Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Translating metaphores in the catcher in the rye

TRANSLATING COLLOQUIAL IDIOMS/METAPHORS IN THE CATCHER IN THE RYE: A COMPARISON OF METAPHORICAL MEANING RETENTION IN THE SPANISH AND CATALAN TEXTS MICHAEL O'MARA Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martir Michael.[email protected]es 57 In spite of the novel's position among the American Library Association's list of the one hundred most frequently β†’

Montressor in the cask of amontillado essay

This means that Montressor was both the main character and narrator rolled into one. This means that he can twist the facts and he can project himself as the hero of the story when in fact he could be the villain. But Montressor offered no explanation and thefore one can argue that there was no β†’

The grapes of wrath by john steinbeck essay

This essay considers the plot, main characters and several crucial issues addressed in the novel, such as family, workers' lives, and other social problems. The story takes place during the Great Depression and begins with the moment when the protagonist, Tom Joad, returns home from prison. The rest of the family is forced to go β†’

Critical response to “the crucible” by arthur miller

The hard structure of society in puritanical America and the spotless reputations of many good folk melt away to nothing in the fire of fear and trials caused by accusations of witchcraft. Miller uses the imagery of the crucible in the play also, in a quote from Mr. It is dialogue between Abigail and John, β†’

“a rose for emily” symbolism and themes – analysis essay

As the plot of the southern gothic story unfolds, the author uses certain symbols to show us the tragedy of human perishability. The end of the Civil War in 1865 brought many changes to the states of the South. It is noteworthy, however, that Miss Grierson's commitment to the old ideals is not accidental and β†’

Holden caulfield, the sexual psychopath?

Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is set against the lavender scare and the sexual psychopath laws of the 1950's. Antolini's intelligence and wit to the virtues of his older brother DB, and says that Mr.

Grapes of wrath chapter 25 analysis

Steinbeck uses polysyndeton when describing these men show all wonderful qualities they possess, such as " understanding and knowledge and skill'" showing how highly Steinbeck regards these men; arguing that the men are of the highest order of human beings He then uses asyndeton to show the countless amount of plagues that the men's techniques β†’

A rose for the landlady: a dissection of the affections of the dahl and faulkner’s macabre murderesses

Dahl's " The Landlady" and Faulkner's " A Rose for Emily" are remarkably similar, but diverge on key elements of the narrative, namely the differences between the love Miss Emily shows Homer Barron and the " love" the Landlady shows her victims. After comparing the environments where Miss Emily and the Landlady conduct their murders, β†’

The catcher in the rye by j. d. salinger

The main sphere of the usage of the vernacular is the dialogue and monologue speech of the characters in the novel of or in the household and social novel. The modern English plays are enriched with vernacular too; they depict the life of workers. Here, on the one side, in the result of the situation β†’

β€œfire and ice”

Summary The speaker considers the age-old question of whether the world will end in fire or in ice. The real triumph of " Fire and Ice, " however, is in its form.

The poem “eve’s apology in defense of women”: in defense of women?

The first appearance of anti-feminism in the poem is shown in the 15th/16th sentence, " Let not us women glory in men's fall, Who had power given to overrule us all." On the one hand Lanyer is trying to shield Eve's deeds by arguing that it was men who were " given power to overrule β†’

The stolen child

The poem is about a group of faeries that lure a child away from his home " to the waters and the wild". The faeries call the child away to " the waters and the wild" in the chorus.

Political poetry by margaret atwood

Though speculative, a reading like this is supported by the poem's representation of a cowboy who violently protects his own interests in an imagined landscape filled with heroes and villains. Regarded as a heroic figure by the myth of manifest destiny, he is conversely seen as a reckless tyrant by those who β†’

Anglo-saxon religious poetry

He is supposed to have sung about creation of the world, the origin of man, his reign, of exodus, the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ, the ascension of Christ into heaven, the advent of the Holy Ghost and the teaching of the apostles. He also sang of future judgement, the β†’

Analysis of philip larkin essay sample

Throughout the poem there is a sense of regularity Larkin uses the regularity of the poem to assure the reader that although the lambs have been born at winter what the lambs have to endure is temporary despite their lack of awareness to conditions which will come. This is supported through the regular iambic β†’

Basking shark essay sample

Instead, he forst describes the shark as a ' roomsized monster', and that gives the impression to the reader that the poet is afraid of the shark, and looks at the shark as a creature that is not to be messed with, as it is definitely not friendly. However, while he fears the shark, he β†’

The door” by miroslav holub essay sample

The poet uses repetition of the phrase " go and open the door" as the opening line of each stanza to create a emphatic tone that implores the reader to take a chance, to leave their comfort zone and take on the outside world. The italic word " maybe" shows the uncertainty and unpredictability β†’

Pablo neruda

In this essay, I am going to analyze " The Soldier's Love" in The Captain's Verses from Plabo's perspective and the view of Maltide's memoir My Life with PABLO NERUDA. The poem addressed the changes of Maltide's life and Pablo encouraged her to take the challenges with their faith of love.

Comment on themes of love and loss in β€˜a quoi bon dire’ by charlotte mew.

The uneven structure, which is continued throughout the poem, could represent the hazy memories, with the regular rhyme scheme representing the consistency of the narrator's love. The ' good' is that young love will continue in a cycle.

Examples of compare and contrast essay

The poem " Summer Night" uses different wording to imply the loneliness." I walk through this ancient village, / alone, like a ghost.". In this quote from the poem, the word that intends a lonely feeling is " alone". The poem " Summer Night uses simile in the quote " I walk β†’

What is the true inspiration behind β€œbarbie doll”?

The theme of this poem is so detrimental and the fact that it's being written so wonderfully by a woman makes all the difference. The reader has to acknowledge the fact that the common stereotype for a poet for literally hundreds of years was a male who was generally well educated; yet when such a β†’

Dryden on satire essay sample

The third chapter of Job is one of the first instances of this poem in holy Scripture; unless we will take it higher, from the latter end of the second where his wife advises him to curse his Maker. This original, I confess, is not much to the honor of satire; but here it β†’

Good example of essay on similarity in themes

The paper will focus n Merchant of Venice as the comedy and Macbeth as the tragedy. The paper aims to explore how this theme emerges through the different genres. In the tragedy , the theme of appearance v.reality manifests itself in various forms.

Expect the unexpected

Expect the Unexpected The Merchant of Venice Dramatic irony is when the words and actions of the characters in a novel have a different meaning for the reader then they do for the characters, this is the result of the reader having a superior knowledge than the characters themselves. Therefore, William Shakespeare introduces " β†’

A midsummer night’s dream – sparkling romantic farce

In strictest sense, there is no real climax, as the conflicts of the play are all resolved swiftly by magical means in Act 1V the moment of greatest tension is probably the quarrel between the lovers in Act 111, scene 11. The tone of the story is romantic and reassuring Tone. Resources https://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/msnd/section1/

Example of history of visual effects literature review

According to Black , " Mass visual culture was inaugurated in the nineteenth century with the advent of a range of technologies, including the kaleidoscope, the daguerreotype, the photograph, and the cinema. According to Seale , " But, more to the point is the actual frequency and significance of such visual effects in β†’


Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother. Some critics like to think that the β†’


He knows that if he kills the king he will be able to take over the king's place and this is what he would like to happen. He started it because the three witches convinced him that he will become 'Thane of Glamis', ' Thane of Cawdor' and 'king hereafter'.

The merchant of venice essay examples

The words " and they lived happily ever after" could almost be inserted here. The great difference between the written play as it would have been presented in Shakespeare's day and the 1973 TV movie version comes from the setting and costuming. It is the concept that an English garden has a somewhat timely element, β†’

Macbeth and body paragraph

Compare/contrast important aspects of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's initial reactions to the prophecies of the witches and the idea of murdering Duncan. Body Paragraph 2: Compare/contrast important aspects of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's behavior and character just prior to, and during, the murder of Duncan.

Example of macbeth and lady macbeth: how they contributed to each others downfall research paper

The play portrays the dichotomy of mind, the hunger for power and the brutal clutches of fate that looms over the lives of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who finally succumb under the onus of their deeds. They duo have very close influences on each other's downfall as they both hatch the conspiracy of the assassination β†’

The tempest: a critical analysis

It is his last have fun with full authorship, and it seems that the playwright wants to bid farewell to his art with an unique statement about the true function of the author. In it he reveals us how the author is in complete control of the world he creates, and that he is able β†’

Shakespeare in the park ( as you like it ) essay sample

The play takes place on the fourth day of October. John Lee Beatty a character in the play serves to make over the setting of the play from the watchtower and the barred timber walls of the Court scenes to a vivid picture of the Forest of Arden exhibited by thicket of green grass. The β†’

The aeniad: aeneas and mezentius essay

Also, in comparing him to a creature stronger than a titan who fought against Olympians reveals on the relationship between Aeneas and the gods. Aeneas is fighting now so that he may found Rome as the gods and Fate have destined him to, however he did not embark upon founding Rome when the gods wanted β†’

The roles of the gods in greek myth

Zeus punishes Prometheus, the creator and protector of the mortals, for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the human beings. As the king of the gods, Zeus is crucial in the human and divine interactions.

Artemis the goddess of the moon and hunt essay sample

Some of the best known myths featuring the goddess include: * Her birth, immediately following which she assisted her mother in the birth of her twin brother Apollon; * The Trojan War where she was beaten by Hera in an angry contest of the gods; * The hunter Aktaion who encountered the goddess whilst she β†’

Perseus vs oedipus. similarities and differences

Baron Raglan is one of the scholars studying about the biographies of heroes, and he developed a list of twenty-two actions of the life of a hero in heroic tales. Due to his success, Oedipus was offered to be the king of Thebes, and he accepted it and married the queen of Thebes.

Yōkai in japanese psyche, its origin and the evolution of its perception

The following text will describe y kai, their origin and the evolution of their perception. The existence of y kai was first recorded in the kojiki, or " Record of Ancient Matters", a sacred text from the 8th century. One of the best examples of y kai culture taking a turn for the worst due β†’

Gary huang

Odysseus is revealed to be a man " of twists and turns" which gives the double meaning in the literal sense of his journey home and his cunning nature. Also this opening foreshadows all that is to come later in the book with him trying to save his crew's life from disaster, his crew β†’

The mythology class and trese: the two comic novels essay sample

Beneath the story-lines, myths usually confront major issues such as the origin of humanity and its traditions, and the way in which the natural and human worlds function on a profound, universal level. Other myths, however, seem merely to narrate the deities' daily activities their love affairs and pleasures, their jealousies and rages, their β†’

Poseidon, the god of the sea

This enraged Poseidon, and he destroyed lots of land and caused tsunamis, engulfing lots of land. Poseidon is also famous for fighting in a great war between the gods and the Titans. Winning the war, Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades captured the Titans.

The odyssey notes

Telemachus gives speech about loss of Odysseus and his home, the suitors invasion of the palace and says a decent man would ask father for her hand iii. Athena guides Odysseus to palace and shrouds him in a mist iii.

Similarities and differencrs between superman and achilles

For Achilles, it was Paris who made a divine shot to his heel outside the gates of Troy. Achilles and Superman differ in their reactions to an attack on their respective weaknesses. The story of the Trojan Horse also differs from Wallace Keefe in that this attack was against Achilles' enemies, the Trojans; whereas Superman β†’

Reaction paper about the movie helen of troy

Paris has fallen in love with Helen, the wife of king Menelaus, and smuggles her to Troy with him. Achilles and his Myrmidons do not fight the next day because of Agamemnon's unfair claim to Briseis.

Imagery in their eyes were watching god

Janie wants knowledge that she can put her trust in and creation myths serve that purpose for her. Janie's definition of God strays from the traditional, and is more significant to the experience Janie has in the novel. This redefinition of God is vital to the overall message of the book, because nature, like the β†’

Odysseus & aeneas

In the underworld he sees a perspective of the future history of Rome down to the time of Augustus, and that vision gives him the self-confidence to act on his own initiative. But Aeneas always fulfills his duty to his family, to his country, and to the gods, even when he is depressed.

Original myth

The Sun was favored by the other astral entities to the isolated Moon. Not long after all of the spirits of the universe were created by the Great Spirit, their creator who cannot be seen by any life form, the Sun had become the leader of all other celestial bodies and was β†’

The mark of athena

They ride on the Argon 2nd, a ship that one of the demigods made which can travel in the air and water. She has to follow the Mark of Athena to find and bring back something that the Romans stole from the Greeks that was dedicated to Athena.

Example of essay on colonial latin american history

After spreading the gospel, the Spaniards realized that they can reach many more and ensure their influence in accordance with their myths through establishment of a kingdom with one rule and everyone under the subject of the Kingship, a replica of Gods Kingdom. The Spaniards believed that as the God holds his thrown in the β†’

Cody dyker

Hades was the god of the underworld and precious metals, his responsibilities were to punish the dead who entered his realm, he was a big part of ancient death and the afterlife because he was the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, which souls were sent after they died in their life. Ares, the β†’

IcarusΒ in the poem falling and flying by jack gilbert

Icarus's desire to rise and fly higher remarks his glory and his falling is interpreted to be the end of his triumph " I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell, but just coming to the end of his triumph".. Icarus's triumph has ended when he was close to the sun, but he has β†’

The flaws of odysseus

If Odysseus had only ignored his need to boast and put aside his pride, neither the Cyclops nor Poseidon would have known of his daring escape, allowing him to return to his home of Ithaca much sooner than he did. All the blame cannot be placed upon Odysseus for the delay of his return to β†’

Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth

Focusing on the topics of white benefits, white denial, and a personal opinion, in this essay will I will explain to the reader the question, " Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth? Referring to the author from the first passage, Paul Kivel, " The reality of privilege is so embedded within the β†’

Aeneid and hector

Aeneas is a good leader because he puts his faith in the gods in everything he does. Aeneas, being the good leader he is, gives a prize to Salius and Nisus.

Echo and narcissus essay sample

In two popular myths " Echo and Narcissus" and " The Story of Deadalus and Icarus" they both explain the unexplainable. " Echo and Narcissus" is a myth in which an attempt is made to explain echoes and the flower that grew from Narcissus's body. In conclusion " Echo and Narcissus" and " The story β†’

Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth

This paper argues that the formal structures of many organizations in postindustrial society dramatically reflect the myths of their institutional environments instead of the demands of their work activities. The first part describesprevailing theories of the origins of formal structures and the main problem the theories confront. The essence of β†’

Different versions of sita’s reunion with rama in ramayana

With time evolving and generations changing the way the in which the episode of Sita's and Rama's reunion has evolved portrayed either a negative controversy or a positive aspect of the Ramayana. There have been multiple version of Sita's reunion with Rama after Ravana's defeat. In the book Sita's Ramayana it is more of a β†’

Film vs. text:

These are " The Iliad" which has the film version entitled " Troy" and " The Odyssey" which has also the film version. He chose Aphrodite, who offered him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife, and Hera and Athena then hated him that's why they were on the side of the β†’

Greek mythology and hercules

Similarities and differences occur between the movie and the myth and takes place in the birth, life and death of Hercules. In the Disney movie, Zeus and Hera, the parents of Hercules, reign as king and queen of the Gods.

Analysis: homer’s approval of odysseus’ revenge

Although subtly hinted, Homer justifies Odysseus' rage as Athena is sent in the form of Mentor to keep Odysseus on his path of rage, reminding him of his battle with the Trojans and his combat strength, which allowed him to proceed with his slaughter. Although necessary for Athena to appear to build the confidence of β†’

Roland barthes & myths

It is through their rhetoric that bourgeois myths outline the general prospect of this pseudo-physis which defines the dream of the contemporary bourgeois world. 6- Quantification of Quality: This is a figure which is latent in all the preceding ones.

Three islands, three lessons

Throughout this journey, Odysseus learns many lessons; however, the three most important lessons he learns are to follow the laws of xenia, the importance of family, and to show respect to the gods. Another way Odysseus learns the importance of family is when he finds his way home, Odysseus is reunited with his family.

Odysseus personal qualities (f

Though Odysseus has the help of the gods, his personal qualities contribute to his survival in the seas and the return to his family in Ithaca. Because of his intelligent plan, Odysseus is able to trap the suitors in a room, spare the innocent ones, and kill the corrupt ones.

Essay on the female divine assignment

This creates the sacred woman's life and guides them spiritually starting from Jungian Feminist Archetypal Psychology Greek Egypt The Triple Goddess The study of ancient myths regarding the woman divine is characterized into three categories, these are: LIFE, DEATH, and REGENERATION Literary character types β†’

Ancient greeks and their astronomy essay

Out of Chaos, sprung Gaia known as Earth, Uranus known as Sky and Heavens as well as Tartarus who was the god of the region beneath earth. From Gaia, came the 12 titans, one of who was known the titan father and father of Zeus, Cronus. She is known as the most beautiful planet in β†’

Tatag ng wikang filipino lakas ng pagka-pilipino

The goddesses gave him the apple and told him to give it to the fairest. The purpose of this myth is to: HERCULES AND THE GOLDEN APPLES Hercules, a prominent Greek hero, was born to Zeus and Alcmene, daughter of the King of Mycenae.


A sixth century Latin work such as the Mythologiae of Fulgentius interpreted the rape of Leda by Zeus as the " coupling of Power and Injustice - the fruits of such a union being, like Helen, inevitable objects of discord and scandal". In it, the world, humans, the agricultural system, and the city β†’


Glaucus, son of Hippolochus friend of Sarpedon and co-leader of the Lycians. The Trojan women Hecuba Priam's wife, mother of Hector, Cassandra, Paris, and others.

Odyssey essay

This is important because revenge it is the climax of the story and the readers finally get some relief and hope that Odysseus will take his thrown back. This is important because the goal of Odysseus and his crew is to return home, but Homer adds a desire using the rest of the world almost β†’

A brief history of the audience: shakespeare theatre essay sample

Poorer people would pay one penny for the right to stand in front of the stage and watch the performance. While on the stage the gallants would talk loudly and play games without caring if the audience could see past or hear beyond them. In conclusion, people came from all over to enjoy the β†’

How effectively does arthur miller build the play up dramatically to enhance the power of it’s tragic ending?

The two submarines (slang for illegal immigrants that have come from 'under the water') quickly stir the peace in the Carbone family, with Rodolpho growing closer to Catherine (a na ve 17 year old stenographer), and thus distancing himself from Eddie (the play's protaganist, who would eventually meet his demise at the hands of his β†’

Arthur miller’s definition of a “tragic hero” in death of a salesman essay sample

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman gives a perfect example of tragedy in the common man with the character Willy Loman, who, in his fear of being displaced, his struggle to fix his problems, and in his death as a plea for dignity, can be considered a modern tragic hero. "... Miller explains that a β†’

Drama films

Although dramatic films have often dealt frankly and realistically with social problems, the tendency has been for Hollywood, especially during earlier times ofcensorship, to exonerate society and institutions and to blame problems on an individual, who more often than not, would be punished for his/her transgressions. Social Problem Dramas: Social dramas or " message films" β†’

The images of darkness and disease in macbeth essay sample

Macbeth symbolizes a disease affecting Scotland. Throughout the play, the use of imagery connected with darkness and disease help to create the atmosphere of surrounding evil: Come seeling night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day, And with thy bloody and invisible hand Cancel and tear to pieces β†’

Legal drama movies

She persuades her boss to allow her to research the case further. She fervently pursues the case and discovers the systemic cover-up and that the company is trying to quietly buy the land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is irresponsibly, improperly and illegally dumping β†’

Of mice and men revision

People were also being put out of work due to the agricultural revolution where machines were replacing a dozen men.* Although the American dream of a piece of land, control and security was out of reach for the vast majority of the 34 million men, women and children with no income, and most of those β†’

The negotiable instruments law

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation then paid it and charged the amount of the check to the account of the plaintiff. The lower court said that the the National Bank should not be held responsible for the payment of made to Maasim in good faith of the amount of the check, because the indorsement β†’

Economic policy proposals of barack obama

Economic Policy Proposals of Barack Obama President Barack Obama seeking a second term, in his economic blue print aimed at a revival of the American economy, put forward some serious economic measures. One of the pivotal proposals made by President was a revival of the manufacturing industry in the United States of America. β†’

Memo of the textbook

The costs of insurance will also be improved due to the health care credits. Business operations will be cheaper as it cover portion of the health insurance for businesses. 2.

Kubla khan by coleridge essay sample

Themes and Meanings Much of the commentary on " Kubla Khan" has focused on the influence of Coleridge's addiction to opium, on its dreamlike qualities, the " anodyne" he refers to in his criticism has also dealt with whether the poem is truly, as Coleridge claimed, a fragment of a spontaneous creation. The poet's account β†’

Importance of travelling essay

But for us, everyday people, it could just mean a way to break the monotony of life and work. Travelling is a tool, and the purpose of this tool are different for different people. First and foremost, it's definitely the most efficient way to get away from daily routine.

Wilderness and the american mind by roderick nash

As a means of understanding this cultural and historical reality, the author points to the fact that this particularly flawed level of thinking must be changed in order for the remaining natural resources and nature that is represented throughout the United States to be preserved. In order for this to take place, the author argues β†’

New peoples army (npa)/the communist party of the philippines

It is evident that the People's Republic of China provided material support for the NPA between 1969 and 1976. Therefore, the People's Republic of China chose to provide material support for NPA because one of their main agendas was to fight for their independence and reduce the U.S.dominance.

The hazard of internet, cell phone, and television addiction

But, I want people to know the potential risk of over using internet, cell phone, and television in the daily life. First of all, those three kinds of technology make us lazy. But, they will be very dangerous for us, if we can not manage the time to use them.

Environment in the movie the letter essay samples

Analysis of Representations of tropical Asia, Its Peoples and Its William Wyler is arguably one of the best film makers of the 20th century as evidenced in the film The Letter set in the plantations of the Orient. The moon, clouds and palm trees are enough evidence of the environment of β†’

The spot youth academy business plan examples

The sum, together with an additional $5, 000 cash investment by the principals, will transition through the expansion phase so that the business can operate at a higher level of profitability. Table of Contents Introduction 3 Business description 3 Mission Statement 4 Shortterm β†’

Cr(vi) reduction by natural product

Different concentrations of ascorbic acid will be reacted with a controlled solution of hexavalent chromium, at room temperature and changes in hexavalent chromium concentration observed, for each concentration of ascorbic acid, over time. The modified diphenylcarbanize colorimeter method will be used determine concentration of the hexavalent chromium and the project will be completed by June β†’

Symbolism of the pheonix in fahrenheit 451

Therefore it can be said that Bradbury effectively uses the symbol and meaning of the phoenix to represent a sense of rebirth, end of suffering, and immorality within Fahrenheit 451. Secondly, Bradbury uses the symbol of the Phoenix most predominately to refer to a rebirth in the city (literally after its destruction) β†’

Wst abstract

Changing the perception of women as leaders can lead to more cooperation, increase innovation and profits in all workplaces where the women will be given a chance to lead. Creating role models and steps necessary to motivate and encourage young women to join leadership positions will help kill the stereotypes that only men can take β†’

The cell essay example

The bacterial cell wall helps in maintaining the shape of the cell, provides protection, and also acts as an anchor for flagella. Photosynthesis is important in the cell for it provides energy for the cells' growth. The function of chloroplast cell structure is to absorb sunlight and use it to produce energy in the process β†’

The creative genius in the analysis of amadeus essay sample

Amadeus film analysis shows that while the film has an epic degree, with the huge royal residences, ensemble houses, and rushes of delightful outfits, and a cast of thousands, it is, at its heart, a film around two characters: Salieri, the court arranger of Vienna, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Salieri is an old β†’

The case for marijuana legalization essay sample

There is a substantial demand for marijuana, mostly due to its illegal nature; the tapping of this untouched market is rife with possibility, as the demand would remain, but government could tax the purchase of marijuana purchasing, particularly for medical purposes. The legalization of marijuana would also lessen the burden of an increasingly taxed and β†’

Reading summary

The aforementioned questions are solved by this article by giving an expansive diagram of the measurement methods utilized as a part of estimating GDP and the national records in the United States. Firstly, once after every five years, the United States BEA delivers an " exhaustive" modification to its GDP statistics. The GDP β†’

Humiliation of iago (othello) essay

The value of the work consists in its unconventional approach to the play analysis. The main purpose of the article is to discover the reasons of Iago's reluctance to accept his true nature and live in a real world instead of advancing his enigma and mystery throughout the play. In order to identify the actual β†’

Air pollution problems

Global warming caused the melting of polar caps and possible extinction of some animal species. Since humans caused air pollution and have recognized the danger it presents to life and the environment, they should slowly minimize the application and use of technology or engage in activities that contribute to air pollution. Besides the traditional alternative β†’

Public relations news release

The role was formerly performed by Lucy Jackson who resigned without substantial reason and is now dean of the business school at the University of South Carolina. " I am looking forward to accepting the challenge of continuing the excellent tradition of the business school at Grove College," said Carlos Suarez, an MBA from Harvard and β†’