Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Analysis of liver disease in europe

This has to be seen in the context that the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys' General Household Survey found that 27% of men and 13% of women in the UK were found to be exceeding these limits in 2004 This can be contrasted with the findings of an Italian study which suggested that the β†’


At the time pager was accuse of the dead of her boyfriend and serving a 25 years to life sentence for the 1982 murder of her abusive boyfriend. My opinion on this is that people and the victim are fear of not wanting the abuser to get in trouble or not defining the behavior as β†’

The luncheon on the grass

The way she interacted with others and expressed her feelings with everyone she came in contact makes me see her as the protagonist. This story begins with Ann Weiss going to the Bakery one morning to purchase a cake for her soon to eight year old son.

How to read like a professor

Even the simplest daily activities of the protagonist could lead to something that is tied to the real reason to go to the final destination of the quest. The main point that Foster is trying to propose is that myth is a body of story that matters.


Pathos appeals to the emotions of readers or listeners to be able to see in a perspective that the author wants the audience to see. The mention of the ex-president can be termed as an appeal to emotions, as many people were dissatisfied by Bush at the end of his reign.

The 10 of the limitation act can be

Pandit, it has been held that when the transfer is made by the trustee in respect of specific trust for valuable consideration the cestui que trustee has to file a suit for recovery of possession and to such a suit, Art. 92 applies and such suit has to be brought within a period of 12 β†’

Chemical work to move or destroy the environment

Currently, explosives are widely used in military affairs and various sectorsof the economy, they are widely used in the mining industry, in construction, in irrigation and reclamation, in agriculture, in the fight against fires, theyfind application in cutting, stamping, welding, hardening metals and otherfields of technology. Thepressure in the front of the shock wave is β†’

This marriage”. the concept of void marriage

This seems to be the reason that the Muslim law-givers and the text book writers discuss the subject of this Chapter under the caption, " Divorce" or " Dissolution of Marriage". Something akin to annulment of marriage existed: in cases where a minor has a right to repudiate the marriage or to exercise the option β†’

The it was not necessary for the child

The second try on this setup is that theagonizing death of the baby will eventually have good results, and accordinglyit was allowable for God to allow the child to die agonizingly. If this is to stand, it means that thosethat are causing evil are doing so for the greater good which can be defined asbeing β†’

Assessment analysis

In the first chapter, the majority of content items in the current chapter match those in the new expectations. In the new expectations though, the items titled " Background" and " Statement of the problem" become one content item and the items titled " Purpose" and " Research questions" also become one content item.

Oral communication: skills, choices, and consequences

The oral communication message would be informing the employees through the mouth of the boss, persuading the employees to think positively or negatively and lastly asking them to react about the whole downsizing business. Thus oral communication is that form of communication which is spoken of from the mouth or delivered in a non-documented format.

Ath technology

So the performance goals for employees to focus on are the survival of the organization and liquidity, which is relate to the profit and return on earnings Collect the information about the transactions of a business make sure the inflow of resources must exceed the outflow and set od procedures and dictate hoe and by β†’

Disadvantages of living in the city

This is because the people living in the city have a hectic lifestyle and the city is often flooded by criminal cases and pollution. The air is much polluted as there are a lot of cars in the city.

Indian market analysis

Well, among the developing countries in Asia, it is India that spends less on improving different infrastructures that can be used in order to facilitate efficient and effective business transaction in the market. In addition to this, the fact that the Indian market offers sustainable growth to Wal-Mart is already enough reason for the Giant β†’

Gabriel garcia marquez

Jose Arcadio Buendia was the founder of the innocent city of Macondo where " the world was so recent that many things lacked names." He was a strong coordinator and looked to as a leader. In searching and revealing the truth, Jose Arcadio Buendia corrupted the imagination of the villagers with a correct answer for β†’

Taking emma seriously

The tone of the novel and the episodes where Emma is self deceived progresses from the light comedy of Mr Elton's gallantry and the eventual mortification to the sombre depression of Emma's belief that she has ruined her own chances of happiness by bringing Mr Knightley and Harriet together. Although at times the reader is β†’

Functions of dorsal and ventral visual processing streams

Since the neuronal activity seemed to be in relation with the location of the target, therefore the interpretation of this study helped in the future reflection of the where function of the dorsal stream. Anatomy and physiology of the afferent visual system.In R.J.L.

Democracy in africa: botswana, morocco and ghana

Diakite Sambou Contents (Jump to) INTRODUCTION Categories of democracy Direct democracy Indirect/ representative democracy Characteristics of democracy Elected representative; Free and fair elections Civil liberties/ Fundamental human rights Rule of law Separation of powers Democracy in Africa Botswana Uninterrupted Free Elections Accountability and Transparency Anticorruption Powers Fundamental human rights Morocco...

Challenges to china’s governance

In this essay I am going to discuss whether the reform of the legal system has achieved its main goals: to restrict the unauthorized use of official power, to advance the independence of judiciary, and ultimately, the promotion of the rule of law in the country. Background of China's legal system Traditional Chinese Law This β†’

Newborn bloodspot screening test

I then filled out the information that was required on the test strip and documented the procedure in the maternity record and the Baby notes. The study performed by Cavanagh, Coppinger & Franck, showed that the positioning of the newborn for the test also varied, despite strong evidence to suggest that the newborn should be β†’

Carrying out an open-loop step response on the process trainer pt326

The main concept of this feedback loop is to control the system performance and it is a negative feedback because the sensed value is subtracted from the desired value to produce the error signal which is amplified by the controller. In the PID controller, when the signals are transmitted then the controller gain relates the β†’

An analysis of macy’s

The company operates over 800 department stores and furniture stores across 45 states including the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico under the names of Macy's and Bloomingdale's. Macy's corporate vision reflects the " Spirit of America" in a sense that the past aspects that made our nation the way it is today are β†’

Synthesis and characterization of nylon-6,6 polymer

Infrared spectroscopy then characterized the final product and confirmed successeful synthesis of nylon-6, 6 polymer due to the appearance of N-H stretching, C= O stretching, and N-H bending from the secondary amide group and from the nylon polymer. The C-H symmetric stretch falls in the appropriate range of literature values 3000-2850 cm -1 and it β†’

Strategic options for oil company bp

In the recent past, the company has strived to bring together the supply, optimization of the products that flow in and also out of the assets of the company, and the activities associated with risk management in to one single function. This entails the supply as well as the trading activities that encompass the crude β†’

Marijuana and it’s affects on teens

It is called Marijuana and it is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States today, Over 46 percent of people aged 12 and older have admitted to using marijuana at least once in their lifetime. There are three major ways of using Marijuana it can be consumed in the form of a β†’

Slavery in british colonies

Indentured servants were not treated as badly because in the colonists eyes they were just a poor person. In the 1700's slavery boomed, because it was needed and indentured servants fell because they were lazy and not needed.

Action potential learning objectives

Neurons communicate viaelectrical and chemical signalsCell membranesemi-permeable, leakier to potassium than to sodium because more positive charges leak out of the cell than leak in making cell more negative ONACTION POTENTIAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder NowSodium Potassium Pump -Helps keep more sodium outside of cell and more potassium inside of cell -uses β†’

It in the english court, unless the circumstances

Thornton, ] To what proceedings does the Act: Apply Not apply The Act applies to all judicial proceedings in or before any Court, including Courts- Martial. The Act does not apply to Affidavits presented to any Court or officer, or Proceedings before an arbitrator, or Proceedings before a Court-Martial convened under the Army Act, the β†’

Lord liverpool government’s reactionary policies assignment

The police, was unheard of, this " as a problem for Lord Liverpool government due to the fact that there was no hassle means of controlling activity on a public level. The fall of the Pastille signified the fall of order, power and structure of the hierarchy in France; this was exactly what Liverpool was β†’

Criminal theories essay sample

Sociological Theories was largely an American contribution to the study of crime in the 1920s and the 1930s. It is important in any society to ensure that the laws and rules are clear.


Cindy Sherman Born in 1954 and still a formidable presence in the art world today, Cindy Sherman is one of the most interesting women photographers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. A feminist sentiment comes through in much of Sherman's photography, in spite of her reluctance to associate her name with that particular term; this β†’

Summary of the boston photographs essay

In the essay, The Boston Photographs, Nora Ephron argues that it is " irresponsible" and more " inaccurate" that newspapers show pictures of death unless they come from the Associated Press Wire. As the fireman reaches for the rescue ladder the fire escape they were standing on collapse, which causes the lady and child to β†’

Mustafa kemal ataturk essay

There is besides a sense of homosexualism in the film.which is shown between Eric and Hayes. The point where Hayes loses his witting and putting to deaths Rifkey has a spot of superficiality in it.

Close encounters of third kind essay

The scientist's and Roy stand together as the Aliens come out of the ship. Roy and Gillian learned where the UFO's were going to land from the scientist.

Union and intersection

In the initial stages of the investigation the detectives cannot decide whether this was a robbery gone wrong or a murder the perpetrator tried to disguise into a robbery. The advantage of a local database consists in a much easier access and output which is oftentimes much more relevant to the investigation in 99% of β†’

Neither black nor white: the complex concept of freedom in incidents in the life of a slave girl

For her, it seems to be more of a process, rather than an object not only is it inconsistent, but Jacobs articulates her experiences with slaveholders using Christianity and religion to legitimize the horrors they inflicted, and how they often manipulated the words of the Bible and religion to assert their authority."[The slaveholders] seem to β†’

Psychology catharsis and literature philosophy essay

Most of the definitions emphasize two essential components of catharsis: the emotional aspect and the cognitive aspect of catharsis and as a result positive change. There is a certain amount of confusion about the definition and interpretation of catharsis: some perceive catharsis as emotional discharge, some emphasize the cognitive aspect and the new awareness that β†’

Ethics and social responsibility philosophy essay

In the first stage, the " interpersonal concordance orientation," a person does what they believe is right so that they will be loyal to and approved of by the people who they value. In stage six, " universal moral principles of orientation" a person who has developed to this level behaves out of a moral β†’

Report on the challenges faced by refining in nigeria:

Oil was ' struck' in the late 50's in the Niger-Delta area of Nigeria by British, German and Dutch engineers, this brought about the building of oil refineries. By 1988, about 96 percent of the oil Nigeria produced came from companies in which the NNPC held at least 60 percent of the equity.

Principles and application of elisa

The intensity of the colour is directly proportional to the quantity of antigen bound on the plate Various Principles of ELISA The basis of ELISA involves immobilising antibodies onto a microtitre plate the exact method used to prepare an ELISA plate can differ depending on the analyte being measured. Direct A direct ELISA is the β†’

The boy in the striped pajamas

Newman offers enough information of Ralph's parents that allows the audience in, showing not only do they disapprove of this job, but by the end of the movie the mother is so disgusted she refuses to come to the family dinner. When Bruno's curiosity gets the best of him and after discovering a window open β†’

Family and surrogacy

The main argument with surrogacy is whether the surrogate mother would be able to hand the baby over, and in this case it shows that the bond between the surrogate mother and baby was too strong for her to hand over the baby to the couple. That is why the Surrogacy Act 2010 should only β†’

The latest technology in transportation

It examines the impact of transportation on the environment and aims to reduce pollution with more fuel-efficient cars, computer monitoring of emissions, and public transportation systems. Jobs in transportation technology range from the automobile industry to the airlines, environment, and railway.

The shark net

The controlling nature of his mother contrasts to that of Drewe in his wish to embrace the unknown. So one must ask what is responsible for their behaviour in order to fully understand the definition of their individual reality.

Sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs

They are not alone in believing that Coca-Cola contributes to the obesity of children; universities in the United States have also banned Coca-Cola, and a " quarter of states in India have outlawed products following concerns that they ontain 27 times the permitted levels of pesticides." However, the harmful side effects of Coca-Cola were not β†’

Big bazaar’s standard operating procedures

One of the most important challenge in organized retail in India is faced by poor supply chain and logistics management. The importance can be understood by the fact that the logistics management cost component in India is as high as 7% -10% against the global average of 4% - 5% of the total retail price.

In of 1908 consisted of 30 sections and

Finally, the Limitation Act of 1908 consolidated the law relating to limitation for suits, appeals and applications. The Limitation Act, 1963 is an Act to consolidate and amend the law for the limitation of suits and other proceedings and for purposes connected therewith.

The civil rights movement was a worldwi assignment

3 The 1965 Voting Rights Act was a natural follow on to the 1 964 Civil Rights Act and was called the voting act The act ensured blacks right to vote by prohibiting states to ban lacks to vote At the end of 1 965, a quarter of a million new black voters had been β†’

Http://www.lazada.sg/inox/inox, use in the kitchen. these are highly

Though, there is a huge variety of plastic products in the market, they are not safe to be used for storing or serving several food items, especially the ones with acidic properties, as they can be harmful for consumption due to reaction with the plastics. These stainless steel bottles manufactured by the company have stylish β†’

How far do you consider gatsby to be the epitome of the american dream and its failure essay sample

Gatsby is shown in ' The Great Gatsby' to be the personification of the American dream because he is the typical self made man, he had come from being a nobody into being the most wealthy man on the neighbourhood and able to buy what he wanted " champagne... The American dream is meant to β†’

Physical therapy wounds case study

Using the wound-tracing technique to measure the surface area of the wound, the wound measured four by one centimeter. For the depth of the wound, a cotton tip applicator is appropriate.

To be determined

of the of the Concerned 2 May 2009 A Woman's Last Word ' A Woman's Last Word' written by Robert Browning is a special love lyric that is defined by an exuding sense of irony and pathos. The woman in the poem is approaching the relationship with a sense of pragmatism and is well aware β†’

Target market analysis essay

In order for Boost to be successful in importing their services in India, a clear indication of the benefits of having Boost in India would need to be presented, before importing the service as a franchise. Boost could give India the incentive that, although they were going to be a new concept to the consumers β†’

The picture of a governor in the aeneid

The trip to the underworld has the purpose of the location of Anchises and subsequent conversation with him to further Aeneas' understanding of the fate of Aeneas' line, but this trip across the sill of evil also serves Aeneas well in his understanding of impartial justice. By Aeneas' use of both the virtues of justice β†’

Meta-art, exorcism, and existentialism in the masterpiece

This pessimistic attitude reflects Zola's own, and the novel is a manifestation of his hopeless vision of the artist. This is Zola's message in The Masterpiece; the clarion call to usher in an age of Reason and Naturalism.

Steve jobs’ technology developments

Steve Jobs Apple had fired Jobs and started going slow so improvements had to be made. Jobs and Wozniak's time at homebrew led to the invention of the Apple 1 computer".

The impact of gender in research

Hyman et al were one of the first to examine the effect gender-of-the interviewer has on the interview process; they found respondents replied differently to male and female researchers. Huddy et al looked at the effect that the gender-of-interviewer had in two surveys, where male and female interviewers were randomly assigned to interview male and β†’

Social and cultural impacts on individual behaviour

This is beneficial for a counsellor who is dealing with a client within the intimacy and isolation life stage as their client may feel as if they are trapped within this stage and may not be able to create intimate relationships. The first one is the individual having the longing to explore and the second β†’

Right to information act, 2005 | analysis

So, under this article the right to information emerged to facilitate the access to the information. This Act main objective is to facilitate the access to get information to citizens of the country in a secure way and by this to encourage accountability and transparency in governance.

Property management fundamentals

The dimensions of property management should focus on the physical environment in the context of ensuring that there are reduced emissions, ensure the use of non ozone depleting refrigerant, and ensure increased fresh air and use of low gassing materials. During this phase the team in charge of this project will ensure that there is β†’

Many they want? written by margaret atwood, it

The various factors that define a culture are the way people see a cultures attitude, family values, religion in the family, and the origin of your family. At the present time the people of the world are very stereotypical, this is one of the many ways to misinterpret people of a different culture.

We offer any assistance we can. we know

Thank you for your kind consideration, and we look forward to seeing you soon. After you have reviewed our material, we would appreciate hearing your comments, and we will look forward to answering any questions you have about our product.

Race, a part of how one would “see”

Racism could be more simply defined as that based on the color of one's skin and or that the social class defines one's race, and that then makes one race superior to the other. That's not the only thing that colored people need to work for through marriage is a hassle and interracial marriage is β†’

Personal assignment

To outline the occupation of an graphic designer, this paper will discuss the profession itself and its working environment, the skills and schooling needed for achievement, a salary range and means to advance in the field, and the future job opportunities predicted for this career area. The first step in developing a new design is β†’

Batman and marxism assignment

Capitalism is exhibited by the place where the movie takes place and the norms of the society. At the beginning of the clip, The Joker seems to have the power and control over the situation.

Complex sentence essay sample

A subordinate clause also called a dependent clause will begin with a subordinate conjunction or a relative pronoun and will contain both a subject and a verb. The information in the relative clause is no longer important and needs to be separated from the main clause with a comma.

Business about currency

Week 5 March 22, 2010 Changes back on March 22 to March 24, 2010 do not have anything to do with the US unemployment rate. The uncertainty in the U.S.healthcare bill caused the decline in the USD against Euro exchange rate starting March 24, 2010.

Recycle industry trend to green logistics

2Definition of Reverse Logistics Rearward logistics is defined as ".the procedure of planning.implementing and commanding the efficient.cost-efficient flow of natural stuffs.in procedure stock list.finished goods and related information from the point of ingestion to the point of beginning for the intent of recapturing or making value or for proper disposal." Rearward logistics and managing returns β†’

Ozone depletion analysis essay

The satellite also showed that ozone concentration in the worst section of the hole bottomed out. Scientists tracesome of the stratospheric cooling in recent years to the loss of ozone molecules, which absorb sunlight and heat up the surrounding air.

Gene-ablation and other genetic technique

A study was done to analyze the genesis of atherosclerotic lesions, including the nature of the cells involved, the sequence of cellular events and the anatomic location of specific lesion types over time on mice fed a normal or a high fat diet. The model can also be used as a way to test new β†’

The issue of medication compliance

The result was a categorization of the literature into six segments, including articles identifying adherence as a problem, identifying the causes of noncompliance and exploring possible solutions, analyzing adherence with respect to specific ailments, and exploring the patient's role, the pharmacist's role, and the physician's role with respect to compliance. After the exploration and synthesis β†’

Use of internet in business and organizations

PCs can check the content of a huge number of messages for words that are important to examiners and recognize the sender. Without such rules, a portion of this substance will be hostile to a portion of the organization staff and to certain individuals from the general population.

Research: buying behaviour and culture

The below Graph is showing that females of age 26-35 and also females of age 18-25 are significant believes that cultural clothes are their identity and the Males of middle age 36-49 and above 50 believes that cultural clothes are their identity. The below graph shows that females of age group 18-25 and age 26-35 β†’

Features of intercultural communication

This is important as it allows the world to grow and become closer allowing countries to have relations with each other and to learn and respect the different beliefs of other cultures. Intercultural empathy is shown when we place ourselves in the shoes of someone from a different cultures perspective and try to understand what β†’

Strategic analysis of masdar commerce essay

Strategic Management pertains to the alignment of the strategies with the mission and vision of the organization by means of which the managerial approach adopted by the organization may be made highly effective. These strategies encompass the overall positioning and popularity of the Masdar in the market.

Examining different accounting forms within samsung electronics

Competitors of Samsung Electronics Company If Samsung electronics company is the biggest electronics company all over the world but its has many competitors in the market such as Sony Ericson, Apple, Nokia, Philips, Sony, etc, which also deals in the electronics equipment selling as this company. Techniques and Methods of Management Accounting There are different β†’

Samsung case study

And by look at the current situation between Samsung and Sony, it's very realistic to expect Samsung to compete with or even beat Sony.5. With an identity/signature, people will easily recognize Samsung's product only by seeing it, which will effect to the increase in its brand value?

Working with database design

Now previously is mention of one-to-one table relation, and a one-to-many table relation, with a many- to-many table relation will give the opportunity to raise to a Global level now. A team of IT security and security protocols deals with alterations by an unauthorized type of threat agent, when using entities and its attributes, this β†’

Short story “two kinds”

short story " Two Kinds," Amy Tan explores the clash of cultures between a first-generation Chinese-American daughter, Jing-mei, and her mother, Suyan, a Chinese immigrant. American Dream my Tan's short story " Two Kinds" chronicles the childhood memories of Jing-mei, a first generation American citizen, and her mother Suyuan Woo, an immigrant to the states.

This propounding such customs. in tarun kumar

This provision has been given a retrospective effect so as to make it applicable to marriages whether solemnised before or after the commencement of the Marriage Laws Act, 1976 such a petition is required to be moved jointly by the parties to marriage on the ground that they have been living separately for a period β†’

Creative spark talk analysis essay sample

The speaker was informed about his problem and the ways it affects his health and lifestyle, regardless of his condition he is always looking for new challenges to overcome because according to him he is capable of doing everything he wants if he focuses on the things he can do on instead of focusing on β†’

International business – inflation

The recent debate in leading newspapers and magazines of the world is about the rising food prices and its impacts on the poor nations. The signs are already in place as the inflation in Canada has soared to 2.


Elements of Communication Process and their Importance 1. The effects of language differences and listening skills on communication patterns 2.

Autism paper

He has taken the ADI-R but not the ADOS and the CSBQ. The ADOS is designed to work with the ADI-R, and while I do not think it's strictly necessary, I believe that it's important to get as many different points of information as possible before beginning a regimen.

Exchange possessions

Assignment Around the universe.so many people ever like purchase new things.if the things can non utilizing. That can assist people to hold new things.it besides do non blow money to purchase.

The zapruder footage essay

It included interviews with the important faces of the story who tell the history of the film, whose hands it fell into, and what happened to it. Zapruder had vertigo, so he could not hold the camera still, he was startled at the gunshots, and that did not help him keep it steady, and the β†’

Umifenovir hydrochloride c22h26brcln2o3s structure

875 Da Density Boiling Point Flash Point Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Experimental data Predicted ACD/Labs Predicted ChemAxon Experimental Physico-chemical Properties Miscellaneous Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform PhysChem Module No predicted properties have been calculated for this compound. Density: Boiling Point: Vapour Pressure: Enthalpy of Vaporization: Flash Point: Index β†’

School name:

5 Program: http://www.macewan.ca/wcm/Registrar/Admissions/ApplyforAdmission/CompetitivePrograms/index.htm Business: Bachelor of Applied Business Administration: GPA required: 80% Engineering: Bachelor of Science in Engineering University Transfer: 80%Competitive Programs: GPA required: 75% in average Application Components and Required Documents: Education School Documents: High school transcript showing any completed courses and grades, plus interim results for course still in progress- English and original β†’

Comparison of loyalty and honor in lanval, chevrefoil, and sir gawain and the green knight

Comparison of Loyalty and HonorEven though Marie de France integrated loyalty and honor into Chevrefoil and Lanval, the poet writing Sir Gawain and the Green Knight elevated both loyalty and honor to exceed previous works. While Chevrefoil portrayed loyalty and honor while exposing complex disloyalty and dishonor, Lanval depicted both loyalty and honor in moderation β†’

Handmaids tale literacy analysis

Be that as it may, starting at now in the novel The Handmaid's Story the city of Gilead dispenses with all the opportunity and rights a lady ought to have in the public arena. The greater part of the men are totally in concurrence with the change and bolster the administration's treatment of ladies.

British foreign policy and the balkans politics essay

Bearing in mind these geopolitical conflicts and entanglements, it is easier to understand the reasons for the establishment of the first Yugoslavia the product of Versailles order, whom the UK was one of the main architects. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was a part of the security order directly under French domination, which β†’

Case study of obstetric and gynaecology.

Currently she is at 35 weeks and 2 days of period of amenorrhea. There is no mass felt at both of the breast.

The criminal justice system in canada criminology essay

However, there has been little consideration of the role of cultural factors in the trial process for criminal defendants, particularly in the phase of trial. The law allows Gay practice in Canada and the United State of America but to some other countries around the world, they believe is abomination to their religion rules and β†’

Al jazeera broadcasting company: pestel analysis

The objective of this report is to analyse the key external issues affecting Al Jazeera Broadcasting Network using the PESTEL & Co.mnemonic. It enables Al Jazeera to be in a position to determine its position in the industry and subsequently identify and implement strategies and activities that will exploit the opportunities in the external β†’

Summary on stomach cancer biology essay

Parietal cells, present for the entire length of the stomach, mostly in the mid regions and are involved in the production of gastric acid and chief cells/peptic/zymogenic cells, which produce pepsinogen for the digestion of proteins. The different forms of carcinoma of stomach include Adenocarcinoma, which develops in the innermost cell lining of the stomach β†’