Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Electrical engineering

In my primary school I was very good in science subjects and the same was reflected in my secondary school. As a result my teachers continued to encourage me to engage in electrical engineering once I go for higher education.

Designing documents and interfaces

The changes in the rhetorical situation led to alterations in the design of the user guide manual due to the fact that I made the user guide more colorful and added more pictures to the user guide and also changed the shape of the user guide manual to shapes that would appeal to children. I β†’

Coffee and starbucks argumentative essay

Starbucks: HR Practices Help Focus on the Brew, Weather the Recession and Prepare for Growth The focus of this case study is on Starbucks because this coffee house has become a cultural phenomenon. Conclusion Starbucks is on a revitalized path to regaining its organizational effectiveness by putting the focus back on its customers and partners.

Ill-fated love at centrex electronics

In the case it is stated the policy of is " Employees performing Jobs where they have access to sensitive or confidential information which could benefit competitors are prohibited from being married to or from having a romantic relationship with individuals employed by competing organizations" while the CEO stated " employees are responsible for their β†’

A marketing research on the segmentation

To sum up the hotel chain chooses to cover the Asia-Pacific market by the segment strategy as the following chart: [pic] POSITIONING Product and branding strategy Marriott's brands are leaders in their respective segments and enjoy a high level of customer and owner preference. Courtyard is the brand guests trust to consistently create a " β†’

Frankenstein 2 essay

In the book, Victor and the monster, are compared with God and Adam. This is similar to Victor and the monster because, in the book, Victor represented God and the monster represented Adam.

Short reports

Write the problem briefly, for example, but not all the details, and give the way you will solve it, and what the benefits would be. Conclusions are given when you are asked to study a problem, find out the facts and then report about what happened you DO NOT SUGGEST WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO β†’

Europeans v. natives

Reasons the Europeans Were Victorious The European explorers were able were able to defeat the Native Americans and overpower the West Africans was due to many proximate and ultimate factors that granted the Europeans the advantage. The new animals that the Europeans brought over to the Americas also carried diseases and germs that the natives β†’

Opposing religious perspectives: edwards’ personal narrative and whitman’s song of myself

In addition to examining aspects of his work with regard to this theme, this essay will also compare Personal Narrative to a section of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself; section 48, as this part of Whitman's influential and historic poem details his own strong, differing opinions about religion and God. From his words, it can β†’

Social stratification in always running

The theme of social stratification and social construction of reality interact together to create a recurring theme throughout Always Running through Rodriguez's upbringing and gang experience, his schooling and jobs, his interactions with authority, and his pursuit out of the gang system. The power America holds put Rodriguez in a place of terror and where β†’

Strategies for terrorism investigation

Firstly, gathering wrongdoing scene information by investigators is required and afterward the information will be sent in a profile; furthermore, the profiler begins to break down the information which comes from the wrongdoing scene; and the last step is the expectations about the identity, practices, and demographic qualities of the feasible criminal Trends It must β†’

Drama therapy in reduction of vicarious trauma psychology essay

These plays " help client to tell his or her story to solve a problem, achieve catharsis, extend the depth and breadth of inner experiences, understand the meaning of images, and strengthen the ability to observe personal roles while increasing flexibility between roles" The experience by psychotherapists of failure of traditional verbal therapy to confront β†’

Social psychology theories and prosocial behaviour

The need to belong to groups makes people follow social norms and to act accordingly to social standards, in order to feel accepted and integrated into the community. Finally, the sociometer theory would suggest that people would engage more in prosocial activities if they are included in society, and feel valued in regards to others.

Dichotic listening experiment

Later on, based on an annual meeting of the academy of Aphasia in Chicago 1966, Doreen Kimura reviewed all evidence relating the asymmetry in speech recognition between the two hemispheres of the brain, confirming that the right ear of all humans was more able to recognize verbal stimuli due to better connections with the left β†’

Savagery triggered by the incessant presence of the id

In Lord of the Flies Jack, the conch shell, and Piggy's glasses descend into savagery when detached from the manacles of civilization because they are dominated by selfish desires and desperately seek to gratify them without considering the well-being of anyone else. Spill his blood! " Jack blatantly ignores the rules of civilization, and pursues β†’

Reminders of poverty, soon forgotten

Former President Bill Clinton really turned the country around to help the poor eople get out of poverty when he created so many bills to help people in need. The conclusion of the topic is that there are still many people who is in poverty in the United States and to have the bitter/sweet of β†’

Child labor affecting human society

The proviso of equal and proper chances for the educational demands of turning kids in conformity with constitutional directives will travel a long manner in halting the evil pattern of child labour. The International Child Labor Program 's attempts and actions consist of research and coverage on directing grants to institutes engaged in attempts to β†’

Environmental factors shaping pepsico’s marketing decisions

The author believes that the plan to invest in the Chinese market is optimistic and that the company faces the challenge of slow growth in China, a decline in U.S.sales and " the impact of the stronger dollar on international sales". Conclusion PepsiCo strives to remain one of the leading beverage and snack companies in β†’

Michael moore

Moore brings to light his view on the failures of the educational system and the lack of financing that has been caused from the top of the food chain. Michael Moore attempts the use of humor to entertain his listeners while he presents his view points on the deteriorating educational system in America.

The british rock band the beatles

The British Rock Band - The Beatles The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. By the end of 1963 the Beatles were the biggest music group in England.

The acting in the capacity of a

The explanation attached to the section states that under this section it will be sufficient to allege a general intention to defraud without naming any particular person intended to be defrauded or without specifying any particular sum of money intended to be the subject of the fraud, or without specifying any particular day on which β†’

Introduction to face the issue (coghlan

The initial phase of the change approach is the identification of areas in which the organization needs to effect changes in its activities. For the change to be a success, the organization must be aware of the expectation and demands of all stakeholders of the organization.

Woolworths media plan assignment

This should be intuition in the subsequent advertising Internet: This result is normal. And this is the new trend for this decade.

A farewell speech essay sample

The Bible says " To everything there is a reasonand a time to every purpose under heaven" May I take the liberty to give you a piece of advice? A day in which we host a farewell to the outgoing students of engineering college.

Quarter-life crisis essay sample

It was very easy to agree with the points raised in the book "'What Is the Quarter-life Crisis?" only because there have been sufficient personal encounters with people who are in this stage. The other component, confusion, settles in the mind of a person with quarterlife crisis, mostly because too many people are trying to β†’

Compare and contrast american playwright’s presentation of masculinity essay sample

' Death of a Salesman', 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' and ' The Glass Menagerie' are three American domestic dramas in the style of Ibsen and Strindberg that attempt to explore the idea of masculinity in America in the mid twentieth century. Firstly, the theme of success and failure is used by all three playwrights β†’


Your full August 17, Movie Review The 94-minute documentary film, " Food, Inc"., by the filmmaker Robert Kenner, is an eye-opener for a common man through which he comes to know where the food, which he buys from his grocery store, really comes from and what it is going to cost in terms of health β†’

Effects of war on the mind and body

In the novel " The Things They Carried," the effects that a war has on a person mentally and physically are greatly demonstrated though the true instances of the characters during and after the Vietnam War. For instance, when the platoon was underneath the canopies of the trees taking a break from humping in the β†’

Leadership concepts flashcard

This is in parallel to Good Sport's dominant culture which geographic regions, and occupational is one of productivity and performance.groups. The " Knowledge Management is any Process organization uses a knowledge acquisition strategy of research and other structured activity that improves an technological creative processes to facilitate organizational learning.

International trade and south african rand

Even though the country appears to have a high per capita GDP compared to some of its other neighbors, the distribution of wealth in the country is one the " world's most uneven distributions of wealth". Due to the fact that Namibia was under the rule of the government of South Africa they also underwent β†’

Electronic engineer essay

The lifetime of the sensor nodes is affected by different components such as the microprocessor, the sensing module and the wireless transmitter/ receiver. The impact of path loss on energy consumption of the nodes in a WAS is shown as well as the behavior of nodes for different transmission powers in presence of path losses.

Astronomy online – ch. 11 essay

A teaspoonful of white dwarf material on Earth would weigha few tonsWhich of the following is closest in size to a white dwarf? the earthAfter a massive-star supernova, what is left behind? either a neutron star or a black holeA teaspoonful of neutron star material on Earth would weighmore than Mt. Which of the following β†’

Informal organizations

There are two types of organizational structures in any company or business organization: a formal structure, which is defined by the relationships of subordination, organizational hierarchy, seniority and authority, and an informal structure, which is based on personal relationships between the employees of the company or a part of it. At that, the rules and β†’

Legal aspects

Talking about the legal aspects of healthcare administration means taking into consideration the law that governs all the transactions that are carried out within the medical field so as to protect both the medical practitioner and the patient, with a dominant motive of bringing about improved quality of life devoid of diseases. On the other β†’

Describe the effects of the blitz on everyday life

In the attempt to describe the effects of the Blitz on everyday life, I will explain what people did before the war began and the actions took to get Britain through the Blitz. Overall, there were many different effects of the Blitz on everyday life from the evacuation of children to the rationing of food β†’

The fall of man, york mystery cycle (play 5)

Moreover, Harris states that actors would hang cloths around the wagon so that the audience could only view the play from the front, closing off the rest of the world and drawing the audience into the tight space where the play was being acted out. The Intent of Medieval Theatre " Medieval drama took many β†’

An overview of wildlife tourism

Management Issues Facing Wildlife Tourism The management issues facing wildlife tourism are twofold, identifying methods of minimising the impact on the wildlife resource itself and ensuring that the tourists receive a valuable experience from the holiday. These are minimising the impact of tourism on the species involved and ensuring that wildlife tourists receive a quality β†’

Traditional chinese culture and chinese marriage theology religion essay

In traditional Chinese culture, the family units are the basic units of the society which forms the nation. To the Confucians, marriage is important to both the clan and the society.

Examining women discrimination in china sociology essay

Through this, it is clear that females are not seen as the same value as sons; even in the process of giving birth to the child is an evident case of female inferiority and discrimination. Theses discriminations towards girls, and the stereotypical view of how girls are to a family of traditional Chinese values, is β†’

Relationship between knowledge and social change

The French revolution, and in England, the Industrial revolution, which dramatically changed the face of the social world, were decisive elements in the emergence of a theory of society that was distinct from other branches of philosophy. Comte was influenced by the way scientists investigated the physical world and he sought to create a science β†’

Asthma case study essay

However to be able to discuss key issues in relation to the patient I will refer to their age, gender and lifestyle, and use a false name to aid the flow of writing. The key issues I intend to focus on relating to a specific patient are: Treatment of Asthma in the Emergency Department Patient β†’

Yield management: a successful technique?

The phenomenal revenue gains attributed to yield management-typically in the range of 3 to 7 percent, irtually all of which drop to the bottom line-have prompted executives to investigate the potential applicability of yield management to their companies. These executives, taking notice of how the airline industry has used yield management principles to its gain, β†’

Effect of gender equality in the economy

The Platform clearly stated that the empowerment of women and gender equality were critical to international development, peace, and human right. Klasen, S, and Lamanna, F.2009." The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth: New Evidence for a Panel of Countries".

Providing a comprehensive pestle analysis commerce essay

The Zara Company was established in 1975 by Amancio Orgega, Zara is the flagship of Inditex, the company is located in Galicia, the north-west part of Spain. And these are some of the most important pull factors that give a clear definition of the internationalisation of Zara include: The 1986 admission of Spain in the β†’

Marx’s view of exploitation of labor under capitalism

Marx would have argued that now that employers are under the government's watch to ensure they are treating their employees in the desired way, they have seen internship as a way to exploit potential employees without having to face the law. Marx also argues that employers in the society use their positions in the society β†’

Introduction pigs driven by selfish interests fling

Just like in the Animal Farm, the struggle for power and influence between Snowball and Napoleon leads to the banishment of Snowball from the farm. After the revolution in the Animal Farm, the animals establish the philosophy of Animalism in order to be different from human beings.

They have wire mesh/welded mesh. smooth finish dado

Toilets should be maintained properly, should be kept clean and dry to ensure hygienic conditions. Toilets should be lockable from inside.

Of create things in space has been

of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the engineering section of the New York Academy of Sciences jointly presented a program on mining the planets. As a practical matter the advantage in terms of the energy required is even greater because of the absence of a lunar atmosphere.

Biology! lab report on evolution assignment

The null hypothesis for this experiment is that the flashier the male are more attractive they will become to the female and predators. This will lead to the decrease of population and changes in the population.

Many theatrical producers are uncomfortable about staging “the merchant of venice” essay sample

Shylock seems to enjoy the fact that he has power over Antonio in the way that he has come to borrow money from him and he takes his time in deciding whether or not he should agree to the bond." Three thousand ducats, well." " For three months, well." " Antonio will become bound, well." β†’

Middle eastern politics and terrorism

The purpose of the plan is to counter terrorist activities and foil the designs of insurgents to disturb the peace and the rule of the law. The strategy that is envisaged in the plan will have to take care of the root problem of terrorism and solve those problems that cause more and more people β†’

Vocational on a career – lawyer

This essay aptly examines the training, education requirement, study mode, salaries, personalities and demand of people in the law profession. The importance of law can not be underestimated as it is eminent from the prominent personalities who are its products that law plays a significant role within the society.

Measuring economic health memo

As Rittenberg, & Tregarthen, opine, the effective measurement of GDP is very helpful to assess the business cycle. GDP measurement assists to analyze the trend of the business cycle, which in turn aids the concerned regulatory agencies to make appropriate changes in the national fiscal policy.

Nurse’s eulogy for juliet essay

Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, brought to Death by blind ambiguity and an ill-starred love, deserve more than passing sorrow and enduring reconciliation amid these grieving families: they ought to be remembered and not forgotten. All I ever wished was for you to be content, so much so that I transgressed my lord and lady's β†’

Technological advancements are incompatible with cultural tradition

It's the advent of smart phones and the incredible growth of the Internet for boosting accessible and cross culture. It's disparate for unique feature of tradition culture and also losing the soul's beauty of the artist in the artworks.

Mexicali-marketing plan

1 Mexicali Marketing Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The aim of this report is to develop a feasible marketing plan for the company Mexicali regarding the introduction of Mexicali beer to the United Kingdom. The report is divided into six chapters, including the marketing objectives, the product component model, the distribution, the promotion mix, the price strategy β†’

Subculture of hip hop: a sociological analysis

In the speech he gave he laid out three major points that were mandatory.1.breaking the mother 2.emasculating the man in front of the woman and offspring 3.removing men from family after offspring were born The breaking of the woman was the most important as it lead to perpetuation of the slave mentality through offspring which β†’

Common law persuasive essay

However, consideration, the intention to create legal relations and the contract is legal have to co-exist for the contract to be legally binding. The money is a benefit to Samantha and a detriment to Jacky.

Negative and positive sides

One of the main negative issues associated with hip hop and drugs is usually the issue of its influence on and the promotion of drug use. Marijuanafor one is one of the main things that is discussed and sung of in many hip hop and rap music.

Reflective essay on structured interviews

" the way you structured the questioning...it gave me ideas in my head in how I wanted the interview to go" The key point during the interview, I thought, was when J.spoke about how he wanted the interview to go and what questions and information he wanted to find out. The mentor has to balance β†’

Explain the communication process media essay

Effective communication process involve many message and received, as the element feedback to ensure that the message send are exactly with the intend.communication is are occurs various processes and a method to depend on the channel and the style of communication can be the various type of communication. Other of the receiver is the end β†’

Rhetorical analysis of mac cosmetics’ print ads

As the following advertisements demonstrate, MAC's innovative advertising effectiveness relies on bold, often non-traditional imagery and the use of celebrity icons to celebrate individuality through the MAC look, appealing to people's sense of self-expression and their desire to be beautiful and stand out. The use of a female body builder is a great example of β†’

Customs and courtesies

Military courtesies include correct forms of address like; Sir, and Ma'am, and when each should be used; the salute, and standing at attention, proper wear of military covers, and the rules for behavior in different ceremonies. The only difference is that it is mandatory for the courtesies seen in the military to be adhered to β†’

Alleged bitcoin creator denied involvement

Less than twelve hours after the publication of the Newsweek piece, the Associated Press reports that Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto denies having anything to do with Bitcoin, despite sharing the name of the Satoshi Nakamoto who created Bitcoin in 2008 before disappearing from the Internet several years later. In fact, Dorian Nakamoto tells the AP β†’

Shakespeares globe theatre

In a live performance, the audience and the performers exist in the same space at the same time and the actors can see or hear the reactions of the audience. Mediated performance is similar to watching a movie or television because the actors are not in the same space as the audience.

Netflix case study

Through the beginning and even until today Netflix has been able to stay ahead of their competition; this mainly due to the seemingly flawless method of getting the product to the end user, and back." No one is going to out-hare Netflix," Hasting said. Netflix launched its movie rental service in 1999 with the goal β†’

Ikea with would be very different from

Thenormal " low" prices that IKEA sold its products for in European countries wereregarded as higher than the average prices in China, so IKEA had to be reallycareful in setting the price of its products. Based on careful research, these arethe problems that IKEA had faced when opening its stores in China as well assome β†’

Q.1. ans. autosomal genetic disorders sickle cell

The cross which helps us to determine the unknown genotype of a dominant phenotype by crossing it with the recessive parent is called a test cross.Q.4.what was the opinion of Mendel regarding the law of dominance? Ans.1. If the father has blood group A and mother blood group B, work out the genotypes of the β†’

”of mice and men” by john steinbeck essay sample

= Curley's wife is a significant character in " Of Mice and Men" because she is both a victimizer and victim, and symbolizes the objectification of women. The description of Curley's wife, suggest that she overdresses for her time on the ranch.

The british economy from 1873-1896 essay sample

The British economy before 1873:-Britain was the economic superpower of the world, due to her huge empire and monopoly of industrial global output.-50% of worlds Coal, 50% of worlds Iron & Steel and 50% of all Cotton goods were produced by Britain; not to mention much engineering goods, ships and arms.-from 1873 onwards, Britain's rivals- β†’

Grant proposal and philanthropy

In order to come up to train our students to the best standards, we need money for student- bursaries and to buy new equipments for training. Our aim is to train our athletes as best as we can and to prepare them for national and international events.

Narrative therapy analysis

Steve Begley PhD Movement of Influence Narrative Therapy came from the Postdoctoral and Deconstruction movement and asserts that people need other stories to be able to view their lives and to recognize the negativity in their stories is dominating and defining their lives and who they are. Reauthorizing uses a co-constructing alternative through Narrative Therapists, β†’

Beowulfquestions persuasive essay

The epic poem, which occurs in Scandinavia, shows the hero/warrior Beowulf setting sail for the land of the Danes, at the behest of Hrothgar. In a lasting message to the people, Beowulf says that, though he had made enough and more money through his battles, it would serve him no purpose, as he was about β†’

Human trafficking

However, the movie focuses on one: human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, especially of women and children. The idea would be to put a face and story to the victims of human trafficking.

Concepts of social cohesion and equality in education

Sharing my journey of Lifelong Learning, in a professional and legitimate manner allowing the language of emotions to be present within the classroom, is crucial in the establishment of trust building of respectful relationships. In: The Adult Learner 2010 The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education.

Treatment of down syndrome using haloperidol

The drug is used in the treatment of schizophrenia were polymorphisms in the dopamine receptor genes showed the presence of psychotic phenomena or aggressive behavior. During the study, details for questions such as the " how the effect of haloperidol action on dopamine receptors reduce disease prognosis of DS," " What is the mechanism of β†’

Cause and effect on lengthy hospital stay nursing essay

Stefane et al.argue that the practices of HRM must be developed in order to find the appropriate balance of manpower and the ability of employees to work effectively and efficiently. The most important of the health system inputs, the performance and the benefits the system can deliver based on the strong knowledge, adequate skills and β†’

The segmentation of the retail footwear industry marketing essay

Ecommerce can help in many ways a special shoe to improve profitability and productivity of the company's products and services. This is a list of online and click visitor recently to your website.

Retail business in the uk high street

Shoppers do not buy the products as a way the retailer mentioned, The retail business model or framework that support to the business activity and the business strategy support the retailer to sell the best products in the high street competition market. Curry electrical shop provides the best product in the lesser price and fulfill β†’

Forrest gump: marxist and feminist analysis

Claire Johnston, one of the first film critics to recognize the film text as a semiotic sign system, develops Barthesian semiotic point of view into her feminist inventions that the woman exists as a structure in the text of classical Hollywood films: Iconography as a specific kind of sign or cluster of signs based on β†’

Human senses

The taste buds of the tongue identify taste; the nerves in the nose identify smell. Our sense of taste is stimulated by fluids and food needs to be dissolved in the mouth to achieve this.

Cloud database management system

If we choose to meet the peak amount of requests, the investment will sure much bigger than that of meeting the normal amount of requests, and when the holiday passes, the capacity of system will 1 e left unused, this is a waste of resources and investment; if we choose to meet the usual amount β†’

Huffman trucking: solving the problem,service request srt-ht-010

OnStar is a system in use with drivers around the United States and utilizes a dual network approach layering the analog with the digital wireless system, and enhances that with additional GPS coverage ability." OnStar-equipped vehicles with dual-mode equipment operate on both the analog and digital wireless networks and will not require an upgrade in β†’

Sales and promotion in sports

The use of a web site that appears professionally designed educates the prospects of the services offered by the sporting company. Contacting the clients enable the sporting organization to, realize whether the candidates can be converted into members.

Juan nakpil as philippine national artist essay

The fruit of love between Julio Nakpil and Gregoria de Jesus, Juan Nakpil and Gregorio D Jesus, Juan Nakpil was the first national artist of the Philippines in architecture category. Beyond Borders in Architecture When Juan Nakpil was on the second year of his course in civil engineering at the University of the Philippines, he β†’

Group dynamics in psychology

We as a group communicated with the leaders of the Botanical Gardens to find out exactly what we needed to accomplish, we were therefore able to plan and carry out the task, and finally we were able to compare the end product with the initial goal that we had in mind. I believe that much β†’

Ptlls day2 ass4 essay

3 Review ways to give constructive feedback to motivate learners " Probably the most effective barrier to communication is the learner's lack of motivation". Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector: Ann Gravells: " Providing feedback informing the learners how they are progressing"." Constructive feedback does not just mean positive feedback...

Spare the rod, spoil the child essay

In short, sparing the rod does not necessarily spoil the child if the child is disciplined in the appropriate way. Parents spank their children with the intention of changing their behavior in the present and in the future.

Hawthorne effect and tearoom trade essay

You could argue that Humphrey's study of the tearoom trade violated ethical standards of sociological study because Humphrey's way of studying the people who were participating in visiting " tearooms" for scandalous sex was to use participant observation which is a type of field research in which the researcher poses as a person who is β†’

Student athlete and performance enhancing drugs

They are also used to shake off fatigue and increase their physical performance in athletics some of the drugs mostly used by students are: Creatine, it is sold over the counter and is used to enhance athletic performance, to reduce fatigue and to modify one's physical appearance. Some of the reasons that make them to β†’

Canyon ranch essay

Canyon Ranch XXXX Canyon Ranch Canyon Ranch Health Resorts is an organization designed to inspire and motivate individuals in their quest to become a more health conscientious human being." Canyon Ranch prides itself with being a company that can influence one's quality of life from the moment one arrives to long after one returns home". β†’

Belonging: salem witch trials and society

In the gap scenes of the drama ' The Crucible' by Arthur Miller.cardinal thoughts of persecution of those who do not belong and of those who choose non to conform to the rigorous regulations of the Puritan society that the metropolis of Salem believed in and the effects and position of an individual's demand to β†’

How love is presented through media and music

It could be that the couple have either split up or one has died and he or she is trying to pick at every little thing said or done but that he or she cannot remeber hence the title ' I Wish I Could Remember.'The writer seems angry and upset at themself for not being β†’

The transtheoretical model/ stages of change essay

The Stages of Change One of the key element of the Transtheoretical model is the stages of change. Preparation: When the individuals enter the preparation stage, the pros in favour of attempting to change an unhealthy behaviour outweigh the cons, and action is intended in the near future.

International adoption

More Americans are opting for this means of adoption, some due to infertility but largely due to the media and celebrities bringing awareness to the mistreatment of children in foreign lands. With this type of adoption, parents have the option of selecting their preferences when it comes to the age, gender, and nationality of the β†’

War of 1812

Britains trade restrictions, one of the main causes, wereremoved two days before the war started; the New Englanders, for whom the warwas supposedly fought, opposed it; the most decisive battle, at New Orleans, was fought after the war ended. Somehistorians attribute this to their desire to take British Canada and SpanishFlorida in the process of β†’