Quality English Essay Examples for Your Learning

Building a working draft of persuasive essay

Building a working draft of a persuasive essay is a tough process because it deals with the readers overall perception of the message being passed. Consequently, in building the conclusion of the final persuasive essay, a few things should be noted.

Effects of eating disorders

Anorexia This is the condition where the victim develops fear or resentment to food due to fear of gaining weight or even becoming fat. This is practiced for diverse reasons, like political protests and religious practices. Hunger strike practically leads to lack of essential food elements in the body.

Explanatory synthesis

She evades putting events in her own life in a sequential order in order to share her stories through application of several dissertations that cover the concept of family identity and structure. She believed that women are the backbone of a family.

Lecture review

He was a burden to his family and the doctor advised that he would be best suited in a nursing house. James Perdue was very insistent on the importance of determination and passion in whatever one did.

Presentation 1

The authors explain the effectiveness of social media in product promotion as a result of the relationship created between consumers and companies 2. Social media marketing is one of the trends in business, and the model demonstrated in the article is an important progress in marketing.


Research Related to Method of Education or Education in General The role of teachers in education cannot be overlookedbecause they play a fundamental role in defining the future of academic institutions. This has been evidenced in the case of Mussoorie International School where extra research assistants and instructors are needed to improve the quality of →

Extended definition or technical description (topic is job opportunities for international students)

But, unfortunately very few of them can actually fulfill their dream of prosperity in the life because, these students often come from a market, which is under developed as compared to that of US or other advanced nation. Therefore, they cannot find jobs according to their qualification and end up underemployed at best. At the →

Effects of fast food

Excess consumption fast food leads to increase in the level of calories in the body. Other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure require financial assistance, a problem many victims experience. Conclusively, fast food products remain the leading cause of obesity and other health related problems.


The picture of part of the Earth shows two continents, North and South America, to the top and bottom respectively. To the top right of the picture are white representation of the direction of the north Atlantic winds.

Allegory 3

He was very poor, but he had a happy family because his wife loved him and she took good care of him and their five young children. He worked since the day he could walk, selling food and anything else he could at the market.


And I feel sorry to think that, when they grow old, broken and bruised, they look into their lives as if they were nightmares. In the poem, ' Apportioned', written by Erin Badough, I feel that the poet has talked about how he fears the quick passing of time, and future. I feel that this →

Jane eyre

She is the antagonist of the childhood of Jane and through her Jane develops hatred against injustice. She believes the story of Jane and offers her seed cake and tea together with Helen.

Explain the importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing

The importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing The structure of academic writing stands on four pillars, ly purpose, audience, tone and content. Tone of academic writing is consistent with the purpose of writing.

The use of audio visual materials english language essay

The study of the responses found that audio and visual materials were very much effective in acquiring a second language. Introduction The use of Audio-visual materials has largely proven to be very much effective in teaching a second language. Particularly, the use of video as an audio-visual material in foreign language teaching classrooms has →

Response paper: paid parenting and parental leave

In the society we live in today, human health is considered the most important of man's concerns and anything that would appear to deprive anyone of the proper healthcare would be subjected to serious discussion. Alexandra says that Mashenka is expecting a baby who is to become an Heir to the family. The benefits of →

Mountains beyond mountains by tracy kidder

These chapters' endeavors to make us understand how the protagonist's childhood shaped him for his future role; how his interest begun, and some of the human privileges that he would have to forego as he sticks to his crusade. In chapter five Kidder takes us into Paul's childhood and home environment. This gives us the →


In the case of abortion, abortion is an epidemic that is of highest concerns to the entire society. If abortion is made legal, the entire society will suffer more losses as compared to benefits. These figures clearly show that teenagers are getting involved in unhealthy sexual activity at the time when they should be focusing →

Outline mp4

The major points in each body in this essay with Also, mention which way you use in each body the ) Point 1: Exhaustive research and a series of scientific inquiries have not been able to substantiate such a claim that video games of a violent nature correspond to violent behavior on the →

Letters to editor

Letters to the Editor This paper evaluates the letters to the sports editor of the New York Times as published on October 4, 2014. To make reference to the publications, the writers of the letters give the titles of the publications and the dates they appeared on the newspaper, similar to referencing in academic writing.

Fiction comparative and contrast

On the other hand, a thorough introspection into the plot of the story, " The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, focuses on the hunting game and reflects the inversion of safaris that were the trend of the time in the aristocratic societies of America. Contrarily, the characters in the story, " The Most Dangerous →

Death in hamlet

To my mind, a spirit of decadence of the Middle Ages is a strong background for developments of theme of death in Hamlet. Death of his father and betrayal of his mother were greatest impact on his psycho and Hamlet thought that the only way to solve his problems was to find a salvation in →

Writing on skin

One could inscribe on the desks, on our arms the names of the people we admired and loved. On the other hand, cinema and photography, largely, have taken them on board because they have concerned themselves much more in depth and often criminal sectors in the secretive, the yakuza, prostitution, delinquency and what is marginalized →

A visit to the museum

In some family programs for both parents and children was combined and they learn and get entertained together. Some of the activities are accessed through the gallery tours while others are accessible online while still in the museum. All the museums have research centers and programs which most favors teachers.

Summary and response

Summary and Response Buckley Chris, the of the article, shows that the delegates from Henan province are dissatisfied with the regional discrimination during the recruitment of the students to join the universities. Regional discrimination is rampant, and poor funding of the children from the rural areas such as Henan province reduce the number of the →

Memorable childhood experience

I was too young to have watched Joe Montana in the 1980s, but it was impossible to escape the legend that had built up around him and the San Francisco 49ers. Jerry Rice, perhaps the greatest receiver in the history of football, was still one of the premier players in the game.

Chose an interesting topic

Writing is a way to communicate our thoughts and ideas to a specific audience, with a focus and purpose that we determine and make known to our readers. As David Crystal alludes to, however, the very essence of the way we write as a form of language is threatened. The writer gets to →

Reading responses of long day’s journey into night by o’neill, copyright 02

What makes the piece so touching is the fact that the hard-hitting situations presented in the play are a reflection of the author's life. Other than the contents of the book illustrating occurrences of a single day, the fact that the author instructed that the book be published 25 years after his death is a →

How should a person be

Nonetheless, this novel primarily explores the life of Sheila and her friends. This therefore, gives the meaning of the title of the novel.

Youve just visited the doctor, and she has given you one week to live. how will you spend your final week on earth

If I were told of imminent death within one week by a doctor, I would tabulate the people I would like to meet, the places I would like to see and the sights and sounds I would like to hear before I disappeared like a tear in the rain. I would begin immediately by visiting →

An act of kindness you did for someone

She asked me what she could do so that the cat would be fed and taken care of while she was away. For one moment, I thought that it might be fine if she left Nin at my home while she was away, but then I thought how irritated my mother was with pets especially →


The use of the low key light in the film also enhances the meeting of the director's objectives which are to create suspense and fear in the audience. The use of the low key light contributed to the creation and advancement of the theme " horror" by setting the tone and mood as well as →

Peer review

However, the argument that you presented would have more substance if you supported it with examples, specifically the changes in the English language that you are pertaining to. If it is not technology alone, you could have expounded on the other factors which impact on the changes in the English language.

Of purpose: for a master of arts in public affairs. about 150 words

I also believe that my background in law, combined with my ethnic background and experiences, will enable me to contribute to the classroom experience of my peers at the University. My Masters degree in Public Affairs will be the start of my voyage to make a difference to my country.

Improve my english

Giving appropriate attention to all these skills can help us master a language. Besides all this if I have to further improve my English, I would first analyze myself as to which type of a learner I am. I also tend to remember those grammar or language points which are available in the form of →

Reflective autobiography

The online dictionary, as well as the oxford dictionary, have a series of synonyms as well as explanations to explain the word, and the most simple explanation agreed on is ' a difference'. Straight from a young age, I have come across the word several times and in each case, it has been used in →

Do you consider yourself to be stressed?

This leads to some form of stress. 2) Were you surprised by the results of your self-assessments? I was a little bit surprised by the Perceived stress scale that was able to help me understand how a different situation affected my feelings and my perceived stress. I was also surprised by the frequency of the →

Jokes in english

Jokes in English The Funny Side of the United Kingdom This is a book about jokes in English and their historical perspective in the United Kingdom. The rest of the book gives an overview of the definition of humor and the art of making jokes.

About audience

The specific audience here is the teenagers and the message focused is about the importance of education in a person's life. The nature of audience The category of audience here is the teenagers, who belong to the age range of 14 to 18 years. Along with it they can also get acknowledged with the →


May 11, Deliberate plagiarism refers to the purposeful intention to pass someone's work as one's own Is It Plagiarism Yet?"). They engage in accidental plagiarism because they do not intend to copy any work and do not have the explicit will to make it look like they originally own it. Plagiarism is not worth the →

Influence of multiculturalism in australia

Impacts of Multiculturalism in Australia Department Impacts of Multiculturalism in Australia Introduction Multiculturalism in Australia has a distinctive edifying significance. It also deems to outweigh and tackle the benefits over the disadvantages of Multiculturalism in Australia.


For instance, in a bus if all the seats are filled and a white person get into the bus, the black person who is already sitting has to give his seat to him. Men and Women struggled for their peaceful lives when they had a choice of living freely or to be scared all their →

Ice breaker

The process should have considerations such as the age and suitability of the icebreaker to the group. For example, making sure that everyone is wholly inclusive and part of the team comes with a greater challenge is such a large group. It is a novel idea to subdivide larger groups into smaller ones so as →

Spanish-influenced varieties of english

In a way, it is the diverse history of their groups and cultural backgrounds that seem to have a merging effect on the relationship of these two groups. It would seem that the Latinos have a problem letting go of their heritage in order to embrace a new one.

Reading journals

Your full full September 10, Reading Journals Summary: The accomplishment of authenti (a highly negotiated interaction) and ethnicity (a socially constructed category) is a social construction that influences the way people understand each other, as well as illustrates the challenges of production and consumption. Observation: While reading the article, I observed that the author constructed →

Ben franklin

A reader can establish that Franklin had a logical writing style because of his use of logic in his virtues, as well as the manner he carried them out. In " Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America," Franklin states, " But you who are wise must know, that different Nations have different Conceptions of →

The ideal global citizen

The ability to acknowledge that citizens are part of one universal family but recognizes individuality, privacy and confidentiality makes the concept ideal and global. Since one recognized that the concept of idealism is analogous to absolute perfectionism, an ideal global citizen, apart from acknowledging universality of being a citizen of the world, should likewise accept →

Research proposal memo

PROPOSAL MEMO ASSIGNMENT Re: Purpose: This memo is to ask for permission and additional resources to enable us carry out a research on the population of petty drug offenders in your prison and produce a discussion as to whether they should be kept in prison or taken into a rehabilitation center with the later more →

Salvation by langston huges

The little girls were in tears and hurried to be saved, and finally, all but the author and his friend Westley remained, still waiting for Jesus to come to them. Finally the author describes how his friend Westley, gets tired of waiting and decides to be " saved".

Occupy wall street

The occupy Wall Street protests has no right to occupy the parks.they are creating a public nuisance and the keen distractions to the public. The parks are been the place of dwelling and many of the individuals fear alot to enter the same.

Character analysis

This character defines the direction that the play takes and also is the person who will die at the end of the play, posing the important questions that the play has to offer. This paper will look at the character of Wily Loman and his strengths and weaknesses. The play progresses through the ambition of →


The Earth has been alive for many billions of years and to understand how it formed could have many advantages to society. This takes the efforts of professionals who know about animal biology and how to help in keeping their organs working properly.


The of the article being summarized, Gerard Jones brings his own perspective to the debate over whether we should let children soak in comics and stories that feature violence or instead cocoon our kids from violent comics and stories and insulate them from the " real world". In the process of describing his " coming →

Film psycho

It will take the power of the power of the viewers' imaginations to fill in the blanks of the film. The film's black and white photography is a perfect one for its mood and tone. The characters of the film contribute to the plot development through scene-to-scene margin.

Parody paper on macbeth

To celebrate the pain we cause to the Thane! Huh.(the three exit the stage. Scene II Enter king Dontcan, and his two sons Malcalm, Donalpain, Lennox, with attendants meeting a bleeding sergeant. Can we go and celebrate now?? (Just as the king prepares to exit with his crew, another soldier, Rick Ross, enters). King →


These thoughts are my basic guide to life and I will never fail believing in the power love brings to everyone, as long as it exists, for this is what makes living alive. If not for love, I would not have been this real and honest to myself and everyone in my circle of influence →

Fad diet

In fact it is hazardous to health and a waste of time and money. Research that needs to be gathered: Although a sufficient amount research is already present to prove my point and a lot of experienced people are more then willing to share their stories regarding this issue too, but what needs to be →


Packer, is an account of a young boy, Spurgeon, who is in continuous conflict with his father, Ray, who is inappreciative and indifferent toward the physical and emotional needs of his son. But, he is confused because he has the burden of his father on his shoulders which he cannot throw away because of his →

Daphne du maurier, don’t look now

John begins the story by describing the trauma and distress her wife is going through, after the shocking tragedy, as it is driving her to the point of hysteria, John is feeling anxious and helpless, at her ordeal and finds very hard to see the unsettling state of mind of his beloved wife. What lies →

Report on the british museum

Additionally, the museum documents the history of human culture from the ancient to date. Reason for writing the report The purpose of writing this report is to analyze information pertaining to the British museum. This was to make sure that the audience or the targeted readers will have a clear and vivid image of →


What specifically was the best thing the writer did for you as a reader and why? The best thing that the writer did to me as a reader is that he grabbed the attention right from the first word. What was the least effective part of the samples that you read and why? The least →

Entry 2

The research questions could be answered in researcher's own words or from selected optional responses, referred to as open or closed responses respectively, and could be combined in a data collection instrument, including a questionnaire and interview. This learning helps appreciate research design as an important tool in answering the research questions appropriately. This has →

The outline of the term paper

This has greatly reduced the control of fashion houses and magazines , which coupled with a consumer generational shift that has seen a shift in the labour market has greatly increased the influence of fashion Bloggers. II. Although, the focus of the blogs is on the featured fashion products, the bloggers are able to →

On the book damned by chuck palahniuk

Although the book is a collaboration that focuses on Novels and articles by Chuck Palahniuk, it is very comprehensive on any work done by Palahniuk. 29th November 2012. In this website, the author of the article ' Chuck Palahniuk's Damned: Damned if you do' Justine Jordan comprehensively review the Palahniuk's ' Dammed' giving a picture →

Documentary film assignment (roger and me)

The movie hence encompasses a masterpiece full of anger and also funny. The film counteracts the modern management and moral pragmatism all in opposition to the mentality in the search for excellence. Moore deploys dialects in the film medium to label the face of true capitalism in real life.

What existentialist artists attempt to communicate through their respective work

After thinking about my own thoughts and reading Waiting for Godot and watching Garden State, I believe that existentialist artists are attempting to communicate the message of how people let others control their decisions instead of deciding for themselves what to do in the future. In Waiting for Godot, the story revolves around the life →

Read the passage and answer the question referring to the text

From the article, the plan presents a dream that the individuals aspire to make a reality. The evident to the above underlying fact is in the use of polysyndeton ' an'.

The challenge of ethical behavior in organizations

The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations of the The paper addresses to the challenge of ethical behavior in organizations. Ethical diameters are linked to the behavior of the top management and the middle level management and the employees follow the guidelines as per the directions of the masters.

Informative speech

The part of the video that stands out to me the most is the segment where Jay-Z is performing on stage in front of a big crowd that cheers him and gives him a standing ovation when he is done. In the clip, the standing ovation he receives after finishing his performance is a clear →

Create an inductive and deductive argument

Therefore, in deductive arguments, the premises and inferences are the basis on which the conclusion is formed. In inductive arguments, the basis of logic relies on a probability that one of the premises offers support to the conclusion.

More with the moves

The two horses provide just the needed thrust power that propels the plough to cut across the vast dry land that extends to the middle and the backgrounds of the photo. The color of the soil is a perfect blend for the horses which makes the picture attractive. Work Cited John, Vachon.

Price drop of crude oil

In the recent past, the prices of crude oil have experienced a rapid decline in the world's oil market. According to the economist in the oil industry, a combination of factors has played a significant role in scaling down the prices of crude oil.

Letter to senate

It is strongly suggested that you vote against the notion of a national ID card. The supporters of the national ID card may suggest that it would decrease the chances of terrorism and would make official government business easier to conduct. Adding another layer or requirement to identity documents would only complicate matters while being →

The bias of language

Running head: The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures 1. The differences between stationary pictures, moving pictures and language are claimed to be rooted in the roles they perform.

Cover letter

I would like to work for Goodwill Industries because of its good public reputation and also its non-discriminatory recruitment criteria against persons with disabilities. I am finalising my degree in Business Administration this December 2014 at the University of San Diego. I gained these skills during my university internship and also when I was working →

Journal #8

These functions were found to be better with elite players than the less elite players. The claims that top soccer scorers have superior brain functions and capabilities have been justified by the fact that they have to make very crucial decisions before scoring top goals. The non-players that underwent the test finished behind the top →

Introduce myselfe

I did not score well in my TOEFL exam and as a result, of which I am currently taking up the ELS course, it has improved my English and I am further trying to improve my command over the English language. I would love to successfully complete my masters; I am also planning to complete →

Week 2 1.2 submission

So it behooves us to remind our employees of their responsibilities pertaining to the secure use of the company email and messaging systems. In order to ensure the continued security of our company servers, please take note of the following while using our company email and messaging services: Email Privacy Policy: Any employees of this →

Eng 105

As responsible citizens of our countries it is extremely important to help the downtrodden but in reality very little is being done to uplift the standard of the people who belong to the lower strata. Africa is referred to as the " Dark Continent", it is said so because the inhabitants still live in darkness →

Chose an interesting topic

Day Month Year Reflections on The Queen's Croquet Ground In this part of Alice in Wonderland, Alice finallygets to the garden that she was been trying to catch a glimpse of since the beginning of the book. Alice finds this ludicrous as she is just the head of a pack of cards, and she begins →

Argumentative synthesis

This is because the researcher was able to establish that people are capable of obeying their superiors, even if this translates to violation of their ethical values and prompts them to cause harm to others. This is detrimental to the physical, psychological, mental and social well being of the entire society.

Disassembling a nintendo wii console

Because of the nature of the piece, it becomes quite easy for the reader to get lost but I believe I have added details that would distinguish one step from the others. To grab the attention of the reader, I must establish that the same mishap could happen or has actually happened to them. Another →

Peer review form 2

Follow these instructions: 1) Receive a classmate's paper from your professor (in class if on-ground; by e-mail if online). 2) Copy the Peer Review Feedback Form from the Appendix. 3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form. 4) Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate's →

Reading response 3

The book has examined whether language is limited to human beings and how children acquire the technique of language, and whether language is innate or has to be learnt. The important thing is to focus on the rule in which a speaker utters words in a sentence since a language is structured with words.

Depression review

The other major symptoms are feeling like committing suicide or sometimes feeling worthless to oneself and the society. The authors provide a list of the types of depression providing individuals with the relevant information regarding depression and its severity. The information in the article by Janet and her team is helpful to individuals interested in →

Reading responses 9

The main question asked with regards to the need of birth control is the issue of the population effect on global peace, the legal issues affecting birth control, effect of birth control on moral attitude and the amount of knowledge in the society with regards to the issue. The question arises, is the information available →

Eye witness account

The chief and his soldiers set the rules and control the workforce. The working hours increase and young men are forcefully recruited to be soldiers.

Dangers of cell phone use

The radiations from cell phones can affect the physical and mental health of the people who are using cell phones quite regularly. This paper briefly analyses the dangers and utilities associated with cell phone use and argues in favor of controlled or regulated use of cell phones.

The gift of the magi archetypes

The Gift of the Magi Archetypes " The Gift of the Magi" involves the reader with imagery that conjures up archetypes. This is also, where the hero and the heroine reside and where the climax of the tale takes place.

The money

Every desire of mine was fulfilled, I never saw my father taking much hassle to earn money as it was inherited form my grandfather and I thought with money I would be in a position to acquire every happiness in the world. As I never witnessed any struggle for money, I thought money comes easily →

We wear the mask by paul laurence dunbar

We Wear the Mask Upon the first reading of " We Wear the Mask," one is immediately convinced of the universality with which Paul Laurence Dunbar speaks of peoples' hypocrisies. This broaches the thesis that " We Wear the Mask" is not only a poem that employs a metaphor, but is itself a metaphor, disguising →

My vacation in london, conversational style

Reflection I was far more carefree while sharing my travelling experience with my sister than I was with my I discussed all aspects of my experience ranging from accommodation to logistics, tickets, recreational places, weather, foods, and cultural specialties with my sister. I was least likely to share such experiences with my professor.

Character analysis

She is described as a crazy girl who has snippets of sanity more when she is angry like when she declared " That was not a successful intervention, Ferret Face" after he declares that the family reaction to Rose's behavior is " something that the whole family agrees upon". Through Violet's eyes, we can see →

Analyzing my writing experience

And when in nostalgic mood, I dig on my personal box to read the essays I have written. Writing is one of my hobbies, yet a very useful hobby in my professional life. But since I started evaluating and internalizing the essays and other literary works that I read, I noticed some changes in my →

Definition informal personality type

Although the society outlines the behaviors and the roles of each in a social setting, I am one strong woman who holds on the inner drive that guides my actions regardless of the public opinion. According to my pals, I am a no-nonsense girl who cares less about the public opinion as long as I →

Long day’s journey into night

The writer depicts a family that is in jeopardy in all spheres and only has themselves to blame for the problems they are facing. The play, however, does not cover well the theme of gender. Therefore, the writer has failed in the gender balance in the whole play. The play also fails in addressing the →