Essay Samples About Life for Student Inspiration

Our state of one influences certain thoughts. for

Our memories can be influenced by a number of factors. There are generally three types of memory: sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory lasts only a couple of seconds which could be quickly forgotten or be transfer to short-term memory or sometimes long-term memory.

In society certain individuals may hold explicit

There is a vast amount of evidence available that supports the argumentthat society is filled with prejudice and discrimination throughout the years. Anotable example would be the homophobic views that the Russian government/society have toward the LGBT society. Any depictions of homosexuality are banned, which included any organisation of pride parades and carrying the rainbow →

Deception, greed, and extreme pressure

This is based on the ability to anticipate the effects of an action as the pick that succumbs to the greatest benefit, to the bulk of people, is the pick that is ethically right. Beenen and Pinto place that corrupt administrations, such as Enron, act unethically by determinations, that are normally, made by →

The work, but it can sometimes be hard

The buddha once said " Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one that gets burned". When there is anger; emotions get agitated; the blood pressure goes up and it makes people impatient, irritable, and lose control over their →

Courage and heroism in the battle of gettysburg in “the killer angels”

" The Killer Angels" written by Michael Shaara in 1974, published by Ballantine Books, is a story showing the courage and heroism of people involved in the Battle of Gettysburg that took place in 1863. In other words, the characters have been brought to life and the audience not only gets to →

Being hard to silence your mind that’s constantly

5) Adapt Forgiving NatureHolding on to past faults will only erode trust in a relationship and make matters worse. Lack of forgiveness can ruin relations, marriages, careers, and other aspects of life, but letting go of the hurt, accepting the apology and moving on, can bring trust along with love and affection. The above suggestions →

What do women love about men

The damned silence! " Here are a few of their thoughts on men who will not talk: " There's nothing more frustrating and painful than to feel a need to communicate with someone I love and yet not feel welcome to approach him." " I wish I understood why he retreats and clams up if →

The fever tree

I believe that Tricia can be perceived as innocent and soft yet she is also defiant and reckless." By the roadside grew a species of wild zinnia with tiny flowers, coral-red, and these made red drifts among the coarse, pale grass.As I mentioned in the first the quote, the author uses the color red, green, →

Conflict resolution assignment

I would hope as a manager would have been able to identify and resolve this conflict before it got to this stage. However the role might also be new, if this is the case Mike eight be used to working on his own and therefore might feel he does not need any help. →

Effective communication is one of the essential attributes of professional nursing essay

In my practice, I have learnt to view and regard the patient in a holistic manner: as a patient in need of medical help; and an individual in need personal care and attention. In my numerous patient interactions, I have found that my words and delivery to the patient are →

Leadership and emotional intelligence

Social Awareness is the existence of sympathy in a person to sense other person's emotion, understanding their point of view, organizational awareness about the changes and events occurring in the organization and a sense of service for meeting client's requirements and needs. Finally Relationship Management is having inspirational leadership, which would motivate team members, influence →

First impressions

As the day went on at work and it became necessary John went to the store to buy stationary. Just the simple act ot getting up and going out demonstrates that John had an interest in his job and anted to get it done, Along the way John took every opportunity to enjoy →

Counseling approaches essay example

Two of the most common approaches adopted by most therapists and counselors are the cognitive approach and the psychoanalytic approach. The cognitive approach of counseling and therapy is one based on the assumption that an individual's thoughts have a direct connection with their feelings. In this approach, the cause of the →

The is linked to positive emotions, increased

She singles out two specific types of meditation that creates thiseffect: focused-attention meditation, also referred to as mindful meditation, andopen-monitoring meditation. In focused-attention meditation, an individual'sfocus is centered on one thing while in open-monitoring meditation, an individual'sfocus is on multiple things. Belle Beth Cooper states that during meditationthe brain sees a decrease in beta waves →

Within approach literary researches seek indications of unsettled

In the field of psychology this theory is used as a means of treating patients with mental disorders as it is generally acknowledged that mental disorders or neuroses do not happen without reason. In this respect psychoanalytic criticism is much like that of new criticism, concerning itself not with seeking what was intended by the →

Shoplifting case essay sample

Teenagers are not the only people who practice in this act either; there are also adults and a select number of children who do as well. The consequences of shoplifting are very difficult to deal with for parents and also the shoplifter. Shame comes from the disappointment of parents and others who know about →

Sabrina louis xvi ruling over everything in

Sabrina HoProfessor DraperHistory 11028 November 2017TheEnlightenment and The French RevolutionWhileit might be a robust statement, The Enlightenment was the first groundbreakingintellectual movement in European history. Unlike its other predecessors, thisintellectual movement inspired change for the sake of the social welfare tobenefit the common person. 1 With the purpose ofrepresenting everyone in France, The Estates →

How to resolve conflict in the workplace

It may be difficult from some to work in multigenerational environments, making it important for the nurse leader to be able to identify the five stages of conflict and swiftly intervene if conflict is suspected. Firstly conflict begins with the awareness of the conflict. Once a nurse manager is capable of identifying and recognizing the →

Cannabis concentrated in the pain pathways of

They are alsoconcentrated in the pain pathways of the brain and spinal cord. Their highconcentration in the aforementioned areas may account for the ability of CB1receptor agonists such as ??- THC to impair cognition and memory as well asmotor function and anticonception. Thisresults in the activation of presynaptic CB1 receptors which leads to theinhibition of →

“on my first son” by ben jonson essay sample

These emotions which he feels as a Father over the loss of his son makes him question his faith in his maker. In the first stanza Jonson conveys his sense of loss by using its diction and language. The words " farewell" of his " joy" in the first sentence show us the deep →

Psychological perspective on assisted suicide

It is " intended to end the life of the competent, terminally ill patient who makes a fully voluntary and persistent request for aid in dying." 8 Voluntary euthanasia is when the patient requests the action, and it is involuntary if the patient is not mentally competent enough to make the right choice. Passive euthanasia →

6 tips for goal-setting that, trust me, they don’t teach you in college

Much of that advice was predictable, as is so often the case when the equivalent of garbage is neatly wrapped in a floor tortilla to look like a tasty burrito: i.e., a lot of inedible crap. I have since made a study of goal-writing, and it's worth pointing out that unless you have goals, you →

We are virginia tech essay sample

This connection does not come because of Giovanni's word choice, it comes from being able to connect empathetically with her because of the form in which she presents her speech Nikki Giovanni's passion for the Hokie nation was most seen in her repetition of the words " We Are Virginia Tech". This comes →

Natural health remedies- the excellent a-z guide to a healthier living essay

Being a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants ; the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association ; and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists , Dr. Maccaro has already authored a number of books specializing in the treatment of illnesses brought about by emotional stress and everyday work with the use →

Can a robot be a person? bicentennial man essay sample

He was aware of equality, when Sir noted that " Andrew is now a member of the family", he knew that everyone in the family should be treated the same. When he broke the glass horse, he carved one out of wood and gave it to Little Miss, that's his way of apologizing.

Introduction: urine, or soon afterwards.” overflow incontinence: “when

Numerous logical investigations led over decades have set up that medication reliance and enslavement are highlights of a natural cerebrum issue caused by drugs combined effects on neurotransmission. Researchers keep on building on this basic comprehension with examinations to additionally explain the physiological elements that make a man inclined to utilizing drugs, and in addition →

Approaches to health essay

There are a number of contrasting definitions of health, illness and disease. According to the world health organisation " Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The biopyschosocial model was developed by Engel and health is now seen as having →

Culture shock in the repatriation process essay sample

This process of repatriation and the experience of reverse culture shock apply equally to the return to the office and the factory as to the return to family and friends. Among expatriates culture shock is a term in common usage. This response is common in repatriation and is typically called reverse culture shock. →

How to write an essay

If doing multiple text, it must apply to all text Sentence 2: Apply the topic to the first text Demonstrate how the topic above is evident in the text Sentence 3: QUOTE Provide evidence of where in the text the topic/idea may be found Sentence 4: TECHNIQUE Identify how the message is conveyed through the →

All quiet on the western front essay sample

During All Quiet on the Western Front, the main character Paul who is only nineteen, is faced with the atrocities of war which take a toll on his humanity. The results of war possess the ability to destroy whatever humanity is left in a man. It is Kantorek's rhetoric on the ideals of patriotism →

Virtual reality essay

The Culls Rift is the current pinnacle of virtual reality headsets to date. It was rated with the intention of being a high-definition head-tracking full-AD virtual reality headset available for the mass market at an affordable price. Our objective is to know how immersed a virtual reality technology is and how the Culls Rift is →

Childhood by alice walker

Walker uses the harvest to tell the story of traditions, and how she learned the traditions. She puts a lot of emphasis on the word " magic" and how being in the country is magical. I can relate with Walker when she says that the country is magical because I too am from the country.

Examine the sociological views

Climbie's case and ' Every Child Matters' has led to the improvement of social services andchild protection, meaning childhood is much safer now than it was 50 years ago. Children are also in betterhealthdue to the NHS, meaning more children survive childhood now than ever before. All of these changes have improved →


While it is important to create an attractive environment, everything should be safe, secure and have a purpose that supports each area of the children's development. All legislative requirement for children under five years can be found in EYFS statutory guidance on the department ofeducationwebsite. When working with children under three, it →

Childhood memory essay sample

The day that my sister was born is a day that I will never forget, everything happened so fast, my sister was so wise and my father was so strong for being by my moms' side through it all. I was so stubborn at that time, all I wanted was to stay with →

Protecting children is everybody’s responsibility essay sample

Issues such as neglecting the child's daily needs (medication, food, clothes shelter, education and other essential needs); failure to care for the child; abandoning the child, being aggressive, abusive and not taking any responsibility in the protection of the child are a concern for tension between the conflicting needs of adult mental health sector and →

Teens and jobs essay sample

Falling asleep in class and disciplinary infractions should be proof that these students are not able to have the opportunity to hold a job. Parents may be against their students holding jobs. Students should only be able to hold jobs if their parents say that they can.

A comparison of the old eyfs to the new eyfs

A comparison of the old EYFS to the New EYFS together with the relationship between the Montessori Method and the EYFS structure. The EYFS is not only a guide for areas of development but also states welfare requirements such as the safeguarding of children and the promotion of a positive environment as children learn →

Why i feel i should be awarded a scholarship? essay sample

In a way I feel that it gives me a little advantage due to having more time to experience life, others and the world itself. I have set forth my goals in life which makes me now more determined and motivated to take this opportunity given to me to learn all there is and →

Elizabeth bishop essay sample

Another reason that Bishop appeals to the modern reader is her characterisation of childhood, especially the loss of childhood innocence. This loss is clearly evident in such poems as ' In the Waiting Room' and ' Sestina'. Another reason that Bishop appeals to the modern reader is her characterisation of childhood, especially the loss →

An analysis of “the grasshopper and the bell cricket” essay sample

As a first person, re-tell the story as he remembers being a child from a time of innocence youth. He also concentrates describing the children's past-time." Each day with cardboard, paper, brush, scissors, penknife, and glue" The Children's would gather around and make new lanterns, with the hope of being the best →

Early education: the need for preschool for all

Early Education: The Need for Preschool for all, Not only Beneficial but an Investment The No Child left Behind Act of 2001 encourages families and schools of the use of federal funds for early education programs such as preschool. The data in the above graph, it strongly suggests that it would be →

Principles for early years essay sample

Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early year's framework and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings In England, the EYFS is the statutory framework that all settings are required to use to set the standards for the learning, development and care of children from →

Innocence in a child

This is the first hint of realization in Jem where he starts to go from the innocent child we see in the beginning to understanding life and how the adult life works. He finds that there is a lot of prejudice and hatred in the world.

Jina kim

It is best to keep the parents informed so that they can better the child's educational abilities and keep the child in a stable environment. In these meetings I plan on showing the parents their child's art " portfolios" and allowing the parents themselves to interpret the drawing so that they can have a better →

Research proposal on childhood obesity

Childobesityis a condition characterized by the child having too much fat in the body to an extent of his or herhealthbeing in danger. The child should also be encouraged to work out a lot and be very active. The find acquired so far include prevention and the long-term effects that would be brought on →

Erik erikson

The crisis is inherent in each stage and must be resolved by the ego within optimal time of each stage.Meanwhile, virtues are said to be the psychosocial strength that helps the individual through the rest of the stages of development. A malignancy involves too little of the positive and too much of the negative aspect →

Is childhood the happiest time of your life?

Mother and father are kindly but absolute dictators. This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders and betters. Every movement you make, every thought you think is observed by some →

Patsy vernon

Her mother gives the daughter advice to make her the " proper" woman she should in fact be, and this advice gets more and more firm as the story continues." Girl" is a very well suitable title for this story because the mother is instructing the child of the appropriate steps to take to become →

Harry thurston’s “miracle” extended metaphor essay sample

As the speaker is in the process of explaining to his daughter as to why she should not pick the blossom and allow it to grow, he soon regrets telling her to stop. If Thurston meant to metaphorically convey this poem as the growth of his daughter, we can safely assume that the blossom mentioned →

Composition 1301-p78

While this style is not the most effective, the parents do express a lot of love and care towards their child. Authoritative parents, on the other hand, will allow the child to explain and judge their punishment based off of that.

Parenting styles and values: mechanisms of intergenerational continuity and discontinuity

PARENTING STYLES AND VALUES: MECHANISMS OF INTERGENERATIONAL CONTINUITY AND DISCONTINUITY A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Western Carolina University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in School Psychology. Freud's concept of the importance of the mother in early childhood development in the →

Safeguarding: childhood and young people

The policy highlights key issues and recommends actions when dealing with an allegation. These key issues include recruitment policies for those working with children and young people, their induction and training, how to respond to disclosures, how to make a referral, suspicions or allegations of abuse. These policies and procedures are there →

Life is to easy for young people today

As I have said that is the case for some young people however not all as most of us do have to work hard for everything we get we do not get anything spoon fed to us. Something that a lot of parents say to their children and I myself have heard on multiple occasions →

 why did you choose to become part of the childcare profession? essay sample

The childcare profession is to be an employee of educational assistant in the school system. A number of educational assistant like it because it is flexible. The characteristics I feel that a childcare worker must possess in order to be successful in the field is to positive around children, being patient with them, having →

Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures essay sample

It is also the act that identifies the parents and professionals responsibilities to work together to help to ensure the safety of the children. Section 17 states that the local authorities must put in place the services to safeguard and also the services must promote the welfare of children and young people within their area →

Sample research paper on social learning theory, sociocultural theory, and attachment theory in early childhood

These theories can also be used to take into account language differences that may occur in the classroom, and be utilized to help mold children into more accepting and culturally-accepting individuals. Social learning theory is a theoretical approach to cognitive and behavioral theories of learning that makes an attempt to frame learning in such a →

How parenting styles effect children

Authoritative parents are attentive to their children's needs and concerns, and will typically forgive and teach instead of punishing if a child falls short. The effects it has on children is they have a sense of loneliness, they feel unimportant to their parents, lack self-control, have a high chance to become addicted to drugs and →

Attachment and parenting style

Parents should make sure the type of parenting style they expose their child to will be positive and not negatively affect the child. If a child has a parent with the authoritarian style of parenting he or she is likely to go through the resistant attachment.

The one stop shop for high quality ar-15 parts

However, when it comes to guns, more specifically an AR-15, the parts you use can be essential to the safety and quality of the experience. You should be completely satisfied with the parts you have at the end of the day, and 22Mods4All will not rest until this reality is realized. When it comes to →

Example of critical thinking on 1-androcles fable

The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. At last he came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels.

Ways in which moving from place to place affects teens essay example

It is not any easy to pack up over again and leave the environment and people one is used to just to make new friends who will just last a short time before they getting back to packing again. Worse still, teenagers undergo so much emotional and physical changes that when they do not

Friendship case essay sample

Friends that are always there for me, that laughs with me in the happy times and provide me with a shoulder, when I feel like crying. And friends that are the ones who come to me and make me laugh whenever I need a company.

Driving under the influence essay

You can loose your drivers licence for a long period of time, go to prison for murder if there was anyone killed because of it, it can also lead you to loose your job if your job included driving. Having a DUI can also cause a person to have trouble looking for a job. If →

Sample essay on tile

The most amazing part of the story and about the character is that he was a natural and God gifted player. So it means he just wanted no rules in his life but the happiness and inner satisfaction was important to him. Are his motives noble in terms of being true to his own convictions? →

Cannabis sativa essay

Being in tune with ones inner being is important, yet not the reason that I smoke cannabis. The cannabis plant is beautiful, from the leaf to the buds you smoke. There are crossbreeds of the two and that most common in the weed I buy.

Example of essay on goffmans presentation of self and facebook

In the event users accept a request, the requestor will then be able to view most of the public posts and messages of the friend adder. They prefer to resort to off stage performance to avoid embarrassment or to detach from any unexpected, unwanted outcomes. With Goffman's self-presentation theory, it is easy to see how →

Influences of conformity and obedience essay

In general, social psychology differs from personality psychology in that it focuses more on the situational influences of behavior than on individual differences between people; it differs from organizational psychology in that it does not focus specifically on behavior within organizations; and it differs from sociology in that it focuses on the behavior of individuals →

My favorite place term paper examples

Crete is the largest island off the coast of Greece and is the fifth largest in the whole Mediterranean. I remember arriving in Crete with four of my best friends and seeing everyone go straight to a hotel room in the new part of town, ready to experience the many restaurants →

Language and learn. since it is so hard

The Javanese language is very difficult to learn but it is also a very interesting language. If you are interested in learning Javanese or in the middle of learning it I insist that you visit Java. Visiting the island Java will be a great chance for you to see the Javanese language in action.

Interpersonal relationships

Conflict: As the name implies, this form of interpersonal relationship is based on disagreements of various kinds. This is interpersonal relationship on the basis of force or use of force.

As attempted cessation on tobacco is further perturbed

This explains the greater unease for John when he is out havingbeers with friends as his body undergoes compensatory process in anticipationof the drug taking yet without the effect of nicotine, the opposite effect ofpleasant feeling is not counterbalanced. Furthermore, with the present ofcontextual cues, the paired group showed shorter latency in the tail flick →

Running of interpersonal cooperation and stage four, the

According to LawrenceKohlberg there are three levels of moral reasoning that include two stageswithin each level. The Pre-Conventional Level, the Conventional Level, and thePost-Conventional or Principled Level are the main stages according to Kohlberg. It would be interesting to me to see researchconducted on criminal behavior and how various groups of Running head: KOHLBERG'S MORAL →

Will death in the afternoon recounts his near-death

Visits to Spain: Over the next couple of years, Hemingway and his wife visited Spain for the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, where his interest in bullfighting was spawned. The second trip to the festival was accompanied by Hemingway's good friends. Hemingway then set his sails to London and Europe in the years 1944 and →

The gender binary in boys dont cry creative writing examples

In this paper, the film will be evaluated based on concepts of feminist theory, black criticism, and queer theory, all in an attempt to demonstrate the failings of the film to present a true account of Brandon Teena's life and death for the sake, in parts, of straightforward lesbian eroticism. Brandon's journey, despite being mostly →

Discuss the ways in which the language used shows the closeness of the relationships between participants.

In the friendship context, speech is more relaxed and casual and there is more use of dialect and colloquialisms than if it were a formal situation. In the transcript, there is a lot of interruption which shows they know each other quite well and would not get offended by it.

Female genital mutilation and the quest of the west to civilize africa essay

I also pointed out that the west does not have any moral ground to question this practice as the women in America and Europe undergo more extreme body modifications in their quest to look attractive for their men. This discussion led to an argument on whether it is correct for the U. The warrant was →

Example of internet and computers: how these technologies have changed world culture essay

Regardless of the purpose for interaction, the internet and computers have paved the way for positive and negative connections among various cultures. Technology has changed the way people do business as more corporations embrace the idea of conducting worldwide business transactions. In addition, as internet addiction grows, the need for →

Healthcare access among the rich and the poor essay examples

Healthcare Access among the Rich and the Poor The social model of heath determinants postulates that an individual's health is a result of biomedical, behavioral and social factors in the society. Such determinants include income, education, occupation, social class; taxation policies, the economy and politics. The social health model shows a direct relationship →

What my parents told me essay examples

Further, it helps individuals to learn and understand the cultural and social rules that determine sexual behavior. The family is the initial and earliest educator and agent in the socialization ladder. In our family, the topic of sexuality was a preserve of the parents. My parents hated the sexuality topic.

Driven to distraction article review examples

Most of the time students get distracted due to lack of interest or plain boredom. The cell phones are the major threat to education because nearly all students have access to it therefore they are able to communicate with one another easily while the teacher is in class. This form of distraction is relationship as →

Short stories

Wordsworth is a true friend to the boy and he is his only friend. The boy in " B.

Kenneth graham’s the wind in the willows essay

Based on the stories that Grahame told his young son, Alastair, the novel followed the adventures of four animals living in the River Bank Mole, Rat, Toad and Badger (http://www.powells. com, n.d., n.pag. ).a. The political explanations of the novel even went on to conclude that the Stoats and Weasel's takeover of Toad Hall was an →

The theme of hope and how it is represented children of men, handmaids tale, and essay sample

Through the story, the two develops a friendship that money does not become the centre of their company. Theo on the other hand is a distressed man who needs some sought of comfort and solace especially after the events that happened in his life. The story is told as a narration from one of the →

Good essay on are you afraid of death

Though I do not tend to be especially brave in situations that call for it, I am not overwhelmed with the idea that my death is about to happen at any second. They know me best and I trust that they would carry out any wishes I had in the event that I was unable →

Sociological analysis of humor essay sample

Application of humor in sexuality The subject of this article is the application of humor in issues of gender or sexuality. On the other hand, humor refers to the quality of being amusing or funny. Issues of sexuality are among one of the most controversial in the society.

Back real and still occurring. it’s important that

The author takes real, plausible issues that can happen to anyone and makes her characters go through that as a way of allowing people who face the same thing relate to how the characters feel and act. Many of these issues are problems regular people cannot bring up as they would not be heard, so →

Happiness on social connections

Social Connections with IQ Level and Luck Having lots of friends and social connections is very good for your mental and physical health and for long stay in this world with good healthy mind. For example, most of the people get jobs through people they know, or a ' friend of a friend.' Of course →

In afterwards, xavier saw niska had killed

In fact, without the formation and attachment of Niska's and Xavier's stories, then, it would extremely difficult for the individual who reads to make sense out of their movements and idea that the main characters characterized. Well, the effects that Joseph Boyden creates by interweaving Niska's and Xavier's narratives is that Xavier's perspective is the →

Essay person used a white bathroom, white people

Skeeter want to show the white people what is it like to be a colored person, and hopefully it will help white understand that colored people are capable to have the same emotion and intelligence as white people, as a result they should have the same human right and freedom as well. For people like →

What customers don’t know won’t hurt them, or will it?

We have known each other since we were in high school and we have experienced many repeated difficulties, but we are still the good friends. But it had passed, I hoped that we could treasure the friendship.

Religion down.’ i’m telling you, rahim, there is

Amir's guilt and betrayal were very significant in the book becauseit portrayed how injustice affected Hassan due to his status in the country. Instead it was Amir's choices, which led him totake the wrong action that affected Hassan and Ali.

Beauty think harder thanother people. because of

But for surgery, if you decide to do it in the case of a return to the original, it is difficult. Therefore, the decision to make plastic surgery, it must be reasonable enough for the teenager, so it is not appropriate to get plastic surgery because it is like a two-edged sword can cause a →

Mgk vs the world essay

This led the FBI to investigate and come to the conclusion that Machine Gun Kelly was indeed responsible for the kidnapping of Charles F. Rescuer. The fingerprints of Rescuer put him in the house where Machine Gun Kelly held him and allowed the FBI to investigate and put the two men whose house it →

Ojt narrative experience essay

We need to be kind to the guests so that we can have a good impression to them. Because we can still be what we are while on the training, but we need to remember the reality that were not really at home but we are on the Job training.

Am i my brother’s keeper

Therefore, the answer to the question of a brother's keeper changes to become that of looking out for the welfare of the people around us or within our society. It means doing nothing that could harm other people. Social policies are supposed to be a brother's keeper since they are concerned with the wellbeing for →