Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Ethics in criminal justice

Quality of the decision depends on the variety of ideas and the effectiveness of its execution depends on dedication and commitment on part of people involved to carry out the decision." Ethical decision making will be reserved for use in a group decision making context. It directly influences the ethical way of decision-making and organizational β†’

Irac brief

District Court for the Northern District of Ohio ruled that Bridgestone Corporation engaged in a conspiracy to allocate sales, rig bids and assign and maintain prices for AVP contrary to the provisions of both the Sherman Act and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Thus, the USA department of Justice alleged that the company's practices of β†’

Law legal authority

The Jurisdictional Differences between a State Court of Appeals and a State Supreme Court The highest court in the U. In addition, controversies between the U.S.and a State are ruled by the State Supreme Court.

Irac brief

According to the EEOC, MD Wholesale assumed liability for taking no initiative to stop the harassment and also took no reasonable step to end its workplace sexual harassment even after the victims alerted an assistant manager. Conclusion: MD Wholesale made a settlement with EEOC in the amount of $77, 500 for the victims and accepted β†’

The history of equity and common law law equity essay

Since 1875, the common law and equity are applied under the same roofIn the eyes of equity, those for whom the property is held are the real owners of the property. It is the trustee's personal obligation to carry out the trust according to the terms with respect to the property, but then it is β†’

Gastineau v. gastineau, 151 misc. 2d 813, 573 n.y.s.2d 819 (1991)

Gastineau had an illegitimate relationship and it came to a point that the woman who was involved in this illegitimate relationship, Brigitte Nielsensuffered cancer and Mr. The nature of the defendant in the football is said that in the year 1989 he tried to seek job in a few places with no success and the β†’

International legal and ethical issues

Another key factor in this summary will be the discovery of practical consideration of taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country. The final question being incorporated into this summary is the comparison of issues in the simulation to the domestic legal issues discussed in week one reading along with explaining β†’

The land registration act 2002 law land property essay

Abbey and Richards express that the introduction of LRA 2002 took place to overcome ' lack of certainty, simplicity and ability to be economic in 1925 Act.'[1]Like its predecessor, LRA 2002 is designed to further simplify the process of conveyancing. It will be for the future students of law to decide whether LRA 2002, in β†’

Is the law fault based?

The defendant did not cause the death of the victim as the hospital treatment was an intervening factor and the substantial cause of death, therefore not fault. Fairness is at the heart of the legal system and would seem unfair not to require a person to be proven at fault in order for them to β†’

Applied law

The law should not allow the rights of the public to acquire movies and other entertainment materials in digital data at the compromise of artists, writers and musicians' rights. It is challenging to attain the rights of both the public and that of writers and musicians in the debate on whether to allow fair use β†’

Sitting and humorist, robert benchley stated in his

American actor, author, and humorist, Robert Benchley stated in his Law of Distinction that " There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who do not," meaning there are those who dichotomize everything and those who know better. I do β†’

The juvenile justice process

It is not a question on the kind of approach that is being used but it is a matter of how effective the approach is to address the problem of delinquency and how to rehabilitate juveniles involved in criminal activity. But it was not clearly specified what type of programs are to be dealt with β†’

Agreement made by minors are not contracts

The mortgage is not valid, therefore the plaintiff cannot recover the sum advanced to the defendant, because a minor is not competent to contract and hence the minor's contract is void. The third exception that allows a minor to enter a contract is the contract of insurance.

Separation of powers in the u.s. constitution

Each government branch has the ability of monitoring the powers of other government branches. The separation of powers, as illustrated in the U.S.

What is ethis can ethics be taught

Ethics Ethics " Ethics is the branch of study dealing with what is the proper of action for man". In my opinion, ethics is the sum of all the things mentioned above." Being ethical is not the same as doing whatever society accepts".

American court system

Moreover, the interest of the parties ensures disclosure of significant evidence and highlights the limitations of the opponent's case. Moreover, this system declines a hierarchical model of searching justice and favors the coordinate model.

Organized crime: profits from pornography and prostitution

They are considered as illegal acts that spoil the morality of the people and communities in particular. Usage of drugs and alcoholics that are prohibited by the government is also considered to be victimless crimes.

Theories of crime

According to this theory, the youth engage in crime and drug abuse because of disintegration of the society. F, & Maahs, J.R.

Probation officer

Retrieved September 1, 2012, from http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~wcjlen Associations Three associations that provide aid and support to the professionals of the career of probation officer include the American Probation and Parole Association, Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association and the National Association of Probation Executives. The mission of APPA is to assist, confront and provide authority to β†’

Government or market system assignment

But as our society has evolved, new threats to the welfare of ourselves and our families have emerged, and people have been able to use overspent to help deal with these risks and create a more secure society. Remember: This is an ONLINE government to help deal with these risks and create a more secure β†’

Difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause

Running header: THE RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED The rights of the accused: Understanding the right to trial, warrant requirements and the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause Fill in Your name here Class title here Instructors name here August 19, 2011 The rights of the accused: Understanding the right to trial, warrant requirements and β†’

Supreme court of the united states

17 February Supreme Court of the United s Differences between the of Michigans use of race in its undergraduate admissions process and its use of race in its Law School admission process that led the Supreme Court to rule the former unconstitutional and the latter constitutional The difference between the two cases to warrant different β†’

Should the legal age of majority be reduced to 18 years

The Legal Status of a Minor Minors are children between the age of 7 and 21, and they have a limited capacity to act. There is a way of obtaining majority before the age of 21, and that is to marry.

Uk corporate governance law

The recent revisions made in the Law were required to ensure a greater application of the law, both in the letter and in the spirit, and a greater ease of flow of information between the shareholders and the board. It is the responsibility of the shareholders to elect the directors of the board, and it β†’

Administration dichotomy

In this case, the administrator should strive to win the support and approval of the legislature for the program of his administration. The use of the politics administration dichotomy as a way to advance in the study of public administration can be advantageous and disadvantageous at the same time.

Understand what a tort is law general essay

The criminal is punished by the state.' Breach of contract' is the lack of performance by a party to another to satisfy a contract that the parties agreed to.' Torts' comes from a Latin word meaning " twisted" or " turned aside," so a tort is an act that is turned aside from the standard β†’

Police administration discuss/complete 4

The range The range is one of the statistical methods that have been widely applied in statistical analyses to measure the extent of dispersion in a set of data. Same methods, mean and mode are most applicable in analyzing data on ARREST as the data is ordinal.

Bank overdraft assignment

Unlike a term loan the borrower will enjoy access to an overdraft facility from a bank only if the company continues to maintain a current account with the bank? This constant need for reviewing and renegotiating of a bank overdraft facility poses as a risk to the availability of working capital support to a business β†’

Seminar in criminology -classmate response 11

For example, as noted in Sykes' study, majority of inmates in prisons get deprived of some of the freedom that people outside prisons take for granted. Rodriguez has made a perfect comparison between the study and the events occurring in the documentary.

Alternatives to incarceration

The offenders have the chance to correct the mistakes and upon release, the successful reintegration to society. The major tasks of parole and probation officers are the rehabilitation and successful integration of offenders to society.

Rise of quasi judicial institutions law constitutional administrative essay

The Quasi-Judicial method is partial judicial in nature and character having right to hold investigation and hearings disputes apparent violations of procedures and rules and to make recommendations in the general manner of courts but does not act as judiciary and its powers especially in Constitutional Matter. The elements of fair Quasi-Judicial proceedings are as β†’

Audit of licensing / secure and fair enforcement of mortgage licensing act

Secure and Fair Enforcement of Mortgage Licensing Act Background The SAFE Act which is the Secure and Fair Enforcement of Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 was executed to amass and enhance the flow of information between regulators, to provide an increase in accountability levels and improve tracking of residential mortgage loan originators, embellish protection of β†’

Criminal procedures

His statement to Officer Jones at the scene of the arrest, a motion based on asserted violations of his rights under the fourth amendment? In the case of Stein v.

War on drugs solution: legalization? argumentative essay

There is no doubt that the usage and misusage of drugs can cause a huge difference in the lives of the users and the others around them, however the " War on Drugs", is more of afailurethan a success and one of the most effective solutions is, ironically, legalizing the light drug, marijuana, and distinguishing β†’

The company directors disqualification act law company business partnership essay

Section 6 explains that a director will be disqualified if he is or has been the director of any company which has become insolvent and if he is considered to be unfit for the management of a company.[15]What constitutes being unfit for the administration and management of the company is stated in Schedule 1 of β†’

Interest groups

The process of constant adaptation, and establishing connections to the government officials is of immense value in order for an interest group to partake in the policy process. This in Canada has lead to a sharp decline of the political party and a increase of interest groups.

Organizational behavior and criminal justice agencies assignment

Organizational Behavior and Criminal According to the article on www.nwlink.com, it stated that organizational behavior or OB is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Nevertheless, I believe that I have discussed the focal point of organizational behavior and how it may affect a criminal justice agency β†’

The case of thomas jackson

The Constable proceeded to the spot on foot and that's when he found the body of Thomas Jackson lying just inside the field, a few yards from his motorcycle. Thomas had a bit of a row with " one of the babes,' and left on his own in a huff at about 11: 30 PM.

Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus – shakespeare – othello, act 1 scene 3

Religion also plays a large role in both McCourt and Jude's life, but neither character is shown the mercy and lenity that the Church is supposed to offer its followers. The Church is meant to be a service of guidance, but to McCourt its idea's conflict with his own feelings and emotions.


Electronic crime Electronic crime also gets referred to as cybercrime or stylized as e-crime. It is vital to maintain the devices used to commit the crime as evidence when reporting electronic crimes.

The broken windows theory

In Sir Robert Peel's Principles of Law Enforcement, the first principle is a very strong argument for the " Broken Windows" theory in that the role and mission of the police is to prevent crime and disorder within a neighborhood as opposed to the military version which represses crime and disorder through force and severe β†’

Liability for liams death law equity essay

In the case of Pittwood [1902] 19 TLR 37 Taunton Assizes[1], the defendant was employed by a railway company to look after the gate at a level crossing, the defendant opened the gate, in order for a cart to pass by, the defendant then went to get lunch but failed to close the gate, in β†’

Land law

However, complications emerge when attempts are made to make a successor in title to the original covenantor liable on the premise that the burden of the covenant has passed to them, or when successor in title to the original covenantee wishes to sue on the premise that the benefit of the covenant has passed to β†’

Federal emergency management agency

The first agency is the Federal Emergency Management Agency that handles status on federal disaster responses and management. There is the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services in New York that handles providing knowledge to residents on how to tackle emergencies and how to prepare for them.

Human behavior and attitude in the field of sociology with criminal justice

The knowledge on criminal justice obtained in my college helps me to understand the cases and I help them in which ever way possible. I help my parents and my elder siblings in all their work.

Business plan on recognizing contract risk and opportunities

A contract is a promise for breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in a way recognizes as a duty. They will also have to constantly verify the quantity and quality of the deliverables so that they do not have to wait for the last minute β†’

Creating shared valued

Creating Shared Value Most people view companies as the main culprits in connection to the social, economic and environmental problems that plague the society today. It entails the creation of economic value, which in turn addresses the society's needs and challenges.

U.s. citizenship

The primary reason as to why children born of parents illegally in the United States should not be granted citizenship is because many of these parents purposely have their children on American soil in attempts to obtain citizenship for themselves. People in favor of granting citizenship to children born in the United States to illegal β†’

Applying hm&m to do the right thing

These institutions therefore concentrate on the crimes of the poor rather than those committed by the ruling class such as racism, inequality and imperialism." Do the right thing" is a movie that seeks to assert this notion. With the industrialization of the capitalist society, the gap widens between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.

Event leading to keshavanada baharti case

The State of Punjab, a bench of eleven judges of the Supreme Court deliberated as to whether any part of the Fundamental Rights provisions of the constitution could be revoked or limited by amendment of the constitution. In both cases, the power to amend the rights had been upheld on the basis of Article 368.

Advanced criminalistics: michigan v tyler

The fire chief arrived at the scene and checked the evidence before calling a police investigator to conduct search and investigation in the store. However, the supreme court of Michigan State reversed the convictions and held that once the fire has been extinguished and the firefighters had left the house, a search warrant was required β†’

Intro to criminal justice final exam

9) __B____ A) inchoate B) rule of law C) codification D) stare decisis 10) Which of the following represents the order of the steps in a criminal trial? 11) __B____ A) to delay the trial B) for the purpose of racial discrimination C) to confuse the defense D) for revenge 12) McNabb v.U.S.formally established that β†’

The defence of entrapment law general essay

Entrapment has been defined as the inducement of one to commit a crime not contemplated by him, for the mere purpose of instituting a criminal proceeding against him.[1]Entrapment is a defence when a criminal act is committed at the sole instigation of a police informer, but where the informer merely provides an opportunity to commit β†’

Difference between the bilateral and unilateral contract

A bilateral contract is one that involve both parties in making a promise while an unilateral contract one a promise is made in exchange for an act. A bilateral contract is beneficial to the offeree since both parties make a law binding promise.b) Offerer?

Ethical law enforcement officers

With the distrust of law enforcement police and community relationship suffer; and the status of good, assiduous and ethical law enforcement officers and their organizations are stigmatized. Even the most enthusiastic advocates of law enforcement question about the credibility of the police and the police department.

Project reports assignment

Project financing involves non-recourse financing of the development and construction of a particular project in which the lender looks principally to the revenues expected to be generated by the project for the repayment of its loan and to the assets of the project as collateral for its loan rather than to the general credit of β†’

Criminal justice workplace observation paper assignment

Attorneys are responsible for making sure the legal aspects of the case in regards to the child are being followed. The DIR workers are responsible for making sure the welfare of the child is in their best interest.

The 1993 family and medical leave act

D, & American Bar Association. M, & International Personnel Management Association.

The issues of unmarried cohabitation

The decision of the court was in tandem with the court ruling in Marvin vs. Marvin, where the California Supreme Court declared the contract between unmarried cohabitants as an express and implied-in-fact contract, which automatically enjoined the liability on Estabrook to extend relief to Graves for being instrumental in causing the loss of consortium to β†’

Laws of lycurgus and the spartan society

Our ideas of Sparta as a ruthless totalitarian society that failed to contribute to Greek culture and philosophy rest mostly on the writings of the enemies of Sparta, like Athenians who have lost wars to Spartans and could hardly tell the whole truth of their foes. Perhaps the most frequent answer is that Sparta was β†’

Sharia law and globalization

This has led to the adoption of sharia laws in some countries where it was initially not practiced so as to cater for the Muslims who have migrated to such countries and are now citizens in their new countries. In Indonesia the sharia laws have not been used to make it an Islamic state which β†’

Technology affects communications in criminal justice system assignment

According to Wallace and Robertson, " Allow the police administrator to ascertain the nature and extent of crime within the agencies Jurisdiction. The technology to video record police officers in the field protects the police agency as well as the public.

Human rights in china

Counter Argument The Chinese economy has been growing rapidly and that the pace of human rights reforms have been picking up and that it should be noted that political reforms should not be equated to legal reforms, they are correlated but not synonymous. Refutation Political reforms should set the tone for legal reforms; adoption of β†’

Kelson’s pure theory of law essay sample

This paper deals with the basic causes of numerous often extremely negatively intoned critical estimations said on the account of Kelson's pure theory of law and exposes essential properties of certain phases of its development; point to the contribution of Merkl and Verdross to the making of pure theory of law and to the main β†’

Discussion questions

At the heart of the matter, the principle of beneficence must be observed to the effect that medical intervention must be exacted to the benefit of the patient. In this case, preserving the baby's life will not be beneficent to it since almost all components that make up the state of being are non-existent.


Based on the fact that the two business owners deliberately committed the offence with the aim of fraudulently getting financial assistance from the insurance company, this resulted to hard fraud. This means that even though the actual cause of the firefighter's death was the fire, Andy and Tara had no intention to commit a murder.

Judicial activism and constitutional interpretation

Thus, it is a usurpation of power and it happens when a judge takes a decision that is different from common law, jurisprudence and the constitution of the country. As opined by David Dieteman on living constitution, it is " one of the most nefarious influences in the minds of Americans is the notion that β†’

This cited 1999 family court research which reported

As seen in Childrens Court, it was obvious to all that the SRL was oblivious to the court proceedings and how and what was required off her. This was in favor of the SRL as she was waiting for her legal aid to be approve and running a contested without representation would have been extremely β†’

Psychological and biochemical theories of violent behavior

The psychological beliefs pertaining to violent behavior are based upon certain neurological situations that exist in the human brain while the biochemical theory relies on the chemical exposure of a person in relation to the violence that seems to govern his life. Based upon the information from the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services β†’

Examine the ways in which attempts are being made to address the problem of cyber bullying in the criminal justice system of england and wales

Cyber Bullying in the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales By Law of Introduction Combating cyber bullying is vital in the safety of children. This essay seeks to examine the attempts that are being made to address the problem of cyber bullying in the criminal justice system of England and Wales.

Boiler room-legal perspective

Considering the fact that the Judge had privy knowledge of his son's illegal business and choosing not to take a legal route, the judge is liable for prosecution. The role of investigations as a vital part of the legal system is widely covered in the movie by the inclusion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Supreme court

SUPREME COURT The supreme court carries out various functions which include, keeping check and balances on the US executive government. The American constitution empower the supreme court to check and correct the president's actions.

Advantages of lifetime gifting law equity essay

If the assets are left to state intestacy laws, there is a certain order that the assets are distributed to the decedent's heirs, so the asset may not transfer to the person the decedent would have wanted.[iv]Another reason to consider lifetime gifting is because it allows you to see how the recipient of the gift β†’

Explain what is meant by natural law essay sample

Aristotle believes that the supreme good for humans is to flourish in society and to live a life of reason. Aquinas' theory of natural law greatly stresses the fact that our nature is knowable and we need to use our reason to know it and understand it.

Word and book passionate declaration

He also talks about how we favor the rich and neglect the poor and that it should be the other way around that life should be an entirely different way. I wish we did not have to tell our children that this is the world, so act accordingly.

Operational strategies assignment

Unit 3 Powering Project In chapter 6 you learned about the 5 core operational strategies and 1 ancillary operational strategy that are employed by law enforcement agencies to fight and reduce crime. Submit your completed Powering project to the dropped by the end of unit 4 In the basket titled unit 3: Powering Project Checklist β†’

The technological development in computer software law european essay

It is advisable to understand the nature and meaning of computer software before commenting on the tests laid down by the various courts to protect computer software under the copyright laws. The European Commission Green Paper on, ' Copyright and the Challenge of Technology,' defined the computer software as, ' a set of instructions, the β†’

The sexual offences act 2009 law general essay

The rationale behind further criminalising rape of those children, who are under the age of 18 years, by a person in a position of trust[3]is to show that children of all age groups are considered to be particularly vulnerable to such a crime and not only the very young. In relation to protections afforded to β†’

Law enforcement agents and agencies

Law enforcement agents in local, state and federal levels have a common objective which is to enforce the laws passed by the government through legislators and protect citizens. On the other hand, a Federal law enforcement agency is in charge of federal crimes that take place in more than one jurisdiction and offers assistance to β†’

3 role of trade union in compensation law employment essay

Ultimately the problem may be brought to the notice of management by the trade union and it explains about the injustice met out to an individual worker and fights the management for justice. Collective bargaining consists of the process of negotiation between representatives of a union and employers in respect of the terms and conditions β†’

Criminal procedure

The alternative mentioned by Justice Antonin Scalia in terms of interpreting the constitutional laws can be considered as effective in recommending appropriate legal texts. A matter of interpretation: Federal courts and the law.

Procedural rights

Because certain seventeenth century English courts forced confessions of heresy from religious dissenters, the framers of the Bill of Rights, were careful to include in the Fifth Amendment the provision that a person has the right to remain silent, and will not be compelled to testify against himself in a criminal prosecution, it has also β†’

International justice system

International Justice System International Justice System The main purpose of an international justice system is to ensure that most of the legal differences submitted to it are dealt with, and it is also an advisory panel for all parties in need of advice. International justice systems are necessary to ensure that all other justice systems β†’

Independent and dependent claims law constitutional administrative essay

Where to file for patent protection.' When to file' considers both the timing of commercial exploitation of the invention and the " technology readiness" of the invention. When deciding where to file the first patent application, the following considerations need to be accounted: File for patent protection in a country of your choice: Filing in β†’

National white collar crime centre and cyber crime

Why? Convention on Cybercrime: The Convention on Cybercrime is an international treaty to encounter all the cybercrimes associated with computer and internet. The main objectives of the Convention were: To adopt a uniform policy against cybercrimes and to harmonize greater international co-operation to encounter all such criminal activities associated with the use of computer and β†’

The history of employment act 1955 law employment essay

The enactment of the Employment Act 1955 has to be traced back to the period during British Colonial Administration.[1]During British administration, the primary policy to stimulate the growth of economy was to encourage alien immigration into Malaya. Thus, the amendment made laying down the necessary procedures for inquiry into complaints of sexual harassment to be β†’

Attorney obligation

Ethical Obligations of a Defense and Prosecuting Attorney Ethical Obligations of a Defense and Prosecuting Attorney According to Merryman, attorneys are entitled to ethical obligations, closely related to their professional code of conduct. He or she is entitled to ethical obligations just like the defense attorney.

The ten commandments essay sample

In general, the Ten Commandments were set of rules or laws which guide people on how to live in goodness but we have to admit that due to the changes in the society and the booming of several religions, not everyone will believe on what was written in the stone tablets. The whole world is β†’

Eight amendment

EIGHTH AMENDMENT goes here] [Your goes here] [Due the paper] Eighth Amendment The eighth amendment was made to the constitution of the United States of America in order to serve three main issues of the criminal justice system. Excessive Fines For the issue of excessive fines, the amendment limits the amount of fine imposed on β†’

Effectiveness of the criminal justice system when dealing assignment

The basis of this is the recognition of the immaturity and vulnerability of children and, hence, their inability to form the requisite criminal intent known as men's area which protects a child from being tried at the level of the adult while they are not developed enough to know the difference between right and wrong. β†’

The role of the european court law constitutional administrative essay

This active approach is favoured in the first category of cases mentioned above, where the protection of the rights of the individual would indirectly lead to the prevention of the degradation of the environment. In these cases there is a clear relationship between the protection of the fundamental right in question and the protection of β†’

Sumaila donkor v. canada

Donken was writing to office of immigration but the application was declined by the officer with a claim that the applicant did not meet the requirements for migration.Mr. The 2015 Annoted Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada.

Criminal law

The criminal Intent Is when the perpetrator intentionally and knowingly caused bodily harm to the woman. One of the crimes in this area is giving false information to a law enforcement officer.

The law of intention

However, the defendant appealed that ' the court of appeal had widen the definition of murder and should have referred to virtual certainty instead of the jury must find the intention'. The House of Lord held that the jury is not entitled to infer the intention but only if the defendant realized and the death β†’

The most intense electromagnetic waves law european essay

All in all it was a interesting facility and I learned a lot about the practical side of physics.section{Optical Spectroscopy}Our tour of optical spectroscopy actually started with a visit to the lab of dr.T. The advantage of this technique is great uniformity in the films, as a result of a limited amount molecules attaching to β†’

Probation process

After investigation of defendant, the probation officer prepares the presentence investigation report. The report is prepared by probation agent before the sentencing hearing and is used by the judge to decide on the appropriate sentence.