Complete Essay Samples on Poetry

The aim of this paper is to investigate the transformation

Thorsley, an influential researcher of Romanticism, gives the following account of the Byronic Hero:'...the Byronic Hero is the one protagonist who in stature and in temperament best represents the [heroic] tradition in England.' The image of the Byronic Hero is surprisingly controversial. The notion of hamartia is intrinsically linked to the early development of the →

Tears, idle tears

The speaker sings of the baseless and inexplicable tears that rise in his heart and pour forth from his eyes when he looks out on the fields in autumn and thinks of the past. It is as fresh as the first beam of sunlight that sparkles on the sail of a boat bringing the dead →

Techniques of poetry appreciation

Techniques of AppreciatingPoetryWhat is poetry? * Poetry is the creativity of a person's imagination.* It is nothing but rhythmical, imaginative language expressing the invention, taste, thought, passion, and insight of the human soul.* Like any other literary work, poetry needs to be understood to be appreciated.* The writer writes for a reason.* The purpose may →

Cheng’s the planners and atwood’s the city planners

He shows the nonstop continuing of the building by repetition of " They build" in the first stanza. He emphasizes it by separating the first two " They build" with the last one by an enjambment, which creates an impression of the relentlessness of building and how unstoppable it is.

Definition of lyric poetry

Poetryconsists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode, that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The many limericks that people have read and heard over the years are a form of nonsense poetry.

Minimalist poetry analysis

Aram Saroyan, a leading minimalist poet in the 1960s, shows many aspects of the specific use of language of poetry in his complete collection. Aram Saroyan exhibits an exemplary use of the language to express thoughts in few, sometimes single, words, but his works tend to have a personal touch that excludes the reader from →

Is it truly difficult for any author to be purely objective?

I think that it is truly difficult for any author to be purely objective because the very act of writing about something already indicates a choice of topic and consequently a choice of message to share to the readers. In terms of forms, it is easier to grasp the author's message in non-fiction as these →

War photographer essay sample

To conclude, " War Photographer" by Carol Ann Duffy is a thought provoking poem which makes us question the morality of taking photographs at war. The poet uses many literally techniques such as word choice, imagery, and tone to make us feel pity towards the photographer and the victims of war.

Soto’s poetry – academy of american poets

His works are reflections of his childhood and what his personal experience was like growing up as a Hispanic and the hardships he faced. He wrote to give incite to his own life and express the life of Hispanics in poverty.

Poetic analysis of ben jonson essay sample

He had a down to earth way of reaching the soul of a man and exposing hypocrisies of life. He used the standards and morals of the time to poke fun at man and his insecurities with short lyrical poetry.

”presents from my aunts in pakistan” and ”an unknown girl” by moniza alvi essay sample

In both poems ' Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan' and ' An Unknown Girl' by Moniza Alvi, contrasts in cultures are heightened by the perspectives of the respective characters in the poems. This conflict in cultures can be seen in ' Presents from my Aunt in Pakistan', when the girl's salwar kameez " did →

Reviewer in humanities essay sample

He studied at the Manila High School, and obtained his bachelor of arts from the University of the Philippines in 1918, and his master of arts from Columbia University in 1921 Bienvenido L. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works.

Crossing brooklyn ferry

In the second section, the men and women on the ferryboat become the eternal " impalpable sustenance" of the poet. He thinks again about all the people of the future who will enter the gates of the ferry and cross from shore to shore".

“love song, with two goldfish” by grace chua essay sample

The poem consists of five paragraphs, each of which is in brackets, which constantly reminds the reader of the fact that the two goldfish are in a small confined space. The very first paragraph of the poem establishes the attraction the male fish feels towards the female fish through words like " always floating around →

comparative commentary on “salome” and “medusa” essay sample

With the help of the religious story of Salome and John the Baptist, the audience can easily understand that she had killed the man however she acts reckless and does not care about the fact that she is a murderer, which indicates the power of women. In the first stanza of the poem there is →

Comparing literature poems

" HAVISHAM" In the poem " Havisham", Carol Ann Duffy presents the subject of this poem as an old, embittered woman with " ropes on the back of her hands", while Browning presents the subject of his poem as a strong and determined but very jealous and embittered young woman. The poem is written in →

Poetry appreciation fire the sun

An overwhelming impression of the lack of power of the woman is felt reading through the poem- she has theresponsibilityof a wife, a worker and mother and it is not in her strength to alter anything in the life that has been set for her. There is a strong image of death in this stanza →

“seduction” by eileen mcauley essay sample

In another stanza the poet again implies that the girl is not as innocent as she seems as she went to " day trips to Blackpool, jumping all the rides". The reader gets this perception from the very beginning, starting with how the boy is shown- his purpose in the story is simply to seduce →

An analysis of the poem “still i rise” essay sample

Angelou states, " You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, I will rise" " This is a such a beautiful stanza because it is talking about all of the derogatory, inhumane, and degrading things that have been stereotyped, →

War poetry wilfred owen

But they still have a long way to go before they are safe, they are still within the range of artillery. The soldiers' reaction to this attack is described as " an ecstasy of fumbling", which is a great way of describing what is happening, the men are trying desperately to get out their gas →

Emily dickinson’s “because i could not stop for death” and robert frost’s “stopping by woods on a snowy night”

The first three stanzas do not clarify the poem is about death but the last stanza does." But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." Miles to go before I sleep means that the miles is how long the speaker has left to live before the final sleep of death. →

Theme for english b

The fact that he only hears Harlem implies that he has lost touch with the feeling and visual context of the African Americanculturedue to the integration of schools. This point is emphasized by the speaker's epiphany that his paper will be a part of the instructor as he explains, " You are white yet a →

The fisherman

He opens the poem using a first person narrative, mixed with a simple monosyllabic dialogue " Although can see him till", in order to emphasis the simplistic nature of the fisherman, and Yeats adds to this effect by using a very regular rhyming pattern, and enjambment of the line in order to add a harmony →

Words: the poet’s tools to life

The final line of the first stanza continues to play with the dramatic irony of the poem: " So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep, " implies that the speaker simply accepts his duty as a chimney sweeper in a matter-of-fact tone, by the use of the word " so" at the →

Dover beach

Midway through the stanza, the speaker invites his love to ' come to the window' and listen to the grating roar of the pebbles. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Oct.2012.Web.

Isc english for 11 and 12 std

In " Church Going", the poet expresses the same disrespectfulness towards church as " In Westminster Abbey." The Church, also known as the house of God, is seen by the poet as a current building and all being alike, " another church: matting, seats, and stone." some brass and stuff" which gives the reader a →

Good example of essay on prospectus

In the concluding chapter of Literature of Satire, Knight discusses the basic principles of satire, describing it as a conflicts between " words, ideas and actuality.[operating] as both object and vehicle of scrutiny". To that end, A Modest Proposal is said to be a satire against that maxim that ' people are the riches of →

Sylvia plath

From the very beginning of Sylvia Plath's career as a teenage poet dreaming of publication in Seventeen Magazine while publishing and winning poetry prizes in small literary journals, the combination of mathematical precision in diction and prosody combined with passionate, of emotionally volatile, themes and images characterize the best and most renowned of her poems. →


The poem is divided into two sections: the first three deal with the memories of his father working on the farm and second three deal with the poet himself. The end of the poem shows complete role of reversal between Heaney and his father.

‘dedication’ and ‘epilogue ii’ from requiem by anna akhmatova essay sample

' Dedication' and ' Epilogue II' are poems reflective of the suffering and changes the Russian people have known under Yezhov terror.' Dedication' focuses on the emotional and psychological impact of the Yezhov terror on human beings, which Akhmatova also feels from a mother's view.' Epilogue II' is Akhmatova's response towards all the tragedies she →

How rossetti narrates the story of cousin kate

Personally I believe this poem presents Rossetti with a stage where she can speak of her resentment at the power men have and the weaknesses and few liberties that women have in the Victorian period; as in the end she takes sympathy for Cousin Kate who appears to have everything, because she must live under →

Speech on sylvia plath and “poppies in july” essay sample

Poppies in July" was written after and inspired by the heartbreak of the infidelity of her husband. She is in denial of the situation around her, and people with depression suffer the same feeling of trying to push the pain away.

Ode to the west wind

Shelley's Ode to the West Wind, is a poem which allegorizes the role of the poet as the voice of change and revolution. The poet uses the epithet ' wild' for the West Wind to refer to the untamable, swift, proud, fierce and impetuous spirit of the West Wind.

What is an educated filipino? essay sample

Dramatic Action In simple terms, action is the process of doing something or the performance itself. The series of events that constitute the plot in any literary work is referred to as action it includes what the characters say, do, think and in some cases, fail to do.

The bait – poem analysis essay sample

In the first line of the second stanza, the speaker refers to the river as " whisp'ring", giving the river human-like characteristics and causing the reader to image the pleasant sound of its quiet lull as it is warmed by the eyes of the woman. This adds to the foreboding tone of the third stanza, →

Applied english 11 lesson 2

Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter of sound at the beginning of two or more words in a line of poetry. An example of alliteration that can be found in the poem is a.

The poetry of janet frame essay sample

Frame writes: " There's a tree that's going to be cut down any day And does not know it" Throughout the poem Frame uses the technique of personification to emphasise the energy and vitality of the tree. In To the Is-Land she writes about how others did not accept her and found for her " →

Nominating derek mahon for an award

Mahon is a creative and innovative poet who is true to his Irish heritage yet has the skill to broaden his poetry from our shores to a worldwide experience that everyone can related to. He expresses true dedication and devotion throughout his poetry, We get a complex insight to not only him but to the →

20th centaury poetry assignment – welsh poetry comparison

The time of the song is important, because in the video to this song we see people walking back, and the Stereophonics are the only people walking forward this suggesting that Cwmaman is a place where there is no opportunities, and only the Sterephonics are making something out of a bad situation. The theme routine, →

Poems themes: love

The first one, " A Red, Red Rose", shows strong everlasting love, the second, " The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" shows the things that love could offer to everyone, and last but not least, " Come, My Celia" which shows to live in the moment of love and cherish it no matter how long →

Analyse the poetry of thomas hardy essay sample

Despite the fact that the poem describes the wonder and joy that the poet feels for his new love, the poem is devoid of any specific details about the narrators beloved, their initial meeting or the nature of their relationship. There is a sense of reluctance rather than anticipation at the beginning of the poem →

Beyond denotations: the language in poetry

It draws power from both the writings of the poet and the intellect and imagination of the reader, storing many layers of meaning in ordinary words. The main difference between denotations and connotations is that the former is defined by the context of the poem, and the latter can bring context into the poem.

The woman who shopped

The poem is potentially ' an indictment of western consumerism and our addiction to shopping' Duffy's strategic structuring of her poem is able to inform women of the dangers of consumerism and how it can transform you into an image of feminine stereotype. Thus Duffy is successful in presenting the dangers of addiction and how →

An analysis of sonnet 116 by william shakespeare essay sample

The sonnet ' Let me not to the marriage of true minds' of William Shakespeare describes the meaning of eternal love, that its not altered by external influences as well as time. The Speaker of this sonnet is man that is deeply inloved that finds the true meaning of marriage that love is eternal and →

The love song of j. alfred prufrock and preludes essay sample

Eliot explores the severe experiences of Prufrock in order to induce the reader to consider the deeper feelings of the character. In his poem, Eliot encourages the reader to investigate the problems of society through various literary devices.

Poetry analysis of going blind by rainer maria wilke

Leading up to that, the observer viewed the girl almost as weak and incapable, left of out the evenings events. Going Blind is written in a loose rhyme scheme that contributes to the relatable yet mysterious tone of the poem.


The poet starts the poem with a sentence that is very direct and describes his feelings from the beginning which is " I know what the caged bird feels, alas", the word alas is an expression of the grief and sadness the poet is going through." When the sun is bright on the upland slopes, →

‘nothings changed’ by tatumkhulu afrika and ‘charlotte o’neil’s song’ by fiona farrell

However it could also be suggested that 'Nothings Changed' is also protesting about racism.'Nothings Changed' tell us of the poverty and struggle of the black people versus the distinguished lives of the whites.'Charlotte O'Neil's song' shows a young girl servant who suffers inequality at the hands of her rich employer. In the third verse of →

How do the poets portray the nature of love in relationships

In line nine he gives the first compliment " I love to hear her speak" however then admitting follows he would rather listen to music " That music hath a far more pleasing sound" In the last two lines of Sonnet 130 they end with a rhyming couplet. This is also a change in the →

Analyse of “the darkling thrush”

The change of wording suggests a shift in the tone of the poem. The figure of the " weakening eye" symbolizes the ending of the day along with the ending of the century.

How culture influences literature essay sample

The two main factors involving technology that changed the ways of literature were the printing press and the new paper content. The Renaissance broke this tradition however, by giving rebirth to literature, and allowing the writers to express themselves with new styles of writing. The Renaissance moved away from the religious writings and focused →

Compare & contrast: poe’s annabel lee and yeats’ cloths of heaven

William Butler Yeats' poem " He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" was written in 1899 and is about a man who compares the essence of the heavens with the makings of his love for a woman. While the genders of the narrator and the love are not specifically detailed, the poem was written with →

Comparing the parent/child relationship on my first sonne and mother

We know that the child is speaking to the Mother rather than about her because he directly addressed her at the start of the poem. We get an image of the two of them working together, and although he refers to her helping to take measurements around the new house, there is deeper meaning to →

Benjamin zephaniah and wb yeats essay sample

It also sounds natural because it's the way he speaks. However the poem by WB Yeats- ' An Irishman Foresees his death' is a poem in the memory of one of his friends, a pilot who he admired, when reading this poem it's almost like WB Yeats is the pilot and he's writing about →

John foulcher- harry wood summary essay sample

In my opinion this poem is a poem of a young aussie man who was born poor and wanted better for his family in the future, he wanted his grand kids to be wealthy and not fight for survival day by day as he did. From the beginning up until Stanza 4 the poem →

“there is a garden in her face” by thomas campion essay sample

But the woman cannot be as perfect and as beautiful as the speaker makes her out to be so it gives it a sense of falseness and makes the reader think that he is just dreaming of this woman. In There is a Garden in Her Face, the subject of the speaker's affection is →

“ah, are you digging on my grave?”

The identity of this figure, the " digger" of the woman's grave is unknown through the first half of the poem. The dead are almost completely eliminated from the memory of the living and do not enjoy any form of contentment This somber outlook is typical of Hardy's verse, which often presented a skeptical and →

”birches” by robert frost – a poetic analaysis essay sample

Frost utilizes the use of various literary devices, such as personification, symbolism, alliteration, and metaphors to describe to the audience the difficulties life throws at us, and how one can persevere with the aid of innocent images found in many of our childhood memories within our souls. The first attempt to evoke our sense →

Egyptian love poetry

The pain felt when left in the absence of a loved one, the subject of the lyrical poetry found in the Papyrus Chester Beatty I. The significance of this lies in both the content of the words and in the time that this was written.

A close reading of ‘daffodils’ by william wordsworth

In my essay I am going to explore and analyse the variety of figurative devices Wordsworth uses to communicate this idea, and the poetic motives behind his writing.' Daffodils' is essentially a lyric poem which is expressive of the feelings of joy the poet encounters when seeing the multitude of daffodils. In the preface to →

Poetry compare and contrast essay

After inquiring the usage of the poetic devices in Langston Hughes' " Mother to Son" and Tupac Shakur's " The Rose That Grew From Concrete" it affirms that Hughes sets a greater impact on how you can not allow life's obstacles to hold you back and to always exceed your limits. The use of literary →

Young” and “the bean eaters” analysis

For instance, " The Bean Eaters" and " Young" both have an example of hyperbole since in Young says " a million of leaves sailed on there strange stalks" and in The Bean Eaters it states that there was " crumbs, receipts, etc'" covering every corner of the old couples single bedroom. An hyperbole is →

Medusa by carol ann duffy

She also uses onomatopoeia " hissed" reason for this is to contact with the audience make the reader feel as they are in the poem. The poet also uses rhetorical questions during poem, for example " Are you terrified? " which she answers it in the following line.

“this is a photograph of me” by margaret atwood essay sample

" This Is a Photograph of Me" by Margaret Atwood Essay Sample In the poem " This Is a Photograph of Me", Margaret Atwood attempts to depict the parallels between a picture slowly developing and the narrators realization of her death. The elements of the picture begin to emerge reflecting the narrator's awareness →

Edward taylor essay sample

In contrast to the fly, the wasp is a symbol of a sinner that is a chosen elect from God to be saved. Taylor is telling God that he wants to be chosen to join God and be one of the elect.

Linda pastan essay sample

At college, Linda Pastan won the Mademoiselle college poetry contest and some of her poems were published in school literary magazines. When she got marriage, Linda Paston devoted herself to her family and husband, and published her first collection only at the age of 39. Her recent collection of poetry " The Last Uncle: →

Learn traditional poetry essay sample

Free Verse poetry which does not require meter or a rhyme scheme. Haiku type of Japanese poetry which presents a picture of nature. Lines 1, 2, and 5 of a Limerick have seven to ten syllables and rhyme with one another.

I, icarus by alden nowlan

Ignoring his father's caution, Icarus attempted to reach the sun, which resulted the wax to melt and cost him his own life. Through the title's allusion and Nowlan's act of putting " I" in front of the name " Icarus", readers get some hints that this poem might be another story of →

William cullen bryant

Opposing eighteenth-century poetic conventions and using experimental iam bic rhythms, Bryant's poetry usually meditates on nature and the transience of earthly things. Although its themes were few and its thought not profound, Bryant's verse possessed a simple dignity and an impeccable restrained style, most notably in " Thanatopsis" and " To a Waterfowl" →

Modernity in kiray-a poetry

Abstract The Modernity in Kinaray-aPoetry A study of 15 Contemporary Kinaray-a poems using the concept of Modernity is written to analyze the poems in Kinaray-a using the concept of Modernity. Objectives of the study This study aims to: 1.gather 15 Contemporary Kinaray-a poems and; 2.examine the discourses →

Critical appreciation of kubla khan

The second part of the poem is filled with longing and a strong want to be in Xanadu, but Coleridge is unable to capture the experience again. Kubla Khan has built a pleasure dome and Coleridge is trying to use language to recreate the perfection of his dream with words.

Valentine by carol ann duffy

But it also means that it's hidden under a layer of some thing that it would not shine, unless you take the trouble to discover it your self. If love is perfect, it will only be a dream, it is never realistic. It tells the person how she thinks about love.

The life, times, and poetry of federico garcia lorca

Lorca rooted much of his poetry in a dreamlike state which was retained in Poet in New York. A loss of innocence was experienced in most poems penned by Lorca during this time and specifically in Poet in New York. Lorca also had an obsession with death, which is apparent in most →


In the poem, the poet uses difference devices such as quatrain, common meter , and perhaps it is written in strict iambic meter with lines vary in length and in the number of feet. The poet uses imagery, andsymbolism to express emotion and picture a traveler who has to take the road " uphill", and →

Blessed demozel as alove poem

The poem The Blessed Damozel is one of Rossetti's most famous poems.." The Blessed Damozel" is a beautiful Poem of how two lovers are separated by the death of the Damozel and how she wishes to enter paradise, but only if she can do so in the company of her beloved. Perhaps the central theme →

As i walked on evening analysis

Time is personified through the poem in many of the stanzas; time is often referred to as ' his'. The capitalisation of words such as ' Time' and ' Justice' are treated as names, therefore personifying the concepts in the line " And time will have his fancy" this line also shows →

Imagery in mccrae’s ”in flanders fields” and kipling’s ”for all we have and are” essay sample

McCrae's " In Flanders Fields" is more famous than Kipling's " For All We Have and Are", because McCrae's imagery is a pure euphemism for the " ugly truth". The pastoral beginning of the first stanza of " In Flanders Fields" introduces the reader to a poem which lives of its colorful imagery. That →

Review of the poem “inventory of year” by conchitina cruz

It is interesting to see the author take this creative liberty as there is an irony to it since footnotes are often glossed over or play second fiddle to the main body of the text, but because most of the page is blank the poem now takes center stage. Interestingly enough there is a section →

Farewell to false love analysis

This metaphor is also seen in the poet's comparison of love to " a gilded hook that holds a poisoned bait." Love is shiny and it makes you want to take a bite, but in the end the bait you take is all poison. The poet also says that love is a quenchless fire, and →

Importance of poetry

We all like to, at least once in a while, to hear or read a piece of poetry, it makes us get identifies with romantic poets and admire their inspiration to create verses and transmit them to the people. In the novel or a simple story, something always has to be told, and in order →

Comparaison between mcmxiv & anthem for doomed youth

The poet asks the questions but already has the answers and responds to it very precisely in a very negative way: ' no', ' nor', ' not' are used at the beginning of a line following the question. The repetition of the ' no', ' nor', ' not' is also a strong sign: there is →

Sister maude

Sister maude is about two sisters who do not really get along very well, also this poet is ambigious becase the poem is unclear the reader does not now how the my dear died or the parents and the my shame, also this poem is written in by christina Rossetti. In Sister Maude →

Strawberries – critical essay

The writer also uses very clever word choice to enhance the reader's understanding of the situation: " With the two forks crossed." This hints to the reader that the poem is in fact about two men. This lets the reader know difficult it must have been for someone not being allowed to express their love →

Essay about poetry

This poem had a lot of alliteration the roots ere and re were repeated very often, and the only roots used in the poem. This is cleverly placed to bring the attention of the reader o the conclusion.

Leper’s poetry

Given that he could not see anything because of the sun in his eyes he describes the situation through the shapes he could see of their bodies. By using this simile to describe how the image of the silhouettes of two boys appeared in contrast of the sun, he is trying to convey a sense →

Analysis of the paul celan’s poem “with a variable key”

The metaphor of the drifts of snow symbolizes the words, emotions and ideas that have yet to be written. In the end, this poem leaves one empty, it leaves us with a feeling of possibilities unrealized, of lives cast aside, and of love and appreciation left hanging in the breeze, never to be spoken of →

Examine the use of the dramatic monologue in the poetry of carol ann duffy essay sample

The World's Wife places emphasis on the wife, giving the woman the centre stage and allowing her the chance to speak through the medium of the dramatic monologue. As with all the poems in The World's Wife, the title is a clear giveaway of what the poem is about to entail, and this is no →

Miniver cheevy: couch potato

In conclusion, Robinson's message is very powerful in its depiction of a character who retreats from the current situation and justifies his action with the excuse of circumstance. Robinson has combined imagery, rhyme pattern and consistent characterization to give the poem the central core of its power.

Havisham by carol ann duffy and the laboratory

Conversely in The Laboratory there is an ambiguity of the bitterness within the plot. This again links to bitterness as it reveals the disgust and want of the poet. Nevertheless both poets use a semantic field of violence to show bitterness.

Horror of war in dulce et decorum est

In the first of four stanzas, Owen presents the death-like calm before the storm of the gas attack. We do see it - through the vitality and freshness of Owen's language.

Language and structure in ”little boy crying” essay sample

This symbolizes that the boy is manipulative because it shows the boy is not crying genuinely; he is using his tears to get a response from the father. The word ' soon' shows that the boy thinks that he has done enough to make the father respond, which shows that the boy is manipulating the →


Although a bedcovering may generally be regarded as warm and comforting, the prompt urged students to find other dimensions of meaning: the speaker's identity as shaped and expressed in a family of multiple colors; the power of the past, of imagination and of dreams to create the future; and the links among generations. The colors →

Leda & swan analysis

The structure of the sonnet is Petrarchan, an Italian form of the sonnet that characteristically divides its theme into an octave, in which a problem or emotion is stated, and a sestet, in which the problem or emotional tension is resolved. There is a pun on the word still; the bird's →

Poes lost love, poetry paper

In " Annabel Lee" he writes a happy yet dark poem using the elements of imagery, symbolismand tone to show his permanence of true love. Edgar Allan Poe is the most famous poet in his genre of dark, gruesome mystery." Poe had a difficult upbringing, fraught with illness, loss andpoverty.". Poe wants →