Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Reason’s triumph over emotion in gothic literature

Part of the appeal of the Gothic is to shock the reader with the delineation of ' things beyond reason and explanation...and inexplicable and profound events', and thus it must be concluded that whilst reason is prevalent within these texts, the emergence of emotion and human relationships is equally, if not more, crucial to the β†’

Analysis of a jury of her peers

From Glaspell's account of the murder case on how the women concealed evidence to abort trial, it is imperative to redefine peers as applicable in the case. It is clear that the trial of Mrs.

Pick one of three that i give you

Number Censorship in China The article's main claim is that the aspect of self-deception in the Chinese government's effort to regulate information stringently always invited scornful skepticism in the past. Proof of this claim in the article is the writer's reference to the removal of statistics by American organizations regarding the extreme levels of smog β†’

Character personalities from the novel little scarlet

The character personality of Ezekiel " Easy" Rawlins is the best illustration of how effectively the novelist deals with his characters and presents them to the expectation of the readers. In short, the characterization and the presentation of powerful character personalities contribute chiefly to the world-wide recognition of the novel and the novelist.

The hobbit comparative writing

The hobbit The Hobbit is a fantasy book ed by Tolkein J.R. In the book he is portrayed as haughty and officious character who refers to his home as " poor lodging in exile".

Representation of the future life progression in the novels a raisin in the sun and new year

While the play talks about old and new beliefs; and the poem talks about old and new traditions, both are conveying the same message that the world will move on and new ideas will come, but the past and its ideas will remain unforgotten! Another quote from the poem, " The new year arrives, deaf, β†’

Diary of lady murasaki – the autobiography of the authoress shikibu murasaki

" The Diary of Lady Murasaki" is the autobiography of the life of the ess Shikibu Murasaki, the of the Tale of Genji. The time frame of autumn of 1008 when Empress Akiko was preparing to produce the New Year's festivities of the year 1010 is captured in the enlightened pages of this collection of β†’

The comparison of dickinson and feinstein content

Dickinson's " Success is Counted Sweetest" is very poignant because it did not spoke of hope but of an unknown such as what success would mean to a failure or a victory to a fallen solder. Dickinson's " Success is Counted Sweetest" is very virile in its topic as it spoke of endeavor and a β†’


For example, such gods as Cronus, Zeus, Hermes and Prometheus can be regarded as some of the major tricksters in the Greek mythology. Prometheus can also be seen as a trickster as he wanted to deceive Zeus during the discussion of the sacrifice and the parts people should give to Gods.

Discussion question

Discussion Question of Learning Discussion Question The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a story of the life of the protagonist whose name is Janie Crawford. There is every reason to believe that the difficulties faced by her, including the death of her beloved Tea Cake have allowed her to β†’

Indigenous peoples day vs columbus day

Teacher It should be called Indigenous People's Day The day should instead be called Indigenous People's Day rather day Columbus Day. Celebrating Indigenous People's day is more reminiscent of America's history and therefore has more significance than Columbus Day.

Special occasion speech narrative essay

This is the second time I ever be a bridesmaid, I hope I did the job alright last time and wish I could do better this time, although I know the former couple were still talkingabout mewhen they get divorced, but I am pretty sure that got nothing to do with me or my speech. β†’

Contrast of antagonists in titus andronicus and the merchant of venice

The antagonists are shown as the " other" in the entirety of the pieces, and their distinction from the remainder of the society is accentuated in the progression of the plays. The usage of the outsider and his viewpoint is a substantial subject in both literary art creations.

The cosmos of macbeth

Thesis Statement: The reversing cosmos of Macbeth, within its scope, represents a situation of complete anarchy and ambiguity, to which the explicit and symbolic elements of gender reversal have played a crucial part in enhancing the eternal theme of human activism, aimed at violating the tender bonds of natural existence and human fellowship. Topic Sentence: β†’

Affirmative action in the workplace

In spite of the available legal remedies, discrimination is often under-reported due to reasons such as fear of retaliation, complexities of the legal system, difficulty in supplying the necessary proof, and the psychological and financial costs involved. The opponents argue: AA is no longer needed as we have largely solved the problem of employment discrimination, β†’

Caliban in the tempest

Caliban is often compared to and referred to as a " monster" by other characters, and yet he reveals a very gentle side of himself to the audience. It is fair to assume that Shakespear was using the tale of Caliban and Prospero as a symbol of this very phenomenon that was occurring in his β†’

Old testament essay

From the beginning God sought to have interaction with humanity, this is why He spoke to them this was the beginning of their revelation of who God is". The man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they β†’

Illustrate what it means to be a true friend

It simply means that apart from sharing similar interests which initiated the friendship, in the first place; a true friend remains by one's side especially in times of need and could be trusted with one's life. In the current discourse, one would illustrate what it means to be a true friend and what one believes β†’

Author analysis on gwendolyn brooks

I select the three works that comprise of collections of poetry and a novel for the analysis owing to the author's ability to utilize literary techniques and use her works to provide a functional critique of the American society at her time. In retrospect, Brooks' works have various similarities most of which shows her interest β†’

Educating rita by willy russell

Rita is now at the half way stage in her transformation, and now she is also unable to fit in with her own friends anymore. Rita wants to discard completely her true identity, and the only thing remaining is her insatiable desire to learn, and she is now getting down to it.

Two kinds by amy tan

In the story of Two Kinds, the focus is on the narrator and main character, Jing-mei, as she is being pushed by her mother to become a musical prodigy. While Jing-mei reluctantly obeys her mother's wishes at the onset of things, this causes personal conflict with Jing-mei since she feels that her mother is pushing β†’

Response to an article

On the other hand, the Internet causes interruption to human activities because of the way people use it. On the other hand, the Internet causes interruption to human activities because of the way people use it.

How does hg wells convey the experience of fear in the red room

At the start of the Red Room, the narrator of the story is a quite different man to the one he ends up as. In the use of scientific language, the man is shown by the author to be steadily losing control and being overwhelmed as his use of it decreases.

Adventures of huckleberry finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain is a renowned American novelist, who is known for incorporating humor, realism and good dose of satirical elements in his works, and his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is no exception to that trend. Thus, " Twain reminds us of the lurid and confined nature of society in β†’

Clothes by chitra banerjee divakaruni

Although many aspects of the story are expected and even gratuitous, a particular sentence of the author's analysis near the end of the story stands out as a jolting representing of the reality that grips Mita as a function of the lost dreams and expectations that now explain her life. In such a way, the β†’

Porphyria’s lover and my last duchess study

She tells him how much she loves him and how she has left the " gay feast" at her home, and come to him " through wind and rain" - a symbol for the difficulty in moving from one social class to another, because she could feel his need for her:" A sudden thought of β†’

Analyze jealous husband returns in form of parrot

Butler begins the story with the feelings of love that the husband felt for his wife in his former life; enjoying the sight of her beauty, and the touch of her fingers as she ruffled his feathers. Butler relates similarities in the two lives of the husband, where he is as helpless, where his wife's β†’

Π‘urriculum metaphor

" Juliet is the sun", " Time is the devourer of all things", " Povertyis the sister of beggary", " she is all states and all princes" " Argument is war", like as this literature metaphor in our daily life activities and educational field so many metaphors are used such as: ' Schools are Garden', β†’

Sex and violence in half of a yellow sun by chimamanda ngozi adichie

Throughout the course of the novel there seems to be a breakdown of the romantic association of sex, which distorts and alters it into a form of violence which is used to manipulate and coerce. At the start of the passage, the soldiers obnoxious attitude is seen in the way they greet the bar girl, β†’

The chrysanthemums by john steinbeck

At the same time, Elisa has to live inside the fence as the society assigns the role of a wife and a mother to her. The salesman pretends that he is interested in the flowers just to get the job and receive money from Elisa.

Similarities in cold mountain, the odyssey, and the color purple

Similarities in Cold Mountain, The Odyssey and The Color Purple Cold Mountain and The Odyssey share many aspects of their plot. Cold Mountain and The Odyssey not only share the theme of " The Journey." The main character of each novel, Inman in Cold Mountain and Odysseus in The Odyssey, share many like traits." John β†’

The cassell dictionary of slang

The article is written by Jonathan Green, author of The Cassell Dictionary of Slang, as a result the article offers somewhat of an interesting and informative insight into the topic of slang. The purpose of the article seems to be offering a preview to The Cassell Dictionary of Slang with the intention of increasing awareness β†’

The poem winter by shakespeare

The poem is in the concluding part of Act V of the drama, and it talks about Winter, in contrast to Spring. This aspect is highlighted in the poem, since life goes on, despite very harsh frosty conditions of Winter.

Literature analysis

The speech that made Obama president The United s president Barrack Obama is well known for the power of speech he possesses over the masses. In conclusion, Senator Obama during this speech in 2004 was able to portray the characters of a great speech.

Early 20th century writers

Virginia Woolf spells it out most explicitly when she discusses the idea of the Angel in the House: " She was intensely sympathetic. Parker says this as well, but in a more roundabout fashion as her character speaks to the man she is dancing with as compared to the voice in her head.

Ancient egyptian literature

Ancient Egyptian Literature Introduction In the story of " The Tale of Two Brothers" the aspects of deceit, sexual dominance, and revenge are significant in conveying meaning of the text. In addition, the aspect of the vicious struggle for power between the sexes, which comes out clearly, is useful in illustrating the text's meaning.

Aubade poem

He begin to describe his emotional feelings on paper, thinking about the time that he will be the next one laying in the grave, he is fearing death. Philip begin with all the negatively, what he does every single day and the fear he has inside of him, death.

Impact of cell phones

Significance: Helpful to get clear idea that how mobile phones affect the life of students and the results of this research will be benefited for the students by knowing the reasons of low grades and parents will also get aware that how greatly their children's performance is affected by using mobile phones. According to the β†’

Sophocles’ antigone: play’s tragic characters

Antigone and her three siblings were fathered by Oedipus, the king of Thebes, and a man who was prophesied to marry his own mother. With only her sister and uncle left, Antigone's death was a product of doing what she believed was right for the people that she loved, In " Antigone" by Sophocles, Antigone β†’

Addiction: a concept definition

Definition of Addiction Addiction is the existence of an irrational urge in an individual to commit a certain activity even if such an activity is harmful to the health, mental state or social life of the person. Addiction refers to the recurrent engagement of a person in the use of a substance or in an β†’

Analysis of shall i compare thee to a summer’s day by shakespeare

This is reflected in the opening line of the sonnet that states " Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" In the course of the sonnet the speaker delves on this comparison although at the end there is a conclusion that the beloved is better than the summer's day. The sonnet is dominated by β†’

The time john henry and moses were alive

He was a slave and then was known to be a worker as a steam drill driver on the railroads. Mose was also recognized as a hero and legend from the people of his city.

Accepting the holy ghost

For the larger part of Baptists, Christian absolution is the inundation of an adherent to water for the sake of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a demonstration of submission symbolizing the devotee's confidence in a killed, covered, and risen Savior, the adherent's demise to sin, the entombment of the old β†’

Franz kava’s life – metamorphosis

The " insect" that Gregory could be seen as the failure of a businessman that Kava's father saw in him. Gregory is a failure to his family as Kafka was a failure in the eyes of his father.

Read the book and do the answer below. ( every question should be around 250 words)

Where the unnatural power is of the queen and her court on the natural power of the world where the fairy belongs. This contrast well as the concept of nature's power being undeniable in the similar way the power of beauty of the fairy is captivating and her power is undeniable over the people in β†’

Oscar wilde’s novel the picture of dorian gray

The term "The Picture" is a metaphor for the obligation to rebuild the stability between the ethics aesthetics and refusing to acknowledge the fact that they are both exclusive. The portrait of Dorian Gray which is painted by the painter Basil Hallward is a way to show the idea of the spoiled human and spoiled β†’

Witchcraft: spiritual, physical, and healing experiences

Moreover, not only is blood a source of food for witches, but it is also a means by which witches connect themselves to the spiritual world, as the blood allows for the creation of inalienable and intense connections between the witch and the spirit. For instance, as displayed in the witchcraft film, a male witch β†’

Childhood as a time of complete horror in james barrie’s dystopia peter pan

In James Barrie's dystopia Peter Pan, childhood is portrayed as a time of complete and utter horror because the Darling children are manipulated by those closest to them, because the youth of the Darling children is torn away from them, and because life as the Darling children know it becomes completely deconstructed upon discovering Nerverland. β†’

Jamaica kincaid’s girl – a proper way for women to act in society

A majority of the section of the story is a set of instructions given to the daughter about how the proper way to sew and the proper care of clothing of her family. The author uses " This is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a.the hole for the button"..

The idea of rebirth in dante alighieri’s vita nuova

It is no surprise then that in reading the " Vita Nuova" I find that there is a parallel in the pure, spiritual, and virtuous love Dante feels for Beatrice and the way that divine love of God is discussed in the New Testament. Often, the process of conversion and of falling in love with β†’

The tempest

To Caliban, the source of Prospero's power is in his books. Education is the means to gaining power and in the hands of Prospero it is a potent tool.

Effects of critical thinking on a reader and writer

I merge scientific rules with commonsensical judgment and come up with my own reasons to object to some points and agree with others. I analyze my ideas and compare them to common sense and to scientific reasons and finally come up with statements that fit very well with logic.

Museum paper

One of the most prominent paintings reproduced in the American eighteenth and nineteenth century was Benjamin West. The beauty of this painting is the fact that is portrays the beautiful alliance between British and Indian forces against the colonists.

The tragedy of pudd’nhead wilson

The people at Dawson's Landing thought he was a nutcase and the nickname Pudd'nhead stuck with him. The real Tom was given the inheritance of Judge Driscoll.

Critique of things fall apart by chinua achebe

The novel illustrates the events which occurred in Nigeria during the pre-colonial period of the 1890s. The auxiliary argument shows the rebellion of the Africans towards the British government.

Does kurt vonnegut write like kilgore trout and eliot rosewater

Slaughterhouse-five by Vonnegut is a piece of literature that talks about world war 2 life experiences at the time and one thing that can be said about the piece of literature is that it is a fine piece of work. Looking at the piece of literature, it is written in short and very descriptive sentences β†’

The aenid

When faced with the ultimate distraction, the offer of the love of Dido and the opportunity to settle down and have a home in this prosperous city without any further hardship, Aeneas quickly puts his own wishes aside to continue on his journey at the urging of Jupiter. It seems as though Virgil is trying β†’

Women and buddhism

In marked contrast to the sacerdotal ritualism of the Brahmins, the Buddha offered a path that was open to all. To understand better the complexity of the inclusive spirit with regard to women in Buddhism, it is important to consider its relation to the Buddha's rejection of caste or class distinctions.

In the awakening, edna pontellier is closely associated with two other women who represent opposite extremes of acceptable behavior for women of her social class: madame ratignolle and mademoiselle reisz. discuss how either woman serves as a foil for edn

How Madame Ratignolle Serves as a Foil for Edna and how poorly suited Edna's aspirations are in the Awakening In the Awakening, Edna Pontellier who is a in her late twenties awakens to her identity and sexuality. It is evident that Ratignolle is Edna's foil since she is an epitome of the woman's perceived role β†’

Interesting narrative by olaudah equiano: an olive branch to the white audience

Although I believe his primary motive in writing this piece was to tell the story of his life, the respect he earned from the hard work and dedication that was apparent in this piece allowed for his audience to be more tolerant of his message. Equiano's life was a true struggle, both when living and β†’

How does odysseus progress through his adventures

Although he had lived alongside the sea, Odysseus had never come across the wrath of the god of the sea. In the voyage, he experienced the wrath of the god of the sun.

The nature of man and relationships

In the latter part of the story, Neddy was treated rudely by the Biswangers, those he initially considered as " of lower class", and he comes to realize that his social ranking has deteriorated with the procession of time, and the loss of his wealth." The Swimmer" narrates Neddy Merrill's life, a man in his β†’

The theme of choice in “shooting an elephant” by george orwell

The theme of this story takes place at some time during the five unhappy years the officer spends as a British enforcer of the law in Burma. Nor can he talk to the Burmese because of the " utter silence that is imposed on every Englishman in the East".

Confessions of zeno cosini

After sneaking cigars from his father and failing again and again to quit smoking, Zeno goes to a sanitarium to finally break the habit. The instigator of creating this narrative, he is Zeno's psychotherapist.

Summary of “greasy lake” by t. coraghessan boyle

The main character runs into a corpse, and he is horrified and begins to be sorry about his actions. The corpse was a symbol of what the bad life brought, and he begins to go against his decision to being bad.

A martian sends a postcard home by craig raine

An explication of " A Martian Sends a Postcard Home" by Craig Raine The poem by Craig Raine " A Martian Sends a Postcard Home" is based on how a Martian would perceive the daily life and activities of human if it comes to Earth. The Martian has described human life and behavior in a β†’

M. butterfly is the perfect woman for gallimard

Butterfly Through out this story we have a sense of feeling that Gallimard was never the man he wanted to be. For Gallimard the " Perfect Woman" was M.

The lottery

Click Here for a Detailed Plot Summary of " The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson Thesis Statement / Essay Topic #1: A Delightful Village Conducting Civic Activities: Contrast in " The Lottery" One of the most devastating and skillful aspects of Shirley Jackson's " The Lottery" is that it consistently topples reader expectations about what should β†’

The english patient, michael ondaatje

It is a novel of revelation and learning, which intersperses the factual and the imaginary into a tale of tragedy and passion. Just as the identity of the protagonist Almasy is gradually discovered as the narrative progresses, so too are the inner selves and spiritual identities of the other characters in the novel.

Transcendentalism in self-reliance by ralph waldo emerson and the idea of the divinity of humanity

In the human perspective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and Emerson states that "he eye is the first circle" hence man's powers to observe, to contemplate, and to discern are central to awakening his divine powers. Man is a beautiful creature and Emerson lauds not only man's beauty but his ability to β†’

Big man’ and ‘small problems’

After the struggles of the Middle Ages, European powers such as the Spanish, the English, the Dutch, and the Portuguese believed they had the responsibility to civilize the rest of the globe. The descriptions of the peoples' culture in the regions show Gulliver's concerns.

The company man

The in-group concept, a concept of being grouped together by beliefs and values, a commonality within a group, is shown in the story with the group of workers sharing a common belief that hard work will pay off in the end. Phil's common values and beliefs are implied because of the number of hours and β†’

Reader response

Women were courageous enough to take a stand in the chauvinistic and discriminative era of Shakespeare to pave way for the opportunities the modern day woman enjoys. Throughout the history of the black people, this idea of the talented tenth by Du Bois has been replicated by many great men and women such as Martin β†’

Internal conflict

In my opinion, internal conflict is the most complex of all types of conflicts. When Simon states the it seems contradictory that Jace is trying to make Clary happy when he is the reason she is unhappy in the first place, Jace replies, ' Love is a contradiction', and continues to mope around.

Annotated bibliography: the chrysanthemum by john steinbeck

To this end, the author explains that the overarching theme of the story is to depict the strength of a woman in society. To this point, the intended audience by the author are general readers seeking to understand the moral of the story as well as the attributes of the main character.

Winnie’s dramatic story in happy days by samuel beckett

As the play develops, it is revealed that Winnie tries to avoid confronting the reality of her situation, Willie's ignorance towards her, and the inevitability of death. Each time Willie ignores her, Winnie's conversation becomes futile and she starts to get the feeling that her hopes are false because she spends the majority of her β†’

Jack london’s call of the wild. controversial themes in the novel

He is trying to show that women are not as good as men in everything, and that they are unlucky and unfortunate to have. It is the people's choice on how to spend their lives: they could be successful people or live in poverty.

The cleverness and wisdom of women in oscar wilde’s writing (salome and lady windermere’s fan)

To me, it seems to me that one of the reasons she blames herself is not solely on the fact that she did not protect him from Salome, but because she assumed that he would know well enough not to be so entranced by Salome's appearance and sweet words, but with the Young Syrian's death β†’

Modern arab american fiction. a reader’s guide. by steven salaita

A readers Guide is to shed light into the socio-political and intellectual background of the Arab American fiction. The author tries to focus upon some prominent Arab American writers, in the form of a critical analysis.

Hippolytus of euripides

The strength of character shown by Hippolytus is the basic requirement for the efficient running of a company in a highly pressurized, temptation a women infested environment. Therefore, the strengths of character, personality, and mind shown by Hippolytus are the requirements of the job of CEO of a present-day company.


For instance, the last four lines of the poem indicate the way in which memory and physicality are combined in a visceral response that the mother takes to the child's representation of the photo. Additionally, metaphor is used within the poem to describe the process of grief that the mother engaged.

Analysis of the masque of the red death

The Narration in the story is considered to be a third person's point of view, there's no link to a character and the person telling the story. The narrator actually spends a great deal of time describing the layout or design, of the setting, rather than describing the characters in the castle.

Toni morrisons recitatif

Further, the meeting of both these girls at the Howard Johnson's, the social positions, and the way of the attitude of Roberta is afflicting the racial differences in the mind of Twyla and she feels to be an outsider in the educated, rich life of Roberta. The story depicts the married life and family of β†’

Romantic period -william blake

Rousseau pointed out that romance is to go back to nature, However, Heine in the other way thought that romance is to go back to the life style of middle age, while Hugo considered romance as the combination of tragedy and quaintness. Thus, literature in romantic period emphasized on imagination could mean social care for β†’

Critical analysis of a poem

William Wordsworth has highlighted the strong bond between the nature and the mankind in a very poetic manner which represents the importance of nature in a human setting. In the first of the poem; the poet has metaphorically compared himself as a cloud by saying, " I wandered lonely as a cloud".

Over sea under stone by susan cooper

This is going to be the start of a new adventure for the Drew brothers and sister. In the first place, it had to be somewhere in England because the adventure relates to the legend of King Arthur and his knights.

Dante alighieri and publius vergilius maro: a comparison

In fact, Aristotle's idea of the universe was adopted by Dante in the Comedia, and Aquinas's philosophy-theology became the philosophical-theological assumption of the Comedia. Florence, in Dante's time, was divided politically between the Ghibellines and the Guelfs, the latter further divided between the Bianchis and the Neris.

The mean blues and the mean reds

In my short story, the tragedy of the love story allows the reader to empathize with the protagonist, The short story conveys to the style of writing of Nadine Gordimer's style of writing by the topics it evolves around, from racial supremacy to the empathy the reader feels, by the end of the story, to β†’

The tell-tale heart

The narrator thus loves himself, however, when feelings of self-hatred appear in him, the narrator projects such a hatred onto an imaginary copy of himself. Therefore, the narrator reveals his madness through an attempt to delink the person of the old man, whom he loves, from that of old man's supposedly evil eye, triggering the β†’


She was altruistic, narcissistic and the blend of both depending upon the given conditions and the sufferings that she underwent and as such she defies the philosopher's exclusive classifications. She is too young and carefree to be measured in the yardstick of the philosopher.

Discuss the dramatic devices williams uses in the play to suggest

Instead, we enter the play in the delayed aftershocks of a tragedy that has befallen the main character, Blanche, as she attempts to hold on to whatever remnants of her beautiful past she can, but ultimately fails due to a combination of her past that catches up to haunt her, and also because of the β†’

The psychoanalytic theory on esther’s dissatisfaction with society in the bell jar

Additionally, the depression and struggle to fit in to society which Sylvia Plath faced as a young woman is symbolic of Esther Greenwood's character and the depression she endures within the novel. As Esther's mother symbolizes the major conflict of Esther's dissatisfaction with society, this ultimately leaves Esther stuck in a chasm it is because β†’

Order #1273782: did jewish americans do all they could to help stop the genocide of european jews during the holocaust

In the end, their rescue efforts depended on the wartime policy of the U.S.the Jewry and their organization so it more sustainable to create a Jewish State where they would be independent. It was not in the priority of this policy to rescue the Jews making the American Jewish organizations efforts as well as that β†’

Weekly written assignment #7

The Oregon Trail, Alfred Bierstadt The America frontier is presumed to be one of the mostvital myths in the American culture. As a result, the Oregon Trail painting is visually depicting the movement of Frontier Myth from the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Concrete operational stage essay sample

This is because they are now capable of understanding that a change in one aspect of the water is compensated for, by a change in another aspect. The experiment with the water also demonstrates that a child of this age is capable of understanding the concept of conservation. Conservation means that the child understands β†’