Quality Russian Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana

Another positive aspect for legalizing the use of marijuana is it would significantly decrease the number of marijuana-related arrests and imprisonments in the United States. There is many pros and cons that come with the substance of marijuana.

Self and other: the scarlet letter

In the process of writing The Scarlet Letter, he uncovered his unnaturally close and dependent relationship to his mother from which his sense of guilt originally derived. According to Hawthorne, " The Customhouse" was written to increase the overall length of The Scarlet Letter.

A. nursing –sensitive indicators essays examples

Quality Patient Care The Nursing sensitive indicators were developed by the American Nurses Association in order to improve the quality care and safety for the patients. The three nursing sensitive indicators mentioned above play a significant role in the improvement of the delivery of patient care quality and patient and his family's contentment.

Of mice and men: the failure of the american dream

The American Dream is defined as " The American Dream is " that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. Because of that, it seemed like the American Dream was dead and there →

Summary for faith integration readings

To this end, an evaluation of the biblical perspectives on supply and demand can sufficiently highlight how this integration of faith applies to the economics of our time. Throughout the Bible, there are ideas and inferences that touch on the aspect of supply and demand in relation to the necessities of faith. Therefore, faith integration →

The case for marijuana legalization essay examples

There is a substantial demand for marijuana, mostly due to its illegal nature; the tapping of this untouched market is rife with possibility, as the demand would remain, but government could tax the purchase of marijuana purchasing, particularly for medical purposes. The legalization of marijuana would also lessen the burden of an increasingly taxed and →

Coursework on ‘othello’

He may have become Othello's lieutenant as he, like Othello, is an outsider. When Iago says 'A fellow almost damned in a fair wife' he is showing that he is sexually jealous of Cassio as he is more sexually attractive than him and many women like him. At this point, Othello is fixed in his →

The relationship between roman culture and those it absorbed essay sample

This was of great benefit to the Romans, firstly, it would pacify the population of the countries which they conquered; and secondly, they could take the best elements of each place and claim it as their own, showing themselves as the superior culture when in fact many facets of it were taken from other people →

Implementing strategies for developing their businesses

In the course of this strategic direction the company needs to adequately devise marketing and promotional strategies keeping in mind the geographic and cultural factors pertaining to the different regions. Similarly in relation to marketing and promotional activities the firms need to adequately communicate with the social entities to obtain their views in regards to →

Price elasticity

The factors with the largest effect on the elasticity of a commodity include the level of income available to spend on the good. If a product is necessary, that is, if one cannot do without a product, elasticity is reduced because people will still buy the product irrespective of the change in price. The availability →

Cultural/media critique

In her defense, Colette argues that Gaga lives in an art work meaning that she is trying to move form individualism to standardization. Gaga did it and she put across her point. Many people argue that if Colette is the original inventor then she would be much far from where Gaga is.

Coal is just not black gold

The author then critically analyses the issues, compare it with relevant literature and evaluate the limitations. Based on the literature and observations, he then proposes few strategic recommendations to improve organisational effectiveness both to Law makers and to company. INTRODUCTION Coal India Limited →

Spreading awareness about the effects of cigarette smoking

Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking Through Multimedia Among Students of Mapua Institute of Technology in Intramuros, Manila A Research Paper Presented to Juan Carlos Santos School of Languages, Humanities And Social Sciences By Group 3 - B2 March 2011 Spreading Awareness about the Effects of Cigarette Smoking through Multimedia Among Students →

Pkg 381 #1

When disposed, they decompose over a short period of time. Environmentally Harmful Package: Plastic Filtered water are mostly packed in plastic, these plastics take hundreds of years to break down when disposed and are also expensive to recycle. There should be laws to help us manage our environment and avoid laziness.

Our bodies our politics

This allows her to come to the conclusion that modern notions of masculinity and femininity have an impact on scientists ideas about the features of the reproductive functions of men and women. In science, this has led to the fact that the features of female sexuality and female genital structures are still a mystery and →

The english national curriculm essay

The NC recognises the individuality of every learning environment and as a result is a guideline that enables teachers to adapt and conform to it as their needs dictate. In my opinion the NC is a valuable guideline that is varied and balanced.

Review on bhag milkha bhag

The Indian Sprinter is a role model and motivation for all the upcoming Indian athletes. The movie begins in the late 1930s at, Lahore which is currently located in Pakistan which in the 1930s was a part of India, the movie begins with showing how Milkha was going through his ugliest scenes of childhood, witnessing →

The role of daughters in ‘the merchant of venice’

Jessica shows her awareness of money and commerce; she is parodying her father's concerns to make light of the situation. It is also important that Shakespeare does not stereotype the female reaction to a father, different fathers are reacted against with different levels of resistance, as is evident in Portia's very mild deviation from her →

Green tree city case study (question 3 only)

This paper mainly deals with the security concerns facing a storey-building owner as in the case study and a contrast with the concerns of the employees and the employer. The main security concern for the owner of a storey building to ensure user security is the need to ensure accessibility of the building. The erection →

Margaret sanger seeks pity for teenage mothers and abstinent couples

As such, the youth would most often meet during jazz shows and jazz concerts ton enjoy the music, as well as make acquaintances and friends, that would later result in early child bearing among adolescent girls. Edwin talks about the youth and sex at campus, as well as how they engaged in alcoholism →

Business plan on project schedule

Testing will be important to the CEO and management team to consider program roll-out. Work Breakdown Structure - Project planning - Get the requirements of the system - Get the user requirements - Analyze the current weaknesses of the system - Analyze the new system to be deployed - Design and create logical tables - →

Tobacco, alcohol, drugs and prostitution

Guell Robert argues in his book that despite the critics, the fundamentals of the world economy evolve very gradually. Guel argues that though it may not sound realistic to argue that prostitution somehow relates to the economy of a nation, it is true according to studies. Peter: From the four mentioned aspects, prostitution is the →

The the united kingdom from the european

Migration IssuesThe freedom of movement for labor and the right of migrants to claim welfare benefits in the UK Economic issues and trade aggreementsThe Brexit brought many issues such as: How much money the UK owes to the European Union, what will happen to the Northern Ireland border and UK citizens living in the European →

How does steinbeck present curley’s wife essay sample

When she first appears in the novel, she is described in a way that makes her seem very pretty, and she is shown to enjoy showing herself off." she put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so her body was thrown forward". This shows that she is extremely flirtatious and →

Roles and responsibilities of government, ngos and volunteer organizations. m2s

The purpose of this paper is to examine the roles and responsibilities of government, NGOs, and volunteer organizations in CDRPs. Roles and Responsibilities of Government Political The government must provide an anchor of CDRPs by ensuring an office or ministry provides adequate political authority in ensuring coherence of policy throughout the disaster preparedness →

Cause and effect essay

First, many teenagers who live in a home with a broken family find a home within a gang. Others might convince a teen that being in a gang would offer them the security of being respected.

Roles of education & family in frankenstein essay

Although the author briefly introduces us to other countries in Europe, such as France and Italy, the attention shifts to the city of Geneva. This article discusses the role of the family and education in society. This is clearly brought out in the life of Frankenstein. In the story, the family serves as one of →

Of mice and men is as much a commentary on the lives of migrant workers and the society of the time as it is about lennie and george. discuss

The author John Steinbeck describes the lives of two migrant workers travelling together in search for work. The American dream was the belief in freedom that allows American citizens to pursue their goals in life through hard work and bravery, this was seen to be the main factor that motivated most of the migrant workers →

Conrad demarest – rome essay sample

The model is an effective way to understand the empire, since the Roman Empire has all the necessary preconditions, critical causes, results, and reasoning for the fall described in the model. The Roman Empire has the conditions needed for the formation of an empire as explained in the model. Rome, with its copious amounts of →

Research paper on budget checklist – clinical research operations

Below is a brief overview of some of these factors. Factors to Consider while Preparing Budgets for Clinical Research Operations The research team: It is important for the researcher to determine the number of staff who will be required during the clinical trial, their qualification and the duration of time they will be working →

John ashbery – a celebrated and challenging poet

I do not think verse masterminded in flawless examples would mirror that circumstance." Met by the Associated Press in 2008, Ashbery clowned that on the off chance that he could transform his name into a verb, " to Ashbery", it would signify " to confound the hellfire out of individuals". Ashbery likewise was a very →

Scarlet letter images

This may explain why the themes of sin, secrecy and guilt are used in Hawthorne's fiction, exploring hidden human dimensions. The images of sin, secrecy, and guilt are constantly portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorne's, The Scarlet Letter, through the presence of recurring motifs of light and dark, sunlight and shadows; as these themes →

Macro econ

The concept of scar is paramount in the study of economics, and it based on the idea that available resources are not sufficient to satisfy the needs of people. If the expenditures are more than the incomes, there is unfavorable balance of payments, and this implies that the economy is falling apart. The GDP deflator →

Adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain

In the beginning of the book, both Houck and Jim are only briefly acquitted due to Jim working for Miss Watson as a slave, who happens to be Husks legal guardian at the time. During this time, Houck pulled a childish prank on Jim which resulted in Jims leg swelling from a very poisonous snake →

Othello vs o essay sample

It is an adaptation of the Italian writer Cinthio's tale " Un Capitano Moro." The story focuses on the following main characters: Othello, A Christian Moor and general of the armies of Venice; his wife Desdemona, The daughter of the Venetian senator Brabanzio; his lieutenant Michael Cassio, A young and inexperienced solider, whose high position →

Covenants in the merchant of venice

Shakespeare writes of other pledges in the play: Gratiano and Nerissa answer to Antonio as his servants and cannot marry without his permission, Launcelot is tied in servitude to Shylock, Portia's suitors are obligated to never marry if they open the wrong casket, and Shylock is restrained by his status as a Jew and non-citizen →

Critique of theories essay examples

The coherence and conceptual clarity of the developmental perspective to social work must therefore stay within the frame of strengths-based development, as it molds social workers to both fulfill the needs of, and empower clients. Testability and Evidence of Empirical Support Government policies on social work in South Africa has provide the impetus within →

Heroin addiction vs cancer support groups

Preference of forum: There is considerable difference between the preference of forum for the support group between the Cancer patients and the Heroin addicts. Owing to the great difference in the society's attitude towards Cancer patients and Heroin addicts in general, the type of forum that either of the two groups would like to avail →

The scaffold symbolism in the scarlet letter english literature essay

A The scaffold is inserted intoA the storyA for its practicalA intents but beginsA toA represent and body assorted otherA connotationsA as the novel progresses. A In the first scaffold scene, Pearl and Hester are on the scaffold enduring awful civic examination, A unaccompaniedA by Pearl ' s male parent, ArthurA Dimmesdale." Hester Prynne passed →

Essay on history of ethnic diversity in america

The plan was to come up with laws that would make it hard for the Chinese in America to continue living there and make it impossible for new Chinese immigrants to come to the country. Congress passed a law they named Chinese exclusion act in 1882 whose main objective was to send away Chinese immigrants →

Good argumentative essay on minimum wages in colorado

As far as my opinion is concerned, I believe that the government should increase the minimum wage in Colorado. According to the opponents of minimum wage increase, this step would compel the job elimination for the poor and lowest-skilled employees from retailers, food outlets, and other employers. According to a research, there has been no →

The secret history essay sample

Through the three books he created: " History of the Wars", " The Buildings of Justinian", and " The Secret History", he is our primary source of information about the reign of Emperor Justinian. Procopius had a great dislike for the Emperor Justinian and the Empress Theodora, and wanted his audience, which would have been →

Othello shakespeare’s thoughts about women

The three women in this play are all somehow seen as whores. Shakespeare uses the women characters in the play and Othello, to further the plot and only introduces them when it is convenient for the progression of the story. In his words, he implies that there is no way that she is to be →

Free classic conditioning essay sample

One strategy for doing this Classic conditioning would be to adjust the youngster steadily to the thought of a dog. The child can be set in a room with a photo of a dog while being occupied with a fun amusement or a treat. The kid, in the →

Define a job-seekers reservation wage and its relevance to the expectations-augmented phillips curve

Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve by + Jobseekers Reservation Wage and Phillips Curve Unemployed individuals seeking jobs usually have wage expectations relative to the existing wage rate in the labor market and play a significant role in determining whether they will accept a job offer. Hence, the job search models indicate that optimal →

Advanced pricing techniques

Law of Demand and Supply or the graph shows that as the quantity of pounds rises in circulation the demand decreases leading to a decrease in price. 2.at the price of $2 for 1 in the figure above: B.the quantity of pounds supplied equals the quantity demanded. B.it is the equilibrium point 3. Other →

How to write a movie review

Whether he has succeeded in this new genre or not, it will remain to be seen in this movie review of his latest release The Greatest Showman. Second Paragraph: Take Care of Business The Movie ' The Greatest Showman' is a film which genre is a musical nature and was released in late 2017, →

Hangover movie review

But, in fact, when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning, they cannot remember a thing. For some reason, they find a tiger in the bathroom, and a six-month-old baby in the closet of their suite at Caesars Palace. The movie had a few featured artists in this film, such as Kanye West, The →

Revenue case study sample

The purchase and consumption of luxury products is an individual decision; the price that an individual pays for these products, therefore, should not be subject to government control. The same principle should be applied within the government's human resource policy; a person whose role is to make decisions regarding prices in the hospitality industry should →


It sounds interesting but in real life it is hard to act like that. And it is worth to be enjoyed and it would be shame not to enjoy your life because of people, who do not understand you.

Habitat conservation plan

To overcome these problems a conservation plan is required to protect the habitat and species, because by protecting habitats, wildlife is protected and prevented from becoming extinct. Habitat conservation plans work for the betterment of endangered species. The Scientific Foundations of Habitat Conservation Plans: a Quantitative Assessment.

The analysis of a short story “a rose for emily” by william faulkner

In " A Rose for Emily" the narrator talks about a woman who has a mental illness that is labeled idiosyncratic this illness caused her to suffer and struggle immensely with her instability and with evolving in what happens to be the world around her. Emily was sheltered by her father, he kept her →

The verbal irony in othello by shakespeare

Irony is also used to add suspense and at the same time to make the reader wonder what is going to happen next." Verbal irony is a contrast between what a character says and what he clearly means. " These techniques Shakespeare uses in his tragedy Othello to show the reader the intended effect of actions, →

Interaction: environment and organism

Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear onEarth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the →

The role of internal audit in prevention of fraud in nigeria banks essay sample

It objectively examines, evaluates and reports on the adequacy of internal control as a contribution to the proper economic, efficient and effective use of resources" Mill champ The internal audit is the function responsible for the independent examination and assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control of banks, including the evaluation of →

Good example of research paper on marijuana in modern america

The variation reflects the varying viewpoints and perspectives of the American people concerning the past, present, and future of marijuana in the United States. The Marijuana Policy Project is an organization that supports the decriminalization of Cannabis and monitors all of the different initiatives being promoted in a number of states.

Globalization and its emerging position in the modern society

Effective organizational leadership helps to exploit the competencies of the workforce for improved performance outcome. They are able to motivate the workforce by inculcating confidence and a strong sense of achievement that provides the impetus for higher goals leading to personal and professional success.

Technical analysis question bank

An important use of a trend line is to identify a price target for the extent of the price movement provide a signal of a reversal in trend 72. A continuation pattern is all of the above 75.

Journalistic interview paper

The high of being a part time is that one brings a real life experience to the classroom while the low side is that some students will complain that the part time lecture is not effective in the classroom. It is important for the journalist to have basic knowledge about the interviewee and the topic →

Frankenstein and rur

I believe it's necessary for people to be educated about the topic of sports; and particularly football, because due to globalisation, this very sport managed to bond so many different people together. My objectives in this research to leave the reader with decent exposure to the history of football development in Malaysia and South Korea →

Sample essay on ottoman history

The level of literacy in Ottoman Empire rose due to the presence of Christian, Jewish, primary and secondary schools.. The new fashion embraced in this empire was similar to that of the Indians.

The lottery

The story is about a small village that seems normal with a positive attitude to life and everything in it but in the end Jackson portrays how humans can be evil by writing about a women who is loved by everyone in the village and has many close friends and family within the village but →

Students who need help with writing assignment essay sample

If you do not want to lose a job, and you need someone to do my assignment, do not panic. Companies that specialize in assignments that require varying complexity can help to solve this problem. What will you get if you order academic writing tasks in our company? If you are faced with the problem →

The greek mythological characters prometheus, pandora and icarus essay sample

However the hubris and hamartia caused by these mythological characters helps us realize that the same flaws can be applicable to the internet today. Prometheus is one of the most important titans in Greek mythology as he was able to surpass the rest with his cunning and deceit. 2 Thereby implying that knowledge gained from →

The effects of training and development on employee performance in the banking sector research proposal sample

This is the reason it has turned out to be essential to carry out this research study so as to get a better understanding of the effects of training and development on employee performance in the banking sector UK.as a case study. Statement of ProblemTraining and Development is considered to be a core issues factor →

Physics research paper example

The problem arises due to the vast amount of greenhouse gases emitted due to human sources which is severely altering the climatic conditions on earth. The balance of the Earth's temperature can only be maintained when the amount of energy sent from the Sun should e same as the energy radiated back. The data is →

Character developments: in cold blood

Such as Dick's sexual interests in younger girls, " He was sorry he felt as he did about her, for his sexual interest in female children was a failing of which he was ' sincerely ashamed.'" Or when Capote quotes Perry about the murder of Mr. In the story it seems as though the reader →

Collapse of oil prices

Collapse of Oil Prices An article posted on the Wall Street Journal on 14th of May, reflects on the IMF outlook regarding the collapse of the world's oil prices. However, in the second phase, the oil prices for the crude oil dropped further to $ 50 and IMF suggests that a decrease in the oil →

Government spending and taxation, lessons from the great depression and the economics of social security

The Great Depression Government Spending and Taxation: Lessons from the Great Depression and the Economics of Social Security The role of government is quite important during economic downturn. The New Deal is considered to be the defining moment during the Great Depression of 1930s and the government spending is viewed as the major step →

The effect of trade unions on causing labour market failure today essay sample

However as the market changes, this cause of LMF is losing significance. As the market forces of supply and demand settle on a wage rate of W1, the presense of a union increasing the rate to W2 will cause LMF by causing employment to drop from L1 to L3 This is despite their being →

Globalisation and the nation-state

With these opportunities and with many of the other opportunities surroundingglobalizationeconomics now look at the economy on a lobar scale as opposed to a national scale which has led to conflicting perspectives on the use of the nation-state. As early as 1969 economics such as Charles Kinderg rtner sparked the perspective that " →

Race and color prejudice in othello literature review

Hamartia is the fatal flaw that the hero makes that leads to his downfall; Othello makes this mistake in believing Iago's suspicions that Desdemona has cheated on him with Cassio, leading Othello to strangle Desdemona to death and give in to his more primal instincts. Race plays an important part in Othello's character; however, that →

Manage a child’s behaviour

Child A came to me crying and told me that Child B would not let her play with the trains, I went to find to find child B at the trains table and asked him if he said Child A could not play with the trains. The teacher conversed with the children to try and →

Economic effects of the easy money concept

Easy Money: Too Much of a Good Thing The nation's top selling newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, is the starting point of America's business. The journal releases the most recent updates in the political and business arena.

Different portrayals of women in charles dickens’ “great expectations” essay sample

The audience can see that Estella, realising her vixenish qualities, has repented, and might eventually achieve the virtuous ideal. Miss Havisham, with her single-minded pursue of revenge against men, her selfishness and cruelty as she raises Estella to hurt others as she was hurt herself, is definitely not a likeable character. Her qualities, even →

Main points of the thin red line movie

Despite their diverse backgrounds, the soldiers form a tight-knit group as they face the war horrors on the island. The movie is a fictional depiction of the Battle of Mount Austen, part of a string of battles fought on the South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. Unlike in the movie, where the Americans are attempting to →

Argumentative sports article example essay

After reading the articles in Scope magazine on keeping or kicking sports out of school, Vive decided that we need to believe that _ Kicking sports out of schools is a good decision because _graduation rates, money_, and ND Para Body For many years now we have heard that our schools are falling behind other →

Current market conditions competitive analysis_365

A marketing analysis is needed to analyze the profitability of this new product. Factors that affect demand supply In introducing the Cola-Krazy, it is important to consider factors that affect demand and supply for beverages that eventually affect the new product. According to the study of econPort there are at least six factors that →


MACROECONOMICS Article Topic: High Public Debt, Stagnation, Deflation and Unemployment: Policy Errors and a Way Forward Richard Wood Link: http://www.economonitor.com/blog/2014/08/high-public-debt-stagnation-deflation-and-unemployment-policy-errors-and-a-way-forward/ Article summary The article reviews the monetary as well as the fiscal policies that were adopted by the United States, Japan and the Eurozone during the global financial crisis and the years after. →

Human resource management models

Within Macquarie Bank, various models can contribute to the achievement of the banks' objectives. We will examine three models which include theHarvardmodel, Michigan model and model for world class HRM systems.1.a) Harvard Model of HRM It is also called the soft model of HRM or Harvard Map of HRM. This means that Human Resource practices →

Money and banking

Although South Africa's Central Bank has similar economic policy making roles to the country like the US Federal Reserve, they differ in some ways. The governor has final say in South African's central Bank decision but in the US Federal Reserve such decisions are discussed collectively by the Board of Governors who oversees the entire →

Fahrenheit 451 critical essay

It is interesting that the radios are called Seashells for seashells mimic the sound of the ocean just as the listeners of the radios mimic the information of the ocean of sound. People become nothing more than seashells that echo back the same bogus facts as truth without question. However, the best →


Prostate cancer is regarded as one of the top ten causes of death in the US. At a later age of 45, the risk for prostate cancer begins to rise substantially.

Ethical communication essay sample

I thought that by doing this for our nurse we would be helping her out and in the future she could help us out. I come to realize that this incident was unethical of me by an audience for not standing up for myself and the safety of the resident even though I did not →

Badminton – observation, analysis and evaluation of strengths essay sample

The low serve is my strongest point in the service, this is mainly because my shot positioning is at quite a high standard definitely higher than that of Owen , this is due to me having good feet positioning allot of balance and my hand eye co-ordination is at a high standard this giving →

What caused helen keller to be deaf and blind

From the day she lost her sight and hearing to the day she died, Helen continued to be a hero to not only disabled people, but to everyone else. She has inspired many people, because she did not let her disabilities get in her way, she wrote 12 different books and was still able to →

The united states department of energy: climate change

However, DOE plans to reduce global warming gases based on the agency's initiative to partner with volunteers, and the strategies formed to deal with the ecological problem. Plans such as these can be a good alternative to the Kyoto Protocol because they share the same goal to reduce GHG emissions. One suggestion that I can →

The merchant of venice critique essay

Valencic: In exploring " The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare while trying to classify it, as it is a troublesome play to classify in the usual Shakespearean categories of comedy, history or tragedy, I came to the conclusion that the ultimate view of this drama is neither simply a comedy or a tragedy, but →

Facebook puts other companies underneath its wings

They worked together such as a great talent team until the website was expanded to many schools. In my point of view, Facebook made a difference in thesocial mediaworld by making the website so attractive to the users, right now Facebook has over than one billion active users, in addition, Facebook has →

Cultural context in scarlet letter and chronicles of a death foretold

He represents puritans as evil and harsh, because that is how he spent his whole life viewing them. The context of how he grew up influenced him and led to his creation of the Scarlet Letter and how he developed the characters in it. In the first chapter of the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses grim →

Case-in-point analysis

Hurricane Katrina of Institute Hurricane Katrina Introduction In 2005, one of the deadliest and devastating hurricanes hit the American Gulf Coast causing immeasurable damage to the New Orleans city and the surrounding coastal cities. Due to the growth of the city, individuals settled on the delta wetlands which had been drained and filled in.these wetlands →

Climate change on the population of checkerspot butterflies

The purpose of the study was to research the effect of climate change on the population of two species of checkerspot butterflies. The hypothesis was that the changes in climate will affect the population of two species of Euphydryas editha bayensis.

Importance of setting communication goals

The paper " Importance of Setting Communication Goals" is a wonderful example of an essay on journalism and communication. Communication is an important process of providing data and sharing information that is achieved by various means that may include written, visual, or electronic. As a leader in a company, one is required to put the →

Affect of oil on our economy

The cost of oil, permits issued and the numbers of rigs operating in Texas are in the decrease and this means the jobs of many people are in stake. It is expected that 50, 000 upstream jobs will be lost in the Texas as the contraction of oil industry continues, plus additional 250, 000 more →

Positives and negatives

My another weakness is that in some cases, I tend to underestimate myself which is one of my biggest weakness I believe so far. Although I have my strengths and weakness, there are some strengths I believe I would like to polish and some weaknesses I would like to improve. These are →

The outcomes of jealousy and hatred in shakespeare’s othello

At the beginning of the book, Othello has recently married Desdemona, and at the same time he appoints Cassio as a lieutenant and because of this Iago is enraged. However, even though Iago succeeds in manipulating Othello, he is purely bad because of the actions he committed towards Desdemona. Othello is upset with Desdemona after →