Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Louis xiv foreign policy assignment

Even in his later years, Louis still retained some of the old fire that led him to war for war's sake and he never lost that sense that his life was part of a glorious epic. To see Louis as essentially a defensive and placatory monarch after the Dutch war is to misunderstand everything that β†’

Cause and effect of world war i assignment

A result of this rivalry led to a war between the two which was one cause of World War 1. This was also another cause for the outbreak of World War 1.

Thomas jeffersons two terms in office

What's more, the rational and prudent nature of Jefferson can be seen in his ability to maintain the America's neutral position amidst the wars in Europe. The above elucidation clearly indicates that Washington would have evaluated Jefferson's term in office as successful basing on his ability to improve the functioning of the presidency, improve American β†’

Election of 1860

The Republican Party was advocating for the expansion of the slavery into the western nation. It was however Lincoln's victory that provoked the session crisis that later sparked the war that followed.


The movie is giving anaccount of the last ten days of Adolf Hitler's life and his leadership in Germany in the year 1945. By the looks of how the Russian troops are getting further into Berlin, it is almost guaranteed that the Russians will win this war and be in control of Berlin as Germany β†’

Japanese civilization

In the light of this, the merchants, the artisans, the samurai and the commoners should all be treated equally. The sense of commitment to never be defeated in anything, even at the point of death is a guarantee to obtain success and wealth.

Colonialism in ukraine

Introduction It is rather difficult to specify the exact date when Ukraine was finally colonized and forced into joining the Russian empire, this is primarily because the 1654 agreement between the Russian Emperor Aleksey Mikhailovich and the Ukrainian Hetman BohdanKhmelnytskyis seen to have not involved the colonization of Ukraine by Russia. Conclusion The colonization β†’


The initial stages of the twentieth century were characterized by the rapid technological advancements in the second industrial revolution. Nietzsche, a German scholar, and cultural critic, argued that civilization and its consequences is the price people have to pay to control the ego and its wants.

The causes of the war of 1812

The war indicated the tensions that already existed between the British Empire and the United States after the Treaty of Paris in the year 1783. The next tension was that between the Indian Americans and the government of the United States.

Frederick douglass assignment

In the ' Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass', he first discusses his life mime and what lead to his narrative, and also explains the treatment and roles of women by using anecdotes, factorization of female slaves, and description of what roles they accepted to do." Frederick Douglass', himself a fugitive from slavery, help β†’

Old testament wisdom

The calling to the creation of one state for two peoples can destroy the state of Israel. The only state, which is the motherland of Jews, will disappear.

The franco-prussian war

The apparent cause for beginning of the war was simple and it served the hidden political agenda of Bismarck well. France recorded its objection to the relative of King of Prussia, Wilhelm I becoming the King of Spain.

Colonial history us history

On the night of the 18th and 19th of April just before we could see the light of day, Lexington was under heavy gunfire from the British forces who were on a mission in the town. The general's forces are said to be overwhelmed by the effect of the conflict that started in Lexington.

Sankin kotai

SANKIN KOTAI The Sankin kotai was a military service to the shogun and helped ensure that the daimyo of the period did not gain too much power. Its added benefits were the establishment of Japan's extensive road network during the Edo period as well as ensuring the daimyo was visible in various regions of the β†’

United states army aviation center history essay

The Maginot line, which was believed by the French to be the ultimate form of defense against a future German attack, proved to be not much more than a nuisance to the invading army. Two Groups defended the Maginot Line to the east while the other was placed in the West and would move forward β†’

Congressional debates over budgets

It has been suggested that if the government cannot agree upon, pass, and then work to implement a new budget, which is one of the basic functions, requirements, and expectations of their positions, then what hope have they of salvaging the country of its economic struggles. In the end, without a working budget the government β†’

See below

The basic aim of the articles of confederation was to ensure complete freedom to the states of America who has got freedom from England; it was to promote local government rather than a central government of the states. The major points of the articles of confederation were: Assigned a name of " the United States" β†’

How did jawaharlal nehru and the top inc leaders modernize the political systems of india according to subrata mitra (2009: 31, 45)

Second, cite the sentences that contain Mitra's first thesis about the model of the Indian state system and his second thesis about the model of the Indian party system. BODY The Topic Sentence: Going through Mitra's account on the political institutions and policy process in India, I cite the following sentences as containing Mitra's thesis β†’

Final paper of john brown assignment

Brown decided he wanted to forget the world he was already living in abandoning his farm and wife to join his sons in Kansa and giving the last of his years to overt hrow the power of slavery. His plan was to end slavery, the way he thought of i t was a new state β†’

Cold war draft assignment

Children were part of the labor force and often worked long hours and were used for highly hazardous tasks like cleaning the machinery. The nature Of the work being done meant that the workplace had to be very hot, steam engines contributes to the heat in this and other industries.

Journal # 5

History and Political Science Journal #5 With the expansion of technology the recording of history was made easier and more accessible. In response to the instruction, the expansion of technology, particularly the invention of the printing press was instrumental in allowing greater number of people to " receive news, read books, and attend school...

Coreish, can be bought by investors in order

The name of the dominant tribe in and around Mecca at the time of the ascent of the Prophet Muhammad. The advantage to a party of being granted credit is that they will havetime to earn money from the work done or the goods sold, and their cash flowwill be helped by having their outgoings β†’

Joseph stalinassignment assignment

All we can do is remember Stalin and remember all of the things he did to make people support him and his cause to industrialize Russia. He did anything he had do to keep power and although all his intentions seemed good, he was really a dictator who made things a lot worse for the β†’

Was the treaty of versailles a carthaginian peace? assignment

Discontent with the administration's acceptance of the Diktat of the Treaty of Versailles, coupled with economic and social deprivations undermined the Weimar government and the public turned to the more authoritarian approach of the German National Socialists even though Stresemann, Chancellor of the Weimar, was declaring in 1929 ' we are again the masters in β†’

A new economic view of american history by jeremy atack

The opening of the article gets my full attention by giving brief descriptions of the banking system in America just before the civil war. It also gives me vital information regarding the currencies used by these banks regarding acceptance of deposits and issuing of notes to the people in the region that the bank operated.


As a vast system of mountains in eastern North America, the lands west of the Appalachian height are protected by the crown as the hunting grounds for Indians. It was not included in in the colony because colonists were forbidden to enter into the land and the Crown reserved to itself the exclusive right to β†’

Analyzing historical film : the fog war

Analyzing Historical Film: The Fog War The film d The Fog of War is a documentary exploring the war history of America. The viewpoint adopted in the movie is to highlight the involvement of America in international relations and the significance of war.

Brittany kyle: atlantic slave trade assignment

The Portuguese were the first people to really help the slave trade flourish. When the slaves arrived in the new world, they were usually sent to places in the Caribbean and to Brazil and south America.

The development of korean peninsula history essay

Korea and South Korea, to show how economic and political differences to form the inequalities and conflicts between the N. Korean thought this is the " Imperialism" of the US may that the southern part to be one of the colonial of the US.[2]So the N.

The public diplomacy in australia history essay

The government affirmed in 1997 the importance of public diplomacy for the national interests:" In its multilateral strategies, as in its regional and bilateral efforts, Australia's international reputation is itself a factor in our capacity to advance Australian interests. In this essay I want to relate the Public Diplomacy of Australia with the national interests β†’

Franklin d. roosevelt inaugural speech assignment

Other major themes addressed in his speech were the unimportance of material wealth, unemployment, the greatness of the constitutional system, and the future of our country. Through his speech, Franklin acknowledged the fears, tragedies, hopes, and dreams that lingered in the heart of every American.

About myself

I came all the way from this land to the U.S.in the belief that exploring knowledge via other places away from home is vital to life and in pursuit of English studies as well. S, I look forward to being able to pass each given test, participate well, and share my views in class to β†’

Richard nixonassignment assignment

In the August of 1942, Nixon Joined the navy he started off as a lieutenant Junior grade then rose to lieutenant commander; he served In the Pacific, mainly In Logistics. Then after a series of court battles Nixon was told to give the tapes up and he ultimately complied.

Chinese civilization

The family unit of the ancestors of the current Chinese people in the Yellow River basin allowed for the passing on of culture from the Xia through to the Shang dynasty within which civilization began. The Origins of Chinese Civilization.

Chinese history: from the late ming to qianlong

Dynasty Systems and Assumptions Canton System The governments used Canton system for limiting international and regional trade using Hong merchants as agencies. Qing and Qianlong Emperors also believed that the system would protect erosion of Chinese trade culture.

The truth behind the creek wars

The said war is known as the " bloodiest war waged by the Creek Indians against the white people throughout the history" of the country. The group involved in the Creek War was composed of different branches of Indian stock namely Creeks or Muscogees proper of the Upper Creeks, the Hitchitees of the Lower Creeks, β†’

Latin america

As the article above highlights, there are two different forms of economies in the region, and this highlights how the different European countries that conquered Latin America had different economic policies and approaches. This article gives a clear picture of how Latin America has been influenced by the different European countries that colonized the region.

Cyriacus of ancona on rogier van der weyden (1449) p.485

However, the Cyriacus of Ancona shows a transition of his life from the humanitarian work to the death of people in the war. He uses the right combination of clothes, garments and multicolored soldiers to display his competence in contrasting human life.

East asian civilization: japan

At the bottom of the social class was the commercial class. Social and political stability came to be influenced by the absolute dictatorship of the Shoguls.

The distance combat and they had to

Now I also would like to say is that the crossbow is the most deadly weapon in ancient china and it is awesome but now let's get to the main objective the crossbow history. And now some more information like did you know the crossbow was also made by the greeks called the belly bow β†’

Cooperate power

The World Trade Organization and other trade agreements offer its members trade devoid of favoritism which the corporations use to further their interests. In addition, World Trade Organization and trade agreements reduce the costs of production which may trigger increased profits for the corporations thus furthering their interests.

Religious beliefs in mesopotamia vs ancient egypt assignment

Compare and contrast the religious beliefs of the people of Mesopotamia and the people of Egypt. The concept of bronze metallurgy significantly affected Egypt and its surrounding empires.

To make them stand in fear: slaveowning in the south

The paper " To Make Them Stand in Fear: Slaveowning in the South" is an excellent example of an essay on history.' To Make Them Stand in Fear Slaveowning in the South" portrays a truly harrowing chapter in American history. Even in the movies and books, it is hard to convey much of the cruelty β†’

Mesopotamia and china

Mesopotamia and China also had economic differences. Mesopotamia and China also had social similarities.

The kansas-nebraska act of 1854 assignment

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a controversial legislation that opened Kansas and Nebraska to white settlement, repealed the Compromise of 1850, and led opponents to form the Republican party. Since Nebraska was located in the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase where the Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery, Douglas ignored both the Missouri Compromise and β†’

Racial and ethnic conflict in the united states

America is a mixed race country therefore, racial sidelines are prominent which prompted scholars both blacks and whites to conglomerate and fight for the liberations of these rights. It is, therefore, the responsibility of every America to tussle and ensures segregation is erased in the society completely.

W 3: british and spanish rule – introduction to florida history 2

Tactics that were used and the outcome of the war caused the deaths of more than 1500 soldiers and an undetermined amount of civilians. Jackson was required to appear before Congress to defend many of his actions and tactics used.

Individualism in the extreme

When the interests and related actions and behaviors of the individual directly infringe, damage, or endanger the life, property, or rights of another person or people in society, there is an obligation to restrict individual rights in the interest of the larger population. Similarly, action or a lack of action by an individual in society β†’

Jonathan edwards and benjamin franklin assignment

His main goal in life was to be a better man in the eyes of God and a minister to his community. He mainly aimed his writing to the Christian audience, in contrast to Franklin, who was writing for everybody.

Gandhi and martin luther king assignment

When Gandhi was in South Africa, he protested the law stating that Indians in South Africa had to Cary passes by burning his pass and the passes of others. He did this to show the British and others that India was not dependent on nobody else for anything.

History of real madrid cf

In 1931, with the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic, Real Madrid was stripped of the title of " Royal" and renamed to Madrid Football Club again. They also participated in the first two editions of the European Cup, which they won by beating Stade de Rennes in the French league in the Parc des β†’

Conflict between john proctor and elizabeth

In the beginning of Act Two, Miller portrays the tension in the Proctors house by the awkward atmosphere between John and Elizabeth when John returns home late. In addition, the tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor is accentuated by Elizabeth's distrust and suspicion towards John, based on her knowledge on the affair between John and β†’

Conflict in algeria between their french settlers history essay

The ground of the struggle is the dissension of the Algerians with the unjust intervention the Gallic were giving to them specially in footings of instruction, political relations and life quality. The construction of this paper is to measure the struggle harmonizing to the content of the class of " Conflict Management " foremost supplying β†’

The early republic

This led to the enforcement of oppressive policies such as " The Stamp Act" on merchants. One of the policies that he was upset at is referred to as " Resisting the Navigation Act" which restricted their trading practices with other people.

Reaction paper

Expo: Magic of the White Reaction Paper Supervisor: Assignment Due Expo: Magic of the White One ofthe first things that struck me about Expo: Magic of the White City was that it was such a different time than the one we live in today. The size of the exposition and the amount that there was β†’

Lumumba and history of congo

The continent was rich in raw materials for instance; Belgium invaded Congo partly for its rubber and ivory. Congo was one of the countries who responded through violent means.

Canada’s history: richard bedford bennett

To answer the question;" Was Bennett the primary figure in his own demise or were there other historical developments and forces that influenced the rejection of his New Deal? In the beginning Bennett had a great chance of changing the economics and fixing the way the government worked, he sadly failed as he was " β†’

A brief history of hci

Abstract This article summarizes the historical development of major advances in human-computer interactiontechnology, emphasizing the pivotal role of university research in the advancement of the field. The technologies covered in this paper include fundamental interaction styles like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows; several important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text β†’

Art through the ages

The patronage system changed from the Gothic period to the High Renaissance, in that it became more advanced, more humanistic, and more beneficial to the vision of the artist and the control of the artist. It is true that during the Renaissance, architecture became more of a science, with treatises being written and buildings are β†’

After-action review

London bombings of 2005, Oklahoma City Bombings of 1995, and Centennial Olympic Park bombings of 1996 have challenged the effectiveness and efficiency of emergence services in the United Kingdom, and the U.S. Emergency response to bombings was immediate and highly qualified, aimed at providing the injured with the fullest information about the causes and consequences β†’

ο»Ώwhy did william win the battle of hastings? essay sample

This meant that even before the battle started, the fight was already in his favour because it forced Harold to fight when the battle was not to his advantage. Harold Godwineson was killed in the middle of the battle and many of his men did not want to carry on fighting.

Martin luther king assignment

King stated, " l have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be Judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." He said that with a bold attitude which made for a convincing statement to the people. King β†’


More specifically, certain minorities suffered greatly as a result of the United States involvement in the Second World War, even more greatly as compared to their overall level of hardship prior to the United States in three of the war. In such a way, African-Americans indirectly benefited from the overall level of training and engagement β†’

The most important causes of the protestant reformation

The most important causes of the Protestant Reformation At the beginning of the XVI century the biggest crisis of the Roman Catholic Church came. By this they meant renunciation of the church on the secular authority, the observance of ecclesiastical laws, restricting of the clergy discipline, improving morality, renunciation of scholasticism frills, destroying indulgences, β†’

World civilizations

THE CHANGES IN AFRICAN REGIONS BASED ON FOREIGN CONTACT WITH CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY The changes brought about by foreign culture and technology in African societies can be traced back from the historical Westernization that the continent had experienced from the Europeans. Among the three regions, it appears that South Africa, labeled as the most developed β†’

Pablo picasso and jackson pollack

The basic and fundamental purpose of writing this essay is to compare and contrast the works of Picasso and Pollack that go by the names of " Three Musicians" and " Shewolf" respectively. The work of Picasso was painted in order to tell the people to make the most of their life by creating harmony β†’

Absolute and constitutional monarchy

Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy Introduction The distinction between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy is that, absolute monarchy allows the sovereign to have absolute or supreme authority. Distinctions between an absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy arose in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when a large number of European nations were experimenting with constitutional monarchies β†’

The biography of mary jemison

Introduction The biography of Mary Jemison depicts three cultures, ly, the colonial frontier, the mid-late 18th century culture of the Seneca, as well as that of industrial American republic, and takes the perspective of a woman ' residing among adversaries.' Mary Jemison was born sometime between 1742-1743 to Jane and Thomas Jemison, Scotch-Irish parents who β†’


It is understandable that in specific instants a collective resolution can be opted by the majority that decreases the area of individual liberty that is defined by the use of language of basic rights of humans. The basic notion that is linked with the issue of abortion that makes it a moral dilemma is the β†’

Progressive era through the great depression

The enfranchisement of women was the largest expansion of the voting population in American history, significantly increasing the American electorate. The stock market crash of 1929 caused fear and panic throughout the country and resulted in the beginning of the Great Depression.

The history of policing

The history of policing in the United States is broke down into three general eras they are the political era from 1840 to1930, the reform era from 1930 to 1980 and the community era from 1980 to present. With wide spread changes made in the reform era of the 1930's that took police away from β†’

Western civilization to 1550 what is the west

In fact, the West is " a body of ideas, values, customs, and beliefs" that was copied on the continent of Europe by the more advanced civilizations of the East at that time. King stated that the West is ideas, values, customs and beliefs which is the true meaning of the West.

Ethnic conflict

Ethnic Conflict Type of Article This is a research article that explores on the major ethnic conflict theories that are put together to explain the causes of conflict around the world Citation Blagojevic, Bojana." Causes of Ethnic Conflict: a conceptual framework". Politicians play a huge role in the exploitation of ethnic difference through the use β†’


Al Smith was a candidate for the presidency of the United States in the 1928 General Election. The first computing machine emerged as the ENIAC, and it originally came out at the US base in Maryland, Baltimore.

Dred scott v. sanford assignment

Because of the Constitution, Scott used his rights to sue Sanford claiming that he was a free man. The two Judges that opposed to the seven felt that Scott was a free man, not a slave.

Turkey: should be a member of european union? assignment

Although some people think that whatever Turkey does, it will never become a full member, I think they are wrong because if Turkey does what it requires, it will be accepted to the Union, and I am one of those who support Turkey's membership since I believe that Turkey should join the community because if β†’

Operation barbarossa

The reactions by Stalin prompted many sources to ask the question why the Soviet Forces exhibited poor preparations in the wake of Operation Barbarossa amidst the large numbers that the army had. Hitler's application of deception in the WWII against USSR In the early years of the World War II, the Allied Forces led by β†’

Senate 968 (pipa) and hr 3261 (sopa)

STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT BACKGROUND: The use of computers and access to the internet in the United s of America is well over the 80% mark. Consequently, it is going to limit freedom of speech and discourage innovation in the sectors of IT and trade.

The effect of the end of the cold war on u.s. diplomatic practices

Diplomatic Practices The battle against communism, which was the major drive of the United States during the cold war, had a major impact on the foreign policy of the United States. The end of Cold War influenced the foreign policy of the United States in various ways.

S4 w7 one pager

The capabilities of the league of Arab s affiliation The capabilities of the league of Arab s The League of Arab States was established and created with the aim of cushioning its member states from economic and regional uncertainties. This decision was questionable as many Arab nations felt that the organization would have used force β†’

Grandfather essay

The integument of the upper part of his head has lost most of his shiny hair like the leaves of an old tree succumbing by the pass of the years. The desire to kiss the most loved woman by the experience of his lips is not possible due to the cruel reality of the downfall.

Discuss on modern england history

Discuss On Modern England History Henry VIII is often referred to as the monarch of England whodespised the Roman Church but was only inclined towards the Protestant doctrine in a partial way during the years of his supremacy from 1530 to 1547. Until the end of his life, he called himself a Catholic but he β†’

North american civilizations

Dates and Location of Adena and Hopewell Tradition Hopewell culture flourished along the riverside of the north-eastern and mid-western United States and the date of origination of the culture was approximately in between 200BCE to 500CE Adena Culture is more popularly known as pre-Columbian Native American Culture. The leadership of the Mississippian culture was great β†’

The development of byzantium in the post-classical era

The religious role of Byzantium was perhaps the most important of all, as it acted as the preserver of Christianity in this area. The result was two main divisions; Roman Catholics in the west, Eastern Orthodox in the east.

U.s. history. the steel strike of 1919

Read their views in " Woodrow Wilson, an Address to the Joint Session of Congress, 1917" and " George Norris, 'A Speech in the Senate,' 1917" in Chapter 22 of the Documents Collection. In the first case, the social justice of the steel workers was violated, and in the second case, the social justice of β†’

The columbian exchange: the impact on food

It changed the way we live in the aspect that it spread diseases. From the new world food, it would be hard to live without cranberries and chocolate.

Spanish beginnings of san francisco and los angels

The Spanish arrived in the region for the first time in 1542. They documented the region and created systematic maps of the region.

Compare and contrast the whiskey rebellion assignment

The tax system at this time was regressive in that much of the Eastern state economies lay in the barter System as opposed to the more monetary based economies found in the western and central parts of Massachusetts. As word spread of the rebellion, small time farmers and their supporters enacted bodies of assistance which β†’

How well did tsarist governments cope with the pressures

It is undeniable that, for all its faults, emancipation opened the door to the modernisation of Russia, the first stage that followed in Alexander II's subsequent reforms of the 1860's. The post emancipation reforms of Alexander II did not simply fill the gaps left in the administrative and social structure of the country by the β†’

American politics and imperialism

With two major parties in the United States, citizens of this country have been able to focus on the debate presented by the most prominent politicians they have not had to concern themselves with obscure arguments by third or fourth parties. A good example of this is the Populist Party in the 19th century.

History exam review guide

The majority of the subjects for the chronologies will come from the lectures; a few will come from the list of readings terms above. Use the lectures, the essay on Madison and Henry, and the textbook to write a complete answer.2.

History of islam

Islam is the religion of the Arabic and Iranian world of which Hazrat Muhammad was the prophet. Islam is one of the few great and wide-spread religions of the world.

Slaves of the middle passage assignment

This project is designed to look for consequences of having the dominant hand and eye on the same side of the body vs.aving the dominant hand and eye on opposite sides of the body. Pass out the permission sheet to the children or to the teachers of the children to give to the parents.


Answer: I enlisted for the army after the First World War whereby the army needed more personnel due to another world war. I maintained my position in the army and was later promoted to a senior Sergeant.

On us history

Being a stakeholder and for the way that I know the impact of slaves on the economy of nation particularly the west state, I subsequently convince the state government beyond a reasonable doubt to withdraw the predominating discernment for the enhancement of state and the welfare of the nation as well. Subjugation with respect to β†’