Quality English Essay Examples for Your Learning

Why we should send a manned mission to mars

The President is looking to decrease missions to Mars in the hope of reaching a planet that could prove vital for our future. Manned missions to Mars can recreate the achievements of that decade and even surpass them.

Case analysis

Consequently Keller, as a supervisor of Brodsky, needs to make a decision about what he should do with his well experienced and non-relationship style manager, Brodsky. Wolfgang Keller, a charismatic graduate from the Harvard Business School, is the managing director of premium brewer K nigsbr u's Ukrainian subsidiary, K nigsbr u-TAK AE. These challenges helped →

Why do so many people use home shopping network

After the research, they ensure that whatever they create is beneficial to their clients, hence, the majority of people who use the shopping networks. Therefore, they use the shopping networks without considering the advantages of the networks.

Compare mac and windows system

Compare Mac and Windows System Compare Mac and Windows System The most widely used graphical user interface-based operating systemson desktop computers include MAC and Windows. On the contrary, in Windows system, there are a number of competitors, which results in lower prices. Design is another big difference between Apple MAC systems and Microsoft Windows system.

A recent trend using cause/effect pattern of development

Technology applications however have effects on real time and quality of time that families spend together, aspects that I discuss in this paper. One of the effects of technology is on the real time that families spend together. March 28, 2014. Parenting1." The long-term effects of technology on family time".2014.Web.


Nonetheless, I was open to receive as a sister or a brother, but the birth of my junior brother was a joy beyond expression. The aura to have a relative was increased by the death of my grandmother who was my only source of comfort and solace. At the age of twelve, my parents understood →

Instruction paper (by own words). subject: blueberry muffin

For approximately 18 muffins, the following quantities of ingredients should be used: 3 cups of flour 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 cup of sugar 2 cups of blueberries 1 egg 2 cups of milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla 240 grams →

Sexual harassment of women in india

Sexual Harassment of Women in India In the second decade of the 21st century, women's issues have sustained in different forms throughout the world, ranging from AIDS in Africa to sexual harassment in India. One of the factors responsible for this is sexual harassment of women in India.

Differences between the finnish and american education systems

Due to the high standards of quality and professionalism in Finnish education system, an education system based on trust evolved, where teachers are entrusted wholly to do their job. Furthermore, students in both countries technology is used to teach and classroom settings and content are the same.

Oedipus: arrorance and destiny

Oedipus: Arrogance and Destiny Oedipus: Arrogance and Destiny Oedipus is one of the most popular and outstanding pieces of ancient writing. In Sophocles' Oedipus, the arrogance of the king is his destiny, which blinds him but eventually allows him to alleviate the burden of ambiguity burdening his heart.

A small descriptive story

The Great Wall of China remains in the annals of past and present history as a grandiose marvel of man's innovative capacity. Despite, sections of the Great Wall giving way to wear and tear, much of it stands as a testament to China's rich culture, military strength and architectural innovation. Work Cited UNESCO." The →

Biography of emiliano zapata

He was born in a peasant family on August 8, 1879 in the village of Anenecuilco, in the southern state of Morelos. As Zapata persisted in agitating for rural land reforms and for the rights of the campesin, he was drafted into the Mexican army.

Word journal on the bluest eyes

Instruction: Task: Alcoholism and family abuse The book The Bluest Eye has a number of themes which include alcoholism and family abuse, seeing versus being seen, the power of stories, sexual initiation and abuse, satisfying appetite versus suppressing them, season and nature, and dirtiness and cleanliness. This essay will look at alcoholism and family abuse →

Growing up in the midst of class and gender woes in coetzees boyhood

The paper " Growing Up in the Midst of Class and Gender Woes in Coetzee's Boyhood" is a worthy example of a book review on English. While autobiographical, Coetzee's Boyhood is written in the third-person perspective and has fictional aspects because Coetzee plays with the notion of time. During this time, Coetzee also witnessed the →


Law and Contemporary, Problems 61 94): 125-152. This is an excellent journal article that describes the issue of capital punishment in the light of wrong conviction. In addition, the author expresses his view on capital punishment in the light of the innocent being punished.

Group work memo

Memo to Fish s in the United s Fish s in the United s Shalan ALshammari, a from MNSU October 16, 2014 Subject: Fish a good meal It has come to our attention that very many people in the U.S.suffer from nutritional diseases such as obesity, cancer, food poisoning, and diabetes. To some →

The question of obesity

Conclusion McDonald's: To Eat or Not to Eat, That is the Question to Obesity It is said that a healthy mind inhabits a healthy body. Their aim is to supply its consumers with quality food to balance busy lives. Now, the question of living a healthy life style is all about what to →


Karen Doe wanted her recommendation of work schedule time changed, Michelle has solutions to the nursing crisis in the country, and Basri's proposal has intentions of bringing the campus community to a calm and peaceful environment. The situations that happen at the Berkeley campus require solutions. Everything in the proposals has revolved around the problem →


Each example first presents the original work, followed by text that a student wrote and handed in for an essay assignment. Decide if the student's work constitutes plagiarism or not. If the student's work is plagiarism, identify it as one of the 5 types described on the handout, " Plagiarism: What It Is and How →

Using ethos in designing of websites

An example of a website that uses ethos to appeal to its audience is the Basecamp website at https://basecamp.com/ The website for project management tool, Basecamp uses Ethos to appeal to its customers by showing its credibility. The answer from the second man proofs that the website is credible and reliable in project management.

Why the drinking age should be lowered

Argumentative essay on why the drinking age should be lowered Drinking age within the teenagers need to be lowered because they have every right to pick and choose what they feel like. The need is to comprehend how the drinking age has to be adjusted in the first place.

The tempest for shakespeare act i

Insert The Tempest Act Central moral action: Miranda man s his father to ensure that nobody comes toany harm. As the play unfolds, the shipmaster requests his board crewmembers to call for mariners in his bid to ensure that the ship does not wreck. The ship in the tempest set assails to the highland from →

Reflection paper

According to Burke, the French disregarded humans' entitlement to basic rights during the revolution movement. As a proponent of conservative ideologies, Burke opposed the actions of revolutionaries. He maintained that the revolution was likely to cause anarchy and, therefore, presented the threat of terror.

Water shortages at jordan

Water Shortage in Jordan Water Shortage in Jordan People cannot survive without water; it is the reason why water shortage is a threatening issue in many world countries including Jordan. First of all, the government develops the water management model to make sure that the supply of water is growing and the demand is decreasing.

Plots and structure of fiction, drama

To make her own case, she claims that there is a dangerous criminal by the name Misfit and he is headed that way but no one is taking her seriously. Because of the wide-ranging qualities of Whitman's own writings, the logic of idealism is destined to expand to politics, philosophy as and poetry.

Development of second language through computer games english language essay

The point Savignon emphasized further, which is central to the discussion in this paper, is that successful language learning and communication in the foreign language would depend on the learners' resourcefulness in using the grammatical structures and vocabulary at their disposal to comprehend and be comprehensible to others, as well as their willingness to take →

What does true friendship require

In the thank you M'am, true friendship is giving to the poor as demonstrated by Mrs. In ' The Hobbit', true friendship is helping the ones in need such as the case in the book in which Gollum helps Bilbo to escape from the tunnel.

Summary of malcolm x

This new freedom was difficult for Malcolm X to obtain, but he was diligent in his studies. Malcolm X said that he had a difficult time understanding books because so many of the words were unknown to him. He also said that his handwriting improved greatly while doing these exercises. As a result of this →

Making decisions about organizing an , influence of written and spoken comments

Sufficient progress was visible after I learned how to organize ideas in a way that the reader could understand whatever was in my mind. I learned that understanding the context and writing it in my words was the best way of avoiding plagiarism; the greatest crime in writing.


Though their disillusion with the government hugely influences their active participation into the voting process they are not totally disinterested as shown in 2012 election where two-third had backed Obama! It is not as though the young people do not take part in the political activities or have strong opinion about burning social issues. Even →

Should robots be given the same rights as human

Under the social pattern of evolution coupled with the amelioration in technology especially artificial intelligence, scientists claim that the robots in future will also demand equal rights with the human. So the writing discusses with the feasibility of providing robots with equal human rights. Human beings have harnessed the extravaganza of science and technology in →

Source evaluation

THE ROLE OF EARLY EDUCATION IN GENDERING CHILDREN By Source Evaluation Authority Gary Marcus is the author of the article " Moral Machines". The dream of safe driverless vehicles is about to be a mass reality.


In addition, the article suggests various measures for keeping boxing athletes safe. Free Choice The sport, being a choice game, is performed by adults who are conscious of all risks involved when one decides to participate in that sport as a career.. Boxing is a career and source of livelihood It is important →

Discussion question

Sections of them are victims of circumstances, such as the death of guardians as for the case of the kid whose grandma was shot. Therefore, the nation must stop violence. Over the years, the number of violence has increased.

Culture and globalisation

For this purpose, I will be summarizing the arguments of the political theorist and the author of " Jihad vs McWorld" Benjamin Barber and economist, Cato adjunct scholar and the author of " Creative Destruction: How Globalization is Changing the Worlds Cultures" Tyler Cowan. Benjamin Barber is one of the proponents of the idea that →

Why do people have/want children

As much as people bear children and drive the growth and development of the human race, there are different reasons why people have/want children. Wanting and having children is an in-born thing in people. The familial reason of having/wanting children is informed by the need to extend family size and name.

Credit cards can be a blessing and curse

Credit cards are a basic source of consumer credit and they have become one of the common causes of personal finance problems as they allow individuals to borrow beyond their ability to pay. However, the use of the credit card is also a blessing as it is convent to use; instead of carrying a large →

Who has the right to write literature about war

During the world war, the men had more right to write literature about the war because of their participation in the war more than the women. The first novel about the war was written by the male because of their active participation in the war compared to women. Poem about with the theme of men, →

Financial crisis

Financial Crisis An argumentative paper [Type the [Pick the Introduction Towards the end of the first decade of the year 2000's, the United States economy suffered a financial meltdown, which was reported to be the worst of its kind since the Great Depression of 1930's. This paper argues that due to ill-advised economic policies, businesses →


The clear explanations that the instructor gave have served to make me a better writer. I think my judgment was right for most students. That said, I feel very comfortable with my judgment, especially because I wrote both negative and positive sides of the story and clarified my views.

Lead discussion

The whole scenario outraged the natives because the Euro-Americans saw them as inferior and they started to treat the environment in a way that the natives did not like. Because of this, the chief Seattle tries to persuade the Americans to treat the natives with utmost respect because they were feeling the effects of harsh →

Pr paper contrast & compare on twain & thoreau

In fact, Thoreau idea of what we call reality in our daily life is something is a creation of a number of tools the prominence of them all being the mass media which continuously elongated itself the responsibility of shaping people opinion. According to Thoreau, even what we call progress in our daily life is →

What is developmental dyslexia english language essay

Many have asked the question as to if dyslexics have an underlying auditory problem and argued that it could lead to problems in rapid auditory discrimination, which has been proving in some studies such as Galaburda A et al.which conducted a post-mortem study of Dyslexics which showed that abnormal auditory processing is due to smaller →

Research proposal example

Therefore, the role of the government in this exercise should also be established. Problem What do the residents of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, as well as the state stand to gain from these outdoor exercises? The book covers details of outdoor exercises and explains the significance of outdoor activities to the public and the →

Personal philosophy of success

I have not been left behind in this zest, in an endeavor to accomplish the dreams I have in life, in order to celebrate my life at old age. The strategies I use in my life have helped me to build a sense of personal responsibility, self-management, self-esteem and positive attitude. The first strategy I →

The effects of global warming

The Effects of Global Warming The issue of global warming poses damaging effects that could threaten not only the sustainability of the environment but also all aspects of human life. Furthermore, human health and safety are also likely to be affected with the detrimental effects of global warming.

Sylvia plaths daddy through the eyes of a reader and the eyes of two experts

Proctor English 1302-6131 Essay # 3 October 8, Sylvia Plath's " Daddy" Through the Eyes of a Reader and the Eyes of Two Experts On the surface, Sylvia Plath's poem " Daddy" describes the tumultuous and dysfunctional relationship she experienced with her own father. Every woman adores a Fascist, The boot in the face, the →

Living in a house versus living in an apt

The kind of autonomy and comfort a house provides cannot be matched by an apartment. There are many similarities between living in an apartment and living in a house. A comparison and contrast of living experience between an apartment and a house leads to the conclusion that living in a house is generally more autonomous, →

Precis paper

Pension Overhauls in New Jersey Pension Overhauls in New Jersey In the Governor of New Jersey Mr. Three years since the effecting of the new pension scheme, the Governor raises concerns of whether the government will beat the time scheduled to pay the $1.


During this period, scholars were creating stories that involved both historic events and fictious ones therefore, it was difficult to determine where they set boundaries between fiction and reality in their stories. The culture of the people during the period when the movie was made can be found from how the characters have been portrayed →

The four functions of myth: tao te ching

The second function is to explain to us the shape and design of the ' cosmos' and give it a meaningful existence for us to be able to comprehend it. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; →

The inferno

The interesting mention of Beatrice who seems to be out context because she was only mentioned and not explained and this begs the question who is Beatrice particularly in the passage " The prophecy by Ciacco of the fall of Dantes party, Canto vi., and that byFarinata of Dantes exile, Canto x., which Virgil had →

Letter from a birmingham jail [king, jr.] 16 april 1963

His response, was a direct appeal to the ethos, logos, and pathos of the audience that he targeted, the clergymen and the American people. I cannot join you in your praise of the Birmingham police department." With such a strong pathos addressed in his letter, it is enough to say that A letter →

A very old man with enormous wings

Fantasy is combined with reality and a question arises: what are the magic possibilities presented in this story of magic realism, whether the Angel is the inspirer of people. To my mind, the main intention of the Angel was to show people that he was as tolerant as a dog and he wanted to exist →

Medterm question

The paper writing provides an introduction that discusses what can be learned from existing research and experiences related to the effects of inquiry based learning and teaching. When writing an inquiry, one should be aware of the topic that is unknown to the audience. You should ask yourself questions that will lead to the body →

Academic differences

There is asignificant academic difference in Emirates National School, that is the school I graduated from, and my current school Umass Lowell in terms of the academic and teaching style. It is worth noting that in my former school, competition was low as most of us took learning for granted and had not learnt of →


In this narrative the author has used imagery this is one of the best elements of a writer's craft that any author can use. The author gave me a clear visual image of the occurrences, at some moment I felt like I was in the story seeing the suffering of the people.


College education became a series of classes and tests that had nothing to do with the actual degree that the student was aiming for at the end of four years, and yet it was supposed to be the yardstick by which the employers were supposed to gauge a job applicant by. This mindset shows me →


However, in the tram ' Maria' is also displayed in a situation where young generation is giving up traditional etiquettes for elderly, like giving up one's seat for them due to their age and respectable position in society. Many of the critics believe that since ' Clay' is an Irish story therefore, the author interweaved →

Is ritalin overprescribed in the us

of the of the Outline Thesis: Nowadays Ritalin is being excessively prescribed by the doctors in the US and the level of its usage on children has reached an alarming state.1. Nowadays Ritalin is being excessively prescribed by the doctors in the US and the level of its usage on children has reached an alarming →

Burger king vs mcdonalds

This writing will differentiate between the burger supplying giants on the basis of their business decisions, innovation and quality. Body On the basis of burger quality it has been established that Burger King is superior to McDonalds. Burger King offers better quality burgers which is the main aim of both the burger giants, but →

The importance of phonetics and phonology in english

These distinctions usually go unnoticed within the community if they occur regularly, but can attract attention by those of the non-English speaking community, or those learning English. The effect of delay on articulator movement can be seen in English words such as more and now, where the beginning of the vowel is nasalized, partly because →

Should animals be used for scientific researches

He has presented the fact that the invention of antibiotics for the treatment of infections, insulin for the treatment of diabetes as well as the introduction of vaccines for the prevention of polio and cervical cancer is all attributable to the experiments that were conducted on animals. He also highlighted the fact that the transplantation →

Communication change challenge

This is because I am not used to leaving tasks in suspense. I did not choose the statement I cannot accuse my parents in any wrong they do in the I do not know how to. This is because the statement is about something that I cannot do.

Home cooking: the barriers of poverty and middle class blinders

Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle Blinders Home Cooking: The Barriers of Poverty and Middle BlindersIn " Joy of Cooking", the author has highlighted what cooking entails and how people can make sure they cook delicious and tasty meals. The debater also says that they enjoyed spending time in the kitchen with the →

My significant change

This is the narrative of the experience of my friend's father's paralysis attack and how it transformed his life both negatively and positively and contributed toward his perspective and philosophy of life. It is the story of his family's sudden change in fortune which transformed his life of luxury to that one of constant struggle →

The second rich generation in china interview report

Mo Han falls under the category of the second richest generation in China, he has a good understanding of this group of individuals and the implication of their lifestyles. I agree with Han's idea that this generation is posing a threat to the future of the coming generations by overspending and without investing in business →

Summary and analysis

If we go through Gustav Klimt's artwork, we find certain paintings, of which two that may be being described by the poetess are the " Beeches" and " The Bride". The poetess describes the bliss of presence of flesh, and the grief of the absence in actuality.

Criminal justice

This is highly related to the increase in crime, issues in accessing infrastructure, and other social and basic services. Programs can be initiated to boost the assets and earnings of the low-income neighboring families.

College graduates get low interest

A college education as they say is a direct entry to middle This is because the moment an individual is admitted; one is exposed to limitless possibilities and opportunities in the future. This makes college graduates a safe bet as far as college low interest loans are concerned. The US.

The perfect gym

Although the gym does not have a personal training studio, the regular gym area stocked with weights, machines, elliptical, treadmills as well as a warehouse space ensures that the gym offers the best of everything. Moreover, the gym's staff is friendly and not imposing as well, the gym has tags users can place on machines →

Elements and genre

It fulfills all expectations of romantic comedy movies without crossing genres. The movie The Imaginarium of Parnassus is an example of a science-fiction movie. This movie fulfills all expectations of the movies of this genre.

Responding to visuals

There are no other special images in the picture except some cartoons that are printed on a girl's T-shirt. The overall message of the picture is the children's happiness, and the source of that happiness. However, a keen eye sees some smoke in the background, which may point toward smoke of pollution or smoke of →

Think before you throw annual food english language essay

And also, in the process of cooking food, the timing and heat have to be controlled well therefore it will not affect the taste of food as well as the nutrients. And the finally the food will be packaged and the ingredients and materials as well as the contained nutrition will be labeled on the →

Biography of paulo coelho

He releases much of his personal work on his blog and had permitted personal translations of his works to be republished. Current life: He founded the Paulo Coelho Institute which provides financial assistance to needy people and has aided in a number of charitable causes. He is married to Christina Oiticica whi is a Brazilian →

Receiving higher education

The main related disciplines which I have interest in are the following: planning communication strategies, building relations with individuals in the community and, developing projects to the enhancement of the quality of life for individuals. I find it necessary for me to acquire the basic principles in the field of public relations primarily with regard →

A piece relating to the road by cormac mccarthy

The road by McCarthy Prologue of the story The novel starts with the man and kid in the forested areas, the kid sleeping, as they are making their trip along the street. The story is situated in a post-prophetically catastrophic world, date and spot anonymous, however the onlooker can accept its some place in what →

Vincennce university should build more parking lots

Lack of enough accommodation is also one of the contributing factors for an increase in demand for the parking spots; majority of the students drive to school. It will be crucial for the school's management to consider building more parking lots for the residents in order to save the students time. For many years, the →

Reclaimed wastewater for drinking: safe but still a tough sell

The word " wastewater" creates discomfort in people, and its introduction as an alternative source of drinking water makes people worry even more about their health. The technology of filtration and other processes that help minimize the chemical toxins and microbial contaminants is slowly being introduced to the public through different forms of media to →

Question 7

Communication on this platform is not guided by the conventional stipulations, but it bases communication on personal relationships of the parties involved- as such borrowing from this style impacts formal communication. What steps will you take to prevent this from occurring? In order to prevent this influence adequate preparation should be carried before indulging in →

An explaning why i am interested in becoming a nurse

Other Why I am Interested in Becoming a Nurse I am interested in pursuing a nursing career because I consider my self a compassionate person who finds pleasure in helping other people. I also find personal satisfaction and growth in nursing as it provides me with knowledge and new experiences that help me →

Seminar paper for autobiography of a face

This seminar paper analyzes the behavior and reaction of Lucy in the face of the teasing and torment she received from her schoolmates. The reaction displayed by Lucy is a defense mechanism that she employs to shut out her peers.. Her reaction to the behavior of her school mates is an act of defense as →

Waitlist statement in uc san diego

I want to become a part of the student alumni at UC San Diego in order to enhance my capabilities as a professional. I am hard worker and I am extremely motivated to continue my undergraduate work at a top class university such as UC San Diego.

Why do some people or institutions say they doubt the data about climate change

This paper aims to discuss the reasons regarding the doubts about climate change facts. Skeptics believe that climate change is a truth in itself that a bunch of scientist cannot predict. This means that the direct observation of the scientists regarding the climate change is incomplete.

First day in college

I still remember the goose bumps that I was getting due to the fear of going to a totally new place where I would have to adapt to a new environment and would have to initiate an entirely new social life. I went to my college on the first day with feelings of anxiety as →

Survey description

The survey gets information on whether it is easy for a person to choose their major and if the preparatory year in college helps a person in choosing the kind of major they are going to take in the future. The small number of questions encouraged the students to take part in the survey since →

An event that is a part of your experience

I was driven by the fact that my parents clearly instructed me not to feed the dog. As I walked to our backyard my heart started to beat harder and harder, my stomach grumbled, my legs felt weak almost not able to walk, my hands felt like they could not carry the few pounds of →

My son the fanatic by hanif kureishi

This paper analyzes the story focusing on the ' power of art' and the actual message conveyed to the reader. Ali gets in and Pervez and Benetta try to convince him to which he reacts furiously.

Reflective memo

My grades kept improving during the course and that was reason enough I had improved in the course. A perfect example whereby I managed to utilize these new ideas during the writing process was while writing the project about ' MTV's 16 and pregnant" project. Over the semester, I have been trying my best to →

Problems and solutions for alcohol

20 July, Alcohol Problems and Solutions Employees in all industries are affected by the problems of alcohol, whether it is the information technology sector or a hospital. Alcohol consumption has been the root cause of distortion of a lot of families in the past and has also been one of the driving forces of violence →


The court allows Justices to be dependent because there is no electoral accountability and the idea that the Supreme Court gives the last and final ruling. S, the theoretical and empirical results pose doubts on the issue of the voting of justices.

Reading log (summary+respond)

The writings of Davis reflect on the body language, the cultural differences and the perception of maintaining the required distances between the two people as they chat with each other. An example of interpreting the conversation would mean many Arabs liking to remain within a breath's distance from each other as they aim at building →

Summary for ‘the parable of sower’

They finally arrive at Bankole's farm and decide to stay there and form a community. Question #2: The destruction of the gated community where Lauren and her family live. The enlargement of the north bound group. Question #3: Lauren Olamina is the leader of the group offering guidance to the group , and the →

Living with diabetes

She did get remission from diarrhea; however her family physician asked her to get blood checked in laboratory for parasites, hemoglobin, leukocytes count and cholesterol level. On seeing blood report, doctor said that her fatigue was not due to lack of hemoglobin. Since she was suffering from shortness of breath and no infection was apparent, →


Oedipus: Antigon's Fate At a time when women were not highly esteemed in the society, one woman defies the king's order to grant her brother a decent burial - Antigon the soon to become daughter-in-law of King Creon. First, being aware of the king's pride as evidenced by his willingness to defy even the gods, →

Bridging the gap: faith and diplomacy

Bridging the Gap: Faith and Diplomacy From the article written by Madeleine Albright en d " Faith and Diplomacy" and published in The Review of Faith & International Affairs in 2006, the author proffered pertinent issues concerning the role that religion plays in foreign politics and governance. One story focused on Pope John Paul's ability →