Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Vietnam – watergate

Various events during the Vietnam War and the Watergate crisis led to the creation and spread of cynicism about the American politics and the government that still exists today. Watergate Crisis One of the events of the Watergate War that led to the cynicism were the audio recordings of the US President Richard Nixon's communications β†’

Reading response papers

While Marinetti's manifesto is obviously motivated by the desire for change, it has the tone of a call-to-arms! He rejects the past and disregards the future, living only in a hedonistic present.

History, but goes deeper to touch on matters

This is implied by the presence of a church, and demonstrated by one of the victims in the middle ground. I have hereby just given you a glimpse of what art we study in school and the thoughts that cross my mind as I engage the books.

Similarities between mccarthy hearings, the mcmartin trials, and the salem witch trials

The Crucible contains several themes and happenings that can be seen in the McCarthy hearings, the McMartin trials, and the Salem witch trials. In the trials, the children of the preschool were interviewed continuously until they gave the answers that the investigators and accusers wanted.

Voices: african american and martin luther assignment

Everyone is born with a voice, but the power to convey the purpose and meaning is a characteristic of a distinctive voice. His words proved to be a touchstone for understanding the social and political confusion of the time and gave the nation a vocabulary to express what was happening.' I have a dream that β†’

Salem witch trials and puritan community assignment

The story began with the dancing of the girls In the forest. In the story because of the dancing of the girls the priests of the town, Hale and Paris believed that the girls called the devil upon their town.

Nuclear armageddon

Besides the surrendering of Japan, the use of the nuclear weapons opened another chapter marked by increased fear of such atomic weapons across the globe. The competition between the west ideologies and communism was one of the major events that sparked fears of atomic weapons between the Soviet Union and the US.

Middle eastern humanities

Teacher If I were an advisor to the Secretary of John Kerry, I would give the following recommendations that would shape and improve the future of US policies in the Middle East. US must not tolerate Israel's cruelty and it could send its message that it does not tolerate it by warning Israel of the β†’

Demonsrate the principle of war that most influenced the battle of paardeberg

The Principle of War That Most Influenced the Battle Of Paardebergrdeberg The battle of Paardeberg was fought betweenthe British and the Boers during the South African Second Boer War of 1900. In this case, the sole objective of the British army was to defeat the Boers and destroy their will or ability to continue fighting.

Titanic history

The use of wireless on board a ship was still a novelty at the time of the Titanic's maiden voyage. However, below the waterline, and out of sight of the crew on the bridge, the iceberg punched a series of gashes and holes along 76 meters of the hull.

Nuclear proliferation

Later in 1968, a treaty on Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed to see to it that there were no cases of nuclear technology spreading especially to new states. In this case, America was aware that the weapons under the custody of Japan were going to fuel the World War II further.

Analyzing the poem the white mans burden by rudyard kipling

The poem considered imperialism as a thankless but noble enterprise as the US is encouraged to govern a wild country that is half devil and half child until it is finally ready to be a member of the global community. The audience of the poem, hence, was still characterized by prejudicial outlook, seeing imperialism as β†’

History unit 2

" Do you agree with the view suggested in source 5 that the main factor preventing the press from publishing ' bad news' during the Boer war wascensorshipby the military authorities? " Bad news during the Boer war was events such as the mass death which occurred in the concentration camps. In conclusion, I agree β†’

History of u.s. up to jfk

History of U.S.up to JFK The aftermath of World War II was critical to the history, growth, and development of the United States. Consequently, the growth and development of suburbs became vibrant across the U.S.

How were the american colonies (united states) able to defeat great britain in the war for independence. how did the leadership of george washington contribute to this victory

After the warfare erupted with the Battles of Concord and Lexington in April 1775, he was appointed as commanding officer of the Continental Army. Washington was also devoted to republicanism, which puts the citizens of American first.

A comparison of frederick douglass, benjamin franklin assignment

When looking at Franklins life, it could be said that he is a Renaissance man because he did so many things; he was a printer, a writer, an inventor, a scientist, and a statesman, and the only thing he had a formal education of was of printing. He talks about success and how to achieve β†’

After civil rights movementss, the us social movement of the 1960s and 70s

Makers: Women Who Make America is a documentary about the progression of the Feminist Movement in America which started in the 1960s as a reaction tothe lack of opportunities for women. The focus gears toward the point that it was through a series of historical incidents and the aggressiveness for change that women's rights had β†’

Gettysburg address assignment

Those are just a few of the many things that the Gettysburg Address means to me. So, when I think about the Gettysburg Address, I will think of President Lincoln, and the many thousands of men that gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep intact what President Lincoln said on that cold day, back in 1863 β†’

Thirty years’ war and louis xiv assignment

The end of the Hundred Years' War encouraged the growth of centralized government in France for all of the following reasons EXCEPT the nobility had been weakened by the war the monarchy had led the fight against the English the revival of commerce increased the taxable revenues of the bourgeoisie nobles were recruited to serve β†’

Impact of plants, disease from the old world to the new

Impact of Plants, Disease from the Old World to the New When one thinks about the total impact of the transfer of animals plants and disease from the Old World to the New and vice versa, it could easily lead to a thesis link exploration of the spread of pathogens, the impact of agricultural β†’

Baroque assignment

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word baroque Is derived from the Portuguese word " barroom", Spanish " barroom", or French " baroque", all of which refer too " rough or Imperfect pearl", though whether It entered those languages Oval Latin, Arabic, or some other source Is uncertain. Dictionary, the word baroque is derived β†’

Apush notes: great depression

The Depression was characterized by high unemployment, foreclosures on homes, farms and businesses, closing of banks, and the drying up of credit, low purchasing power, and hunger. New Deal had policies of relief for the poor, recovery from Depression, and reform of the economic system.

Debates: abraham lincoln and slavery extension issue assignment

Lincoln then challenged Douglas to a series of debates, and the two eventually agreed to have seven debates in the state of Illinois. In the fourth debate, in Charleston, Illinois, Lincoln accused that Douglas was plotting to create a constitution for Kansas allowing it to be voted upon by the people of Kansas.

U.s. congress: relation between the congress and the president in the 20th century

The paper will be highlighting the relationship between the US congress and the President in the 19th and 20th century along with the dual nature of the congress as an influencing factor in understanding of the relation. Relation between the congress and the president in the 19th century The era of the 19th century can β†’

The significance of the tet offensive for the vietnam war. assignment

Politically, the Et Offensive made the Vietnam War more significant in US hat it became one of the key issues in IIS politics during the presidential election year. The IIS politics were basically divided into two sides, the one for withdrawing troops out of Vietnam and the other for giving more support to the Vietnam β†’

Pop culture women’s voices discussion

Pop Culture: The Voices of Women in History I like to listen to 90s pop music because it is reflective of the amazing technology that was moving thenation and the world into the future. There was barely a song out about women " talking to" men that wasnt about real life, as if musical artists β†’

India in the cold war assignment

It is not surprising that a number of Aslant countries would be a part of this movement because of the history of a number of Aslant countries being colonies of esters powers. Since a number of the countries In Salsa who are a part of the Non- alignment Movement are developing countries, the focus of β†’

The wichita contamination

The " Wichita Contamination" The Wichita located in the of Kansas in the United s of America was faced with the problem of contamination in the year 1990. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment recommended two major options in the cleanup of the Wichita City and the first proposal was that all the businesses β†’

The united states should intervene in the syrian civil war to overthrow the assad regime

This is the reason why the United States is duty bound to intervene in this conflict on the side of the rebels and overthrow this regime to end it. The Assad regime has proven itself to be against the strategic interests of the United States and its allies, and this is an opportunity for the β†’


Are we in danger of ignoring a slowdown in the BRIC nations when one or all of the BRIC countries come to a halt? 70 in 2012 and 2013 respectively, it is admittedly clear that the severity of the economic slowdown in the BRICs to the global economy is greater than the previous projections.

Cold war ideology and policies

After the war, two nations emerged as the supreme world powers: United States and the Soviet Union. The policies of United States started sparking war in the world.

Ho chi minh- north vietnam leader assignment

Ho Chi Minh, however, was the essential man whose drive and determination focused the efforts of others and whose leadership excited the admiration and support of Vietnamese on both sides of the 17th parallel. In 1911, Ho completed courses in a school for bakers in Saigon, and in 1912 took the name of Ba and β†’

Critical summary

Lecturer Buddhism in China during the Division Age 220 - 589 Centuries between the end of the Han dynasty and the reunification by Sui dynasty in China, was illustrated through political divisions. The weak governance and social inequalities, made people to find hope in religion like Buddhism that enhances religious or intellectual imaginations.

Nationalism in the 19th century

Between the years of 1850 and 1914, the establishment of nation-states gained the support of all social classes. The unification of the states of Germany strengthened the pride of nationalism.

Describe president andrew johnsons approach to the task of reconstruction. explain how congress reacted to johnsons measures during radical reconstruction. what led to the end of the reconstruction era how did reconstruction affect the lives of afr

President Andrew Johnson's approach to the task of Reconstruction President Andrew Johnson began implementing the reconstruction in May 1865, when the congress was out of session, and he did so in two proclamations. How Reconstruction affected the lives of African Americans According to the first reconstruction act, blacks attained the right to vote and to β†’

Founding fathers thomas jefferson and benjamin franklin assignment

Both men contributed greatly to the founding of the nation and are considered to be two of the forefathers of the new country. In 1757 he was sent to England to protest against the influence of the Penn family in the government of Pennsylvania, and for five years he remained there, striving to enlighten the β†’

Discovering the american past in world war 1

The presence of the Germans during the war highly gained recognition and feared by the Americans. Emotions of World War 1 propaganda and the Intended Elicit During the war, different emotions developed within the participating parties of the war.

17th century europe: crisis and resolution

However, in the later years to come, the prices of grain and other necessities for the population rose to increase famine in major parts of Europe. The political and economic achievements gained in one part of Europe were not the same as in the other parts.

The history of the non-commissioned officer

Overview The origin of the non commissioned officer developed early in the country's history, actually before the country was a country. In the late 1700s the mean worried about their rights of liberty and property at the hands of the English monarchy." These advocates of ' the citizen-soldier' called on free, adult men of property β†’

One of the most successful economy of the world: china, japan, mongolia, south korea, singapore

The economy of East Asia is one of the most successful regional economies of the world. China remained the sole Asian nation to have an economy above the $10-trillion mark The economy of Japan turns out to be the third largest in the world by GDP, the fourth largest by PPP, and is the world's β†’

Dynasties in chinesehistory and political science

The greatest contribution of Zhou Dynasty is the feudal system. Qin Dynasty Qin was regarded as a barbarian dynasty and played a supporting in the power struggle of Chunqiu.

Medieval / modern islamic civilization comparison

This paper will be a discussion of the reason why the spirit of innovation and creativity that was evident in the medieval Islamic civilization had gone stale by the time the modern era emerged. As a result of this, the spirit of innovation and creativity that was evident in the medieval Islamic Civilization faced a β†’

War to end all wars

The Dual Alliance, a secret treaty in 1879 between and Austria and Hungary, confirmed German support of Austrian ambitions and cemented the military alliance against a Russian attack in regards to the Balkans. The war required a significant proportion of the army and navy to defeat a disorganised body of Dutch farmers fighting for independence β†’

Discussion: federalist vs. republican debate

The understanding of the constitution needs to put into account the transformative function of the writings in the document. The establishment of the Bank of America designed after the Bank of England was opposed by the republicans.

Democracy in the final quarter of the 20th century in latin america

A large number of countries in Latin America turned to democracy in the final quarter of the 20th century due to a combination of internal political pressure, failures of military and authoritarian regimes as well as the reduction of external foreign pressures. The proximity of the United States to the Latin American region also meant β†’

Betty parris

She is the cause of the townspeople blaming witchcraft in the first place and she is also part of the reason that most of the characters are killed by the end of the fourth act. Through her fainting in the woods, to her participation in Abigail's convictions, Betty Parris is shown to be fearful, easily-manipulated, β†’

Book analysis

The outcome of this churning is the compromised solution of a MPD, whereby, the subject swings between the original composite personality and the forced-aspiring personality. The former is the personality as it is, whereas the latter is the personality desired.3.


The instance is courtesy of the ratio of the population that characterizes every state to the total population of the nation. One of the challenges is determining the exact population that the nation has the genesis of another census.


There is this innate and genuine commitment to address the ills that corporatocracy gives to a developed society. Available at http://www.alternet.org/economy/151018/10_steps_to_defeat_the_corporatocracy/.[Accessed 19 December 2011].

Martin luther the hero of the reformation 1483 to 1546

His major concern in the theses was the disposal of indulgences in the afterlife as depicted by the papal grants and the inclusion of purgatory releases. Luther, despite all the summoning and his open criticism of the church, he was not to recant these writings.

Barons, magna carta and king john assignment

Three sets of considerations would play a part in the decision between them? the law of inheritance, the wishes of the barons and great officers of the realm, and the desires of the late king.[1] Both John and Arthur had their own support from their closest barons. The Magna Carta first set of laws that β†’

Exhibition review interview

ENG 239 Paper Checklist, Style Sheet, and MLA Info Just like the " Un-forgiven", the film" High Noon" has a number of elements of the traditional western such as villains, the moral lawman and the climatic gun fights. In the film, the villain is Frank Miller and his gang who strive to revenge on Will β†’

Black americans suffers ater war

2 November The Sufferings of the Black Americans in the Post-War Era Civil War was adefining moment in the history of America, particularly for the Black Americans. Works Cited:" After the Civil War: African Americans in Food Service".N.d.Web.

Reading response

A major factor with propaganda is that it plays with the emotions of the people and their intellect to affect their mentality. Likewise, Hitler understood propaganda as the best medicine to have the masses embrace a particular ideology.

World war i poster analysis assignment

According to the posters 1-4, the Americans during WWI are encouraged to help out the war effort by canning their food, eating less of certain foods like meats, sugars and fats in order to save more for the soilders. According to the posters 5-14, they use a lot of emotional appeals to get men to β†’

The grapes of wrath

In the entire movie, maturity is clearly shown; this is the concept that life's process requires a rebirth of the mind. 6 Feb.2014.

Nick db 2 his

Greek civilization The Hellenistic and Hellenic periods relates to the period in which the ancient Greek witnessed a number of transformations ranging from political, social and economical. One of the schools is Pythagoreanism which offered a solution to overcoming basic problems in mathematics, Sophism relates to a form of philosophy that was devoted to the β†’

Compare the crucible to mccarthyism. assignment

McCarthy In The Crucible In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, the madness of the Salem witch trials is explored in great detail. In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, there Is evidence of parallels between the Salem of 1692 and America of the asses, the American Government of the sass's and its misuse of power, β†’

Robber barons and their role during reformation

These leaders aided in the growth of the economy and industry of the United States, allowing it to become the strongest industrial power in the world. The fact of the matter is that if it were not for these robber barons and their philanthropy, there would be no solid educational basis for America to grow β†’

Comparing a north american native civilization with a european’s

Comparing a North American Native civilization with a European civilization For purposes of comparing and contrasting European and Native American civilizations, this brief analysis will consider the Arakaris and the European Vikings. Likewise the Arakaris engaged in a semi-nomadic lifestyle that was anchored by their dependence on the crops of maize, squash and beans.

War on drugs

Therefore, the international community has made significant efforts towards identifying and prompting human rights through helping the minorities, oppressed people, disadvantaged and encouraging the government to initiate the protection of human rights across the globe. Various agencies of the international community should work together towards helping the minority, oppressed and the disadvantaged people in the β†’

A phenomenon of manifest destiny

Manifest Destiny was the 19th century belief that America was destined to stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The expansion of the United States was seen as inevitable and a logical progression of events.

History of globalization great depression assignment

The monetary lice of the United States may have in this way contributed to the strengthening of the Great Depression, but this hypothesis does not explain the reasons behind the behavior of the Federal Reserve and fails to explain the crisis on its own. Issues linked to the reconstruction of the gold standard during the β†’

How india and pakistan became two separate states

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 until she was assassinated in 1984. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq was the president of Pakistan from July 1977 to his death in August 1988.

From slavery to freedom, edition 9, chapter 21 pp 549 – 582

This made them to form a movement in the late 1960 and early 1970 which was known as ' the black power movement," this led to a great symphony of struggle for racial justice and equality in America. However the passionate advocacy of race, pride and black self determination of Malcolm contributed to the mind β†’

Isis threatens jews, israel with ‘big war’

In the video a man claiming to speak for the group, is heard speaking in Hebrew with Arabic accent and offers threats to Jews that they will come and kill them. The foundation of the group, at least according to the man heard in the video, is that the Jews have committed atrocities giants the β†’

Affirmative action assignment

The intention of this executive order was to establish the government's commitment to equal opportunity for all competent persons, and to take positive action to strengthen efforts to realize true equal opportunity for all. Affirmative action refers to a compilation of policies intended to promote access to education and employment for minorities and women.

Blog and nots

s The New Mestiza The book is one of the ics in feminist colonial theory. Anzaldua also explains various forms of communication, in addition to the writing art.

Manifest destiny assignment

J Turner is the author of the book, Rise f the New West, Colonization of the West, and in his writing he investigates the period of Western migration and the economical and powerful ideals it furnished. This statement makes the claim that the Western states were growing in power and clearly a powerful voice in β†’

Martin luther king quote response assignment

I understand why people are upset of the decision the judge in charge of the trail, but it was also wrong for people to riot and destroy the city property in their rage of injustice. It is destroying other people's home and property that are not involved in the acts of violence of the angry β†’

The whiteman’s burden

His main objective is the historical origin of racism in America in which the blacks are discriminated by the whites. As a result, the blacks were treated as slaves because of their low status in the society, and are perceived to have originated from an ape and a human being.

Economic and political motives for european expansion into africa

Europe had the labor and, therefore, generated efficient funds for the European traders, which was essential for the funding of the industrial revolution. Missionaries during the 19th century believed that the development of commerce and trade in Africa was the basic aspect of restitution of civilization in Africa and the overall development of Africa.

Globalization’s achilles’ heel

The examples of such changes and interdependence are the global financial crisis, which took place a few years ago, the cut of interest rates in the USA due to changes in global money flows, the present political and economic sanctions, imposed on Russia because of events in Ukraine, and many other. The combination and controversy β†’

Describe a picture

The human figures placed on the earth surface on the ground are positioned differently to reveal some standing in the foreground, others in the middle ground while others are positioned in the background. The spaces in the figure overlap systematically creating a sense of unity in the picture.

Peer review: uss kitty hawk

USS Kitty Hawk This paper was able to present a clear introduction and background on the incidents on the infamous USS Kitty Hawk and the resultant challenges involving racial issues which came about as a result of the incident. Sherman's evaluation of the topic as described by the paper is more comprehensive and significantly allows β†’

Current congress legislation

The bill aims to extend some of the provisions, which are expiring in Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that related to small businesses. The numbers of small businesses are estimated at more than 22 million.

What is the constitutional democracy

Constitutional Democracy Constitutional democracy is a system of government in which political ity - is defined, limited, and distributed by a body of fundamental law called " the Constitution" and the electorate - the general voting populace within the political society - has effective means of controlling the elected representatives in the government and holding β†’

Historiography: mesopotamia

History is the study of the past as it is written in documents. The relationship between Gilgamesh and the Old Testament is that some of the stories are similar in both.

Reflection paper

Effects of corruption Introduction It is the desire of every citizen of the world to have the state of economy improve, which will impact positively to their living standard. Effects of corruption Corruption has lead to the failure of democracy and good governance in the states that have been hit by this catastrophic.

The buffalo harvest

The story not only provides insights about how the buffalo became extinct and how the 'buffalo runners' went about hunting them, but it also provides interesting details about the life, such as the weapons used, the hide trade and even the attitude of the Government. Young men such as Mayer had the skills to shoot β†’

The thirty years of war and the civil war history essay

The gash of the Catholic religion, as a consequence of the restoration, put Europe in a position of spiritual confusion and chaos.[2]The steady increase in bigotry and spiritual sectionalism that concurred with the totaling of brand religions and yet new multiplicity is the main grounds of the Thirty Years War. This conflict gave rise to β†’

Gender roles in gender in world history book

Although Stearns answer to the historical question of when societies began to form distinct gender inequality is effective with respect to evidence and persuasiveness and evidence, Stearns still falls short in detailing how relations with neighboring nomads could have affected each civilization's gender role assignment. The persuasiveness of this chapter is compelling, but could be β†’

Tutankhamens tomb

The two theories that best explain the mystery are the theory of fungus and the theory that the curse never existed in the first place. It is shown that these dangerous funguses could have survived for 1000's of years in the tombs and infecting those coming in contact with it.

Analysis of plutocracy

First, that some of the individuals who are at the helm of authority are rich and it is the wealth they possess that defines why they are in the high offices. The second article that the study needs to examine is the Robert Reich article in which he discusses The Koch Brothers and the Danger β†’

Slavery and the constitution

Slavery and the constitution The acts of slavery plus servitude in America were evident in the 1700s when the was still the colony of Britain. One of his moves was the drafting of the law in Virginia in the 1700s.

Can oral history be trusted

It can also be said that " tricks that the memory can play, to efforts at rationalization & self-justification that all of us make, even if only subconsciously, or to the terrible telescoping of time which aninterviewoften encourages and which runs counter to the very essence of history" 2 This can also happen with age, β†’

Football fever grips balkans

The unresolved conflict during the Yugoslav wars that took place in the 1990s echoes its consequence even up to the present. In international football, two of the teams namely Croatia and the Bosnia have so much to say about this.

Causes of the civil war

The Election of Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America In the campaign run in 1860 for the President, Abraham Lincoln expressed his stance against the slavery as well as his determination to restrain slavery's expansion westward into the territories that had been newly acquired in 1850 from Mexico. Victory of Abraham Lincoln in the β†’

Escaping salem

Escaping Salem The book is a literary dis which covers the early American history of the witch hunt in 1692. The town's people are scared of the act and its practice in the township, and this is a view that the judges are quick to point out to.

Are the problems faced by the feminist and sexual emancipation movements similar to those faced by civil rights movement or are there major differences

Moreover, feminism is a struggle to regain the rights of women to own their bodies; a particular point of contention is their demand to have the right to have a safe abortion despite the objections and misgivings of some sectors of civil society, and in particular, the Catholic Church and other religious organizations which see β†’

History civil war – lincoln (2012)

The movie displays the efforts put forward by Abraham Lincoln during his last years in power to pass the 13th Amendment in the U.S. This is a true contrast according to the movie storyline.

The value of the internet as a research resource in overview of historical milestones and personalities of the united states

The paper " Internet as a Research Resource in Overview of the US Historical Events and Personalities" is an inspiring example of an annotated bibliography on the history. In applying the internet as a Historical Research and Writing resource culminates to the location of particular finding aids in the research projects.

Comparative analysis of woodrow wilson vs. ronald reagan assignment

Wilson had envisioned the League of Nations but the united States did not Join the League of Nations, which was an obvious failure, but it did none-the-less evolve into what we now know as the united Nations which is a very effective alliance that helps to deter and settle conflicts as well as maintain a β†’

The buckingham palace

Originally, the site where it stands now was a mulberry garden, and later on, a residential home of many royals and nobles, until the Duke of Buckingham demolished the entire site and rebuilt the " Buckingham House". It was designed and constructed with the aid of William Talman and William Winde.