Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Federal reserve bank changing money supply assignment

The last way the Federal Reserve can change the money supply is by regulating the amount of liquid reserves they keep on hand. The higher the reserve requirement, the less money available to for the bank to make new loans.

Voltaire candide assignment

I loved the way the story ended, with each and every one of them, learning to live with what they have and that what little they have is enough, especially after what they had all been through. I was so thankful at the end that she was a fairy and that she lived in a β†’

Hayek and alfred marshal

Hayek believes that contrary to this principle the study of society ought to take to use as its raw material the subjective ideas and beliefs expressed by members of the society. How can Marshall's ideas be viewed in the context of macroeconomics?

The silent war:a war for freedom in the usa

It was on the brink of World War I that this other, less violent but just as important, war began to rock our nation and forever change the course of the United States. Before this war began women in the United States were denied many of their constitutional rights including the right to vote, and β†’

European exploration and overseas expansion

European exploration and overseas expansion The period from 1400 to 1800 was significant to the Europeans in terms of exploration and expansion. This paper will try to identify and discuss the factors responsible for the European exploration and overseas expansion between 1400 and 1800.

Night elie wiesel

Night: An Analysis " Night" a masterpiece by a Jewish Eliezer, who himself was a teen at the time of brutal incident of holocaust and lived in his hometown of Sighet, in Hungarian Transylvania. In beginning He was a very religious boy who was losing trust on God day by day as he said on β†’


On the other hand, it has also been proved, the European people with their white skin emerged from African populations under the influence of the different environmental conditions and a number of different population groups with specific genetic characteristics existed in between these two groups. In this manner genetic data generated from Africa has given β†’

Position paper of a debate

In the United States of America, an estimate of seventeen percent of children and adolescent are obese. There is need to let go weariness, frustration, confusion and despair and grab a hold of the simple methods of dealing with obesity in the family.

French and indian war assignment

French and Indian War BY scarcer The French and Indian War was one of the bloodiest wars of the 18th century. The audience of this document is other colonists and the purpose was to publicize discontent of the Stamp Act.

Reading response of the two readings

February 5, For the Love of Luxury Goods: Money and War in Colonial Trade In " Brewing Up a Storm," Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik assert that the British became fonder of tea in the eighteenth century because of the availability of cheep sweetener, sugar, and changes in social and economic structures and practices. 3 β†’

Richard nixon assignment

Nixon was elected In California to the House of Representatives In 1946 and to the Senate In 1950. He and his wife, Pat Nixon, moved to Washington to work for the federal government in 1942.

Passion for excellence

To me, I have a strong belief in the knowledge I have gained. To me, I have a strong belief in the knowledge I have gained.

Internal and external analysis rosetta stone assignment

The rest of the employees work at the core of the company, quite a substantial amount of employees work on the research and development of their product and then there are the marketing and sales department and general administration. One of the key activities of the company is the research and development within the company.

Ghost stories by hampton sides

There is a lot of firing but due to their skills of the 121, the Japanese prison guards are all fallen and they break the prisoners loose. The soldiers are forced to run in order to save their lives and that of the rescued prisoners.

Short life history of ratan tata essay sample

He stepped down as the chairman on 28 December 2012 and now holds the position of Chairman Emeritus of the group which is an honorary and advisory position and is continuing as the chairman of the groups charitable trusts[2] Now lets have a look at the Early life of mr rattan tata Ratan Naval Tata β†’

The european union

The nation of England refused to join EU because of its close and friendly ties with America but presently, the nation is going through the rough times as it is alone in the international community of nations. The holistic purpose of the body is to help the region in becoming self sufficient and free from β†’

“i have a dream” conveying all the successful components of a historical speech

King's speech uses all of these types of language to tell his fellow Negro's how they have been promised things and not received them, and the life they live should be better because of this. The usage of this language effectively gets King's point a crossed and when he is done not only has he β†’

The middle passage assignment

The plights of the slaves across the middle passage were increased by the physical abuse, emotional abuse, and horrific living conditions they faced on their journey. Slaves were forced to survive in the bowels of the ship with contaminated water and foreign, non-beneficial food.

The prince – niccolo machiavelli assignment

" The Prince" Niccolo Machiavelli So? you want to know what it is to be a Prince? According to Machiavelli, a prince does not have to have all the qualities that he talks about, but it is in his best interest to appear to have them.

Charting trip across the us

Travelling from Roselle Park to the western region of the nation region of the nation requires courage and strength to encounter the challenges between the two centers. Therefore, we had to camp on the western side of the forest, to facilitates the continuation of the journey the following morning.

Andrew jackson and john quincy adams assignment

Jackson was a symbol of an age because he represented the common man, was a beloved hero and was a leader who shared similar prospective as the American people. The great victory made Jackson a national hero, which was one of the main reasons why he made a perfect fit for the presidency, which was β†’

Alexander hamiltons vision for the us was superior to that of thomas jeffersons

The paper " Alexander Hamilton's Vision for the US was Superior to that of Thomas Jefferson's" is a wonderful example of a history essay. Notwithstanding the diatribes of Jefferson against Hamilton's economic policies; the fact remains that the latter's initiatives saved the US, which was on the brink of economic disaster, and ensured a strong, β†’

Declaration of the rights of man and citizen

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which was adopted on the 26th of August 1789, is one of the basic documents drafted during the French Revolution and was the preamble to the 1791 constitution of France. It also led to the constitution of the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female β†’

Ib internal assessment how napoleon encouraged social stability in france assignment

Between 1799 and 1812, Napoleon encouraged social stability to a large extent in France by overhauling the legal system with policies such as the Napoleonic Code, instituting economic management and organizing and reestablishing the educational system. Summary of Evidence Between 1799 and 1812, Napoleon encouraged social stability to a large extent in France by overhauling β†’

Reading report of “the tale of genji” or “genji monogatari”

READING REPORT OF THE TALE OF GENJI AND GENJI MONOGATARI Reading Report of The Tale of Genji and Genji Monogatari The catchy work by Shikibu is one that encompasses numerous themes that deepen the readers' audience understanding of the Japanese culture and society in the times. The issue of rape and its relation in to β†’

Overview of the campaign at the battle of king’s mountain 1780

The Battle of King's Mountain, fought on 7 October, 1780, was a decisive American victory in the Revolutionary War or the American War of Independence. The Battle of King's Mountain was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

The history of vietnam history essay

Ho Chi Minh, however, had won the hearts of many Vietnamese in his participation in the emancipation of Vietnam from French rule in the First Indochina War and was seen as first and foremost a nationalist and secondly a communist. Usually during Tet, a day of celebration and festivities among the Vietnamese people that occurred β†’

Analyze the history essay

By using the reviews written by the reviewer, we can see whether the reviewer gave a reasonable indication of the book's contents, comments and interests in reading the book. The reviewer shares with the reader the author's personal story in the first part of the book on losing her husband and by grieving helped her β†’

Future trends in crisis intervention

This paper discusses an overview paraprofessionals, the impact the paraprofessionals have on the field, the challenges that organizations are faced, and how to manage with the implemented changes. This paper discusses the impact of this trend on the human services field and how the trend will impact the practice of crisis intervention in the future.

World history: the worst dictator of them all

He rose to power from his position as a secretary of the party to Leader of USSR by using Lenin's cult of personality and pretending to be number one disciple. In this way he would always be on the winning side and his opponents never considered him a big threat, in this way he tricked β†’

Japanese history – the meiji restoration

The Meiji Restoration The Meiji Restoration, in the history of Japan, is a period that can be well defined as apolitical revolution that saw the downfall of Tokugawa shogunate, therefore restoring the steering of the country to its former imperial rule, led by Emperor Meiji. This followed, even in the education system, a way of β†’

The epic of gilgamisg

Reflection on the Gilgamesh Story The most interesting feature of the Gilgamesh story was for me the contrast between the two main characters of thepiece, Gilgamesh and Enkidu and the way that they take very different paths in life. Gilgamesh is born to be a king, and yet he seems the weaker of the two β†’

As portrayed by virgil, what was the basis of roman success as an imperial power

In the period that the government reigned Rome expanded from a small community into the Mediterranean power. They worked in the plantations thus resulting to the agricultural improvements that resulted in the state.

Edo period

One of the reasons for this peace and prosperity was the cultural unity that prevailed during the period, and the most representative example of this was the Shinto Revival, which occurred in the 18th century. It was during the revival period in the 18th century that Japanese practitioners began to try to put a more β†’

The economic situation in the 1920’s

In my opinion, these policies were beneficial to the minority and oppressing to the majority of the country. These events, however, were necessary for growth and understandings of the complexities involved in economics.

3. identify some examples of west afrian heritage or survivalisms among african americans

Some examples of the West African heritage among the African Americans The aim of the African-American Movement was to preserve the African-American experience heritage as well as to ensure that this heritage is interpreted in the American history properly. Another example of West African heritage among African Americans is the Black Arts Movement as a β†’

World war ii 20th century

The categorization of what makes it momentous for the century is how it has affected the lives of people from the moment it happened and transcended from a fleeting instant to one that would ultimately change the course of history and human life as we know it. In these fields which have seen tremendous development β†’

Reconciliation and revenge in post apartheid in south africa assignment

For instance, the South Africans employed the use of Truth and Reconciliation commission, religious leaders and the legal framework to restore peace and unity among all the human races involved. The laws were flaunted and designed to suit the interest of the administrators while the ordinary citizens suffered.

Crusible vs mccarthyism assignment

She says " let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and will come to you in the black of the night and I will bring a sharp pointy reckoning that will shudder you". Certainly, pressure for conformity, a symptom of irruption, is evident in both β†’

Research assignment 3

Research Assignment 3 The essay aims to address a two-fold objective to wit to identify two women-only colleges and universities in the US; and to determine if women-only colleges and universities advance the interests of women than co-educational colleges and universities. Women-only colleges like Barnard College and Mount Holyoke College design a curriculum that would β†’

Botany of desire an evolutionary success history essay

Michael Pollan looks thoroughly at the relationship of humans with the apple, the tulip, marijuana, and the potato, and demonstrates how each plant has evolved to satisfy human desires. With a love and hate relationship, the apple plays a major role in the history of humans around the world.

Themes belonging to 1960s women rights movement: abortion, employment possibility and equality of pay

People referred this time as battle of the sexes to show there was a battle between men and women; to show that women were battling for equal rights. A question that came to mind throughout writing this paper was how would life be like in today's society, if the law remained unpasted and women were β†’

Adolf hitler and josef stalin assignment

Stalin Doll Hitler and Josef Stalin are two of the most infamous men of World War II. Stalin was from Georgia and his real name is Josef Asheville not of Russian decent and Hitler was born in Austria and was not a citizen of Germany at birth.

Historical issues

I also agree with you that the discovery of oil in the region escalated the interest of most of the Europeans countries to fight for the territory. I agree with you that the center of attention between 1914 and 1918 in the middle East was Great Britain3.

Key constitutional concepts

The first video enlightens why the leader of the nation created the Constitution. In the second video, the documentary talks about the protecting individual rights by emphasizing the Supreme Court case of Gideon v.


International relation is a study necessary to enable proper implementation of international trade policies, and define the requirements and limitations to cross border trade. Finally, international relations play a greater role in promoting culture, than the usual facilitations of goods and services exchange between countries.

The buffalo soldiers: triumph of the human spirit

The dark skin and bristly hair of the black troops reminded the Indians of the free-roaming bison and gave the soldiers their name. The Buffalo soldiers were up against fierce fighting in the West in a harsh and hostile environment.

From a name to a number – a holocaust survivor’s autobiography by alter wiener

From a Name to a Number - A holocaust Survivor's Autobiography by Alter Wiener This book is a genuine and appalling narration of Alter Wiener who was the lucky one to have survived the Holocaust. It is a firsthand account of the brutal events of the history which we sometimes do not even want β†’

Art history narrative essay

Every piece of art has a story to tell, a message to deliver, a meaning to reveal, a purpose behind it. The personal thoughts are not descriptions of what Maria is feeling but rather are testimonials of what she was thinking: people have to interact to pursue life, a balance of personal concern and social β†’

Make a title

The other phase of the American reconstruction is the formation of the Southern United States as per the directives of the congress and the reconstruction of the state and society. Thesis statement The exclusive comprehension of the American reconstruction plans, the purpose of reconstruction and the contribution of Lincoln, Johnson and the Congress.

History of management

Some believe that these features are the shared by managers all over the world, while others maintain that there are significant differences in management of different countries that have given rise to such a notion and a process as the intercultural management. However, in spite of the fact that there are some common features of β†’

World history unit

Which of the forces at work in Europe played the greatest role in helping to prompt the outbreak of war? A force at work in Europe that played a large role in helping to prompt the outbreak of the war would be the formation of alliances between the several superpowers at the time.

What can you learn about roosevelt from this source?

Source C differs from source B completely, as source C shows the taxpayer's money is being completely wasted and that all of the money that is getting put into the New Deal is not giving a just return. The sources differ, and another way of explaining this is the way in which source B states β†’

Leadership comparison of sonia gandhi assignment

According to Gary Yuk leadership as " the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives". And transformational leadership as that process through which leaders engage with followers and develop a β†’

Compare the book the californios by l’amour louis to the actual history of the california

Taken from an aspect of the American history which particularly had to do with the discovery of gold in California and its resultant effects, The Californios chooses to reflect on the craze for wealth through the eyes of a particular family, the Mulkerin. One of the other similarities between L'Amour's The Californios and the real β†’

Reaction paper

The argument that Africa provided cheap labor was not true because the cost of hiring slaves from the agencies was extremely high because they had to compensate for those who died during the shipping process. Bibliography Brion, David " Sugar and Slavery from the Old to the New World".Ed.


The newspaper also showed how the other world learned of the disaster, borne by a scout who attained on the action with Gibbon after the war and measured the carnage on the war field. On the other hand, they repudiated the right to testify and attend in the panel of adjudicators in the state militia β†’

Texas state legislature

Bills and laws, Constitution of Texas and the US at large This is an important component of the state. The 76th Texas State Legislature: identification and analysis of biases in the legislative process.

Columbus – first voyage

COLUMBUS: FIRST VOYAGE Christopher Columbus First Voyage led to contacts with the Europeans and Americans through his accidental landing in the " New World. The purpose of the First Voyage of Columbus was finding a shorter route to Asia but instead of finding Asia, he landed in the " New World".

Informative essay on compromise of 1850

By the 1850's the Constitution had become a source of sectional discord and tension due to the different interpretations taken by the North and South. In addition, the acquisition of new land brought into question the expansion of slavery and the balance of power between the free states and slave states.

Pearl harborassignment assignment

How has the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing affect the lives of the survivors? The retaliation of the Japanese had the world concerned by the oppression of military actions and to reveal power during the modern era.

Europe and america region: monroe doctrine, eu 2009 common approach, transatlantic relations in george bush jr. period, and relation between eu and latin america

According to him, Europe must respect the Western Hemisphere with important points such as the United States will not interfere with matters of internal conflict in the European countries, the United States will not interfere with European affairs with colonies and dependencies that existed at that time in the region the west, the western hemisphere β†’

French and indian war effects assignment

The war touched the entirety of America's diverse population; from the Native Americans to the soldiers. As a rule, the Native Americans are perhaps the most overlooked sector of the population of the colonies.

Postmodernism affect on society, culture and design

While this debate continues, the effects of postmodernism are felt across the societal, cultural, and design contexts among others. For the society, the primary effect becomes the exposure to variant aspects of modernization and what follows thereafter, essentially defined by postmodernism variables within and across the societal context.

The electoral college

In this system, electors from each of the 50 states elect the President and Vice-President of the country, and there are 538 of these electors. Interestingly, the ballot on Election Day contains the names of the Presidential candidates, rather than the names of the various electors of the state.

The last emperor of byzantium, justinian, and his influence on the development of the european civilisation

Justinian's goal was to restore the Roman Empire to its previous glory by reconquering the western half of the empire, promoting the arts, and establishing his new code of laws, the Corpus Juris Civilis. Although Justinian's goal to reclaim the West was futile, he was able to improve the Byzantine Empire with the codification of β†’

Secretary of state alexander hamilton

Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was appointed the Secretary of the Treasury in 1789and he initiated the creation of the first American bank to manage issues surrounding credit money. Hamilton wanted to increase the available credit to the public and private enterprises as a way of ensuring circulation.

The decay starts at the top: king louis xiv and nobility’s decline

Psychologically, Louis XIV was an effective absolute monarch because he was able to manipulate and control the nobles. While King Louis XIV was able to manipulate the nobles with his invitations and actions, he weakened the nobility as a whole.

What do you understand by landlord landscapes in ireland

Of the 337 estates in the island of Ireland valued at 5, 000 and over in 1876, seven were located in County Kildare. The duke of Leinster's estate was the only Kildare property in Jones Hughes's list of the 33 in Ireland valued at 20, 000 and over3.

The urgent need to act against climate change

Dowdeswell is correct that world leaders could not craft anti-climate change measures because they guard national interests and they recognize the value of the fossil fuel industry to the economies of their countries. I also see that it is natural for leaders to allow the fossil fuel industry to pollute their countries and worsen climate β†’

Benedict arnold: hero or traitor assignment

Despite the criticism that Arnold has received, he was, in his own eyes and to a few others, justified in his traitorous actions. To Arnold's shock and disappointment he was not one of them.

Sir francis drake

Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake The great Sir Francis Drake was given birth in the region of Devon during the period of 1540 andat a very early age he became a member of the sea1. Sir Drake's successful life came to an end during the period of 1596 as a result of dysentery.

The second great awakening gravely impacted the social structure of the american nation

The reform movements of the 19th century sought to expand the democratic ideal of equal opportunity because the Second Great Awakening empowered many individuals to take control of their own lives. Furthermore, temperance was not initially sought to expand democratic ideals but was an effect of the women's movement.

Us constitution

The Framers of the constitution had taken the decision to divide in an attempt to ensure that the Federal Government has limited power so that the liberties of U.S.citizens were not vulnerable. Therefore, it ensures that the American Constitution has the ability to self govern its responsibilities and maintain the balance of power.

The arab spring

Theleadershipvacuum has put the army initially and then the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Ennahda Party in Tunisia, a conglomerate of anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya, and elements of the old guards in Yemen in power. In a nutshell, in order for the Arab Spring to stay alive, the post-uprisings Arab governments must achieve a minimum β†’


This topic depicts the grit of the original residents, the Indians in America, to fight against the cruel, heavily armed colonists. The Franciscans wished to retain their presence, when the economic agenda of the Spanish authorities failed to deliver the results.

Smith: herskovits at the heart of blackness

Herskovits can be said to be a social and academic paradox because his interests conflicted with his own identity and the interests of the academic community at the time. These ideas conflicted at a time when identity was key and the definition of the self was perhaps the most important newly afforded right to the β†’

Mesopotamia and egypt comparativeassignment assignment

For example, both Mesopotamia and Egypt were ruled by kings, but in Egypt, their kings were called pharaohs and they had significantly more power than the Mesopotamian kings of the city-states. Both civilizations traded with each other and they both used slaves to work in the fields, but from here, their similarities cease and their β†’

Analysis of a work of art

Analysis of a Work of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to some of the greatest collections of artworks done all around the world since the ancient times. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.N.p, 2014.Web.

Animals in american history

Further, slideshow 4: 3 demonstrates a free dog in the middle of a crowd. In the gilded age is characterized by championing the rights of children and animals in the society.

Film industry: post 1940

By the looks of it, cinema is headed in an open direction, one that can be questioned by some, yet accepted by many, as the new generation of filmmakers tests the boundaries and limits of Hollywood and potential audiences. Though, given the different tastes of the audience, who is to decide which direction media should β†’

Answer the question about a book

According to Lincoln, the struggle to preserve the union between the southern defiance and the northern triumphalism had to become a war as it was the only way for securing the freedom of former slaves. The key objective of Emancipation Cause was to restore Union control and peace during the Civil War.

Power, ideology, and terror in the atomic age worksheet

In conclusion, this paper gives a clear description of the cold war between Soviet and United States and in search for power. Lastly, it gives a description of the Berlin wall and its implications on the war.

American president woodrow wilson and the importance of his 14 points

In 1917, the world was not ready for a global body of like the U. The 14 points were also used as propaganda to help bolster Wilson's war and to give the Germans a message.

Middle ages and greek mythology women assignment

According to Greek mythology women had a lot of freedom. This is a huge deal considering the rest of the world is run by men and saw women as the weaker sex.

The great depression

The Great Depression There were a number of events that led to a 10 year depression in America, but the most significant one was the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The rapid sale of stocks led to a minimal crash on March 1929, the market was falling into crisis but the National City bank came β†’

Salem witch trials informativeassignment assignment

People were killed because the villagers' believed in witch craft and witches. They wanted to put this to a stop but it would not work because there was more and more people being accused of being a witch.

Analysis on thucydides: pericles’ funeral oration (greece)

Pericles uses his opportunity to talk about the successes of their nation brought about by the good will and democracy among the citizens and the government. He says that no condition can obscure a man to become a leader in Athens; all he has to have I the gift of leadership and the will to β†’

The autobiography of benjamin franklin assignment

The evidence of all these and more can be read in the " Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Even after he was cost to death, the memory of Benjamin Franklin still lingers on and can still be read and reviewed in the words that he left.

Woodrow wilson’s fourteen points

Overview of Woodrow's fourteen points Woodrow's fourteen points was a proclamation towards the end of the First World War. The biggest success of the points was however, the formation of the League of Nations that would implement the other points.

World war ii on the decolonization effect history essay

The term refers particularly to the dismantlement, in the years after World War II, of the Neo-Imperial empires established prior to World War I throughout Africa and Asia. The authors of Forgotten Armies; a fall of British India, 1941-1945 demonstrated in their book that how the temperament of the population was wearing thin and the β†’

Historic richmondtown in staten island ny

The site represents a joint venture between both the city of New York and a the Staten Island Historical Society and it is through this joint venture that Richmond Town is able to maintain the townships historic character. Without question the physical maintaining of the historic properties is a daunting task insofar as according to β†’

The autobiography of benjamin franklin-response paper assignment

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: The Path to the Auto-improvement 2 The main reason that Franklin had to write his autobiography was to show how to live the life In a better way, at least in Franklin ' s experience. In the most part of his life, due his knowledge, Franklin was very helpful in β†’

Transformation of environmental policy in eastern europe essay

Introduction: Soviet Controlled Czechoslovakia and Polandv Detail and outline the Environmental Policies of the U.S.S.R.and the influence felt from the Kremlin on its' satellite states.v Comparative data describing the Environmental Policies used and implemented in Czechoslovakia and Poland prior to the fall of the U.S.S.R.v Environmental Policies of the USA, UK and China compiled for β†’

Horace mann assignment

Mann wanted the common schools to be available to everyone. Mann thought also that schools should have nothing to do in their religion and politics.