Essay Samples About Books for Student Inspiration

Importance of knowledge in still i rise poem

The poem's theme of self-respect, confidence and persevering through a struggle is also prevalent in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Both To Kill a Mockingbird and " Still I Rise" includes the theme of self-respect, confidence, perseverance and follow the righteous and virtuous path one believe in.

Tuesdays with morrie by mitch albom: the path to making the most out of life

Together they discuss the path of utilizing the most out of life, and in the process, help reform the broken fragments that formed what Mitch once considered his life. Morrie establishes the importance of family as the sustenance for life and even comes to pick at Mitch's priority of work over family.

The valley of ashes as a main symbol in the great gatsby

This book, set in the 1920's, takes place in Long Island Sound and New York.the valley of ashes is found between West Egg and New York City, however in contrast to East and West Egg's rich preeminent society, the valley of ashes is where the poor people live. In reference to the valley itself, the →

Symptoms of mental disorder in don quixote novel

Throughout the text, Don Quixote is convinced that many of the negative events that he encounters can only be attributed to the sorcerers that are determined to destroy him. Furthermore, the first chapter of the text states that for a long period of time prior to his journey, he was engrossed in the delusions of →

The importance of time in virginia woolf’s mrs.dalloway

Dalloway" As human beings, we are unique in our awareness of death." We know that we will die, and that knowledge invades our will not let us rest until we have found ways, through rituals and stories, theologies and philosophies, either to make sense of death, or, failing that, to make sense of ourselves →

A worn path by eudora welty

The hardships she faces during her journey through the woods is symbolic of the struggle, she faces in her life as a black woman. It is the determination of Phoenix that provides her with the strength to carry on with her journey in spite of being faced by numerous obstacles in her path.

Mini essay on shakespear macbeth

Macbeth is portrayed as a virtuous character in the opening scenes of " Macbeth", by the use of diction and style. Macbeth displays all the characteristics of a tragic hero described by Aristotle, leading me to believe Macbeth is a tragic hero and not a dead butcher.

Analysis paper hills like white elephants

This represents the fact that the girl's baby is a key obstacle in her life, but it is not the end of her life and she will make it through. This represents how in the story Jig looks at the hills and sees opportunity, yet at the same time the American looks at the hills →

Judgement in sonny’s blues and cathredral

The story begins and takes place in Harlem, New York City, where the narrator, whose name is not mentioned at all in the literature, is ateacherat a local high school, as he is on his way to work then reads on a newspaper that his younger brother, Sonny, who he has not seen or spoke →

Essay about a doll`s house

Nora's nanny is also a clear example of the said theme, as she had no choice but to leave her child to work for someone else, just to feed the child. Nora proved to be courageous as well, as she was willing to break the law just to ensure her husband's well-being and of course, →


Hamm told Clove to kill the flea because he is afraid of the rebirth of humanity. The stage directions in the script represent Hamm and Clove's fear of escaping.

Comparison: hector in iliad vs. hector in troy

The two versions of Hector display the many differences between the Greeks perspective on heroes and the modern contemporary perspective on heroes. All in all, through observing the attitudes and behaviors of the two versions of Hector, it is easy to interpret how these time periods felt about heroes.

Dante’s inferno

Dante's political beliefs and past reflect the essence and spirit of divine justice in the Inferno. Farinata, the leader of the Gibellines in Florence, the party that opposed Dante's Guelphs resides in the sixth level of Hell.

The sacrifice of isaac and jesus’ crucifixion essay sample

The Binding of Isaac in the twenty-second chapter of the book of Genesis entails God commanding Abraham to go to the land of Moriah where the latter is commanded to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac in a mountain. The unconditional love in the stories of Isaac and Jesus is found on both the fathers, for →

Utopia in candide

It is difficult for us to understand because as a society the motto we live by is " we want more" and that is why we are far and away from a utopian society. The satire that Voltaire provides on the subject of a Utopia is that there is a great problem the world suffers →

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE INTRODUCTION Rationale A library is a warehouse of information and knowledge in which materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, tapes and other materials are kept for reading, reference and lending to the students and teachers. To find out the library number of a particular book, one can →

Duke vicentio in shakespeare’s ‘measure for measure’

Duke Vicentio makes Lord Angelo the leader of Vienna temporarily and pretends to leave but instead dresses as a friar to observe the goings in his absence. The punishment given by Angelo is already in the mind of the Duke.

Critical review of greasy lake

He described the lake as " fetid and murky, the mud banks glittering with broken glass and strewn with beer cans and the charred remains of bonfires." Greasy Lake is used as a symbol for the youthcultureitself in the story and is littered by alcohol, sex andviolence. Boyle emphasizes the corruption of the lake by →

Good example of the age of the unthinkable report

A comparison with the representatives of fauna a fox and a hedgehog was made, bringing out the thought that the first ones are more likely to respond to changes due to their willingness and curiosity to take them, while second ones are more prone to stick to the existing course of events. In other words, →

Book review of 6 suspects

The suspects include: Moan Kumar, a corrupt retired bureaucrat Sabina Sane, a Plywood star Skeet, a tribesman from the island of Little Madman in the Bay of Bengal Manna Mobile, a small time thief Jonathan Aria, Vicky father and a high level politician Larry Page, a naive Texan conned by a mail-order bride scam In →

A significant theme in young goodman brown by nathaniel hawthorne

In the other people they came across, I think it was the devils way of showing Goodman Brown the other side of the people he lived and worshipped among. It's a stretch to think that maybe, he was the reason so many came to the new world.

Example of reading curriculum model for first grade – 9 weeks essay

Weeks 1 and 2: Throughout the first two weeks, reading lessons will emphasize learning the names and sounds of all the consonants and vowels in the alphabet. Throughout the entirity of the course, this will involve having the teacher read aloud to students from a story book and ask the students questions about the story →

Hills like white elephants

She is opposed to the idea of her getting an abortion, but is still willing to have the operation in order to please her man. It is only until she threatens to scream that the man backs of a little.

Achilles, aeneas, and roland

He was a soldier who fought in the Trojan War and after surviving the destruction of Troy, he later founded the city of Rome. He helped raise the Greek soldiers' moral, he was an excellent fighter and swordsmen, and he killed Hector, who was the leader of the Trojan forces and son of the King →

Different demonstrations of love theme in the odyssey, the end of the affair, and viper’s triangle

The second inquiry is into the effects of love on a person; that is into what happens to a person's identity when they are in love. To better consider these aspects of love, an analysis of the love demonstrated in the books The Odyssey, The End of the Affair, and Vipers' Tangle will be helpful.

Kafka on the shore essay

The lyrics to the song are very obscure and surreal, such as," You sit at the edge of the world, I am in a crater that's no more. This is also one of his amazing metaphors in the novel.

Books and music

You read and interpret the books meaning, that the books are set to be more of a one meaning kind of thing, the writer had the idea of what the lesson of the story's are going to be. They also have more a basic outline of how to read and write books to make them →

Literature review on work reviewed

The author of the book, Violence in the domestic sphere, by Ingrid Westendorp has spent a lot time conducting research in the African continent regarding the practice of female genital mutilation. Therefore, the culture of female genital mutilation lies in the mental frameworks of the societies that practice female genital mutilation to date.

Free book review on the omnivores dilemma

The Omnivores Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a 2006 book by American author, Michael Pollan that takes readers through an enthralling expedition of the American food system. The second part of the book, which is the pastoral section, is one of the most fascinating parts of the entire book.

Past and its significance in station eleven novel

Throughout the novel, the author switches back and forth between past and present events and point of views, showing just how deeply entangled the past and present are. The past also lives on in the forms of people's memories and of the stories they pass down to the younger generations.

Bleak house by charles dickens: power of nature in the novel

As a result of the descriptive style of the extract, from the start, the reader is immediately informed of the corruption of the legal system, for instance " dense fog ", and " muddy streets" implies there is a lack of clarity regarding the court, demonstrating Dickens' frustration with the corruption of the law. Dickens →

My impressions from my sister’s keeper movie

Although the movie has its lacking points, My Sister's Keeper as a whole is a praiseworthy, heart-warming movie that uses effective pathos and storyline to trigger the audience's emotions and teach them the importance of love, respect, and memories. Although Picoult's audience prefer the book over the movie, the movie has received a wide range →

Effects of war on soldier in generals die in bed

In Charles Yale Harrison's novel Generals Die in Bed, the horror of war is a vital theme and is characterized through many challenges the narrator encounters in the novel. The horror of war is portrayed throughout the novel through things such as having a perpetual fear of the unknown, the psychological effects of war, and →

The harp of burma essay sample

By the end of the war, Takeyama was opposed to the Tokyo Trial, arguing that a trial of revenge that had the vanquishers stand in judgment of the outdone offered no chance of examining the character of the modern society formed by fascist war criminals. Style and Presentation of The Harp of Burma: The Harp →

A christmas carol: an example of classical literature

If a piece of writing is not timeless, then it is not literature because that means that it does not have a universal appeal either, and if it does not have a universal appeal, then that may mean that it does not have a very profound meaning. Just because a piece of writing has been →

Mixed feelings about sonny in sonny’s blues by j. baldwin

Two of the setting in this narrative, the city where they brothers grew up and the club where Sonny plays near the end of the story, effectively shows the contrast between Sonny's pain and his method of expressing this pain as Baldwin's use of time and place cause the reader to relate to the idea →

Ernest hemingway’s ‘cat in the rain’

Back in the room, the wife has a conversation with her husband on how she wants to grow out her hair. She liked the way the owner listened to her complaints and wanted to serve her, this instance further contrasts what she has in a marriage and what she wants.

Self destruction in dr faustus and macbeth english literature essay

After digesting monarchal turbulency and the destructive effects of the Reformation, the 1580s to the 1600s in England were characterised by warring spiritual and political cabals, economicadversityand menace of foreign invasions, apparent in events such as the executing of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587 and the subsequent launch of the Spanish Armada in 1588. →

My last duchess by robert browning

The Duke is the narrator in this poem, and he talks of his last Duchess' portrait, which in turn slowly reveals his arrogant and selfish nature as her reminisces about her. This shows that the Duke was very selfish, and you could say he only liked the Duchess because of her beauty.

Essay on invisible man by ralph ellison

Just as the narrator is about to be sent away from college for his behaviors at the bar and brothel, he senses that he is losing his own identity, the only one he's ever known. It is in this very state of isolation that the narrator begins to gain confidence.

Essay on james joyce

The story is all set in Ireland, and it has to do with different Irish issues of the day, such as the proper function of the Catholic church and the pursuit of independence. The stream of consciousness technique is one of the most famed in the book; it directly shows the sensations and thoughts that →

Little prince reaction paper

I learned a lot of things from this book because it is all about the adventure of a little prince who went to different planets to forget about his rose and the people he met in his journey. The adult tend to see things in a different way that coincides tit the point of view →

Book review on critical review of eating animals by jonathan safran foer

Eating Animals is a comprehensive Foer's individual description of disagreements with the principles of eating animals subsequent to the delivery of his son. The query of eating animals is conceivably among the most susceptible in the world." If and how we eat animals cuts to something deep," Foer elucidates." Meat is bound up with the →

Nightingale’s spirituality in practice

In a conference for spiritual care, spirituality is defined as " an aspect of humanity, the search for the significant or sacred, and being inclusive of philosophical, religious, spiritual, and existential issues that arise in the clinical". The definition the I concur the most is that " the core of a person's being and usually →

The prince

In the construct of a government Machiavelli states in The Prince that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved, because fear depends on oneself, while being loved depends on one's subjects, and thus the combination of political power and ordinary morality converge. The prince then, in Machiavelli's imagery of the fox →

The thing around your neck by chimamanda ngozi adichie: themes of hope and relentlessness

The " American visa lottery" might be the start of her inner restlessness as the author chose to put great emphasis not on Akunna's reactions, but on those of Akunna's family and relatives. After escaping from her uncle's home, she felt as there was " a thing around her neck", keeping her up at night →

Book review ruskin bond’s

Back in India, he spends his time making friends with an unlikely princess in a lonely tower, encountering a ghost in the garden, and recreating his grandmother's youthful days from an old photograph. He returned to India in 1955, and has never left the country since.

My reflection on savage inequalities: children in america’s school

This history class is the highlight of the school, there is senior girls was pregnant it and there is no reason for them to not have a baby. East St Louis school is lack of a lot of thing to give the student better education.

Theme of love in “the legend of sleepy hollow”

Malone, Mariaun The tone and theme affect the mood in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by telling what the main idea of the story will be about. The theme of the story is love and community.

Nervous conditions by tsitsi dangarembga: representation of gender conditions

In contrast to the Shona women, the Shona men, including Babamukuru, Nhamo, and Jeremiah, are to view themselves as breadwinners and the heads of their household. The women in the novel, Tambu, Nyasha and Miaguru, struggle with the gender inequalities created by the Shona culture's expectations of gender.

A life in dubai and delhi

The things to do, the nature and beauty, and level of development in Dubai and Delhi are quite different from each other. Secondly, the nature and beauty of Delhi and Dubai are quite similar, from the exotic rose gardens and Mughal gardens to the River Yamuna flowing by the edges of Delhi.

In cold blood: the must-read for the students in school

Another reason that In Cold Blood deserves to stay on the bookshelves is that Capote portrays the mind of the lesser respected character: the murderer. Nevertheless, this is not a valid argument as to why it should not be allowed in schools because the benefits of reading Capote's unique, journalistic writing style outweigh the controversy →

In a long way gone by ishmael beah

F takes ishmael and some of his comrades, they begin to hate the thing they fought for. According to ishmael he wants to kill all of them for all of the things they where doing to his people, and show them that he has power.

Great expectations: themes

The abandonment of hischildhoodfather figure -Joe - and his earlier virtues of decency and compassion are the consequences of his misconception that with wealth will come 'gentility'. Instead it is values such as compassion and the ability to love that define their gentility.

”the disappearance of childhood” by neil postman essay sample

He begins in the Renaissance a period of time that saw the invention of the printing press and the need for literacy. The book is comprised of two parts the first, chapters one through four, discusses the historical aspects as when the notion of childhood began, the influence of the printing press, the period of →

First knight

How Arthur shows how to handle those who he thinks broke the rules by holding a public trial so everyone can see the law at work and he leaves the persons fall to the law and the people of Camelot to decide. Arthur demonstrates the highest value of the democratic way by letting the citizens →

Romanticism in the devil and tom walker

Irving's moral is clear: " Such was the end of Tom Walker and his ill-gotten wealth. Tom Walker, protagonist of the story, pledged both himself and his morals to the devil for the sake of riches and wealth.

Essay on tell tale heart by novelist edgar allan poe

Said aesthetics affect the shape of the presented world, conditioning primarily the construction of the character and the way of creating space. In the further part of the story, the identity between the state was exposed physical and mental old man and narrator thumb slid down on the tin the catch and the old man →

The ballad of the sad café

Cousin Lymon was infatuated with Marvin, and Marvin loved Miss Amelia. The ten days Marvin was married was a symbol for each acre he gave to Miss Amelia.

Les miserables essay: overview

As Cosette's character develops she is passed along from a pitiful mother who cannot support her; to the Thenardier's who beat and starve her; then, to Jean Valjean who takes Cosette in where she becomes his everything. Cosette is used to show Fantine as a " miserable." Fantine leaves Cosette with the Thenardier's and goes →

Example of the unique problems feminist theologians confront essay

In Elizabeth Johnson's Consider Jesus, Waves of Renewal in Christology, the author is careful to focus on the most practical elements of christology, as the purpose of this book is to enlighten people who are " actively involved in ministries in the church". This is more of a survey of the recent changes in christology, →

In cold blood and the film capote

The novel does in the depth about the charters and the plot but the movie leaves out many important details to leave the viewer's wondering why something happened. He was described as the master mind and instigator of the murders in the novel.

Essay on scarlett letter essay

The significance of his moral ambiguity to the novel as a whole can be seen as a theme in the novel, that the ends can justify the means. In the novel, Reverend Dimmesdale expresses to the community, through the power of words, examples of sinners such as himself and their wrongful actions, without telling the →

Tone and mood analysis of the legend of sleepy hollow

In Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow the mood, tone, and attitude are very distinct throughout the story. In the aforementioned scene, the mood and tone are both different, but in the dance/party scene, the tone is kept more or less the same, but the mood is changed.

The age of innocence by edith wharton: the problem of double standards

In Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence, she examines the complicated relationship between men and women, both in the public eye and behind closed doors. The relationship between men and women consists of a united public front, regardless of internal conflict and favors infidelity in men while expecting women to remain supportive and submissive to →

Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by j. k. rowling: divination theme

The goal of this specific analyzation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is to understand how divination, prophecy, and freewill intertwine with one another throughout the book, which divination techniques are depicted in the novel and how they are important to the story itself, as well as the role and importance of divination →

”the forest dweller” by hermann hesse, essay sample

The story serves as a metaphor for redemption from the restrictive elements of that fear, of which the most confining obstacle is the sanctity of the forest. The tribe fears the outer regions of the forest, due to their fear of the unknown.

Charles vidor and john huston’s depiction of love between frederick henry and catherine barkley in, a farewell to arms

The movie accurately depicts the real life events of Hemingway's life, key events on the Italian front, and the attitudes towards the war effort, but lacks in consistency with the actual book, in appeal to the audience, and the effect of the war on the relationship. After the humiliating defeat of the Italians at the →

Role of kamala in hermann hesse’s siddhartha

He then enters the city and asks for her name, Siddhartha learns that she is the renowned courtesan Kamala, who is wealthy and owns a house in the city. His decision to visit Kamala brings about a turning point in the plot where Kamala becomes an object of desire for Siddhartha, and also he views →

Comparing war of the worlds and prester john

Because both are in special condition, the War of the World and the Prester John have the social classes. In the War of the World, it is more toward to science and belief.

Contents of a dead mans packets

In the story " Contents of a Dead Man's Pocket" written by Jack Finney, the main character named Tom goes through a near death experience causing him to realize that ambitions are not all that life is about, that his job is not more important than his wife, and that he is missing out on →

Nervous conditions response

In sum, western education as a means to wellbeing under the mindset of the white man's burden is often contradictory. Yet this is not the only example of Babamukuru's relationship with characters in the book as emblematic of the " white man's burden".

Yawn marten’s life of pi

This is seen when Pi absorbs that there is a tiger in his life boat and that they are stranded in the middle of the ocean. In the case of P', I believethat his loss establishes building of character, and in connection to my first point, createsmotivationwhich brings him hope.

A&p vs araby

He is unhappy when he comes to the bazaar, and sees that most of the things are gone and he is unable to provide something to the girl of his dreams that satisfies him. In both stories the boys share a common frustration with their feelings and change in attitudes, which show the inner turmoil →

Roles reversed in a tale of two cities

Many people claim that Carton is the " bad" one who has a great transformation and Darnay is the good one. In comparison Darnay who is initially thought of as being the good guy is not what he seems to be.

Flowers for algernon

Charlie's lack of vocabulary and ability to communicate at a high degree due to his mental disability is the cause of many issues that happen to him. Charlie's goal Is to become smart, to be accepted In society, and for this reason Charlie volunteers to be the test subject of an experiment to create a →

Without conscience: the disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. new york book review example

Much of the information and literature in this book about psychopaths is science in general. Although the book is alarmingly enjoyable, much of it is regrettable and factual and the saddest part of it is that it retells of sociopaths and psychopaths who appear to be incurable as no treatment for the adult's and their →

The narrative conflict and structure for both the lion king and hamlet

Looking at the narrative conflict and structure for both The Lion King and Hamlet we see that during the process of transformation they have maintained some similarities while also creating some deviations from the narrative. While what triggers the new equilibrium in both tales is similar the end of the overall narrative is different, with →

Example of critical thinking on death and life of great american cities

In the latter publications, the authors demonstrate detail that the civil servants have used the urban plans to exercise their power instead of helping the people living in the cities. The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

Invisible man by ralph ellison

No matter how much the son must take, he must listen to undermine the white men the white men and " overcome 'em with yeses" and " agree'em to death and destruction". The narrator states, ".and I was told that since I was to be there anyway I might as well take part in the →

Macbeth contextualize analyze and personalize

One thing that Machete's words in this scene mean to me is that things can be good but also be terribly bad at the same time. I feel like Macbeth is trying to get a point across to Banquet, that he knows Banquet wants to be king but he will never feel the joy that →

”ode on the death of a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes” by thomas gray essay sample

The production of " Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes" initiated from an occurrence of events that resulted in the untimely death of a much-loved house cat. Yet, Gray's preference for the male gender and the growth of the unsuspected reign of female poets and their →

Displeasure towards england in on seeing england for the first time by jamaica kincaid

In the essay, On Seeing England for the First Time, Jamaica Kincaid gives off a tone of being conquered, yet resistant to the power of the English. In Kincaid's world, England is far a " jewel" and she references small things that support her point of view in order to draw the reader into her →

Business writing – trend – outline

Key Message Four While revenues form sales of eBooks will not be great, the revenue will start to come from the events and the cafe. Lastly, it should be said that the availability of print material in the store is not to be eliminated.

Good example of essay on satire in gullivers travels by jonathan swift vs. satire in candide

To the great extent " Candide" ranks Voltaire on the same level of significance as one of the greatest satirists in the world literature. Satire in " Candide" helps a reader to see all the inconsistencies in policy and also two-facedness of people in government.

Northanger abbey arguements

Isabella appeared to her ungenerous and selfish, regardless of everything but her own gratification." Catherine begins to spot the lies within Isabella statements, which leads her to start doubting how good of a friend Isabella really Is. Primary Source quote # 1: " This sort of mysteriousness, which is always so becoming in a hero, →

Book review on anthropology

He mainly focuses his research on political mobilization of the ethnic communities in central and north America, political violence, labour relations in this region and the general life of the marginalized communities within America and especially the street families in the inner city dwellings of North America. The manner in which the media presents this →

Comparing jack and macbeth

He beats a boy for no reason other than to exert his power over the boys. One example is when Ralph asked his hunters to take care of the fire but Jack did not want that and he took the hunters to hunt because that's what he wanted them to do.

Evaluation of the women’s experience as described in susan glaspell’s, a jury of her peers

Peters to tell the tale of the prime suspect in the murder of her husband, Minnie Wright. Glaspell uses symbolism and characterization to expose the discrimination and abuse women lived in that ultimately led to the demise of Minnie Wright's identity and individuality.

The effect of humour in galloway’s the cellist of sarajevo

To find something humourous depends on the person and their taste in humour and there are many instances when humour does not result in laughter because of the mood of the surroundings or the context. Galloway uses the lives of Kenan and Dragan to exemplify how humour, in the slightest form, can make a dreary →

The prince: a guide to ruling a kingdom

Arms come in the representation of a prince's troops and if a prince desires to rule on the battlefield, he must acquire his own troops. They possess good fighting skills and can be beneficial in a war effort, but once the war is over, win or lose, the auxiliaries have no ties to that prince.

A typical victorian women in the awakening of k.chopin

Although Edna is first perceived as an obedient wife, in the course of the novel she seeks an awakening and sets out to fulfill her sexual and emotional desires. Edna's concerned husband, Leonce, is one of the first characters to pick up on her strange behavior.

Gender inequality in tess of the d’urbervilles

For example: When Alec saves Tess from the returning workers at Trantridge and they ride into The Chase, Alec takes advantage of the situation that he has put them both into and states all the good thing that he has done for Tess' family [like buying the Durbeyfields a new horse and giving the Durbeyfield →

Streams of silver 3. night life

Anxious to get this business finished and get back on the road, the dwarf came straight to the purpose of the meeting." I be needing a map," he said, " and been told that yerself was the one to get it"." I possess many maps," the woman replied coolly". The proud barbarian's knuckles whitened from →