Quality Russian Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Why marijuana should be legalized argumentative essay

They see the selling and usage of marijuana as a criminal act, and as such the perpetrators should be punished. On the contrary, legalization of marijuana use can actually curtail crime as opposed to encourage it. As a result, since it is not harmful, it should not be illegal to purchase and use. The final →

Running head: marital conflict and longevity

However, it is how the conflict in a marriage that will determine how it affects the longevity of the marriage and the effects it has on any children involved and if the affects become detrimental to the parties involved. When conflict occurs within a marriage it is important that the conflict is resolved when it →

Good essay about hr 3 forums questions

ILO Declaration " On Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" indicates that all ILO member States, even if they have not ratified the Convention, are recognized as fundamental both within the organization and outside it. The Declaration sets out the principles concerning the fundamental rights enshrined in the ILO Conventions, →

The lottery by shirley jackson

Foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author gives a vague indication of what is going to happen later in a story. Jackson creates foreshadowing by the illustration of the black box, the explanation of a child's pocket, and the dialogue between Tessie and Mrs. To begin, Jackson foreshadows that death is going to →

The cashless policy and its practicability in aba motropolis essay sample

3: OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study therefore is to examine the benefits of the cashless economy, the essential elements of the cashless economy and assess the preparedness for the implementation of the cashless economy by Nigeria. The cashless plan, according to the CBN, is also designed to curb some →

The change in male and female roles before & today

Some of the preconceived ideas of male and female roles in relationships would be the fact that when a woman fancies a guy, all that she should give are signals while males are to do the first move. When it comes to male and female responsibilities, males are not the only ones expected to bring →

Why is it important to be objective when receiving feedback course work

John Keats said that truth is beauty and as such, reality is reflected in art: movies and television should reflect the truth in society because it is the ideal opportunity to convey important social messages to the masses. It is important to take on board feedback because it is designed to help you and to →

My experience with reading essay

I used to imagine that reading was a painful exercise, and I basically knew everything there was to know about my life and circumstances. And, I am proud to have been a good influence on them.

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of revealed preference methods used to determine market values for environmental goods and services – lab report example

Basically, environmental goods and services serve a purpose that is somewhat different and unique from other products of economic value and hence, there is the need for these products to be classified on their environmental, health and social worth which might not be important factors the market takes into account when defining the worth of →

Relationships in trade

On the contrary to the policy of laissez-faire, protectionism has been always traditional to the economy of the USA, being advocated during most time of the American history. Protectionism is criticized from the point of entrepreneur's freedom and protection of consumers.

A different form of tragedy: critical analysis of of mice and men

The majority of the characters in the novel are in stasis. The world is limited around them and results in minimal possibilities, and the lack of love and friendship both contribute to them being stuck.J.A. The tragedy that the characters are a part of results in them being one archetype of being in stasis, and →

Presence of exim bank in saarc region

Before this, the idea of regional cooperation in South Asia was discussed in conferences of Asian Regional conference, New Delhi in April 1947, the Baguio Conference in Philippines in May 1950, and the Colombo Power Conference in April 1954.urther in the late 70s, SAARC nations agreed to create a trade bloc consisting of South Asian →

A short story about a dog and a cat creative writing examples

That afternoon, the dog cautiously sauntered up to cat while she was bathing in the sun. As the cat surveyed the rooms, she could smell that dog everywhere.

Communication in professional contexts

Written communication is particularly essential and one should have the ability to write clearly and use the right words at the right place to convey the intended message. Clear writing enables the writer to communicate logically and be able to express one's thoughts without ambiguity. Writing clearly promotes conciseness in the sentences written and the →

Electronic waste management approaches

In developing countries, the main source of the electronic wastes is the electrical appliances from the developed countries. The disposal of electronic waste affects the health of humans in two ways.

Issue and concern of single parenting

Single parents family is a family with child that is brought up by one parent. Effects on Children Single parenting is different from dual parenting in many aspects, but the most common difference is the way in which the parent interacts with the child. Children of divorced parents will have a wide range of →

It’s not an easy role to be a patriot

His purpose in the film was to fight in order to defend his family, honor his nation, and defeat the British. His point in the story is to play the role as Benjamin's biggest hindrance, and obstacle in the way to success.

The identified with thoughts regarding how things

They found a long/family, included some place in the scope of 1, 000 clear size that offer rising number of smell-related tangible receptor composes. These receptors are situated on the scent related receptor cells, which include somewhat world in the concoction that gives vitality bits of the nasal sacs that encompass body organs and perceive →

The organic and mechanistic views of the origins of the state essay sample

Further, Plato argues that the form of the state should be determined by its goodness, and that the state is but the individual ' writ large'. It is thus concluded that the state must correspond to the good of the individual. Therefore, it is impossible for an individual to find fulfillment outside the →

Free essay on laptop versus tablet: which one to buy

The objective of this essay is to distinguish the key features of a laptop and a tablet and discuss how their characteristics could influence the individual in their decision in buying one of the two technologies. The most important feature of the laptop is its software support which could be →

My science motivated me to plan for

The urge to strengthen and enhance my knowledge in the field ofComputer Science motivated me to plan for graduate studies. To conclude, my interestin the knowledge in the field of computers and technology has consistentlyaugmented.

Of mice and men – why curley is intimidating?

He is able to pick a fight without the punishment of losing a job. Curley's freedom is intimating to other people, they know that Curley is able to do anything to them, and with his aggressivepersonalitythey are afraid that he could do something very severe. Curley, with his ability to do anything →

Free sudden death: discussion essay example

It is the community mental health centers' role to serve people feeling feeble after a shocking turn of tragic events. It is also the role of community mental health professionals to give sympathy and respect for those caught in the middle of unexpected events.

Gross domestic product and human development index

In general, the U.S.has a larger labour market than Japan, while China and Mexico have a larger labour market than India and Saudi Arabia respectively. Human Development Index - 0. Generally, the US and China have a better quality of life than Japan and India respectively while Saudi Arabia and Mexico are at par in →

Would a cashless society have less crime essay sample

One of the key crimes associated with cash is tax evasion; whenever you peel off a wad of bills for the babysitter, there's a decent chance she's not reporting that income, or paying taxes on it. And some fraction of cash-only businesses including restaurants, laundromats, and other institutions succumb to the temptation to fudge their →

Fiscal or monetary

The larger strategy on which the author was depending on to achieve this goal was the use of monetary policy whereby policy makers were admonished to adjust the supply of money in the economy to achieve the purported goal of inflation and output stabilization. At the time of writing the article, among the three principal →

Truman show character development

Wier used the movement of actors, dialogue, props andsymbolismto show how Truman progressed from being a typical all-American guy to a courageous man who's willing to face his fears to break free from the chains that binds him to his 'creator.' Truman Burbank is a star of his own show- The Truman Show- and everybody →

Wgs 3

It is also agreeable that the formation of identity is a continuous process. In Perspectives of Native American Women on Race and Gender, I am of the opinion that the history of the Black women shaped their being in the society. A good example is that of Dorothy who is said to have suffered the →

Leadership experience report from theory to practice report sample

The report is basically based on the structure of the church as an organization, SWOT analysis, leadership challenges and an overall learning that occurred during the 6 week volunteering in the above mentioned church. The following are the theoretical perspectives on some of the main aspects of the church as a non-profit making organization: 1.1. →

Research paper on automatic data processing

Compensation The term compensation can be used broadly to refer to any money or other benefits given to the workers for their services or it can be used more specifically to refer to a form of insurance which provides medical benefits and wage replacement to employees who have been injured in the course →

Sociological explanations of ethnic inequality essay sample

Some sociologists have argued that there is a British underclass composed mainly or exclusively of ethnic minorities who are in a disadvantaged position in the labour market. As well as lacking the skills and qualifications, they may well also have to face prejudice and racial discrimination. However they so believe that immigrant and migrant workers →

Comparing of mice and men to the hunger games

The fact that they go to women who do it for a living and are paid to pleasure the males no matter what they look or are like on the inside. This shows that the males could be shy and insecure about intercourse. The more you hear about it the more it comes →

Becoming a teacher

I have chosen to become a teacher because I myself am a product of someone whom I consider to be the best teacher in the world. I cannot wait to become that teacher who has influenced a child, as Mrs.

Cra and financial crisis

This point of view can be concluded with the hypothesis that the CRA will be seen as a cause of the financial crisis. Firstly, the different opinions and their respective arguments with regard to the hypothesis are illustrated. It can clearly be seen that the enforcement of the CRA over time led →

The influence of frankenstein on the author’s life and literature

Frankenstein, often viewed only as the horrifying tale of a scientist gone mad, can be analyzed as being the articulation of the fears of a woman, Mary Shelley, about pregnancy, birth, and as a direct result of influences from other writers and even her own parents. In order to thoroughly understand the influences that affected →

Example of essay on tuberculosis

The bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis causes the disease; and while it is widely known that it affects the lungs of the individual, other organ systems may be affected in nearly one-third of cases. Secondary infection is accomplished by reactivation of a latent infection that is characteristically seen in the apex of the lungs; where →

The reign of charles v

Add to that the largely impractical and complex political process of the time, the question offinance, and a peasantry discontent synonymous with the values of the modern age, and you have a long and arduous list of problems faced by Charles. Although Charles the V was focused primarily on reform and maintenance rather than expansion, →

Animal teeth: horses and dogs

Then puppies having 6 incisors, 2 canines and 6 premolars on one side of the mount for a total of 28 with both sides. Horses also have deciduous teeth, but the numbers for juviniles and adults differ in comparison to dogs. Removal of teeth tends to result in the need for suturing and antibiotics. When →

Big elephant phenomenon

This has led to the rise of very effective and internationally competitive software and IT, together with the influx of multinational corporations like Starbucks and MacDonald's, which have several branches in these two countries, thus elevating the country from the crisis of 77% living on 2$ a day. These two countries have embraced the fact →

Good example of essay on one specific type of mass media and examine its relationship to one element of popular

Therefore, the Facebook platform is currently exposing adolescent girls to issues that influence normal behavior, thereby, affecting their body images. A recent article by CNN revealed that many adolescent girls are nowadays exposed to a wide range of images or photos bearing unattainable beauties especially through Facebook. They are told →

Inside job essay sample

Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. Inside Job is an enthralling documentary about how the reckless actions of Wall Street lead to the near collapse of the financial sector and →

The lottery by shirley jackson

And although Jackson's story has many characters, she is most interested in the social phenomenon of the lottery than she is in the characters, themselves. Instead, the characters serve as a means to depict " a graphic demonstration of the pointlessviolenceand general inhumanity in people's lives". Every year on June 27th, the families of the →

Bank as financial institute overview

The system improvised over the time and the banks these days offer various other facilities in addition to the basic depositing and lending of money. People are encouraged to keep their money in the banks because it is a safe and secure way to store the money. Bank of England and The Royal Bank of →

Father son conflict in death of a salesman and all my sons

Dermis's critique of language was followed by critiques of truth and meaning in philosophy. Drawing on the work of the German philosopher Frederica Nietzsche, Deride has disrupted the visualized belief that authors intend meaning and that there is a certain truth to be uncovered in texts. Others have extended Dermis's insights to the →

What are the challenges of being a christian in the public school board

" What are the challenges of being a Christian teen in today's school system & how can you overcome them?" My name is Sarah and I am going to discuss the challenges of being a Christian teen in today's school system and how I can overcome them. Being judged for who you are is →

Review of the film the mask you live in

To " take care of business" implies that to not cry, to not be delicate, to not offer folks an opportunity to upset you, to counter with cruelness, to be furious, to drink, to womanize. I felt tears and addressed if this was the time within the interest of ME to go away the territory, →

The marxist view of education essay sample

Marxists believe that the ruling class dominates society, they also believe that society is based on conflict between classes (the working class and the ruling class) they believe that the ruling class exploit the working class unlike the consensus view who believe in meritocracy.(Everyone gets equal opportunities) Althusser →

Impacts of alternative energy sources on the environment in jamaica

Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Impacts of Alternative energy sources on the Environment in Jamaica Over centuries, ensuring environmental sustainability has been a major concern to all. Stimulation and implementation of the use of alternative energy sources in the country necessitates more viability and profitability.

The invisible man:a quest for recognition and politics in disguise and ambiguity

The novel " The Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison almost attains the stature of Bible in figuring out the saga of politics pertaining to recognition in the paradigm of existential discourse in the history of American politics and its democratic life. The entire novel stands out to bear the long drawn history of Black Nationalism →

Example of the pros and cons of minimum wage critical thinking

The reasons for and against minimum wage increases seem to be the same anywhere. In 2009, when a proposed minimum wage hike was being discussed in the US government, the Wall Street Journal raised the alarm about the dangers of the plan. It forces companies to maintain certain standards in the employment of people and →

Informative speech on ebola

Ebola virus informative speech Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Sudan and Zaire. It occurred when an ethnologist was performing a necropsy in Tai forest on a dead chimpanzee infected herself in the process. Ebola outbreak in 2014 is the largest ever in the history of Ebola.

Human health and the environment

In fact according to Canadian sources, only 4% of mercury deposits in Canada are emitted in Canada and the remaining 96% is from foreign sources in the year 20062. Scientific studies have provided a list of diseases caused due to mercury and its play in the environment at different levels.1.

Weather and climate: a brief introduction by g. tyler miller

WEATHER AND CLIMATE In the article " Weather and Climate: A Brief Introduction" G. Miller indicates the main reasons and patterns of both weather and climate change.

The tragedy of othello research paper

They include Othello, who is the lead actor; Desdemona, Othello's wife; Cassio, Othello's lieutenant; and Iago a junior officer in the army. Shakespeare depicts Othello as a Moorish general in the Venetian army, with immense power. In addition, Iago paints a picture that Othello had gone to bed with his wife, Emilia. Iago vows to →

Benefits and costs of children joining the spelling bee essay

Indeed, the tremendous demands of the competition palpably manifests for these children and their families, because a one-letter mistake can immediately dissolve their quest of winning this prestigious contest. Although the children work unnaturally hard and undergo fierce familial and personal pressure in the competition, these problems are overshadowed by the benefits of competition- the →

The effects of parenting styles on children

There are three main types of parenting styles: authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritative parenting. A disadvantage when researching the effect that parenting styles have on child behaviour is that some parents may deny that the result of their child's behaviour is due to their parenting style.

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers

Inappropriate levels of competition amongst both buyers and sellers Competition is the act of firms trying to do better than others in the market through various activities in the sale of goods and services. Competitiveness is the ability of a business to fight for market share, make profit, and increase volume of sales, among other →

Computer forensics laboratory

The exact physical copy of the evidence is called bit-stream image, forensic duplicate or forensic image and is done by removing the hard disk from the source computer and attaching it to the investigator's forensic machine with the following security measures: using a write-blocker to ensure that no data is written to it in the →

How a weak currency effects exports vs. imports

The long effect of a weak currency is that it augments the economic crisis and less spending because of high prices of goods. On the other hand, a strong currency declines the quantity of exports that a foreigner's demand and in turn, reduces a nation's export production.

Who was the real monster? frankenstein

Because of prejudice, the monster kills his first victim. The prejudice against the monster is so great that it even convinces the monster himself that he is a monster and is not worthy of life. The monster reaches out an arm and, unknowing of what the monster will even do, Victor assumes →

Racism in othello essay sample

He represent the black hero of outstanding qualities, and it was hard on Shakespeare's audience to appreciate the out standing figure of black, as they were familiar with the character of the black man as a villain. Iago is a representative of the white race, who is informing the public of the impurity of the →

Technology in our day to day life essay sample

So it is better to stay up-to-date with modern technology and learn how to embrace and use them in your day to day life because without it we are helpless. To begin with, technology in the field of communication has the most important consideration in my day to day life. And that is why →

American poetry: emily dickinson

For a better understanding of Emily Dickinson, it is important to comprehend how she combines experience and research in her poems. The uniqueness of Emily Dickinson has made it difficult to place her in any single tradition.

Analysis of the godfather part ii essay sample

There is a lot of violence and aggression portrayed, but this is only a means of an artistic tool to reflect the director's vision and to create the appropriate atmosphere in the film. The illustration of life of criminals, cruel murders, deaths have been a major topic of discussion. He is a young man who →

Invictus by william ernest henley: courage in the face of death essay sample

Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this →

Of mice and menn – this novel is all about the american dream

On the other hand Steinbeck highlights in the novel the social conflicts of the time period, such as the climate change cause by drought and the financial collapse of 1929, which had affected the increase of unemployment and poverty throughout the United States of America. Of mice and men is a novel →

Bruce dawe speech

He explains, through the constant use of colloquialism, that some Australian families have sport engraved into their daily routine and use it to bond with each other." Oohh you bludger" is an accurate example of this because it is a kind of slang that is learned from the family as a child There is a →

Marvin bower

Global competition and the rise of democracy are pressuring companies to be more competitive, agile, and lean, changing the nature of organizational structures and the relationships between managers and workers (Micklethwait & Wooldridge, 2000). Another change agent is the progress of information and communicationstechnology, especially the Internet and mobile computing, which has altered the nature →

Analysis of the article written by deepak lal for the business standard regarding global financial crisis

It compares the current global financial crisis to the Third World Debt Crisis of the 1980's. Thirdly, the rise in the commodity prices also contributed a lot to the financial crisis and Lastly, according to him is the bailout seeked by some irresponsible banks from the tax payers telling them otherwise it will lead to →

Roberto cavalli to open the first cavalli club in dubai

The Big Apple will soon get to experience Italian opulence in the s newest and most happening club with the opening of the Roberto Cavalli Club. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel will be host to the latest addition to the Cavalli Clubs after the success of its predecessor at the Fairmont Hotel in Dubai which debuted →

Selling insurance products through banks essay sample

But this has proven to be a boom for the Insurance and Banking companies together and both the different sector of the industry has shown better result and improvement in their own field due coming of the whole new concept of BANCASSURANCE. One is the insurance salesman of the respective company being posted in the →

Real life negotiation analysis

This degree means a lot to me as I want to extend my knowledge, excel my related field and establish my business based on the implementation of all the theoretical knowledge that I gained. My interest was to establish my own business where I have the ability to do things my own way without the →

Problems facing sma’s micro-electronic products division essay sample

The objectives they set were not being fulfilled and they blamed marketing and sales functions for their failures and were unhappy with the product developers. They also accused manufacturing for their lack of cooperation as they were conservative and were not willing to take risks and they felt destructed as they spent a lot of →

Obama’s full 2013 state of the union address

War on terror will be ended in soon and America will take only a supporting role in future in Afghanistan. Description of the economic principles Obama seems to be particular about the development of manufacturing sector as a measure to boost America's economic progress. Obama seems to believe in the economic principle of produce →

‘a teenager today

Hitting puberty means your body is changing to make you a better looking and acting teen.the other disadvantages that teens may come in contact with is the wrong group that may lead you into doing things that are not right. With being in the wrong group can lead to unwanted casualties that are easier to →

Environmental degradation essay sample

On the worldwide root the human population has revealed a J shaped pattern of escalation over the past years, while the availability of natural funds are mandatory for human survival is in slow decline. Fig 1 Human population growth till 2000 Population policies which gears to reduce future growth represent logical →

Free essay on what are the advantages and disadvantages of using and employee referral campaign

The advantages of employee referral campaigns for recruitment process are that employees introduce high caliber and competent people in the organization because the employees that are referring people are the stakeholders of the organization. The current employee also provides correct detail and information of the applicant they are referring because →

Othello as shakespeare’s tragic hero essays example

So the husband decides his wife has to die, because he does not want her to be with another man. Othello is a very insecure man. He was a victim of racism people did not approve his marriage with Desdemona, because she was of a noble family, and Othello was just a Moorish general.

Sydney as an efficient department of health

Despite the sea being the main driver of the economy, 60% of the employees work in the service sector. In the past, Sydney had higher unemployment rates in comparison to the national average and other regions of Nova Scotia. Language and Ethnicity The ethnic groups that are mostly found in Sydney are mostly French, →

The word means keeping your integrity whenever

You cannot control what others think of you. If youaccept yourself, and act in the way that you think is right then you will attractpeople who will accept you for who you are. You will not have to worry about whatthey are thinking of you, because you know they love you.

Essay on power, wealth and inequality

In most cases, men are given preference over women when it comes to matters of wealth and power; a clear demonstration of the inequality that persists in the society. Generally, social stratification continues to be based on class, race and gender and is a great determinant of the wealth, power, and privileges that an individual →

What are the main features of marshall’s theory of citizenship essay sample

Citizenship refers to the position of being a citizen, and the collection of rights and duties of this position. Hence citizenship reflects the values of a society, and a prospective model of living, which represents higher aspirations. Marshall's theory is that of a liberal- pluralist perspective, seeing the development of the concept of citizenship as →

Patents and copyrights

In the absence of these intellectual property laws, there would be fewer innovations since those individuals would not recoup their money. For example, if a company like Google develops a new software and it does not obtain a patent for it, other companies may exploit Google by selling the software and profiting from it. In →

Why bank reconciliation element shouldn’t be ignored

It stretches further to demonstrate on various ways capital can be raised to support the growth of the business, and finally the importance of segregation of duties within an organization as a method of internal control. Question 1: How much of the businesses revenue is collected as cash and what are the controls in place →

Womens equality diminishes men

Women's Equality Diminishes Men Women's equality campaign has increased in many countries with the increasing number of women pushing for empowerment. Key to success in pushing for women's equality has been the various organizations formed to fight for women's rights.

Good example of report on care for kids crche database

The paper will assess the logical design and how the design will help create a database that will be used in the care center. Design There will be various tables that will be designed in the database. Initially the table will consist of a large table that will have →

Price controls the minimum wage

Fixing the minimum wage that a worker is supposed to earn is one of the forms of price controls. Minimum wage has both costs and benefits to the economy, given that it is backed by relevant laws that operationalize it. The cost of production is likely to up, and so are the prices of goods →

Example of ‘richard cory’ – simon vs. robinson literature review

While Robinson focuses on the quiet dignity of the man, and the equally mysterious circumstances that would have led to his suicide, Simon's adaptation of the song is framed in the jealousy and desperation of the narrator himself - each verse is ended with a repeating chorus that laments his →

American cultures- contemporary american cultures

Pecola's desire for acceptance was evident on the way she was willing to conform to society to the point that she would change her perception and world view. She sees the beauty of the dandelion that the rest of the society does not see.

Fahrenheit 451: overview

This shows that Mildred in persistent in her obsession with the radio and that she is lost in the sound waves every night when Montag comes home from work. In conclusion, Mildred's obsession is the cause of her distance. Another trait that Bradbury must show the reader is selfishness.

Economic growth

Study Question 1 and 2. 1) Economic growth is a measure of increase in the productive potential of a country. This means that even a mere difference of some points or minute figure could mean that economy is growing very slowly in the long-run. 2) Real GDP growth Rate = /30000 * 100 = →

Organizational behavior analysis for key bank essay sample

As displayed on the KeyBank website, KeyBank tries to develop a workforce and a way of doing business that reflects the diversity of it's customers and communities by recruiting and developing top talent that blends participation of minorities and women into the management of our business. KeyBank also tries to retain the best people -the →

Ecological footprint

Having participated in the footprint quiz, I can define ecological footprint as the collective measure of human demand on the ecosystem, that is, the interdependence of both the living and the nonliving component consisting of natural resources like air, water and the earth's crust. Ecological footprint seeks to critically evaluate how the interactions →

Research paper on sweatshop labor in the 21st century

Since most of these workers are immigrants, women and children, the governments are somehow lenient in upholding the right labor practices. The globalization of economies, especially of the retail industry makes it conducive for foreign clothing companies to take sweatshop labor. The Indian children were forced to work in hazardous and filthy conditions. It was →

Good example of essay on poem

But when I brought it home and opened up the cover (the moon must have been in retrograde because there's no reason why would willingly choose to read a book on a Saturday as a child) the book never left my hands until I finished it. I was not excited about the idea and I →

Parents contributes in growth of every child

The four family members and main characters are presented to the audience, just as in Othello primary characters, as well as a few secondary characters, are revealed in the first act. The playwright of Othello introduces major characters and themes, as well as the plot in the introductory act, just as →