Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning

Questions & contentions week 2

Kliebard illustrates the struggles and conflicts in the management of the secondary and elementary curriculum between the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century. Rury, John." Education and Social Change: Themes in the History of American Schooling".

Genre of instructions

Genre of instructions Question The genre of instructions as would be borrowed from the work of Tebeaux & Dragga, is one that involves attention on the communication process, the structure of texts and the characteristics of different languages used in different contexts. With this in mind, it is possible to create different forms of meanings β†’

In regards to gender

As a result, gender discrimination rules almost all aspects of life in terms of the role of women and their subordination to men. The superiority of men is acknowledged in this instance, and Eve's betrayal is constantly used to ' keep her in place.' Jonson's Penhurst recognizes the significant role of human decency to social β†’

Free what do you think about the ideas of english as a lingua franca specifically critical thinking example

In fact, the issue of competence is not well brought out in the Kachru model thereby Jenkins seeks to show that there is no uniformity in the various varieties that exist. It is generalizing just like the Kachru Model and pits none of them as superior to the other.

Sam sheppard questions and answers

Is there additional information regarding injuries to Sam Sheppard at time of incident? It seems there is no sufficient information with regards to Sam Sheppard at the time of the incident.

The brazilian sign language english language essay

and is a language of signs, as used in different countries, presents rulesaccount for the formation of the signs and the organization of these structures and phrasalspeech. The orientation ofpalms is the direction in which the palm of the hand points to produce the signal.

Cover memo: furniture company adoring homes

The purpose of our room divider would be to ensure privacy and overcome the need of proper partitions or expensive doors. These room dividers will add to the beauty of their house and result in providing them privacy as well.

Its wrong, but everybody does it

4 Factors that relate to cheating include: Lower GPA and IQ scores this puts pressure on students Living in rural areas this makes students more isolated and in need of help Members of fraternities or sororities this makes students conscious of peer pressure Age and school grade younger students cheat more than older students Gender β†’

Proposal paper

In addition, learning on the history of the healthcare reforms would enable research to identify the significance of the reforms in changing the health care system. Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America.

Why i hate 3-d summarize

The question that arises here is, if the 3-D experience is the wasteful technology it is, why has its reputation as a revolutionary breakthrough sustained? 3-D is suited to a limited range of genres and even then it needs careful handling otherwise filmmakers end up making fake 3-Ds like Clash of the Titans.

My life in alaska

My life in Alaska Abstract Human life is often considered similar on many lines, in relation to the basic human mentality, actions, reactions and interactions, emotions and feelings and the like. It is located in the continent of North America, and is not very linked with the outside world, owing to freezing temperatures and β†’

Overweight children

This essay will prove that both the parents and the presence of many fast food outlets are to blame for the overweight in children in the developed countries. This is the so because the parents are supposed to be the monitors of their children including eating behavior and exercising.

Text analysis

The setting of the story is crucial to our understanding of how the writer appreciates her work as a nurse and how she plans to use her work to make a mark in people's life. Although the writer is the central character in the story and we can learn more about her, the introduction of β†’

Journal 6

If speaking to my peers, I would change my language and accent, and speak in a manner that is acceptable to them. On this basis, my accent and language would always change, based on the relationship that I have with the person I am speaking to.

More with the moves

On the other hand, the painting tries to convince the customer on the quality products they have so as to attract more of them just as the name "...the old reliable..".implies. The flowers are the beautification of the premise.

The dace/william carlos williams

The dance by William Carlos William In the poem, William talks about the kermesse. William in his poem argues that the work by Brueghel the Elder depicts the great artwork of the Italian artists, which is true.

Media and terrorism

Terrorists adopt the use of the media to set and propagate some of their objectives of terrorism, Whitehead argues that terrorists may use the media for purposes of seeking attention, recognition, and legitimacy, which can be achieved through the psychological interaction between them and the media to demoralize enemies. Terrorism and the Media: A Symbiotic β†’

A male from saudi arabia

I have lived in the United States for about three years now with an aim of completing my studies, in the country, and earn myself the highly regarded U.S.certificate in education. As a writer, one strength area is in my choice of words during the process of writing.


Havisham is responsible for her own misery in that she chooses to concentrate in the betrayal from her lover in a way that day in day out. Bearing in mind Havisham former position in the society, it is inevitable to sympathise with the extent of her sinking.


He studied fine art at City Guilds College, and later in 2006, he was awarded an MBE for his services and contribution to the art world. One of his teachers took him on a drawing excursion and entered his work in children's competition, of which he won many of the awards.

Short statement type sentence english language essay

This is a memory device as well as a type of verbal play contrived by the Yoru ba newspaper writer in the above example to forcefully drive his message into the memory of the reader to stem the tide of cursing NEPA. Closely related to the above is the use of question-type sentence in a β†’

Journal entry #8

Journal Entry 8: L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design The article written by Pica entitled " L1 Transfer and L2 Complexity as Factors in Syllabus Design" and published in the TESOL Quarterly proffered pertinent details relative to the two traditional approaches β†’

Battered women

Battered women article: Desperate lives of women domestic workers exposed to appalling exploitation, physical violence and sexual abuse in Qatar Thearticle is about the plight of women migrant domestic workers in Qatar which are exploited and sexually abused by their employers. The purpose of the article is to advocate for the reform of the Kafala β†’

Read the article in its entirety,then answer those qestions

" Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" Hastings and Payne article, " Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" provides an understanding of implications of dissent expressions used by employees through email. Business Communication is very important as it the β†’

Experience in english 102 class

This is attributed to the fact that I learnt skills that were instrumental not only in this class but also in other disciplines that I undertake. Despite this setback, I came to realize that I am effective in formatting and citing my papers in the styles that are required and this is my area of β†’

Result of vlid using prlm approach english language essay

The contention here is that different languages have different rules regarding the syntax of phones, and this can be captured in a language model. Languages such as English, French and German are focused for the language identification in this paper.


This is her bitter cry that marks the beginning of the poem and the journey of life seeking vendetta against men". She failed to grasp the essence of life that in societal terms one lived not only for self but for the sake of near and dear ones in the family and well-wishers.

Letter of explanation

With the motivation of fulfilling my dream of acquiring education in USA, I geared up the courage to face this challenge and decided to take ESOL classes to improve my English and overcome the language barrier. Therefore, the fulfillment of my dream to have a bachelor degree also provoked me to attend multiple ESOL classes β†’

Drawing competition award ceremony

Let us be a part of the struggle that the health sector is making in trying to eradicate these diseases from the face of this world. I would like to praise all the students who participated in the competition and thank the Ministry of Education for being a part of this struggle.

Edit the document for proper grammar

The skills and characteristics I would like to work on are my confidence and speed. I was told that I tend to doubt myself and lack confidence and I have elaborated on this as one of the things I would like to overcome.

Reflective report

Reflective Report on Job Analysis My driving force with regard to the job analysis is based on a quest to achieve my long-term goal of becoming a manager. This include the use a computer program referred as publisher to make fliers, the use of Email to contact clients.

Children in the restaurant observation

Running notes 1100: Tasha enters through the door and seems to be dragging her mum inside as though she cannot wait to have a taste of the delicacies served in the restaurant. 1120: Tasha seems a little distracted by the food on her plate and begins to play with the sticks of chips.

Industrialization 2

New technologies defined new industries during the late 19the century in comparison to the technology of industries during the pre-Civil War era. Third, new industries of the late 19th century employed new advertising techniques and approaches that industries during the pre-Civil War era did not have.


The Internet and application of social media has facilitated in the job search process through the enhanced abilities of the applicants in accessing a wide array of employment sources. The advantage of using classification is to highlight the presentation of items into a more structured manner.


The boy in the plot is used as a symbol to show the difficulties that immigrants undergo when they are to receive services in the country that they do not belong. They have to go by the cultures in the country and the region that they are in for them to be treated as the β†’

The importance of education

I did not value the importance of education when I was young and I wasted many important years of my life but with time and age I realized the importance of succeeding in education for the purpose of attaining a secure and bright future. I continued my education and I still remember that all my β†’

Peer review

The writer also provides a lot of quotes from the writings of both the feminist writers to support the arguments. In the next paragraph, the writer adequately describes how the two writers use their languages as the strongest weapons against sexist oppression and patriarchy.

Philadelphia art museum

The building was a mass of activities and this was so because it was on a weekend and most people were taking photos of the building while others were simply as perplexed as I was by the greatest of it. It took over four hours uninterrupted to completely tour the inside of the museum with β†’

The inner person

Why I value Courage The most important value in my life is courage because it is the single most important value needed to make me both my and. But as a courageous person and as a person having courage as a value, I have always told myself that the downfall of a person is not β†’

The role of literature

The Danger of a Single Story Introduction Stories are important because they educate us, they remind us, they show us a different side of the world and they help break the monotony of reality by providing readers with an escape route through which they can immerse themselves for a while. Chimamanda realized that most of β†’

When things fall apart by chodrun from chapter 1 to 18

When we incorporate the right thinking, we will appreciate suffering and view pain as a transformation to have the right thinking. These qualities include having the sense of love to painful part of ourselves that we mostly feel ashamed about them.

Reasons for transferring and objectives to achieve

That is, to use the skills I have learned to make a living out of my passion. Photography has always interested me and I feel that I have the ability to make a living out of selling the photographs that I take.

Sales and ethics

Ethics in sales encompasses the moral values and principles that guides the actions of the sale people, the marketing manager or the marketing function in making a marketing or sales decision when faced with a moral dilemma. Ethics in sales require marketers to disclose the safety of the product information, the reasons for change in β†’

Pursuing a career in global studies and international business

I have learned that the best way to shorten the distance between two people is to open my heart and let them come in with full acceptance. This small incident left a huge impact in me and imprinted the lesson that I should never judge anyone without fully getting to know his real story.

Exercises for editing

5 inches apart, will need to be drawn across the width of the slide. Third is to label the slide with an identifying number and turn the hotplate and set the temperature to warm.2.

Business writing class discussion

The adage failure to plan is a plan to fail has been regarded as cliche over the years but nevertheless it carries a lot of truth. Planning gives one a vision of how the paper should be and you are able to see the end product even before beginning the process.

Cause and effect paper

Causes and Effects of Inventing Internet Inventing of the Internet Internet invention resulted from computer users' need to have common communication connection across several computer terminals. Invention of the internet has brought many benefits: ease of access to information, ease of communication and effective online business transactions.

A definition of knowledge

A Definition of Knowledge What is knowledge Knowledge is familiarity with truths, principles or facts with regards to study or investigation; to know many things. Tacit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge is a personal comprehension, an individual experience and involves real facts, such as personal conviction, and the value system.

What is happiness

Happiness cannot be the same for everyone or something that is readymade and available." Happiness is not something readymade. It is important to understand that happiness is not a pinnacle or a turning point in our lives.


Racism Racism is the belief that some characters in persons or their capabilities are inborn. In the past, racism is a tool that European colonies used via hate speeches to make different tribes fight against one another to their advantage.

The four seasons

It occurs in regions around the North and the South Pole and is experienced when the pole is tilted towards the sun. The weather is cooler and the environment has frost in the morning.

Assignment example

Use of Dialogue In the story the use of dialogue is seen in different parts with the women or the narrator addressing the audience. Plot In the story, Emily's mother is contacted by her daughter's school counsellor or teacher.

You can choose the topic

The different sports shoes are organized into soccer shoes, bowling shoes, running/ athletic shoes, tennis shoes, golf shoes and even mountain climbing/ hiking shoes. The first category of these sports shoes are soccer shoes which are also commonly known as soccer cleats or football shoes.

How to make a good business

This implies that, for a business to remain operation and break-through, it is important for the owners to compete fairly with the rest of the firms in the industry. As observed, the success of the business depends on the availability of the buyers who are the customers.

Were are you going, where have you been

If we do not like a specific situation, we have everything that we need to get out of the situation or to change it to our liking. We have the ability to make choices in our lives and to change something that we do not like or agree with.

Theoretical aspects regarding communication and games english language essay

The most used one is the communication provided after the instrument of codification of the information and the channel of the transmission of the message and the ones that will be briefly discussed are the intrapersonal communication and the interpersonal communication, which have an extremely important role in teaching. The barriers of educational communication may β†’

Measure assessment

However, I need to work on my individual attributes, technical competency and technical knowledge. I will work extra hard and further employ plenty of reading and research to enrich my technical knowledge.

Beyond worlds introduction

18 April The Works of Jack Agueros In 1934, Jack Agueros was born in New York in East Harlem. He has written books of poems including Correspondence Between Stonehaulers in 1991, Sonnets from the Puerto Rican in 1996 and Lord, Is This a Psalm? in 2002.

Man’s search for meaning by viktor frankl

Viktor Frankl Man Search for Meaning The main aim of the book is to provide a perspective to individuals in finding meaning in life. The importance of life is to find the main purpose that makes it worth living.


This is the reason why, despite the fact that facilities are over-numbered, the luxuries superfluous, the money redundant, the satisfaction and peace of mind is out of reach. The purpose of the ' Panopticon' is to inject in the inmates of the Panopticon, a sense of surety that they are always under inspection.

Discussion post

An argument may be considered to be of the academic nature when it has a claim or logic that falls under the following categories: The claim must be arguable -An argument must be based in fact not emotion. Add to that the fact that my mothers argument pertaining to the additional and unnecessary expense of β†’

Conduct a rhetorical analysis of krishnas replay to arjuna in the bhagavad gita

The use of dialogue has been expressed whereby, a persuasive tone is used in Krishna reply to Arjuna. In conclusion, the rhetoric analysis of this book brings out the tone of war and its cultural aspect.

Summary of a book about how to prevent kids from smoking

Other than that, the author discusses some of the reasons that should assist the teenage to quit smoking including the cost of cigarettes and the antismoking policy by the government. 2 to 3 sentences about the credibility sentences-author e.g: phd or university, audience The book is credible as the author is an associate professor in β†’

Summarize poor economics

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo's " PoorEconomics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty" is a book that questions the decision making of poor people. Lack of resources and access to medication is a leading factor in the demise of children and adults alike in countries that are less developed.

Research proposal

Cultural Inscription of Gender When the question " what gender are you?" is posed, it has the implication that gender is not what one is said to have, but an attribute of what the person is. The feminist approach of gender postulates that it is a cultural interpretation of sex.

Differences between private and public schools

On the other hand, there is usually some limit related to the number of admissions in private schools. Cost The cost of education is also significantly higher in private schools as compared to that of the public schools.

The disadvantages of microstrip english language essay

Here Z0 is the impedance of free space, r is the relative permittivity of substrate, w is the width of the strip, h is the thickness of substrate, and t is the thickness of the strip metallization. The percentage mitre is the cut-away fraction of the diagonal between the inner and outer corners of the β†’

Editing and proofreading

Additionally, the resource materials underscore the need to go throw a written work and editing appropriately. The videos and the articles exhibit some similarities in the sense that they both agree on the need to proofread and edit a text as a measure of producing quality work.

Why am i iinterested in mba program of ggsb, and how do i see it helping me to reach my future career goals

Therefore, after discussing the issue with some of my close associates I came to the conclusion that a Master's degree in Management from a reputed Institution not only helps in learning the techniques of dealing with adverse circumstances, but it will certainly help me in enhancing my confidence level. Well, having observed the functioning of β†’

Writing exercise: interview summary/synthesis

In order to provide the animals with proper care from the experts and in order to do this, they have to be in a shelter. These activities will motivate people to engage in the giving to enable the animals have a better and safe life.


The outcome of the leadership style employed by the party in power depends on the qualities, traits, character, personality, and interests of this party in the position held. This is due to the fact that the text only highlights the need for a prince to only mind his own concerns in relation to retaining power β†’

Doctor faustus

The result of the play undoubtedly asserts Marlowe's conviction that magic is a substandard to science and the accurate obscurities of the Christian life.Dr. Faustus's main character mistake is that he wishes the boundaries of humanity and knowledge to be extended past what is logical.

Somewhere i have never traveled by e.e. cumming’s

In the first stanza, Cummings begins by saying he has gone to a place he has never been to previously, and he is glad. He is using metaphors and allegories in the poem and hints out that this " somewhere" he " has never traveled" is not a real destination but more of a virtual β†’

Personal response to mrs dallaway pages 1-36 no sources

Dalloway Virginia Woolf uses the different characters in " Mrs. For most of the characters including Mrs.

English sample question paper essay sample

On the basis of the information given in the table below about musical preferences of the people in the three age groups, write a paragraph in about 80 words about the popular forms of music and how the taste in music differs with age. When the speaker taps at the windows____ people welcome the speaker β†’

The definitions and concepts of plagiarism english language essay

This paper will cover the definition of plagiarism, the concept and theory, challenges and solution or recommendation to addresses the problem. The question for now is how far is our students get to understand this term and aware about it or they just ignore such banner or seminar that told them about the danger of β†’

College is worth

Individuals arguing that college is worth the hassle contend the fact that graduates from college have got higher rates of employment, better and bigger salaries, superior work benefits and a couple of other advantages than their high school counterparts. Is College Education Still Worth the Price?

Analysis of wikipedia project ( jason statham )

The different sections would be on his childhood life, his education, and his career, how he has influenced media, his personal life, the films he has featured in, and the references used in citing the article. The type of images that I would include in the article are images such as Jason Statham on action β†’

Week 1 journal

The severity of the problem has many a time been suppressed by the public myths and legal issues related to the homeless people. The death of the four poor men, namely Daniel Brillhart, Enrique Rubio and Daniel Moore, has ignited the minds of the Americans and compelled them to ponder over this intricate problem that β†’

Effective communication assignment

Since communication takes place between two opponents that is the sender and the receiver, the effectiveness of communication is then said to occur only when the sender transmits information to the receiver who acknowledges reception by response. Ultimately, the effectiveness of communication by waving out someone in traffic is, therefore, depended on positive action or β†’

Annotated bibliography example

Adam ' The Defense of Marriage Act and American Exceptionalism: The " Gay Marriage" Panic in the United States' Journal of the History of Sexuality 12. According to Barry, those in support of the gay marriage view the arrangement as marriage of equality.

The modest proposal

The Modest Proposal Swift has managed to describe the suffering and challenges that the mothers are facing in a very simpleway that is understandable to anyone. It is important to notice that children and women always suffer the most and this is what Swift has targeted to bring out the theme of hunger and suffering.2.

Character in the work place as an lpn

There are many reasons why a nurse should have a good character; one being that the patient will feel safe, happy and could have a faster recovery. This is one of the main reasons why a LPN should have several different character traits to make the workplace safe, efficient and hospitable.

Personal qualities

For instance, I acquired determination; a prominent facet of life, in the seventh grade after repeating the same grade as my peer moved to the next grade. At this point of my life, I appreciate those knives for building me up because in public school I met people that I would have never talked to; β†’

Journal entry #2

Journal Entry 2: Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL The article entitled " Implementing Writing Workshop with ESOL Students: Visions and Realities" written by Peyton, Jones, Vincent and Greenblatt and published in the TESOL Quarterly focused on discussing the challenges and experiences encountered with by teachers who participated in The Books β†’

Why should we stay in afghanistan

After the United s of America has driven Taliban out of power, established the pro-US democratic government of Mr Hamid Karzai, and the killing of the most wanted terrorist in the world, Osama Bin Ladin, the question arises whether America should leave Afghanistan. However, there are strong arguments for US troops to stay in Afghanistan β†’

Ss310 unit 7 db

Exploration of the Moon Reasons for Moon Exploration The moon is a crucial facet of the world because it serves as the centre of entry for other planets into the entire universe. It is equally evident that archeological resources within the moon have the capacity to improve the state of the earth.

Synopsis on the broadway musical wicked

Synopsis on the Broadway Musical " Wicked" The land of OZ is celebrating the death of the Wicked Witch of the West. Elphaba flies to the West as a manhunt is launched for her.

How my work experience changed me as a person

As I was eager to meet new people, I welcomed the job as a positive influence in my life. As an employed person I had more responsibility, I could take greater initiative and in an individual capacity, rather than a member of my family or community, as was the case before.

Analyze the nike ad in terms of its appeals (ethos, pathos, logos)

Nike Ad When one reads the text of the Nike ad that was assigned as the reading for this paper, one will notice that the text is a series of words, strung together to form a sense of poetic substance while telling the reader to be true to himself while also promoting a change in β†’

Description for the map

Users of the Inner Mongolia Map As mentioned earlier, travellers and tourists are critical users of the Inner Mongolia Map. In conclusion, Inner Mongolia has many features that can be depicted in the map.

A discussion by lanston hughes

Their sense of loss is magnified by the feeling of not having married the person of their first love, of having families and kids now of their own but it is amplified by the awkwardness of their chance meeting in the busy park in early autumn after years of no communication, each hurrying on the β†’

How children acquire language at which stage english language essay

When this is activated, the child can discover the structure of the language s/he is to learn by matching the innate knowledge of basic grammatical relationships to the structures of the special language in the environment. In contrast to this, Chomsky's theory is considered one of the famous theories in the language acquisition domain.