Quality English Essay Examples for Your Learning

The main causes of a major problem in our society

This leads to a lack of regulation on the activities of children and therefore, teenagers get opportunities to engage in sexual acts (Donaldson et al 2003; Thomas 2009). Education is considered to be a very important causative factor resulting in teen pregnancy. Parents hesitate in discussing the issue of sex with their children and this →

Answer questions” toenails”

In my own opinion, he may mean it if he really loves reading and he may really want to be a part of such group when he retires because as a doctor he would be bored and feel restricted if he would not be able to at least keep an activity after the very active →

Great ideas

What was said in detail, and how? Using the allegory of the cave, Plato sets out to explain a kind of ascent into knowledge, where an individual enters and emerges from the lowest and illusory grade of knowledge, and climbs to the level of the best knowledge of understanding reality. What of it? Ascending into →

Love.. technological processes

Although Einstein is for the option of seeking technological knowledge, he advises that we should also imagine, and reflect on the consequences that will come with it. For instance, in his quote, he is trying to highlight the negative effects that come with technology advancement as well as the seeking of such technological knowledge.

The yellow wallpaper journal

Secondly, the woman felt that she was a burden to her husband, which could be an effect of her inability to raise the baby herself and not to be able to perform her role and duty as wife and mother: " I meant to be such a help to John...and here I am a comparative →

Reading journal

The story is covered in the dailies, it is assumed that the dead person seemingly died of starvation. In chapter 12, the character of McCandless is questioned.

Fast food vs. home cooked food

Fast food offers convenience and other advantages over home cooked food but the benefits of home cooked food and the disadvantages of fast foods identifies the need for consumption of homemade foods. Due to a huge workload of urban people, they would prefer to use less time to get the similar food, so the dependency →

Written business communication ( #4c)

Thanks in advance. A MEMO FOR PARKING GUIDELINES TO: All Employees FROM: Human Resource Manager DATE: February 12, 2014 SUBJECT: reminder of parking policies In order to make sure the parking movement of traffic and also, the smooth flow of activities, the entire employees are kindly requested to pursue the →

Improving one’s writing skills via mastering literal skills

I believe I hold good potential in bettering my writing skills to a higher level of communication and interaction with the readers of my works. In addition, I hope to improve vocabulary and grammar as English, being my second language, challenges my communicative ability in writing.

Argument summary

Therefore, government legislator and the airlines should provide enough time for the crewmembers to rest. REASONS Ensure that pilots' performance is 100% proficient. Decrease number of airplane crashes, thus the number of deaths. Save lives of innocent passengers. Decrease rate of insurance policy Pilots are human and therefore prone to errors. Pilots lose →

Summary of kristof argumment , his claim and reason on environmental balance pick up a raffle

Kristof argues that the deer is turning destructive and says that hunting deer would be the best way to counteract such destruction. As per Kristof, leaving the deer to die from hunger and disease is the current substitute to deer hunting.

The cask of amontillado

His depiction of the method by which the human mind process jealousy and pride into an act of revenge and murder becomes so compelling that the reason behind the actions of Montresor need not be explained in full detail. Jealousy and pride are two of the most basic human traits that it oftentimes drives a →

Expert system for supporting the students english language essay

Among the methodologies that can be used at ontologies building, presented in the specialty literature[8],[9],[10], the author has used the Uschold and King methodology that contains four phases: the ontology purpose identifying, the ontology building, the ontology evaluation and the ontology documentation. The author has used the oldest and the most used knowledge elicitation manual →

Youth camp at ymca camp kern

This article relates to the social concept of altruism on all aspects; be it the donors to the children, the counselors and the camp employees to the children and the children among themselves. In this example, the prime motivation for helping the burned children is no other than to relieve them of their distress and →

Google’s e-library

There are four factors to scanning or copying books according to the fair use principle. Fair use is the most significant limitation on the copyright holders exclusive rights (United States Copyright Office, 2010, para.1)." The four factors are: the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality →

Internet and education

Internet and Education The infusion of the Internet into modern day culture has shifted perceptions and ways of knowing in significant ways. For Postman, such a notion means that Internet technology has not increased our knowledge in a significant regard, as new technologies do not add wisdom, instead the nature of education has been structurally →

Gun control

In addition to that, all the soldiers, who are at the border defending their countries from invasions, have guns as well but they do not use it for the evil. So guns are not the only cause of crimes. Some people think that by banning guns crimes would be removed but this may not be →

To communicate is to convey a message english language essay

So basically without the feedback the communication process. The advantages of the model To many people the Shannon-Weaver model is said to be the " mother of all communications", this is because of the good changes the communication has brought to people. The firth problem is that there is the medium in the Shannon-Weaver →


The fay-star from then on acts as his ticket to fairyland where he gets to experience both joyous and perilous moments which in the long run he claims to have broadened his vision of the ordinary. As Smith travels back and forth to the fairy realm and back to reality he gets to experience change →

Life of pi review

The main attraction of the movie is the manner in which the director has utilized the ferociousness of a tiger and aligned it with a young boy who is tender and less defensive. In total, the movie" Life of pi" is a complete entertainer which has crossed the imaginative boundaries and skill of directors and →

Responses to this week questions (2)

It is imperative for such people to first understand how certain things work as opposed to making uniformed decisions that results into ignorance. It is less likely for an individual that is able to understand and explain certain issues to resort to ignorance.

The great gatsby and six degrees of separation

The Great Gatsby and the Six Degree of Separation The book " The Great Gatsby" is a portrait of the American society in the early twenties. His arrest is due to his actions of bringing a male prostitute to Kittredge's home. Gatsby devoted his entire life to build his identity and acquiring wealth to regain →

Popular translation

Making Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars Reality Making Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars Reality Chemical engineering is one of the branches of engineering that deals with the physical and life sciences. Therefore, one of the most critical problems is to make hydrogen fuel-cell cars a reality.

Trading goods and jobs

This means that sweatshops are not such a good thing when someone views it from the perspective of the effects it has in the lives of those hired in the shops. Due to this, most of these people are forced to include the whole family in the work. The other major problem with sweatshops is →

A process analysis for writing argumentative paper

The introduction is always the first step of writing an argumentative essay, here the writer locates the thesis statement of the argument being analyzed, and the writer will present the statement after giving a brief introduction on the tropic of argument. The second step involves the writer writing a statement that will advocate his stand →

Looking for richard

It is said that his plays would put meaning to words and the impact of each word played out would eventually enlighten the mind and nourish the soul. In the 1996 movie ' Looking for Richard' Al Pacino takes the initiative to document the making of one of Shakespeare's most popular play Richard the third →


The significance of modern training can also be witnessed in the 1970's Rhodesian war. It is also stated that the new loss of associates and adored leaders in war can cause violence on the battlefield.

Does quarantine violate constitutional rights

Quarantine due to health concerns do not violate the 14th Amendment of the United s Constitution. The Supreme Court and laws have deemed the greater good of the American Public need to be decided by health experts in the United States v.

Ionic and covalent bonding

Formation of ionic bond takes when an electron is transferred from a non metal to metal making the two atoms have partial positive and negative charge hence they attract one another. Formation of ionic bonds Reaction between non-metals and metals results into electrons being transferred from the metal to non-metal and, therefore, the metal →

Summary & critical response

By and large, the article criticizes the possible adverse effects of working in fast food chains that can be highly influential to the teens, although at some points, it also provides advantages and benefits. Also, it is still much better to weigh things in accordance to something that can bring out the best of their →

An nfl redskins football match experience

30 October Outline Introduction location, and teams of the match Thesisstatement Body Pre-match scenario Excitement of the crowd Preparations of the crowd The match begins Fans' ways of representing their teams Change in the atmosphere with the national anthems A brief summary of the match The →

The last king of scotland

The Last King of Scotland Affiliation The Last King of Scotland The Last King of Scotland is a film which traces a story of General Amin who became the worst tyrant in African history. It is revealed that he comes to power with the help of British ambassadors. Amin promises people that he →

Internet fame

What are the potential consequences should personal or compromising information fall into the hands of someone who bears a grudge? These days, with the ubiquitous presence of online social networking and telecommunication devices, we all face threats to our privacy and confidentiality. She is now very hesitant to post or share any sensitive information in →

Answer 3 questions after reading the article

The information is meant to guarantee the audience of high quality medical standards of the product and the company that produces it. It is important for each paragraph to be designed that way as it improves readability and understanding of the reader.

Technical description

On the other hand, the propellant is the matter used to get the product out of the can. The pressure drives the product out of the can through the dip tube to the nozzle.

Love is a theme long explored by poets whether it is love won or lost, unrequited love, erotic love or familial love. show how poets work within this classic theme in at least two poems

This jarring contrast between the artifice of rhyme and the immediacy of pain seems somewhat problematic in this poem. Yeats's poem, however, uses rhyme to much greater effect. While Auden is able to use rhyme to make a aurally compelling poem, the artifice of the rhyme creates a mentally jarring effect in the reader.

United states in the 1960s

United s in the 1960s At the start of the 1960s, many Americans have confidence in the systems and sectors of the USA. This is because the book was written within modernism, and illustrated change form modernity to postmodernism in urban planning issues. Part of the cold war phase was experienced in the 1960s in →


Young Money: Financial Post Retrieved Fromhttp://business.financialpost.com/2012/09/11/tuition-fees-ballooning-in-canada/ This article seeks to define the extent in which the high cost of education in Canada is affecting the lives and families of those involved in the system. The author is against the move to pass the high cost of education system to the parents and students as this →

Comparison or contrast between two of the poems listed below in the instructions

English 22 April Comparison and Contrast between " Mother and Son" by Langston Hughes and " Because I Could Not Stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson Theme: In the poem " Mother and Son," Langston Hughes talks about the knowledge that a mother imparts to her son. The mother in this poem explains to →

Big cities offer more opportunities

I believe that staying in Middletown would have a negative effect on my career prospects and my development as a well-rounded individual with sound, soft and technical skills. During my time in Middletown, I have constructed a good social network that helps me stay abreast of developments, and I trust that this will benefit me →

Summary and response

College students are well aware of the financial implications their loans will have on their lives later on in life. In the article ' Two Years Are Better Than Four', there are believers who say that college education does not matter. The author strongly believes in the value of college education and says that his →

Topics with explanation

Many materials on the topic are available, mostly from the past researches. Research Audience Food Security Organizations officials and a few well-established firms in farming business would be audience of this research. Thesis Statement The U. The government is in a dilemma of either eliminating farm subsidies on the basis that the farmers →

A mind at peace – turkish writing

A mind at peace A Mind at Peace, distributed in 1949 and set in 1938 and 1939, has in length been a foundation of Turkish writing, an image of the countrys clash between the modernizing strengths of the West and the accepted Ottoman and Turkish societies. The books accomplishment is a legitimate wellspring of national →

The roles played since high school

From the time I finished high school, I have been engaged in a raft of activities and played different roles in different communities. I have volunteered in a school, hospital, and engaged in full time employment as well.

Why some crave authority and some obedience

The paper " Why Some Crave Authority and Some Obedience" is a wonderful example of an essay on English. In the last two paragraphs where Milgram talks about " a fragmentation of the total human act", I believe he is referring to a problem of obedience that is not wholly philosophical. He takes orders from →

That day on the beach

As we opened the door the experience was not what I had been expecting. I tried not to act like the novice tourist I so obviously was.


There was discrimination even for federal jobs thus blacks could not join the military. To ensure that all the whites supported him in his fight against the blacks, films and newspapers circulated propagandas about the blacks' ignorance and the cruelty of the black men for instance black men are portrayed as rapists for raping their →

Midterm report

The Best American Essays Book Report The collection of essays The Best American Essays carefully selected and edited by Cheryl Strayed represents American contemporary literature in its best colors. The most important in the book is the topics it addresses; it is anthology of life in the USA because it traces local understanding of basic →

Ethical dilemma

So complicated is the issue of abortion that until today, there has not been a general agreement by society as to whether the decision to have an abortion should completely be on a medical basis without considering the rights of the unborn child. Many religions condemn the ending of life, especially of a defenseless unborn →


In fact, it was my wish to do so. One of my close friends and I have birthdays on the same day. Now that I am recollecting that moment I deeply regret I said so. On the day we went hiking, the weather was perfect, and I was cheerful and optimistic.

Propositional speech

There shortage of higher education state funding reduces the quality of education and the level of literacy in the region. II. The SDDOE should enact a comprehensive plan of action for funding higher education. Body Overview: South Dakota has a stringent higher education funding policy that has left the higher education sector in the →

Annotated bibliography for africas hunger

It contributes to hunger as it increases the rate of hunger in the population due to poverty. Pantaleo, C.and S. Print. Rice, Xan." Hunger Pains: Famine in the Horn of Africa".


July 13th I discussed my prospectus in the meeting with my committee member, Dr. Griffin disapproved of the consideration of lack of research in the specific area of study as a gap in the literature.

Summary and critical response

Thus, it is eminent from the article that the part time jobs at every instance affect the educational field of the students.. Critical Response The author Amitai Etzioni has argued over the facts that the jobs at fast food organizations affect the quality of the students. The author Etzioni has attempted to drag the →

Annotated bibliography

The author details the various policing ways of dealing with the problem of shoplifting. The idea of the paper is to work with law enforcement agencies in tackling shoplifting.


The narrator realizes his loneliness, his lack of communication, and his use of alcohol and drugs to overcome these shortcomings through this meeting and thus the story ends on a positive note that there is still hope. The first hint of the narrator's loneliness is when his wife says to him " You do not →

Educational goals, professional aspirations, how can this scholarship help

The scholarship will enable me to get admission and continue my education of engineering as I will be facilitated with monetary help. With the facilitation of scholarship, I will be able to get closer to my aspired future.

Japan and the pacific rim

Reunification of the North and South Korea Reunification of the North and South Korea For decades, the way to reunification of the North and South Korea has been a controversy between political analysts, policy makers, and governments. Together with the evaluation of other people's thoughts on reunification of North and South Korea, I will in →

Ethical argument (should roe vs. wade be overturned) should abortion be outlawed

Absolutely not: this essay will look at the ethical dubiousness of the pro-life position, before highlighting the fundamental difference between the pro-life and pro-choice positions, to show that criminalizing abortion in modern America would subvert our self-image as the land of the free. We can further take it as read that the pro-life position is →

Viewpoint against childhood obesity

When the BMI measures to the 95th percentile or above for children between the age of 2 and 19, a case of obesity would be reported as noted by Barbour. Green, Hargrove and Riley indicate that type 2 diabetes has been on the increase among African American children as a result of obesity.

The function of oral presentation english language essay

ORAL PRESENTATIONThe function of oral presentation is to communicate the main ideas of the research problem and the findings to convince the audience of the success or otherwise of the research. The objective of the speech is to convey a set of facts from your research to the audience, and convince them of the authenticity →

3 para

of Using Sources: An Ideal of the Sources Professional or formal writing needs credibilityfor which writers add references to their papers in terms of direct quotation or in-text citations. This is in response to the written essays by Stedman and Haller who have given a very insightful brief regarding formal writing and adding sources. Authors →

Do student’s lose more than they gain in online writing class

Also, there is a gigantic level of dispassion created by the generic nature of these courses; both in the middle of students and educator, and in the middle of the student themselves. With an online configuration, particularly in as many-sided a subject as thinking of, it appears that the level of trouble with this is →

Advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment

English 4th April, A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishment Capital punishment refers to the killing of criminals guilty of grave crimes as a way of punishing them for the crimes that they have committed. This is because, although, capital punishment relieves governments of the economic burden of meeting the economic needs →

Advocacy organization

First Sur Advocacy Organizations The National Book Foundation website has a mission to celebrate the best American literature, expand its audience coverage as well as enhancing the cultural values and award the great American writers. 7 June 2015. Pulitzer.org, The Pulitzer Prizes | Whats New.N.p., 2015.Web.

8 week forum

Sex education is more likely to reduce the cases of STDs among young adults and teenagers. Each paragraph starts with an essay statement and hence I managed to accomplish one of the key skills in writing the body of an essay.

Sports in the 1940s

Sports in the 1940s Sports in the 1940s The events of the Second World War influenced many people to involve in sporting activities. This paper discusses sports in the 1940s in regard to the life and career of one of the black athletes of that era, Joe Louis. In the 1940s, boxing was as big →

What subject should be mandatory for all children at school in saudi arabia and explain why you think so

However, the children lack the ability of writing and communicating in Arabic language since they do not learn Arabic as a language in school. For example, most Saudi children in Saudi Arabia can speak good Arabic but they cannot write at the same standards. Arabic language is used as the language of learning.

Television in modern society has more negative effects than positive effects. discuss

Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Television and electronic media is spreading in all geographical regions of the world and therefore, global mindset is emerging. Additionally, all of this became possible with the help of media and internet. Television was →

Smart phones

It is critical to go through some of the advantages and disadvantages of these mobile phones in order to gain a deeper understanding. One of the advantages of these mobile phones is that they have more capabilities when compared to the other mobile phones. It is critical to understand that despite the widespread positive regards →

Discussion 8

However, small incremental changes to the system can be implemented currently so that a drastic shift in the future would not be necessitated. Q2: What type of plants should we plant in LA? Firstly, native/indigenous plants that are drought resistant should be encouraged to be grown in lieu of a full yard of grass. We →

College if worth for most of people but not all kind of people

However, many people are now doubting whether parents are getting value for their money, especially with the increasing number of unemployed college graduates. College education is turning to be a burden to the students rather than an avenue to help them have a happy and better life. 3 May 2015.. The Economist." Higher Education: Is →

The death of the author suggests that the author is an ideological construct rather than the originator of a text, and it also suggests that we too can be correctly considered as textual constructs rather than as individuals

The Death of the and the Life of the Audience In Death of the Roland Barthes s that the reading audience is affected by this death of the author. This is a contradiction to what is said, because the implication of Barthes essay is that the author essentially disappears from the work, and the interpretation →

Compare and contrast paper. 21 jump street

The main plot of it revolved around two police officers disguised as high school students to capture synthetic drug dealer and supplier from among the teenagers of a high school. Simultaneously, many at times such drug usage, addictions and other illicit habits ruin personal lives and relationships of these officers and →

Define tolerance

However, this is a false accusation because people need to be tolerated no matter what religion they follow; others need to understand that just because they follow the same religion as the terrorists did, they are not part of the same way of thinking or way of life. Americans as such are losing out on →

Research proposal

This is a research proposal on how the use of Facebook by teenagers affects their education. Hypothesis As technology continues to advance one thing that can never be disputed is the fact that social networks affects more than just the social aspects of human beings. The questionnaires will seek information on the experiences that →

Major point

School makes the children to be intellectually dependent this means that whatever children are taught in school is what the children will rely to use in his life. According to Taylor it is advisable to stick a particular profession especially after training has been accomplished, for instance a child taught and graduated in →

Obsession with fashion

At present, she is hoping to go another level and expand her business to the worlds' best school of fashion FIDM. She is determined to make her name in the world of fashion by modifying the old traditional black gowns into some colorful, modernized, and eye-catching stuff.

Media log 2

As far as the theme of the impact of technology on the modern family is concerned, the spot light of the episode can be put on the family of Phil and Claire as Claire finds the picture of a nude woman on her computer and assumed it had been downloaded from the internet by their →

You can chose the topic from the topic list, in the order instructions

But soon the tolerance power of Fran hung up, and she runs away from her house for the sake of her son, Robert. She moves to Florida from NY, through the help of a company which runs the rescuing programs for battered women. In Florida, Fran missions to start a new life, by changing her →

Why was the german panther tank the most influential weapon of world war ii

The Soviet tactics during the war concerning armored warfare was simple the enemy was to be overwhelmed using numbers even if the quality of the armor was compromising. London: History Press, 2008.


In addition, he also edited and contributed to an article in the UCLA Law review. The professor's first question was what type of law I wanted to write. He said that the authors in such fields should stick to what is factual and not speculated of fictional.

Fallacious reasoning

In the ad hominem fallacy, the reasoning attacks the person rather than the issue at hand while in the appeal to emotions, the reasoning manipulates the emotions of the listeners in order to get their emotions.. Consider an advertisement during the Super Bowl Commercials 2012 in which David Beckham advertises H & M's underwear. The →

Assignment example

This paper explores and discusses the sovereignty claims of the native tribes in Alaska and Akaka in Hawaii. Sovereignty Rights in Alaska Natives of Alaska, a land purchased by the United States from Russia have gone through a tumultuous period of political and legal up and downs before the recognition of their self-government status →

Certain letters occur a lot more english language essay

For the letter ' I' in the cipher text to correspond to the letter ' u' in plaintext, the length of the cyclic shift will be 14.Length of the cyclic shift = 14abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNFigure 1. 6 Frequencies of the 5th letter in the cipher textFrom Fig 3.

Communication climate supportive defensive

The success of our presentation and discussions was much dependent on the capacity of us to work as a team and this meant that the hierarchy in responsibility s either being the chair or just a member had no place in the communication. Supportive climate of communication requires high degree of flexibility, open mindedness and →


The shipping news by Annie Proulx Annie Proulxs novel " The Shipping News," is set in contemporary Newfoundland, where there is certainly a lot of drownings. Quoyle is lastly freed from the marriage when his wife dies in a car accident together with one of her lovers. Quoyles aunt comes to assist him together with →


The Number 30 September Animals " The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". Mahatma Gandhi It seems that a lot of people today do not fully realize the value of animals. The Endangered Species Coalition. EndangeredSpecie.Com.n.d.Web.

Principal components and changes to peasant and tribal life

Principal components and Changes to peasant and tribal life in the Arab countryside during Ottoman rule The situation in the Arab peasantry during the nineteenth century, the Ottoman government is seen to have the result to the oppression and exploitation of the rural peasants by the local elites. During the time when the →

Analyze a film

The education has led to the exclusion of the brothers from the rest of society. On the other hand, the community is affected by trial, as it is perceived to have neglected the brothers. Discussion 4 There are variations of the perspectives in the documentary.


In business, communication ensures all the relevant people have the necessary information. On the other hand, other factors need to be considered so as business communication can be efficient.

English composition

As they say, a smile could be epidemic, so joy could be more infectious. Joy could also be a person or thing which is a source of happiness and satisfaction. Joy involves longing because it is a wonderful feeling that makes a person to be in that state always.

Application exercise n.2

Incidentally, I boarded a train to the neighboring town and my seat mate was a Muslim faithful. I behaved differently because of the fear that the man could sense my insecurity status.

Evaluation of product; apple’s macbook pro

On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice. The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three →

Your favorite sentences

I like the way the sentence is joined by the coordinating conjunction, ' but' to form a compound sentence with two independent clauses. 2." After it was all over, the HMS trainer claimed he knew I was getting confused, but I think he was really amazed". The sentence is grammatically correct despite the use of →

Ethics + professionalism

She is very kind and respectful toward others, which is the main reason why she is so popular among students and all the staff. She is always very helpful, and is optimistic in nature which is why people love to talk to her regarding all areas of life.