Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

What is applied sociology? β€˜applied sociology’ is

And the study of adaptation of social method of the achievement of moral purpose may be termed as applied social ethics". Madan, the main task of applied sociology is to deal with social problems.

Obtaining the consent on human subjects. the

Inform consent is usually in the form of document signed by the subject andrelevant research information, such as the purpose of the study, expectedduration of study, experimental procedure to be undertake, benefits andpotential risks of participation, also important for the participant to makedecision and confirms for individual willingness to involve in peculiarclinical trial and significance β†’

The is the driving factor. in 1997

The evolution of men and women, how the roles in society have changed. We have seen in the Sixteen hundreds arranged marriages where the woman had no say in the union, and the relationships were is based on money or prestige.

Character development in mr jed parry essay sample

The most frightening statement of all, however, has to be a section of the letter where he tells Joe of the morning cap ride to his apartment. Joe's judgement is often clouded by his scientific brain and is one of the reasons he does not understand Parry until he is able to give his behaviour β†’

Emergency department bottleneck proposal

The second is that during the peak flow of patients into the ED, the services that are required to provide support for the ED in the provision of timely and quality care are functioning at their minimal ability, since they are in the after-hours mode. The essential problem in quality care in an ED is β†’

Ifrs, us and prc gaap essay

Same as IFRS Classification of interest received and paid in the cash flow statement Interest paid must be classified as a financing activity. If classified as available for sale, measured at fair value with value changes recognised either in income statement or in equity until the investment is sold.

Business simulation analysis

In the case that has been handed to the author of this paper, it has been learned that using critical thinking within the process certainly increases the capability of the business organization as a whole to face the different challenges of operating in the field that they are particularly engaged with at the time. Attending β†’

Ten alpina tools

The key issue here is that the business is running on very thin margins and the cash flow from this customer is critical for Giulia to cover her fixed and variable costs. This contract is key to her cash flow and the margins are small.

Keeping the good ones

It is necessary to outline that variety of factors exist to motivate employees. It is important to remember that to improve the quality of employees' life means to ensure better commitment and performance of the company.

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The personal, Intimate context and the care for self or other are always emphasized, either 220 Martha convince the male target group that it is no longer enough Just to be a man and act status by masculine ways of consumption. Referring to Saffron's seminal work of 1979 which is typical for advertising as a β†’

Bridging the gap: comparing “letters from my father” and “the writer”

In " The Writer", the narrator has to decide if he would like to go into his daughter's room when she pauses typing because he never knows the outcome of the pauses. The main difference between " Letters from My Father" and " The Writer" is that Fran realizes her father will always be there β†’

Symbolic interactionism – blumer

" The essence of society lies in an ongoing process of action- not in a posited structure of relations" -Blumer, 1969, Although symbolic interaction theory is often applied primarily to the micro level, the structuring of interdependent lines of behavior at the meso and macro levels also involves shared definitions developed through interaction. They are, β†’

The genocide in rwanda history essay

In 1930, while the Belgian colonization began since the beginning of the century, the Tutsi were declared the " superior race". In the book, A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in Rwanda's Genocide by Linda Melvern, she states that in 1992 the Belgian ambassador to Rwanda, Johan Swinner reported to the Belgian government β†’

The economy of russia before lenin

At the start of the war, " Russia...[had] the largest army in the world, standing at 1, 400, 000 soldiers" and was one of the superpowers of Europe at the time. The backbone of Russia's economy was its working class and, with the war, the conditions that the people were forced to work in were β†’

Political awareness and functional political literacy

The Aim of the Present study is to improve citizenship education in Pakistani schools through the analysis of curriculum of social studies text book; to develop a cadre of teachers to educate students for citizenship; a formulation of a citizenship education program for schools in Pakistan. The purpose of present research study is to determine β†’

Impact of academic motivation on student success

In conclusion the impact of academic motivation can lead to a student's success. Mindsets, organizations, and coping with stress are other components that affect the academic motivation a student has when it comes to higher education.

Politics impact on financial market and economy economics essay

Market risk is the decrease in the value of an investment or trading due to the change in value of the market risk factors. The political revolutions are the activity that aims to change the government and the political system that leads to instability in the internal political situation that has negative effect on the β†’

Does alternative medicine really work?

For example, many people believe that vaccinations and antibiotics have links to cancer and therefore use alternative medicine instead of conventional methods. However, in order to compare the effectiveness of alternative and conventional medicine in a person, we must look at that person's state of mind and their condition.

It take their place under the arc

Voting by the public in the form of SMS is likely to be biased. So the most one can do is to consider the show as a good platform to showcase one's talents and enjoy the limelight while it lasts.

Right from my childhood i am fascinated

Being a kid, I loved playing with the telephone linesin my home and unwittingly listen to my cousin' discussions with the help of two-linephone. To fulfill my dreams and ambitions, I ameagerly looking my way to be a part of the graduate program.

– global warming assignment

The consequences of the rise in temperature is being felt all over the globe the endings of scientific research done in this field reveal that the temperature of the earth is likely to rise from 1. This essay will examine the problem of global I warming and suggest some ways of solving the problem.

Photosynthesis and biochemistry of chloroplast membranes assignment

Understanding the principle concepts of Photosynthesis and being able to apply them to create faster and better growing plants could be a solution to famine in the future. Then we tested the effects of different colors of light on the chloroplasts membranes to see which colors progress photosynthesis most effectively.

My willing contribution to the university and my hopes for college experience

I have the same attitude in life and my ambition is to be the very best at my profession and my field of work. Electrical engineering and computer science are the subjects that I wish to major in and my focus is to achieve the best learning associated in these areas of study.

Workforce effectiveness (interview technique)

However, a semi structured format allows the interviewer a more flexible structure through the use of open ended questions which define the areas that need to be explored, such as the nature of duties at the previous job, etc. The last method was a modified structured interview in which the interviewers were provided an information β†’

Evaluation of a wellness centre in the community

Evaluation of a Wellness Centre in the Community Psychological and Life Skills Associates, P.C.is an organisation dedicated to the nurturing of abilities and improving the quality of life of its clients. Between them, the staff is trained in a plethora of therapeutic techniques ranging from the structured individual therapy sessions to the more dynamic training β†’

Postscript by walter pater essay

But in that House Beautiful, which the creative minds of all generations the artists and those who have treated life in the spirit of art are always building together, for the refreshment of the human spirit, these oppositions cease; and the Interpreter of the House Beautiful, the true aesthetic critic, uses these divisions, only so β†’

Psycho college essay

At the end of the film the shocked audience were left in darkness and Hitchcock asked the audience not to reveal the ending as they only had one. Though it was not just politics of racial and communist problems that influenced in how the film was made but what was happening in the social groups, β†’

Why did the whitechapel murders attract so much attention in 1888 analysis essay

The Whitechapel murders were the first sexual serial killings in England, perhaps in the world. The Elementary Education Act, in 1870, meant that everybody had to go to primary school to learn the basics of reading and writing.

Mtigating risks essay

Lester Electronics will quickly integrate with Shang-wa while mitigating risks, and positioning the new company to allow them to maximize resources of the newly formed company, increase market share in existing markets, open the potential to enter new markets, and maximize share value. At a minimum, LEI's timetable should include, within the next two years, β†’

The u.s. housing market essay

The collapse of the subprime mortgage market in late 2006 set in motion a chain reaction of economic and financial adversity that has since spread to nearly all sectors of the economy, as well as to global financial markets, has created depression-like conditions in the housing market, and has led the American economy to the β†’


A solar dish/engine system uses concentrating solar collectors that track the sun, so they always point straight at the sun and concentrate the solar energy at the focal point of the dish. The sun provides endless nonpolluting energy to the satellite power systems and demand for solar cells has risen as a result of the β†’


In Kitchen, the supernatural part of the world that Mikage lives in is the light. Before Mikage is even close with Eriko she can still see the light that radiates off of Eriko.

Nucor case persuasive essay

NPV is really useful in order to make this kind of decision because it uses the concept of future cash value to evaluate whether the investment is worth, however the NPV is sometimes difficult to calculate because it is not always easy to estimate future cash flow. Regarding the real option analysis if Nucor decides β†’

For what reason is this prescription recommended?

Your specialist may need to change the measurements of your medicines or screen you all the more precisely for reactions.on the off chance that you are taking headache medicine all the time to avert heart assault or stroke, do not take ibuprofen to treat torment or fever without conversing with your specialist. On the off β†’

Story of anne and peter in the diary of anne frank

An example of the second situation is the relationship between Anne Frank, the keeper of the diary, and Peter Van Daan, a seemingly shy and awkward young boy living alongside Anne in the annex. Anne and Peter's relationship developed from a relationship between two people characterized by taunting and bickering, to a relationship between to β†’

Assumptions of herbert spencer and karl marx essay

The aftermath of the work should act as a mirror to the human being. On the other hand Spencer argues that human nature is flexible and is in the process of advancement.

Robert frost “the road not taken” literature analysis research paper

There are a lot of different interpretations of Frost's " The Road Not Taken" that it is easy to appear in the situation that one cannot understand what the poems are about. Therefore, Frost's " The Road Not Taken" is the interpretation of the author's vision of a youth, middle age and an older age β†’

Esperanza: the hero who broke the cycle

Although Esperanza lacks the experience and maturity to escape Mango Street, she recognizes, with the help of her community and mentors, that she is a pre-determined heroine who is able to break the redundant cycle of entrapment and, through writing, able to return to Mango Street after finding success to save other generations of women β†’

Strategies for the tourism industry of spain tourism essay

Well conceived development of a critical mass of attractions by the combined efforts of private and public interest directly benefits to all the industry sectors involved in the tourism system, which improves the attractiveness and competitiveness of the destination. This paper will illustrate the effects of Man-made disasters resembling Terrorist attacks and Hotel collapse in β†’

The effect of birth order on personality

Morales believed that position of the child in the family has an effect on the behavior of the child inside and outside of the confines of the home. He added, " The influence of the family constellation is so strong that the lifestyles of the youngest children of two different families are more similar than β†’

Plan for retrofitting housing by 2050

For the first time since the beginning of the industrial era, the price of energy is likely to grow more sustainably with the GDP in developed countries, with the result that the share of energy increase substantially in the household budget at constant energy efficiency level. The next deadlines are the transposition of the European β†’

Two world renowned entrepreneurs

In his junior he left Harvard and in 1975, he started his new company along with his childhood friend Paul Allen, his main belief was that the computer would be the valuable tool on every desktop and in every home, they started to began new software and he started to improve those software technology by β†’

Observation of ecosystem in national park

The biotic component consist of three different groups of organisms- the producers, the consumers and the decomposers. In this report, the aim is to focus on the ecological character of Australian Ramsar Wetlands and study the interactions between the biotic and the abiotic components.

African-americans new deal

The New Deal offered many programs to help Americans cope with the desperate times of the Great Depression. Domestic work and agricultural jobs that accounted for 60% of the jobs that African-Americans held was excluded from receiving benefits under SSA.

Cross culture management deals with the collaboration of different cultures

The term 'culture ' is defined as a set of human traffics based on abilities, cognition, values and behaviou which are formed historically, geographically, economically, socially and separately." Culture in general is concerned with beliefs and values on the footing of which people interpret experiences and act separately and in a group ". Where there β†’

Classification of students assignment

In ollege there are three different types of students: the Jocks, the suck ups, and the over achievers. This semester I have a girl in my algebra class and every day she will go up to the teacher before class and after class and ask about anything.

The committee system in congress assignment

The modern committee structure stems from the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, the first and most ambitious restructuring of the standing committee system since the committee system was first developed. Although the Senate committee system is similar to that of the House of Representatives, it has its own guidelines, within which each committee adopts its β†’

Neo-noir in the 1980’s with films like blue

The film noir genre includes stylish Hollywood crime dramas; however, Neo-noir is the same, but with an " unconventional nature", updated themes, ideologies, content, style, visual elements or media that were absent in the films of the film noir period from the 1940s and 1950s. Many critics suggest that Touch of Evil was the last β†’

Answering history questions

A number of reasons can be attributed to the failure of the Operation Market garden. The Germans in turn took advantage of this plan and decision to defeat the Market Garden.III.

Porters five force analysis, industry: casinos

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the attractiveness of the Casino industry by investigating five specific forces that have the potential to drive down profitability. Although only " Rivalry," " Threat of Substitutes," and " Buyers" were identified as unfavorable categories out of the 5, the influence of each category on profits is β†’

Automated enrollment system for balanacan national high school

Objectives/Goals of the Project The developed Computerized Enrollment Systems for Balanacan National High School aims to automate and solve the problems being encountered by the use of the manual process. Scopes and Limitation The developed " Computerized Systems for Balanacan National High School" will cover the enrollment transaction of the institution.

Deadlock – college essay

The last is the circular wait condition, which just states that there must be a chain of processes, each of which is waiting for a resource that is held by the next process in the chain. Is it worthwhile to hinder the performance or convenience of the system to solve the deadlock problem?

Creating long-term loyalty relationships

The bonding between salon customers and Makarizo are even better, as salons are being gratefull with Makarizo because by buying and using Makarizo products, they can have training and more knowledge about new hair technique and keeping up with hair trend, which will definitely at the end increasing their salon clients. Further, purchased result of β†’

Tirfir coilomatic essay

The Tirfor can be anchored by its hook to a fixed point above the load, and the load lifted toward the machine.c)The Tirfor can be anchored directly to the load, and the cable hook anchored directly above it. In this case the cable remains static and the machine and load climb the cable.

Hrm in tata essay

The second-generation Tata Indica; one of the best selling cars in the history of the Indian automobile industry Tata Nano, the world's cheapest car Tata entered the commercial vehicle sector in 1954 after forming a joint venture with Daimler-Benz of Germany. It ought to be gradual and a change in the mindset of both the β†’

For $125 and 200 words you can own a historic bed and breakfast

The theme of the essay is, " Why I would like to own and operate a Country Inn". The entry fee is $125 and Sage has the right to keep all of the money she receives.

Online library system

What are the existing procedures of Library System of the International Colleges for Excellence, Inc.along the areas of: a) Cataloguing b) Inventory of Books c) Returning and Borrowing of Books 2. To identify the existing procedures of Library System of ICE along the areas of: a) Cataloguing b) Inventory of Books c) Returning and Borrowing β†’

Hong kong taxation and employment

If the employer makes a payment to a third party for which the employer itself was solely and primarily liable, then the benefiting employee is not chargeable to tax on such benefit, unless: a) the benefit can be converted intomoney; or b) the payment was paid for the education of a child of the employee.c) β†’

Final outline and annotated bibliography psychology essay

Retrieved September 8, 2012, from http://search.proquest.com/docview/232577353? accountid= 32521 The author explored Kohlberg's theory of moral development in relation to Korean and British children. Education for the moral development of managers: Kohlberg's stages of moral development and integrative education.

The science behind human behaviour psychology essay

The Working Memory is one of the four different types of memories that exist in the human memory system. The four types of memories in the human memory system are sensory memory short term memory, Working memory and long term memory.

False memories and how they can impact our lives

All participants watched the film and the control group received no indication regarding any missing footage, those in the Static condition were shown static frame for those clips that were missing, those in the Static + Warning received a warning as well in the beginning of the film regarding the missing clips, those in the β†’

Pros and cons of globalization politics essay

Globalization in the middle decades of the twentieth century was largely driven by the global expansion of multinational corporations based in the United States and the worldwide export of American culture through the new media of film, television and recorded music. Critics claim that globalization has irrevocably changed the social landscape of communities and constitutes β†’

Satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process marketing essay

People are stopping by to enjoy a mid afternoon coffee throughout the streets, Starbucks attract regular people to look and have their daily dose of coffee. MARKETING STARBUCKS IS A GREAT COMPANY FOR MARKETING Starbucks have a good name in market.star bucks do a lot of thing to promote their brand like advertising making website β†’

The beautiful mountain in indonesia history essay

In order to balance the weight of the earth surface, much of the compressed rock is forced downward, producing deep " mountain roots" [see the Book of " Earth", Press and Siever page.413]. Puncak Jaya is one of the snowy mountain peaks in crossing the equator, except in the mountains in Africa and Latin America.

Selection of needs analysis approaches

Since Needs Analysis is performed in order to find out not only the " necessity", the " lacks" and the " wants" of learners towards the target situations but also the learning needs or what learners need to do in order to learn, there exists different approaches to Needs Analysis, namely Target Situation Analysis, Present β†’

The fungus rhizopus stolonifer

As it will most efficiently overcome the resistance of the cell membrane as it will be the the first to overcome the resistance of the cell membranes of the fungi due to two of its active ingrients. The same type of fungus was tested and all the fungi were grown to the same size.

Parenting skills

I think the fathers enjoy fatherhood more today because they know what they are doing now and they know how to take care of their children.4. Why is trust important in the relationship between kids and adults for learning to take place?

Machine learning exam

They might be good when the data has clear boundaries and is easily distinguishable.non-linear binary classifier.if the the data is more spread out and it can not be linearly seperated a non-linear binary classifier might be better.the sample distribution and the true distributionThe true distribution is the distribution that actually is happening in nature due β†’

Miss spitfire

Anne SullivanMain character who is on her way to teach a pupil who is blind, mute and deaf. Aunt EllenAdopted little sister MaryJimmieUncle JohnHusband of AnastasiaAnastasiaWife of Uncle JohnHelen KellerOne of the main characters who is deaf, mute and blind.Dr.

Considerations when appointing auditors

It is the responsibility of the management to prepare the statements, the auditor Just checks and verifies the items. This is important because it is the responsibility of the management to prepare the financial statements - the auditors Just check them.

Dost thou love life? then do not squander time, fo

He proposed the hiring of proper men to serve constantly in that business, and that the tax should be based upon the size of property that the person owned. He would mark off whenever he faulted in one of the virtues, and gave a weeks attention to each of the virtues in order.

Introduction: whereas in the public sector, financial measures

To keep track of the execution of activities by the staffwithin the control and to monitor the consequences arising from these actions, managers use this report. The characteristics that define a balanced scorecardare: v Itmainly focuses on the strategic plan of the organization concernedv Tomonitor it selects a small number of data itemsv It isa β†’

Analogy to government assignment

For example, a Dancer is similar to the Executive Branch, the Audience is similar to the Judicial Branch, and the Choreographer is similar to the Legislative Branch. The Judicial Branch interprets the law, Just like the Audience interoperable a performance.

What problems did the weimar republic face between 1919 and 1923 essay sample

The Government was perhaps founded because the Kaiser abdicated rather than face the blame for the loss of the war, and so the government was founded to take the blame for the war. Agreeing to pay the Reparations was a huge problem faced by the Weimar Republic because she could not meet the demands, and β†’

Mih543 – perspectives on abuse violence module 4 – case

Physical abuse can be in the form of slapping the old person or can be in the form of beating severely and restraining with ropes. In the UK, elderly abuse was in the form of economic abuse whereas in the USA it was found that elders were more exposed to emotional abuse.

Emergency management 670

Emergency Management Question The issue of whether to trade off between mitigation and response in disaster management is a realissue. In a nutshell, if each risk of a disaster is considered individually, then it is possible to trade off between mitigation and response for the risk of that disaster.

Perfume by patrick suskind essay

Throughout the novel Perfume by Patrick Suskind, there is an obvious use of literary devices used to describe the scents which Grenouille, the protagonist, smells, the way in which Grenouille smells aromas, as this is different to the ' average' persons scent capacity, and the relevance of the aroma, as he emphasizes those smells which β†’

Teaching essays – electronic ict learning essay

Consequences of several surveies conducted throughout the universe revealed that the usage of ICT greatly increased the degree of larning and apprehension of the students on the scientific rules being studied. Advantages of ICT scientific discipline acquisition tools The usage of ICT tools has a batch of identified advantages over the usage of conventional methods β†’

How does priestly present the character of mr goole in an inspector calls

This is produced by the juxtaposed opinions and ideologies of the Birlings and the inspector.* Inspector Goole enters the play about ten pages in. Given that the inspector is an incarnation of all the principles priestly believes are right he is the prevailing power in all situations and always portrayed to be fair and just".

The holocaust argumentative

Storytelling and the Holocaust Truth The truth of the Holocaust is contingent on the ability of the traumatized victims to visually re-construct the horrifying events of the Holocaust. According to Del Zotto, victimization is one of the key inhibitor of a dialogue that would ensure truthfulness in the recounting of the Holocaust bizarre.

Standard five: motivation and management

An understanding of motivation is important in the teaching profession in that, it helps teachers to better manage learners and it helps a great deal in managing and resolving conflicts. This is very important as a means of ensuring that the knowledge acquired in school is responsive to the social needs of the learners.

Egyptian art

Upper Land - was the name for the territories located up the river, beyond the city of Amarna." While the labelling of " Upper" and " Lower" might seem counterintuitive, with Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north on modern maps, the terminology derives from the flow of the Nile from β†’

Atkinsons case

You have contacted Meadowland Properties PL and have received a letter in return which sets out the availability and costs of leasing a new unit in the Meadowland Centre. Communicate proposed course of action and answer questions 40 Meadowland Properties PL Sheffield Dear Sir Thank you for your recent enquiry concerning the leasing costs for β†’

Identity experiences

Based on multiracial research and literature, Johnston and Nadal outline categories of multiracial microaggressions, which are everyday denigrating messages multiracial people receive about their identity: inclusion or exclusion based on multiracial identity, exoticization or objectification, assumption of monoracial identity or mistaken for another group identity, denial of multiracial identity, and pathologizing of identity and experiences. β†’

Court issues analysis

Moreover, the complexity of administering justice in and of itself plays a part in the difficulty of court management, with issues such as the deepening ethnic diversity of encountered populations and shifting ideas about victims? rights playing defining roles in the tasks before any given court. For victims who are already directly impacted by the β†’

Juvenile delinquency theories case study

First the first trail fail to convict the two brothers, the jury in the retrial found them guilty on the two accounts: the first-degree murder and the conspiracy to carry out murder. Erik told the jury that they decided to kill their parents because they thought that their parents were going to kill them.

Psychological strategies used in advertising

When it comes to a consumer recommending the product to their colleagues in the humorous commercial, they would not necessarily discuss the benefits of owning the product but rather refer to what the ad was and how funny it is and that spike their colleagues interest to purchase the product, not particularly because of its β†’

The history of the macro environment marketing essay

Their vision of Amway is help people to live better and the mission of Amway is to facilitate best business opportunities and deliver high-quality product to all the customers. Through the partnering of Distributors, Employees, and the Founding Families and the support of quality products and service, Amway offer all people the opportunity to achieve β†’

Employer branding on ability to attract talent

While the term 'employer brand' denotes what people currently associate with an organization, employer branding has been defined as the sum of a company's efforts to communicate to existing and prospective staff what makes it a desirable place to work, and the active management of a company's image as seen through the eyes of its β†’

History and development of jit manufacturing

JIT had its beginnings as a method of reducing inventory levels within Japanese shipyards, Today, JIT has evolved into a man agement philosophy containing a body of knowledge and encompassing a comprehensive set of manufacturing principles and techniques, JIT manu facturing has the capacity, when properly adapted to the organization, to strengthen the organization's competitiveness β†’

Four pillars of competition policy in eu

In comparison with the Perfect Competition there is not a restriction for entering but, however, in this one the types of the products can be completely different to each other. The reason can be the restricted number of entries but additionally the fact that the nature of products is not specific.

Ethical positions in positive economics

I assume this to be relevant since the normative context shapes such variables of economics as the economists' academic interests or human behaviour in the economy. Having discussed the theory- and value-ladenness of the economist, we are ready move on to the next elements the subject of her research.

Kfc information management analysis

This will assist in determining KFC's influence and strategy in the market place, whilst acknowledging the limitations to the theory. Finally the use of ICT within KFC's management will be discussed to determine the competitive advantage that is achieved and defended using the Strategic thrust model that has been advanced by Whilst discussing the current β†’

Research strategy for employee motivation research

Before conducting a research there is a need of clear planning of how to conduct the research. The objective of this research is to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular group, situation or individual.

Mechanisms and consequences of gp-mediated cytopathology

The resulting -1 ORF reads through the remaining portion of the gene and encodes for the membrane-bound form of the EBOV glycoprotein, GP [76, 77]. GP is the only viral protein found of the virion surface and so is responsible for mediating entry and fusion of the virus.

Md. gias uddin

Gias Uddin Room # 119, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, University Of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000 Email: giasuddin.[email protected]com Phone: +88 01711709257, 01670461600 Summary Profile Seeking position of an internship to utilize my academic knowledge on finance, banking, accounting, analytical abilities, excellent drafting and strong communication skill, computer literacy and diversified experience in related fields. Traveling β†’