expatriates. The target overall construction cost for Phase I of this development is expected to be →

Rare earth doped upconverting nanoparticles

Herein, we report the different mechanisms responsible for the Upconversion process of rare-earth doped nanoparticle and methods that are used to synthesize and decorate up converting nanoparticle. For in vitro or in vivo imaging, the use of NIR excitation minimizes absorbance, scattering, and fluorescence from cells and tissues, allowing imaging against a dark background [13].

Ap world history ch. 22

Robert di Nobili Italian Jesuit missionary; worked in India during the early 1600s; introduced strategy to convert elites first; strategy later widely adopted by Jesuits in various parts of Asia; mission eventually failedMacaoOne of the 2 port cities where Europeans were permitted to trade with China during the Ming Dynasty. School of National LearningNew Ideology →