Quality Law Essay Examples for Your Learning

Good example of essay on drug legalization

It seeks for the consideration of third side of the coin before joining the majority in opposition of the legalization of the drugs. It is the paper's argument that legalization would have positive and beneficial effects. The essential roles of relaxants cannot be gainsaid in that context. Secondly, on the economic fronts, the legalization of β†’

Education personal statement

Objective I desire an entry-level position serving as a Probation Officer or Probation Agent. I wish to utilize my education, background, and skills.

Self evaluation essay admission essay examples

As I seek to increase my knowledge and skills in the area, I am planning to enroll in an online masters program with your university. Since my graduation from Rutgers University with a degree in criminal justice I have worked in the criminal justice system for 3 years. I believe β†’

Example of research paper on comparative justice systems

The foreign country of interest is Japan, and this is attributed to its low crime rates unlike in the United States where crime is ever increasing. Japan has a different crime rate than United States. In the United States, there is the ever increasing the rate of imprisonment and more β†’

Essay on criminal justice system

The system begins with the police where the law is enforced, if a crime is committed it is the policeman duty to investigate and apprehend the criminals for questioning. These are not the only functions of the police according to; Frank Schmalleger Criminal Justice Today Eleventh Edition " the police enforce the β†’

Creative writing on the judicial selection process in maryland

The Maryland state judiciary consists of a court of appeal, a circuit court, a court of special appeals and a variety of court trials In the judicial selection process in the Maryland State, the judges are always selected through a merit selection process. There are many bias and racism cases reported on judges. β†’

Free essay on court cases

However, the rider to this is that the court must equally consider the fact that the child being a member of the age of minority does not have the full rights to make a decision. On that ground, the only determinant that would address all the questions posed to the court is the reasonability of β†’

Free literature review on human sex-trafficking the canadian perspective

The focus will be on the current situation as well as the efforts that have been placed in combating the vice. Fong & Cardoso in their article ' Child human trafficking Victims: Challenges for the child welfare systems' discuss the issues of human sex trafficking but centering more on the child as a β†’

Criminal justice essay example

Del Carmen and Trulson contends that probation is the kind of sentence that will allow a convicted offender to stay out of prison, but will be subject him to conditions imposed by the court and monitored by a parole officer. In case of mentally-ill offenders, the program should include observation and psychological testing β†’

Argumentative essay on the necessity for gun control in the united states

They always claim that gun violence is a result of the actions of specific criminals, and that the punishing of those criminals and the use of guns as a deterrent from illicit activity should supersede the prioritization of gun control. Use of guns prevents the crime from even occurring 95% of the time, while only β†’

Good peer to peer onslaught – how does the entertainment industry defend its copyright research paper example

This article examines the developments in copyright law in its fights against piracy and suggests the possible way forward to restore parity. Keywords: Copyright, Peer to peer, P2P, piracy, audio, video, music, film, download, Napster, Aimster, Grokster, Sony. Per the U.S.copyright law, Section 501, any person who infringes any of the β†’

Criminal justice research paper

A neighbor saw the wreck and Fred running to the dorm. During the processing of his arrest paperwork, the officers search Fred's possessions which he brought to the station, and a small quantity of cocaine is found in Fred's pocket.

Sample essay on contract

It is the validity of the contract that supports the enforcement of the said contract by a Court of Competence jurisdiction. The third element of the contract properly considered is the capacity. The Modern Law of Contract.

Insanity essay examples

The young writer died instantly after the accident and upon appearing in the court of law, the defense team used the legal insanity provisions to escape the rule of law. History of Insanity as a defense to crime in the English Criminal Law.

Example of juvenile probations term paper

However, in the 19th century, the system began to evolve, and it began to accommodate the new system for the minors. In other words, it works to ensure the offender is accountable for their actions, the community is kept safe and the offender becomes a useful person in the society.

War on terror essay sample

In addition to the legislation enacted in recient years, the Executive Branch, through actions taken by the President of the United States through Presidential Orders has further complicated the issue of legal status for both citizen and non-citizen detainees held relating to the " War on Terror". Once again, these are issues that will have β†’

Example of general and specific deterrence report

This means that when a person is aware of the consequences of what they are engaging will be reluctant to be involved in those activities which are against the law. In some cases the punishment involved may be ineffective and instead encourage the resolve of the person to get involved in other crimes regardless of β†’

Free preventing human trafficking report sample

The European slave trade, which began in the 1400s, is one of the first instances of organized human trafficking and the practice has continued to the present day (" Timeline of Human Trafficking"). In order to begin eradicating human trafficking, governments need to raise awareness among their citizens, identify and inform potential victims with an β†’

An unlikely hero essays examples

The citizens now had a clue of what was happening. He was recognized as a rescuer and thus had access to the victims.

Historical analysis of obscenity using the case of rosen v. u.s 1896 research paper examples

The judges concurred with the definition of the trial court that the contents should suggest " lewd and lascivious actions and thoughts to the inexperienced and the young". This is because the court held that the words " lewd, obscene and lascivious" imply acts of immorality that relate to sexual impurity.

Free critical thinking on oepidus rex – ancient greek play

One of such was an old conflict between the city of Athens and the city of Thebes. It comes quite clear from the text of the play that all gods supported the rightfulness of punishment to which Thebes were subjected by gods. It is interesting that Sophocles decided to set the plot of his play β†’

Legal based ethical dilemma course work

In this particular case, the most terrifying thing is not even the defilement, but the long run impacts that Tonya will have to live with for the rest of her life. The medical team does not know whether to assist her to end her life or to refer her to a counseling team to convince β†’

Good example of guardian ad litem essay

In this paper, I will present my report of the information that I got from Cathy, the various legal determinations regarding custody proceedings, the rights and obligations of the parents, the role of the court in this custody litigation and my role as a guardian ad litigator. As I stated before, my role is to β†’

Ballew v georgia: trial by the (right) jury case study examples

In the Williams decision, the requirement for 12 members in a jury is only conducted to satisfy the demands of a jury trial as listed in the Sixth; for the jury to ascertain the truth and to allow for the involvement of the community in the criminal justice system-the primary objectives of the jury in β†’

Good research paper on what we can to do to make orange county prisons more rehabilitative

It is within the best interest of society to maximize the efficiency of the rehabilitation aspects of the prison system. While it is beyond the scope of this essay to dive into the reasons that people end up in prison in the first place, what prisons can do is work to remedy the problems that β†’

Courtroom players

Although the members of the court group are against each other, at the end of the day justice is being served in the courtroom regardless of the gender, race, or national origin. The role of the prosecutor is to represent the government and prove the defendant is guilty of the crime.

Sec 405 week 3 discussion 1 (computer laws) term paper examples

There are several computer laws but this paper will discuss Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the Florida Criminal Use of Personal Identification Information laws, discussing penalty levels, of each law, whether they are clear and specific and whether the penalty levels are appropriate for law breakers. This is for whoever commits fraud β†’

The history of australian adversarial system

This type of system allows the judge to make decisions based off the presentation of the case rather than doing the investigation. The prosecutor is the person who takes on the responsibility of presenting the case to the jury and the judge.

Government and politics term paper sample

Connecticut is the crucial case which pushed the Supreme Court to rule for the protection of the right to privacy. Describe the facts of that case. There was a law in Connecticut that prohibited the use of any type of drug or medicine or any medical tool thereof with an intention of preventing β†’

Example of case study on legal

For purposes of determining actual residency, the law looks at the residence of the parents. The legal guardians, under the law, are the parents, that is, the father and the mother.

Example of u.s voting survey essay

7 percent of them were either undecided, not versed with the issue or had a different point of view on the proposal. However, division was evident in combination of different issues by different parties and candidates; this eventually resulted to a disparity in the voting block as shown by the various cross-tabulations that are discussed β†’

Argument for incarceration of nonviolent drug offenders research paper examples

Thus there is a need to establish some form of punishment for non-violent drug offenders inasmuch as it is a victimless crime in order to safeguard the economic interests of the family the drug offender belongs to and the state as well. An offender is a rational being, who commits a crime based on the β†’

The morality of informing on criminals argumentative essay sample

I did not say much of anything back to them, but it just repulsed me that they could sit there laughing about all the money they were taking, including grants from the government and churches, just to line their own pockets. Of course I am not na ve and I know that there are all β†’

Example of juvenile delinquents and the court system term paper

There are various types of offenses and punishment considered based on the information provided by the finest law experts who represent international organizations and the collegiums of lawyers, addressing the problem of juvenile justice and the ways of overcoming the issue in their respective reports, reviews, and programs. Key words: juvenile justice, crime, offender, court, β†’

Example of term paper on what is psychopathology

In the field of abnormal psychology, it is imposed that there are instances when humans intend to become rather evasive in the lives of others just so to realize the importance of themselves and take note of the real role they play in the society. In a world where not β†’

Sixth amendment rights and how it applies to the right to counsel in respect to essay sample

The Sixth Amendment Based on the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, it reads, " in all criminal prosecutions, the accused will enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime will have been committed, which district will have been β†’

Weakness case study examples

People with higher levels of self control are likely to have lower crime rates. Background of the theory According to Hirschi and Gottfredson , self control is developed in an individual's early life. Criminals do not live in some isolated, self contained criminal subculture where they learn a different way of seeing the β†’

Environmental justice frame work essay

It is alleged that a phenomenon known as environmental racism has emerged whereby areas lived by the poor minority, usually the blacks, Hispanics and immigrants, have been turned into dumping sites by the majority- a group composed of the White and wealth middle class. It is the state's responsibility to β†’

Julia pulatov professor: corey robin essay samples

In addition, Marshall defined " among the several states to mean " intermingled"; trade between states cannot stop at the border of the states, but " may be introduced to the interior of the state". In the years after the decision given by the Court in Gibbons, these concepts of interpreting the tenets of the β†’

Criminal justice

In addition to victim precipitation in the events resulting in the crime act, the obligation of the offender to make good by compensating his victim is now also seen as part of the subject matter. In later victimological publication by Mendelsohnand others the involvement of the victim in the commission of the crime is analyzed β†’

Essay on the apology

In the view of the Platonic scholars and psychologists in the present day, some dialogues are Socratic because of their representation of the historical figure of the Socrates. For example, the tripartition of the soul, the theory of transcendent forms, the political idea of the philosopher king, and mathematical education are grouped as the Platonic β†’

Death penalty essay

When one sees that another person has been sentenced to death, because of committing a given crime, the person would see the actuality and the magnitude of the contempt that a society has towards a given crime and would hence refrain from committing the same crime. There are various philosophical thoughts that govern the use β†’

Example of obsessive-compulsive disorder research paper

The parts of the brains highlighted above apparently are the parts of the brain served with the responsibility of processing messages from the outside, sort the information and alert an individual in case of danger. Ostensibly, it turns out that obsessions and compulsions are the major symptoms of OCD.

Facts case study examples

In addition, the consideration by the court was what constituted a patent and whether Butachlor was rightly conceived as a patent. Holding The court held that the defendant respondent had not violated the patent as it was and that the said Butachlor patent was not directly related to the two inventions by the defendant β†’

Criminal law research proposal example

Does the Gender and Race of a Victim Influence Perception of the Jurors Abstract The study examines the influence of gender and race to juror perception when it comes to case decisions. In some cases, the lack of physical evidences and witnesses poses greater challenge for the jurors in judging the circumstances β†’

The cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe essay examples

Naturally enough, he chooses the carnival time to carry out his dastardly deed and one has to argue that the punishment meted out to Fortunato was far from appropriate as being buried alive is definitely the worse kind of death ever. Even if Montresor felt wronged by Fortunato, the retribution of burying him alive was β†’

Example of the kirby rule critical thinking

A show up on the other hand involves showing only one suspect to the witness or victim and is usually done at the scene of the crime or following the quick arrest of a suspect. Thirdly, photographic identification entails showing the witness or victim photographs of the probable suspects for β†’

Gun control: an unnecessary evil research paper example

Abstract This paper will attempt to collect and collate a number of sources on the issue of gun control in the United States of America, examining the basic causes of gun violence and the link between gun ownership and gun violence. However, while there are many downsides to ubiquitous gun ownership and use β†’

Crime and deviance (scly 4)

CRIME AND DEVIANCE The social distribution of crime and deviance by age, ethnicity, gender, locality and social class, including recent patterns and trends in crime Assess sociological explanations of gender differences in crime Statistical evidence clearly suggests that women are less likely to commit crime than their male counterparts. Sociologists β†’

Juveniles: delinquents vs status offenders essay example

Delinquency may be determined as what is considered a crime in the governing institution of the state/country. What basically separates the delinquents from the status offenders is that delinquents commit crimes, while status offenders are judged as such mainly due to their age.

Report on davis v. the board of county commissioners of dona ana county

I am confident that you would find Herrera to be an excellent employee"(Court of Appeals of New Mexico, 1999). In the beginning of December 1994, Herrera posted an application for a job with MVH and they contacted the detention center where he worked previously for a reference. The plaintiff in the case had sued the β†’

Free essay on criminal justice

Moreover, until 2020, the job outlook seems to be above average, and a sufficient number of jobs will also continue to be available. A Criminal Justice degree is designed in such a way to prepare students for employment in any potential career related to this filed, and of course, that β†’

Essay on career path investigation

The integration between these three branches of the criminal justice system is incredibly important for the overall success of the system there is no doubt that a breakdown in communication would mean an inability to collaborate throughout the system on every level. Identify the impacts of historical aspects of law enforcement, courts, and corrections on β†’

Example of essay on sleepers

Also it encourages the community at large the parents, teachers, and volunteer groups to participate in the criminal justice system in order to help the youth reform and avoid being involved in criminal activities. In Canada, children below the age of 12 years cannot be charged with a crime but are assisted in reforming and β†’

The cause of death vs. the gift of life article review sample

It has been discussed how this enhancement in the amount of conflict is caused by the emergence of technological advancements that have the paramount capacity of transforming the domains of expertise of people of the society. Timmermans goes on to explain how the procurement organizations have come about in the span of last decade to β†’

Good case study about an analytical of the echazabal v chevron inc

He maintained that it is in the state and federal law to safeguard the health issues of the employees and that Chevron ought not to hire Echazabal on health and fitness grounds. Issues The chief issue presented in the case is that whether a disabled and unhealthy employee be allowed or not to work β†’

Free research paper on juvenile delinquency

By address the issues concerning the status offenders apart and separate from the youth offenders will be to the advantage of the status offenders since there are assured of fair treatment, in accordance to the offenses they have committed. When the juvenile court will be divided into two sections, it will allow the juvenile courts β†’

Free essay on habeas corpus as an extension of fundamental human rights

The Habeas Corpus is considered by many sociologists and political lawyers as one of the most important rights in modern-time democracy. The History of Habeas Corpus The writ of habeas corpus was associated with the US in the previous paragraph, but it is good to point out here that this writ has a history β†’

Good example of research paper on program or issue

Any such technical platform needs to bear into consideration the available and future surveillance technologies, while at once ensuring that it is reasonably possible to ensure that the privacy of the privacy of both the targeted suspects and other members of the public is protected to the best extent practicable. Program Requirements The program β†’

Free research paper on criminal profiling

Criminal Profiling Criminal profiling is also called offender profiling, and is a strategy of using existing information on a crime and crime scenes to come up with a psychological depiction of the perpetrator or criminal. Profiling aims at producing the description of the 'criminal' in a criminal case β†’

Victim compensation fund research paper examples

Introduction. On the wake of the September 11th attack at the world trade centre the government of the united state through the congress found it necessary o establish a fund to cover for the pain loss and suffering for all those who were caught in the disaster. The person who was to Mann the β†’

Prison furlough programs critical thinking example

Further, this paper would tackle the issue as to whether the program should be back in the prison systems. The advocates of the program have rightly argued that it allows strengthening of family ties. In the end, the very purpose of the criminal justice system is to meet the ends of justice.

Example of three strikes laws research paper

As such, the three strikes laws are applied to individuals convicted thrice or more for committing felonies. The sentence imposed on the offender is dependent on the gravity of the present and prior offenses that the offender has committed. Some of the states hold as a requirement that for the obligatory prison term to be β†’

Should juvenile criminals be tried as adults argumentative essay sample

When the juvenile offenders are tried as adults the development of the case is complete, judgments are mature, and deterrence of crime will be achieved. Therefore, for better execution of justice and correctional procedure to be effective juvenile offender should be tried as adults. On the other hand, other scholars and individuals assert that juvenile β†’

Bullying may lead to depression, suicide, and violence essay

This paper seeks to explain the negative effects of bullying in light of violence, trauma and depression, as well as, suicide. Depression is one of the most significant consequences of bullying. Depression has been described as a mental state where one is stressed to the extent that they develop weird tendencies such as the preference β†’

Free essay on criminology

Humans are rational individuals and do not act like animals merely on instincts and the commission of crimes in the society are considered to be a matter of choice because humans understand between right and wrong and the commission of crimes in the society are majority a matter of choice. 4. Explain your choice. Social β†’

Why notre dame law school essays examples

I have become an optimistic, positive, and confident person. The mentioned event is one of the main incidents of my life that has helped me to decide to join the Notre Dame Law School. I have a firm conviction that the Notre Dame Law School can assist me in becoming a lawyer who is ever β†’

Free essay on judicial independence and politics

McDonald case in the US whereby the Supreme Court made a decision that led to the ban on handguns in Chicago. b. In controversial issues such as marijuana use and gun ownership, it is more likely that the majority of the people make laws and therefore, the political group often tries to take advantage of β†’

Example of gender,race,and ethnic different in criminal violentce essay

The nature and extent of the crime reveal something about the behaviour of the suspects and their motives. On the 14th March, the USA today published an article that shocked many. The suspect took time to shop and ship the drugs that eventually killed her husband.

Jails and prison

The jails is the oldest of all of the correctional components, and have several missions and roles to play in our justice system. This act added four requirements for the English jails and prisons: it allowed sanitary and secure structure to be built, allowed for systematic inspections to be made on the detainees, allowed for β†’

Sample essay on law

In the state of Arizona, the trial court o0f limited jurisdiction entails the municipal courts and the justice of the peace courts. In these courts, judges are elected and as such serve for a term of four years. The next level in the court system in the state of Arizona is the superior court.

Jewish civilization: change essay samples

In this paper, I will discuss on the emergence of the first Israelite kingdom, leadership transition and the structure of the kingdom. When the Israelites settled in Canaan, they found a strong community of the philistines around 1000B. The call for a king by the Israelites prompted Samuel, a judge β†’

Reform in the criminal justice system essay samples

The expectations of the society to the law enforcers are very high, and they include; following the law, allowing the separation of the innocent from the guilty, and administering appropriate punishments and rehabilitation programs for the persons who serve sentences in the correctional facilities. The formulation of a sound strategy is an essential step that β†’

Free discussing to kill a mockingbird essay sample

When Atticus makes the statement " Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal," he tries to remind the jury that the responsibility of the jurors is putting aside β†’

Police and law enforcement response

Police and Law Enforcement Response CJS/200 May 10, 2012 John Scott Police and Law Enforcement Response Police are the backbone and muscle of the law. The police are the muscle and backbone of our law enforcement system but in order for them to properly and most efficiently do so, we as citizens need to β†’

Example of bullying in schools essay

The efforts of Olweus greatly contributed to the fight against bullying in schools because it brought awareness of the issue to the larger public domain and also initiated other professionals within the field of psychology to conduct more research and vastly expand the meaning of bullying. This event caused a worldwide outrage and devastation as β†’

Looking at eyewitness testimony

Also the witness can be influenced by the police as to who or what they saw at the time of the crime. Overall I believe that a combination of witnesses and science must be used to fully determine a persons guilt or innocence in the eyes of the law.

Problem oriented policing term paper examples

This led to the birth of the concept of problem oriented policing. Problem Oriented Policing In the past there had been high focus on improving the internal operations and the staff in the police department. The measurement parameters would be the effectiveness of the police in addressing community problems. There have been various challenges β†’

Example of essay on rape is always wrong

Rape is one of the forms of sexual assault, which is carried out by one or many people without the consent of the victim. Rape is actually a wrong because the offender is well aware of the harm that causes on the victim.

Research paper on civil liberties habeas corpus and the war on terror

It is found in the constitution of America at article 1 section nine and states " The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus will not be suspended unless in a case of rebellion or invasion of public safety". They argued that through the constitution of the United States he did not have β†’

Criminal justice wedding cake

Also, the size of these layers depends on the importance of the crimes, with misdemeanors being the largest and at the bottom and the celebrated cases being at the top and the smallest layer. The bottom and largest layer of the criminal justice wedding cake pertains to the misdemeanors. A misdemeanor is β†’

Example of alternative dispute resolution essay

The purpose for resorting to a particular type of alternative dispute resolution is to avoid the physical, emotional and financial burden of going through the ordeal of litigation. Among those includes negotiation, arbitration, mediation and other less common and traditional forms as the use of a mini-trial and E-Court. Types of β†’

How did jefferson view african-americans in comparison to whites essay example

He is a constant enemy of the African-American slavery and thought that such unfair treatment hampers the success of a great nation. If a slave is a constant trouble-maker and runway, he will sell them to a distant place as a supreme reprimand. Examine his attitudes on race and slavery in light of the likely β†’

Victimless crime essay

This does not warrant the crime to be legal, but due to the fact that there is no victim or complainant, if falls into the category of victimless crime. Victimless crime rides on mutual consent from the parties involved; they are subject to ethical audit from the societal view and also the law. It is β†’

Court observation reports example

I thought if a jury is pregnant, they could be excused from the jury. As the questioning continued, the defendant's lawyer stood up to object; the lawyer asks for a sidebar because defendants' lawyer thought the trial was about 1. 1 million that is part of the 3.

Case study on law: agency discretion

On the one hand, it could prove that the agency official was acting arbitrariness, or on the other that discretion was needed, especially due to the nature of potential future case hearings. SCUM's Civil Rights Violation claim is suitably expressed out of the unfavorable manner in which Ruth treats the entity. First is that Erhard β†’

Prevalence of drug cartels and crime in texas essays examples

Security, Migration, and the Economy in the Texas-Tamaulipas Border Region: The " Real Effects of Mexico's Drug War". Texas Tough: The Rise of America's Prison Empire.

Cultural diversity research paper example

Most people believe that the minority group are been oppressed in the criminal justice systems. Recently in Alabama, a death row prisoner Jason Sharp won the appeal in the Alabama criminal system. The court found that the seven African American where struck out of the jury based on racial bias. Based on the case above β†’

Article review on canada vs. united states

Fitness means, one must understand the nature of the charges and legal proceedings and have the ability to communicate with the counsel. In Canada, insanity defense refers to a state of insanity at the time of crime, however, in America, the insanity states are during the trial proceedings. The Role of β†’

Patient rights and autonomy report examples

Scenario: A 2-year old girl was rushed in the Emergency Room by her parents due to dog bites in the face and neck, and scratches in the arms. Doing advance research or knowing which health care facilities in the vicinity adhere to regulatory codes can be helpful. References: College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario.' β†’

Example of waterboarding argumentative essay

Yet, water boarding remains the only torture technique that is effective at extracting information, at least according to a few, and many people argue if the information is worth the torture, then water boarding should be used. The benefits of waterboarding are certainly there. For starters, the use of torture techniques and water boarding in β†’

Hurricane katrina essay examples

This would have been an important step since hurricane victims would have been removed from that site earlier. The other step would have been to help in organizing the resources for distribution after this disaster. This in fact could have minimized the Katrina Hurricane impact to New Orleans citizens. The other imperative step would have β†’

The purpose of this paper research papers example

International Commercial Transaction International Commercial Transaction The international commercial law governs all the international transactions. The extensive growth of the international commercial transactions resulted to the formation of the international commercial law.

Good research paper on bullying in schools

The anti-bullying program can also be integrated into the curriculum to ensure that as the children learn and grow, they are exposed to the risks and protective factors of bullying so that they can understand the associated risk factors and how to avoid the vice. Also, the bullying-prevention policy should encourage school-children to report bullying β†’

Anatomy of a setup essay sample

The intent of this essay is to provide the reader with a window into the world of the criminal. This is an examination of illicit behaviors and controlling techniques created to systematically threaten the fundamental values of all those they come into contact with. Once you walk through the front entrance and beyond the β†’

Curse case study examples

The issue of bias and prejudice against the aboriginal people became an issue of concern leading to partiality in relation to the facts of the extent of spread in the community. Judgement: It was held that the appeal should not be allowed. It was therefore necessary to collect enough evidence and facts on the possibilities β†’