Essay Samples About Life for Student Inspiration

The moment

She was my pillar when I was falling, strong and concrete. It was a sunny day in January 2001, I was all alone with no one to talk to.

Depression lead to emotional anguish. changes in

Depression is a brain disorder that can lead to emotional anguish. Changes in how your brain functions also can have a big effect on your body. Depressions can also cause physical symptoms such as; increased ache pains which occur in about two out of three people with depression, chronic fatigue, decreased interest in sex, →

Example of report on sex roles

However, he was sensitive and seemed to be cross to his mother-in-law because of the mischief that she always caused. However, she was too cheerful and taught Greg how to have a more positive outlook in life.

People and organizations essay examples

Therefore, these rewards are vital in determining the quality and quantity of work that I will be carrying out. My preferred role on a team is the leader, while my back up role on the team is being the supervisor. This is considering the supervisor will be answerable to the overall leader in case of →

Argumentative essay on does social networking affect students

Thus, the very existence of Internet and all its branches of programs and utilities is a thing most welcome for a person who knows how to utilize it towards a personal betterment, instead of doing what most students are doing: allowing social networking to run their lives, and believing other people's opinion about themselves more →

Example of middle adulthood interview essay

He says that his job has been awesome as it gives him satisfaction in the quest to instill skills and knowledge to young people. Next, I really need to know how he perceives his job as compared to the kind of vision he had when he was younger. He says that he is very selective →

Family problems essay examples

It was late in the evening and I knew it was time to go in to the house, but instead I wanted to do my own thing. I was only in the third grade and I was put in a special class because of my behavioural issues.

Example of friendship term paper

Three reasons that friendship is important are: it helps to build self-esteem and self-confidence; it provides psychosocial support during hard times; and it has been suggested that it can reduce illness in individuals. The first reason that friendship is important is that friendship has been known to build self-esteem and →

Exploring help him learn the ways of the

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, allusions to John Milton's Paradise Lost and his depiction of creation are evident, throughthe characters of Victor Frankenstein and his Creature, as they resemble, yetsharply contrast Adam, Eve, God, and Satan. The complexity of the character's connections, exemplifies how each has their own varied purposes to defining creation and theoutcome of →

Free friendship: the long stemmed rose creative writing sample

Whether there is or is not friendship between a man and himself is a question we may dismiss for the present; there would seem to be friendship in so far as he is two or more, to judge from the afore-mentioned attributes of friendship, and from the fact that the →


Friendship Friendship is a type of relationship between two people who care about each other. To draw the conclusion, one can say that friendship is a relationship built on trust and understanding.

Social networking sites research papers example

A social networking site can be compared to a virtual clubhouse where when one becomes a member and later creates an official profile, one has the ability to connect and interact with friends and family through online features and activities such as email, chats, email, photo and status updates. Overview of →

Views of society essay

The third perspective used by sociologist is symbolic interationism and that is that we as humans use symbols to understand and develop views of the world and to communicate with others when defining both our-self concept and concept of others. The family is going to be the first agent of socialization one encounters and it →

Good example of jewish philosophy research paper

Their approach towards it shows how they view friendship and see if it will last or not. Two Sides of Human Being and Friendship I think it is in friendship that we will be able to see the two sides of the human being because it is one aspect of life that has gone →

Jon on hamlet essay

The physical, emotional, and psychological death of oneself are all repercussions of revenge and reasons to dig an extra grave. In Hamlet's case he sacrifices his mind state in order for him to get his revenge on King Claudius. Hamlet's journey to get revenge on King Claudius costs him his life and also the lives →

Slavery in huckleberry finn essay

The story takes place in the South, along the Mississippi River, in the Slave States. It was not uncommon for every family to have a couple slaves. At the beginning of the novel, Huck treats Jim like every other person in that time period treated slaves; like a dumb object that wasted space. Throughout the →

A good colleague essay sample

Firstly, if you want to be a good colleague, you should care about your colleagues. Primarily, if you want to be a good colleague, you should try to be open-minded.

Aristotle: nicomachaen ethics

The definition given by Aristotle on the brave person is, " Whoever stands firm against the right things and fears the right things, for the right end, in the right way, at the right time, and is correspondingly confident, is the brave person; for the brave person's actions and feelings accord with what something is →

Did jesus claim to be god? essay

Jesus is never recorded in the Bible as saying the precise words, " I am God." That does not mean, however, that He did not proclaim that He is God. Take for example Jesus' words in , " I and the Father are one." We need only to look at the Jews' reaction to →

Example of critical thinking on comedy or tragedy

However, there was another group of friends who were more popular at our school, and he wanted to be part of that in order to have more power at school. He was a tragic character; his search for belonging and popularity left him with no friends. In conclusion, the inherently finite nature of life often →

How technology affects youth essay

Youth are losing contact face to face because even they are at a party, family reunion or hanging out friends, most youth cannot leave their technological devices on the side and enjoy the moment. If youths are constantly being cut off from people and new experiences because of technology, our generation is dying in social →

Leaving the nest the dork and tyler essay sample

I had the run of the place as soon as I started walking; there was nowhere I could not go and nothing I could not do. By the time I was unceremoniously dumped out of the car and my parents sped away, I was inconsolable - not to mention frightened. I was not used to →


A true friendship is developed ultimately; sometimes relationship could be established for earthly benefits but that is not really considered friendship. A real friendship does not aim any worldly interests rather spiritual and based on share and care between friends. In order to maintain friendship, it must be valued and handled delicately →

The house on mango street essay

This is one of the most important chapters because this is where Esperanza shows that she is growing up from a girl to a woman. Esperanza says that someday she " wants to be all new and shiny." She says that she wants to sit out bad and have a boy hanging all over her. →

Drugs can overdose but how? well you

Drugs do not help what your going through the drugs just make it worse they mess up your whole life. The reasons drugs do not help it could mess you up, could kill you, and make crazy decisions. But people against drugs say it could kill you.

My best friend

I really admire her because she is very humble and helpful. That moment made some cars honked, she was really surprised and I just could laugh to see her.

School lunches essay

When I was a child the mashed potatoes and turkey dinner were on of the best foods. I went down to the Miller Dining Hall for the turkey Dinner. I went to the front desk and the lady scanned my card.

Ethnicity and assimilation of immigrants in usa as seen in two kinds by amy tan research paper examples

The title of the book, At America's Gate, suggests people standing and waiting outside the gate to be let in. In 1860, the Chinese were the largest immigrant group in California. The story continues with the betrothal to the Japanese girl Suzy Nakamura and this indicates the sense of self discovery innate in Wang as →

Creative writing on theme for essay

As a friend one should always be ready to give the honest truth no matter how hard it may be, this is because at the end of the day it is meant to help the other person. As a friend as well it is good to be ready to accept constructive criticism even if it →

Aristotle on friendship essay sample

This friendship can be easily broken when a part of the relationship takes a different turn and it becomes non- beneficial to both or one of the parties involved in the friendship. Aristotle, therefore, views friendship of pleasure and friendship of utility as unstable and subject to instant changes, and; therefore, these types of friendship →

Example of the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky: book report

He presents a world of new experiences as the first date and music tapes, family drama and new friends, the world of alcohol drugs and sex, where the only thing that matters is finding the right song while you drive to the infinity. I have always liked to read the book before the adaptation to →


The first thing I am thankful for is my mom. I am so thankful for the love and wisdom she has given me for the past 18years.

Parenting in the faith essay

Many kids have a difficult clip coming to their parents with their jobs and alternatively they go to their friends. This is not incorrect, for friends are of import to speak to but kids need the advice and support from those with experience and who know them good. Parents must learn their kids about the →

Poetry appreciation of earle birney’s “david” essay sample

The theme that follows throughout this poem is the onset of maturity and all the barriers that must be overcome as one moves through this period in their lives. Bob and David live a carefree life filled with adventures in the mountains until a tragedy strikes their very existence. The choice of descriptive words →

Taliyahs wonderful adventuresmy fear of spiders essay

I got frightened and said, " Why in the world did you scare me like that cause you almost made me fall into the window!? " They said, " There's a spider! " I got so mad so was looking for the " spider" because when they said spider I thought they were taking about →

Romeo and juliet vs. the sound of waves essay

The relationships between Romeo and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet and Shin and Hates in The Sound of Waves were disapproved of by both of their families. This obstacle was much like the one that Romeo and Juliet had to overcome. Romeo had to escape from Verona in order to avoid being killed for disturbing →

A memorable safari to africa

The flight was uneventful, and I took the time to read the brochures that my parents had concerning our destination. This was sure to be an unforgettable vacation, and I tried to convince myself that I would enjoy it. The weather was warm and the air smelt fresh, this was something I was not accustomed →

The boy in the striped pyjamas essay sample

I explained to Bruno that I was here to polish the glasses and that Lieutenant Kotler had picked me because I had tiny fingers. I was still in my head hoping Bruno would tell Kotler that he was my friend and it was ok for me to have the food.

Finding nemo: pros and cons essay sample

Although Bruce, the great white shark, tried to eat Dory and Marlin, in the end they all became good friends and he even protects Nemo when he goes back to school. While they are in the trench, Dory tells Marlin to " just keep swimming" and this can be a great life lesson.

Good love at first site creative writing example

My sister is a couple of years older than I, despite this fact I was the more responsible between the two of us, my dad married her mom while I was three and she was five. I was not as busy now as I was before and something in me told me to give this →

Tiffany perdue

I have attended Newton High School on and off during my high school career and while here I have learned a few things. I have learned about the career path, about friendship, about the struggles of life, and mostly I have learned about myself and who I am.

Example of teen brain essay

One of the most influential mitigating factors that interfere with the efforts parents make to be active in their child's life is the kind of friends their children have. They do this with the assumption that it must be something wise and important to do. Hormonal and bodily changes also affect a parent's efforts →

Mmpi ii report essay

The MMPI-2 was developed as an aid in determining mental health status and the need for hospitalization. The MMPI-2 is also used as a personality appraisal for firefighters, police officers and pilots. Interestingly, the MMPI-2 is also used to assess personality in other cultures and the results are compared to our own.

Our appearance, the way we dress, etc. reflects who we are essay sample

It is therefore important to be consistent in the style we adopt throughout our lives'. There is no doubt that people have always wanted to look attractive and stylish. It also seems to me that it is helpful and important to be consistent in the style we adopt throughout our live.

Sociological conflict theory

A con of this theory is that it does not address the issue; what motivated suicide may be a significant issue within society. Another con of this theory is that it fails to see global perspective and even afamilyview, thereby forcing society to use resources on family; this could be more costly →

Free essay on pathos

It takes one from paper to the experience bringing the words to reality. It helps us understand that harming others causes more than just pain. It appeals to our sense of identity and therefore speakers and writers use this art to benefit the intended audience.

Middle east conflict from a palestinian perspective

However, as it was mentioned above the core of the conflict is the land possession and Palestinians rejected the equal land division. The surrounding Arab states supported the Palestinian Arabs in rejecting both the Partition Plan and the establishment of Israel, and the armies of six Arab nations attacked the newly formed →

Emotional intelligence – summary

171 Mitch McCrimmon, the author of " Why Emotional Intelligence Is Not Essential for Leadership", presents an argument contrary to that of Daniel Goleman's claim that leaders must be emotionally intelligent to be effective. Returning to the topic of the article, the author contends that " emotional intelligence is critical for management, though not so →

Steven’s triumph in remains of the day

Stevens's " Triumph" Although Stevens claims to recall the evening of his father's passing " with a large sense of triumph" due to his professional duties, various hints throughout the night suggest that Stevens feels much more sadness than triumph. When Stevens visits his father, Stevens clearly seems to be in denial of the →

The lovely bones (mise en scene) essay sample

The lighting is generally quite dark and cool-toned to create shadows and show how sinister parts of the film can be. Examples of this are scenes when her killer is shown, to make him appear to the audience as an evil man. However, in the scenes where Suzie is seen alive and in heaven →

My passion in singing

When I was a child, I already use my talent in singing because one of my dreams is to make my name shine in lights and make my faces known to everyone in the world. I started singing in front of a crowd when I was 6 years old. That was the →

The wind of what is occurring to

A remarkable point of view of a young lady's battles is chronicled in Anne Frank's: The Journal of a Young lady. It is a convincing case of a youthful Jewish young lady developing quickly in the two years between the ages of 13 and 15 while avoiding the Nazis amid World War II. Her deadness →

The scarlet ibis

Another reason of why the narrator is prideful is because towards the end of the story when the narrator was running away from Doodle through the rain and storm, it was his pride and not being able to accept failure. The narrator was also shameful when he ran ahead of Doodle and Doodle died due →

Two personalities, one stripper

As well as the damaging repercussions this type of occupation has had on her overall perceptions of self, the world, and her relation to/in the world. It is also because of Bailey's repeated exposure to the lustful, perverted, and greedy sides of people that the need to develop a completely new and separate persona arose, →

The rabbits by john marsden essay

The colour of the rabbits' clothing shows us their superiority to the Aboriginal people and creates the image of how the Aborignial people are being mistreated. The colour of the background shows us how the Europeans has taken over from the Aboriginal people.

Lajwanti and a girls plea essay

In ' A girl's plea', the girl describes that her father sees her as ' A meek, dumb, shy, submissive, frail woman. ' She is made to ' eat humble pie and drink sheer humiliation' indicating that oppression was her food and drink. In sharp contrast to ' Lajwanti', the girl attempts to revolt back to →

Having positive attitude is vital education essay

The frights of my bad consequence in my sheepskin degree recognize me that organisation accomplishment is important to win in my survey and any range of my life. I have strengths and I have failings. I have taken a good expression at myself in the mirror and I know I am the lone 1 that →

Skateboard essay topics: choose your own approach to having fun skateboard essay article

What exactly can you consider in such paper? A little bit of history in your skateboard essay First of all, you may reveal the history of this activity development. You can devote your skateboard essay to depiction of the first steps of this phenomenon. Is it somehow related to surfing?

Mystery and fear in the withered arm

Through the story, Information Is drip fed to us as well as the characters which creates mystery, because we experience the consequences of the characters actions along with them. With the additional background knowledge of historical and social context, the reader is already in the loop, so they can gain a deeper understanding →

Essay on exercise in writing and emotion

I am going to quit this job. It is clear that all the sentences above belong to someone who is overwhelmed with emotions and wants to express his/her strong dissatisfaction. The content of the sentences does not present any information, it only expresses the feelings of the speaker and his/her emotions. Undoubtedly, the way you →

Socrates: guilty or not

He accuses Socrates of corrupting the youth and of not believing in the gods the city of Athens believes in. Socrates, not being familiar with courts, attempts at defending himself stating that is most likely to engage in a defense not using the language of lawyers, but in the way →

College hazing that changed my life

He showcases that by doing something out of the ordinary and joining the rowing team. Also another thing that I believe he tried to get across is to strive for what you want. Finally, he tried to get across that you do not have to be normal its okay if you are not.

Our emotions diary

To accurately identify the range of our emotions and to classify it correctly takes greater control and self-awareness that I could not possibly muster. On the other hand, I also felt confused on whether I got it mixed up; whether I experienced the situation and then the physiological arousal together with the emotion occurred at →

Define what is meant by counselling skills essay sample

When a Client first comes into contact with the Counsellor a verbal contract is established for the protection of the Counsellor and the Client. This is a great technique for communicating the correct message between Counsellor and Client.

The people who obsess over the materialistic things

It is believed that marriage at a younger age may result in a high divorce rate and there are several reasons to propose this to be real. The first reason why a young marriage may not last is simply because they are not read, they may not be 110% committed to the other person and →

Mars and venus

Great sex is the most powerful way to open a man's heart and help him to feel his love and express it to a woman. Great Sex for Women Great sex softens a woman and opens her to experience the love in her heart and to remember her partner's love for her in a most →

Romeo and juliet essay sample

I will discuss this in my essay. Shakespeare begins this play with a prologue to set the scene, in which it says, ' death mark would.' This quote gives the impression that the story will be tainted by misfortune from the very beginning of the play. Following this quote, is one that is →

Free essay on nobody knows

The story tells of the first adventure and thrill of sex at the same time how the excitement has to be hidden from the public whereby nobody has to know about it. George is a young boy who finds himself in a nervous and jittery situation with his sexual excitements. The main idea of this →

This room and love after love comparison

Walcott uses the phrase 'peel your own images from the mirror'; here Walcott emphasizes that you are past, 'all your life, whom you ignored' has value and helps for you to realise the importance of being comfortable and happy with who you are, accepting who you are. In 'This Room', the 1st person is not →

Thats a family essay example

Personal dignity, equality and the right for self-expression are the values that should be respected by everyone regardless of their age, gender, race, family background or sexual orientation. The video clip " That's A Family" addresses the issue of family diversity and tolerance to it as one of the most important →

Lancelot, the knight of the cart essay example

This paper aims to show that the hesitation of Lancelot in getting to the cart and his ultimate decision to cross the Sword Bridge without any hesitation reveals that although Launcelot holds the values of a knight deep to his heart, he is however totally devoted to his lover, Guinevere. The first half of this →

An interpretation of love in chang-rae lee’s “a gesture life”

The bulk of the narrative was mostly about how Hata expresses his love for the other characters in the novel. Interestingly, " A Gesture Life" is certainly not the kind of story that portrays love in a typical manner. He wanted a low-profile life in his neighborhood because he has this assumption that he will →

The cherry orchard characters critical thinking

The middle class is considered as a threat to the aristocratic life, but still, Chekhov presents as working to save the aristocratic family. Anya Anya is a daughter to Lyubov who is a principled as well as a strong lady. However, a new, more equitable economic order fails to take its place, because it →

Literature review on the happy family

The story features two snails that believed they were the most outstanding creatures in the whole world and that the entire forest of burdocks was built for them. They are similar to the great Chinese proverb " the frog in a well" in the sense that they lack understanding and vision. The other side theme →

Valentine the guy is moody

Before loving others you got to love yourself as the saying goes and what can be a better idea than gifting yourself a new dress. Though valentine day is just a date to celebrate the feast of St. You should by no means skip this opportunity as there is definitely scope for you to score →

Money is the root of all evil

When we talk above love, the first thing that comes to a person's mind is a relationship or parental love and think that there is nothing bad about it. It is actually difficult to decide which is the root of all evil.

Love’s last shift

It appeals to the sentiments of men and women both as it is the same old story through the ages - It is between him and her. The play does not depict that the interests of men and women need to be at the loggerheads always and they should ever remain at war. The suspenseful →

Top glove information

Former president of the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers' Association , board member of the Malaysian Rubber Board, and Director of the Association of Malaysia Medical Industries. Puan Sri Tong Siew Bee Executive Director Previously worked with United Overseas Bank and Utama Bank, with over 10 years of experience in operational systems in →

Example of historical design critical thinking

In other words, it put a lot of emphasis on the glorification of themes linked to the contemporary concepts of future. As a result of this, he became so accommodative and dynamic in the carrying out of the activities he was vested with. It would be so revolutionary because it changed the position of art.

A defense of the prideful

Do not cry reminiscing on the past, for the past is what you look to and raise your drowned feelings. The prideful man was not once prideful, for pride is the consequence of a desperate soul.

Compare/contrast on gilbert and tan essay sample

After giving young girl directions to a train station and feeling like she was missing out on a great travel; she realized that she too was a traveler. Gilbert felt like she was a civilian in Rome because she paid bills there but she was, in actuality, just traveling. People may not be →

Boy at the window

In this poem, the imagery " His tearful sight can hardly reach to where, the pale-faced figure with bitumen eyes" shows the reader that when the snowman is looking in at the boy that he sees the " pale-faced figure" which is the boy. The boy is looking through the window crying, sad because the →

Ib tok yr i

Reason is more important when it comes to arriving at a moral conclusion mainly being described through the quote " Do not let your emotions get in the way". Their emotions took over and let it get in the way of the smart and logical thing to do.

Love for goodness’ sake: plato’s symposium

This is the heart of Phaedrus' argument, that " there is a certain guidance each person needs for his whole life...and nothing imparts this well as Love". He continues to argue that the best possible society would be full of lovers and their beloveds because all of its members would be constantly aware of →

Hamlet love for ophelia

If he truly loved her, he would have been at her side to provide comfort in her time of grief. Even at Ophelia's funeral, he did not profess his love for Ophelia. If Hamlet truly loved Ophelia, he would have been there for her in her time of need.

Example of essay on plato’s phaedrus

If someone is unable to determine correctly what he wants to deliberate, in the opinion of Socrates, his inability would lead him astray and he would never be able to reach the right conclusion. Socrates claims that love is some sort of desire, but there are many subjects that men desire without being in love. →

Technology as a part of our everyday live

More time is spent on social media in order to talk to multiple people or read what they have to say, than having a back-and-forth conversation over the phone or in person. It has altered the dating world as we now begin a conversation online whereas conversations used to start in person.

Analysis of first love by john clare

The opening of the first stanza only shows how sudden and unexpected the feeling was as he was never ' struck before that hour'. This is followed my sibilance alliteration ' so sudden and so sweet' further emphasizing on the shock and bewilderment of the overwhelming feeling confirming it is a new experience. The love →

Sonnet 116 essay sample

Shakespeare uses this final couplet as his assurances that he is not lying. The first quatrain Shakespeare is saying that love does not have to be physical.' Marriage of two minds' suggests that love is idealistic, the use of the word ' true' emphasises that it's faithful. The theme of time is also in →

Good example of essay on exploring the aspects of morality in human nature

The poet looks deep into what the connection between good and evil is and he says ' The nature of good and evil / Is more than black and white./ They are the darkness in our souls, / Likewise they are the light./ They dwell at human nature's core, And breed virtue and sin./ They →

Art and architecture essay samples

The author of this article is motivated by lack of knowledge of the visual art curators about the contemporary art performance when promoting it. As a point of departure, the primary difference between visual arts and contemporary performance is that, whereas the visual art curators concentrate on discovering the performance →

Good example of almost maine literature review

The assertion of this play is that all of these stories across the town take place at the stroke of 9: 00 with the northern lights illuminating the slightly surreal, cold and northern night. It is never dull and leaves happier feeling in the thoughts of the audience. Elements Magic and Love are in →

“decade” by amy lowell essay sample

Simple in its form, rich in imagery and symbolism the poem depicts powerfully the deep emotional bond between two people after ten years of relationship. At the beginning of the relationship, the beloved was " like red wine and honey", and his taste burnt with its sweetness. The taste of the bread is familiar →

Why schools shoudnt be seperated by gender

But there are lots of question about making schools better, and one of the questions is: should schools be separated by gender? Children should try to organize their time by themselves and find ways to be in good relationships with the opposite gender, it is very important, and if you will go through it and →

The narrator in araby literature review examples

It is however pretty clear, that though this narration is of a little boy, the words are actually from someone who is a lot more mature. The boy seems to be infatuated with Mangan's sister. And it is exactly because on this childish infatuation, that he offers to bring something for her from the " →

A visual and verbal narrative

When she finally calmed she took a paper and a pen and wrote a letter to Jethro: To my first love, I never knew the meaning of love until I met you Jethro. This new job offer in Washington is promising and I think it will make me happy →