Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Malthusian theory of population: explained with its criticism assignment

Thomas Malthusian reasoned that because the amount of land is fixed, as population grows and more and more labor is applied to land, the productivity f labor in food production would decline, leading to widespread famine. What happens to the profits of boat builders in the long run?

Business strategy and policy assignment

Evaluation of written assignments will be based the on the quality of content, understanding of current events and issues, the quality of the " mechanics" and the quality of the written and oral presentation. Attendance will be taken at the discretion of the instructor and is defined as being present and seated quietly when class →

Reflective exercise

Full topic and Section # of Green Marketing Introduction Green marketing can be described as greening of the products through thorough understanding of public policy processes along with the alteration of the 4ps, product, price, place and promotion of the market. Green marketing can be achieved by improving the means of production as well as →

Summary one page iso9000

Summary of the ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is a set of standard formulated and reformulated by the International Organization for Standardization with the central aim of monitoring, reviewing, and improving the quality nature of the companies' products. Second, management responsibility is the thorough implementation and development of the specified management system utilized by the company →

Social or cultural issues in early contemporary literature

of Feminism as a Social Issue Dealt in Early Contemporary Literature Feminism became one of the most critical issues in literature during the early twentieth century. Feminism was not the sole emancipation of women from the chains of male dominant society and to gain equality as men; it was a deeper struggle of women to →

Economic depression

The expansion of the total output or product as compared to the increase in population causes the rise in real wages and incomes and makes the standards of living higher. Each stage of the business cycle shows the effects of fluctuations in the level of output and employment in the economy.

Lo and behold, the palazzo rucellai essay

The building's facade is derived from several classical orders cognizant of the Colosseum in Rome, the Tuscan order at the base, and a cut down version of the Corinthian order at the topmost level. The only deviance from this approach is Alberti's seizure on a symbolic aspect of light linked to beauty through the adjectives →

Flip top – college essay

Of course it's more impressive when one refutes the other's attacks on the spot but it's also about the style and the word they choose which are emphasized by the lack of beat to ride on every battle is a capella. The brains behind the FlipTop Battle League is 22 year-old Aric Yuson." With all →

Kiss notes : production of materials essay

In the previous topic in the Preliminary Course, you learnt about carbon chemistry of petroleum Then you will learn more carbon chemistry when you study the alcohols and the importance s a fuel source.and the most important of this group member TIlls topic begins by taking this idea further. Now you will find out more..., →

Thelonious monk essay

Monk's family was made up of his parents Thelonious and Barbara Monk and two siblings, Marian and Thomas. One of the most remarkable aspects of Monk's music was that he saw no need to alter his playing or compositional style and that is what defined his career.

Unforgiven analysis – closing sequence essay

This is especially true in the final sequence in which visual elements illustrate the meaning and state of beings of characters and the situation. Clint Eastwood plays Munney in a very minimalist style, this is done to communicate to the audience the lack of emotion and feeling he possesses.

Bus technology

The External bus connects the different external devices, peripherals, expansion slots, I/O ports and drive connections to the rest of the computer. Some of the electronic pathways or wires of the Internal bus or the External bus are dedicated to moving data.

Aph flowchart for delivery and brth process

I would not initiate any changes because the flow chart of processes has been very successful and critical to the 130% capacity of the operational levels of the hospitals' only would like to improve upon the levels of floors of the various units. If the mother is due for normal delivery and the birth of →

The logic of terrorism

Countless of these efforts, together with the conception of the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center, the reformation of the Treasury Department's Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, and the prolonged extraterritorial jurisdiction authority to examine and put to trial global Narco-terrorism cases, happened in reaction to the attacks that happened in September 11, 2001 in →

Earthquake san francisco- 1906

The city was in the middle of a great economic boom and almost all was lost on that day. A road across the fault ended up 21 feet north of the road to the east same with the rivers and creeks.

Fitting of engel curve

The analysis is subject to certain limitations due to the assumptions made with the most primary assumption being that the total expenditure on all goods is representative of the income of the individual. Working-Lesser Model is the first empirical model applied in the study of consumption analysis In the Working-Leser model, each share of the →

The effects of being bullied for sexual exploitation

First of all, according to the definition of sexual exploitation in the first paragraph, P is guilty of sexual exploitation because P used photos of V, without her consent, for a " non-legitimate purpose" If he forced V to commit the sexual act, he is also considered a bully. Just as she would for the →

Methods of studying of multiracial identity

Further, the regions of the United States most represented in this sample follow a similar pattern to the US Census whereby the majority of the individuals reported living in the West Pacific, MidAtlantic, and South Atlantic regions of the United States. Given the literature and the aims of the present study, the measure of authenticity →

Plate tectonic

Checkpoint: Plate Tectonic TheoryFor many, many years, people assumed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that everything revolved around the Earth. However, in 1543, a man by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus stated that the Earth was not the center of the universe and in fact the planets revolve around the →

Future directions and conclusions

Continued research exploring the relationship between multiracial identity and psychological well-being must explore the use of alternative ways of measuring well-being with multiracial individuals while controlling for general life stressors that impact well-being. Also, based on a recent study that points to the buffering effects of identifying as multiracial on the relationship between discrimination and →

The truth of verbal overshadowing

Engstler-Schooler, Questions: At this essay, we have analyzed and researched the Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology, especially review the theory of Verbal Overshadowing Effect by Jonathan Schooler and Engstler-Schooler. At last, we analyzed and researched the Cognitive Psychology and Verbal Overshadowing Effect.

Professional development plan example

In this paper I will try to explain some of the factors influencing my pursuit of a bachelor's degree, highlight new opportunities that will potentially become available after completing my degree, discuss how the role of a nurse with a bachelor's degree is different than the role of an associate nurse, and highlight some of →

Approaches to injustice: comparing “a party down at the square” and “the ones who walk away from omelas”

They know of the violent and cruel conditions of the child locked in the room yet through the existence of the child and their knowledge of its existence," that makes possible the nobility of their architecture the poignancy of their music, the profundity of their science".. The same is in " The Ones Who Walk →

Key characteristics quantitative method psychology essay

Characteristic to the constructivist is the way that a researcher engages in descriptive research questions, and hypotheses; hermeneutic." The goal of the research is to rely as much as possible on the participants views of the situations being studied". Also, characteristic to the mixed method research is the way that the researchers engage with the →

How the globalization has been influenced politics essay

The era of nation state is over THE FACTORS THAT HAVE SHAPED THE PROCESSES OF ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION According to Castells, economic globalization can be mainly conceived as three different sets of factors that have shaped the processes of globalization, encompassing the changes that took place at a global level over the last few decades: the →

Effectiveness of art therapy for multiple sclerosis patients

It is however significant to make relationships among the vulnerabilities of the illness and the soothing benefits of the art therapy that is to be examined in this paper. The researcher's goal is to identify the casualties and the causes of the illness known as multiple sclerosis and also acquire a better understanding of its →

Does the freedom of press affect our daily life?

The internet makes it easier to access the information of our interest and not those sections in the newspaper that we tend to skip. It is easier to filter the information that we want to read rather that standing in front of the T.

Motivational factors of ready made garments

If an organization is failed to do so it is badly effecting to the employee and causes dissatisfaction of the job. In a report shows that due to a strong demand for skilled labour combined with insufficient wage and discontinuity of payment, dissatisfaction of job, bad attitude in job etc.there is high level of migration →

The system of patronage history essay

The expectations of patrons and audiences then, had the capacity to have an overwhelming influence on the different types of compositional output by artists of that time.[2] Through the understanding of the different expectations, as well as considering the social context of the particular place, one can put the extent of influence on composers by →

Drug enforcement administration: early years of the dea

The Drug Enforcement Administration was established for the sole purpose of having a single federal agency to enforce the federal drug laws and to coordinate and control the governments drug control activities. The Congress accepted the proposal and the departments of the Bureau of Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs and the Office of Drug Abuse Law →

Anti-inflammatory profile of alnus nepalensis leaves

Aim of the study: To evaluate the in-vitro and in-vivo anti-inflammatory profile of A.nepalensis leaves extracts to provide experimental evidence for its traditional use. H, Kim, S.

Crisis of the third century

The crisis of the third century would ultimately lead to the fall of Rome. These all led up to the fall of rome.

Managing conflict in the workplace

The management team sold this to the staff as a temporary measure and staff were under the impression that this would be for 2-3 weeks at the most. Many of the staff have a number of years experience and this caused conflict between the older and younger staff as the older staff felt that due →

Understanding laws and ethics of selling assignment

The laws of the UK which would be applicable to buyer protection, would be Consumer Protection Act Sale of Goods Act Office of Fair Trading d) Unfair Contract Terms 3 ISMM Assignment 13201 Understanding Laws and Ethics of Selling Kim de The Consumer Protection Act evolved from the recognition that sellers may have an unfair →

Archetypal characters

Ben is the main character in the book, and he has to deal with the fears he developed when he was young, and the guilt he feels over his wife's death. He is a natural leader of the group, and he spends his time studying about the vampires.

Superior’s balance sheet report

The current ratio highlights the liquidity position of the firm and this also highlights the ability of the firm to cover the current liabilities with the help of the current assets. The ratio between the ready cash assets and the current liabilities is referred to as the quick ratio.

Personal biography

In 1999, I began to pursue a career in finance by joining the team of London Life as a financial security planning advisor. I take joy in my great and small achievements as these give me a strong sense of satisfaction.

Soving 2 macro economy qs

4.a) Real GDP growth = /120412 = 0. 69 = 0.

Little miss sunshine theme analysis – family essay

At the start of the movie Little Miss Sunshine, it is clear that the Hoover family is unhappy and dysfunctional: with the drug addicted Grandpa, the dad who is blind to the real ' successes' in life and categorises everything and everyone into winners and losers, the nicotine addicted mum who is struggling to keep →

Catholic mass experience

As the service continued from the Introductory Rites to the Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and dismissal of the service I began to feel as if I missed something. I did not talk to anyone, but I hope that they were amazed by me as much as I was in awe of →

How hester changes: the strength of her character

The Puritan society will not forgiver her for the adultery that she has committed, so they put her through all the shame and embarrassment, the feelings of torments and ridicule, and the public display of her sin as she stands on the scaffold in the middle of the day. In the end, Hester strength, honest →

Effects of consumerism narrative

An ecological footprint, also known as a carbon footprint, is the scientific measure of one's consumption and the effect of their expenditure to the planet earth. Finally, although every being needs to consume to some extent, consumerism in an excess of what is primarily for sustainability, is damaging the planet with air pollution and overflowing →

Value line publishing, october 2002 essay

Business Summary The Home Depot, Inc.is the world's largest home improvement retailer and the second largest retailer in the United States. The Home Depot, Inc.is in a highly competitive industry that is based on the factors of price, store location, customer service, and depth of merchandise.

“the road” by cormac mcarthy

The objects and events carry meaning in the happenings of the earth. In the novel the " The Road" Cormac has used a number of symbolisms.

Greek mythology has inspired books

The author continues to release books on Greek mythology and to this day the popularity for the book series only grows. The game was called God of War, and though the game was overly action oriented the entire world and the interactions it allowed were solely based on Greek mythology.

Althea gibson: equality in tennis

Robert Johnson, known as " The Black Godfather of Tennis" asked Althea if she would be interested in playing the US National Championship Forest Hills, "...the Mecca of American tennis and national championships...and of course, when she heard that she thought these guys are either snake oil salesmen or some kind of charlatans...no way that →

Contributions of galileo galilei to modern astronomy religion essay

It was because of these discoveries that Galileo has been called the " father of modern observational astronomy", the " father of modern physics", the " father of science", and " the Father of Modern Science".[5] At Padua, Galileo invented a calculating " compass" for solving mathematical problems.[6] He discovered the law of falling bodies →

Nutritional supplements as effective as full ward diet nursing essay

The aim of this study is to critically review current literature in order to evaluate the effectiveness of oral nutritional supplement in addition to regular food intake in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The goal of the research paper by Heyman et al, which provides level III evidence, was to examine the effects →

The global strategy of french retailer carrefour

Its strategy depended on building the group's market share in each market by developing the kind of retailing most suitable to the local market and also by maximising the way the group's formats harmonised one another. The singular differentiator for Carrefour's success in China has been its more ingrained adjustment to the local environment and →

Structural components of suspension bridge engineering essay

Suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the road way or the deck is suspended below the suspension cables. The weight of the bridge is transferred to the anchorage system by cables.

Cutting room management system economics essay

The focus of this project is on the means employed by the cutting room manager to instruct, monitor and control the processing of fabric cutting room and personnel. This projects aims to defining a system for effective management of cutting room and at the same time connecting it to fabric inventory so that track of →

Types and nature of foreign aid economics essay

The lessening of the strategic importance of foreign aid has been reinforced by the end of the Cold War which led to its decreasing flows in the 1990s. The model takes both the traditional and modern view on foreign assistance- as a boost to domestic saving and, on the other hand, import of goods necessary →

Pestel factors which directly and indirectly affect structure of organization

Disadvantages some users over simplify the amount of data used for decisions it is easy to use scant data to be effective this process needs to be undertaken on a regular basis the best reviews require different people being involved, each having a different perspective.access to quality, external data sources can be time consuming and →

Effect of cystic fibrosis on epithelial cells biology essay

In conclusion, Cystic Fibrosis is the result of a mutation of the CFTR gene that disrupts the phenotype of the CFTR protein found in the plasma membrane of exocrine organs1-5. The article also briefly describes the consequences of a thick mucus in the lung, and the mechanism of CFTR.5.

The endocrine system: diseases and age-related changes

Cortisol also aids the body in digesting fats and carbohydrates found in a person's diet and converts those to energy that the body can use. The most tell-tale sign of this syndrome is known as a buffalo hump between the shoulders.

Coca-cola foundations

The Coca-Cola Foundation Awards Over $19 Million to Communities Across the U.S.and Canada in 2010 The Coca-Cola Foundation, the philanthropic arm of The Coca-Cola Company, has awarded grants totaling $4 million to 38 organizations across the U.S.and Canada in the fourth quarter of 2010. In 2010, The Coca-Cola Foundation has awarded and paid over $19 →

English 101 paper

Like I said I can sit here and say that privacy is good and bad but when it comes down to it, no one has the right answer. In Korea where the woman let her dog go to the bathroom on the subway and they took pictures of her and she was known as " →

Introductionludwig the language that an individual speaks truly

I will be exploring the trends of the populations of the United States over the ages of five who speak Chinese, French, Spanish, Korean, and Russian at home with the r2 correlation coefficient test and bar graphs to calculate the predicting trends of the total speakers residing in the U.S.and over the age of five →

Properties of computer assignment

The right time to study, the right time to rest, the right time to exercise, playing around, the right time to perform your prayers at time. After you found the right time and you got it, it is advisable for you to make up a schedule.So.

Academic integrity assignment

This is the problem with modern students: rather than actually going to the library to do some traditional research using books the publication of which requires heavy scrutiny), the average student prefers to " Google" the information. The trouble with this method is that, once an obstacle is encountered, the average student declares, " I →

Ambiguity of the scarlet letter essay sample

This statement is mixed with ambiguity and the mockery of the Puritans. Due to the use of ambiguity, one does not know whether or not to believe that there is truly a mark on Dimmesdale's chest.

The significance of the great fear of 1789 essay sample

The Great Fear episode briefly shattered the indifference of hundreds of thousands of rural farmers to the cause of revolution, and gave a massive boost to the forces of change that were convulsing the French society. Economic recession in the 1770's thwarted the ambitions of many bourgeois and resulted in the accrual of deep frustrations →

Features of romanticism in ivanhoe essay sample

The tenets the movement embraced: medievalism, nationalism, the individual, folklore, nature, Gothic romance, exoticism, emotion, and religion, provided a clear departure from the earlier movements of the Enlightenment and Classicism, freeing authors for other directions. During this time the Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott read James McPherson's Ossian c ycle of poems Greatly influenced by →

Free will vs determinism

and Number of the Teacher's Evaluation Paper FREE WILL VERSUS DETERMINISM IN OEDIPUS THE KING BY SOPHOCLES Introduction The ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles first performed in c. In this mythological story of the power of prophecy and destiny against man's struggles to exert his own will on his life, the main →

Louisa may alcott in my contraband essay

Bob, who is the protagonist in this story and later on in the story is known as Robert Dane, was a contraband who assisted Miss Dane as her servant in the hospital with a patient named Master Ned. The author uses passion to show that despite the treatment towards Robert he was no less of →

Alan mulally, ceo ford motor company – essay 2

Joseph Pionke Organizational Behavior July 7, 2011 Abstract This paper presents a discussion about Alan Roger Mulally who is an American businessman who was hired as CEO of Ford in September 2006 This paper examines Mulally's role of Leadership and the goals that he has set forth for Ford to avoid bankruptcy, overcome struggle and →

Internet and youth culture essay

The Internet as Culture and as Cultural Artifact In part, the discrepancy between technological determinism and the view of technology as socially constructed is the result of a lack of clarity about the subject of tudy. 7 To study the internet as a culture means to regard it as a social space in its own →

Judas as a hero-traitor. essay

The fiction of two Borges's stories, which arises from two stories " The theme of the Traitor and the Hero" and " Three Versions of Judas". The internal and external family of Judas with the Son of God as a central figure.

Obesity and asthma essay

It is important to have a treatment plan that monitors both the symptoms of depression and asthma in order to find the treatment that works best for you. It is important that the people around your child are aware if they have asthma, and know how to recognise symptoms and what to do in an →

Stages of the monomyth in the step not taken

One of the dominant archetypal patterns in literature, film and even video game text is the story of a journey or quest. In the story " The Step Not Taken by Paul D'Angelo the protagonist refuses his call to help the bawling man in the elevator as seen when he says " I did not →

Professional communication week 6: disneyworld

Walt Disney World is a theme park and resort dedicated to bringing out the magic in founder Walt Disney's vision.A. Walt Disney World is not only catered to children, but to adults, also.

Magnet status

Organization attributes that attract nurses to magnet hospitals support better patient care and outcomes, including a strong presence of nurses in patient care decision making, a high level collegiality between nurses and physicians, and more time for nurses to care for and teach patients, and the encouragement and expectation ofcritical thinking. The written application for →

Jules and vincent, brett and the burger: pulp fiction scene analysis

At the start of the scene, Tarantino uses cutting on action in order to contrast the uncertainty and confusion of Brett's friend with the seriousness of Vincent and Jules. It's a scene that is still held in the memories of many movie-goers today.

Dworkin theory of law as integrity

The concept of Law as Integrity is a key to Dworkin's Constructive Interpretation of legal practice.[6]According to Dworkin, judges should identify legal rights and obligations on the basis that all the rights and obligations are crated by the community as integrity, and all those rights and obligations express the community's conception of justice and fairness. →

A leader must have followers

There may be lack of helpful feedback It does not encourage contribution or initiative from subordinates The manger still makes all the decisions, but explains them to subordinates, and attempts to motivate subordinates to carry them out willingly. Subordinates will not necessarily be committed to decisions in which they have not been involved There is →

Imf structural adjustment programs and the neoliberal view economics essay

This unsureness of the IMF role and the eagerness to advocate Neoliberalism have transformed the IMF, through the Washington consensus, as an institution to " open economies" especially the economy of its major clients; the developing countries. The debates evolve around the issues of aggressive Neoliberal conditionality, the generic implementation of SAPs, country sovereignty, the →

Government expenditure and economic development

The law predicts that the development of an industrial economy will be accompanied by an increase in the share of public expenditure in gross national product as a natural consequence of increasing requirements of the manufacturing sector in particular, and the society in general. The main objective of the study would be to analyse the →

Relationship between tourism and economic growth: cyprus

Balaguer and Jorda prove the validity of tourism-led hypothesis for the Spanish economy where the Spanish economy is the second largest recipient of international tourist earnings in the world after the United States. Additionally, this study is unique in the sense that it for the first time searches the link between international tourism, international trade →

Why do people wrongfully confess to crimes?

Among many of the studies of Gudjonsson and The Innocent Project, a long list of cases is provided in which people have been imprisoned for a long period or even executed on the basis of false confession. The primary aim of the questioning of suspects by the police is to obtain a confession from them →

Challenges to ethnographic research

The world as it had been known was drastically changing in the 1990's with the dissolution of the Soviet Union rendering the " stark opposition of ' East' and ' West'...[and] the ethnocentric formula it" represented to be even more useless. Following this line of thought it is easy to see the appeal of universals, →

Scott joplin: “the king of ragtime”

No matter who was the founder of ragtime, Scott Joplin was the most prominent musician of this genre. Joplin was named the best composer of ragtime as he had always dreamed.

This person for a particular work. for

The organisational set-up varies from newspaper to newspaper depending on the size of the newspaper and the different services catered for the readers. At the head of the department is the editor or editor-in-chief.

The it is only a generation old. in

It is, however, necessary to exercise great care in the collection and use of the statistics. It cannot, however, be denied that a knowledge of statistical principles and sampling method is often useful to the political scientists.

Dorm living-why freshman should live assignment

I was going to graduate In two months, I had gotten accepted into the college I wanted to go to, and the only thing left to complete was the final paperwork for whether I was going to be a commuter or resident student. I have a number of skills from living in the dorms and →

Forms of government assignment

It requires " a constant preference of public to private Interest"; It " limits ambition to the sole desire, to the sole happiness, of doing greater services to our country than the rest of our fellow citizens"; and it " is a self-renunciation, which is ever arduous and painful". The chief task of the laws →

Have force” in which people can also arrange

In the book spacesspeak are you listening Blesser and Salter recognized the sense of hearing " as a means by which humans sense the events oflife, aurally visualize spatial geometry, propagate cultural symbols, stimulateemotions, communicate aural information, experience the movement of time, buildsocial relationships, and retain a memory of experiences". I wanted the visitors to →

Jumping to an erroneous conclusion

Jumping to an Erroneous Conclusion The conclusion part of an essay, article in a newspaper, and media reports matter most to the reader as the conclusion provides the overall view of the topic and is considered as the most remarkable part of a statement. However, the recruiter was very persistent in encouraging me to →

In-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have sim

In some cases, this uniqueness is the cause that a firm stays long enough and gathers enough market share to make a difference. P & G and Unilever collectively have reached conclusions that in order to survive in these countries and get hold of a significant market share, the differences in the culture should be →

Which country is most responsible for the cuban missile crisis

So the fact that USA had placed nuclear missiles in Turkey already is the biggest reason for saying that USA is mort responsible for this crisis as this encouraged USSR to supply Cuba with nuclear missiles as it did which was made easier for them as that could also be justified by their interferences with →

English final- 2nd semester

It's like a camera or fly on the wall-readers are not directly influenced by the author's statements influenced by the author's selection of direction and detail-does not present inner life @ all, @ least not directlyEx/ fairy tales, legends, and maths-like a reporterPoetryLiterary work where special intensity is a given to the expressions of feelings →

Macbeth act 4 scence 1

Macbeth is forced to do all this and struggles with the witches. In the text Macbeth is seen to try and regain control by asking more questions.

A powerful and impactful speech about women by caroline paul

Throughout the speech, Paul incorporates many forms of persuasion in to her argument to allow the audience to see where she is coming from and understand the importance of the topic at hand, encouraging women to be brave and powerful, including ethos, pathos, and logos, that pull at the audience's ethics, emotions, and logic. The →

The metaphor and symbolism behind the white whale

Although Captain Ahab's pursuit of the white whale is the centerpiece of the story, the other characters also reflect upon the whale's significance and it becomes a directly symbolic agent even within the direct narrative. That is, at least, the opinion that Ishmael holds of what Ahab thinks of Moby-Dick, as he says, " All →

The impact of greed on a man in the monkey’s paw by w. w. jacob

Despite the fact that the Whites did not entirely believe in the power of the monkey's paw at the time, their first wish had enough true desire within it to reflect the greed that was so far trapped in their mind. In fact, the monkey's paw was only a smoking gun to the explosion of →

Role of environment in ‘the bloody chamber’

The bedroom in The Bloody Chamber is symbolic and exemplifies the themes of male dominance and of a pernicious sort of female subjection in the story. Setting is used as a device by Carter to enhance the themes portrayed in each of her stories, such as heinous male dominance and community mob mentality.

The fall of singapore 1942

The investigations made are both primary and secondary where we get insights of the different perspectives of the fall of Singapore for example the British and also by the Japanese. The scope of this essay is how the fall of Singapore was the influencing factor in starting the INA which later became the Azad hind →