Quality Linguistics Essay Examples for Your Learning

(choose the topic)

Huxley was at least correct in saying that nuclear fission would change the way that wars are fought in the future, and this has proved to be the case. Huxley also predicted that the " politicians and generals of Europe consciously resisted the temptation to use their military resources to the limits of destructiveness or β†’

Teen pregnancy

The pros and cons of teen pregnancy Teenage pregnancy though is beneficial as it in line with procreation and a blessing by few it is mostly unplanned for and usually results to harm than good to the parties involved. Teenage pregnancy: the making and unmaking of a problem.

How music makes my life better

Music makes my life so much better, it comes to my rescue every now and then and most importantly it is always there to rejuvenate me when I need it the most. To conclude it is very fair to say that music is life and life, music.

Business memo with documented

Expansion of Estee Lauder Cosmetic Incorporation to Japan is a stratagem to embrace since the country provides a favorable environment, politically and economically, for the flourishing of the company. Economic Environment In reference to CIA World Fact Book, Japan's economy is the second most developed economy and the third largest economy in the world.


Division ification Division ification The chapter stresses the importance of division and ification in our daily life and in writing in general. Division in writing actually brings purpose and meaning to the writing which is why it is important to use division to maintain audience attention.


This Cultural Diversity course helps people to become aware about the importance of culture in their personal lives and the world in general. This new role brings challenges to people in the UAE; they face the need to learn more about other people to understand them and make their communication effective.

Letter from a birmingham jail

" Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is the most important statement in the Civil Rights movement back in the 60's written by Martin Luther King, Jr.from the jail. Thus, to conclude it can be said that " Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is considered the most important statement in the African American Civil Right β†’

Summary of a central event

From the speech one can easily grasp the fact that what something means to one person does not necessarily mean that it will mean the same thing to another person. How he explains on how technology has made us drift from our hearts reminds me of the many times; I wished somebody were there to β†’

Compare and contrast feminine and masculine, and their notion/stereotype in three paragraph

Therefore, both the masculine and feminine words are a representation of the lives of both sexes respectively and they are similar in the representation of the main features of the different gender groups. The notion that males are emotional was utilized to classify the male words and that men are generally tougher in terms of β†’

Gun violence

In as much as the historical perceptions may have such a massive influence on the people there is more to the violence than the background can provide. In summary, to understand the gun violence, it is imperative that a holistic approach embraced.

Our bodies, our technologies

Life evolved from the genetic material the DNA and the RNA which are prevalent in all life forms, in the similar manner as computers are the spine of the information system. Available at http://www.kurzweilai.net/the-human-machine-merger-why-we-will-spend-most-of-our-time-in-virtual-reality-in-the-twenty-first-century.[Accessed on 27th September 2011].

Self portrait exercise

This taught me that in everything that I do, dedication and perseverance is the key. Bowling now is my hobby and I love it.

The key issue in argument structure english language essay

It involves the type of the syntax, the number of arguments, and the hierarchical organization that is needed to map to the structure. The key issue in argument structure in syntax is in the amount and the nature of information presented in the lexical representations.

Free writing journal

There are many closing doors in the story, a symbolism of Miss Emily's refusal to adapt to the changes. Miss Emily's refusal to accept the changing nature and behavior of the society and her environment made her a recluse.

English composition ii unit 5 db

The essay below is narrative, and it explains the process I used in writing and editing my research paper, as well as the key strategies I applied. The first thing I did was to determine the goal of the research paper, by clearly understanding the difference between argumentative and analytical research paper.

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act The no child left behind is an American Act of Congress that was meant for the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education act to help the minority and the disadvantaged learners. Through the act, the bridge between the minority and the majority β†’

Creating the content of the speech

Assignment 3: Creating the Content of the Speech al affiliation: Topic Information protection and security In the wake of technological advancement, application of information systems and technology is no longer an option. Pervasive technologies A new paradigm of physical computing technique worth understanding in the field of information systems and technology to be acquitted with β†’

No child left behind act

The No Child Left Behind Act No Child Left Behind The no child left behind act was implemented by the American government in 2001 to help in the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education act. The action has been successful in reducing the gap between the minority and the majority as well as improving β†’

Pasta the italian cuisine english language essay

This research question is used to ask about the cost of pasta they usually eat. This research question is used to ask about the popularity of pasta in Malaysia.


The feeling is often deep and emotional in nature, and one can go an extra mile for the sake of love. This is the social nature of people and they tend to have profound feelings of affection towards others; majorly family members and friends.

Fables and fairytales

The second fish heeded to the advice but the third fish refused to listen. The fishermen came and caught all the fish in that pond including the third fish and they were killed.

Why student athletes should be drug tested

In the case of drug testing, universities are first accusing that athletic students are wrong doers and drug abusers and then tests are conducted on a student. In the case of drug tests on athletic students, searches are being conducted only on athletic students and not on all the students, this makes these tests unconstitutional.

Language discussion

It is my believe-or rather hope- that the experiences children pick up while at home may work toward influencing or affecting their cognitive skills positively in a bid to try and level the playing field on which every child is exposed after joining a school. This can be done if parents take up the mantle β†’

Legalizing marijuana

The legalization of marijuana is a problem because the use of the same drug exposes one to addiction and the impairment mental and bodily functions. Question 3: To address this problem, it will be important to conscientize the public towards the pitfalls that come with the use of marijuana.

Observations on images

This assignment looks at visual literacy, media literacy and communication of information which are part of the three images talked about in the lecture notes. Communication of Information Images and sounds are important in communication information.

The impact of technology on students

Technology has impacted how students research, how students collaborate and how students attend classes. Technology has changed the way students research, collaborate and attend classes.

The conventions of a romantic comedy on a midsummer night’s dream by william shakespeare

The entire comedy by William Shakespeare speaks about love, and this is depicted in the relationship between Theseus who is the duke of Athens and Hippolyta. In a bid to win the love of Demetrius, Helena tells him of the action that Lysander and Hermia intend to undertake.

Constructing the narrative: the usefulness composition course

Another consideration I came to recognize is that the form of writing also informs the nature of structure. I believe this was one of my strong suits in the course and something I can apply to different situations.

Weekly class members responses

Although the writer has not provided details of the writing process, he/she has covered some main aspects of the process. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters.

Importance of maintaining balance to achieve wellness and academic success

Students must get enough of sleep in order to b able to focus on the lessons in school the next day, and to be able to retain the information that is being taught as well. It is key for a student to eat the right kind and amount of food, and to also regularly exercise β†’


Five Principles of Design As the means of successful visual communication, the principles of design guide the relationships between the elements and help to organize them into a single composition. To start with, the principle of balance is responsible for placing the parts of an image in the arrangement in a way that is pleasant β†’

The promotion dilemma by caroline smith

One day, much to Caroline's amazement, she was advised by the manager of the IT department that she had been tapped to fill the job of an assistant manager. What would have been the appropriate strategy for Caroline to prevent Beverly's outburst? 3.


How popular culture change According to Delaney and LeRoy, all aspect of popular culture is subject to change. The Rising of Popular Culture: A Historiographical Sketch.

About translation

On the contrary, a major in Arabic to English would enhance me to understand western civilization as well as the language for me. Therefore, it is my sincere hope that a major in English translation would be great for me not to mention the broad career it would offer me in the future.

English in academic settings

I made a choice to develop an interest in the English subject. This is because I made a resolution to develop my interest in English.

A book that you did not like at first then appreciate

Basil Hallward is impressed and infatuated with the beauty of Dorian that he thinks that he is accountable for the new mode in his art as a painter. Because even at the end of the book, Dorian accepts that he has done wrong and is ready to atone his mistakes only that he does not β†’

Reading response of fanshen

THE ROOM AND THE WIDER CULTURE: IDENTIFY AS A KEY TO LEARNING ENGLISH COMPOSITION Fan Shen: The Classroom and the Wider Culture Writing techniques mirror the nature and unity of someone's culture. Contrarily, the Chinese culture does not conform to the use of " I" as a means of self-expression rather views it as individualistic β†’


The Importance of the Family Unit Details: al Affiliation: The Importance of the Family Unit By its very definition, the family unit is but the basic structure that forms the society itself. As Carson notes in his book titled " Think Big", " life is but a series of partings"; as much as individuals may β†’


The controversy in all the logos is connected to the fact that many consider them a mockery and demeaning to the larger Native Americans. There is an evident connection evident between these images or logos of the team e and to the Native American.

Do you think that juvenile offenders who have committed a homicide should be tried as adults

Juvenile Offenders School There is a neurological research that s that human brain is not fully developed until the ageof 25, which means that some of people's actions may come from lack of brain development. The statement definitely makes sense as it is difficult to imagine a child who would not know that killing is β†’

Respone artical

For the most part, identifying the " best" or the " most important" musical tracks from any era invariably falls prey to the musical tastes of the individual that is responsible for cataloguing and listing such tracks. Ultimately, the listing is filled with tracks that only a true conniseur of specific and not very common β†’


Finally, Kluger emphasizes that for women, what begins as special treatment to their own healthiness soon extends to the whole family. However, Kluger states that father's involvement in matters of family health-care are supposed to not be minimized; they should also be involved in their families' health-care; because " a present-and accounted-for family normally leads-to β†’


Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility Define CSR Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the commitment of a company to serve itself, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders of the company such as customers, the surrounding community and suppliers who are affected by the activities of the company. They include health and safety of the clients consuming β†’

Academic appeal

Therefore, I am asking that you would kindly remove my academic probation so that I can complete my degree. I consider my education to be extremely important to me.

Informal class assessment

Due to the diversity of the group in educational background, line of employment, and interests, the topics that could be of interest to the batch could be current events, especially one that is controversial in nature; or a general topic that could appeal to all: food, health, love, or relationships, to name a few. As β†’

What is plagiarism

Students need to be first made aware about the existence of " plagiarism" and its rules and should be firstly given warnings about plagiarizing in their own papers. Students found to plagiarize should be punished according to the degree of plagiarism detected.

The black cat by e. poe

A friend said about him, " the loss of his wife was a sad blow to him. Such behavior was a result of the sorrow he felt after Virginia's death.

Reflection on the movie the guardian 2006

Reflection of the movie, the Guardian The film opens up when Ben, one of the most renowned rescue swimmers in the United States, is approached by his wife. Jake meets Emily in a bar and narrates to her about how he beat the records for his instructor, Ben.

Should there be an age limit to join social networking sites

First, when there is no age limit, younger kids and teens would join these sites and would spend ample time in front of computer screens, chatting and making new friends. To conclude, the disadvantages of not putting an age limit to join the social networks outweigh the advantages, and hence it is recommended that there β†’

Summary for one page

The mere theme of the story is to make readers understand the ways in which the effects of economics can be observed in the lives of common people. Careful intimidation is done in such a way that it allows the narrator to overcome the fear of bank by the end of the story for readers.

Understanding of literary terms

Understanding of Literary Terms The Gift of the Magi The short story " The Gift of the Magi" by O. The personalities of the characters Jim and Delia contribute to the presentation of the theme of the story.

The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to raise age limits for younger drivers and lower age limit for the aged ones. to what extent do you agree or disagree

Running Head: REDUCING TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS RAISING AGE LIMITS FOR YOUNG DRIVERS AND LOWERING AGE LIMITS FOR AGED ONES IS THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS By Student's Name Code+ course name Professor's name University name City, State Date Raising Age Limits for Young Drivers and Lowering Age Limits for Aged Ones β†’

Should america as a country promote the use of a single language

Farzeela Faisal Academia Standard Research Oct-28-2005 Should America as a country promote the use of a single language As there is a probable vast quantity of stocks of the different American languages which are spoken without admitting that imperfect as is our knowledge of the tongues spoken in America, America should arrange and promote different β†’

13sp2 rebuttal argument

There are a lot of differences between an American transgressor who commits a crime of theft and robbery compared to any Al Qaeda member who brutally killed thousands of people all over the world, or helped suicide bombing and hijacking to be possible. Furthermore, the Constitution entitles the authority to declare war or allowed an β†’

Big fish

In chapter one of the novel, William Bloom uses first person narration to explain the circumstances in which his father was born; his father was born during one of the worst summers, drought and famine was experienced in the land there was scarcity of food. William Bloom says that his father is a myth in β†’

English linguistics

The usage of the word ' their' in the first sentence is supposed to be referring to a location, but the word used is referring instead to the ownership of something by a person or group. Finally, the word ' a' should be inserted between ' is' and ' fight'.

Medical ethics

One of the major issues of in medical ethics has been the question of whether individuals in severe and life-ending pain should be able to commit euthanasia. I object entirely to the notion that individuals in such situations should not have the option of terminating their life.


Responding to the issue of multiculturalism is the main issue as Valerie, an editor with the Los Angeles Times puts it. Conclusion The research will cover the topic in a different way to address the limitations of the previous researches and come up with a working model for the same.

Discovery of frequent patterns and association rule english language essay

The rules discovered in this work have one item in the consequent and a union of any number of items in the antecedent i.e, it will not generate the rules of the form X Y Z. The Apriori and AprioriTid algorithms generate the candidate itemsets to be counted in a pass by using only the β†’

Complete a poetry analysis for whispers in the wind

Through the poem, she declares that her heritage is valuable to her and she will never let it fall to the wayside. Whispers in the Wind is a tribute to her ancestors and their gallant bravery in the face of hardship and abuse.

Compare and contrast oedipus the king and death of a salesman

Oedipus the King and Death of salesman Introduction Oedipus Rex is a piece of writing done by Sophocles and considered as a masterpiece depicting heroic tragedy. In conclusion, both plays are set in such a way as to affect the feelings and emotions of their audiences.

The experience as a writer

Given the chance as to practice another field is another opportunity for me to discover whether I am fit for this, the writing skills and practising to be a professional writer. And, I took the opportunity and gave all of my best ability to grow as a writer.

American dream

The American Dream; Miller, Arthur Death of a Salesman I would define the American dream as beliefs in freedom meant to all citizens or residents in the United States to attain their goals in their lives through hard work and get to enjoy it for the rest of their lives. It can also be described β†’

Operation fine girl

The only thing that I could think of while listening to the testimonials of the female rape victims was that something has to be done to put a stop to these atrocities. They need to be taught that the rape was not the end of they are.

Three-dimensional (3d)

I believe that it is essential to be able to write because that leaves a mark of your existence for others. I am able to write in a versatile manner.

The lottery by jackson

The Lottery by Jackson ' The Lottery' by Jackson describes how people's blind adherence to traditions or even law can be disastrous as this adherence, at times, results in the torture of the innocent and also how everyone in a society is equally vulnerable to the ill effects of such foolishness. In order to β†’

Any evaluative

In reviewing this movie, Peter Travers has done a great job in following the criteria of movie evaluation that is, considering the theme, the plot, the role of the actors, and the directing of the movie. Travers, Peter." The Last of the Mohicans Movie Reviews Rolling Stone".


In a reflective investigation of the meaning of the term impressionism in literature, it is fundamental to realize it as a style or technique of writing used to express the sense impressions created by a few details. Significantly, the term impressionism in literature is defined as a countermovement of Naturalism and a secularized symbolism or β†’

The hunchback of notre dame

People in the high class have some privileges and accorded respect in the society. Just like in the modern world, the common person does not have the authority to establish some rules and laws affecting them, thereby leading to oppression and reason for social unrest in the society.

Persuasive paper part 1: a problem exists

A Problem Exists: Terrorism in Society Task: A Problem Exists: Terrorism in Society The norm of terrorism continues to creep swiftly in the society. A world of attacks and ravages will posse unconstructive effects to the dwellers.

Application for the university of san diego

Application for the of San Diego The mission of the of San Diego is to " advance academic excellence, expand liberal and professional knowledge, to create a diverse and inclusive community, and to prepare leaders dedicated to ethical conduct and compassionate service". One of the things that I will like to be incorporated in me β†’

Peruse some sources to find a relationship between dress codes and success in the work place. remeber to focus on anglophone cultures

Dress and Success' Number] Attire is one of the foremost thing a person notices about others during a formal meeting or in a casual gathering. Similarly, in the workplace one's dress says a thousand things about one's personality, taste and educational background.

Easy a

Easy A I have chosen two reviews; one is by Beck Cinema Crazed - Celebrating Film Culture & Pop Culture". Cinema Crazed Redirect.N.p, 17 Jan.2011.Web.


A Theory of the Calculus of Voting The calculus of voting is supported by a theory that tends to calculate or weigh the cost of voting and the expected returns. This means that voting is a choice according to the theory of voting in relation to the voting calculus.

Who’s the audience

Young audiences will tend to develop interest on issues that may not engage the interest of elderly audiences. Audiences for a paper may include people from all diversities who are particularly interested in the specific content of the paper.


While the odds are one to nine that she will be at the place of the attack, she ironically ends up there and is killed. Most Black neighborhoods are still grappling with poverty, drugs and crime as the government turns a blind eye to this particular race.

Johan huzinga’s chapter and stuart brown’s lecture arguments and supporting evidences

Johan Huzinga's chapter and Stuart Brown's lecture arguments and supporting evidences In the lecture of Johan Huizinga's chapter and Stuart Brown, both made an interesting analysis of play that transcended beyond our usual concept of playing for the sake of fun or an activity that we usually take as the province of kids. The concept, β†’

Tv journal entry

One of my proudest milestones was to graduate with honors in high school despite my language limitations and to gain acceptance to the University of Minnesota. I believe my academic journey has prepared me for the heavy workload of pharmacy school.

Relationships shared among family and friends

However, my father is very supportive and tries to allow me to make my own decisions. Sometimes I miss my old friends due to the history and understanding we share.

Edgar allan poe: comparing and contrast between his life with the philosophy of composition and the poem the raven

Prof's Loss and Remembrance in the Raven The Raven is one of the, if not the, best known works by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe thus sets the tone for the poem by establishing it as an act of remembrance in and of itself, and makes the memory of Lenore the central focus of the poem.

Praise the humble dung beetle

There are a total of 238 species of invertebrates including the spiders and the dung beetles that are disappearing from the face of this earth and especially in the region of United States. It is these invertebrates that help in the stabilization of soil and help in providing people with majority of their diet.

Studying abroad

Read more: http://www.studyabroad.com/faq.aspx#ixzz2tre2aYkJ Blog: Students are choosing to study abroad and take on the major challenge of being immersed in one's culture. According to the Unesco's Institute for Statistics, they have found that the number of study abroad students worldwide will keep increasing every year by about 12 percent.

The mix of a successful bumper sticker

Firstly, this bumper sticker is not particularly clear. This bumper sticker is in no way interesting.

Poets’ expression of fillings

Wordsworth, in his poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, describes the various aspects of nature and concludes by appreciating their presence saying; I gazed and gazed but little thought, What wealth the show to me had brought Similar romantic themes are focused in the works of Donne, Frost, and Shakespeare as well as the β†’

, writing, and rhetoric

Asch showed that a majority of people want to fit in than they desire to do the right thing. The experiments conducted by Milgram and Asch help to disprove that the character trait of an individual can override the situation to determine human behavior.

Ss310 unit 8

This is due to a host of economic factors and cannot ultimately be attributed to the government's failure or success in implementation of the Great Society; however, it is indicative of the level of success that such a program has experienced. This is due to the fact that although great strides have been made with β†’

Taking a stand

However, the practice of for-profit education was first criticized by Plato and Aristotle in ancient Greece. Plato in particular was against the for-profit education because he believed that there is absolutely no connection between truth and profit, money and education.

Informal assessment

It refers to the practice of individuals or rather organizations that may include commercial businesses and institutions that are in the move of selling their products. As majority of individuals seeking to learn as well as explore different sectors in the market, with the main aim of making it in life, it is necessary to β†’

What is the value of studying english english language essay

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the World and is the primary language in many countries including the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, as well as being the first choice of second language for non-English speaking countries. Quote: with only 9% experiencing a period of unemployment, English β†’

Post 3

Among Graves' five pillars, the pillar that states that races possess genetic dissimilarities that define their intelligence is the most common or least challenged in the United States. Specifically belligerent in the continuing argument has been the characterisation of concept of race and that of intelligence, particularly if they can be defined in an objective β†’

Personal experience

This is a life experience about how I started smoking, the effects it had and how I managed to overcome it. The first person I met was Kelvin and this was one of the best opportunities ever.

Article summary

The research drew a comparison between the birth outcomes of heavy smokers and non-heavy smokers and found that the former were exposed to substantially more health risks than the latter. Heavy smoking during pregnancy as a marker for other risk factors of adverse birth outcomes: a population-based study in British Columbia, Canada.

Discuss speed planes trains and automobiles in relation to spaces and subjects of modernity

The introduction of time saving technologies in communication such as the telegraph, telephone, email and technologies of transportation such as the railroad, automobiles and planes have significantly decreased the distance between people, nations and cultures. Painters have drawn a correlation between the technology of speed such as William Turner's painting Rain, Steam and Speed which β†’

No need for a topic

Additionally, the book discusses the ways of enhancing the success of marketing in the contemporary society in order to safeguard the profitability and longevity of businesses in the modern market place. The information in the book provides professional managers and marketers with an exceptional insight of the market thereby informing their marketing and management operations.

Module 5 discussion taca

It implies that Russell is concerned with merging both the present and the past for the essence of not only memory, but equally growing up.' Long after you have supposedly been cured of malaria, the fever can flare up, the tremors can shake you.' Therefore, the sentence is favourite to me because it reminds of β†’

The great depression

No: The Great Depression The great depression started in 1929 in the shape of huge tragedy making millions of American people jobless. People and industry were needed of the war after participation of the country in the war.