Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

The designing and advancing any new machine or

The wildness of the mechanized society is portrayed by William Stafford and he is ashamed of the fact that he is a part of this mechanized society. Human beings should make technological advancements but they should not forget the fact that flora and fauna is also a part of the world and they too like โ†’

How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement int he years of 1955-64? assignment

How far was the peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil rights movement in the years of 1955-64? On the other hand to some extent peaceful protest was not responsible for the successes of the rights movement as the Cold war had also hindered the civil rights movement.

Research paper on debt restructuring essay sample

A constructive obligation to restructure arises only when an entity: I) Has a detailed formal plan for the restructuring, identifying at least: the business or part of a business concerned; the principal locations affected the location, functions and approximate number of employees who will be compensated for terminating their services the expenditures that will be โ†’

The workwell organization essay sample

References Reid Robin 20 ways to communicate with your employees from http://www.improve.org/mbwa.html retrieved on 11th Jan 07 SOCAP International 9 ways to communicate with your employees from http://www.socap.org/Publications/Quicktakes/9wayscomm.html retrieved on 11th Jan 07 Taisuke Nakayama An office communications model from http://www.oki.com/en/otr/193/downloads/otr-193-R05.pdf retrieved on 11th Jan 07 Employee Relations retrieved from http://sustainability.bhpbilliton.com/2006/socioEconomic/ourApproach/employee Relations.asp on 11th Jan โ†’

Body shop pro forma financial statements essay sample

Use the figures for 2011 and the forecasting assumptions on the template to forecast the Income statement and balance sheet for the next three years. Assumptions for the cash and debt plugs are described In the question.

Sustainable corporate strategy group ass section 4 only

In order to do this the regulators can call for a meeting of the manufacturers and discuss the technical size of the environmental parameters that should govern the industry in years to come.-Then the regulators have to obtain consensus from the automakers on the technologies that would help achieve the above parameters. Regulator has to โ†’

Literature review on preassigned article on amniotic stem cell

ISOLATION OF AMNIOTIC STEM CELL LINES WITH POTENTIAL FOR THERAPY: A LITERARY REVIEW 2007 Isolation of Amniotic Stem Cell Lines With Potential for Therapy: A Literary Review INTRODUCTION The issue of amniotic stem cell science is one of incredible controversy and complexity, and the article Isolation in Amniotic Stem Cell Lines With Potential for Therapy โ†’

Multinational operations c2 arrangement essay

The trend in theory is the aspiration to integrate the subordination of the specifics to the general, appraising the effectiveness of performance by individual military components based on their contribution in attaining the general objectives. In the interest of avoiding the negative impact of the processes, a study on past historical multinational/ combined/joint military wars โ†’

Last man standing: russian hero sergey tetyukhin

In the middle of the Russian court, clearly knowing that those were his last minutes with the Russian flag on his jersey, was standing one of the volleyball heroes of the London Olympic Games. I think that for four times we had a team capable to win the gold medal.

Examine the impact of motivational factors on the employees

For the research, the method of informations aggregation in this survey will be the questionnaire and interviews which will assist me to statistically analysis the consequences of the inquirers. The basic intent to carry on this survey is to analyze the impact of motivational factors on the employees work public presentation and secondly the schemes โ†’

Sinners in the hands of an angry god essay

The Puritans beliefs of direct connections to real life and God, exploring their lives for God's workings, the plain style, whether you are a chosen or not, and their self reliance, are blindingly clear in the sermon of Edwards.irst off, In Edwards moving speech he clearly covers the basis of God is real life and โ†’

Why i am pursuing an mba degree

Why I am Pursuing an MBA Degree I decided to pursue an MBA in order to further my career in accounting. An MBA affords me the opportunity to pursue the much coveted CPA certificate, and as a result, deflect any objections that arise from not having my bachelor's degree in accounting.

The assylum seeker

After a week of roughing it on a empty carriage of a cargo train and then hiding on the deck of a fishing trawler I had arrived in England. A yawning pit of dread opened inside me as I walked down the ramps and through the docks.

Owning feelings

When I say those things, I do not see that he does not realize that I find he is being inconsiderate because he is not trying to be. I tend his mother and he acts like my child.

Level assignment

Evidence Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses Describe the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses Describe how two businesses are organized Explain how their style of organization helps them to fulfill their purposes MI Del Explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to โ†’

Deviance in sport

It was last match minutes and France was losing 0-1 when Thierry Henry had an excellent chance to make the perfect goal cross to his team-mate and he done it. The positive thing that Henry agreed that he has broke rules, but it's impossible to change anything now and France became Ireland's enemy number one.http://www.fifa.com โ†’

The paradox of omnipotence philosophy essay

This paper will focus on the paradox of Omnipotence which would in and of itself prove the irrationality of the existence of a God who has a primary component of omnipotence. The paradox of omnipotence is commonly exemplified by the riddlelike question that one was told naughty children asked their pastors: whether God can create โ†’

The royal mail industrial dispute

Since the employee plays a vital role in the management, how to deal with the mutual relationships and ease the contradictions in order to make the relations go on the track of sound progress becomes an urgent issue. The essay is writing to identify and analyze the relationship of both sides in order to get โ†’

Evaluation of the one sony strategy

The following report contains about the Sony Corporations new strategy implementation called ' One Sony' which is a new structure for the top management of the company where the company is making changes to ' drive revitalisation and growth'. In order to do the above the report is guided through three stages which is analysis โ†’

Pseudomonas syringae caused by avrpt2

The significance of studying RIN4 as a host protein lies in the fact that it is not only a multifunctional protein which regulates both branches of immunity PTI and ETI, but it is also a conserved protein across the plant kingdom which enables the inspection of the RIN4 mediated immunity in plants other than Arabidopsis. โ†’

Anderson leadership management contribution to success or failure

Through the years, the firm Arthur Anderson has gone through many leaders and their style and leadership and behavior has affected the firm in certain ways. This style of leadership is effective when the team needs a new vision as circumstances have changed which was true as the firm now has to readjust themselves to โ†’

Us and wto

The WTO bylaws replace local laws, which is a contradiction to the intent of the American Constitution designed to be the " supreme law of the land". The US Administration notified the WTO in spring of 1996 that it would comply with the ruling and would change the US gasoline regulation.

Water pollutionassignment assignment

The main cause of water pollution are fertilizers and nutrient pollution. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." ~ Dan Quayle

Three that is:text alternatives for any non-text content,

In 1997 The World Web Consortium launched the Web Accessibility Initiative which consisted of different working groups trying to improve web accessibility such as " web content, web browsers, media players, authoring tools and evaluation tools". WCAG 2.0.also outlines three basic levels of accessibility: Level A the most basic level of web accessibility; Level AA โ†’

Outline the main features of the kyoto protocol. how effective has it been in dealing with global warming and climate change

The Protocol is fully aware of the fact that, globally, a major chunk of the GHG emissions are attributable to the enhanced commercial and industrial operations of the advanced countries. As a matter of fact, the Protocol is also having a system of compliance making sure that all the parties are indeed adhering to the โ†’

Congressional oversight & strategic intelligence

First, it is important to appreciate the fact that the US Constitution mandates the executive to consult with and seek advice from the Congress, even after the Constitution gave the executive, the power to limit advance notification of [especially] sensitive intelligence reports or covert actions. Presently, all it takes for Congress to control funding for โ†’

On dq1diversification and based on dq2 pepsico

One of the reasons for the success of this company has been its ability to innovate. In the future Pepsi has to do a better job of marketing its brand.

Law school

I have been the beacon of hope to my entire family, as I was the only person, for the last four generations, to be fortunate to complete College or even High School, and they always lacked the opportunity to lead a sufficient of life that I have for me today. In spite of my low โ†’

Six concepts of psychosocial theory essay

The first basic concept of the psychosocial theory is the stages of development. This concept helps the individual to actively cope with and resolve a psychosocial crisis which may arise in development of a virtue or prime adaptive ego qualities.

The stuarts learned nothing from the civil war

Once they had reclaimed the throne from 11 years of Commonwealth, they followed the ways of their father, Charles, into the belief of the Divine Right of Kings. Both Charles and James were believers In the Divine Right of Kings.

Culture technology (kpop-centered)

Because CT advocates the advancement of culture, the Korean government has promoted CT and has even encouraged academicians to pursue and develop the field of CT studies. He utilized the CT system, a system proposed by CT studies, to strategically promote the agency artists and cultural content throughout Asia, and later throughout the world.

Project report on consumer behaviour and satisfaction on asian paints

Marketing is the widest term and can not be learnt in few days or years, many of the organizations before appointing the sales executives, check the ability of the candidates who are capable to sell the products/services, but still many of organizations fail in following their sales and loose grip on the market. How is โ†’

English for specific purposes essay

Operating on the basic principle that the English of, say, Electrical Engineering constituted a specific register different from that of, say, Biology or of General English, the aim of the analysis was to identify the grammatical and lexical features of these registers Teaching materials then took these linguistic features as their syllabus A good example โ†’

Position paper: pepsicoโ€™s restaurants

With their economies of scale, it created market access for its own products and the restaurants could make cost reduction and cost efficiency with the growth of PepsiCo through soft drinks and also similar purchases. In such a contract the threat is the benefit, the synergy with experience of PepsiCo and know-how of COC can โ†’

A look at the family setting in the book, a good man is hard to find

The members of this family include the grandmother, her son Bailey, an eight year old boy named John Wesley, a little girl named June Star, and the mother of the children, a character that remains nameless thought out the story. The baby, which remains nameless in the story, is most likely Baily's baby, and that โ†’

The symbolism of water in parable of the sower

Due to this and the inflation of the failing economy, water has become an expensive necessity, and clean water a luxury. To the poor and thirsty people around Lauren, if one has the option of cleaning themselves with water, they are trying to show off how much better and wealthier they are than the people โ†’

The radical feminists conviction of destroying patriarchy religion essay

That being said, the researchers have identified the problems to be: The lack of information about radical feminism how radical feminism subtly affects the people as main patrons of media how radical feminism ideologies change people's view on marriage The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women defines feminism as: " A worldwide movement โ†’

The marketing strategies of laptop companies

To research the understandings the market and impact of the changing a new technology, same strategy to the both companies and identify the position in the market. Later on dell founded in 1987 and initially to manufacture and sell computers in UK market.' At the same time as they began to dominate the server market, โ†’

The values and principles of prudential plc

Business Mission: Provide the best financial planning for community and understand stakeholder's needs, savings and protection to generate better future values of the corporation, align with the concern of Corporate Social Responsibilities as the fundamental for Prudential's business operation. Worker's peak productivity is between age 40 to 45 and it is important to invest on โ†’

Neurological components of parkinson’s disease

Functional changes of the basal ganglia circuitry in Parkinson's disease. Physical activity and risk of Parkinson's disease in the Swedish National March Cohort.

Hawthorne studies

In order to secure the workers' cooperative towards the supervisors, the authority of the supervisor must be based on the social skills in order to increase the productivity. Instead of letting the union to take care of the welfare of the workers, Mayo set up this program to allow workers to confide in the interviewers โ†’

Wildlife refuge 11259

Divided in two segments, this refuge serves the wildlife and recreational desires of visitors; one segment is for the waterfowl to rest, and the other designated for hunting. Divided in two segments, this refuge serves the wildlife and recreational desires of visitors; one segment is for the waterfowl to rest, and the other designated for โ†’

The desire for freedom was too strong.

The first piece, An Act for Better Ordinance, clearly portrays the attitude of the majority of White Europeans." Whereaes the plantations and estates of this Province cannot be well and sufficiently manages and brought into use, without the labor and service of negroes and other slaves i.e, Indians; and forasmuch as the said negroes and โ†’

Exploring the film, the outside looks just as

Exploring the film, it is appropriateto discuss elements of it in which the Expressionist style stands out, and captures the attention of the audience. Interms of the contents of the film " Das Cabinet des Doktor Caligari", it isimportant to discuss how the different elements of Expressionism are portrayedthroughout the film.

Rural developmet through microcredit development assignment

The putative success of many of these Dips, in combination with the rise to romance of neo-liberal thought, has lead to the vigorous promotion of micro credit as a rural development intervention. If one of the aims of rural development is to assist the ' poorest of the poor', then micro credit is not always โ†’

The is because the participant needs to be

9After the target heart rate is calculated participants then start cycling on the Monark cycle ergometer at a start work rate of 175 watts this is because the participant needs to be cycling at 70 rates per minute with a resistance of 2.5kg. A conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the exercise โ†’

Thoughts of winter essay sample

In Refining Reading and Writing, " Thoughts of Winter" is defined as " Winter is the season that receives most attention from us through our scientific explanation, our mythological ideas and our personal determination".. In conclusion, winter is the season when people can be comfortable and make fun than other seasons.

Hooker furniture corporation essay sample

China is the fourth largest country in terms of size and the largest in terms of population. Understanding the Chinese market and culture is essential to the successful business venture of Hooker Furniture Corporation in China.

The honors college is described as a community of scholars that enrich the educational experience and allow facultystudents of all disciplines to interact in t

I am confident that continuing my studies in this manner will equip me with the knowledge and skills I need in order to realize my goal of becoming a successful, compassionate physician. The collection of experiences I have gathered during my high school education and in my personal life, have transformed me and brought me โ†’

Speech: leadership and 21st century flashcard

I can assure you that when the going gets tough and your country needs them, they are not going to be there. You must believe it if you are going to be a leader of the 21st century military.

Is pablo ibbieta responsible for the death of ramon gris

Pablo is ready to die before betraying his friend but decides that he will lie to the soldiers and give them a false location. His story about Gris was turned out to be the truth, and Pablo's choice resulted in his life and the death of Gris when he really was ready to die himself.

Biology essay – circulatory & digestive system working together

The reason the substances are passed through the circulatory system is to fight diseases and stabilize body temperature and bodies pH, and also to maintain homeostasis. The smallest forms of the usable nutrients pass through the walls of the small intestine and are then absorbed into the bloodstream.

Cosmic microwave background radiation

Thus the universe should be filled with radiation that is literally the remnant heat left over from the Big Bang, called the " cosmic microwave background radiation , or CMB. The CMB is, in effect, the leftover heat of the Big Bang itself - it was released when the universe became cool enough to become โ†’

Emma woodhouse and mr. woodhouse analysis

Emma, on the other hand, is capable of doing real personal damage, and her wilful intrusions into the lives of her acquaintance are presented as arrogant presumption - her character's major flaw: " The real evils of Emma's situation [are] the power of having rather too much of her own way, and a disposition to โ†’

John f. kennedy one of greatest u.s. presidents

He was able to win over the people of the United States with his charm and become one of the most well known Presidents. The courage he exhibited in making the hard decisions was part of his nature and one that helped him to become a beloved President of the United States of America.

Wordplay and the androgynous self: woolfโ€™s construction of orlando

According to Sackville-West's son, Nigel Nicholson, the book was ' the longest and most charming love letter in literature.' It has also been referred to as a fairy tale a clef; a book which is a roman a clef is a " novel with a key," or a book which is a representation of real โ†’

Electroconvulsive therapy for severe depression: evaluation

Contents Abstract Introduction Methodology of the review Critical Review of the literature The place of electroconvulsive therapy in the therapeutic armamentarium The place of electroconvulsive therapy in relapse prevention Mechanism of action Preference of site of stimulation Side effects of treatment Discussion Conclusions Appendix Abstract This dissertation seeks to explore the evidence base for electroconvulsive โ†’

Case study of electronic applicance company onida

Meanwhile, we would also look into the history, philosophy and the areas of improvement of the company in detail in the coming sections. Operations Management is a specific subject in Business Administration that deals with the production of goods or products by using minimal resources and the main task of OM is to increase the โ†’

Marketing analysis of the amway corporation marketing essay

At the same time, the mission will be effective and efficient with the association of employees, distributors and the founding families and with the support of quality products and service. Other than that, Amway believes that the proper use and management of the world's resources and protection of the environment are the responsibilities of industry โ†’

Flannery oโ€™connor’s narratives on death

Throughout the story, O'Connor utilizes her southern background and religious beliefs to portray the controversial aspects of Christianity through the depiction of the death and salvation of Harry, importance of faith, and the questions of morality raised. In" The River," the family name of " Ashfield" stands in stark contrast to the natural environment where โ†’

Analysis of the porter forces theories commerce essay

FedEx is able to become the strongest in this logistic field and make more profits.*Kindly refer appendix 1 2 The Porter's value chain is described as interrelationship of the value activities for the firm. FedEx has good facilities in their operations and it is able to deliver the products to wherever the customers require and โ†’

Birth ritual in banjarmasin

It has to do with people of Banjar's belief who think that if the placenta was planted under a large tree, the baby in the future will be a " great man". Besides, it is also tied to a large tree in order to the baby in the future will not migrate.

Ap human geography

Where in the world do people live and why? * When geographers study population, we explain population traits across space.* Demography is the study of population * The US has an average of 81 people per square mile * This is misleading because the amount of population is not constant across an entire country * โ†’

Conch republic electronics

Essentially, as risk increases, the investor requires a higher rate of return. Financial risk is the increased variability in returns to common stockholders as a result of financing with debt or preferred stock.

Psyc 2000 lesson 11

James-Lange theorythe theory that our experience of emotion is our awareness of our physiological responses to emotion-arousing stimuliCannon-Nard theorythe theory than an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and the subjective experience of emotiontwo-factor theorySchachter-Singer's theory that to experience emotion one must be physically aroused and cognitively label the arousalpolygrapha machine, commonly used in attempts โ†’

Introduction taken in order to find ways of

The United States has been of late a target of terrorists and thus measures have been taken and will continue being taken in order to find ways of controlling terrorism completely. We can conclude that to counter terrorism in the United States of America is a major activity in trying to improve homeland security but โ†’

Institutions still in guild hands.)the arrival of

Fourth, we will describe thechallenges of the 1980s and the specific responses by firms and supportinginstitutions, followed by an analysis of the challenges that pressured this regime inthe 1990s. The arrival of the railway in 1840 reduced the isolation of W rttemberg andStuttgart and opened a huge market for machines.

Introduction parts in the process of surface

One of the most crucial parts in the process of surfacemount assembly is applying the solder paste to the printed circuit board. During the print cycle it is important to apply the rightamount of pressure across the entire length of the blade to ensure a clean wipeof the stencil.

Ever of free speech, he does have the

Ever since Donald Trump, the famous business mogul and television personality, started his campaign to become president of the United States, the media has been under fire with allegations of promoting fake news. Even though Trump has little to no power over the media, due to the American right of free speech, he does have โ†’

Ohio river pollution assignment

The Ohio River is believed to be one of the most polluted rivers in the United States. The Ohio River community needs to be more informed and aware of the toxins in the Ohio River in order stop this devastating problem.

Exploring isosexual precocious puberty biology essay

For instances in which precocious pubescence is caused by a cardinal lesion, direction of the causal lesion by and large has no consequence on the class of pubertal development. When precocious pubescence is associated with the presence of a hypothalamic lesion, there may be patterned advance to gonadotropin lack.

What were they like essay sample

The poets also use references to words that accommodate the semantic field of nature to indicate the sharp contrast between the cultures. In conclusion, both poets express meaning to the reader by a mix of both structural and linguistic devices.

Sample outline for a book review essay sample

Body Paragraph Summarize the important points of the book Use quotes or paraphrases from the book to prove your points. Use quotes or paraphrases from the book to prove your points.

Claim/response letter

I am writing to inform you we have received your letter of complaint regarding the Big Sexy Hair bottle defect. When they return with an answer, I would be happy to inform you of the nature of the defect.

Marine industry

At present, if we are to base on the biggest of perhaps one of the most tragic disasters of ship industries in the world, the tragedy of MV Doa Paz in the Philippines is perhaps the perfect example of human error to date. If we are to consider the trainings that these people in service โ†’

Honda advertising analysis

Silver is the color of the van and this color is a major conductor and communicator. So what the company is saying to the viewer is that they would have the speed of a sports car and also have the serenity at the same time.

Cashew industry in india marketing plan

Production of Cashew: India has the maximum area under cashew nut and is the third largest producer of raw nuts in the world. There are number of small and big processing factories which process raw cashew and the nuts are then sold in the market which is mostly taken by firms packaging and distributing cashew โ†’

War by edgar wallace and come up from fields, father essay

This was a war, which was between the north and the south of the USA. Pathetic fallacy is used in the first line of this poem, ' It was a summer evening'.

I am number four essay

An example of the message is that after John makes friends for the first time, he has a reason to not leave and thus disobeys his guardian. In " I am number Four", John has faces his enemies for his first time after he makes friends and a girlfriend for the first time.

The presentation of jane eyreโ€™s childhood in chapter 1-8 essay

The story reflects some aspect of how Bronte's life has an effect on her heroine Jane and the things that she had to overcome in her life as the story goes on; following Jane's rough childhood with the Reeds to her time learning at Gateshead. The author Bronte has used john as a consent reminder โ†’

Saying goodbye essay

Is it a simple way of saying that there is good in saying goodbye? Live in saying goodbye to the things of the past, the " old stuff' that has ailed the spaces of my existence: clothes, relationships that have failed, beliefs that do not foster peace, stubbornness and self centeredness it is time to โ†’

Ancient pentathlon essay

Below is a brief description of the events in the ancient pentathlon: Discus: In ancient Greek, the strength of an athlete was reflected in the rhythm and precision by which he threw his discus. Running: There were four types of races which the athletes had to compete in.

Potential practical and empirical obstacles

Conceptual and Theoretical Problems and Difficulties A conceptual difficulty that could arise in the course of the study is the differing perspectives of the managers and employees of whatcultural diversityis and the manner that this occurs in the organization. The questionnaire needs to be well-developed to precisely cover all aspects to be studied and clearly โ†’

What is justic

The negative punishment is: killing the person and shaming the person. And the Portion's way is a negative punishment.

Doctrine of separation of power analysis

Introduction The doctrine of separation of powers is not a legal principle, but a political theory.[1] The separation of powers concerns the division of State power as between the executive, the legislature and judiciary.[2] Article 16 of the French Declaration of the Rights of man states, that "a society where rights are not secured or โ†’

Ontological argument after anselm philosophy essay

The premise is God is the most perfect being and the conclusion is, therefore he exists. He answers as follows." There is a contradiction in introducing the concept of existence.

Awareness of water purification technologies marketing essay

The research is mainly conducted to find out the awareness of water purification technologies and its influence on purchase. To identify the relationship between technology awareness and purchase of water purifiers.3.

Microsoft antitrust paper 1659

Microsoft enjoys so much power in the market for Intel-compatible PC operating systems that if it wished to exercise this power solely in terms of price, it could charge a price for Windows substantially above that which could be charged in a competitive market. Another indication of monopoly power is the fact that Microsoft raised โ†’

By us are a large reflection of our

Yet the intermittent chapter of adolescence often sees the tendency of the love to be overshadowed by the swift augmentation of the adolescent intellect, and this imbalance of mind and heart often is the reason for the pains of adolescence. The flip side of this quotation is that a man's children are often his Achilles โ†’

Ions salt water, would reveal that the

ions With Distilled Water as an Ambient Environment Throughout the process of the experiment, various concentrations of a solution of Sucrose and Water were placed into hydrolysis tubing and placed into and ambient environment of sterile water. Throughout the process of the experiment, various concentrations of a solution of Sucrose and Water were placed into โ†’

Challenges of international relations assignment

There seems to be an apparent shift of priorities to the economics of world politics and that will most certainly lead to a future distribution of world power. This is a position that the United States is not used to being in.

Chapter solutions assignment

Moreover, some costs vary with the number of different products.-eyes, traditional costing systems are more likely to overcast high-volume reduces because all indirect and support costs are assigned to products in proportion to the number of production units, and the low-volume products are likely to require higher indirect and support costs per unit. If new โ†’

Spin master essay sample

Stapled Do not exceed 2 pages Do not include a title page The assignment must be submitted to Turnitin by the deadline The heading on the first page must include your complete name, student number, section number, name of the assignment, turnitin confirmation number and name of professor. Turnitin submission process Click on the Assignments โ†’

Maths in every day life essay sample

Alternatively, this can be a quadratic model to find the depth of water if the wave velocity is known: D = v2 / g. The energy of a water wave, particularly a tsunami, can be modeled as a function of wave height and wavelength, using the following quadratic equation: E W = 0.

Information overload essay sample

Due to an overload of information, people are desensitized, and an individual is less likely to provide assistance as the number of bystanders increases. My attention is often lost, and I continue to be bombarded by advertisements and more information each time I walk out of the classroom.

The demand for health insurance

The above, is a source to the production of the strong incentives by the customers to the plans of the health care. It follows that the affiliate providers of the health care collaborates in the controlling of the increased quality and costs for the competition of the enrollment.