Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

The narrators changing character in the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

Towards the middle of the story, the narrator loses her hatred for the wallpaper and is quite intrigued and absorbed by it. The wallpaper comes to mean to the narrator a kind of representation of herself, her life, and her sufferings.

World literature

That is seen in how the tale of Florida and Amador ends up, and how both characters are seen to have made up ideals which do not match reality. Of Cannibals is an essay arguing for how to convert non-European people to act more " civilized" in the manner of the times.

Raymond carver cathedral

Robert and narrator's wife were in close contact with the help of exchanging audio tapes for ten years and finally, the old man was coming over in order to meet his pen pal and sharer of sorrow. The narrator was forced to take care of the old man and he did that by offering the →

Rose’s i just wanna be average

I felt that I just wanted to be average in high school. Four years after high school, I felt that working in a factor for the rest of my life was not what I wanted, so I looked into a two-year program school that my sister had went to and I was going to just →

Key garden

Woolf mixes the colours of the petals of the flowers, floating to the ground, with the seemingly random movements of the visitors, which she likens to the apparently irregular movements of butterflies. The couple with their children move out of vision and the narrative now focuses on a snail in the flowerbed.

Learning task

Democracy, which means the peoples power, is one of the significant contributions of Greece to the American society. The democratic culture in some of the major cities in Greece such as Athens inculcated the practice of equality and fair governance by the people.

Deconstruction applied

Binaries Found in Henry James Novel - The Turn of the Screw The Turn of the Screw by Henry James presents a lot of examples of liminality thus making it an excellent form of a meditation of binaries. Henry stresses the liminality quality of ghosts by making Miss Jessel and Quint reappear in locations related →

Analysis of the rime of the ancient mariner

Full Analysis of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a story in poeticform, with the ancient mariner as the narrator and the wedding guest as his audience. Alliteration or the repetition of consonants is scattered all over the poem like " He holds him with his →


Among the issues that molded modernism were the advancements of present industrial civilizations and the swift development of cities, trailed then by the fear of World War 1. Conferring to Antliff, a remarkable feature of modernism is self-consciousness and reflexivity, which frequently steered to tests with form, together with the applications of methods that drew →

Analysis of virgils aeneid prologue

In fact, the structure of Virgil's story is very similar to Homer's epics; the parallel with Homer's works can be found in Virgil's attempt to define the two parts of the story as an odyssey and a tale of war - though in reverse of Homer's story structure. Because of the widespread use of Latin, →

Different stories about yamata

Of course the most striking contrast between the two stories is that A Madman's diary is an allegory that is used to describe the bankruptcy of the Chinese feudal system and culture; whereas Nam Le recounts Yamata's description of life in Hiroshima during the American aerial bombardment of World War II. On the one hand, →

Themes in tom jones

The inclusion of prostitution and sexual promiscuity in the plot was also original for its time, and the foundation for criticism of the book's " lowness."[2] Themes The main theme of the novel is the contrast between Tom Jones' good nature, flawed but eventually corrected by his love for virtuous Sophia Western, and his half-brother →

Critical reaction

Critical reaction Prehistory and the Rise of Civilization in the Near East and Egypt The rise of the human ancestors is a matter of just recent development, compared to when the planet earth came into being. The Aegean: The Minoans, the Mycenaean, and the Greeks of the Archaic Age Greek is the cradle of western →

Bellamys looking backward

Therefore, the author has been highly effective in suggesting the relevance of scientific and social developments to enhance the quality of life for an American city in the future.3. In fact, the scientific and social developments have not resulted in a great change in the quality of life for any American city.

Marks by linda pastan

A Literary Analysis of " Marks" by Linda Pastan In her attempt to share a moment's emotional upheaval regarding an aspect of her major life role that appears strained by domestic struggle and fed up to the last ounce of hope in pleasing her family, Linda Pastan occurs to have chiefly stripped off the figurative →

Reality check

Two authors Frank Kafka, Gabriel Garcia and poet Andre Breton set out to explore perceptions surrounding the world from early years all the way to the current generation. Thesis Statement The comparison of our current world based on Frank Kafka and Andre Briton, who expressed themselves through personal experiences about the social, economic and political →

Book report for maniac magee

No, I would not like a friend like Maniac because he would be better than me at everything and I do not think I would feel like I was good at anything if I hung around him. I would not like that nickname because I would not want to be known for doing everything like →

Maria remarque all quite on the western front

But after ten weeks of cruel training and the unimaginable brutality of life on the front, Paul and his friends had realized that the ideals of nationalism and patriotism for which they enlisted is not what they expected. The army reported that that day was simply, " All quite on the Western Front." Erich Maria →

Example of article review on when stars go bang

The ability to differentiate between the different types of stars or rather ' novae' has been a challenge to most of the astronomers. One of the characteristic features of novae is the emission of a gamma-ray burst.

Outcast by claude mckay

Characters and their symbolic use: 1.' my fathers' refers to his forefathers in Africa; it is symbolic of the poet's identification with his native land and his longing to be part of it again; 2.' the western world' differentiates Africa from the West; but in the context of the poem, it symbolizes the poet's social →

Victorian literature

In my last Duchess by Browning, the relativity of life with reference to sympathy and judgment depicts fear. Nevertheless, the backdrop of Tennyson's poetry shows life in a valley with different risks.

The dream in the great gatsby and in of mice and men

Comparing the dream in ' The Great Gatsby' and ' Of Mice and Men' Pursuing the dream of wealth and status is an exercise that leads to more failure than success. The two literary works, ' The Great Gatsby' by Fitzgerald and ' Of Mice and Men' by Steinbeck, present a grim criticism of →

How students that do drugs or have a criminal history fit in with national or local high school dropout rates

One of the latest and the most cited researches conducted on the issue of the school dropout rates in the United States of America and its relation to drug use among students is the National Survey on Drug Use and Health of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which is a branch of →

Analysis of legacies poem by nikki giovanni

The girl on the other hand already knows how to make rolls but she did not say it directly to her grandmother since that would hurt her and when she dies, there would be a burden on her spirit so she just refuses the idea of making rolls in a playful way and runs away. →

Partnership compensation

Admission of a Partner, Compensation Models and Partnership Retirement Compensation Questions may arise as to how an individual becomes a partner in a firm, The article from the New York State of Certified Public Accoutants discuss the different ways for the admission to the partnership. At the end of the year, each activity for the →

The death of the salesman

In the play ' The death of the salesman' the late century, has been a transition of the society from the rural and agrarian communities to a massive urban and an industrialized community. Linda is a Marxist as she figures the values of Willy and his importance in the play.

Leviathan by thomas hobbes

These are the essential elements of human beings which offer them the diversity of appearances and the most essential element of them all is sense because it is the organs of sense which help the man in making conception in mind. According to Hobbes, the cause of sense is the external body or the object →

Cinderella analysis, summary ,essay ,outline

Perrault's version of Cinderella portrays the story of a girl who is entirely submissive to the will of her stepmother and her two stepsisters. This moral value is highly misleading simply because of the assumption that being beautiful is mandatory for a girl to achieve her desire and dreams.

“our secret” assignment

By doing this, it helped me to read the essay with the idea of the essay that I will have to right in the back of my mind. I think that I still need to go back through this essay and re-read the essay to get a better understanding of what is trying to be →

Compare and contrast

Completely different situations force the protagonists of these short stories to think about their future lives and their desires, and a symbol of war allows the heroes to make this excursion into the depths of their consciousness. Similar to the previous story, the heroine comes to a conclusion about the need to break the shackles →

A personalised induction will always be more effective

In essence, personalising inductions is an efficient and effective means of directing the content, tone, imagery and language of the induction to the core aspects which are likely to produce a deep trance. By being aware of the client's primary modality and the corresponding vocabulary, it enhances the personalisation of the induction because the hypnotherapist →

The “truths” of wolf larsen, lily bart, and reverend hartman

In " The Book of the Grotesques," Sherwood Anderson suggests that when a person " takes a certain truth to himself, calls it his truth, and tries to live his life by it, he becomes a grotesque and the truth he embraces a falsehood". His declaration that " might is right and that is all →

O.e.a. style response

In this way, although the woman herself is a clear case against the misogyny of the times, the simple nature and stupidity of what could only be described as the " majority" only serves to reinforce the image that was so popular during the times. Lastly, what is of peculiar interest with relation to this →

Response to play: the coloured museum

The theme of the play is the history and identity of the African Americans. This play is of immense significance in the study of black history.

Two stories

The significance of the theme within can be clearly read in the passage that goes: Somehow I have to keep and hold the rapture of being 17. She knows that there is a part of the life she has now that she will miss in the future because of the way that her life will →

Foreign and local related literature essay sample

It identifies areas of consensus, dispute, and ignorance in the scholarship of the field and evaluates the nature and quality of support for various contentions. The format of chapter 2 varies considerably depending on the quality of the literatures being reviewed and the degree to which the literatures emerge from a single or multiple research →

Civil disobedience

All Thoreau did by not paying his taxes was show that the government was doing what they were supposed to by punishing him, which was what Thoreau was trying to speak against. By breaking the law and not paying his taxes, I believe that Thoreau was participating in the evils that he mentions.

The great gatsby: the greatest literature of all time

It is a story of contrasts: the rich and poor, the loved and unloved and the different aspects of society that are shown in this passage through dramaticsymbolismand highly structured parallels. The drawbridge in the final paragraph symbolises how it is not easily to get out of the Valley of Ashes, reflecting how it is →

Oneness and spiritual healing and growth in winthrops a model of christian charity

Winthrop uses the Body of Christ as a model for perceiving others and treating one another through connecting the Body with the role of oneness in dealing with several human issues, through linking the Body with spiritual healing, and through asserting spiritual growth and its effects of happiness and faith. Finally, Winthrop asserts that if →

Decameron by g.boccaccio

Giovanni Boccaccio, an Italian novelist, skillfully and satirically addressed the ridiculousness of social bonds and prejudices and was one of the main authors, contributing to the evolution and liberation of Renaissance literature from dictate. The essay focuses specifically on the first and the last novels of the Decameron, compares and contrasts them in terms of →

Great expectations motif

Dickens uses the motif of hands, which defines certain characteristics of people, to represent the effects of social class on the lives of many throughout the book because he holds a negative view on the social class system. In conclusion, social class, symbolized by the motif of hands, influences the customs of a person and →

Questions for short story

" Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been Magazine and newspaper articles about Charles Schmidt of Tucson inspired Oates to write " Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Oates based her story on the tale of Charles Schmid. The ending of the story manifests the success of Arnold and the vulnerability of →

Etymological survey of the english word-stock

While it is wrong to speak of the mixed character of the language as a while, the composite nature of the English vocabulary cannot be denied.l) The term native in linguistic literature is used to denote word of Anglo-Saxon origin brought to the Britain from the continent in the 5th century by Germanic tribes - →

To kill a mockingbird

It is not until the end of the novel that Jem better understands the world, and is one step closer to becoming a grown man. In the case of Tom Robinson, whom Jem's father Atticus is defending, fairness is something that is not to be granted.

As i lay dying

The Bundrens live in Faulkner's illusory community of Yoknapatawpha County, a setting used in several of his novels, and they are among the poorest characters in all of Faulkner's work. Since Faulkner does not interpose his own views, the reader is merely subjected to the opinions of the characters concerning themselves and each other.

Romanticism and its effects

Client's 20 July Romanticism and its Effects Romanticism was a movement which swept the world in the 19th century, the movement has very little to do with romance as its name suggests. Several incredible developments were also witnessed in the field of music, Beethoven and Chopin were some of the most famous musicians of the →

Jane eyre essay

The family blame Jane of insulting John and she is taken to the red room. Her friend is sort of her guide for the first few months at Lowood and she, in times of need, goes to her for advice.

A comparison of ‘telephone conversation’ and ‘not my best side’

The white landlady is a seemingly shameless woman who in regard of her attitude feels the need to speak to the man under false pretence of aristocracy. The black person is a well-educated gallant who makes his opinion and the facts of the issues concerning racism, which this poem makes reference to as soon as →

Bone marrow essay

The Embryonic Cells are sourced from in the internal cell mass of a blastoffs, meaning that the embryo as increased in its size and has transformed into a cluster of smaller balls. The Stem cells are then taken out from the internal cell mass Of the blastoffs.

Service-quality dimensions

Lehtinen and Lehtinen defined service quality in terms of physical quality, interactive quality, and corporate quality. Swartz and Brown attempted to synthesise the dimensions of service quality in the works of Lehtinen and Lehtinen, Gro? nroos, and Berry et al.

Strictly ballroom

The film represents the idea of there being an authentic and artificial portrayal of belonging due to the conformity of some groups, which influences the loss of individual identity.' Through the Tunnel' a short story written by Dorris Lessing portrays the idea that individuals develop an identity by stepping out of their boundaries and exploring →

Teaching shakespeare in the context of renaissance women’s culture

Donawerth wants to " build a course from a feminist standpoint in which students possess such authority." 2 Donawerth describes the content of her course and how she taught it, " I organized the content of the course in concentric circles of kinds of knowledge, rather than in linear fashion, and I limited to four →

The underground welder as a piece of literature

The theme of the story in terms of its contribution to the literature and the overall world. The use of monochromatic illustrations and art gives the piece the feel of emptiness.

The chieftest mourner by aida rivera ford

I tried to be brave while I read that my uncle had actually been " the last of a distinct school of Philippine poets." I was still being brave all the way down the lengthy eulogies, until I got to the line which said that he was " the sweetest lyre that ever throbbed with →

Language use: prepositions

Tredinnick, however, argues that; " Grammar is not interested in the kind of manners you can enforce with a red pen or a ruler on the knuckles. In his argument, he noted that these were the exact words of Churchill, " Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not →


Guns in Learning s The issue of whether to allow teachers to have firearms in the school attracts interest among the stakeholders in the education sector. Teachers express the concern about the safety of the classroom and entire school environment due to the increased cases of gun attacks in the learning institutions.

Things fall apart women roles

Women played the role of a typical house wife and always stayed at home and were not always heard of or were to be seen. One of the wives of Okonkwo who represents this is Ekwefi; second wife, and forced to stay home, life filled with sadness and with terrible luck with keeping a child.

Shared values

Values can apply to any aspect of life as well, such as feeling dedicated to the principles of beauty and art or to the solid facts and figures of truth. Their dedication to these values of beauty and truth often engaged them in lengthy conversations that we, as children, were barely able to follow at →

Jekyll and hyde questions

Stevenson portrays the acts of this struggle of survival through resources of language embedded in his novella, proving that ultimately, as good and evil try to battle for survival one outlives the other. In his theory of duality, Jekyll learns that while good and evil attempt to outlive each other, neither can exist alone.

Brecht’s mother courage and her children and camus’ the plague

In Brecht's Mother Courage and her Children and Camus' The Plague, the authors use characterization to develop their emphasis on the ability of man to survive in desperate situations. The plague is Cottard's salvation and MC uses the war to support herself and her family.

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

This woman completely loses her mind by the end of the story, which is seen to happen in stages as she begins to recognize the faces and figures of other women trapped within the ugly pattern of the old yellow wallpaper. The imagery of this wallpaper begins to take on a life of its own →

Book report

The book under analysis is the work by Frey James My Friend Leonard. However feeling of rage and the weight of reality makes James be scared of relapse thus he appeals to his old friend Leonard.

I could not stop for death

The fact that the poem is broken into stanzas helps to form a sense of time and a continuation of the journey that is described. The use of form makes a tremendous difference in how each poem is read and the emotions that are prompted.

Litr201-1402b-04 : literature: a reflection of life

It was the first I attended a play and the sight of the actors in their costumes was exciting. Drama: a guide to the study of plays.

Montaigne as an essayist essay sample

The third son of his parents, Michel became head of the family through the death of the elder two. As an essayist he was the leader of a new school in letters and morals and he wrote the first essays.

Cast away by robert zemeckis

Cast Away by Robert Zemeckis Robert Zemeckis' ' Cast Away' uses dramatic scenes of being at the edge of an ocean on a tiny uninhabited desert island in the Pacific to represent the theme of survival in a thrilling, haunting and heart-stopping way. What makes Pi survive is his detailed knowledge and experience with →

Jewish museum

Jewish Museum in Dallas, Texas is such a kind, and it has played a big role in bringing history to the people, especially of the first and WW2 It was established in the year 1967 and named the Museum of Biblical Art recently in the year 1999. Given the museums link to the Jewish culture, →

The dogma of otherness

After I thought for a moment how unique " The Dogma of Otherness" was, I said that it was completly obvious to see how the societal dogma had an effect on people and how they defend otherness. I also show examples of animals in the world that are evolving to be more like us as →

The death of the hired man by robert frost

The two talking to each other in the poem give the reader an overview of their perception of the hired man. The reader can create a personal image of the individuals talking in the poem and the description of the man.

The speech given by romano prodi

Enlargement, approached on a basis of such a broad design, adds a number of considerable advantages: politically, it strengthens the role of democracy in Eastern Europe; conomically, it offers the prospect of a vaster, more competitive market; from the security viewpoint, it can represent the starting point for a new all-European system of guarantees, thus →

Fighting words: david shields’ dead languages

On the surface it is the story about growing up Jewish with speech impairment but in depth it is the story of determination and struggle in the face of incredible adversity. Like Theodore Roosevelt's " Man in the Stadium" the protagonist, Jeremy Zorn is not a spectator, he is in the arena, literally beaten up →

Diving into the wreck by adrienne rich

The main objective of the paper is to present the reason why the " Diving into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich is the best representative of Resistance and Transformation. In the poem analyzed, the expression of resistance to change and the impulse to be stagnant in the state of being safe is presented prior to →

Nudity: from ancient to modern

Even in the modern era, primitive tribes still exist in remote areas of the Earth and subsist without clothing of any kind. The dress of both the upper and lower classes within Greek society was in accordance with the simplicity and forthrightness character of Greek philosophy; " that a draped garment could be taken off →

Museum critique

The painting was hung in the Sellars Collection in the museum. The title of the work is " The White Fox," and it was painted by artist Jeanie Mottet.

Aviation’s affects/contributions to air pollution

The thing is that the air pollution matters have become the standpoint of the national welfare in the USA and other countries of the world. L, & Spengler, J.D.

Self introductory speech

I did not have the slightest idea as to where I would be in ten years; I only knew where I did not want to be. My dream of staying with my parents for the rest of my life was abruptly shattered at the age of 18 when I found out that I was pregnant.

On being a cripple

Nancy Mairs wrote the book " On Being Cripple" and used the word " cripple" to refer to herself because she wanted her readers to see her as a tough lady. The writer does not use this word as it is with the disabled persons because she has accepted the outcome of what life has →

Literature review analysis

Leadership is either inside or outside of the person this enables him to focus on a single reality.) Essence of Leadership- Leaders brainscienceis kept tabs on examining characteristics, styles and behaviors of leaders and try to distinguish traits and qualities that are intended to catch the correct nature of initiative, independent of connection and circumstances →

The adventures of tom sawyer essay sample

The first stage of Tom Sawyer's development and march towards manhood can be described as the time when he is fully under the influence of Huck Finn. Tom Sawyer does not quite have it in him to do that type of thing, but throughout the story, one can see how much he wishes that he →

A discussion, comparison and contrasting of the poems grass and the mist by carl sandburg

A Discussion, Comparison and Contrasting of the Poems " Grass" and " The Mist" by Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg is an internationally acclaimed Americanpoet, who claims the rare honor of having been awarded with the Pulitzer Prize twice. Poetry can be perceived as an art form where the artist has the leeway to display various →

Still i rise by maya angelou

Trod is past tense for tread and should be corrected to read " tread"." Sassiness" in " Does my sassiness upset you" either is not in universal use, but " sassy" is." Does the sassy me upset you" would make a better line?" Did you want to see me broken Bowed head and lowered eyes" →

Analysis of black beauty by anna sewell

s Black Beauty by Anna Sewell Black Beauty is a literary wonder written by Anna Sewell in the year 1877; the story is written in first-person narrative from the perspective of beautiful horse named " Black Beauty". The story stars off with Black beauty, a young foal under the care of a kind man called →

What the butler saw

There were six main characters in the play, these included the doctor, the secretary, the wife, the bell boy, the psychiatrist, and the police man. The audience found the performance of the actor playing the part of the doctor to be very comical with the extent the play went to just because of the lies →

Analysis of the chapter take off of hard landing

In this story, it is also discussed that as more people were involved in this field changes in the airplanes also took place. From the readings, it is observed that this field has a big impact on the industry as many changes have taken place because of the additions in the flights.

William shakespeare’s othello

The repetition of this phrase was likely to mean a murder of white-skinned Desdemona, i.e.taking out the life out of her by Othello, who, to the contrary, was a dark-skinned Moor from Africa. Although it was not true, Othello was unaware of his delusion and it was somewhat easier for him reconcile the murder of →

Environment in literature

Environmental issues and literature The debates around environmental issues caused the necessity to reflect the main problems in the literature. The writers want to determine what place the literary products play in the struggle with environmental crisis and how the environment issues are represented in literature.

The trouble with wilderness by william cronon

Thus wilderness acquires the quality of something special, rare, even sacred and is not just the space to be used for development and construction as it used to be thought of initially. This is especially true for the American people, for whom wilderness also becomes a place of " national renewal, the quintessential location for →

Margaret atwood’s death by landscape & a buldingsroman

At the onset of the story, Atwood writes, " She is relieved not to have to worry about the lawn,...or about strange noises. Her hat is symbolical of the social class she represents.

critical analysis tom lux

The poem's title bleeds directly into the first line, " The People of the Other Village / hate the people of this village" Thus begins the alternating structure of the poem. Already, the only difference shown between these two villages is the word " other" and the word " this." By being vague, the author →

Making connection

Swerdlow, On the Exercise of Power by Niccolo Machiavelli, and Black and White by Gloria Goodale Changing America is a keynote under America Identity by Joel Swerdlow showing how different Americans focus on their personal identity and the national identity of the country. The three texts by the different authors indicate the oppression of the →

The aeneid

The Aeneid is basically the story of Aeneas, the god-like leader of a band of Trojan refugees fleeing to Italy after the fall of Troy. In the beginning, Aeneas built a fleet with the goal in mind of settling in a foreign land and to finally establish a new nation of Trojans.

Story response

Use of dialogue is another quality in the story as it reinforces authenticity of the story. It takes the audience to the real time occurrence of the facts and therefore immerses the audience into the story.

The theme of imprisonment

The Theme of Imprisonment The theme of imprisonment and confinement is very notable and persistent in the novel " A Tale of Two cities". The theme of imprisonment is deeply rooted in the course of the novel A tale of two cities.

The characters in science fiction short story

Characters in the science fiction genre are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and as a result jeopardize their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others. To begin, in the short story " Men are Different" by Alan Bloch, the Robot is unable to see that treating the man →

Huckleberry finn – why its good literature

When Heck and Jim are floating down the river in the raft, they become ere and happy; Jim is not worried about being sold off and Heck does not fear Pap." Next we slid into the river and had a swim, so as to freshen up and cool a sound anywhere - perfectly still- Just →

Rock springs unleashed

Most readers dwell more on the dramatic events of a story, poetry of realism or on the climax of the whole gist of the chronicle. His so-called Canterbury Tales masterpiece catered a story of people who has had misfortunes but was able to save their selves from drowning in the valley of doom by surviving →