Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Criminal justice assignment

These typically include the details of the offense, prior criminal history, the deadlines which the Commission uses in making their determination, the offender's accomplishments in the correctional facility, details of a release plan, and any problems the offender has had to meet in the past and is likely to face again in the future. A β†’

The unnatural act of leadership, book review essay

I loved the management term given in this book." Management is a mental process of establishing, and then indirectly achieving the right objectives in the right priority sequence and with sufficient resources." I have got to admit I felt like that was right on. I seem to get the " tough ones" but being that β†’

Decentralised agencies of european union law european essay

The Board of Directors are responsible for overseeing the performance of the agency and appoint the Director, who in turn is responsible for the operational aspects of the agency. In 2004 June The Council of Europe of the Lisbon agenda goals of gender equality issues, and taking into account the previous discussions, approved the proposal β†’

Gotham city the residents reported that the street prostitution discussion

It, therefore, translates that the arm of government that is given the mandate to provide security to the sovereign people of the state must do its work ultimately. Some of the tactical skills that can be applied are; apprehension of the offender, suppression of any opportunity that the offender may have and hardening the situation β†’

Bill of rights: four freedoms essay sample

The first amendment of the Bill of Rights to the constitution guarantees four freedoms: freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States gives every individual the same rights.

Competitive law for antenna installation

The case of public-competitive restriction is seen in the pricing strategy implemented by the municipal's land board to areas allocated for antennas. The municipal government in question is pushing for the companies to make unnecessary relocations of their antennas onto new land that is owned by them.


A-Plus Battery Company, being a private company has employees who are guarded by OSHA and so it has to follow the regulations set to ensure they safety is not compromised. The employees are working in a risky environment and so it's important to follow the regulations.

Tort review

For instance, if the Peter Koz is determined to be 80% at fault and the group of swimmers is determined to be 20% at fault, the swimmers can collect for the damages because they were less than 50% at fault. The insurance company found out that its insured was more than 50% or more at β†’

Appeal process

In criminal cases, an advance asks a higher court to take a gander at the record of the trial transactions to figure out whether a legitimate lapse happened that may have influenced the conclusion of the trial or the sentence forced by the judge. When you claim your case, the investigative court will accept the β†’

History of immigration and asylum law european essay

Over the years and due to a number of wars in different countries the need for asylum has risen.' The Convention relating to the status of refugee's, was adopted in the wake of World War II initially to aid the repatriation and resettlement of people displaced by the war. The Protocol relating to the Status β†’

A study on employment or navigational law general essay

From several of the cases regarding this matter,[3]it can be concluded that the order of the charterer which the owner has the duty to comply is the order regarding matters of employment, as opposed to matters of navigational. Lord Bingham made no attempt in making a proper definition for ' employment', however he did mention β†’

3 questions in criminal justice and deviance

Ermann and Lundman also offer some suggestions on how to reduce occurrences of corporate deviance, such as " changes in corporate chartering, the protection of whistleblowers, and the punishment of executives involved in corporate criminality". Yes, I think there are common threads apparent in the four articles in the book by Thio, Calhoun and Conyers β†’

Articles of confederation vs. the constitution

Articles of Confederation vs.the Constitution The Articles of Confederation, ratified March 1781, were actually the first constitution of the United States of America, which provided all the states with the centralized laws. While the Articles of Confederation left the enforcement of federal laws and treaties to the states, the Constitution state it was the obligation β†’

Analysis of the capstone vacco versus quill

Thus in suing Attorney Vacco, Quill and his colleagues argue that New York's ban on aiding suicide violates the application of the equal protection clause. The district court opinion argued that the New York law placed a burden on the physician's right to aid in committing suicide of terminally ill patients.

Improving the criminal justice system assignment

According to the Department of Justice, the consequences of drug offenses effects the entire criminal justice system straining resources from arrest through adjudication and incarceration continuing to the post-release supervision procedures. Reshaping America's drug policy is a major overhaul of the existing drug laws and policy.

Operative mechanics of juveniles courts

Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts Similar to the adult court structures, juvenile justice systems serve to secure public safety. Overall, age is the principal determinant that separates the juvenile justice system from the adult criminal court.

Beer licenses

Job Job April 19, Necessary Permits to Sell Beer to the Public in Davidson County It is imperative that when opening an establishment to sell alcohol to in the metropolitan Nashville-Davidson County area to know the laws that are in place in order to obtain the appropriate licenses. The information required as set by the β†’

Discussion questions

This statement is completely untrue and the reality is that when police officers first contact an individual in order to arrest them on the basis of suspicion and the first arrest does not makes and individual an offender. The data collected by UCR is managed by the defense agency of FBI and this data includes β†’

The democratic seesaw law constitutional administrative essay

Suffice to say that the birth of the nation of Pakistan and its existence as a rightful entity in the comity of nations is accepted as it is. The most significant question, however, is that, ' In a country where the judiciary has removed a legally and constitutionally elected Prime Minister and ordered the arrest β†’

Legal environment of business

On the other hand, the objective person under the provisions of the UCC, which is seen in the Californian Commercial Code s 2305; however in this case it is unlikely that this would apply as the contract seems to be dependant on price and there is no indication that it was negotiable. The only applicable β†’

Synopsis 3

Forms of tort can be categorized based on the following elements: bodily integrity, personal space, possessory interests, freedom of choice and contract, and one's standing in the eyes of others. Torts violating possessory interests infringe upon the interest in ownership of another person such as trespass to land, nuisance and conversion.

Public international law assignment

Persistent Objector 1.in the state of formation of customary international law, a state may contract out of the custom.2. Article 3: Other International Subjects 1.regarding agreements with other subjects of international law: 1.Art.3.a: the legal force of the agreement is not affected.2.Art.3.b: the application of agreements in or outside of the convention is not affected β†’

The tendency of crime rate in new orlean

Criminology According to Dunaway, Francis, Velmer and David, the city of New Orleans, Louisiana State, has the highest rate of crime compared to other cities in the United States. Furthermore, a combination of poverty and poor education in New Orleans is contributed to the high rate of crime.

An outlaw motorcycle club

The Hells Angels are members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club who typically ride Harley Davidson motorcycles. However, it is not only the fact that the members are usually covered in tattoos and wear leather jackets that encourages the public opinion of the Hells Angels being dangerous.

Detroit and municipal bankruptcy

Municipal Bankruptcy: Detroit Introduction The municipal bankruptcy act was enacted in the year 1934 in order to provideprotection from creditors to the financially stressed counties. The security system in Detroit also begs for the filling of bankruptcy.

Difference between void contracts and voidable contracts

Voidable Contract Voidable contract is a form of valid contract where all the four essential elements of a contract are present. According to Cross and Miller, a voidable contract is a contract which might be " legally avoided at the option of one of the parties".

The global shift against the death penalty

It is the nature of human mankind that whenever there is an effort rose for the saving of their kind or even if of nature's they all stand up and say " yes it should be implemented and deaths or any other harms should be banned", without fore sighting the consequences and the backgrounds of β†’

White-collared criminals with power theory

And the opportunity is, of course, nothing but another word for the seemingly critical volume of power. This is where the power and opportunity reached Critical Magnitude which had a detonating effect.Mr.

Cjus 400 db4

In the justice system, this is seen as assault and both the players should be brought to book. The two players, Bowyer Lee and Kieron Dyer; both from Newcastle United, had a go at each other during a game with Aston Villa in 2005, April 2.

Employment law

Employment Law Yes, the employee has a legal and a moral obligation and a right over the claim of quid pro quo sexual harassment against the employerfor creating an environment of sexual harassment by the employer towards the employee. The employer has tried to create a sexual environment favouring his sexual needs and desires against β†’

The issues in east african ethnic groups and its impacts on crime

It was reported by the United States Agency for International Development that the tribal and ethnic conflict has involved cattle raids and raids on pastoral communities which is usually associated with the proliferation of small arms. The authority of Chief and Sub-Chiefs in crime prevention is so crucial that a separate law was made in β†’

Adr clause for learning team charter paper

Melvin This is the first provision as both of the parties must be mutual in this regard. The flexibility of drafting according to the author of ADR is the fact that even if a project is a continuous process that is tied to a contract, parties can utilize ADR to resolve complex issues.

Impacts of punishment on children’s development

This is because some people are punished in the wrong way and sent to jail. They try to find jobs but no one reaches out to them because of the punishment they have received.

Police administration discuss/complete 5

From these results, it can be said that the data is NOT normally distributed because of a skewness of 2.000. It is interesting to note that a huge chunk of data is missing and this also contributes to the level of skewness.

Newly compelling or reexamining judicial construction of juries

The court was of the opinion that the equal protection clause does not prohibit the use of race in admission decisions to obtain education benefits from diversity. The appellate court held that the " use of race was narrowly tailored because the race was merely a potential plus factor" and the policy was consistent with β†’

Criminal justice motivational theories matrix assignment

Being recognized A supervisor or administrator telling you how good of a Job you are doing When you are a police officer and you are out in the streets protecting society, you want to know you are doing a good Job. By doing your Job you are showing you can handle what is given to β†’

Plea bargaining assignment

When he got to the scene, Pomona officers, Hamilton and Tucker, hulled him to the ground and handcuffed him despite explaining to them that he was an LAPD officer off-duty. He was awarded $260, 000 in damages and the LAPD offered to reinstate him.

Arrest and stop under the fourth amendment

The Public Duty Doctrine was set into place in order to prevent the death of an individual or individuals who have come to the police officers for help due to previously related crimes or violent acts, as in the case of Domestic Abuse. The failure of the police in this instance, to not only enforce β†’

Nafta rule for export and import in mexico law international essay

With the goal of increasing the use of Mexican-made components in Mexican domestically produced models, the government issued a second decree in 1962. The provisions: Permitted foreign firms 100% ownership of export-oriented plants, but only 40% ownership of suppliers serving the Mexican market; Raised local content rules to 36% of the components' value for models β†’

Barclays bank v quistclose law equity essay

The reason for the decisionThe House of Lords decided in favour of the lender Quistclose for the reason that such an arrangement for payment of creditors by a third party gave rise to a fiduciary relationship or trust in favour of the creditors failing, that is, in favour of the third party. He is of β†’

Pharrell williams and robin thicke versus marvin gayes case

The two were accused of copyright infringement by stealing the late Marvin Gaye's song got to give it up and the children were able to clearly show the similarities in the song lyrics. Issue Does the fact that Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams write a song that is similar to Marvin Gaye making copyright infringement β†’

Restorative justice

Thinking about the benefits of restorative justice to the Offender it becomes understandable that offenders returning to the community after the term of their punishment has a possibility to be successfully reintegrated to their communities and families, and continue normal life, instead of being out of the community for the whole life. Thus, we have β†’

Theory to practice

In the case of UCC, a contract between merchants is valid as long as it contains the quantity of the goods, the signature of the party who provides the enforcement as well as a language that would indicate that the words and meaning binds two or more parties in a reasonable contract. Basing on UCC, β†’

Partnership law assignment

As the partnership agreement has not been seen, the basis of this advice is that the partnership agreement is in keeping with the statutory and common law provisions. The ultimate sanction for a partnership that is no longer tenable is the winding up of the partnership and this may not be desirable to any of β†’

The path of the law and its influence

The Controversial Supreme Court Decision on Voter-ID law in Texas and its Critique The judiciary arm of government is one of the key areas that cannot be taken lightly in the governance of any country. In the study of law, every decision made by any court should evaluate the merits and demerits of the β†’

The kelo v. new london decision what did the supreme court hold what are the implications for economic redevelopment in the us example: detroit

This led to the filing of the suit in Superior Court of Connecticut by the homeowners, an appeal was preferred to Supreme Court of Connecticut and the case finally disposed of by the US Supreme Court, taking a period of 5 years, from the year 2000 to 2005.1C. The first and most important argument by β†’

Glass-steagall act / the sarbanes-oxley act / dodd-frank act

At the time after the stock market crash, during theGreat Depression, most of the people agreed that the main cause for the event was the " improper banking activity" which was mainly seen as the bank involved in the stock market investment. Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 As a response to one of the biggest financial β†’

White collar crime

White Collar Crime White Collar Crime The case of Madoff clearly exhibits that businesses should not be allowed to damage and cause disadvantage to a larger section of the society in order to benefit a few. The two elements of a crime includes mens rea which is term used to refer to the intention that β†’

Fair trial

For the accusation to be completed, the indictment should be issued by the prosecutor and the court of law should be intimated, once the criminal investigation is established to have been accomplished, the case should be sustained by all necessary and legally administrated evidence, observance of the legal provisions guaranteeing the finding of the truth β†’

Sixth amendment

It argues that Chinese and American criminal proceedings differ, because of cultural differences and that each system has its own strengths that make them superior to each other; in particular, American proceedings are superior to the Chinese system, because it allows the masses to hear and to decide cases and it is less open to β†’

Warranties as contracts

If a warranty is breached the innocent party may claim damages but cannot end the contract" 2 Gaining an understanding from the above mentioned definition, a warranty is a contract for which the terms of the breach of the contract do not tantamount to the cancellation of the contract. A warranty is collateral which is β†’

Law unit

Green paper- this is the second stage, where you produce your draft and its being hacked to see if it's suitable enough to be presented to the Members of Parliament White paper- when your bill becomes a white paper it means that it Is suitable to be presented to the public and the members of β†’

All about black organized crime

The impacts which are noticed in black organized crime are occupying a significant position in society. The loss which is faced by governments are Loss in legal business income Loss of tax policy income Incomeutilize in organized crime due to law Expenses for public harmsis the result of criminal activity The Motorcycle Club is the β†’

Legal questions

The civil rights legislations are legislations enacted to stop all forms of discrimination in the country, including racial segregation, and discrimination in employment, according to Scheb and Stephens. In case of such a suspicion, the police have the right to stop, question and search the suspect for arms or any other weapon that may be β†’

Criminal justice organizational trends paper assignment

The writer will talk about the use of appropriation and implementation of the criminal Justice organizations as well as different behavior theories and the effect of societal and organizational diversity and the use of the criminal Justice motivational theories matrix in this paper. As Ryan Grim said in the Huffing Post in reference to the β†’

Explain the responsibilities of the assessor essay sample

An assessor would also: Discuss and agree the appeals procedure with the learner; Identify and discuss with the learner any recognised prior learning; Identify any particular assessment needs and ensure these are annotated on an assessment plan; Discuss and ensure confidentiality, equality and diversity and health and safety; Carry out assessments in accordance with the β†’

The national conference on nri marriages law family essay

Child custody and guardianship are the legal terms which are used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and child, such as the right of the parent to make decision for the child, and parent's duty to care for the child. The uproar against this law is majorly because the mother who β†’

Economics and environmental law assignment

Also for the first time, Supreme Court extended the meaning of Article 21 of the Constitution also includes ithin thinmbit right to wholesome and safe environment, and this decision not only breathed life in Fundamental rights of the victims of illegal mining, but also became one of the very important case study for knowing what β†’


The Three Top Causes of Death in the Country The three top causes of death in the country are coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. In the event that the coronary artery is blocked and the supply of the oxygen-rich blood gets to the heart muscle, the heart may become permanently damaged.

What is civil justice system law general essay

The defects Lord Woolf identified in our present system were that it is: Too expensive in that the costs often exceed the value of the claim; Too slow in bringing cases to a conclusion; Too unequal: there is a lack of equality between the powerful, wealthy litigant and the under resourced litigant; Too uncertain: the β†’

Law enforcement agencies

Law enforcement Law enforcement agencies It is clear that there exist many distinct types of law enforcement bodies or agencies from the federal, state, and local level. From the above description, the federal law enforcement bodies is related to the State and local law enforcement agencies in the sense that they assist one another in β†’

Motor vehicle investigation and homicide investigation

The evidence may be utilized to ascertain the style and make of shoe, and also the identity of the shoe to the omission of other individuals in the globe. The frame of the photograph should be filled with the impression including the scale.

Court structure of sri lanka law constitutional administrative essay

Supreme CourtCourt Of AppealHigh CourtsMagistrates CourtLabour TribunalsDistrict Court This is the court of 1st instance follow all the minor criminal offences. The cases will be heard and determination in the form of a judgment is delivered by a district judge.

Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health essay sample

Biv The procedure to follow if I was to raise a grievance at work, I can make a formal complaint if you have tried solving a problem by talking to your manager but you are not satisfied is: write a letter to your employer setting out the details of your grievance or a meeting with β†’

Human rights act

It will do this by describing the Qualified, Absolute, and Limited Rights, and will then discuss Articles 8, in regards to the right for a private life, and Article 10, in view of the right to freedom of expression. This shows a good balance of freedom, in that the European Convention on Human Rights found β†’

Arizona v. gant (2009)

Holding The court ruled in favor of the defending and held that in the case of Arizona V. They argued that in that case the court allowed all officers to conduct a search in a suspect's vehicle that has been stopped for violating traffic rules and same was the issue in Arizona V.Gant.

Criminal law

Criminal Law Law: Criminal Law In any social context, there must be the existence of a legal framework on which the laws and rules of society are enforced. Criminal law is a structure that is present to enforce all legal acts by condemning the acts of criminal offenders for some time in a bid to β†’

Brief the of state v. stark

At the panel trial, in count one, the victim attested to her sexual relationship with Stark and the panel received deposition testimony of Dr. In front of the bench trial, the State demonstrated testimony of one of neighborhood friends of Stark.

The taxpayer involved in oil palm cultivation law equity essay

In the year of assessment 1997, the taxpayer was resident within the meaning of Section 7 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, despite the fact that the taxpayer was present in the United States of America for 302 days during YA97. The ArgumentsThe appeal was dismissed was due to the intention of the respondent at β†’

African charter on human and peoples rights law international essay

1919 Article 2-13 of African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights10 Article 14-18 of African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights11 Article 19-24 of African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights12Article 27-29 of African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights13 Article 1 of African Charter on Human and Peoples' RightsACHPR14, that "All rights recognized in β†’

Historical development of labour law

While European writers often attach importance to the guilds and apprenticeship systems of the medieval world, some Asian scholars have identified labour standards as far back as the Laws of Hammurabi and rules for labour management relations in the Laws of Manu; Latin-American authors point to the Laws of the Indies promulgated by Spain in β†’

National climate change plan law general essay


Undercover operations

Despite its benefits to the society, some people are against the use of undercover work as a means of collecting evidence of crime. In this case, it is ethical and justifiable as the best means towards the collecting of evidence and making arrests in some crimes.

Critical thinking

According to Currier et al, recent studies suggest that, the percentage of consumer arbitration case outcomes, in favor of the consumers, stood at 55% and an additional 93% of respondents interviewed, regarding their general feelings and perceptions of the use of arbitration in consumer contracts, was favorable. Additionally, the arbitration clause provides a legal avenue β†’

Criminal justice assignment

Undercover officers are required to gain the trust of a suspected criminal or group by using an assumed identity to get information or evidence that can lead to the arrest of the suspect. I do not believe it would be likely for the police to be looking for a female prostitute and then they send β†’

Common law of the contract of employment

As the judge in the case, I would rule in favor of the plaintiff and oblige the defendant to pay for the damages as requested. However, the defendant proceeded to terminate the services of the plaintiff before the lapse of the initial three years even after the plaintiff sat for the examination and passed.

What are the implied contracts

The determining factors for implied contracts include the conduct of the parties involved in the contract and the level of trust that exists between the parties. For example, in the case of implied contracts, silence is used as a gesture for acceptance that is based on the factors of trust and confidence in the other β†’

Personal liability under the uae law law company business partnership essay

It is the ultimate duty of the company's director to protect all legal rights of the company for which he is head of. It is important to note that the director owes his duties to the shareholders of the company, the company itself and in some cases third parties.

Criminal justice system: organizations at miami florida

Nova Southeastern University is a private and coeducational research university in downtown Miami, Florida. Thomas University is a private Catholic university in Miami, Florida that was founded by American Augustinians and is consisted of 35-member Board of Trustees.St.


Drug trafficking in US and Mexico Drug trafficking is fuelling the economic growth of the US and Mexico. The level of technology and education in the US and Mexico influences the drug trade.

Current prison population in the united states

It is said that restorative justice is better than just focusing on the effects of imprisonment as the primary form of punishment in society. However, their punishment system should be revised to consider the importance of rehabilitation than just mere imprisonment.

Dispute settlement db-3

International policies such as the above cited have positive impacts on the sales of GM; thus, the China market is a major market for GM. GM is very optimistic with their China market and has intentions of increasing further their investment in the country because of the supportive policies of the government.

The anti trust legislation

It was in the early 1980s in the case of American Telephone and Telegraph from AT&T and thus transforming the nation's telephone services. When the past cases were of regarding the monopoly of the companies due to mergers and acquisitions, the present case was a clear cut case of the fight of incompetence over competency.

Offender reentry/integration policy

Such a concept speaks to the ability of the prison system to seek to do more than punish the offender and to provide him/her with the tools and skills, counseling, and rehabilitation necessary to seek to enter society as a more productive and better representation than he/she came to them as. As a means of β†’

Crime scene investigation: the murder of jonbenet ramsey

Another problem that yielded to not only getting to the root cause of the matter but also shunning contamination of the evidence was due to the lack of the officers' adeptness. Unprofessionalism on the part of law enforcement officers was evident in the unveiling of the victim's body by the father whereby they could have β†’

Uae labor law

1 of 1972 regarding the competence of Ministries, powers of Ministers and Laws bringing amendments thereto; and In accordance with the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs; the approval of the Council of Minsters and the Federal National Council as ratified by the Federal Supreme Council, decree as follows: DEFINITIONS ARTICLE for β†’

Reaction paper

Laws in different countries or legal systems are different from one another and comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between these laws. From the above understanding of the two laws comparative law would be best suited and more useful in understanding gender issues that International law.

Spanking as a type of corporal penalty

To some pking a child means " slapping a child on the buttock" Spanking a child may stop the child from behaving for the moment but that will only last for a short period of time. There was a study released in 1991 by TheFamilyResearch Laboratory of the Univeristy of New Hampshire that was showed β†’

Commercial law

In Clough Mill v Martin3, the seller had retained the title to the goods and when the buyer became insolvent before paying for the goods, the goods were identifiable. The terms agreed upon by the parties indicate that " the relationship between the two parties in respect of goods and upon the sale of any β†’

International business law essay sample

Article 30 of the Vienna Convention deals with the obligations of the Seller wherein it specifically states that it is the obligation of the Seller to deliver the goods, had over documents, if any and also transfer the property in the goods to the buyer. The obligations of the buyer on the other hand include β†’

Law assignment for child protection

The assignment includes discussions on some of the key aspects of framework for the assessment of children in need and their families and The Children's Act 1989, in particular section 17, duty to safeguard and I will incorporate anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice. To try and establish the course of action, I will be guided by β†’

The lakewood embezzlers

Hahn was charged with theft and criminal use of computers and embezzlement and Distasio was charged with theft of company funds. It is also noted that Hahn stole a credit card and used it to retrieve funds from the company.

Crime: compare and contrast data

The last ten years data that has been presented in the Uniform Crime Report regarding the cases of robbery has reduced by 0. Similarly, National Crime Victimization Survey reports even reflects the fact that violent crime like robbery has been reducing over the tenure of last five years.

Complaints against an attorney

An individual can file a Request for Investigation if the attorney's conduct is contrary to US' or any of its states' criminal law. Process for filing a request for investigation Anyone can file a complaint against an attorney licensed by the State Bar of Michigan or permitted by an authoritative court by filling and signing β†’

Seat belt laws

It is up to the motorists to decide to wear a seat belt, yet law enforcement officers are the ones who are there to enforce seat belt laws. Every state has a different law about who does and does not have to wear them, but in the state of Indiana if you are in a β†’

Defamation in law

In order for the imputing of a crime to be actionable per SE the offense must be one punishable by imprisonment in the first instance. An expression of mere suspicion is not sufficient therefore to say the plaintiff is a murder would be actionable per SE.