Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Business common law assignment

Explain why it is important to have an intention to create legal relations when making a contract and why is consideration of the parties to the agreement necessary-: Intention to create legal relations can be defined as follows.' An agreement will only become a legally binding contract if the parties intend this to be so. →

See below journal entry

Motives of ISIL Introduction According to Geneva Centre for Security Policy Paper 5- August it is evident that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, now referred to as the Islamic State in Iraq and al Shaam, is a religion motivated group. Retrieved Jun 2, 2015 from: http://www.bustle.com/articles/38192-what-does-isis-want-exactly-the-terrorists-stated-goal-has-been-made-clear.

Criminal justice assignment

The principle of the paper at hand is to evaluate in depth the observed journalism of females who commit sex crimes, to develop a summary of what a female offender is and the evidence of the prevalence of these offenders. Second, the goal is to tie in the typologies and stereotypes that aid in the →

Seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence in criminal investigations

Courts have generally held that law enforcers are entitled to search the entire computer device for evidence in the case of a crime. However, if the judicial approval is needed before a search warrant, then the law enforcers should be allowed to have the devices in their possession to eliminate the risk of the accused →

Market segmentation for lawn mowers assignment

Through the segmentation of the lawnmower market, It will be possible to achieve a greater promptly to the final customer; create advertising media that target the identified segments; facilitate the positioning of the product: and obtain the return on investment by the company. To analyze the current market of lawnmowers In Portugal, we started to →

Restorative justice policies in american criminal justice

On the other hand, restorative justice involves the victim, the offender and the community in a meaningful journey of healing, renewal, and recompense. The use of conditional sentences is justified when the courts embraced restorative justice as an approach to sentencing.

Types of sterilisation procedures law medical essay

The various types can be classified in many ways: On the basis of person receiving it: Male and Female; On the basis of expertise involved: Surgical and non-surgical. At the later time, Vasectomy was performed in the US at the end of the 19th century, mainly to prevent hereditary disorders.

The state of the chilean government law constitutional administrative essay

The appeal of Senator Pinochet was allowed by a majority of three to two by the House of Lords and it was held that he was not entitled to immunity. After the decision of the 25th November 1998, Senator Pinochet discovered the linking web between Lord Hoffman, one of the judges who formed part of →

Criminal procedure ( 1)

Harris Kamran Law Case Studies 24 October Due process of law According to the U.S.constitution, the term due process of law can be defined as the nature of the law and the reason for its implementation. In the case of Brown v.

Copyright infringement: similarity versus sameness essay sample

In earlier years, the courts maintained that intent to infringe the copyright of others is not essential to the act, nor is it a defence for the action, as in the 1931 case of Buck v. Jewel-La Salle Realty Co.[2] It was postulated in earlier times that innocence is not an excuse for copyright infringement →

To what extent have eu member states lost the power to control their borders

The paper " To What Extent Have the EU Member States Lost the Power to Control Their Borders" is a wonderful example of a term paper on law. It is also noted that the number of EU employees in the UK is estimated to be three or four times the number of Britons working elsewhere →

The crime of rape law general essay

There are of course many more considerations which must be taken into account to properly understand the crime of rape, and hence the first chapter of the paper deals exclusively with the crime of rape as defined in Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Even if the problem might not be so bad →

Trait theory

The impact of crime, violence or deviance on the criminal justice system as influenced by biological or psychological theories s Name: Institution: Introduction The argument based on the classical school of criminology would perceive crime, violence, and deviance as influencing the criminal justice system, particularly, when the crime or violence results from the use of →

Cohabitation preparation or substitution law family essay

Over the past half-century, the United States has played witness to a social evolution that has observed the transformation of the American family from the conventional formula of mother, father, and children, to include new elements outside the standard definition. The shift in this type of lifestyle choice has been attributed to several things: the →

Problem in corrections

This is meant to be sustained by case management whereby files of a detainee are technically organized to determine essential needs on health, social, and other relevant aspects of development by which the person may learn to outgrow crime-prone attributes. When this objective is consistently met, the judicial system would no doubt come to the →

Deviant act project: visit to a grocery store

For my act of deviance I chose to go to a grocery store and attempt to pay for my groceries ignoring the line at the checkout counter. I was almost ready to give up this whole Idea when I got to the line, but then I heard: " Next person In line! " from a →

Liability of law enforcement officers

In both cases, the Supreme Court ruled that the police had immunity in such cases. Conclusion In both cases, it is evident that the police officers had acted unjustly to the complainants.

Reasons for instituting tribunals law employment essay

The term is originally derived from the tribunes, magistrates of the Classical Roman Republic." Tribunal" originally referred to the office of the tribunes, and the term is still sometimes used in this sense in historical writings". Original legislation for the creation of the tribunal system contained within the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958.

Promissory theories of contractual obligations law contract essay

The convention of promising create expectations in others and by virtue of the basic Kantian principles of trust and respect, it is wrong to invoke that convention in order to make a promise, and then to break it*. The rule on Privity of contract also fits with promissory theories as promissory obligations are personal obligations →

Al v goldstone motoring racing ltd law land property essay

An action for nuisance may be brought against anyone with a degree of responsibility for the nuisance[1], including the creator of the nuisance and the occupier of the land from which the nuisance emanates. Thus, Goldstone Ltd satisfies both the requirement of the creator of the nuisance and the occupier of land.' Private nuisance is →

The purpose of australias modern criminal justice system assignment

To answer this question, We firstly need to look a couple of things to allow you a thorough understanding of what exactly the criminal justice system is, questions like, what is role that this system has to play in today's modern; somewhat debauched society, also what are the key concepts and components of each part →

Helmet laws

One day you could be riding behind a car on the highway and the car all of the sudden the car in front gets in a wreck and flips and smashes the motorcyclist. Another important reason why I think the helmet law should be enforced is because the people who are most likely to wear →

Women and minorities in law enforcement

The hiring of minorities and women changed the role of modern policing as everything had to be changed to give way to minorities and women. The importance of women in policing should not be overlooked because they bring huge changes to every police department and are intelligent people.

Kelly virtual school

Defined as the number of dollars that will be spent in maintaining the cameras, lighting bulbs, and sensor gadgets. More is better.$ 1000 Analysis COA 12 failed the criteria because it will exceed the $5000 limit Conclusion The course of action for putting lighting in the rear doors did not meet the criteria regarding cost →

Purposes of police patrol

The preliminary duty of any police force is to give adequate protection to the life and properties of the communities. Implementation of modern technology is necessary to avoid the risks of high speed pursuits.

19th amendment to the constitution

19th Amendment to the Constitution * Women gained the right to vote in 1920 in the 19th Amendment. Economic Growth in the 1920s Despite the 1920-1921depressionand the minor interruptions in 1924 and 1927, the American economy exhibited impressive economic growth during the 1920s.

Business law-discussion

Personal thoughts on the benefits of consumer protection laws to the society, Difficulties caused by the laws to the society, and Recommendations to improve the laws Benefits Currently, consumer protection laws play a key role in enhancing availability of quality products to the buyers at fair prices. Arguably, the approach forces manufacturers to trade safe →

Trade secret case study

Application of the Law: In this case, Miller's actions were against the law because the lists of his former employer's customers did not have delicate information comparable to those of patients in a medical field. Application of the Law: In this case, Pollack despite indicated to have spent resources in ensuring his trade secrets were →

Intellectual property rights

High R&D input spillovers and low appropriation of the rents that flow from successful innovation reduce the profit that flows from successful innovation, but for different reasons. Uncertainty There are three kinds of uncertainty, which differ according to what sort of thing the performer is uncertain about: truth uncertainty, semantic uncertainty and ontological uncertainty.

Property ownership, oral evidence (parole)

Verbal agreement may also be accepted after a contract if one of the parties proves to the court that there was a separate agreement made between the parties. In cases where a written contract is ambiguous, verbal agreement may be used in order to clarify the true meaning of the contract.

The european union legislature law european essay

Direct effect plays a central role in the EU legal order because of its link with the application and enforcement of EU law in the courts of the national legal systems.[1]Case 26/62 Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen[2]was the first leading case which established the right for individuals to enforce their Community →

E-business and intellectual property

Companies themselves may use licensing to tap into the domestic market expertise of U.S.companies but the disadvantage would be that companies may find the patent application and defence process to be expensive and time consuming and that licenses are subject to U.S.antitrust laws, such as the World Trade Organizations Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property →

Degrees of homicide

The dad saw the kidnapper the next day in an interview and in a sudden rage, the dad grabbed a revolver from a nearby officer and killed the kidnapper. Comprising elements such as the killing of another human being was unintentional; the death occurred either during the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to →

The current state of the criminal justice system

As institutions evolve, it is imperative that the criminal justice system evolves to respond to the changing concerns and the new challenges that arise. The Police The main challenge that the police force confronts is the constantly changing face of crime and the criminal mind.the criminal mind is constantly evolving and characterizations of criminals can →

Deciding to decide review

In the event that the Supreme Court does not necessarily have to be involved, then higher courts more or less apply the same process in justifying the certworthiness of certiorari cases. The importance of the certiorari case is another justification factor considered in the process of determining the certworthiness of the case.

Reflection on law enforcement and advancement of policing

The police system in today's society and back during the seventeenth century both have the same agenda which is enforcing the law and keeping the peace amongst the people and the city, state or town. The differences between modern day policing and the police system back in history is that, in today's society they have →

Judicial conduct and disability act

Indeed, Article III, rather than being meant to insulate judges from internal oversight, was meant to safeguard the independence of the judiciary from the Congress and executive. If federal judges did not have tenure for life, it would be easy for them to become affected by various issues and crisis that were prevalent in the →

State judicial systems

Most of these bills are passed because of the benefits the benefits that they have to citizen of a particular nation. A bill prohibiting any person from smoking tobacco should be passed into law in order to minimize on these impacts.

Tax law and accounting assignment

The job of the IRS is to make sure all the tax laws are followed and enforce the laws. One of the many duties of the IRS is to watch for tax evasion and avoidance.

Unit 3 theoretical criminology anomie theory

Merton notes that deviance and crime are mainly as a result of imbalance seen in the social order whereby individuals use the most convenient and efficient ways to achieve their goals including crime. This is based on the fact that the theory tends to explain why crime occurs and as such this can be used →

Human rights in world politics

The exclusion of social and political groups as targets of genocide in legal definition of genocide has been debated. However, the generally accepted notion on genocide is the, it is the purposeful annihilation of a social identity.

Arbitration – paper

Most types of arbitration have the following in common: - Both parties must agree to use the process - It is private - The decision is made by a third party, not the people involved - The arbitrator often decides on the basis of written information - If there is a hearing, it is likely →

Civil liberties – dissertation example

Civil rights are the rights of a citizen, but really expand and only deal with that of a political nature. Because the United States has prospered so much, and we as citizens have not had to defend our values and beliefs very much, take for granted many of the rights that we enjoy that countries, →

The airline industry labor relations & deregulation

The airline industry in the U.S. This was commonly used in cutting down transaction costs on the airline industry.

Protection from self incrimination

Because of this attitude, the prosecutor went further and told the jury that the reason for Salinas' silence was the fact that he felt guilty for the actions he had taken and that the silence was a sign of admission to having carried out the crime. This was a sign of great ignorance, and consequently →

Law – emigration law

The court found a violation of the right to value for the family. In the case of C and the local authority, the local authority has legal facts to seek an injunction from the court considering that the land is part of the green belt.

Dealing with coshh and fire in the work place essay

Once they fire brigade arrive they then are taken to the fire by the manager/senior depending on how bad it is and they will assess it. There is a fire safety procedure manual which explains it all and is kept in the main office where all staff has access.

Database research paper

If a transaction is executed and the same breaches the rules of consistency, then the all transaction is rolled back and the database is taken back to a state that is consistent with the rules. Level of isolation is the degree at which a transaction is prepared to take in inconsistent data.

Criminal justice statement of purpose

Having worked very hard to gain a solid foundation in the criminology and criminal justice discipline both during my studies and my work as a police officer, I believe that I am ripe to leap into graduate studies in criminal justice at the Tarleton State University. As a capable and dedicated individual, with a strong →

Court of chancery of delaware

The court, consequently, engaged in a detailed analysis of these input assumptions, identifying them as " four principal areas of disagreement the value of ABC's coal reserves, the value of ABC's investment in the VP-5 mine in Virginia, the amount of ABC's excess working capital and, finally, the EME report on the purported environmental liability →

Principles autonomy benefiecence and double effect law medical essay

It is stated in the Article 1 and 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights, particularly in the standard of living such as adequate health and well being of himself and his family. The fundamental aim of the mental health legislation is to →

Criminal justice perspectives assignment

Unlike the Crime Control Perspective, the Rehabilitation Perspective focuses the attention on the offender and not the victims. The Nonintervention Perspective again focuses the concern on the offenders instead of the victim.

Paraphrase creditor rights, remedies, and insurance as a component of risk management

Creditor Rights, Remedies, and Insurance as a Component of Risk Management of Creditor Rights, Remedies, and Insurance as a Component of Risk Management The world discerned the individual's responsibilities to furnish for his/ her family long ago. When a customer of a business fails to disburse his/ her debts, the creditor has numerous accessible remedies →


Conclusion The court pierced the corporate veil and found the shareholders personally liable for the liabilities incurred by the corporation. Work cited Ireland, Paddy." Limited liability, shareholder rights and the problem of corporate irresponsibility".

Human resources dilemma

Didi is compliant with the provisions of the FLSA since; veronica is entitled to keep all her tips. Furthermore, the tips of veronica exceed the minimum tip of 30$ per month required by the FLSA so that an employee can be given less than the minimum wage of $7.


Irrespective of the historic resistance to the approaches from many parties and respective advocates, the approach continues to gain widespread acceptance across both the legal profession and the public in recent past. The increased popularity of the approaches comes from the expansion of traditional courts caseload and the perception that the approaches impose fewer costs →

The department of education law constitutional administrative essay

The council's headquarters is in Strasbourg France.[1]The main aim of the Council is " to create a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law".[2]The three main values of the Council are human rights whereby every person has →

Construction contract law

In the JCT 2011 contract, the master programme refers to the critical paths that the project must undergo during the course of the programme. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Week 3 conference

Military Tribunal Military tribunal Military tribunal is machinery that gives ity to the military officers to determine and hear cases that involve the violation of law of war against the United States. I do not agree that the military tribunal provide constitutional right fully because they do not provide tor the right of the due →

Irac brief and torts scenario

It covered only the losses or damages that were caused " by order of a civil authority as a direct result of a Covered Cause of Loss to property in the immediate area". Conclusion The major cause of the loss to the plaintiff is the floods conditions, therefore, the insurance company are not suppose to →

Introduction to intellectual property law commercial essay

The ACT is implemented in compliance with the TRIPS agreement to provide a guarantee to investor in Malaysia's electronics industry and to ensure the growth of technology in the country. The sole proprietor of the patent has the right to assign, right to exploit the patent invention, transmit the patent and license the use of →

Criminal justice trends corrections assignment

In today's criminal justice system, with the increasing numbers of offenders, the system is going to have to find away to reduce the prison population. Past trends of Corrections In the beginning of the criminal justice system, the relationship between the police and the citizens was simple.

Procedural steps involved in bringing a case to the docket of the supreme court

Part I Procedural Steps Involved in Bringing a Case to the Docket of the Supreme Court All the cases that make it to the docket of the Supreme Court must come from the courts of appeals in the country. It is the Clerk of the Supreme Court that keeps the records of the cases.

Roadhogs pursuit

Would the community need to be involved in the design and implementation of community policing If so, how Yes, there is a need for the community to be involved in the design and implementation of community policing. In order to reduce the hostility and promote the cooperation of the community, they should be included in →

Ethics of means and ends

I will not allow my personal life to get into the way of my duties as I am needed to stay focused on resolving all problems by ensuring the means to an end is based entirely on the truth, honesty, and moral values. As a criminal justice profession, I aim to look into these issues →

It appeal took the opportunity to clarify the

In Bartholomew v London Borough of Hackney1 the Court of Appeal took the opportunity to clarify the law concerning this area and made clear that employers must not only take care in preparing any statement about their employee in the reference, but they also must make certain that the comprehensive impression of the employee from →

Finnis’s natural law theory

Finnis argues that the list of basic goods is exhaustive in that " other objectives and forms of good will be found.to be ways or combinations of ways of pursuing.and realizing.one of the seven basic forms of good, or some combination of hem." His argument basically means that in order to achieved the basic good, →

Manigault conflicting viewpoints essay essay sample

Peter Elbow's introduction to " The Believing Game" and " The Doubting Game" is undeniably the easiest way for anyone to acclimate themselves into the art and the concept of critical thinking. The strongest points that I believe make a case for the use of and legalization of marijuana are: 1.

Bankruptcy law – 1

The Bankruptcy Code defines the rules that collect and distribute the assets to creditors in a bankruptcy proceeding. These Rules of Practice and Procedure in bankruptcy commonly known as the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Federal Rules of Evidence clarify the collective rules which are regulating the collection and distribution of assets to creditors →

The law under the alabama limited company act

Fiduciary duty Fact: The case that was presented to the law court of Alabama was about the breach of fiduciary duty with the plaintiff being Suzy Strickland Harbison and the defendant being Bonnie Strickland. 1425, 20 of the Alabama limited liability act, the court analyzed the liability of a manager of a company in relation →

Criminology dna forensic science assignment

In order to understand the usefulness and the limitations of DNA in the analysis of physical evidence, it is important to be familiar with the basics principles underlying these diverse disciplines. One of the most significant facts of the case is that an innocent suspect was the first accused of the murder was freed based →

Watching movie then writing

One of the unethical practice that had been outlined in the movie was that the brokers or the agents of investment organizations were providing wrongful information to their clients/investors and they were trying to sell more and more collateralized debt obligations to their clients even when they knew that the investors will end up incurring →

Discussion of rights and laws – jameela and of leah

Battery is defined as being the slightest touch without permission as In the case of Cole v Turner, the knocking in to Ken is this touch without his permission. The case of Bollom states that the seriousness of the harm scales with the age of the victim, as Ken in this scenario Is elderly man →

Gang & gang behavior – week 7

Gang problems become increasingly more serious in large cities than in small cities since population growth in the cities is usually high leading to high number of school dropouts and increased poverty that motivate people to join gangs and commit crime for survival. Additionally, the availability of illegal guns in large cities compared to small →

Criminal code of canada + criminal records

Criminal of Canada Affiliation The criminal of Canada also known as criminelis a law that that specifies procedures, and criminal violations. One of the major amendments was the passage of the criminal law amendment act in 1968 and 1969.

Committee of permanent representatives

However the patent rights which the pharmaceutical industry uses is challenged under the reason that patents stop generic companies to create the same drug at the fraction of the price for countries which are poor and cannot afford the drugs. The objective is to protect the right of the creator of the work, whilst allowing →

Taxation –

Alimony payment is deductible to the person paying thus reducing tax liability. It is important to align alimony payments on both parties, in that the amount received by the spouse from the ex is the same.

Due process rights

Due Process College: Due Process Due process is a constituent of the law, intended to ensure that all people who are subjected to the justice system are not deprived of their rights to life, liberty or property. One of the aspects of due process is the procedural due process.

Intro to criminal justice paper assignment

The police arrest or provide a ticket with a court date which the offender has to attend, and from there the court determines whether or not that offender should be sentenced o jail or prison time or not. I believe a person should be assumed innocent until proven guilty not the other way around.

The violent crime control and law enforcement act

TheIllegal Immigrationreform and ImmigrantResponsibilityAct of 1996 made way for transformations in the system of the USImmigrationlaws generally pertaining to the improvements and control of entry into the US, intensified enforcement and penalties of laws with regards to aliens in the region, restrictions against their employment and benefits, and other miscellaneous provisions. The S visa is →

Criminal justice assignment

Criminal law versus civil law All law other than criminal law is known as civil law. If the government violates procedural law, that violation can be grounds for appeal and for a reversal of a criminal conviction.

National drug control strategy

The National Drug Control Policy wrote the foreword to the office of the president of the Obama Administration. The National Drug Control Policy was trying to put the detrimental effects of drug abuse in the American Society.


This led to the discovery of the DNA, which appears in the genes of all living organisms. The first application of DNA in the course of law and justice was in the 1980s, whereby the prosecutors used DNA evidence to solve a rape case.

Ryan vs gonzales

The legal issue in the aforesaid case depicts the murder conducted by Gonzales for which he had been taken to the court for the trial sessions. Before the judgment by the trial court, Gonzales tried unsuccessful attempts to disqualify the judgments of the trial magistrate.

American constitution law 4 paper

367 Facts: After being denied the right to appointed state counsel at his expense the appellant was convicted of the offense of shoplifting after a bench trial in the Circuit Court of Cook County and fined $50. The Supreme Court of the state of Illinois also rejected the appellant's argument and stated that it was →

‘euthanasia’ both sides of the argument but

There are two types of Euthanasia; voluntary which is conducted withconsent and non-voluntary which is conducted without consent where anotherperson will make the decision for the patient as they are unable to. Euthanasia is a very topical debate with strong points on both sides of the argumentbut what are Australian attitudes to Euthanasia?

Police corruption and the perception of the public assignment

Police Corruption and the perception of the public The duty of police was essentially supposed to be to prevent crime, enforce laws, and maintain order, and provide emergency assistance, but there have been and continue to be cases of police officers who do the exact opposite of that. It is important for the public to →

Health and care essay sample

Grievance Raise my grievance to employer and it can be resolved and settled the matter efficiently and quickly.3. I am being paid to a job and if I do not follow the agreed ways, I could cause harm to myself and others and I could get disciplinary act, which could lead to dismissal or even →


Further, it leads to customer satisfaction, which is the aim of the company. It is not ethical for Sal to direct Jim to increase the lottery when he understands that the chances of winning are slim.

Wills, trust & estate essay sample

The short form was expanded under NY Gen Oblig Law 5-1503 to remove the $10, 000 limit giving the attorney in fact the power to make the gifts in the principal's best interest. In Matter of Ferrara, the nephew transferred gift to himself under his power of attorney.

Health care law

Maxx could be held liable for negligence because he removed the mole from the wrong arm, He failed to conduct a biopsy scan to ascertain if the lump was cancerous. Mentalis defense is that the wife was a Jehovah witness and based on her belief she would not want to determinate her life under any →

The topic can be proposed by the writer

The by-laws of the company show that the owners of the company had an interest in keeping the company in the family. However, the transfer of shares in a company always imply to a transfer of the ownership of the business.

Seminar in criminology classmate response 7

In my opinion, it is not clear whether these are the authors of another article or researchers that are mentioned in Kalven and Zeisel's article. In my opinion, it was also difficult to tell whether these were researchers in the article by Kalven and Zeisel, or authors of a new article.

Textbook cj2012 fagin-which philosophy of punishment do you believe in and why

The theory of incapacitation, on the other hand, is founded on the philosophy that criminal circumstances must be negated so that the crime will not occur again while deterrence theory contends that the punishment awarded to an offender should be " sufficient to prevent future instances" of such crimes. The approaches of vengeance and deterrence →

What i want my words to do to you

Overwhelmed with pain and emotional distress, she asked the man why and how could he do what he had done to her, and the man seemed indifferent to all that pain. Keila could not take that inhumanly behavior particularly when he came to her with a knife and was about to rape her again.