Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

The gambino crime family history essay

As one of the " five-families" of the mob in New York City, the Gambino family had a reputation as one of the richest and most powerful large-scale criminal organizations of all time based in the United States. However, before we go into any more specifics about the Gambino crime family, we need to analyze β†’

Week 4 forum

The evolution of Jazz music and Blues gave more options to the American population in terms of their entertainment choices. The Oxford companion to politics of the world.

Mccarthyism assignment

He joined the United States Marine Corps, volunteering during World War II, to help further his political career He was commissioned as an officer and eventually left the Marines with the rank of captain. But he started to make false accusations and claims completely disregarding the people and their constitutional rights.

Literature: epic poetry and ancient china assignment

As a more urban culture developed, academies provided a means of transmission for speculative and philosophical literature in early civilizations, resulting in the prevalence of literature in Ancient China, Ancient India, Persia and Ancient Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece, the epics of Homer, who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey, and Hissed, who wrote β†’

New world order

The end of the Cold War has sparked a flurry of new theories about global politics and history. The most persuasive analysis is provided by Huntington, who likewise acknowledges that something has changed in world politics since the end of the Cold War, but defines this as simply the latest in a long history of β†’

Reasons for american civil war

In this paper I will be disusing the various constitutional compromises leading to the American civil war and then move on to discuss the immediate causes of the actual war. The dispute over slavery resulted in a war where states in the north and west wanted preservation of the union while southern states were pushing β†’

Literacy in narrative of the life of frederick douglass

The instruction that Douglass received from the mistress of the household where he was a slave in the knowledge of the language is a turning point in his life. It is the literacy that impels him to question the ways of the world and the organizing structures of southern society that believed in the inherent β†’

19th foreign policy of ‘partnership’

First, define the US position on Latin American affairs, second, describe the role of the US in opposing the democratically elected presidential administration of Salvador Allende in Chile, and ii) in the efforts to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba The relationship that USA had with Latin America can be portrayed as a father-son β†’

Benjamin franklin autobiographyassignment assignment

However, Franklin becomes popular in this new city he would traveled to and moves in with a man named John Read. He became very successful in his writing and printing in London and made a decent amount of money but soon he realized he needed to go back to Philadelphia.

Folly as the narrator in erasmus’s the praise of folly assignment

" The Praise of Folly" Desiderius Erasmus In Erasmus' work " The Praise of Folly", the narrator delivers a speech praising Folly with the following: " And to whom is it generally agreed life owes its beginning if not to me? She says that she is the beginning of all life, and that she should β†’

“a short history of the great depression, from the stock market crash of 1929 to world war ii” assignment

As with all major events which occur in the United States, the rest of the world was affected by association, as the great Depression spread to the world's economy and particularly Europe. The Great Depression impacted the political arena in the United States and led to the election of the Roosevelt administration.

Liberalism and conservatism

Liberalism and Conservatism both are social and political philosophies that seek to define the functioning and structure of a society and its politics. Liberalism instructs to limit the interference of the state in the private lives of the citizens, and it pushes the state to develop policies that enhance the freedom given to citizens and β†’

Job opportunities for women during world war ii assignment

They were covering the biggest story ever, the men that were at war and the women that were at home doing the man's work. During the war it was not only the white women that were able to find work but the minority women were also able to.

The impact of agriculture on the human skeleton history essay

The affect on the skeleton in this case are shown in the way of chromosomes, as the changes and the mutations found in the chromosomes of the skeletons looked at within the study show the shift towards agriculture in this case one of the chromosomes was known as I-M423. In the days of the hunter β†’

Dr. martin luther kings “i have a dream” overview assignment

The speech is one of the greatest examples of what we can do when we act on our hearts, and it gave us a benchmark to strive for: a country that acts on its own ideals and measures itself against how it treats its least fortunate.5. We need the " l Have a Dream Speech" β†’

Dominican republic

The negative news portraying antihaitinismo in the Dominican Republic is mostly false, but due to the media restriction within the Dominican Republic, the Dominican people tend to believe it to be true. It means that, some people were born among the Dominican people when the propaganda was still on and lived a great part of β†’

The developing role of the us air forces since wwi

Before 1947, the roles of the military Air Force were split between the Navy and the army. S air force, with the Air Combat Command having the role of combating aircraft established in the continental U.S.

Europe’s surge of nineteenth-centry imperialism

This kind of imperialism was referred to as new because of the scramble to rule more territories directly and not just controlling the trade they had with them. In this paper, I am going to show that I agree with Marchant's implications in her article that the new imperialism in Europe was driven by values β†’

African american history in book navigating distant shores: a historical overview

The overview opens with " The foundation of the history of the United States rests on race as a social construct". Dorris' use of many historical facts and examples from the past, all pointing back to slavery, insist that he is persistent in evaluating and observing slavery as the center and foundation of the United β†’

Chapter 10-12 questions

The first lesson that can be learned about Jackson regarding his sweeping victory is that he was a very tactical person, since he used his wit and tactics to convince the electorates despite being the underdog in the race. The invention of the cotton gin was important in the sense that it enhanced the speed β†’

Columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange brought over diseases to the Americas, plants and animals, and the exchange of silver. The diseases that Europe and Africa brought in during colonization to the Americas were the biggest negative impact of the Columbian Exchange.

Ramadan speech: reaction essay

The speaker begins the informative speech by describing the history of Ramadan, its religious practices, and the author's personal connection to the religion. The month of Ramadan takes place on the ninth month of the Muslim year during sunrise to sunset.

Atlantic creoles

During the 17th and 18th century, the Atlantic Creoles were transported to the expanding new world such as Brazil and Jamaica where they provide labor in sugar plantations. The Creoles employed the slaves in North America to work for them as they worked on behalf of the Europeans.

Book exam narrative frederick douglass assignment

Why does Douglass suggest slaves measure the kindness of a master " by the standard of kindness set up among slaveholders" in the surrounding region? 16. Is there evidence of the Grime sisters' argument in Douglass' work?

Does totalitarianism rise out of the shadow of liberty and democracy

Running Head: Totalitarianism and Democracy Does Totalitarianism Rise Out Of The Shadow Of Liberty And Democracy? Does Totalitarianism Rise Out Of The Shadow Of Liberty And Democracy?

Adam smith: economic thought assignment

When speaking about wages Smith says, " that the higher wages get, the higher the number workers will become, and the higher number of workers will cause wages to fall." Population growth according to Smith, allows the accumulation to be made possible. The law of accumulation is Smith's law that says the objective of most β†’

Outwards into the atlantic world in the 1400s

They wanted to plunder the wealth of these lands and capture the native people to work for them as slaves. Polo's description about the immense wealth of Asian countries made Columbus and other expeditors to explore the lands.

Discussion topics

Most economists attribute the great depression with the fall of stock prices that occurred in the US before it spread to the rest of the world. Following the outbreak of the war, the position of women in the society is likely to have been reviewed.

Louisiana purchase and lewis and clark expedition assignment

He envisioned a great French empire in the New World, and he hoped to use the Mississippi Valley as a food and trade center to supply the sugar-rich island of Santa Domingo, which was to be the heart of this empire. Because of these two problems, Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana land to United β†’

Salem witch trials assignment

The whole life of a Christian should be nothing but praises and thanks to God; we should neither eat nor sleep, but eat to God and sleep to God and work to God and talk to God, do all to His glory and praise? They were also more partial to the teachings of the Old β†’

World war ii

During and After World War II Britain, France, and the United States of America dominated the peace conference in Paris in 1919, while the Germany was not invited to partake in it. Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the Allies forced Germany to accept responsibility for World War I, which included economic reparations β†’

Turkish migration reports and the value of statistics history essay

And for a country like Turkey with a unique and precarious position in the political court, will globalization, in the form of human migration, foster the beginning of a golden age of new cross-cultural interactions or encourage only the formation of tightly-knit groups with no interest in mixing with the ' outsiders'? In this study β†’

A biography of nikola tesla

For the first time in his life, Tesla was able to earn a decent salary and live a decent life. New York: SoHo Books, 2013.

America loves a vigilante. until we meet one. by:ann hornaday

In order to go about this task, we need to examine the different interests of political actors that actually affect the kind of policies they prefer. We need a large number of such people in the nation so that all political systems serve the nation with truth and justice.

Black death

The author graphically describes the symptoms of the plague, the most characteristic being the foul odor, severe pain and necrotic swollen lymph nodes. Populations became so diminished that the living were unable to keep up with the remains of the victims.

Review on goldsworthy, adrian keith. the fall of carthage: the punic wars, 265-146 bc. london: cassell, 2003. print

Book review: The Fall of Carthage The Punic Wars, 265-146 BC The thesis if the book revolves around the factors that led to the Rome's rise in power when it was at war with Carthage for decades. The author supports the thesis by portraying the rise of Rome and the fall of Carthage.


The book gives a clear illustration to the events of the war and the involvement of the African Americans in the war. The African American soldiers are seen in the movie to be the ones on the frontline of facing dangerous grounds as they are used as decoys in the field.

Ancient egypt vs mesopotamia assignment

In Egypt, a cultural belief in Ma'at, a religious concept of universal harmony and repetition cause the kings to act very differently then the kings of Mesopotamia who have to satisfy the feelings of expansionism caused by their geographic location. These differences are best seen in the way these kings handled cultural development, keeping the β†’

Andrew jackson assignment

The original Bank of the United States had been introduced in 1791 by Alexander Hamilton as a way of organizing the federal government's finances. Although a Southerner he favored the power of the federal government over that of the states.

Reading assessment

Question C John Amagoalik quote emphasizes relevance of Nunavut to original inhabitants of Australia and Greenland, Canada. Amagoalik argues that preserving Nunavut would assist Inuit and Aboriginals in protecting the erosion of their culture and history.

Us history

America grew less optimistic about the future of the society in the 1970s due to the increased inequality that was witnessed in the society decades after the end of the Second World War. The main goal of the feminist movement was to eliminate discrimination against women and increase a woman's part in the building of β†’

German history

He asserted that the culture and individuality of the speaker are expressed in the language they choose to use. It is therefore wrong to talk of the German language as awful.

What’s the difference between a liberal and a conservative in 2011 american politics

Liberals feel that it is their responsibility to make decisions for the American people, while Conservatives believe that the American people should be empowered to solve their own problems. In the end this writer hopes that whatever their differences, the Liberals and Conservatives unite to bring forth on this continent a once again, " United β†’

Analyzing news paper articles

The article states that now, when the financial state of the country is bad, it is a mistake on the part of the administration to increase spending on nuclear capabilities. In this respect, the article gives certain suggestions: the " D5" submarine-launched ballistic missiles should not be produced and the fleet of nuclear-armed submarines should β†’

Batas rizal

This Jose Rizal website is, therefore, designed, and created to assist students in the appreciation of the role of Rizal in the development of the Filipino nation. May these lines contribute to making a breach in the wall of ignorance and forgetfulness so that on his side of the globe, Ferdinand Blumentritt will finally be β†’

Issue 11 taking sides clashing views on political issues seventeenth edition

Reduced cost of health services offered by the insurance plans induces people to go for health checkups and to take preventive medical care thereby avoiding any impending major illness. The imperative need of the hour is to ensure that all have access to affordable health care.

A history of the american people

Theteacher's side of the party would want to offer text the accurately describes the history of the United States without leaving important facts that have changed the way the United States has formed. He wrote: A History of Christianity, A History of the Jews, Modern Times: the World from the Twenties to the Nineties, and β†’

Mesopotamia vs egypt

The big difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt was that Egypt had excellent natural defense because of its sea to the north, deserts to the east and west, and rapid and mountains to the south. So I conclude that both Egypt and Mesopotamia played a major role in the development of society and civilization today.

Adam smith and karl polanyi

Question four Karl Polanyi denounced the " economist prejudice" found in both the market liberalism of Ludwig von Mises and the communism of Karl Marx, Polanyi and Karl. Such a dichotomy is, in effect, merely the restatement, from the point of view of society as a whole, of the existence of a self-regulating market, Polanyi β†’

Pocahontas 3

Synopsis on Pocahontas; the Documentary The synopsis is about Pocahontas the 1995 documentary about the Native American princess who married an Englishman by the name John Rolfe and was later renamed as Rebecca. The central argument is how she promoted peace and mutual understanding between the Englishmen and the native Indians of Virginia.

Napoleon bonaparte astounding leader history essay

He won the trust of the people he was leading but also of the ones he was not leading, therefore he first took care of his relationship with his generals and then he conquered the loyalty of his soldiers with the promise of glorious victories. Wanting to achieve the full effect of his measures, Napoleon β†’

The old view of slavery in the u.s. was that it was economically ine

The analysis considers the work done by the slaves and compares them with the free men. According to the thesis of this study, there is a proof that slaves could work more and at harsh weather conditions thus, their productivity is higher than that of free men.

Challenges facing europe in the 20th century

The paper " Challenges Facing Europe in the 20th Century" is a great example of a history essay. Fourthly, the 20th century saw the rise of many diseases in Europe that had been linked to change in social trends.

Electoral college

The US presidential election is always determined by the 538 members of the Electoral College. The Electoral College really favours the states, since it ensures there is more attention to the less populous states which would otherwise be at the risk of being sidelined and ignored by the presidential candidates.

Happy days

Whereas the World War II period was marked by instability, political unrest, economic crisis and familial issues, the 50s brought in a new dispensation of relaxed mood, economic growth, technological advancement, and general peace of mind. Indeed, the Americans began to enjoy better living conditions, better wages, and became the first beneficiaries of new technologies.

Shooting of malcom x

Details of the event including the time, venue, participants, fusillade and the reactions of the people as well as the police statements, medical examiner's report and the suspicions over the Black Muslims' involvement had been described with details. The latter part of the article is devoted for describing the Black Muslims denying any involvement in β†’

Intelligence analysis

2 April Iran Politics: Ambassador to the UN and Nuclear Talks Summary The long standing feuds between Iran and Western powers continue to linger on. Stretching back to the seventies through diplomatic rows, they have persisted to this very date and are evident by the debate on whether to give the currently appointed Iran envoy β†’


Description and analysis: wartime experiences of the Revolution and the effects on women, slaves, and natives The wartime experiences of the American Revolution are closely related to the direct combat between the revolutionaries and the colonizers. In short, the wartime experiences helped the people in the colonies to realize the importance of social and political β†’

Snowboarding history

In 1980, he left the snowboarding business, but was still known as a very important pioneer of the sport. It was finally accepted as a real competitive sport and was first seen in the 1998 Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

Battle of marathon

Persians agree to help the Athenians only if they agree to " earth and water", and they agree, not realizing what they really are asking for is the land of Athens. The Athenians line the wall of the coast of Athens so that when Persians arrived to Athens they had to turn their boats around β†’

War of the roses

War of the Roses The war of the roses remains a historic event in England. The royal families to the house of Plantagenet included the York and the Lancaster.

Minorities at risk and horizontal inequality

The existence of such horizontal inequalities elicits animosity between the groups involved and increases the risk of a violent conflict. Such a conflict is not directly caused by the cultural differences but by the political, economic and social disparity existing along the cultural line.

Compare and contrast the critiques and solutions proposed by the reformers of the progressive era to those of the new deal era to the problems posed by political and economic inequity

The Progressive Era and the New Deal Era Introduction The two eras were critical in the American history as they majorly focused on helping the American economy that was speedily disintegrating. The progressive era comprised the period between the mid 1890s and early 1920s which is often referred to as the bridge to modern times, β†’

Compare and contrast the role of women in chinese society with their role in japan for the period from 300 a.d. to the middle of the thirteenth century

Essay: Compare and contrast the role of women in Chinese society with their role in Japan for the period from 300 A.D.to the middle of the thirteenth century. Japanese and Chinese societies have many things in common and the overall role of women in both countries has remained the same throughout history.

Edo period

The period began with the consolidation of the political reigns of power by the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu and effectively concluded with the opening of Japan by Matthew Perry's Black Ships in Tokyo Bay and the Meiji Restoration. Much of the key modernization of this period was economic, and the most important aspect of this was β†’

How to become a crisis hotline volunteer

You will also learn different counseling techniques, although through the hotline you will be having the person in the crisis situation be the decision-maker. It's about this operator and she is trying to keep this young girl calm because she has been kidnapped in the back of a trunk.

Importance of the address at the time and its resonance in todays world

Lincoln felt the need to make it clear that now that the war was over a new type of freedom and unity needed to exist in America. In a country that was looking for leadership and governance, his speech was the beacon of guidance that every American was looking and waiting for.

One-two-state solution

The theory will be used in portraying the sufferings of the Palestinians in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and calling for a moral judgment in international law. Research design The research objective is investigating the possible solution to the Israeli- Palestine conflict and the challenges that would be faced in the process.

Pol2000 american government wk 5 assignment

A common building block of political socialization within the majority of cultures is jingoism, a realization of the country-state and of fitting into it.2. Nonvoting and people who do not take part in elections generally undercut the health of self-governing politics.

Nationalism caused the downfall of napoleon assignment

Role of Nationalism in the Downfall of Napoleon Nationalism is the devotion of people to the interests of its nation or the love of one's country to stay independent. This led to the defeat of Joseph, death of thousands of French troops and it inspired patriots and nationalists of other lands to resist Napoleon.

Banana garden

Banana Garden Poetry Club Presented By Presented To Lecturer Banana Garden Poetry Club Gu Zhiqiong was the founder of the Banana Garden Poetry Club, although she is not listed formally as a member of the club. In addition to that, Feng Xian, who was a member of the Banana Garden Poetry Club, wrote a consolatory β†’

What are the historical causes of racial inequality in the united states

The popular racist belief system that the white race was superior of the black, which grew at the end of the 1800s, played a big role in validating suppression and the demolishing of the traditional cultures, societies and civilizations of the native peoples of different races and ethnic groups particularly the African slaves who were β†’

Environmental effect from the gold rush assignment

In the early days of gold mining, people used gold pans to find gold in the river, although it was actually the most ineffective of all. These techniques to find gold usually required the help Of water and gravity, but since not all the gold is in the river, the miner has to get he β†’

Case studies of organizational learning in terrorist groups

Presently, sub-groups emerge in different areas of the world with affiliations to a bigger group. The function of the herald group is to supply money and ammunitions to the smaller groups, which are crucial for engaging in terrorist activities.

Summary on henry ford

Born on a farm in Michigan in 1863, much of Ford's education was agrarian and moral in nature. Having become reputedly the richest man who ever lived, Ford was in a position to publish his opinions and moral-code on a huge scale.

Extra writing

Comparison of the Two Versions of Geronimo's Cadillac Michael Martin Murphey released the song Geronimos Cadillac in 1972. In 1987, Murphey highlighted that he selected the title of the song after he came across an image that depicted Geronimo in a Cadillac.

Are immigrants valuable contributors to life in california or are they not

Immigrants are valuable contributors to life in California Introduction The history of immigrants in California dates back to the Gold Rush era that saw influx of immigrants in San Francisco City. Immigrants are valuable contributors to life in California since they are vital in sustaining the economic prosperity of California through their labor supply and β†’

Perspective on affirmative action assignment

Perspectives on Affirmative Action Affirmative action is an issue that has been hotly contended in America since the days of the Reagan administration. Or use affirmative action in the hope that the next generation will have the means to compete.

Salem witch trials assignment

Thus far, Abigail has proven herself to be wicked, drinking a charm of blood to kill Elizabeth, violent, and she seems to be one of the leaders of the ritual in the forest. All of this, and the quotes I have provided is why I believe she was the main antagonist in causing the events β†’

President kennedy and the cold war

President Kennedy and the Cold War President Kennedy and the Cold War Introduction The world has certainly suffered through its fair share of wars throughout history that it is understandable that many would question the labeling of the Cold War as one of the most dangerous situations that the modern world has faced. The Doctrine β†’

To what extent was there a systemic crisis in eastern europe during the 1980’s

The reforms of Gorbachev in the late 1980's were also a major factor in why the crisis in Eastern Europe came to a head at the time that it did, this has to be considered when answering the question. The quality of the leadership of the relative Communist parties across Eastern Europe and the people β†’

Baroque in the vatican assignment

It is regarded as one of the holiest sites in the world and is described as " the greatest of all churches of Christendom. The great double dome is made of brick and rises to a total height of 448 Ft from the floor of the basilica to the top of the external cross.

Zimmermann telegram and encryption assignment

Doing some research about the " Zimmermann Telegram" and then answer the following questions: 1) Which technique was used in encrypting this telegram: substitution, transposition/permutation or stenography? Came to this reasoning because transposition involves the positioning of the letters/numbers, such as columnar positioning and includes a more complicated order; stenography is when a hidden message β†’

See the instructions

In the year, 2001 events occurred that changed the screening of passengers in modern aviation in the world. The events of this day changed the airport security procedures in relation to modern aviation.

Browning ordinary men

For the existence of conceptual and situational difference among the soldiers and the Germans, the former played a significant part in the execution of Jews. The reason of committing the mass murder by the help of the soldiers is Germany was to uphold Germany's superiority against other races.

Keeping history alive

He believes that no one cares about this place that was once the greatest civilization between the desserts of Mexico and the North America Attic, nor do they seem to realize that it was America's first city because they built a highway right threw the middle of it without a care in the world. Louis, β†’

21st century learners

The author explains that most of the current learners have " a fixed mindset", which means that students believe to have limited intelligence capacity and, after reaching certain point in their development, they simply are not able to develop any more. Nevertheless, the author found the solution to that problem and explains that learners with β†’

Transcontinental railroad assignment

The line was popularly known as the Overland Route after the principal passenger rail service that operated over the length of the line through the end of 1962.[3] The construction and operation of the line was authorized by the Pacific Railroad Acts of 1862 and 1864 during the American Civil War. It is considered to β†’

History of how cars are made

These sources have clearly established historical facts on what the first cars were, who made them, and how they were made. These sources are found through the Google search engine by typing the words ' history of how cars are made'.

Acknowledge churchill as a leader history essay

As a young adult Churchill came to his senses and began to realize that in order to follow in the footsteps of his parents and hold an established place in society, a superior education was needed. In the aftermath of Churchill's worst mistake to date he decided to step down from his position and instead β†’

Naplion invasion of egypt and its impact on mehmed ali

Napoleon Invasion of Egypt and its Impact on Mehmed Ali On the year 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte led a French invasion in Egypt that began with the capture of Alexandria. Napoleon in Egypt: Al Jabartis Chronicle of the French Occupation, 1798.

A history of prussia

" It devolves on the state to provide food, work and wages for all who cannot support themselves and have no claim for the support on the lord or the community; they must be provided with work suited to their strength and capacity"' The state is bound to provide establishments for relieving the poor" " β†’

Manifest destiny and the civil war

Manifest Destiny and the Civil War Manifest Destiny and the Civil War The ment, " Expansion brought sectional antagonism to a boiling point, split the Democratic Party in the late 1840s and set the nation on the path to civil war," is true. The notable opposition on the issue led to a division in the β†’

American history

While the Blackfeet Warriors spent the night with Americans, it was explained to them that the US intends to bring about a comprehensive peace between all the Indian tribes of the west. The diary presents the richness and abundance of South Dakota when it comes to natural environment and animal life.