Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Epidemiology in disease control and prevention

Obesity in our community can be viewed from a macro-level, secondary to the multiple risk factors, including socioeconomic status, education and existing medical conditions. Understanding epidemiology is important to community health nursing as this information can assist the nurse in focusing on disease prevention and education for at risk populations.

Potential applications of nanotechnology in maritime environment

The potential applications of nanotechnology in various aspects of the marine environment are discussed in this chapter. The photograph of water and oil droplets on nanoparticle modified coating is shown in the figure and is clear that the water and oil droplets are unable to wet the coated surface.[6] 13.

The implications of the greek referendum’s outcome

This paper will examine the social welfare and economic implications of the recent 2015 referendum on Greek bailout conditions offered by the ECB and IMF, starting with and examination of the history behind the crisis, the resulting series of financial bailouts along with the conditions imposed and their economic and social welfare ramifications, and the β†’

The concept of the term redneck

The redneck word had been referred to as the supporters of the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant which can be also called the " Covenanters". In 1910, the use of the term redneck had been associated to the gradual disenfranchisement of the Southern lower class for both the black and the white.

Senior speak their joys and pains assignment

Lastly, Is the iratest Joy of being a student because It Is when we graduate that we return our gratitude to the school and promise that we will not lose what we she has Instilled In us. Lastly, GRADUATING is the greatest Joy of being a student because it is when we graduate that we β†’

Pizza hut essay sample

1)BACKGROUND OF PIZZA HUT History: The idea of Pizza Hut was originated in the year 1958 by two college students from Wichita and Kansas, whom were approached by a family friend with the idea of opening a pizza parlour; though the idea was relatively new to most of the Americans at that time but surely β†’

Presentation on propaganda

In addition, DEFINITION: According to the American Heritage Dictionary propaganda is " The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause" H EFFECTS OF PROPAGANDA." Bad names have played a tremendously powerful role in the history of the world and β†’

Fransoo and wouters bullwhip effect with further theories essay

Fransoo and Wouters discussed that the effects of bullwhip defined the variableness of the demand that increases farther upstream in the supply concatenation, and concluded that the theory of measuring of the bullwhip consequence in a practical scene had received limited attending. Lee et Al.discussed the happening of factors that causes the bullwhip consequence besides β†’

Alexander the great and the battle of gaugamela

Gaugamela, named after the village it was fought by, was the decisive battle in the struggle between Alexander III and Darius II for the Persian Empire. Alexander approved this suggestion as he was anxious about the superior Persian cavalry and wanted more time to think of how to outmaneuver Darius and the Persians.

How the authors of the red room’ and the farthing house’ create tension in their ghost stories

They should be realistic so the reader, when in similar surroundings to the ones in the book will remember the story and start to feel nervous at the prospect of the thing in the book happening to them. The authors of both 'The Red Room' and 'The Farthing House' describes the narrator and the things β†’

Debt and taxes: a new measure for non-debt tax shields

We are responsible for all remaining errorsDebt and Taxes: A New Measure for Non-debt Tax ShieldsABSTRACTTheory predicts that non-debt tax shields substitute for debt tax shields leading to anegative relation between the two. We find statisticallysignificant determinants of the tax spread using accounting proxies for tax shielding activities.

Maintaining ethical standards argumentative essay

Another suggestion would for the couple to sit down with the grandparents and without throwing their sexuality in their faces, simply explain to them, that even though they are gay, they are capable of being good parents. For their safety from the neighbors and others that are interfering with them, I would suggest that they β†’

Insolvency act

It so happened that the only ship bought by the company sank and the court ordered for the winding up of the company on the petition of the minority shareholders. Brinsmead Ltd there was a misstatement in the statement withrespectto the cost of the business of the company which was using the name of another β†’

Oscar triplett case analysis

She claimed that she had seen him before she reached the top of the hill and that he had opened the cellar door before Statesman reached the top of the hill. Temple asking him for help with loading the magazines; in the statement he gave at the inquest he claimed that had to show her β†’

The truth of adolph hitlers mysterious death history essay

After the experience from World War 1, in 1919, Hitler joined the precursor of the Nazi Party and in 1921, became the leader of NSDAP. Newsreels of Hitler show he had tremors in his hand and a shuffling walk which began before the war and continued to worsen until the end of his life.

Progression in the learning of addition and subtraction education essay

This assignment will look into the progression in the teaching and learning of addition and subtraction from nursery to year 4 considering the " understanding diagram", models for addition and subtraction, oral/mental and written methods, resources used, learning facts and the using and applying/problem solving method. During these activities it is also important for the β†’

Professional learning communities what they mean to teachers education essay

It is highly likely that the professionalization of teaching in the U.S.had a great deal to do with the emergence of a standard method of teacher development, including the creation of formal PLCs. It is natural to draw the likely connection between the professionalization of nursing and the professionalization of teaching, both of which were β†’

Tps phoebe the spy vocabulary

Setting1776 during the Revolution War in New YorkPersonificationthe sunlight stronger now, pushed warm fingers through the windows, getting against the candlesticksSpya person who secretly finds or proves that someone is guilty of a crimeTaverna place where people can set and drink, an inn. Scoundrelan evil mean or wicked personPewtera metal made of tin mixed with β†’

Life in the iron mills

Life in the Iron Mills takes readers down, into the thickest of the fog and mud and foul effluvia to describe the social unrest in American society. The author pays a particular attention to the description of the territory her cousin works in.

Outline half exclaiming that it was an

If you cut out the drama, the people-bashing and the over-simplification of complex economic systems in Michael Moore's documentary movie ' Capitalism: a Love Story', you can still find substance in there. Moore's movie provides a clear answer for that; in America, which is considered one of the wealthiest nations in the world, 1% of β†’

Definitions: imply that power is legitimate and

In simple words, it can be said that authority refers to power which is regarded as legitimate in the minds of followers. Weber's notion of authority does not imply that power is legitimate and that illegitimate power plays no role in society." Weber only argued that legitimacy is a general condition for the most effective β†’

Stellarium assignment

We already know that because the information at the top left of the screen does not show a label, but just to be sure, do the following: Move the cursor to the left edge of the Stellarium window to open the left menu, and select " Sky and Viewing Options Menu". Make sure that the β†’

An introduction to evangelism and discipleship assignment

No credit will be given if the presentation is confusing to the person as to what is the the Gospel and what is not. Each group will abide by the rules and responsibilities of Company 3.

Ph levels lab assignment

Then take the pH meter and test the pH level of the new mixture and record it in your Antacid-Soda Solution data sheet. Finally add 1 Mol more of the lemon juice to the milk, mix it thoroughly and record the new pH level.

Evolution of public relation assignment

Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in Milan, he delivered the regular eulogies to the emperor and was the closest thing to a minister of propaganda for the imperial court. His accomplishments include the founding of the American museum and the establishment of the Barnum and Baileys circus.

Parrot deaths: rite of passage by john kinsella essay sample

The poem ' Parrot Deaths: Rite of Passage' written by John Kinsella highlights the internal struggle the speaker is experiencing through the death of the parrots. In the first stanza, the parrots are described as possessing orange hearts, which gives the impression of success and a sense of fascination with the parrots.

Mang inasal essay sample

The study will conduct analysis of opportunities and trends in franchising Mang Inasal to be able forecast the profit of the business. Other objective is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

Cultural assessment (m4c)

In the present study, which analyzed the breastfeeding practices in Australia and Iran, the duration and exclusive breastfeeding rate varied between the two countries. Despite the high initiation rate for breastfeeding in Australia, the breastfeeding duration and the exclusive breastfeeding rates at 3 and 6 months of age was found to be lower compared to β†’

Problems confronted by cyclermate commerce essay

They both were the portion of the local nine of rhythm touring and because of that, they both became good friends and as a consequence decided to get down Cyclermate which was a bike fabrication company that was laid down in the twelvemonth 1988. The main map of this study is to analyze how the β†’

Puritans and transcendentalists essay

Also, Puritans believed that each person should be converted to their religion and they are all individually responsible to God. Transcendentalists believed that direct relationships to God were possible and they could communicate to God through prayer and not through a priest or pastor.10.

Respiratory system and breathing

The main purpose of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen to all the cells in the body and to remove the by-product of carbon dioxide. This indicates to the nurse that there is abnormal quality of the patient's breathing and indicates a respiratory problem.

Are western management concepts flashcard

Whereas South East Asia is living in a world of Collectivism and has a large Power Distance, the US and the Netherlands are more individualistic and have small Power Distance. You see that there are existing dissimilarities among the dimensions and if we now take into account that the term HARD, according to Hefted, is β†’

Cell division

Anaphase The chromosomes are split apart by the fibers, and the chromatids move to opposite sides of the cell. Record the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle in the table below.

Crito 2 – college essay

He has thoroughly justified his own decision to obey the opinions of the majority and serve out the sentence that his own city has deemed appropriate for his crimes. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that β†’

The achievements of elizabeth 1

After the 44 year reign of Elizabeth it was a prosperous and powerful country; attributing to the reason the Elizabethan era has taken on the name " The Golden Age. She was seen as an intelligent and powerful female leader and her major achievements can, to some extent, be attributed to her prowess as a β†’

Not to wear fur

The structural problems at HP begin with the chain of command where there is no specific one, if there is a problem the employee needs to know how to resolve it; if he did not find a supervisor or a manager to solve his problem, he will not get the result that he want and β†’

Man versus nature: descriptions and messages in when the killing’s done

Boyle's use of weather is used constantly throughout the novel to depict that Alma's argument is the correct one, even when it seems immoral, while Dave's surface level plan to protect the animals who were introduced to the Island by humans, will further disrupt the ecosystem. Boyle utilizes the weather to subtly signify that Alma β†’

The history of the bourdieus sociology sociology essay

Social capital is one of the forms of capital mentioned by Bourdieu in his theories. In addition to these, he argues that cultural capital is institutionalised, which refers to the educational background of a person.

Social factors that influence interpersonal attraction

In fact, an important factor of interpersonal attraction is someone's personal characteristics that they possess, which is seen as attractive to the viewer. It has been seen that proximity is a powerful liking determinant, on the other hand, it may be due to similarity instead of proximity, which is the primary factor in the formation β†’

Interference and remembering words in short term memory

Afterwards the result clearly shows that the participants' long-term memory was not affected as they were able to recall the first words from the list, while on the other hand differences occurred when recalling the words at the end of the list. A timer was used in order to control the length of time participants β†’

Autism from theories to learning

1 " Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills". 12 Child with autism has difficulty to understand others thoughts β†’

A comparison of machiavelli and hobbes politics essay

Francis Bacon was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. Bacon was grateful to Machiavelli for his frank appraisal of the shadow side of human nature in politics: " We are beholden to Machiavelli, β†’

Patient organizations in health care system in indonesia nursing essay

On the contrary, in the developing countries, the patient is considered as the object of the system. The central question of this paper is " What has been the role and to extent the influence of patient organizations in the health care system in Indonesia?".

Writing a personal career plan

From the skills I have learn in college I will be prepare to jump into the marketing world, my goal is to obtain a career that I will enjoy; I would like to go become a product/brand manager. I will be in charge of the advertisement, marketing research and distribution.

Blue dart express limited management essay

In its first decade since its inception in 1983, Blue Dart became the dominant player in the courier industry and in the next decade it surpassed all the competition and became South Asia's premier number one express company in air and integrated transportation, distribution and logistics. The company was established with a vision to be β†’

Why african metallurgy is important history essay

In the past, some of the metals in Africa were exploited which then resulted in the rise of some of the most ' impressive indigenous African states, while others have been utilized only recently, as participants in the modernization and industrialization of a handful of countries at the southern end of the continent'. It was β†’

Japanese-american internment camps

It all started during the World War 2, where President Franklin Roosevelt established his order 9066 all across America which quotes, " Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of β†’

Report on the strategic practices of vodafone

This paper is also capable of demonstrating how the use of technology has related at least in part to the development of competitive advantage. Since Vodafone moves in a macro-environment, its strategic planning must involve the use of quality sources of reference to determine the interconnectedness and impact of the factors mentioned in the IT β†’

Should steroids be banned for everyone

But, one of the most obvious and dramatic negative side effect of steroids is that it causes the user to experience violent and more aggressive tendencies, commonly known as " roid rage." As stated in The Steroid Game, " roid rage is the descriptive term for spontaneous, highly aggressive, out-of-control behavior where the police were β†’

American lit

Life in the Iron Mills Principal CharactersNarrator: trying to educate the middle/upper class about the despairing life of the working class. She chooses not to tell the young man where the bird is and he leaves.

Persuasive on asylum seekers

Obviously, we do not seem to be much of a humanitarian, decent country if this is the harsh treatment we give to those who seek our assistance. Some say that we should not be accepting asylum seekers with the degree of leniency that we do because we are unaware of whom these people really are β†’

Cendric jennings life history: a letter to a friend

The cultural trend of the people seemed to emphasize the success of the whites at the expense of the minority group. As observed in the box of constraints, the implications of the constraints is that they define the scope of opportunities and experiences one will be able to access.

Pepsi’s global brands

In 1998, PepsiCo and Suntory Ltd announced the formation of a strategic sales and marketing alliance in Japan that will combine the brand-building power and operational excellence of Suntory, Japan's second-leading beverage company, with the strength of Pepsi's global brands. The aim of the joint venture is to accelerate localization in the community and increase β†’

Fitness testing essay

This is because you are running over a long period of time, so you need to rely and your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to your working muscles. This test is specific because you are trying to find out the V02 max of a person, and in cycling you are using your aerobic energy β†’

Coca-cola vs mars bar

The Coca-Cola beverage is the main product of The Coca-Cola Company, and it represents, in the Boston Matrix for The Coca-Cola Company, a cash cow product. The Coca-Cola has to invest a lot in coca-cola, but it is very profitable to do so.

Requirement i

The main activities were deciding where and when to go, making the trip, arriving at the place and doing a visit, returning from the trip and activities after the visit. The products of this activity are that, we have definite idea of where to go and we have a plan for what to do during β†’

Essay summary of lupain ng taglamig

The common perception of the period of 1000 years or so between the ancient Greeks and the European Renaissance is that little happened in the world of mathematics except that some Arabic translations of Greek texts were made which preserved the Greek learning so that it was available to the Europeans at the beginning of β†’

Review of niccolo machiavelli’s book, the prince

Machiavelli believed that the chief capacity of this principality to remain in power was the ability to govern people and command their attention and loyalty, as the churches and religious institutions are delegated this authority by a higher power, and one that can instill a sense of unflinching servitude into the people. In this regard, β†’

Colonialism and character development in season of migration to the north

In this way, he indelibly alters the slate of his life, defining himself through the cosmopolitan fantasy of " Africa" and rejecting the value of the simple life, rooted in truth in favor of serving as " a symbol of all of [the Europeans'] hankerings", a representation of " tropical climes, cruel suns, [and] purple β†’

The true meaning of life as conveyed by β€˜walden’

By living simply with the intention of being one with nature and not getting caught up in material things, one would be able to achieve living life to the fullest and truly experience what it means to live. According to Thoreau, he wanted to " suck out all the marrow of life," to get the β†’

Digital image processing

Therefore, the input when it comes to digital image analysis, is a digital image and the output is a symbolic description. Therefore, the input is a symbolic description and the output is a digital image.

Women are the soul of our community sociology essay

The women are the soul of our community and they are self build and self trained human responsible for the morale development of their children, inspiration for the family and an example for the community to follow. Women are the teachers of the society and they are not competitors." Woman as the mother is the β†’

Food safety hazards in drying and marinating food

In regards to the development of the dried snack food, this product is made from thin strips of steak, which is a source of meat, originating from livestock animals and organisms are most likely to be present in raw meats. The usage of herbs and spices for the marination of the meat in this snack β†’

Influence of positivism interpretivism and realism approaches psychology essay

It starts with a characterization of positivism, Interpretivism and realism; and links these theories to the foundation of qualitative and quantitative research methods. With an emphasis on the differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative approaches providing the basis for exploring the methods of combining both approaches to overcome their weaknesses by providing a commentary β†’

A case study of telenor management essay

Leadership is the formulation of a transparent and complete system of expectations for the purpose of identification, arousal and utilization of strengths of all the resources of an organization, the most important of which is human resource. The aim of this study is to probe the following objectives: To discuss the philosophy, attributes and elements β†’

Analysis of globalisation’s effect on china

China regards the " nationalization" of what it calls the Diaoyu islands by the Japanese in 2012 as a severe threat and will do everything that is necessary to defend its jurisdiction. Word count: 1068 The Role of " Globalization" in Economic Development, Brandon Levy, University of Houston Globalization and Trade: How to make sure β†’

“alright had a blue mowhawk, always dressed shabby,

The man at the door asked if Gwen was home, " Are you Gwen's newboyfriend" Tim asked him." Yes I am, my name is Tony" he replied." Nice tomeet you" Tim said." No, Gwen is not here right now. Oh, well tell her that I came by and just to give me a call, OK?" β†’

If is proposed to prove that he denied

If the fact proposed to be proved is one of which evidence is admissible only upon proof of some other fact, such last-mentioned fact must be proved before evidence is given of the fact first mentioned, unless the party undertakes to give proof of such fact and the Court is satisfied with such undertaking. The β†’

The a chance to be a bound to

With respect to those free Directors, those councilis of the perspective that provided for those commitment an of the board willconform distinctive interests, t. Sametime executive at provided for those obligation a of the board should parityDifferent interests, the vicinity of a autonomous a chiefs on the Boardstalking on organizations, specific hobbies might a chance β†’

The + periods, available from:http://dublincivictrust.ie/dublins-buildings/architectural-styles–periods, accessed 13 january

The Irish House of Parliament" The Colonnaded piazza of the Dublin Parliament House is the most powerful and original classical design ever realised in Ireland. The two Houses of Parliament, the House of Commons and the House of Lords were both placed in the building.

Popular kids vs. the nerds essay sample

In other words weather you chose one or the other there are always consequences, of course these could be good or bad." The popular boy" This boy is considered the hottest boy in school, the one every girl dreams of, the one every girl would love to be asked to the Prom by. This girl β†’

Ubs admisions letter

I believe I have the necessary skills to work in the position of the sales trader acting as a link between customers and traders. In addition, being a charismatic person, I believe I can be the best sales trader for your bank.


Itanalyzes the degree of right and wrong and that the choice that an individual makes on certain actions is the one that has greatest utility. It is the responsibility of citizens to nurture moral philosophy of other people in order to develop strong friendship and engage in social relationship for the good of society.

Five causes for the public not to trust government, and five causes for the public to trust government

Five causes for the public not to trust government, and five causes for the public to trust government There is a rift between the public and the government when there are pertinent issues lingering on for a considerable period of time. The significant shortcomings which are encountered by the public at the hands of the β†’

Masking poor communication

To try to resolve this problem of miscommunication and to make sure that it will be minimized in the future, it is important that I do not assume that I understand or my partner understands. To further improve my communication skills, I plan to adopt the steps in clear communication espoused in the website of β†’

Evidence of an afterlife or not

This stage is known as the ' out of body experience' and when this stage occurs the victim is either clinically dead or in a great deal of pain, near to death. The second stage is well-known as the ' tunnel of light.' In this stage of the NDE the victim will often drift into β†’

Business economics discussion questions flashcard

Could it be said that the financial health of the typical household is the most important variable in the strength of the country? It is not right to say that the financial health of a typical household is an important variable in the strength of a country.

Modern pentathlon scoring system essay

The competitors can win 1000 points, if he or she can complete the required distance in the said time. However, the competitors can also lose or wins 4 points for every second above or below the said time.

More than a veil

More Than a Veil A Feminist Readings of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis Cultural differences have been on the foreground of the ongoing struggle between the United States and Iran since the 1970's. Marjane Satrapi in her biographical novel Persepolis examines Iranian women's roles in the Islamic Revolution, breaks the myth of the oppressing veil, and demonstrates β†’

Louisia may alccott

The story Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott is about the lives of the four March girls, Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy, living with their mother in New England as their father is away serving as a chaplain in theCivil War. Amy is the youngest who intends to marry formoneyso she would be in the β†’

The character of peter pan

It is about a mischievous boy Peter Pan who can fly and never grows up to live with his Lost Boys and fairies in the island of Neverland. But the children have to leave their parents to fly to Neverland, the world of children.

Hopeful dystopia

This is what leads to him opposing his society because he knows that he cannot be ignorant like his brothers, and that society is in the wrong. By sticking to his instinct and questioning the government, Billy is a leader, and he is living proof that one can have the option to be doubtful of β†’

Experiential focusing techniques in counselling

One of the key words in focusing is gently, gently say hello to the sense, checking if it is okay to be with it. Now we have said hello and acknowledged it is there, we can begin to describe the felt sense, it may start with a feeling of tightness in the chest, we acknowledge β†’

The post-implementation review

HARWANT SINGH FINALISE AND REVIEW PROJECT The purpose of this phase is to ensure that benefits will be realized; assess whether the project objectives have been met; ensure that lessons from the project are recorded and communicated for future use; and the project is closed down with documents archived and appropriate communications sent. The PIR β†’

Main barriers sustainable development developing countries initiatives overcome economics essay

Such countries are said to have rapid growth in their economy but have still not reached the standard of the First World, these are highly developed countries Almost all countries of the third world can be categorized as developing, they including all African countries excluding South Africa, all countries in the Middle East excluding Turkey, β†’

Analysis of the coffee industry in ethiopia

But, most of the coffee farmers in Ethiopia are not capable of getting the benefits connected with production and marketing of a finest quality product due to production, institutional and organizational supports, storage and functioning of domestic and international market related constraints. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the trends of coffee β†’

Importance of capital structure choice

Many academics have researched the relevance of capital structure choice and used many drivers to explain the choices of capital structure, being the drivers of cost of debt and capital core focus of many researchers. Key drivers of choice of capital structure According to Myers, the main drivers of the choice of capital structure are β†’

Dual pane case

Decision In order to keep its reputation of a small, quality business, Dual Pane will franchise to individuals in the Massachusetts area. In addition, he will franchise Dual Pane to individuals in the Massachusetts Area.

Gay these issues. in the past five

According to news reports, the costs of same sex marriage, he referred to on August 2003 report from the nonpartisan congressional budget office that said the federal government would have to spend about $ 1. Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door to stop the integration of Alabama schools today it is gay marriage, tomorrow it β†’

Thomas and bush this animals is also

There is not much research of this mammal in the wild but we will be taking a better look at the Australian bearded dragon. One of the foods they are deadly to this animal is avocado.

On to last there is full and harmonious

Bryce adds two more advantages of the presence of Ministers in the legislature: Being in constant touch with the Opposition as well as in still closer contact with the members of their own Party, the Ministers can feel the pulse of the Assembly and through it the pulse of the public opinion and can thereby β†’

A new age for gambling addiction – assignment

However of growing concern now are the addiction of gambling and the involvement of teens and college students in this addiction. This article discusses the idea that gambling among adolescents in general, is on the rise due to the accessibility of gambling and a lack of enforcement of the rules stating that one must be β†’

The nature and extent of the opposition in 1789 to policies of louis xvi essay sample

The resentment of Louis xvi ' s policies were staged in the form of the self conversion of the third estate into the National Assembly and the storming of the Bastille to mention but a few. This move by the third estate was radical since it was against the will of the king; hence it β†’

Structured cabling essay sample

You should refer to TIA-569-B to determine the minimum size of the equipment room. 1 shows, you should size the room to a minimum of 800 square feet.

Coaching session evaluation essay sample

The sports hall policy about appropriate sports wear and shoes was already mentioned in the invite.' To produce the safest environment possible for the athletes and the coach', further essential risk management, within the introduction, included the explanation of emergency exits and the procedure of raising the alarm and informing the University Security Office through β†’

Dual task experiment proposal

Firstly, the controls are advised to seat in the class room and a question paper is given to list out news items and the meaning of the each stanza in the song. Then the song is played for 3 minutes and at the end 5 minutes time is allocated to write the meaning of the β†’