Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Report on diversity day episode

The Office's Diversity Day episode: The wrongs committed and Laws broken The media plays a powerful role in shaping the culture of society. The Diversity Day episode makes a mockery of a day that is supposed celebrate the fact that the country is stronger because of its diversity.

Classical and neoclasical theories and criminology

Neo-classical criminology theory has a limit when trying manipulating the environment in order to decrease the opportunity for crime. In addition, it is important to ensure that the punishment does not force the person to commit another crime in revenge.

Rhode island v. innis, 446 u.s. 291, stewart j case

Innis himself confessed the crime because of a discussion among the police officers by showing the police officers the shotgun that he used for robbing. The Court found the respondent guilty without violation of his Miranda Rights.

Punishment philosophy in the criminal justice system

Philosophies of Punishment Philosophies of Punishment Punishment refers to the imposition of a penalty as vengeance for wrongdoing. Restoration is the soundest principle of punishment because it serves to avoid the recurrent of an offense.

Historical policy

In addition, criminal justice has been changing over the years and the courts have been using different ways of punishing the law breakers. In conclusion, criminal justice includes all the processes of arrest to jailing of the law breaker.

The important issue in medical scenarios law medical essay

Previously in case law the importance of the doctor was emphasised much more, this was illustrated in the case of Bolam[3], which is an important Supreme Court judgement in English tort law concerning the duty of a surgeon to inform a patient of the risks before undergoing an operation. Here it is shown that the β†’

Business law

Precedent will help the judge in deciding whether to close the different business for similar instances of misconduct through examining the applicability of the previously established rule in the current scenario. In scenario 3, historical school would help the judge not to apply the immigration laws.

The tiger awakens justice verma committee law general essay

The usage of the term ' sexual assault' in lieu of ' rape' under Section 375 of Indian Penal Code should have covered a wider gamut of offences including both penetrative and non-penetrative sexual assaults, while the difference in gravity of the word " rape" and " sexual assault" was both the Ordinance and the β†’

The benefit to employees wages law employment essay

The important of the amendment is because to ensure the safety of the worker and also the employer. As an example, at the end of the month when the employer hold money in their office to be pay to the worker, the robber will rob the employer to take the money.

Contract law

The language of the contract is suffice to identify the mutual intent of the parties in a case where the language used is definite and clear. One of the rules is the Plain Meaning Rule, which connects contract terms interpretation to the subjective notions of a Judge of the meaning of the words and deter β†’

Criminal punishment: utility vs. retribution

Kant argues that punishment should be governed by two principles: 1.people should be punished solely for the reason that they have committed a crime and 2.punishment is to be in proportion to the severity of the crime. Furthermore, justification of punishment comes from the nature of the crime and does not consider if the consequences β†’

Assault occasioning actual bodily harm law general essay

It is a unitary court but currently sites in around 92 centres throughout England and Wales.[2]Furthermore on appeal hearing, the crown court has the authority to confirm or reverse any part of the decision under appeal of the Supreme Court Act 1981).[3]Basically there are also appellate courts, which includes the Supreme Court and the court β†’

Criminal justice system paper assignment

The first component of the criminal Justice system and some say the most important and dangerous is law enforcement. The second component of the criminal Justice system is the court.

Civil and criminal punishments

The types of remedies available in civil courts depend on several factors such as the type of claims made, the authority of the court, the defendant's conduct and the harm that has been suffered or may be suffered. Conclusion As seen in the essay, there is a difference between criminal law and civil law.

Inherent dangers of the present system law constitutional administrative essay

An element of inequity can be noticed by everybody in this system and in that it overthrows from the system a political party which rallies a significant percentage of the electorate. In an extreme hypothesis, it is remotely possible for a party to win more than 75% of the seats with a minority of the β†’

Affirmative action in higher education law general essay

However, the Court of Appeals stated that the decision in Regents of the University of California v. The Supreme Court agreed with the University of Michigan officials that assembling a racially ethnic diverse class in the law school was an interest because it was important to have all parts of society represented in the leadership β†’


Prior to this interpretation, criminals and criminology had functioned under the presupposition that any and all crime was merely the result of poor rational choice and not the result of factors that were ultimately beyond the control of the criminal himself/herself. Finally, the neoclassical approach seeks to incorporate several of the aspects of the classical β†’

Studying a

The accusations of Trune that the farmer intended to confine him within fixed boundaries do not sufficiently prove the crime of false imprisonment because the farmer did not lock him in the firm house. The court finds that there is no false imprisonment in this case and thus rules in favor of the farmer.

Criminal research assignment unit-5

Has an authority like a babysitter attempted, in the past year, to touch the child inappropriately, or tried to make the child do the same to them when they were unwilling? 5. Has anyone at home or school made any threat face to face to the child, Have there been any incidences of bullying reported β†’

Question 26 of 30 identify the strength and weaknesses, in general, of survey research

One strength of survey research is that it enables the researchers to retrieve information directly from the people who are the subject of the research. A weakness of survey research is that the results of the research are primarily depicted by the quality of survey conducted by the researchers.

Police crackdowns and different crackdown strategies

In fact, Karmen refers to the rise in crime and its study as the " anatomy of a crime wave" and argues that " Crime waves are the product of the interaction of a wide array of forces and conditions". The New York crime wave of the 1990s motivated the police department to begin to β†’

Speech on marijuana legalization

They support their argument with statistics that show that most people who use hard drugs have tried marijuana before." " There is no conclusive evidence that the effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent use of other illicit drugs. Marijuana is clearly a " terminus" rather than a gateway for the overwhelming majority β†’

Why i became a criminal justice major assignment

I am okay with the comparisons and Louisiana being one of the lowest paying states for a Criminal Justice degree, because my future plans are to move away from Louisiana. I plan to move to Texas, and the annual mean wage there is $53, 030.

The strengths and weaknesses of natural moral law as a definitive ethical theory essay sample

Aquinas's view of reason as a tool for moral understanding and his idea of a common nature and morality for all people gives natural law a universality that goes beyond any one religion or culture. Kelly argues for a morality based on the human person as author and director of any actions, and moves away β†’

Hammurabi’s law code

The law code gave people a place in the Babylonian society. The law code helped people figure out what to do in situations like, trade, eye for and eye, and woman's place in society.

Disparity and discrimination in the criminal justice system assignment

This paper will deal with the issues of disparity and discrimination on the side of the professionals within the criminal justice system and the citizens who depend on them. While researching the subject of disparity it was determined that the area for professionals in the justice system hit the hardest by this type of inequality β†’

See the order instruction

Law Waiver court and its functions in the Philadelphia court system A waiver court is an informal reference to the court system in which the defendant can be sentenced to a lesser penalty than a stipulated mandatory one. Another role of the waiver court is to attract cases from the formal jury courts by providing β†’

Internship at a defense attorneys office

If the package is of such a nature that it consist of a gun that might have been used in the crime and can be used as proof by the law enforcing agencies than it should not be kept in hiding from them. After clearing my views in this particular case, I will let the β†’

Ethics in criminal justice

The PEW Report on the prison population in the United s describes the slow rise in the proportion of citizens who are locked up in prisons, and compares the figures with those of other Western countries. The report ends with a suggestion that it is time to look for new approaches such as reducing sentence β†’

Lessons the u.s system should learn from the swedish model

In the Sweden model, their programs use the universal and the social insurance system in the old system and universal system in the new systems. Earnings-related to the old-age, the old system gives to age 65 covering at least 3 years.

Minds on trial uss iowa assignment

In the case of the US Iowa, the equivocal death analysis was conducted by FBI agents Richard Alt and Roy Westwood. Most, if not all, of the evidence used by Alt and Westwood was provided by the Navy Itself.

The present and future of drug courts

There are currently issues with an implementation based simply in the lack of funds as a result of the current economic reductions being seen throughout the United States at a federal and state level. However, given the drug courts currently in operation and the success with which they have operated to date, it is clear β†’

The choice between using liability law or regulation

In cases where there are alternative means of achieving social benefits, the costs of achieving the results should be assigned to the party that can do so at the lowest cost. The facts that a producer may be held liable even in cases where it has exercised all possible care under the liability law is β†’

Farmgirl broke the contract with pastaman

Farmgirl obviously acted on the belief that there was no consideration and she had no obligation to respect the terms of not selling her excess tomatoes to a third party. From the arguments following, there was a complete absence of consideration and the opinion held is that Farmgirl was not bound to concert with Pastaman β†’

Essay on public international law

As an expert you have been approached: By the International Court of Justice to offer a brief opinion on the possible amendment of Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice to reflect the diversity of sources of international law Introduction Sources of international law has long been a contentious matter amongst β†’

White collar crime and corporate espionage

In the year of 2003, a Singapore national was held captive because of his crime of stealing trade secrets in April by the US Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California. There was an arrangement of designing a competitive microprocessor for the city of Hangzhou and the province of Zhejiang.

Cjus 340 db2

The psychology of human behavior is very complex because it is the result of individual's perception of things or event. The aggressive behavior of bullies is very damaging for people at large and needs to be addressed early.

Crjs420 u1ip

Clearly his father was on the wrong side of the law and needed to be apprehended, for the sake of justice. Normative ethics on the other hand, is based on determination of our moral behavior's content and theories of normative ethical nature seek to offer action-guides processes for responding to what one ought to do.

Improvement of equality in workplace

Unbeknownst to the students who were doing the estimating, the experimenters had matched the photographs so that for every photograph of a male student of a given height was a female student of the same height. The extent of the problem is seen in the results of a survey of 825 large firms, in which β†’

The judiciary interpret parliaments intention law constitutional administrative essay

In United Kingdom Control of the three main institutions, the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary are mainly on the hand of the Regina. Named the head of the Judiciary as the Lord Chief Justice and appointed the Lord Chancellor as the head of the Chancery Division of the High Court.

Opportunity to show how his or her employment/volunteer or extra-curricular activities were demanding, important, and led to ski

Role Played by volunteering and extra-curricular activities Introduction My engagement in volunteering programs and extra-curriculum activities were pertinent in my skill development, especially in the gaining confidence in dealing with people. During my stay in Sri Lanka, I managed to implement two annual outreach events to aid the needy and the poor in the society.

Life sentence, cruel and unusual punishment?

According to the reports from the Equal Justice Initiatives, only 8 people in the world, all in the United States, are serving crimes they committed at 13. Putting a 13-year-old in jail and telling them they will be there for the rest of their lives is somewhat overwhelming.

Sheppard v. maxwell, 384 u.s. 333 (1966) & williams v. florida 399 u.s. 78

Importance of the Case The US Supreme Court made the strongest statement supporting the right of the defendant to a jury that was not biased by prejudicial pre-trial publicity. Reasoning The US Supreme Court decried the absence of decorum in the trial court, and the free reign given to the press during the hearing.

Business law discussion #2

Link: http www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/kirtsaeng-v-john-wiley-sons-inc/ The case was first filed in the year 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.in which they sued Supap Kirtsaeng over the sale of foreign textbooks which were not supposed to be sold in the United States. It follows that there is no consideration in the contract which violates the fourth and β†’

The genetic resources and benefit sharing law international essay

The legal issues arising from the collection of Kita plant sample from Macindon include: The conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources to avoid overexploitation and destruction to Macindon biodiversity; andThe conflict between the obligation of CBD on fair and equitable sharing of benefit arising from the utilisation of genetic resources on mutually acceptable terms β†’

Changing migration patterns in eu countries law european essay

The table reveals the list of the most common country of citizenship of immigrants in Austria. However, expert interviews conducted within this study and review of status reports and analysis of migration and asylum developments, it was found that asylum seekers end up in the same migration routes along with economic migrants, most commonly in β†’

Mother in law

In the case of mothers-in-law, there is a desire to control and this affects the freedom of the younger ones. In this case it's easy for the mother in law to judge her incommunicative daughter in law as a careless and destructive person.

Analysis of act 1 scene 1 of measure for measure

The reader observes the Duke of Vienna telling Escalus, an his advisor, that he is leaving the city and would like to leave Angelo in his place. Firstly the scene is set the city of Vienna in approximately 1604, the reader is made aware it is Vienna when Escalus states, 'if any in Vienna.'The reader β†’

First amendment rights-ingraham v. wright

S Constitution against cruel and unusual punishment did not apply to corporal punishment in the school system. Proponents of corporal punishment feel that it's a quick and immediate response to discipline and the students will be back in class learning again.

Reason for an eoa law employment essay

Does discrimination occur when CPE students are awarded star schools on the basis of their results?[1]A just definition of the term discrimination was given in the case of Matadeen v Pointu,[2]in which redress was accordingly sought on the ground of discrimination regarding CPE exams, it was held that:"' Discriminatory' is defined in section 16 to β†’

External laws programme law constitutional administrative essay

In practice this element of compulsion means that the Court of Appeal is generally bound to follow its own previous decisions, and that each court is bound to follow the decisions of a court above it in the hierarchy[1]. The proprietor of the cafe opened the ginger-beer bottle, which was of opaque glass so that β†’

The patency law

Drawing from the case of Cureme Company that intends to extend its pharmaceutical trade to the black sea region in addition to Marmara, the business must understand that the law protects and recognizes the existence of patency of the businesses trading in the same line in black sea region. In the reduction of the prices, β†’

History of forensic science assignment

The 1887 coroners act ensured that an integral part of the coroners' role was to determine the circumstances and the medical causes of sudden, violent and unnatural deaths. He was a prominent member of the Parisian social and intellectual elite, and a regular attendee of salons in the 1820s and 1830s.


The prosecution relies on the testimony of Paul Burrows, a police officer in Wolverhampton, and Mr./Ms. On both accounts the client, Tony Shameless, was not in the house.

What is security law land property essay

[Writer Name][Institute Name][Class] It is important for the purposes of this assignment to be cleared about the definition of security, it means:" security is created where a person to whom on obligation is owed by another by statute or contract, in addition to the personal promise of the debtor to discharge the obligation, obtains rights β†’

A comparative study of moral and civil laws

Creon, the new ruler of Thebes by his relation, " Now, since they perishd.sullied by mutual fratricide, I, as you know, in right of kinship closest to the dead, possess the throne" has declared that Eteocles will be honored: " The foremost of our champions in the fray, they should entomb with the full sanctity β†’

A rose for emily by william faulkner 2 essay

The relationship between Abner, Sarty's father, and the boy is an interesting depiction of a dysfunctional bond and its impact on the protagonist. The commonality between Emily Grierson and Abner Snopes is that they both have no regard for the law.

Restorative justice canada

Restorative justice Canada The principle of restorative justice in Canada focuses on the needs of the offenders and those of the victims. The restorative justice system in Canada is an alternative to the criminal justice system, which focuses more on punishing the offender, as opposed to establishing a truce between the victim and the offender2.

Criminal law

Criminal Law Criminal Law The USA Patriot Act is one of the most crucial anti-terrorism legislation in the United States. The USA Patriot Act of 2001: balancing civil liberties and national security: a reference handbook.

The consequences of a corporate personality law company business partnership essay

However the after effects of the Salomon case showed that there is the possibility of even limited liability for a small owned by one person, also for a one man company as can be seen in the lee v lee's farming Ltd case.[3]The ability to sue as well as the liability to be sued is β†’

Environmental law

The schemes are formed to allow firms to trade in waste with the aim of delivering environmental objectives at a lower cost. In the end, firms using this approach must have enough wealth to cover their waste and emissions within the given time for them to go on operating.

Sources of finance assignment

This is defined as what you could have done with the money; for example, you were going to use it to buy a house but o contribute it to starting up a business, this is the opportunity cost. For a new business, venture capital is considered to be the best source of long term finance.

Compare and contrast the mollen commission and the knapp commission essay sample

The aim of this paper is to bring out the striking comparison and contrast between the Mollen commission and the Knapp commission. The Mollen Commission The Mollen commission is formally known as The City Of New York Commission To Investigate Allegations Of Police Commission And The Anti- Corruption Procedures Of Police Department.

Networking processes in desired career path in criminal justice

With the advent of the internet, websites such as Linked In, careerbuilder.com, monster.com have become amazing tools that have facilitated the quest for an individual to build a network. Networking with alumni allows individuals that are seeking a job to gain leverage and expand their horizons of networking as they can lean on their fellow β†’

Natural law and positivism

Unlike his opponents, Professor Waldron believes that the fact that the government allows the majority of the population to make decisions regarding laws and policies does not impede on the minority. Sir John Laws believes that the separation of powers is a necessity in order to ensure true democracy.

Nuts and bolts of south africas construction law law contract essay

The CIDB's focus is onSustainable growth, capacity development and empowermentImproved industry performance and best practiceA transformed industry, underpinned by consistent and ethical procurement practicesEnhanced value to clients and societySouth Africa has a vast pool of construction and engineering professionals, the same can be said for its Legal resource, the unfortunate situation is that South African β†’

Male sexual harassment claims on the rise in mid sized corporation

Larry and also to pay him a certain amount of money as a result of which he does not reveal the secrets of the company. Hence if this is repeated in the near future the company has the right to terminate him as per the law.

The security for telemedicine law medical essay

The use of information and telecommunications technology in the sharing of medical data and provision of health care for patients by medical experts is called telemedicine. Another application of telemedicine is the use of wearable physiological monitoring system that posses an array of sensors rooted into the fabric of the patient to constantly keep β†’

Due process

The significance of due process to the United States criminal justice system is that it protects criminals from the government. If any of these aspects are at risk of being rid of, then due process is implemented, allowing them first a hearing or trial to determine their side of the case.

Security history

This has led to a need of private security, and this industry continues getting more and more sophisticated. Corporate soldiers and international security: The rise of private military companies.

The changing nature of crime in the twenty-first century

The Changing Nature of Crime al Affiliation) The Changing Nature of Crime At the current rate, the increase in technologywill allow individuals to have a better access to information at a faster rate in the near future. However, such departments such as INTERPOL will be able to combat these crimes in the future as they β†’

White collar crime

FOUNDATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT OF WHITE-COLLAR CRIMES Presented By goes here] To [your goes here] [Your goes here][Your university's name][Due date of the paper] White-Collar Crimes White-collar crimes are the crimes that authorized people commit to get personal favors. The Concept of White Collar Crime in Law and Legal Theory.

Criminal justice paper assignment

Every three years it seemed I was a totally different person than the one before, but one thing that always remained was that I wanted to be involved in law enforcement in one way r another, I wanted to be a part of the brotherhood and to make a difference, I knew that I had β†’

Wk 4 lab

As a paralegal, the responsibility would be to ensure our client Malcolm parker, and to extension the alleged assailants, Lewis and Karel rights are protected and be kept in the know of what transpires, every step of the way. The use of violence on Davis by Karel leading to arm dislocation is a simple battery β†’

Problem solving teams or quality circles

The team would be mostly within the force, and they would share methods, information, and pieces of evidence, by which the guilty could be brought to the process of law. It is also essential that the benefits derived from the use of such virtual teams should exceed their cost implications, and, to a large extent, β†’

The certainty of subject matter law equity essay

It is the responsibility and duty of the trustee to look after the trust property for the beneficiary on the terms set out by the settlor. Thus, according to Lord Langdale', elements that are acknowledged as the ' three- certainties' are: Certainty of words or intention to create a trustCertainty of subject matterCertainty of objectTherefore, β†’

Legalization of marijauna

Because of the high demand for marijuana the black market has taken upon itself to mass-produce and distribute it to the world. Also, other more dangerous drugs are sold to fund the production and distribution of marijuana.

Role and function of law

Common Law stresses the fact that if a case was judge in the past and a verdict was given, similar cases in the future should have similar or the same verdicts.) Administrative Law: The function of Administrative Law in society and business is to regulate and carry out the mandates of the congressional body. Outlined β†’

Us criminal justice system

The founding fathers established this system of division of the two courts and had this system not existed, the state of the country and its criminal justice system would be much different today. In the absence of federal courts to standardize the federal laws across states, each state would have a difference stance for any β†’

The prevention of child sexual abus law family essay

As proponent of Islamic faith which lays special stress on the welfare of family and child, as a member of the United Nations and in accord with the afore-referred mandate, it is our religious, moral and constitutional duty to bring the required legislative and structural changes to honour our commitments to the rights of β†’

Liebeck vs mcdonalds assignment

Later in the case, McDonalds also argued that people generally buy the coffee on the way to work or on the way home. If McDonalds insisted to keep serving their coffee at 180 degrees to maintain the optimum taste, the least they could have done to protect their customers was to enlarge the " Caution: β†’

Current event speech about hospitality law

Specifically, the hotels failed to provide adequate parking space and proper means of entry into the hotels for the disabled. According to Howard Cohan, the hotels did not observe the requirement of the ADA that request for the provision of i.a lift for pool and Jacuzzi ii.a properly labelled van-disabled parking space iii.a properly marked β†’

New counter terrorism laws law international essay

Concerns of certain human rights being violated by counter-terrorism measures are raised, but they have been refuted with an argument that the primary purpose of the laws is to protect the right to life of the population. In fact, many of the United Nations human rights bodies have laid emphasis on the need of non-coercive β†’

Presedent in common law system

Precedent in Common Law System Precedent in Common Law System What role does precedent play in common law legal systems? The precedent principle plays a big role in determining the outcome of cases in civil law system.

United states supreme court

The question presented is whether a debtor can " strip down" the lien of the creditor on the real property pledged as collateral for the debt to the value of the collateral; more specifically, the United States Supreme Court was asked to determine the applicability of section 506 to this particular set of circumstances. The β†’

Responsibilities of non-profit health care organizations

The second step would involve getting the views of the people who depends on the services being offered by the clinic. This would enable the management to understand the value of the services that were being offered to the people.

Importance in shaping law of future

The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, " as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view".[ 5 ] First, I β†’

Legitimate authority

In the practice of authority relationships in school, the answer is no, the student does not have the right to challenge a command, and yes, the teacher has the right to essentially coerce the student into following it through the threat of a failing grade. The words " accept" and " agreement" both work under β†’

Why is the great writ of liberty significant?

To protect the Union and the rest of the United States the Writ of suspension was legal because people was rebellion as well as jeopardizing public safety. The Habeas corpus is a guideline for those with intentions of bringing harm to the citizens of the United States.

Homicide and criminal justice

Homicide and Criminal Justice In the American criminal justice system, homicide is allegedly the worst form of offensive acts that courts handle. The worst form of homicide called murder is a criminal act in which a person's meditation to kill leads to actual killing of another person.

International estate planning benchmark assignment 8

International E Planning affiliation International E Planning Under the United s international e laws, Residentsand non-residents of the United States can benefit from the benefit trust, therefore, Cynthia can set up benefits for her sons even if they are non-residents in the United States but pay tax as American citizens. On the other hand, it β†’

Dynamics of crime and delinquency

This is a characteristic of a democracy, and it plays a role in ensuring there is peace and stability within the state. Question Number Two: Under this statement, Baccaria means that the stronger members of the society are guilty of oppressing the weaker members of the society.

The nature of the case and the central legal issue law general essay

In this case, the aim of the trial court was to assess the quality of identification, and whether the person identifying the suspect can make an error during the identification process. In this case, the court of appeal was of the opinion that it is not the duty of a judge or of the court β†’

Prison population growth assignment

It took until 1963 for the Prison Commission to be abolished in favour of ' The Prison Service' which was then over seen by the Home Office. There have been many minor changes within the prison service but the next major overhaul was in 2004 when it was announced that the Prison service and probation β†’