Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Macbeth essay

In Throne of Blood Asaji is the wife of Lord Washizu, and by convincing him to murder the king she causes the downfall of her life. Both the play and the movie shared the theme of Lady Macbeth's actions leading to the demise of both her and Macbeth.


The Riverside Chaucer bases the order of the ten fragments on the order presented in the Ellesmere manuscript, one of the best surviving manuscripts of the tale. Some scholars disagree with the groupings and order of tales followed in The Riverside Chaucer, choosing instead to base the order on a combination of the links and →

Macbeth’s crimes

Macbeth repeats these words later on in that act. " So foul and fair a day I have no seen" When Macbeth says this there is a sense that the witch has already got some power over him, even though they have not met each other yet.

William shakespeare about tragedy of romeo and juliet

In Romeo and Juliet, the theme is proven in the way that Juliet almost dies trying to keep Romeo' and Juliet's marriage still a thing. The thought of self-sacrifice for Romeo is shown in Act 2, scene II by his willingness to scale the orchard walls just to talk to Juliet.

The misery in evil

When the orphan boy, Heathcliff is brought home to live with the Earnshawfamily, Hindley becomes immediately jealous when the love of his father goes into Heathcliff. He tried to recreate a love triangle between his son Linton Heathcliff, the young Catherine, and Hareton.

Francisco de zubar n and his work english literature essay

During his 11 old ages in Llerena, Zurbaran 's piousness was influenced by Spanish Quietism, which was a spiritual motion that taught inner backdown, the find of God in meekly submissive silence, and the usage of penitentiary exercisings to repress the senses and quiet the mind. Zurbaran returned to Seville in November with the honorary →

The natural film vs novel essay sample

In the novel and the movie, the Natural, many differences in the plot, the characters, and the theme give both a very different mood and overall meaning. Roy's relationship with Iris, the incident when Roy gets poisoned, and the ending all effectively display the differences that have such an important bearing on the →

An analysis of to kill a mockingbird

The events of the novel are presented through the eyes of a young, innocent narrator who plays a big role in the theme of growing up and her untainted approach amongst a racist society. The event's that occur in the novel such as the racist attitudes of the town and the unjust ruling of the →

The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian by sherman alexie: depiction of native american culture, society, and history

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian tells us a tale about Arnold Spirit, sharing in the form of a diary, his experiences over the time period of a few months. The impact that the government has had on the Spokane native reservation has initiated negative effects for the Indians, from living →

Things fall apart: egwugwu mask

The Egwugwu were seen as wise and ultimately the most respectable members of the clan. They would review a case of the people and agree on a ruling they felt was " just". Even though there were some people who did not agree with the decisions of the Egwugwu, they never dared →

Technique of indirect characterization in “the great gatsby”

Gatsby, the true representative of all the greatness, richness, and beautifulness of the period, plays the main role in the novel by being the most mysterious and fabulous person. There is another situation when Nick finds out some negative characteristics of Jordan, such as carelessness, the unsuccessful time period of Gatsby's life becomes being known →

Scout’s journey to womenhood

Scout was no longer oblivious to the effects of being Atticus Finch's daughter, a girl whose father was on the negative end of a unfair court case. Slowly, throughout To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout learn to contain her explosive temper, realize the racism in society, and learned to become lady like.

The use of alienation in the metamorphosis essay sample

Even before the metamorphosis occurs, Kafka shows Gregor's feeling of being distanced from his family when he reflects on his life as a traveling salesman. Kafka brings about a sense of Gregor's imprisonment from the outside world when Gregor comes to realization that he is no longer capable of carrying out his normal human →

Soiled conscience in “great expectations”

However, Pip's coming of age occurs when he realizes the futility of substituting superficial scouring for the inner cleansing he finds by the novel's conclusion. Pip's experience with the convict in the marshes leaves a stain on his conscience that stays with him into his adulthood. As he grows older, the guilt of disobeying his →

Bread givers essay examples

The plight and the nurture of dreams are both expressed through the lives and characters of the daughters of Reb Smolinsky, the Russian immigrant. The contradiction and resolution is the central premise of the novel. Reb Moisheh Smolinsky is a name which stands for the unworldly man devoting all his →

Life of pi critical essay

He then tells a much more brutal, realistic story where the animals are now metaphor for humans. The reader is then left to decide which story is the " true" story, and in the process, understand Martel's message about the need for us to address difficult truths through the medium of storytelling, →

Things fall apart and the spirit world

The people of Umuofia call upon representatives of the spirit world as a means of hospitality. The people of Umuofia depend on representatives of the spirit world to help them with their problems specifically help with punishments.

Kushal timala

The idea of escapism can be found in The Man who lived Underground where Fred Daniels creates his own world under the city, in The Awakening where Edna fantasizes about Robert and the ocean and in The Metamorphosis where Gregor imagines himself to be a pest. So, as to escape from the police he goes →

Things fall apart is going to be

He is also the best wrestler of his nine villages because he defeated Amalinze, the greatest wrestler who was unbeaten for seven years. The white men of Great Britain would try to take over Okonkwo and the village of Umuofia with imperialism and colonialism. The poem was describing the native people and what duties the →

Pride and prejudice

Joe Wright makes us see the hardship their love endures throughout the movie with camera angles changing and music setting the type of mood, such as the very first time they dance and everything is tensed up until the rest of the people in the room seem to disappear and it is only →

Kafka’s metamorphosis

Austrian writer Franz Kafka is one of the greatest writers in the history of German literature in the 20th century, the originator of western modernist literature, the representative figure of expressionist literature and one of the founders of postmodern literature.U.S.playwright W H Auden said before: " As far as the relationship between →

Tim o brien’s the things they carried

The Things They Carried told a story of how the war changed a person, in this case, it was Tim O'Brien. It showed the struggle he, and many soldiers in any war went through to be able to overcome the grief and the struggle to deal with death. For example, in The The Things Carried →

Free research paper on feminism in mary shelleys frankenstein

Frankenstein's monster learns as well, but out in the barbarous wilderness Shelley makes the monster the creation of a man to prove to society that even if women's role is reproduction and childrearing, it is a role that men cannot grasp. Even as she does so, she mocks the world with the death →

The scarlet letter and the crucible – comparison of proctor and dimmesdale essay sample

Also, the societies in which John Proctor and Arthur Dimmesdale lived in have a fair amount of topics that can be compared and contrasted together to further backup the fact that these men, despite their differences, were very similar. Of the similarities between Proctor and Dimmesdale throughout the book the reader is told that →

Stormy relations and developments in novel ‘my antonia’

As of today, Bohemia is part of Austria, but in the novel, the Bohemians and the Russians Peter and Pavel are treated almost like outcasts. The Russians and Bohemians do odd jobs, have the most difficulty learning the English language, but Cather wants the audience to understand that they are equally important to the story →

Back to the dreamtime

In chapter 5 also, they have hang out at the railway tracks. They discuss about planning to go Alice Spring and Bradley planning to follow together and they agree with that because Bratley and his father usually go to explore. He as brother feel responsible to take care and help their brother.

Things fall apart chinua achebe

A community and or individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal's by the society. When the white missionaries come to the village of Ambulant they eventually build a hospital and a school, and welcome everyone to ]Olin In their beliefs bringing the Isolated and →

Things fall apart essay

The social class system today, in comparison to Ibo culture, is arranged differently, but the principles remain the same. In the Ibo culture, nature is such a valuable asset, it is considered to be a gift sent by the gods.

English 102

The usage of the first-person point of view immediately presents the narrator to be a round character, due to the intimate opportunities the style of writing provides for fiction writing. Since he is a round character, the reader has a stronger connection with him, and ultimately will reap the moral of the story the author →

Pentadic analysis of anthem by ayn rand

A key characteristic that governs the ideology of Anthem is Collectivism, a political and economic theory that states the worth of an individual is within the group, emphasizing that the individual himself carries no value. The protagonist of the novel, Equality 7-2521, is regarded as a fragment of the group whose sole purpose is to →

Literary analysis: the wars essay sample

When Robert is first introduced in the story, he is reminded of a former girlfriend of his upon waiting at the train station. In this instance, Heather wants Robert to show his loyalty to her by fighting another man. When Robert does not agree to, it shows that he is the opposite of a woman's →

Biddy’s role in great expectations

She does, however, serve as a constant reminder to Pip of what he is leaving behind and, as she is more of a peer of Pips because of her intellect and age, she allows Pip an opportunity to articulate his thoughts more candidly and thoroughly at key points in the story. Dickens uses Biddy to →

Good research paper about bodega dreams

Furthermore, Bodega Dreams was declared " Best Book" and " Notable book" by the Nation's leading newspapers, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. Bodega Dream by Ernesto Quinonez, as a novel in 2004, was proclaimed the " New immigrant Classic" and " a stark evocation of life in the projects of El →

“the 1959” by thulani davis essay sample

The linguistic code of turn-of-the century minstrel shows becomes the code of the town when the school integration issue is raised. The story of Willie Tarrant and her community serves as a testament to the power of the community that band together.

The pickup by nadine gordimer essay sample

In this essay, I will try to provide a detailed commentary on the opening of the second part of the story and the role that it plays in the novel. What Gordimer also refers to in this passage is that Abdu is going to start dominating his relationship with Julie which is again- contrasted with →

Invisible monsters by chuck palahniuk essay sample

Not only does she crumble inside, but her life also collapses around her. Occasion: The occasion is that the speaker, Shannon Mcfarland is an incredibly beautiful supermodel: posing in her life as she is being photographed, admired, and trying to cope with the loss of her brother and the dysfunction of her life at →

Free essay about mao ii

This paper gives a critical analysis of the power of the crowds as the major theme of this novel. The Theme of the Power of the Masses In his life as the protagonist, Bill faces a dilemma of struggle between himself and the rest of the society. They managed to pull him out of →

Money and marriage in pride and prejudice

Bingley arrives into their neighborhood and begins to show affection to the oldest Bennet sister named Jane, the motions of drama are set. However, despite Mr. Collins is the next bachelor met, and is going to inherit the estate after Mr.

Chinua achebe’s novel things fall apart

Oknowko, the protagonist in " Things Fall Apart", is the representation of the African Ibo society and throughout the novel he begins to unravel just as the society. In " Things Fall Apart" different aspects of the African Ibo society began to fall apart such as the religious beliefs, the government, and the economic system.

Comparative study for tess of d’urbervilles and jude of the obscure

The aspects are, the changing of the ideas for the Social Class, women being dominated by the men, love, the existence of injustice and the naturalistic nature. In Hardy's book, Jude is portrayed as the dreamer. Jude is dark and not sympathetic account for the insuperable obstructions of the existence of human that show the →

Things fall apart answers

Beriberi refusal to participate in the killing of Shameful in light of Ginkgo's action showed that he was wise and had a different temperament from Awoken. The sixteen year old boy who had been killed was the son of Queued. Awoken was exiled in order to cleanse the land he had polluted by →

Crime and violence in parable of the sower

The lens in which we view humans in Parable of the Sower is plagued by violence and crime due to the depletion of natural resources which creates conflict and competition bringing back the true human nature of selfishness and competition. Butler shows that the inherent evil and selfishness of humans when under pressure through motifs →

Gender based discrimination in the novel things fall apart

Therefore masculanity is associated with agression and violence. And that situation leads to discrimination and conflict between the two genders. But unfortunately, the gender-based discrimination happens everywhere, even in the western , industrialized nations that are thought to be closest to an ideal modern egalitarian treatment for women. Although western women have →

Dramatic symmetry in great expectations

Magwitch is proud of " the gentleman what I made!" and enthralled with the idea of Pip's transformation. It's this secrecy that gives Herbert the confidence to act on his dreams of pursuing a partnership and ultimately become a successful man. Dickens' use of dramatic symmetry makes characters, events, and circumstances more poignant.

Things fall apart: chapters 15-25

Obierika tell Okonkwo about the events in their village and says he is going to keep harvesting and selling yams off of Okonkwo's farm and give him the cowries from it, and that is why he carries the bags of them. Chapter 16 The chapter takes place another two years after the last, a →

Gardens in pride and prejudice essay

Collins also talks about every single detail in the garden without giving the ladies a chance to share their views on the same. He boasts about how he knows the number and the location of each and every tree in the garden. Additionally, Collins is a proud and boastful man; he likes to show off →

Example of charles dickens literature review

The satires and rhythms, vividness in details, use of figurative languages and his prolific linguistic creativity are some of the hallmark features of his writing which combined with his experience of harsh reality in the very early phase of his life has created a genre of its own famed as Dickensian style. Born as the →

Jung’s psychology in fifth business by robertson davies

By combining the characters in the book and the ideas of Carl Jung, Davies was able to create, arguably his best piece of literature. Many of the characters in the novel are based around the concepts of Jung.

The unique relationship and the second world war

He then expresses his knowledge of Churchill's campaign to get America involved in the war. Kimball explains that each leader of the alliance goal was to protect their national interest and hold on to their power until they did not have a choice. He notes that the idea of self-determination was discussed →

Religion and isolation in the stranger and chronicle of a death foretold essay sample

In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the main character is an avid follower of his religion; and such, he is a member of the community and has many relationships with other members of the community. In The Stranger, the main character Meursault is very distanced from religion. At the very beginning of the novel, →

The story of okonkwo: a fine balance of hope and tragedy

Protaganist Okonkwo, appears to uphold the ways of his ancestors, and to represent the elite of his culture. To the Igbo oral tradition, the power of the story becomes the very medium through which culture is transmitted- just as palm oil is needed for the sustenance of an Igbo person.

Chopin’s sea: maternal or mystical?

The following evidence is more suggestive of the female embodiment of the water." The sun was low in the west and the breeze was soft and warm". The softness and embracing nature of this sea offers a far more maternal disposition to Chopin's sea.

A.g macdonnels humorous novel england, their england

The author has used humor as the main ingredient of the story. The story begins with the arrangements of Mr.

The promise of hope and redemption in catharine hydes pay it forward book review examples

Pay It Forward is an uplifting story that reminds one that simple acts of kindness have the power to change and heal. Keywords: Pay It Forward, Catharine Hyde, Trevor McKinney. The Promise of Hope and Redemption in Catharine Hyde's ' Pay It Forward' Catharine Ryan Hyde's novel Pay It Forward is →

“to kill a mockingbird” – novel of contrasts essay sample

In order t build the snowman they required " five baskets of earth and two baskets of snow.."., by building a snowman with a foundation of earth, this clearly illustrates how the black people of Maycomb keep the town supported, and the white people the " snow" are just there for the appearance, to make →

Lord of the flies

Lord of the Flies can be interpreted as a political, psychological, and religious allegory. Lord of the Flies can be exposed as a political allegory to the Second World War, as well as a psychological allegory to Sigmund Freud's theory of the id, superego, and ego, and furthermore the novel is a →

Atticus finch character sketch essay

Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb, the representative of Alabama in the State Legislator and the father of Scout and Jeremy Finch. He is a defender of justice and he fights for it even if he is sure that he will be beaten at end." Atticus' wise and understanding attitude is because he is quite →

Good the modernization analysis of “the buddha in the attic” book review example

The writer will show that Otsuka sees modernization as a positive and negative process as it has an impact on both the immigrants and the citizens in the host countries. Julie Otsuka's The Buddha in the Attic gives a general overview of the history of Japanese women who had come to the United States as →

Wise blood by flannery o’connor

If we see Wise Blood through both O'Connor's religious sensibility and its permeation in New Criticism, the structure and meaning of the novel fall more easily into place. Haze Motes, (note the symbolism of his name hazy vision and mote in the eye) is a the epitome of the religiously obsessed individual. →

Compare and contrast two authors’ representations of masculinity

The authors' used their protagonists' interactions and conflicts with Darcy and Rochester to delineate the ideal model of masculinity through their emotional maturity, allowing them to join in a unity of equality with the protagonists'. The male character was used as a vehicle to convey the authors' political, social and cultural opinions and they had →

One quote summarizing things fall apart by chinua achebe

This quote is very significant because it summarizes the whole purpose of the novel in the way that it uses a metaphor to show how the whole story leads up to this point of division and destruction of the tribe's culture by the white man. So really this sentence is significant to both the entire →

Literary device symbolism

There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made"." In all that country it was the spot most dear to me" because when all of the land has been cleared for farming, this " island" where two roads meet is the only place where the →

Fahrenheit 451 vs. 1984

The similar fear of the abuse of power and technology of the state at the expense of human individuality, core values etc.present within these novels speaks to the relevance of these novels within their historical context and their usefulness for awakening people to the horrendous consequences of their ignorance. The governments in novels Big Brother →

The man of the house

Applying the omniscient point of view, this story uses the presence of cathedral and the act of asking for a miracle as a last resort to symbolize devotion and faith. In this story, he is the one who stands as " the man of the house".

A new kind of dreaming – summary

Jaime develops friendships that lead him to trusting and sympathetic qualities that are unusual for him in his past of crime. Jamie faces a challenge to build a stronger relationship with Cameron, but this is an obstacle for Cameron as he tries to understand Jamie and tries to push the stereotypes of him away. While →

The characteristic of the novel “heart of darkness”

The difficulty in comparing both the themes and the characters in the adaptations is of course we are not dealing with colonisation but instead the Vietnam War in ' Apocalypse Now'. The key similarity is both of the characters developing realisation of the futility of war and violence and the lack of action each of →

Free biography on the bad girl book essay

Summary: The bad girl is a marvelous and suspenseful love story of a teenager girl and boy. On one hand the boy was very soft and polite while on the other hand the girl was very rude and repulsive.

Restrictions and moderations in the composition ” the heart of darkness”

Joseph Conrad's ' Heart of Darkness' is not merely " the story of a journey up a river," but rather an insightful psychological study into the human condition and the hidden nature of mankind conveyed in the form of a narrative. The value of the text to 21st century readers lies in the perennial →

Sample essay on the self-inserted male anti-hero in misery and moonraker

The exploration of their varying types and expressions of masculinity and how they relate to the female presences in the novels shows the commonalities of anti-hero literary types; their fealty is primarily to themselves, and they see women either as obstacles to be defeated or prizes to be won. In Misery, the main character or →

Christina nguyen

Boxer and Squealer are examples of oppression and the advantages taken against them enforce that, and building the windmill is also another case of oppression. Because of his dedication towards the farm and Napoleon, Boxer had literally worked himself to death just for the benefit of the windmill and the farm.

Analyzing the theme of power in one flew over the cuckoo’s nest and wuthering heights

Nurse Ratched, featured in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, is a power obsessed middle-aged nurse who is the head of a mental institute and thrives off of the power she creates over the residents at the facility. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a novel that takes place in a mental institution in →

A critique of “uncovering the past: the role of dust imagery in a rose for emily”

Aubrey Binder's " Uncovering the Past: The Role of Dust Imagery in a Rose For Emily'" explains that the motifs of dust and decay are very important and prominent in Faulkner's story. While I agree with Binder's motif of dust, I do not agree with her arguments for the motif of decay, and I →

Gender roles in the great gatsby

This is related to the situation of women in the historical era and reflects the attitude of American society towards women at that time. Daisy has her own rules of life and personality, but she lives in Gatsby's illusion. She is selfish and has no sense of responsibility and has the same monetary values ?? →

To kill a mockingbird and the scottsboro boys

The Scottsboro Boys trial of the 1930's parallels many of the events in Harper Lee's Novel To Kill a Mockingbird. When the girls were questioned by the police, they claimed that the boys had raped them, which was the most serious offense imaginable during the time of the Jim Crow Laws. The →

Francis scott fitzgerald & his american dream research paper

Fitzgerald made a significant contribution to the club, by writing scripts and lyrics for the club's music, and contributed to The Princeton Tiger Humor Magazine and the Nassau Literary Magazine. Fitzgerald struggled with his academics and finally dropped out of the college of Princeton and joined the army in November 1917, where he was commissioned →

The stages of feminine injustice

In these two distinct areas, Gilman offers two key assumptions about a patriarchal society: the value of the male mind over the " seemingly weak and foolish" mindset of the female, and the derivation of power in males, who direct the lives of females. Lane's analysis implies that the narrator's restricted writing and her disregard →

The fall of the house of usher

The Horror of " The Fall of the House of Usher" What is a horror? Every detail of this story, from the opening description of the dark tarn and the dark rooms of the house to the unearthly storm which accompanies Madeline's return from the tomb, helps in conveying the terror that is the →

“personally, i disagree with their ideas”

An important element in the story is the cause of her worsening condition; the narrator attributes it to the way her husband and brother stifle her and prohibit her from writing and having stimulating friends visit. She writes it in the first person so that readers can experience a piece of her situation and be →

Jay gatsby and valjean in ‘les miserables’: comparative essay

The reason why he lives anonymously is so that he can hide his unfortunate past, which is why he separated from Daisy earlier in life. Valjean of ' Les Miserables,' on the other hand, is an ex-convict trying to live beyond his dark past. Valjean's life contains a series of misfortunes in the sense that →

Tom sawyer versus huckleberry finn

Mark Twain reintroduces the character of Tom Sawyer in Huckleberry Finn to act as a foil to Huck, and show the importance of thinking with one's heart as well as one's head. Huck, the protagonist of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is established as an emotional, morality driven character. Twain juxtaposes Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn →

Huck finn society paper

In the novel Twain criticizes the mind-set of the Gilded Age, shows the lack of compassion in the white society versus that shown in black society and ridicules human greediness. Most of the decorations in the house look genuine on the outside but are actually fake on the inside, which demonstrates the attitude of the →

Setting in to kill a mockingbird

Therefore, in the case of To kill a mockingbird, the setting & mood is absolutely the most important of all the elements of fiction. At heart, this book is about racism and the nature of society in this time, with all core ideas dependent on the time, place, and social conditions thereof. →

Characteristics of boo radley in to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

The word " Mockingbird" in the title is a symbol of innocence, and Boo Radley is one of the innocents in Maycomb. Under the pressure and suffering of people's prejudice and ignorance after a long time of reclusion, Boo Radley is looking for hope and trying to communicate with society.

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The story opens up a window into the life of the American People before the Civil War. Jim and Huck Finn are good friends and Jim is on the run too, so they both team up and build a more substantial fort on the island.

A brief introduction to the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald

Within the first two chapters you are introduced to the green light, the Valley of Ashes, and the billboard from which the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg, to represent the characters corrupt pursuit of the American Dream, materialistic wealth and most of all happiness.

Immoral daisy buchanan

In the beginning she is portrayed as the victim but we see her true personality unfold throughout the novel. Daisy Buchanan is a beautiful woman who is the love interest of Gatsby in this novel. She just wants to keep her life the way it is and be taken care of.

Protagonist holden caulfield in “the catcher in the rye”

As a result of Holden's mental breakdown in his transition to adulthood, he tries to prevent other children from experiencing the "" phoniness"" of the world and the forced corruption by society. Holden represents the coming of age prototype, as he develops from a naive boy, unsure of how to deal with his emotions, into →

The development of american literature

The rand 18005, however, generatedtechnologythat helped to dramatically Increase profitability In the trade. Progressive methods of transportation such as the opening of the Erie Canal , inventions such as " stereotyping, the iron press, the application of steam power, mechanical typecasting/ typesetting, and ewe methods of producing illustrations created a revolution in →

The grapes of wrath: chapters 8, 16, 30

The word " alone" is the opposite of her character and her purpose in the novel. When Rose of Sharon announces that she and Connie plans to go to town and leave the family, Ma Joad worries about the idea of splitting the family and is reluctant.

“young goodman brown” by nathaniel hawthorne essay (book review)

In " Young Goodman Brown" Hawthorne writes about the most significant of the contradictions: " Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a witch-meeting?". The nature of the reality is called in question, and it is difficult to understand, what really happened to young Brown. The myths →

To kill a mocking bird summary

Miss Caroline, the teacher, is horrified to discover a cootie in the hair of Burris Ewell, a hulking, angry boy who quickly reduces Miss Caroline to tears as he slouches out of the room, his first and only day of school over. That evening Scout is weary from the day's crimes and →

Theme of accept in to kill a mockingbird

Scout learns that 'It Is not always proper to say bluntly what the truth is". As the chapter continued on, Scout realizes that Miss Caroline did to mean to offend her. In the beginning of the novel Scout, Gem, and Dill all see Boo as a bizarre man who never came out of →

To kill a mockingbird critical response

Harper Lee introduces the theme of hurting innocents near the beginning of the novel, pointing out that you should not hurt something that only tries to help you, and does not harm anyone, like a mockingbird. In it, " He likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children.".

The theme of depicting revenge in literature discussed by rowe in her article

In the story itself, Rowe describes the narrator as, " a type for the narrative power of the female, capable of weaving in tapestry the brutal story of rape that leads to the enactment of a terrible revenge". The theme of revenge becomes evident in the poem, but while revenge is present throughout the story, →

Death of a salesman and gatsby

Death of a Salesman is more confined to reality than The Great Gatsby in its strangeness of characters and in the structure in which the story is formed. The characters, such as Gatsby and Daisy, of The Great Gatsby are unrealistic ideas of themselves which easily fall apart or disappear entirely. Both Gatsby and Daisy →

“the lottery” by shirley jackson

The position the author had, knew the outcome of the story. If the story was written from a first-person point of view, the author might have added some emotions that would have watered down the story.