Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Approaches to palliative care

The approach provides primary care services to improve the quality of life of the dying patients through addressing pain and other distressing symptoms and integrating physical, psychosocial and spiritual care to ensure a good death for the patients. It also offers support for families of the terminally ill patients to cope with grief and bereavement →

Invention of mass media media essay

Since the introduction of 1 Malaysia concept, this concept has been widely promote by the government to the citizen using the mainstream media. In Malaysia, although most of the mainstream media are privatization but all the media are closely related to the government and political party.

Case study of nissans cogent co-development

But that was not the case in development assessment due to diverse range of challenges in terms of widely varying nature of supplier's products and technologies, resulting in poor overall performance and threat for their competitiveness. Through a good relationship, supplier development activities by means of collaboration with suppliers in various forms of partnerships, enables →

Pump and hydraulic fluid engineering essay

The function of reservoir in the hydraulic system is to store the hydraulic fluid and delivers the hydraulic fluid to the pump which then gives the pressurise fluid to the system. The function of Motor is to help in engaging the pump and also help in starting the system.

Phases on the moon – essay

As this happens, the tilt of the Earth causes different sections of the Earth to point toward the Sun. Kelper was the first to devise a system that described correctly the details of the motion of the planets with the Sun at the centre.

Effects of animal trafficking on the economy

The impact of illicit wildlife trafficking on the social and economic Development of a country is the immediate and irreversible depletion of valuable assets. It erodes the rule of law and harms the reputation of and trust in the state.

Deep-sea anglerfish reproduction

The longest filament is usually the first spine, or the illicium, which protrudes above the eyes and terminates in an irregular mass of flesh at the tip of the spine, the esca. The light and movement of the lure attract the prey to within reach of the gaping jaws.

Chicken run

What are the roles of professional accountants in relation to their compliance to the By-Laws of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants as in this case? In this case, professional accountants should always check the financial statement of the company so that the information in the financial statement has fairly presented.

Humanistic and behaviouristic approach to human behaviour

The behaviouristic approach comes the nearest to meeting the criteria of the scientific approach. Biological psychologists focus on the physiology of the brain and the nervous system and the relationship between this and behaviour, again this is an objective approach.

The constant gardener film

As the movie progresses, and after Justin's faith and love for his dead wife are rediscovered, he feels that he has completed the mission that she herself was not able to finish, and as he has finished " uprooting the last of the weeds", he can now rest, and join his wife in death. After →

Frederick mann launches upstart scheme “clickpaid”

As Profitclicking is in the process of collapse right now, it is the perfect time for the genius to launch his new venture. This will also be done on the basis that people imported into the other program will have to activate their accounts by a certain deadline in order to become members of the →

The participation in unions. this article draws its

This article draws its conclusions from a survey conducted over three years ending in 2002 in tow of UKs largest Unions as well as critical reviews on the subjects of women participation in unions and concludes that the increase in the number of women participation in trade union is the result of industrial reorganization in →

Jacob roam throughout a store looking down

I sent a survey to a sample of 58 people and I found that 36% reported that they have been a victim of cyberbullying. He threatened to release the picture to all of her family and friends if she did not comply.

Michael and marcus in underworld evolution essay sample

When the evil vampire, Marcus, is spotted drastic non-diegetic sound is played to provide a heightened feeling of tension which places the audience on the edge of their seat at the fight takes place. A close up is used to the film sound, mise-en scene and cinematography have a large effect on the mood of →

Pest analysis of textile industry

Share of the textile sector in Pakistan's economy, along with its contribution to exports, employment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and value added in industry, makes it the single largest determinant of the growth in the manufacturing sector. History and Background Gulberg Fashion is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Fabrics and garments in →

Intensity on cress seedlings

My independent variable will be the light intensity, my dependant variable will be the length of the cress after 1 week, this will be measured from the end of the root to the end of the shoot, my control will be the seeds, the size of the dish, amount of cotton wool, temperature, strength of →

American foreign policy: realpolitiks vs. human rights

I think the U.S.should do what is in the best interest of the United States for example, Just one day after the French surrender at Dien Bien Phu, an international conference to settle the Indochina conflict began in Geneva, Switzerland. The agreement was between Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, France, Laos, and the People's →

Kfc marketing research process

Find out how to reposition the firm.oDEFINE THE PROBLEM How to reposition the firm and change the " takeout image" How to make it more " family friendly" How to get UK " mums" interested enough to visit and use KFC on a regular basis to buy meals for their meals.oESTABLISH RESEARCH OBJECTIVES KFC-UK has →

The reign of terror essay

On 25 December 1 793, Robberies stated: ' The goal of the constitutional government is to conserve the republic; the aim of the revolute nary government is to found it. The revolutionary government owes to the good citizen all the protection of the nation; it owes nothing to the enemies of the people but death...

International hr p essay

As mentioned previously, we will be staffing our international joint ventures with employees from both our company and the firm we are joining in China. Although we will be using employees who are already with the companies, there will still be a selection and training process in place to ensure that the best fit employees →

Analysis of politics in gulliver’s travels

The novels I am focusing on, Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift and Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, are two prime examples of retrograde literature and the ability of essential doctrines to move from the past into novels of the future. This is most likely due to the time period Gulliver's Travels was produced within, it →

So easily corrupted

Over the course of human history, the Church has been the focus of many criticisms, including but not limited to the relationship with the state, the persecution of heretics, the crusades, the Inquisition, and the homophobic beliefs. In the His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman, the author seeks to convey the true nature of →

Primary and secondary socialisation

These key attributes provide the individual with key skills, behaviours and habits; necessary to enable participation within their own society observing the rules and boundaries established within their " Norms and Values" and modifying and changing behaviours throughout their life time " The Culture of Society is the way of life of its members; the →

Descartes and evil genius

At the end of this mediation, Descartes adopts the argument of the evil genius or what has today been commonly referred to as the evil daemon in which he concurs that the absence in truth of the four named aspects leaves the possibility of the existence of a malevolent demon that is exceedingly powerful enough →

Southern economy post cuvil war

At the Civil War's close, the wrecked Southern economy helped influence the growth of the North's economy, and made ways for laws and Amendments to help former slaves during Reconstruction. After the Civil War, the South's economy was hopelessly crippled.

Charles tilly – war making and state making as organized crime

ClaimWar making and state making are interdependent Analogous to organised crimeProtectionDifferentiate protection and racketeering Used as a justification for govt - protection from local and external violenceBUT govt protection often qualifies as racketeering- create a threat and then charges for its reduction - threats imaginary or a consequence of govt activitiesLegitimate and illegitimate force distinctionmakes →

Pharmacology and price ceiling assignment

On this subject some of the pros that would come out of the government setting a price ceiling would be the price of the prescriptions would go down and individual's would be able purchased the medicine at a great deal. However the con of this would be that the demand would be high because of →

Noise pollution assignment

According to an COED report " Transport is by far the major source Of noise, ahead Of building or industry, with road traffic the chief offender " motorcycles, trucks and busses are the major contributors to the traffic noise. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends the hearing protection in the workplace if the noise →

Government cospiracies assignment

The study gives people suffering from all kinds of ailments clinical psychology in the form of mindful based therapy to see how hey respond to It regardless of the injury or reason for medical treatment. The present study is a review of MOB as a therapy to reduce acute symptoms of anxiety and depression.

My the kosovan-serbian war. the deep-seated, irreversible effects

This allowed me to observe the effects conflict has on the development of children whose parents were killed during the war, and how they have had to adapt in a country that is still recovering. To my surprise, my observations unveiled that the children were oblivious to the happenings of the war and its consequences →

To investigate changes in bed load and discharge along the course of the river shimna essay sample

I expect that as you move from the source to the mouth the discharge of the river will increase. This would be vital in case of unfavourable weather conditions on the day, and as we would have to be efficiently transported between sites in order to finish the investigation in one day.

Comparison of buddhist and christian ethics theology religion essay

The Cessation of Suffering: Now this, monastics, is the baronial truth of the surcease of agony: It is the remainder-less attenuation off and surcease of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishment of it, freedom from it, and non-reliance on it.4. The Way to the Cessation of Suffering: Now this, monastics, is the baronial →

Intro to programmed learning and medical word building

centesissurgical puncturearthrocentesis-surgical puncture of a joint-clastto breakosteoclast-Area of broken-down bone-desisbinding, fixation arthrodesis-binding or fixation of a joint-ectomyexcision, removalappendectomy- excision or removal of the appendix-lysisseparation; destruction; looseningthrombolysis-separation, destruction, or loosening of a blood clot-pexyfixation mastopexy-fixation of the breast-plastysurgical repairrhinoplasty-surgical repair of the nose -rrhaphysuturemyorrhaphy-suture of a muscle-stomyforming an openingtracheostomy-forming an opening into the trachea-tomeinstrument to cutosteotome-instrument →

Being left handed

The growth in number of southpaws could be due to the fact that left-handedness is no longer taboo. Another theory asserts that left-handedness is due to trauma in the womb that leads to a dysfunction in the brain's left hemisphere, causing the right side to take over motor control.

Theodore roosevelt: history

As President, Roosevelt needed to expand the impact and notoriety of the United States on the world stage and make the nation a worldwide power. Amid the war with Spain, American ships in the Pacific needed to steam around the tip of South America in two-month voyages to join the U.S.armada off the shoreline of →

Three main hrm functional areas or activities

In the context of British Gas and as the HR director of the company which is UK's leading energy supplier with high brand value and equity should analyse the following three main HRM functional areas and activities: Recruitment and Selection: The aim of recruitment and selection is to obtain at minimum cost, the number and →

International relations of india forming over time history essay

Moreover, most children in India are underweight and severe levels of malnutrition which was ranking the third in the world. However, Islamic society in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the role of women were not clearly appearing to be equal.

Red bull sampling

If the group size will be too large it might lead to bias related to majority influence meaning that participants will conform to the views of the majority of the group. Quantitative research will comprise of 30 questionnaires which will be given out to participants with an age range of 20-30, both males and females →

The motivation of financial incentive schemes

Tesco, the largest supermarket concatenation in the UK, has a sensible motive system and it uses a important figure of fiscal inducement strategies to promote employees. In the existent universe, many other non-financial motive methods are besides used and they are besides demonstrated to do a difference.

Name ching, gregory s.; luong, thai-ha year

Findings The results of the study show that the factors such as store discounts and coupons, store display, behaviour of sales staff, soothing music were the determinants of impulsive buying. Future research direction A research that properly ascertains in-store environment persuaded impulsive buying across different and specific product ranges; brand categories can provide a significant →

Thus, of public land, the negotiation of

In many fields the delivery of letter, the sale of public land, the negotiation of a treaty, the award of compensation of an injured workman, the quarantine of a sick child, the removal of a litter from a park, manufacturing plutonium, and licensing the use of atomic energy. The managerial view, on the other hand, →

Stardust assignment

It imposed several significant alternations to the original plot of the book, especially in the realm of the new characters introduction, and the insignificant ones that do not influence the storyline. However, the main change that the film adaptation has brought to he book is that the film contains two characters, which are not included →

Viruses vs. kingdom of life assignment

Kingdom of Life The purpose of this assignment is to discussing the classification of viruses within the six kingdoms of life, and whether if viruses belong to any of the six kingdoms. Furthermore, viruses are not living organisms, because they do not share any of those five basic properties in the six kingdoms.

Article among sexual exposure, anal sex is the

To stop the global onslaught of HIV, WHO stronglyrecommends initiation of ART in the entire HIV population to reducetransmission and recommends the use of PrEP as one of the prevention tools forthose who are prone to infection1. The primaryaim of the study was to find out the effectiveness and safety ofdapivirine vaginal ring in comparison →

Advantages and disadvantages of large college essay sample

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Large College Advantages of a large college A large college has a lot of advantages. A large college gives students more chance to know a variety of students, teachers and scholars.

Dick clark and american bandstand essay sample

Dick Clark was the final host of the show he hosted the show from nineteen fifty seven until the end. The entrance of Clark in the show increased the number of people in the show this increased the popularity of the show.

What does a parent face to raise their children

The most challenging task is how parents manage to instill discipline to their children without the violation of the child's rights. With the rising trends of premarital sex and drinking, parents get faced with the challenge of constantly been in touch with their children class teachers so know their children progress.

Compare the view of class in homer, boccaccio, austen

In most of the parts of the poem, Odysseus is depicted as wise, caring and gentle leader. The protagonist is also described as curious and caution at the same time, because he asks Virgil for advice every step on his way.


Throughout the course of analysis, this researcher discovered that the accuracy of the testing is substantially valid as the majority of the results fit with personal assessments of my own personality as it relates to the executive business environment. The PCDP results consist of a narrative, again based on the results of personality testing mechanisms, →

Theory of economic deflation

Cause for deflation: The main indicator of the deflation is price of good. The demand and supply of goods results in deflation: if there is decrease in demand of goods or increase of supply of goods.

Circuit board fabricators, inc essay

If you figure the run time for minutes per part divided by the number of employees the processes that take the most time are the clean, coat, and the final test. The impact of losses in the inspection and final test are wasted boards and wasted machine and employee time that was put into the →

Accuracy of pocahontas essay

The movie attempts to tell and expand on the story of a romantic relationship between an Indian princess, Pocahontas, and a Jamestown colonist, John Smith. In the beginning of the Disney movie, the initial scenes have a little to no resemblance to Virginia, in which is the actual setting in history.

World history essay

The pope neither desires nor is able to remit any penalties except those imposed by his own authority or that of the canons, The pope cannot remit any guilt, except by declaring and showing that it has been remitted by God; or, to be sure, by remitting guilt in cases reserved to his judgment. Repentance →

Performance enhancing drugs should be legalized

The authors parallel the use of cosmetic surgery and unhealthy diet regimens by models and actresses and the use of steroids by professional athletes to stay at the top of their games. Whitaker and Carson-Dewitt provide a number of facts regarding the characteristics of steroids, the effects of their use, and the history of its →

Ielts writing

The only exercise that they do are walk to the fringe to get a can of coke or to the toilet. Both of parents, teachers and government have to by all means help the children to build up a good eating habit since they are the future of the society and health is the most →

Perception, sensation

" Perception is more than just a sensation" Introduction Sensation is the passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the body and brain. Perception is the active process of selecting, organising and interpreting the information brought to the brain by the senses.

Experiencing uncertainty in brady’s character

The satire in the moment when the juxtaposition of him reassuring himself that he had the support when he ran for president, showing perhaps electoral corruption, to Davenport stepping in and introducing himself to Brady, and then Brady possessing a patronizing attitude towards the circuit district attorney, undercuts magisterial patriarch, ' I trust it was →

Tobacco addiction case study

Medications none Allergies none Stage of change contemplation Diagnosis tobacco abuse and addiction Patient education Through the use of tobacco, nicotine is one of the most heavily used addictive substances and the leading preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States. Lower levels of MAO in the brain may lead to higher →

Causes of absenteeism and high turnover of staff

The causes of absenteeism and high turnover staff are: Low wages: The prospect of getting higher pay elsewhere is one of the most obvious contributors to turnover. Seasonal changes: at the time of evaluation and selection the manager must avoid selecting part-timers, or at the time of evaluation the manger must take into consideration the →

Foreign companies are attracted to india because of low labor costs

At this beginning stage, having a loss in the Brazil market is not going to be good and will in the end force you to withdraw in the market. One more drawback in their strategy is they did not segment the market; they just introduced the product and expect it to work for the whole →

Mass comm 7

The Internet-New MediaThe latest, the eighth, mass medium is the first to be non-linear.there is no clear-cut start, middle and end. Internet emerged in the mid-1990s It is the eighth mass medium Network of telephone and cable lines and satellite links that connect computers It is non-linear Non-Linear?

Mis 412–chapter 6

82 Which of the following activities is the one engaged in by the highest percentage of online users? using e-mail On average, which of the following activities was most frequently engaged in by Internet users in 2012? checking the weather The dial-up audience is ________ the broadband audience.less intensely involved with the Internet than Which →

Abstract a faster and safer evacuation plan

Toxicity of smoke: Toxicity of smoke is the main reason of casualties in a fire. The light weaken property of smoke determines the drop of visibility in a room filled with smoke, which is a great trouble of evacuation in a fire.

Friend compare and contrast assignment

He seemed Like an okay kid and since we lived In the same neighborhood and hung out with the same friends I decided to start talking to him to see how things went. We finish our work with a timely manner even if he Just gets out of bed the day of and finishes while →

Same sex education: the effects on the students essay

Same sex education, also known as the single sex education imposes advantages and disadvantages to the students enrolled in this type of schooling. Statistics shows, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education, that same sex schooling or the same sex education setting has increased in popularity and support in the past decade.

Which theorist is most applicable to understanding work today, marx, weber or durkheim? essay sample

The change in the occupational structure in society today is based on the phenomenon of the division of labour. Although it maximises productivity, Marx argues that it leads to the separation of individuals and the generation of power struggles." Thus the existence of the division of labour means the dislocation of the human essence, the →

Explain three (3) world arguments for birth control and two (2) world arguments against birth control

POPULATIONS AND BIRTH CONTROL of Location of University: POPULATIONS AND BIRTH CONTROL Population growth and birth controls have been the subject of intense discussions and debates because of the implications of having so many people relying on limited resources. A second argument for birth control is it allows for a better quality of life for →

Concept of culture

A society cannot make its foundations strong without a strong culture and no culture can survive without presence of a large group of people observing the customs and traditions of that culture." Culture is essential for the existence of a society, because it binds people together". The reason is that people belonging to any specific →

Case study: starbucks

First, Starbucks was reluctant to go for any agreement with fair trade since they were not confirmed whether fair trade could assure to provide the quality beans to meet the Starbuck's standards or not. The problems related with the decision to accept the offer from fair trade coffee are quite noteworthy.

Overview of organizational behavior commerce

The survey and apprehension of single group behaviour and the forms of construction in order to assist better organisational public presentation and effectivity, Theory helps in constructing generalised theoretical accounts applicable to a scope of organisation or state of affairs. Missing of systematic apprehension of the information kineticss and dependence that are involved in informations →

Critical analysis of dreaming in cuban and the latin deli

While Cristina Garcia's novel moves miles covering the life of three generations mainly of a single family between Cuba and the United States, Judith Ortiz, uses the power of poetry to communicate the success, tragedy and experiences of the Latinos in the El building. In the writings, the major themes of concern include the following: →

What ive learned

After leaving the barbeque, I was on my way to meet my brothers John and Nick at the local bar to talk and have fun. Now that everyone was fine, I called the police, and my family.

The red carpet of my life

To further the cultural scene and repercussions, the novelist also makes a comparative study by expanding the background of the novel from the Shivalik Hills to Canada. The man who comes forward to buy is a weak man of this area only and spendsmoneyon her to supplement the roles of a woman and an ox: →

One thing that i’m afraid to lose

They are our first interactions and the foundation of who we will become. Among the most important lessons I have learned from my family were to always stay true to who I am and what I believe, to be a force of change, and most importantly to remember my roots.

Critically evaluate the cognitive explanations of addiction

With around a third of the population chronically addicted to nicotine and the ever increasing burden of alcohol related illness on the National Health Service, the study of what causes and maintains addiction is one of the most important psychological issues on the government's health agenda today. To conclude, a biological learning and memory theory →

Investigating kevin mitnick and computer hacking philosophy essay

If a hacker is employed by a company to find flaws in the company's security system by trying to hack to the companies system then the hacking is ethical since the hacker has been employed by the company themselves. In a similar way, it is the duty of every citizen to respect the other fellow →

John f kennedy assassination history essay

After his death commissions were formed to get to the root of the assassinations the two government investigations of the assassination are: The warren commission The House Select Committee on Assassinations This was established on 29th November 1963 and was officially known as the president's commission on the assassination of President Kennedy. This is the →

Why did women achieve the vote?

A conclusion will be drawn by juxtaposing the ideology of women before and after World War One and analysing the effectiveness of the suffrage campaigns and the role that women played in the Great War. The popular opinions surrounding gender roles from the mid-nineteenth century until WWI were imbued with the dogma of a patriarchal →

The revenger’s tragedy – scene synopsis

Spurio enters and is angry that he missed the opportunity to grab Lussurioso before he left to Castiza's but then is happy to discover the events that have taken place. Lord Antonio is made Duke and Vindice reveals to him that he and Hippolito killed the Duke.

Strategic mngmnt 9173

Strategic awareness deals with the understanding to the organization s strengths and weaknesses and the threats and opportunities and being able to gauge where the organization is heading. They are steeped in yesterday's conventional wisdom and fail to involve the employees and stakeholders in a meaningful way.

Madame of travel and their ironic parallels. these

The narrator is said to be one of Charles old classmates, but he is gone by the middle of the chapter. It is almost to the point of being confusing.

The cause of aggressive crime

The Causes of Violent Crime Violent crime is a difficult topic to understand from an internal perspective, as many individuals do not associate themselves with violence and thus cannot understand the reasoning of the perpetrator. However, it is interesting to consider biological and psychological theories for crime, as there appear to be a lot of →

Typographer matthew carter

The value of the work of earlier designers on the development of Carter's skills can be identified in the case of Galliard, ' designed for Mergenthaler Linotype in 1978 and based on Robert Granjon's forms of the mid-16th century, discovered during Carter's research at the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp in the 1950s' [1]. In fact, →

Research on pompeii essay

What is surprising about the ruins in Herculaneum? How do archeologists know that other people have been to the ruins in Herculaneum before them?

Investigatory project argumentative essay

The extract of pineapple also gives the skin the needed vitamin C and minerals for the skin to look young. The pineapple skin were put in a pot and water was poured into the pot until the skins were barely covered.

Literary analysis essay

She wants Monique to believe she is going out, but in reality she is going in the ceiling to stay with her people and to protect them when the Hutu show up. The idea that children as young as nine are forced to take care of their families and witness horrific crimes is sad.

Kite runner social divisions essay

There is separation between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras, between Americans and Afghans, between men and women, and between the Talibs and the people of Afghanistan."'Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. They climbed the tree's large branches, and carved into it the words " Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul." After they ate the →

Stark law college

The purpose of the anti-kickback statute is t o ensure that the medical referral decision is made with the patient's best interest in mind, and to prevent inflation of the cost of medical treatment by the payment of referral fees and the referral of patients for care they do not need. Key Concepts General Prohibition →

Johnny depp personality traits description essay

Finally, the psychoanalytic approach on personality offers its own explanation for human behaviour, in that it lies hidden in the unconscious of a person, and is a result of how a person attempts to deal with deep-seeded and often conflicting interests, desires and instincts. The learning perspective on personality will try to explain that it →

Why was africa colonised in the years 1870-1914

It can be said that the actions of the years 1870-1914 started the series of events that eventually allowed for complete partitioning of the African continent at the Berlin West Africa Conference. Now, the discovery of quinine in the barks of Cinchona trees and mastery of its extraction allowed settlers to remain in the area →

Document design assignment

It follows the Jesse James Garrett model of user-centered web design, found in " The Elements of user Experience: user-centered Design for the Web". Since this is a pro bono web design project, the only cost for TIC is that of hosting the website on the server.

“glory of women” by siegfried sassoon essay sample

Sassoon's words had painted a image conveying his anti-war messages.in effort to interrupt the popular romanticized beliefs the bulk population held towards war.conveying the ignorance of the populace.nevertheless at the same clip praising the love and dedication of the adult females on the place forepart. Sassoon had successfully invited the kernel of an ideal image →

Sentence variety

Exercise 14 Rewrite the following sentence by placing the adverb " not for all the money in the world" at the beginning, after which you will need to change the word order. Exercise 29 Rewrite the following sentence by placing the prepositional phrase " at the end of the street" at the beginning, after which →

Disparities in diagnosis of depression

It may not be felt that the mental health services for the African-American Communities should be improved as the risk of developing depression is comparatively lower compared to the White population. Many of the African-Americans who are seeking mental health services may be locked or held in the hospital wards and forced to undergo treatment.

Solve gen inc

In case of license and distribution agreement, Careway will pay SolvGen for each proprietary instrument system as it is purchased by Careway.$ 1 million of the exclusive negotiation payment paid in December 1, 2009 is recognized as cash in debit and unearned revenue in credit in 2009 because the agreement will start in 2010. For →

An inspector’s call: a look at the theme of surprising sympathy as shown by eric and his audience

Later in the play, however, despite the revelations of his poor treatment of Eva Smith, the audience does gain some sympathy for him as we realise he is a sensitive and rather ' lost' character, who perhaps longs for a more supportive and fulfiling relationship with his family. It is, however, clear that Eric commands →