Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

In the modern university teachers education essay

In this connection, the following objectives put forward: 1) To reveal the essence of conflicts between teachers and students and to study patterns of behavior; 2) To study the causes of conflict between two groups teachers and students; 3) To study ways of managing conflict and ways to resolve them. Causes of the conflict in β†’

Technology leadership in education

This vision begins with the cooperative efforts of various stakeholders of the learning community to craft a strategic plan incorporating the development of appropriate technology policies, the acquisition, monitoring, and maintenance of technology, the design of effective professional development programs, and the coordination of technical support for users. As explained in topics 1 and 2, β†’

Entry of tesco

An analysis of the main motives for Tesco to enter the US market is made, along with a brief study on the unique layout used by Tesco in the form of a newly labelled store, called ' Fresh & Easy'. On the other hand, Tesco Extra brings the widest line of food and non-food products β†’

Business essays – business motivation

Successful Entrepreneurs know the value of money and are careful about their finances to succeed in any business; an entrepreneur must understand the value of money and the cost of things. And to be an entrepreneur is to be an optimist, to believe that with the right amount of time and money, you can do β†’

Reconsidering immigration

The illegality of immigration, which is overwhelming, is also a unique characteristic to the Mexican immigration. Records in United States shows that a huge number of immigrants to the state have been Mexicans.

Women team femme noir consists of an

Experience gained by the participants of the project is sure to change their perception of the art and design as well as fashion in whole. Fantastic and close-to-life elements can be found in the sculptures being a golden middle of the fashion and art meeting.

How does pollution in large cities affect human health? assignment

It is because cities, most of which, have depended on the two types of industry to develop the economy that the problems of urban pollution are serious. It is acknowledged that air pollution affects public health in large cities.

Introduction group discussions were conducted with the

Upon researching this issue, an article with the title ' Breast Cancer Awareness and PreventionBehaviour among Women of Delhi, India: Identifying Barriers to Early Detection arevealed that breast cancer has become the primary cause of mortality in women. The findings revealed that shyness and fear were the majorbehavioural barriers in the early detection of breast β†’

The marketing mix: promotion

The Marketing Mix: Coca-Cola Blak The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of the introduction of the marketing strategy as employed by Coca-Cola for the launch of Coca-Cola Blak in the U.S. In regards to the placement of the product, it was the case that the launch was staggered, and ultimately β†’

Anal stage and psychoanalytic theory essay

The psychoanalytic theory states that a personality has three parts the id, the ego, and the superego which serve to regulate instinctual energies and shapes our personalities. They operate to prevent the experience of intense conscious anxiety caused by a conflict between base drives and the moral aspect of the psyche, the Superego.

Causes of video game to be popular

Role-Playing is an illustration of some " hooks" which are built into video games with the intent of doing them " addictive"." Role-playing games allow participants to make more than merely play they get to really make the characters in the game and embark on an escapade that's slightly alone to that character. Online Role-Playing β†’

Is teaching a profession essay sample

Friedson concludes that there is no manner to specify a profession that is non arbitrary and that in fact the definition is less of import than how people in a society " determine who is a professional and who is non.how they amake' or 'accomplish' professions by their activities.and what the effects are for the β†’

Photosynthesis pathway

C4Β Photosynthesis Pathway Species Photosynthesis pathway Mla citations Abutilon fruticosum Guill. & Perr 4C (Hatch 82) Abutilon muticum (Del.) Webb 4C (Hatch 82) Abutilon pannosum (G. Forst.) Schltdl 4C (Hatch 82) Acacia abyssinica Hochst. 4C (Hatch 82) Acacia ehrenbergiana (Forssk.) Hayne 3C (Laetsch 156) Acacia elatior Brenan 3C (Laetsch 156) Acacia...

Plato’s theory of forms argumentative essay

He supposes that an object represents a form and a phenomenon mimics the actual form, it portrays the form differently depending on circumstances. According to Plato an idea in general is timeless, containing one over many, apprehensible intellectually and definable with precision since it exists independently as a thing or an entity.

Stem cell college

The stem cells of the pancreas, which can give islet cells, are thought to be in the pancreatic ducts, but methods of isolating them so that they can be expanded in the laboratory have not been found. There is therefore a need to explore the usefulness of human Embryonic Stem cells in treating diseases, but β†’

Buleyeva ainura

Today, in new era, there are fast growing generation that take a leading positions in the world, that is Generation Y or Millennials. Most of the parents of Millennials are Generation X or Boomers that have other values and way of thinking.

Core skill: blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted against arterial walls during a cardiac cycle The contraction of ventricles is the systolic phase, and the interval in between contractions where the ventricles refill with blood is known as the diastolic phase. This effect of squeezing is how blood pressure and the blood flow through the capillaries is β†’

Intimations of the american character: five american writers

But time passed and America, with its depth and breadth of resourcefulness, its brave and entrepreneurial people who made the move, took the chance, crossed the ocean in search of a better life, and would not be held captive in the ornate chains of those ministers well-schooled in the endless dark night of the soul. β†’

We are not created equal in every way by joan rayn

The author logically argues that institutions have the right to have certain admission standards, she also brings up a few concerns regarding the students. In " we are not created equal in every way", Joan Rayn upholds the right of institutions in setting admission standards, however she presents a pressing concern for current students.

Internet business model

The Virtual Candy Store Warehouse Inc.can be based off the http://www.candywarehouse.com website. The Candy Warehouse website has lots of varieties of candies to choose from, they have displays of candies for different events, they have a tab for their new candies, their top sellers, and the company's favorite candies.

Personality and organizational commitment relationship

Scope of the Study This study is to identify the relationship between personality and organizational commitment among the employees in Aon Insurance Brokers Sdn Bhd. The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between employees' personality and their organizational commitment.

The principles of lying

In fact it would be immoral not to lie if lying is necessary to maximize the benefits or minimize the harm. To estimate the consequences of the lie a person must be able to evaluate the degree of the benefit as it is viewed within the standard of the person or group of people being β†’

Diversity in society

The reasons that it is important to understand how to interact with others in today's diverse society include that: the competitive markets in which Australia trades are now very different from the reliance we had in the past on trade with the United Kingdom and Europe beliefs and tolerance have changed as Australia matures as β†’

Role of construction industry in uk economy

The below mentioned coming paragraphs will elaborate more on the pros and cons of being globally competitive Construction industry in the UK economy The UK construction industry nowadays is one of the largest sectors, which has added 90 billion, to the UK economy and has created almost 10% of the UK employment. In line with β†’

Estimating and pre contracts quantity surveying construction essay

However the most common reason is the combination of the cost and time estimates and the latter being used by most consultants / architects to convince the clients to go ahead with the project. 1) Selection of team depending on the project and client: This is the job of the person in-charge of the QS β†’

Introduction to natural gas

The growing importance of natural gas as a major energy source is shown by the amount of investment devoted to the natural gas industry. Natural gas is future of energy and fuel requirements as it is one of the most clean fuel the evidences for this is illustrated by following this data: Natural gas, like β†’

Efficiency of step down transformer biology essay

Thus, the by varying the current and voltage in the primary coil, I will be able to vary the the current in the secondary coil. My hypothesis is that the efficiency will be related to the current in the secondary coil.

Examine the argument that neighbourly relations arer characterised by friendly distance

Many people have a relationship with their neighbours, most of them keeping a distance, not becoming too friendly, maybe borrowing a power tool or signing for a parcel and dropping it round when they finish work. Approaching neighbours in regards to these problems can prove difficult for some people initially as we are aware of β†’

It’s no use crying over spilt milk

That was a rainy day in October, I was on the way to school with my friend and had no mood for studying. I was so eager to play my beautiful and attractive character that I had took care of it for a long time.

United states federal government assignment

Even though this amount of money can not be comparable with the tremendous amount of money the united States Federal Government loaned to the automotive Industries, It does demonstrate that the government has done something really helpful and successful In term of the outcome of this action and the federal government's functions in some extent. β†’

The mysterious phantom limbs essay sample

In the case of a phantom limb, the responding area in the somatosensory cortex is forced to stop getting signals once the limb is amputated; however, the nearby areas in the somatosensory cortex are found to take over the part that no longer function. Even though now there is a well developed theory of the β†’

Show by what stages medea’s plans for revenge unfold essay sample

Medea is desperate to stay in Corinth for a little while longer and tries her utmost into making Creon change his mind, and does not succeed, until she finally persuades him with talk of children, and that he should let her stay in Corinth for a while as he would understand what it is like β†’

Both the satyricon and daphnis & chloe have a dense literary texture essay sample

Longus, on the other hand, uses the literary allusions as a means of setting the tone for the novel and furthering the development of his characters. Rather I will examine the role that the literary texture of the novels plays in helping to define our interpretation of the authors' objectives, and the methods that they β†’

Chapter 11 & 12

I do support the passage of the Bail Reform Act, 1984, which gave judges the discretion to deny bail on the basis and belief that a defendant poses a threat to the society. In my opinion, allowing the judges the discretion of setting bail, helps them in dealing with the conflicting reality associated with reason β†’


How to make Saudi Economy not depend on oil Outline Dutch Disease in Saudi Arabia The Dutch disease theory predicts decline in the manufacture sector of Saudi Arabia because the domestic manufacture is much more expensive than the foreign manufacture.2. Possible actions to counter the Dutch disease include limiting oil export and controlling the value β†’

Bait and switch: the (futile) pursuit of the american dream

The book ends up as one dealing with the author's experience of job hunting than with the life and plight of the jobless white color workers in the American corporate world Though Barbara Ehrenreich is trying to discover the struggle of the middle class in pursuing the so called " American Dream", the very concept β†’

Evolving ideas of freedom by different historical time frames

From freedom as a complex combination of individual freedoms and rights to freedom as the full abolition of slavery, ideas of freedom in America gradually evolved to become the main guiding principle in the development of democracies in all parts of the world. At times of Lincoln and Buchanan, the idea of freedom was no β†’

An analysis of the play a streetcar named desire

In a sense, it is the story's plot. In the story, Blanche is perusing desire with a rich man to live a life of desire.

Are dreams meaningful essay

Despite the symbolism and captivating array of ideas to be found in dreams, Fredericks states that there is no hard evidence to prove that dreams are any more effective in understanding a personality than observing it while the individual is fully awake. Even though there is a lack of scientific data relating to the " β†’

Glutaral c 5 h 8 o 2 structure

3 cm 3 Polarizability 10.1 0. 0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 105.7 3.

Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate h25na2o16p structure

142 Da Density Boiling Point Flash Point Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Experimental data Predicted ACD/Labs Predicted ChemAxon Experimental Physico-chemical Properties Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform PhysChem Module No predicted properties have been calculated for this compound. Density: Boiling Point: Vapour Pressure: Enthalpy of Vaporization: Flash Point: Index of β†’

Organizational dilemma

The study and the acquisition of fact and details with regards to individuals or group of individuals in an organization eat a large piece of the holistic view on managerial strategies. A set ofcultureelaborating a set of dynamics on leadership, the sagacity ofcommunicationand the implications of socialenvironmentchanges are perceived to be the path in obtaining β†’

Life events

I was mean to him and tried everything I could do to to get him to leave me alone and leave the family. I got in the car and my parents prept me on what I was going to be asked and how I should answer.

Do you agree or disagree

Genetically ModifiedFood has the potential to solve many of the world's hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help protect and preserve theenvironmentby increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides and herbicides. The more increasing of population will lead to the more requirement of food and also the lack of suitable land for agriculture.

The causes of female feticide sociology essay

Female feticide is a violation of human right; the female children in the wombs are not only denied the right to live but are robbed to their right to born. Although there are many facilities are given by the government and steps taken to improve the status of the women in the society.

Male lung cancer patients social support and death anxiety

The present investigation has been undertaken in order to study the social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients in relation to age. Research Design: The general objective of present study is to find the significant difference between social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal subjects.

The analysis of thomas hobbes and the government philosophy essay

I believe that we look to the government in hope that they will do what is ultimately good for all people within the country and the citizens are able to live in a country where the threat of death is not consistently upon them. One of the problems that I have with Hobbes theory is β†’

Instagram’s influence on individual’s consumer decision making process when choosing travel destinations

To be able to have the focus on the consumer behavior part, I will analyze the influences on the individual and analyze their interactions with Instagram travel influencers and the influences pictures have on their decision-making process. Also, I will make recommendations to Instagram travel accounts and travel businesses on the importance of Instagram in β†’

Salvation army: stakeholder analysis

It involves a breakdown of the work of the Salvation Army and the different stakeholders involved in the organisation. The first section is an introduction on the works of the Salvation Army and then moves on to discuss the different stakeholders of the Salvation Army in terms of their interest and power in the organisation.

Analysis of a health promotion intervention

Health needs assessment will be done for cannabis misuse providing significant explanations of epidemiological, demographic data and trends, analysis will be made of the HP activity in raising the awareness of abusing the prohibited substance, elaborating research activities in relation to the HP approach used, an evaluation of the health promotion activity will be discussed, β†’

Role of private and public sectors in bhutan

The public sector is that part of the economy owned and controlled by the state and local governments. Therefore this assignment will be mainly focusing on role of private and public sectors play in economic development of modern Bhutan, history of both the sectors development in Bhutan, indicators of economic development of Bhutan, contribution of β†’

Adhd/add treatments

According to the article in the Education Digest, ADHD is a disruptive behavior disorder which is characterized by levels of inattention, impulsivity, and/or over activity that are well beyond what is expected and appropriate for a given child's gender and age. I have once read in a textbook that ADHD/ADD is caused by over stimulation β†’

The four states of consciousness

States of Consciousness Jackson Explain all four states of consciousness and provide an example of a behavioral associated with each state of consciousness. The states of consciousness to me are that you may not always aware of what is going on with reality in different states.

Emerge- internet

Internetworlds largest public computer network, a network of networks that provides a vast array of services to individuals, businesses, and organizationsClient Servernetwork architecture in which one computer or program makes a servce request from another computer or program, which provides the servicePeer to Peer network architecture that does not utilize a central server but facilitates β†’

What was american exceptionalism

In relation to this, Exceptionalism in America is based on the emergence of the nation from the time of revolution to becoming " the first new nations" according to the words of political scientists to become fully independent apart from Iceland and growing the American ideology uniquely on the basis individualism, egalitarianism, laissez-faire and populism. β†’

The the event, into direct confrontation with

In 1997, the delayed telecast of the Lata Mangeshkar live concert recording topped the TRP charts propelling Sony Entertainment Television, the channel that broadcasted the event, into direct confrontation with Zee TV as a serious competitor. Given the power of the Internet, more than television, web-based events will diverge out as products of the new β†’

Land pollution assignment

A low proportion that is due to the lack of financial backing for recycling operations, the small size of markets for recycled products, and toxic chemicals present in recyclable garbage. If continued, an exponentially rising rate of depletion would end with the complete and catastrophic depletion of the resource in a relatively short time.

How censorship in the media is taking assignment

We as people are beginning to see that the information in the media is not reliable anymore, some of us believe everything that comes out of our television set. Is censorship in the media slowly and silently taking away our freedom of speech? " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion or β†’

There of ethanol like corn into small

First generationbiofuels use a simple process, the common first-generation biofuel is ethanolby the process of fermentation. Chemical and PhysicalProperties", 2016) The researcher will use the waste of Gourd, Mango and CitrusAurantium Linn, because these are the common waste that people can find ineverywhere such as market and outside of the malls who sell different fruitsaside β†’

A movie so silent, it screams essay

On the other hand, what is excellent about Vive L'amour is it did not let words get in the way of bringing the characters, as well as their thoughts and feelings, very close to the movie audience. It is not the silence of the movie that is wrong; in fact, what is wrong is the β†’

American history 1492-1800 flashcard

Fifty students from both types of programs agreed to participate in the study and signed a form agreeing that their participation was voluntary. Immediately after participation, the students were debriefed about the nature of the study and were paid a $10 stipend.a.

Vodafone equity valuation

Vodafone operates in the mobile sector of the telecoms industry and comprises 7% share of the global market1. The mobile sector is rapidly evolving thanks to major technological advances and the proliferation of Smartphone use in tandem with faster download and data use speeds.

Explore the different types of disgrace presented in jm coetzee’s novel β€˜disgrace’ essay

The opening of the novel instantly gives us an idea of David's character" For a man of his age, fifty-two, divorced, he has, to his mind, solved the problem of sex rather well". A theme of disgrace that is apparent in this part of the novel is David's inadequacy as a father and his inability β†’

The style and times of jack kerouac essay

The short articles then led to his first novel entitled, The Town and the City, which was a based on a summary of a news article in the New York Times. During the period between his finished writing of On the Road and getting it published and into the stores Kerouac finalized his style of β†’

Macroeconomic variables and stock market returns: full information

Evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange indicates that the relative stability of the interest rates and other macroeconomics variables have been the contributory factor to the growth of the stock markets. A number of studies have investigated the relationship between stock returns and the state of the economy and several economic variables are found to β†’

Candide: being human

While there is some hope for the human race in Candide, the superficiality of love and the cruelty of human nature are revealed through depictions of material beauty, wealth, and violence to the effect of devaluing philosophical optimism. There is also a favorable view of humans in the resilience of the characters throughout the text, β†’

Cleopatra: merely a “morsel for a monarch?”

The Renaissance stereotype of the subordinate and inferior female is in total juxtaposition to the possessive and shrewd characteristics that Cleopatra possesses, as she is in fact " a wonderful piece of work". The universal imagery of Antony's association with Mars foreshadows his submission to Cleopatra, as she is a physical representation of Venus, and β†’

Left vs right social media

Social media is arguably the most effective political tool of time, but before we discuss why we must figure out why social media is so effective, the cons of social media in politics and the transition from traditional marketing techniques to now. In terms of the house and the senate, republicans have been known to β†’

The marketing communication plan for marathon marketing essay

Along with them there will be even a team of Research professionals and doctors who will help in the promotion of the vitamin tablets, food products and drinks.5. By Year 3, the manufacturing and approval of the vitamins, food and drink products will be completed and we can bring them to the market.

A model of consumer buying behavior

At first consumer finds the goods which he wants to consume and then he select the goods which fulfilled his need and after selecting the goods consumer check the availability of money which he wants to spend and at last consumer check out the price of goods and take the decision. Consumer behavior is also β†’

Relevance of fayol’s management principles to post-capitalist ideas of management

Perhaps, the biggest criticism of Fayol's theory of management is that his principles of management were created mainly from the point of view of the top-level managers. At the end of the day it is lower level managers who oversee the work of employees which ultimately is the deciding factor in the level of efficiency β†’

Analysis of physician views towards end-of-life care

The hospice care is not to cure disease but alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life at the end of life are the main objectives. Despite the fact that cancer is a leading cause of mortality with rapidly growing rate and late stage diagnoses in Iran, very little is known about the physicians' beliefs, attitudes β†’

Why do small businesses fail and how to minimize risk finance essay

This paper reports the results of a national study of small retail and service firms to determine the failure reasons of starting a business. Much of the literature indicates that success and failure of small businesses has a lot to do with preparation of the business owner.

Chemistry of all-carbon materials: structure and properties

The polyrotaxane structure will prevent aggregation of the PIDA strands, allowing for the complete dehalogenation of the polymer to make carbyne. Generally, topochemical polymerizations occur in a condensed phase, in which the monomers are preorganized and the final structures of the product are determined by the preorganization.

Iib: instructional models and strategies

The choice of instructional method depends on the objectives the teacher wants the students to achieve, and no single model is most effective for all students or for helping students reach all learning objectives. Effective teachers make careful and wise choices, based on the particular learning objectives, the content of the lesson, and the characteristics β†’

Art history writing assignment

Apparently, the painting is a tribute to the town of Queering, which is located in Spas In the year of 1937, Nazis bombed Queering for practice purposes. The painting portrays the effects of war and what a tragedy it really is.

Water pollution and paper water resource assignment

Another form of industrial waste that contributes to water pollution is acid rain. Another form Of industrial waste that eater pollution In The us water pollution is a challenge.

Children must exhibit “disorganized or agitated behaviors” but

The main symptoms are psychologicalones, for example, someone might re-experience their trauma through nightmares, these can also lead to behavioral changes, someone might start to avoid theenvironments and situations that remind them oG4 ftheir trauma and feel a sense of hypervigilance where they are constantly onguard or exaggerated responses to these triggers. G7 Theprevalence of β†’

Microbiology- slp

Differences and Similarities in the Structure and Evolution of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Escherichia coli al AffiliationDifferences and Similarities in the Structure and Evolution of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Escherichia coli Introduction A bacterium is a single-celled organism and it is usually smaller than eukaryotic cell. Classification Both Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are bacteria; however, Escherichia β†’

Public display of affection

He waited and he waited but he never seemed to find that special Lady Leatherback. As Lenny grew older he decided that perhaps he should give up and began to realize that maybe he really was one in a million.

Reading responses 3

of the of the The themes of death and gloominess are very famous in short stories. My Son the murderer: My Son the murderer is the story of a young boy named Harry who is deeply affected by the stories of violence and war.

How of 1848–49 in italy were

One of the key causes of the revolutions in Italy was mainly to do with the activity going on in the rest of Europe. Many might argue that the economic factor is a contributor to this, but I feel it was the actions of the Pope and the activities taking place all across Europe that β†’

World markets analysis essay

Though the result of such free market society is supposed to benefit all of society, the world can appear to be a very uneven place with the " haves" and " have nots". The point o these examples is to show that there is not such a broad gap between the " haves" and the β†’

Logic and fallacy

Ad Misericordiam - Appeal to Pity Fallacy of Relevance Surely architect Norris is not responsible for the collapse of the Central Bank Tower. Ad Baculum - Appeal to Force Fallacy of Relevance Johnny, of course I deserve the use of your bike for the afternoon.

Green & co.

Research Subject: Market Research for Exporters ThisCase studyis based on the largest and most successful supermarket chains in the UK, Greens & Co.for the purpose of doing a market research to enter the American Grocery market. As per my understanding of the case study, the types of market intelligence that Greens and Co.used are the β†’

Multiculturalism in europe and the world politics essay

Aside from the immigrants, those who claim to historically belong to the European countries due to colonization like the community of with an origin of Indo-Pakistan in Britain or the Muslims and Arabs of France, have distinctively introduced themselves to the community, and demanded equality. The institutional level is concerned with the effect of the β†’

Economic interdependence globalization and the causes of war politics essay

This paper will review academic literature in the area of international security in order to determine the relationship between economic and political factors and their impact on the occurrence, degree of severity, and impact of military conflicts. Economic Motives For International Conflict In examining the literature presented in Conflict After the Cold War by Betts, β†’

Socrates’s theory of forms

Based on the facts we can say that if a group of objects have some attribute in common it is because of the fact that they all are liable to it, but, it cannot exist completely in one objects and this comes to the result that the particular attribute that is shared must be the β†’

Early stage dementia nursing care

The structure of this study will adopt part of the nursing process, i.e.assessment of the client and planning of care in partnership with the client. The experiences of Simone discussed in this case study will be influenced by the use of a biomedical, psychological and social approach to dementia.

Health promotion strategies for obesity

Most of the primary strategies used are targeted towards children as most of the programs used to promote healthy eating and exercise, according to the literature, reside predominantly in schools while secondary and tertiary promotion are targeted at adults and families. We will commence with the definition of the determinants of health which in this β†’

Ikea company: consumer behavior

The distribution of the products is done by the retail outlets which the company has in all parts of the world. In order to improve the life of the people the company provides different products which improve the lifestyle of the people.

Factors effecting erp implementation in smes management essay

From last couple of years research has been conducted to critically identify success factors of implementing ERP in SMEs.did study in identifying success factors of Indian SMEs and their research was based on both qualitative and quantitative.studied on five Canadian SMEs but some of their critical success factors lack cultural issues.and both did research in β†’

Study on the seagate technology buyout finance essay

In the case Seagate an increase of the stock price was the most important target of the leveraged buyout. The remaining 79% is to be provided by the buyout team in form of equity.

Summer internships and their benefits

It can help a student to gain exposure of the industry and apply the knowledge gained in the first year of MBA to the practical scenarios. The authors raised the question, however, about whether such job offers were due to the internship experience on students' resumes or due to students with internships being better students β†’

Analysis of dells competitive environment and future actions

The market is demanding more green products, so Dell created the " Design for the Environment " program, to add environmental features into every aspect of the Product Life Cycle. The other companies getting most of the new customers might be one of the largest threats to Dell in the future.