Quality American Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

To kill a mockingbird chapter summaries

While they are running, Scout trips and makes a gunshot noise they try to meet at a tree near school but Jem's pants get stuck on a fence and have to lie to the adults that he lost them in strip poker to Dill. Atticus comes back and tells the kids that he thinks it →

Characters that influence scout in to kill a mockingbird

Jem, Atticus and Calpurnia have the strongest influence on Scout's development into the person she is at the end of the novel. Jem Finch helps shape Scout into the person she is at the end of the novel by always looking out for her best interests.

Cask of amontialldo – character traits

The character of Montresor in, " The Cask of Amontillado" is one who can only be defined with words along the lines of evil, or wicked. He claims to have obtained a cask of Amontillado, when the reader can tell through situational irony this is not true.

The lottery by shirley jackson analysis

One of the five elements of a short story that Jackson uses to create a sense of horror is atmosphere. This is one example of how Jackson uses the characters to create a sense of horror.

How does fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 2 of the great gatsby

The valley of ashes is significant in this chapter, and in the whole novel, as it symbolises the huge contrast between the rich and the poor in America, which can be seen from the contrast with the Buchanan's mansion in chapter 1. This is actually something that, later on in the novel, Gatsby tries to →

Why did daisy stay with tom?

Daisy did love the money Tom had but gatsby also had money, for Tom to cheat he must have been miserable, because at dinner he answered the call from his mistress and daisy did know about myrtle but did nothing about it. Now daisy clearly loved Tom and had a lot of great memories from →

Dishonesty in the crucible

The lack of trust follows to the dishonesty in the play people began to see the rampant accusations of the trials as a chance to use this hysteria to benefit themselves, and began to accuse an easy target as the person who is engaging in witchcraft. The trial in Salem parallels the trial Miller went →

The great gatsby study package

Eckleburg, the fact that the retinas of the eyes are one yard high establish for us the overpowering size and authority of the eyes. The fact that the eyes " look out of no face" and that we can see nothing but the eyes and its yellow spectacles also enforce the idea that the eyes →

Fearing fear itself

The image of the house also foreshadows the lives of Roderick and Madeline who live inside the house. To symbolize the downfall of Madeline and Roderick Usher, Poe describes, in the final paragraph, what happens to the dreaded House of Usher.

About abigailr’s behavior in the crucible

Elizabeth is trying to tell John that even though it was a one night stand for him, it was meaningful to Abigail. For example, when John Proctor takes Mary Warren and forces her to confess, he tells the court that Abigail committed lechery.

Divine lessons from the novel, their eyes were watching god

Generational differences encumber the success and satisfaction of the protagonists by altering their motivations and dreams in Zora Neale Hurstons novel of self discovery Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Mordecai Richlers account of growing up in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. The pear tree was a manifestation of the symbiotic vision of love that →


Examine the ways in which Harper Lee presents the black community in To Kill a Mockingbird The book was written by Harper Lee during the 1950's in America, and coincided with the rise of the civil rights movement. It is shown in the book that even after his death the white community feels no remorse: →

Atticus finch

In the story, one can deduce that Atticus Finch is a kind-hearted man who knows what to do in order to fix the toughest of problems. Dubose, Atticus states, " I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.


The Mockingbird has a very deep and powerful meaning in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Characters such as Boo Radely can be compared to the mockingbird in the title of the novel.

The giver argumentative essay

But as he has just been selected to be the next Receiver of memory, Jonas discovers new plans for himself as he trains to be the successor of The Giver. Overall, the theme that stood out the most in the novel, The Giver, is without change, the world would resort to sameness.

Revenge in “the crucible” by arthur miller

The first out of the three examples I will be explaining about revenge was when Abigail Williams was jealous of Proctor's wife Elizabeth. Her revenge continues in the way of her telling John lies about Elizabeth to make Elizabeth seem like a lair and Abigail like a good person.

Comparison between edgar allan poe and vincent van gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is also similar to Edgar, as they both had many personal problems in their life, but Gogh was a painter and Poe was a writer. Despite his excellent performance in the classroom he was unable to graduate as he could not afforded the cost of college anymore and had to drop out.

A comparison of justice in harper lee’s ‘to kill a mockingbird’ and charles dickens’ ‘great expectations’

Since crime is the source of most of the conflict in the novels, it makes sense to begin by looking at how Dickens and Lee portray this. When Pip is first introduced to criminals as a child he is clearly intimidated, not only by Magwitch himself but by the presence of ' hulks' and the →

The giver by lois lowry

For the community elders asked the Giver and the Reciever of Memory what mistakes happenned in the past so they could not be experienced again. Everyone was set a job above the age of twelve and were forced to do it.

Ifeoma aneke

Ifeoma Aneke English/1b January 7, 2012 To Kill A Mockingbird How Did Atticus Influence Scout In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, I believe that Atticus had a great influence on Scout. The last away how Atticus influenced Scout was that you should be kind and respect nature.

“to kill a mockingbird” summer reading

The setting of this novel is a huge factor that controls the story and overall outcome, the novel takes place in a gloomy town, with the name Maycomb, located in Alabama. The Significance of Jem's and Scout's seats was that they sat in the balcony with the African Americans, in a time where discrimination is →

Through the eyes of young goodman brown

The ribbons constantly remind him of his ' faith.' Consciously, or subconsciously, it is the ribbons of the woman that refuse to release him. The staff of the devil is thus tempting Brown to see his own sexuality in a new light, one which he cannot completely comprehend.

Integrity in to kill a mockingbird

Atticus is a role model to not only his children, but to the whole town of Maycomb, and his integrity is a great part of what makes him such a good example. Atticus is a strong role model to his children with his strong sense of integrity, and Scout and Jem develop their own integrity →

Symbolism in to kill a mockingbird

Taking place in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, readers get the idea of the true racism and ignorance throughout southern society during the 1930's. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." The summary of it all is that a mockingbird is a symbol of everything that is harmless.

Givers versus takers

The main reasons that make the giver culture better is the preferences for reciprocity, the mission of the company, and the success of the philosophy. Givers, Takers, and Matchers: The Surprising Science of Success.

Chapter 19 gow rhetorical analysis

Perceiving themselves as coming from a similar background as the rest of the inhabitants of the Golden State, the Okies insist on similar rights; however, the natives believe that although the Okies " talk the same language" they " am not the same". Steinbeck makes the Okies appear more dangerous to the California natives and →

“the great gatsby” review

As the title suggests, the story is about Gatsby, but all the things surrounding that era, that makes his life what is and the others in the story. The Great Gatsby is also a book of hope.

Analysis of the story of an hour

Kate Chopin, in the of an hour the death of the husband and his wife got affected by that to symbolize the control of marriage over women.Mrs. The setting begins to explain the excitement of her feelings and the effects they have over her.

Tessie hutchinson in “the lottery”

The lottery seems exciting; however, unlike a typical lottery the reader finds that toward the end of this short story it is not a lottery anyone in the small town wishes to win. The unlucky winner of the lottery, Tessie Hutchinson, is a character of tardiness or procrastination, anxiety, whining and annoyance; however, she never →

Mental health issues in the great gatsby

Scott Fitzgerald, I believe that Jay Gatsby is described to try really hard to make others happy, his failing to do so is what eventually leads to his depression. Eating is a necessity and from what I have seen, the depth in which people will go to get the approval of others is substansial.

Huck and jim’s places in society

The optimistic reader can argue that Huck does mature throughout his stay on the raft with Jim, making changes to the racist, prejudiced views and behavior that had been bred into him by society. White society is still able to extend its chains of corruption in the form of the " king" and the " →

The grapes of wrath: symbolic characters

Regardless of the critical opinions, John Steinbeck utilized symbolism as a forum to convey the hardships and attitudes of the citizens of America during the 1930's in his book The Grapes of Wrath. The first aspect of the novel that must be looked at when viewing the symbolic nature is that of the characters created →

Courage and bravery in lord of the flies

Its existence is observed by the storyteller Scout from the characterisations of the central character Atticus, his impact on his children's upbringing and other the members of the neighborhood that shows such qualities e.g. On another event in the face of risk when a mad dog is diminishing the street, Atticus shoots it completely yet →

Four pages of fear, hostility, and exploitation

An excellent example of this use can be seen in chapter 21, where an examination of the attitudes of migrant Okies and the residents of California reveals the changing nature of land ownership among the changing population of California and gives greater meaning to the fierce hostility that the Joads meet in California. The paragraph →

The influence of societal ideals on women in the 19th and 20th centuries

As Edna begins " to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her", she defies the stereotypes of a subdued and devoted housewife, and rebels against the cultural demands of submissiveness that are expected of her. The conflict →

Rhetorical analysis of grapes of wrath

For example, Ford created the movie the Grapes of Wrath he forgot to add the beginning of the book that sets up the setting and environmental visual of the book. But one must analysis the following parts to make a final decision: the rhetorical significance of the novel, the similarities and differences between the novel →

Short story’s elements: “the lottery” by shirley jackson essay

The setting of " The Lottery" is synonymous with the setting in most small towns of the 1930s. The plot of " The Lottery" revolves around a ritual known as the lottery that is performed in villages everywhere.

A literary analysis of “the lottery” by shirley jackson

The villagers did not have a clue why they did this but the only reason they did it was because it was a tradition and they do not want to get rid of it. Half of them would not listen to the instructions because they already knew what was going on and what they will →

The crucible – power and manipulation

' The Crucible' is set in a theocratic society, a religious community in which the church and the state are one. Because of the theocratic nature of the society, moral laws and state laws were one and the same; sin and the status of an individual's soul were matters of public concern.

Emily grierson in “a rose for emily” by william faulkner essay

The character of Emily Grierson in William Faulkner's short story, " A Rose for Emily", leaves the reader in dilemma as to whether Emily is the protagonist or the antagonist. The reader expects Emily to show gratitude to the town's people and as such be more agreeable and open to them.

Shen te character analysis

First performed in 1943, the play " confronts one of the great contradictions of modern life the impossibility of being good while participating in the market". At first, Shui Ta only appears when Shen Te is in a particularly desperate situation, but as the action of the play develops, Shen Teh becomes unable to keep →

Na le

Twain used theme such as: conflict between history and the modern world in The Innocent Abroad, race, religion, dreams, supernatural in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, travel in A Tramp Abroad, inequality and unfairness in The Prince and the Pauper, growth of America in Life on the Mississippi, morals and ethics, friendships, and family in →

The great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald: the effect of narration style on the reader’s interpretation of the story

Perhaps the most vital aspect of The Great Gatsby is how narration affects the reader's interpretation of the story. The Great Gatsby discovers the relationships between characters of both the upper and middle classes in the context of " the roaring 20s." Nick is most absorbed by the appeal of Jay Gatsby, whom he views →

Huck finn’s coming of age

At the beginning of the novel, Huck shows his skepticism of the values that society imposes when the Widow Douglas attempts to civilize him, running away to his freedom until his friends threaten to expunge him from the gang. Continuing with Huck's realization of the problems in society that are better understood from outside of →

Color imagery – the great gatsby

Fitzgerald's color imagery is clear when yellow is used to describe situations of greed and the desire for power throughout the story. His blonde hair shows that because the author's use of yellow shows the greed and the desire for power in the story.

Psychological disorders in a rose for emily

As stated previously, psychoanalysis studies text for psychological symbolism, motives, and themes, and in A Rose for Emily, Emily's childhood made her into the women that she was then. Living a silent life, Emily Grierson becomes uncontainable and uncontrollable by the patriarchal society she is a part of.

Women during this time period lived in a very patriarchal society and

Women during this time period lived in a very patriarchal society and had to deal with issues such as social expectation of women, racial discrimination, and the advancement of education for women. This is a perfect example as to why women like Chopin and Gilman fought for the individuality of women.

Gatsby & nick in the great gatsby essay

The Great Gatsby is a novel of vibrant characters, and paradox is one of the main themes of the book. Even though Daisy and Tom are married, Nick agrees to help Gatsby be with the love of his life.

Situational and verbal irony present in “the story of an hour” by kate chopin

Kate Chopin's " The Story of an Hour" is the tale of one woman's brief moment of clarity and freedom; an hour of freedom granted by the death of her husband.Mrs. The following essay discusses the presence of both situational and verbal irony in " The Story of an Hour"".

To kill a mockingbird

The first character, Atticus, shows empathy to many people throughout the story including Miss Caroline, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson. Finally, Atticus shows empathy towards Tom Robinson when he is defending him because he knows that the other people are prejudice.

Examination of key themes and ideas in to kill a mockingbird

One of the more notable and acclaimed aspects of the book is the narrative style in which it is written. As the narrator struggles with issues that she is too young to understand, as she has not been acclimatized to the bitterness of life, the hearts of the readers leap out to her, and we →

Scout finch

Scout Finch, the main character in To Kill a Mockingbird, is used to drive the plot and theme of the story To Kill a Mockingbird. They manage to sneak in, and Scout is exposed to a harsh take on the world.

Waterfront and arthur miller’s play

Edie, the sister of Joey, is found at the scene of the crime, pleading to the people around her, " I want to know who killed my brother! " As the movie progresses, we soon find that the mob has complete control over the workers at the union. As the hysteria of the witch-hunt progresses, →

Revisiting modern developmentalism

Authors, his torians, teachers, and politicians have sung its praises as a model of interracial empathy, or debated the wisdom and limits of that claim; studio motion pictures, big-budget musicals, cartoons, comic books, and children's editions have all focused on it as a story of boyish escapade, an " adventure" with, at best, modest political →

Critical lens essay quote

These make the story more interesting to read because after reading it reveals the true nature of mankind." The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst shows that the narrator of the story has tragic flaws and being embarrassed of his disabled brother so he teaches him to walk. In conclusion the narrator of this story is →

Atticus quotes from to kill a mockingbird

" You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Atticus " As you grow older you will see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and do →

The significance of fate in different genres of literature

Eliot, and the play " Oedipus the King" written by Sophocles, are all works of literature that explore the theme of fate." The Lottery" deals with the societal acceptance of fate, " The Love Song of J. The audience is aware of the fact that Oedipus has no control over his fate, and that he →

Springtime imagery in the story of an hour

One of the main themes in " The Story of an Hour" is the theme of freedom. In Kate Chopin's " The Story of an Hour", the image of the " delicious rain" and " quivering trees with new spring life" both work together to bring out the theme of a new beginning.

Two dominate aspects of american realism

This is an example of the doctrine of realism, when one goes against the grain of the philosopy of the day. Yet, it was Daisy choice to enjoy the moon, the night air, and her friend in spite of the consequences to come.

The movie “the crucible”

The court scene for George Jacobs where he is on trial, Martha Corey laughs at the proceedings, and the Nurses leave the court, Sewall and Danforth have a conversation where Sewall questions Goody Putnam's sanity, the truth of the girls' story and the honesty of Mr. Danforth retorted, " Out of the mouths of babes →

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The Fate of the King and the Duke The characters of the King and the Duke are most likely the most important after Huck and Jim in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The punishment of the Duke and the King was suitable because the scams they →

Conflict with society’s expectations

Written in 1884, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a tale about a young boy's journey to freedom from society, and his struggle with his conscience during a time in the past when slavery was the norm for society. Huck's decision and ability to use his own conscience for selfless purposes proves he →

The great gatsby: love in the time

Although the nature or essence of love is a subject of frequent debate, different aspects of the word can be clarified by determining what is not love. Love between humans can be identified in many ways, but the most common way is that it connotes a sense of steady friendship and faithfulness as well as →

Mentally manipulated: holden caulfield and ptsd

Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye, is drastically affected after the deaths of his younger brother and of a school friend. The most common objection to the presence of a mental illness affecting Holden is that Holden is just whiny and insecure.

Mrs. dubose and chaper 11 of ‘to kill a mockingbird’

Dubose is a ' something' not a someone and that negative view of her from the children is what makes us dislike Mrs. Dubose, apart from the fact that she lives ' two doors to the north' of the Finches and that Scout does not like her.

To kill a mockingbird

Scout asks Aunt Alexandra if she's come for a visit, and aunty says that she and Atticus have decided that it's best if she stays with them for a while, as Scout needs some " Feminine influence". Atticus defines it for her as " Carnal knowledge of a female by force and without consent" Scout →

The concept of consumer and its representation

It is also evident that he feels trapped in his lifestyle as a member of the upper socioeconomic class in the way he tries to evade the prep school lifestyle. A University of Chicago literary criticism points out that this relationship, between Holden and school, is important in seeing his relationship to the rest of →

Great gatsby coming of age novel

This is because Nick Caraway is the only character who in fact winds up changing by the end of the book. This point of view is oblivious and is uninformed of the stating " it's not what's on the outside but what's on the inside.

The lottery: fiction essay thesis and outline

Jackson used the setting as a way to sidetrack the readers while Lawrence used the setting to construct the story. In " The Rocking Horse Winner", written by Lawrence, the setting is the center of the short story.

The american dream in the grapes of wrath by john steinbeck

The tale represents what the American dream is assumed to be, and yet another thought of what the American dream ought to be is being created. Generally, the dad was the leader of the family and was accountable for carry the nourishment to their home; the mother was responsible for dealing with the house just →

Fitzgerald the misogynist

Seems like a good balance, however, as the story progresses, we see more and more that the angle is a fallen one, and that the human is a demon in disguise. Jordan is the least female of the three females, and I believe this is the reason why Fitzgerald did not have her meet an →

“the lottery” literary analysis analytical essay

Notably, the atmosphere created by Jackson in presentation of the sureness and the norm of the practice of lottery within the village is quite convincing that, this practice was readily welcomed. This paper presents the tools of characterization and the setting of the short story " The Lottery" One of the most outstanding tools of →

To kill a mockingbird unplagarizable essay

Atticus Finch is the lawyer chosen to defend Tom Robinson and when the town hears of this, they direct their anger towards Atticus and his children. Thus, Atticus Finch is seen as a courageous man in the town and also to his children.

Courage in to kill a mockingbird

The ability to be in minority and not back down and to be able to change; he admires Mrs. Atticus tells his children that he wanted them to see " what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand." He also says that she →

Extended essay sample on literature

The core of the article is exploring the role of females during the period of American Great Depression in the 1930s. The extended essay and the additional supplement to the IB diploma programme answers questions about the reasons of American Great Depression and its negative influence through the prism of realistically described valleys of California →

Wearing a mask, making a contrast

The Golden Hat, a simple but accurate symbol, show readers that Gatsby live a very luxury but vacuous life; it seems that Gatsby who wearing a brilliant hat dance and bounce in order to cheer Daisy up, hope those material stuff, which also let Gatsby lose Daisy, can help him win Daisy back. In this →

Abigail williams: villain or victim in arthur miller’s the crucible

She is responsible for many deaths throughout the play, in fact she could have stopped the hysteria and ensuing madness many times if she just admitted the truth but she does not, hence, cementing her place as the ultimate villain Any attempt to see her as a victim at the beginning of the play after →

To kill a mockingbird essay

The phrase ' to kill a mocking bird' stands out as a metaphor in the book To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The idea of using the metaphor is to inculcate the morals in people to see them find out a need to safeguard the venerable species: analogous to songbirds, which are ever prone →

Linguistic characterization and impact of daisy in the great gatsby

By way of Fitzgerald's illustration of Daisy through his language and that of other characters, as well as the use of her own distinctly ambivalent and promiscuous language in conjunction with her infamously alluring voice, Daisy effectively and significantly impacts both the characters and the overall plot of The Great Gatsby in a decisively negative →

Novel appreciation: to kill a mockingbird by harper lee essay (book review)

The contemporary discussion of this novel is often tied to the question of racism; nevertheless, I am convinced that this book can be of great interest to modern readers, and I would like to discuss this claim in greater detail. Although, this novel includes the elements of the Bildungsroman3 depicting the intellectual growth of a →

Themes of the crucible that makes it enduring and universal

A theme is considered universal when the ideas still to everyone and also understood regardless of where it is while a theme is referred enduring if the ideas can be referenced in modern times and in ancient times". The theme of hysteria is enduring and universal because the similar thing applies in modern life today, →

An example of racist trash in the adventure of huckleberry finn

Your argument is based upon the book using the racial term the n-word, showing detail about the North and the South focusing on the bad parts of our history, and positively showing a friendship between two different races. Your case against the use of this word is that it is offensive to people, but when →

Aspect of human experience essay

Faulkner presents death in the story through death-haunted life of Emily. Emily also refuses to acknowledge the death of Homer, though she was responsible for his death.

Racism in “the adventures of huckleberry finn” by mark twain term paper

The character of Pap is used to advance the theme of racism in the book. In the closing chapters of the book, Huck and Tom come to the realization that Jim is not property but a human being who is their equal.

To kill a mockingbird final essay

The setting in To Kill a Mockingbird plays a major role in why the character Tom Robinson was judged. The setting of this story was in a little town called Maycomb, Alabama in 1933 which was a time of segregation and a lot of judgment towards different races.

The origin of individual heroism

It aims for showing Hemingway hero's happy side through these facts - Hemigway's own life, Nick Adams in the In Our Times, Jake barnes in the The Sun Also Rise, Frederic Henry in the A Farewell to Arms, Rorbort Jordan in the For Whom the Bell Tolls, Santiago in the The Old Man and the →

Gatsby: differences between movie and book

When Tom received a phone call in the movie, he just moved to the room next to the dining room to answer the phone call, and in the book, he had to walk inside the house to answer the call. In both the book and the movie, Nick goes over to Tom and Daisy's house →

Evaluation of the role of montresor in edgar allan poe’s story, the cask of amontillado

At first glance of Edgar Allen Poe's " The Cask of Amontillado," the murderer Montresor seems to join the ranks amongst the most vicious criminals; however, once the adrenaline of the crime wears, the humane side of the Italian gentleman shows. Because of this glimmer of the true Montresor, we as the readers do not →

“the great gatsby” by scott fitzgerald: thesis

According to the constitution of the United States of America, all people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They had all the material things in the world that are necessary to lead a good, happy life, but they did not make the most of it.

Compare and contrast the narrative techniques used in three or more of edgar allan poe’s tales

The setting in this story shows the conditions the character is subjected to, the pit in the middle of the floor was intended for his death, though he tripped and exposed the ditch. In " The Cask of Amontillado", the protagonist in Montresor, as he is the main character and also the narrator, he forms →

The great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald essay

Fitzgeralds development of Gatsby's dream to be with Daisy through the green light effectively generates the theme: no matter how much effort you put into a dream, it can lead to sacrifices and emptiness. The green light portrays Gatsby's hope and dream to one day be with Daisy, but the light is forever out of →

An investigation into escape

In " The Catcher in the Rye" I have chosen the last three pages of Chapter 24 where Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is spending the night sleeping on his previous teacher's couch. Both the " Catcher in the Rye" extract and the " Huckleberry Finn" extract consist of the protagonists attempting to escape from a →

Figurative language in a rose for emily

The rose dedicated to Emily tells the story of a child in the southern aristocratic family. This story is a metaphor for the failure and decline of the Southern tradition.

Improper politics: quicksand and black female sexuality

Thus, the black elite sought to reinvent the image of the black female. The politics of respectability emphasized that the individual determined the fate of the race.

Huck finn criticized

This also helps to identify the type of atmosphere that was experienced back when the book was written." The book is a strong voice against racism, but at the same time some passages mirror the values of the racist society Mark was raised in". The most significant point of the book is that " Huckleberry →

Achieving is believing

In the novel The Great Gatsby and the play A Raisin in the Sun, There are many different types of dreams that each character wants to achieve. The characters in each story, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan, Jay, Gatsby, Walter Lee Younger, Beneatha Younger and Lena Younger all have achievements that either succeed or fail in →