Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Leonardo da vinci in our life assignment

He played an enormous role in the development of art and science of the High Renaissance in Italy. The " Mona Lisa" painting is a good example of his work which contributed to the development of art in the Renaissance.

New worlds development

New World's Development s of Learning In the late 1500s and early 1600s, the Americans faced a series of the colonial era from the Spanish, French, and English that eventually led to the establishment of the New World's development. Bulliet & Kyle asserts that the Spanish, English, and French colonies had many characteristics in common β†’

American religion its historic addressing history essay

Historians need to avoid being tied up with politics and the social construction of bias to portray the historical movements of the vast numbers of religions that are influenced by outside sources and opinions, as we will see from some historians. This approach tends to minimize the significance of the natives of the U.S.by implying β†’

Book: art through the ages 3rd edition

Art through the Ages 3rd Edition The Parnassus Art is indeed comprises a range of human activities thatplay a substantive role in tracing certain origins of humanism. The Parnassus is a piece of art painting by Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, in the year 1511.

East asia in the modern world

The understanding of the Taiping and Tonghak movements can be traced from the nineteenth century Asian history. The Taipings and the Tonghaks do not share collective sense in the spiritual world.

Affirmative action assignment

The intention of this program is to create equal opportunities for minorities and women in areas where discrimination was an issue for all minority groups, in areas like colleges and the workplace. There is the possibility that, on occasion, the program could kefir.

Causes and outcomes of new deal and isi model assignment

Discuss differences and similarities as to the economic, political and social goals pursued by the New Deal in the USA and the subsequent implementation of the SIS model in Latin America. This essay will focus on describing the political and economic goals behind the implementation of the New Deal in US and the SIS-model in β†’

History of the nfl dallas cowboys

The Stadium is also the first to be located outside Dallas County and is the largest domed stadium in the world. Dallas city become the first city to host the super bowl which was held at the Cowboys stadium in 2011.

How democratic was andrew jackson? assignment

Jackson felt strongly that the common man was the power behind the government, which is why he extended the vote to the common man. Although Jackson was democratic by extending the vote to more of the population, he did not listen to the will of the people, selfishly bused his presidential powers, and mistreated the β†’

The iran-contra affair essay

This one scandal did not outweigh all the wonderful things Regan was known to have done. Though this was a scandalous scandal it was a scandal Regan managed to get off the hook with.


History Affiliation History The making of the United s was not an easy task, as it required the commitment and sacrifice of some patriots to ensure that the dream of a gaining independence was achieved. Although ratified by the thirteen states the Articles were not sufficient, which led to the making of the United States β†’

Barack obama and rick santorum

Some people, especially the Muslims in the US, have seen this as a form of hatred that the aspirant has towards the Muslims in the United States. He supported a claim that the US president is a vowed Muslim and should not be the president of the US.

Find everything related to food

The continental army who were stationed at Valley Forge tried to obtain food from the local farms during the encampment in winter. He was able to make full use of his knowledge in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion and the Australian Gold Rush.

Salt: a world history

In the introduction of the book, Mark Kurlansky states how he bought a rock of salt in Cardona. He also includes a list from the book " One Hundred and One Uses for Diamond Crystal Salt", by the Diamond Crystal Salt Company of St.

Ralph waldo emerson- self reliance assignment

He states, " It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." One of the definitions of the word " world" is β†’

Why history is important

History is important to us because it is the heritage that shaped the world we live in today. So, when history does repeat Itself, we have a better understanding on how to resolve it.

Air traffic controllers

Due) Discussion America's politically astute individuals are aware of the fact that President Reagan is responsible for the advent of assaults on unions in the country, when he took on the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Union. His refusal to hold negotiations with the union about working conditions and pay, and then consequently replacing the workers β†’

The drive to destroy enlightenment values

Out of revolutions at the latter part of the 18th century, a general atmosphere of Enlightenment clouded the countries of Europe. In the end, he became violent and indignant to the basic principles of civilization; the same thing Sigmund Freud said.

Lives sold dear: chivalry and feudalism in the song assignment

The lives of the characters in The Song of Roland seem inextricably linked to both feudalism and chivalry. This is hardly surprising as most of the characters in the chanson are knights-? they are neither at the top Of the pyramid nor at the bottom.

Affirmative action in education assignment

In today's society, Affirmative action is defined as " positive steps that have been taken in order to increase the reputation Of Women and other minorities in the areas Of employment, education and business for which they have been excluded in the past". Over time, the same individuals earned to accept the students of minority β†’

Respond to classmates

According to the various comments in the blog, historical inaccuracies can pose a threat or be harmless to understanding the past historical events. According to Champions comment, the inaccuracies depicted in a film helps an individual research deeper to know the exact historical facts.

President obama’s innauguration address

Response 2 The philosophy of collective action to meet the challenges of time is integral to the inaugural address of President Obama. He is actually referring to the realistic values of American democratic process that is able to acknowledge change and innovate to ensure the fundamental values of freedom and equality to the people.

A brief overview of the trans-atlantic slave trade assignment

The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the largest long-distance coerced movement of people in history and, prior to the mid-nineteenth century, formed the major demographic well-spring for the re-peopling of the Americas following the collapse of the Meridian population. With the decline of the Meridian population, labor from Africa formed the basis of the exploitation of β†’

Africa: a voyage of discovery with basil davidson

Africa: A Voyage of Discovery with Basil Davidson Episode Different But Equal In the first episode of the documentary series titled ' Africa: A Voyage of Discovery with Basil Davidson', a historical-colonial perspective of Africa and its people is given. In this context, it is fair to claim that the history of Africa of recent β†’

Western new imperialism

Western New Imperialism began in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth century by the Western powers, notably Great Britain, France, Germany and Portugal." Although there are sharp differences of opinion over the reasons for, and the significance of, the " new imperialism", there is little dispute that at least two developments in the late 19th β†’

Reaction paper to a. gavin’s diasporic africans and slavery

The article discusses how the Africans were taken to the Western Hemisphere to work as slaves. Raymond Gavins also talks about slavery in details such as the evolution of slavery, the nature of slavery, along with the destruction of the inhumane act.

Chinese whispers: evolution, growth and history of china

It became the capital of the Qin and early Han Empires. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire.

Affirmative action assignment

Following this conclusion it is clear to see that all evidence supports the benefits of affirmative action. It is important that government lead in the direction that supports affirmative action programs.

Ancient egypt vs todays society assignment

The main understanding regarding the Egyptians sexual lives was that they did not see it as a taboo like we do today. An example of the different way of thinking between the Egyptians and today's society is that the Egyptians had a form of prostitute that was deemed acceptable.

Post-war japanese writing

The literature is indicative of the manner in which anti-occupation campaigners in Japan had effectively been pressured to unconditionally throw in the towel to end the conflict, and most of the highly significant Japanese political icons that held leadership positions by the end of World War II still expressed panic about the likelihood of trial β†’

Write about ( mary jones )

Mary Jones Mary Jones was born in a poor Welsh family in December 1784. After saving money for up to 6 years, Mary was able to buy a copy of Bible.


Family History and Historical event Introduction Second World War known as World War II occurred during the period between1939-1945." The German declaration of war on the Unites States after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor used to be the final step in the bringing about of the Second World War" 6. This Second World War β†’

Compare and contrast peattie and ching’s position vis-a-vis the idea of japanese colonialism as an “anomaly.”

Becoming Japanese is a bridge of history and literature that brings out the anomaly in Japanese colonialism. On the other hand, Peattie focus on Japanese colonialism anomaly in their book, The Japanese Colonial Empire, as the source and evolution of the modern empire.

Native american relocation

The leaders of the intensifying rebellion around the Boston area had their concealed arms being stored away from the areas where the British Army would seize them. As midmorning approached, the British soldiers had found their way to Lexington, just half way to the village of Concord.

The cold war assignment

The connection Townsend made between the effects communists were having on religion in society and the influence Billy Graham was able to have on the population show the unity created through religion during this time of turmoil. Billy Graham's belief that the population needed to join together and fight the further spreading of communism was β†’

Ap world history ch 20

What were the similarities and differences of the three Muslim Empires? 2. What weaknesses were common to all of the Muslim Empires?

The contemporary world issues history essay

But in order to understand the why, the key is to know the how. Because of the Civil Rights Act, and the push of affirmative action by President Johnson, the number of blacks in professional careers increased dramatically in the few years after the Act was passed.

Why the new deal failed to revive the u.s. economy assignment

It Is thoroughly debated whether the New Deal did actually provide the momentum to boost the US out of the depression, or whether it was merely coincidental factors such as WI which provided the real recovery. Johnson insists that the New Deal was in fact counterproductive and hampered the economy and that It was WI β†’

Memorial of holocaust victims

The most appropriate title for the memorial would be " In commemoration of all the Jews who perished in Europe" since it is more inclusive. It is because the current title does not entirely represent the whole diversity of the way Jews perished during the holocaust.

The history of the african women

More and more women are being beaten and thinking that it is okay because the women think men are superior to them. In our meetings we will try to coax the government to change laws so men and women are equal.

Pitfalls in the diagnosis of hsil biology essay

During the diagnosing of HSIL, the screener needs to cognize the age and history of the patient. The features of endometrial cells that can be observed are little hyperchromatic karyon with bare cytol and nowadays in bunchs.

Political ambitions versus public good/jerry kloby

The concept implies the implementation of a theory of government whereby the council and the mayor work in a team as part time public servants. A community land trust needs to be sponsored that uses non-profit ownership as a system to ensure affordability of housing in the long term.

Louisiana purchase

The settling of the Americans on the land led to the country starting the acquisition of the piece of land and this brought a lot of disturbance from the Spanish and the French who had just accommodated the United States as a gesture but were taking over piece by piece. The Purchase of Louisiana.

American holocaust: the conquest of the new world

American Holocaust American Holocaust is a historical context that focuses on the destruction of the Native American people in what the author terms as the greatest genocide in the world history. David Stannard the brutal historic epistle in the 1490s in which he provides examples of events of massacre by the U.S.

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war After the end of the cold war, there were intense focus on globalization and internationalism. There is free open trade that ensures export and import of goods and services in all parts of the world After the end of the cold war there were many activities that were β†’

Summary of voltaire’s philosophical dictionary assignment

Voltaire was quick to exploit this hypocrisy, and it inspired him to come up with his own philosophy on ethics and the role of the church. In order to find the good and the true.

Manifest destiny assignment

The United States continues with the European practice of recognizing the limited land rights to expand into the West with the legal purchase of Native American land. Many of the white Americans thought it was up to them to further develop the lifestyles of the Hispanics and Native Americans.

The digging stick the ard history essay

Using the evolution of the hoe to the modern plow as an initial metaphor, examples are drawn of the effect and shift of globalization throughout history. The term, " globalization," was in use in The Chicago Defender as early as 1944 and first popularized during the Bretton Woods conference of World War II allies which β†’

History of the uae political history history essay

In the late 15th century, following the exploration trail of Vasco De Gama, the Portugese noticed the region and became the first among European nations to attempt exerting supremacy over the Gulf of Oman and waterways leading to the Indian Ocean. Due to the sporadic piracy in the region, the local rulers made an agreement β†’

Lyndon b. johnson and vietnam war era assignment

It was the Era that produced the " Baby Boomers" and all of the impact this has brought to the American culture as they become the aging population of the Millennium. The war was influenced by the fact that the American President at the time did not want Communism to be spread in the East β†’

Review of ( things fall apart)

The arrival of the Christian missionaries who not only looked down on the Igbo's beliefs but also disdained their numerous gods signaled the beginning of the end of Umuofia. What was the nature of relationship between the rich and the poor in the traditional Igbo society as represented by Okonkwo and his father, Unoka?

Theories of frederick taylor and adam smith public administration assignment

Taylor referred to one of these misfortunes as the " soldiering" of the worker; which means that the worker is not working at its full potential. Taylor assumes that it is the nature of the man to work at a slower easygoing pace and also that the worker is a rational human being; he " β†’

Renaissance history

Originally the term Renaissance only referred to the time when man rediscovered the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The term Renaissance is now used to indicate all the historical developments that have inspired the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern history.

Watergate: the scandal

It destroyed the integrity of the government and greatly eroded the trust of the public. The public trust is the bedrock of democracy and without it, the institutions collapse.

Union versus non-union

Union versus Non-Union of the of the Concerned January 7, Union versus Non-Union The issue under consideration is pivotal in the free market economies as they are capital driven and have to hire skilled personnel to accomplish varied tasks in the procurement, production, marketing and distribution of goods and services. According to the research of β†’

Discussion 3

I tend to agree that women were not primarily involved in the practice of witchcraft, but it was a wave of belief during the medieval generation that the devil was using women to lure men into his cult, Perhaps. Sienna went ahead and preached that women sorcerers were turned in and executed because of not β†’

Fulfilling the promise

Information: The promise of America life according to Herbert Croly, founder of The New Republic in 1909, opposed aggressive unionization and supported economic planning to raise general quality of life, he anticipated the transition from competitive to corporate capitalism and from limited government to the welfare of the state. Cold War page 798" " A β†’

The decision to drop the atomic bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki

THE DECISION TO DROP THE ATOMIC BOMB ON HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI History, Essay March 6, The only example of nuclear weapons usage in the history of mankind is bombing of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. The question of the appropriateness of the atomic bombings of Japan and their role for β†’

Japanese americans during wwii

Japanese Americans were moved to camps in the interior of the country, far from potential contacts with Japanese agents that could solicit their help for the Emperor. Many of the bunkhouses were not insulated against the biting winds of winter in northern states such as Utah and Montana.

The political, economic and social aspects of the enlightenment

The Political, Economic and Social Aspects the Enlightenment The Enlightenment, also known as Age of Reason, was a cultural movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe. This revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century towards the end of the enlightenment in which the thirteen β†’

African amercian slavery

The non-availability of cheap labor and impractibility of the wage-earner system led to the adoption of the institution of slavery. The Negro slavery was introduced in the new world for the first time in 6 when a Dutch vessel sold twenty one Negro slaves to the colonists of Virginia.

U.s. history unit 5 db

Since music has major influence on culture, hip hop genre of music has propelled the African American way of life into the centre of American culture. The tanning of America: how hip-hop created a culture that rewrote the rules of the new economy.

The first battle of bull run

The First Battle of Bull Run Following the failure of Union troops at the First Battle of Bull Run, Lincoln decided to pursue a bold strategy by emancipating the slaves in those states that had left the Union. The most important battle of the Civil War was Antietam because it marked a turning point in β†’

The conspirator

Even though five people were involved in the actual conspiracy of the assassination of Lincoln, this movie gives more focus to the female conspirator Mary Suratt. This paper discusses the conspirators involved in this plot in general and the role of Mary Suratt in particular.

Henry viii assignment

Catherine was the daughter of the extremely powerful and Catholic monarchs of Spain, Isabella and Ferdinand, as well as the aunt of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Like his wife Henry was a devote Catholic, so much so that with the help of his right hand man, Cardinal Wolves, the Archbishop of York and β†’

Movement for black liberation

Three of the most important figures in the movement for Black liberation across the world are W.E.B. Du Bois is celebrated as an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, and historian and he is noted as a key leader in the movement for Black liberation who has attempted virtually all the possible solutions to the β†’

Why did the united states declares war on great britain in 1812 could this war have been avoided

However, the issues that caused a strain on the Anglo-American relationship may have been the cause of America's entrance into the war. Also, Britain's lack of respect for the maritime rights that the Americans enjoyed propelled the American congress to vote to go to war.

Dream of red chambers

After the exam, Pao-yu disappeared from the gate of the examination hall and his feeling of non-attachment from the worldly duties and affairs and from all materialist attractions diminished. And the impact the rituals had on the lives and minds of the subject and people around Chia Cheng can be well demonstrated from the sayings β†’

Why the early middle ages are often referred to as the dark ages

The period in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire was named " the Dark Ages" by Renaissance scholars in order to criticize the old ways. So the Christianity in the Dark Ages became one of the crucial components of the social life and faith started to be the main driver of all human β†’

Arya samaj

As a matter of fact the so called religious leaders of Hinduism, the members of the preistly class, upported by the pandits of Banaras, were interested in keeping the established order of things unchanged, as it brought them pecuinary gains and rewards in the form of charity and religious fees. The Arta Samaj teaches the β†’

Historical words

This laid the foundation for a dynasty that was not accountable to anyone and this resulted in a rule that caused hardships for the masses until they rebelled and started the French Revolution which led to the killing and abolition of the French monarchy at the end of the 18th Century. This made the revolution β†’

18b. the marshall plan assignment

The Marshall Plan Using these four sources and your own knowledge, asses the view that the US policy of Marshall in 1947 was motivated mainly by the altruistic desire to help the economic recovery of Europe. One view point of the Marshall plan was that is was set up for USA to benefit from, many β†’

20s – al capone & organized crimes assignment

The goal of the prohibition was to have the men stay away from lcohol and go to work, and prevent the Americans from spending money on alcohol instead of daily supplies. However, the prohibition of alcohol seemed to have the opposite effects on American life.

Choose a topic

In essence, civil rights movements in the mid 19th century agitated for equal opportunities and privileges to all as provided in the constitution, but assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.contributed to 1968 being a unique year in world history. Consequently, this essay intends to explain how assassination of Martin Luther king Jr.was a major blow β†’

Armenian genocide

Armenian Genocide Lecturer: A huge population of Armenia children succumbed to harsh hardships in the Armenian genocide because the Ottoman Empire ordered slaughter of all Armenian above the age of five years. Children as victims of genocide: the Armenian case.


The Memorial for the Murdered Jews in Europe was a great memorial right in the center of the German's Berlin sited in a space the size of a football field. For 12years, she suffered and was found in a coma and liberated at the age of 13.

The greatness of napoleon caesar history essay

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and deemed by many scholars as the greatest President of the United States. The theories used to compare the leadership of Lincoln and Hitler here are: Trait Theory.

Role of religion in paleolithic era

The function of religion in the Paleolithic period revolved around establishing a moral code of existence in relation to a communal life. Religion defined the existence of mankind in the Paleolithic era as a lifestyle.

The vietnam war was a defining point in history assignment

During 1968 the Vietnam War was a defining moment in American history, in that due to the Tet Offensive, American morale concerning the war and President Johnson decreased, mistrust in the government increased, and the end of the Vietnam War seemed nearer. The Vietnam War in general changed the history of America, but the year, β†’

How effective were attempts to protect soldiers in the war

The soldiers taking cover in trenches as a protective strategy for the soldiers was not successful as it resulted in loss of lives of the soldiers. The vivid explanation of the conditions in which they were kept with lack of enough food and general supplies highlight the lack of effectiveness in the protection strategies of β†’

Antonio palomino on velazquez

The masterpiece in the work starts from the setting of the picture. However, Palomino argues that the importance of the image is the interpretation of it.

Yourself & your best qualities or leadership skills are

This is because a team provides a collection of unique and varied ideas and perspective that helps to achieve the goal in a better way. I believe that realizing the special abilities of my each team member and my good communication skills made me a good team leader in that situation.

History and political science

Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War The Viet Nam War is one of the biggest wars that the world ever experienced and had some serious consequences1. The author of " Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War," is a professor of history at the University of Indianapolis, and makes a combination of three different formats in β†’

Karl marx assignment

In this book, Marx developed very philosophical ideas related to the crises of the working class and the implicit struggles between laborers and owners of industries. The probable source of conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie are the desire of the proletariat to have ownership Of means Of production, such as factories, power, land β†’

Analysis of the “vinland sagas” essay sample

Above are a few of the terms used by the Constantinople patriarch Photius to describe Vikings and their actions; but similarly horrific descriptions of the Vikings are to be found in numerous sources, Cogadh Gaedhel re Gallaibh and the writings of Alcuin of Lindisfarne to name just two. In order to get a fairer and β†’

Critical appriciation of the two minuets hate in 1984

Winston's dystopian world is displayed in Orwell's unsympathetic parody of the two minutes silence in commemoration of WWII and epitomises the 'frenzy' of emotions, the terror and violentculturethat Winston has to tolerate. He has channelled his hate in to his work and through what may indeed be a representation of the author himself, Winston's Character.

Economics trumps ideology week 3 dissc 1

The peasants and middle class laborers represented the lower class of the US society, while the republican and democratic parties represented the upper strata of the US society. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow.

Western civilization

Western Civilization Civilization is described as the social process through which a society achieves an advanced stage of development and organization; moreover, it is used to illustrate the state of the society at a place. Renaissance illustrates a period of cultural movement and its spread to the rest of Europe whereas Italy is considered the β†’

Wall in and the lives of others

Its first erection was done during the hours of the night and it was seen to curb the fleeing of Germans from the East to the West. The fall of this Berlin wall, which was rather quick happened due to the weakening of the Communist bloc and the eventual disagreement of the citizens from the β†’

Describe and compare

Peasants were the majority and a time was forced to labor or work in military camps by the aristocracy. The major streets were occupied by industrialists and contractors and they become major towns as civilization swept the region.

Should fred hire mimi despite her online history?

From my perspective, Fred Western should talk to Mimi to explain her protest activities, and hire Mimi if the potential risk related the online history can be preventable. Palfrey's article, " Should Fred Hire Mimi Despite Her Online History", says that there is no reason to fear bringing Mimi in based on the results of β†’

Apartheid: the resistance assignment

This paper will discuss the beginning of apartheid rule in South Africa, the internal resistance that apartheid was met with, and the dismantling of apartheid. The strongest form of opposition came in the organization known as the African National Congress, which was formerly known as the South African Natives National Conference formed in 1912 to β†’

Why was the thirty years war fought?

The final phases of the war were initiated by Denmark, Sweden and France, all of whom were led to the fray in concern with the increasing Hapsburg power in their territories. The Peace of Westphalia, two treaties which ended the war, returned the German states which were seized by the Holy Roman Empire in the β†’

Isaac newtonassignment assignment

Part of Newton's study of optics was aided with the use of a reflecting telescope the at he designed and constructed in 1668-" his first major public scientific achieve NT. Encouraged Newton to publish his notes on light, optics and color in 1672; the SE notes were later published as part of Newton's Optics: Or, β†’

Ancient egypt assignment

Questions to support this statement include, ' Was Alexander the Great a descendant of Zeus-Mammon? ' ' How vast was Alexander the Greats Empire, did it match his divine status? ' How did religion play a role in Alexander the Greats life? ' ' Was Alexander the Greats Mother Olympian responsible for Alexander belief he β†’