Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Analysis of look away by willliam c. davis

A key concept in the book is the political structure of oligarchy which describes the patriarchal government style of Southern towns and regions and the way this contrasts with the more formal democratic processes of the North. Davis describes the differences of opinion that were at large in the south, and argues that in fact β†’

F. scott fitzgerald as a representior of roaring twenties

The time period was known as a materialistic era due to individuals worrying only about the pricy items they possessed and the social status that they were a part of." The expose of American materialism the irresponsible behaviors of the wealthy class, the corruption in business practice there remains a conservatism, a resistance to change..". β†’

What i have learned from the book “unbroken” by laura hillenbrand

I knew this book was also about a plane crashing down into the ocean and the struggle to keep the survivors of the crash alive. I also learned that it was a few days after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the guards at the camps told the POWs that they were β†’

Comparing william bradford and john smith assignment

He defined himself as " a person for study as well as action; and hence notwithstanding the difficulties which he passed in his 2) Also he stated " The crown of all his life was his holy, prayerful, watchful and fruitful walk with God, wherein he was exemplary." Bradford did not believe In reforming the β†’

Virtual field trip

Virtual Field Trip The website features the Council of Governments which is a forum that serves the three branches of the government. A governor functions as the President of the Council.

Mannerist portraits of the 16th century

Now the painting that I have chose from the Mannerist portraits of the 16th is Parmigianino's Madonna and child with Angels, which is also Madonna of the Long Neck. Now the reason they call it Madonna of the long Neck is because how long her neck is in the painting.

Comparing benjamin franklin to mary rowlandson assignment

In her narrative she recounts the story of her survival in the wilderness for a period of three months. In his Autobiography Franklin was seeking to establish a new identity for the new world.

Pro affirmative actionassignment assignment

Mini Thesis: A big reason why people are turned off by the thought of getting a motorcycle is because they do not believe it applies to them anymore because of their age or interest and the fact is that there are different cultures of motorcycle making it accessible for all walks of life.A. Tieback: Driving β†’

Imperialsm and manifest destiny assignment

The direct connection between Manifest Destiny and imperialism can be easily seen by America's prospering as a result of both. Manifest Destiny and the consequent imperialistic policies are evident of America's fervor to expand and better the country.

Aeon history

JUSCO Home Centre opened in 1 Utama Shopping Centre, 000 seedlings were planted in the vicinity of the JUSCO Permas Jaya store as part of? Develop the new idea is the proses activity to the manager become successful to managerial the employee to become creative and behavior to an organization.

Art history

Amongst these artist of this time is Peter Paul Rubens, a man with not only a talent, but a passion for the art of painting. Art is the constant state of change and this is why are is create by experience and others.

Race relations in the early republic

When the revolutionary war was won, the colonists insisted that any person who was ready to work hard would have a fair chance of living a good life in the new nation. It would seem that American Indians escaped the fate of Black slaves in America only to be decimated in large numbers with the β†’

Pueblo revolt of 1680 essay sample

The Pueblo revolt or most commonly known as the Pope's Rebellion of 1680, was a rebellious war fought by the Pueblos; against the Spanish Colonization established in New Spain province of New Mexico. Public History and the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.

Americas auto industry

Last December after the bailout package that salvaged the banking industry the auto industry received a government loan of $17. The reason the American auto industry is at the brink of extinction is that of years of bad business decisions that created production wastage and other inefficiencies.

Compare and contrast the societies of mesoamerica and the eastern woodlands in 1491

COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE SOCIETIES OF MESOAMERICA AND THE EASTERN WOODLANDS IN 1491 America had been inhabited by natives, descendants of Siberians, before the arrival of Columbus in 1942. The Eastern Woodland Indians were Native Americans that inhabited the eastern part of the United States and Canada.

The ancient rome architecture assignment

Having visited the Forum Romanum makes me think more about the importance of the site to the Romans and how it became the center and landmark of Rome. One thing from the Forum Romanum that intrigues me the most is the intactness of Curia Julia and Temple of Romulus, especially Curia Julia.

Foundation of the american constitution

Foundation of the American Constitution Affiliation: The first constitution was d the Article of confederation and it was drafted between 1776 and 1777 and it was ratified by 13 states. The Bill of rights borrowed heavily and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights and was included in the constitution in 1791.

A troubled territory: mexican california

In California, the Mexican governors took control over mission land from the missionaries. The leading rancheros established their authority in overseeing that California achieved.

Constitutional convention

Constitutional Convention By the fall of 1786, reality downed upon the Americans that the Articles of Confederation, the underpinning document for the new-fangled United States approved in 1777, had to be significantly customized. A small number of delegates from undersized states were objected to it by voicing their concerns that the plan would award larger β†’

American life episode: ‘when patents attack part two’

In summary, the podcast describes the sale of patent by one Chris Crawford to Intellectual Ventures. I propose a shortening of patent terms to five years with regulatory approval for special patents such as those involving the sale of drugs and medical equipment.

Art history critical essay

But the irony is, it is entertaining and hilarious in the midst of its strangeness. It is one of the manifestations that art can actually convey itself in a mixture of emotions.

The life of women and minorities in the old west

Life was certainly not a bed of roses for the doughty women and minorities in the Old West. They labored and contributed in the building of the Unites States, especially California in a big way.

Understanding women’s roles in romansque art

2) Of all of the artwork that was generated within the Middle Ages, perhaps one of the most pervasive themes is the cult of the Virgin Mary. One of the interesting aspects of these is the fact that few artists represented the Virgin Mary in the same manner.

Reaction paper

The resulting video was a reinterpretation of the standard historical consensus which defined the Holocaust as " the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers". Franciszek Piper, curator of the Auschwitz State Museum, is the focus of the video.

Usa patriot act

Section 215 gives the government power to look and search records of an individual's activities that are in the hands of a third party. The USA Patriot Act is a violation of civil liberty, first it gives the government power to conduct search and spy on individuals at will.

Micro approaches & the h2o pump

The reporter, Amy Costello, research on the unhealthy water of Stink water, a town in South Africa, and the solution that a retired advertising executive, Trevor Field, created in aid of better water for them. The Play Pump was mainly a merry go round, where kids could play on, and in the process, the water β†’

W7dqs response

However, in the next phase promotion of democracy will be compatible with and vital in the process of state building. In such countries the state may provide most of the needs of the people but the human rights are not respected.

King louis xiv

When French nobles rebelled in the Fronde revolution, he and Cardinal Mazarin suppressed and reduced the power of the noble class, thus restoring the power to the throne of the King. He replaced many of the nobility with commoners and aristocrats who feared the king and would not object to his demands.

Popular music and populist politics

As a music lover and passionate teenager of this era, I would like to hear pop and rock music, which make me feel happy that I am belong from the year of the richest musical culture. Therefore, I can affirmed that as a music lover, I can able to observer such music fusion and revolution β†’


The author attempts to compare actions of both the old and the new NAACP Hollywood bureau and cautions the new bureau against the consequences faced by the old bureau. According to the author, Walter White's attempts serve as the lessons of history to the pioneers of the new NAACP Hollywood bureau.

A glance on the life of frederick douglass

Bandiola Carlson English 101W2 17 February A Glance on the life of Frederick Douglass: A Journey from Slavery to Freedom and Beyond The book, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, is an autobiography, explaining the journey of Frederick Douglass right from his birth as a slave to his struggle for β†’

The french revolution

Eventually, the people belonging to the third estate social group began questioning the France government using the standards stated by the philosophers and began to demand for equality and democracy in the country. The social cause of the revolution was the large gap that existed between the rich people and the poor people.

Woodrow wilson and the presidency assignment

The Presidency From the beginning of the 191 2 election, the people could sense the new ideas of Woodrow Wilson would move them in the right direction. The new president called for an all out assault on what Wilson called " the triple wall of privilege": the tariff, the banks, and the trusts.

History – choose 1 of the questions to answer

The country took possession of Texas, in 1845, annexed Oregon south of 49 north latitude in an agreement with Great Britain, in 1846, and acquired and conquered New Mexico and California in the United States-Mexican War. The Mexican war, according to Hietala, was an imperialistic venture by the United States.

Originlists/non originlists

The originalists necessarily give focus on a puritan interpretation of the Constitution according to how it was formulated and a strict compliance on the original intent of its framers and its wording. I believe that the latter is favorable and the times unavoidably demand that the Constitution must be so construed to support the ultimate β†’

History of lauropian society

On the other half of the mountain there would be a Snowboard Park consisting of a slopes and half pipes strictly for the snowboarders. The citizens of Lauropia would be able to make up their own laws and rules.

Review of the series, “voyage to africa,” by basil davidson with emphasis on 20th era uprisings

I very much enjoyed learning about the independence of Ghana and how it paved the way for other African nations to fight for and declare their independence. Nkrumah went on to deliver a speech stating that Ghana was the first to achieve independence and that other nations should follow their lead.

American history and the frontier

In his article " Significance of the Frontier in American History" presented to the American Historical Association during the Chicago World Fair of 1893, Frederick Jackson-Turner writes about the ways in which the frontier shaped America and how, in his own words " to the frontier America intellect owes its striking characteristics". On the issue β†’

Illustrating the ways which media covers the european crisis today and before five years in greece and france

Comparatively, the French media was more critical about economic policies of countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece while Greek media was more concerned about the issues affecting the Greek economy and the possible benefits that Greece as a country would derive from the economic collaboration in the euro zone. Greece: International Conference, The Greek β†’

Louis xiv

He achieved this in such ways; he declared himself his own prime minister " I am the state", he kept the nobility in check, disbanded the General Assembly, and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. During this time, the tumultuous Wars of the Fronde were happening; this was an attempt by the nobility to β†’

The temple architecture of ancient greece and rome assignment

6 Typically, only one order was used in the construction of temples in certain areas; Doric in western and mainland Greece, and Ionic on the coast of Asia Minor and in the Aegean islands. 12 The bastion face looking outwards and the end of the temple tilt towards the north wing, resulting in an altered β†’

The impact and significance of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments on black life and america’s development

1 The thirteenth amendment, which was first of the three the reconstruction amendment; it was proposed and strongly supported by Abraham Lincoln before he was assassinated, a few months later; it was accepted and passed by the house in to law. The amendment was meant to protect and guarantee the rights and freedom of slaves β†’

Grameen bank

The Grameen Bank is a bank for the poor. The situation illustrates potential tension between the stakeholders of Grameen bank, the civil society and the government because of the government's attacks that Yumus is trying to evade taxes following the release of the Norwegian documentary.

Read the passage and answer the four questions provided

Within the essay entitled " An Essay on the Principle of Population," Thomas Malthus describes the explosion of the human population and its overall impact on the world. Thomas Malthus makes the assumption that the more food and resources that are available, the quicker the human population and demographics will grow.

Lumsdale was a successful choice for the site of these mills

From the 17th century, right up to the start of the 20th century, the Lumsdale valley was a fairly large industrial site in the town of Matlock in Derbyshire. Everybody used water power, therefore Lumsdale was as good as anywhere However, years later, water power was starting to become largely superseded by steam power and β†’

The history of the middle east to 1914 essay sample

The refusal of Uriel, the Governor to accept the supremacy of El Shaddai and the subsequent massacre of the inhabitants of Makor lead to an annihilation of the pluralists and the foundation of a monotheistic society. The widow Gomer is chosen by Yahweh to foretell the defeat of the Egyptians, the fall of Makor and β†’

The bantu community

The eastern and western Bantu move to areas that they perceived had iron. The Bantu expansion in all areas of Africa was to acquire enormous land and be the leaders.

Did the new deal prolong the great depression?

Made him bias towards FDR's ideas Unemployment was higher in 1939 than in 1931 after hoover left office Govt went from running a surplus to a deficit Seven Years of trade deficits cursed American GDP over the p of the New Deal Welfare and Social Security kept lazy people lazy and made hard-working people take β†’

Art as means of propaganda early on: the bust of nefertiti and prima porta augustus

The dolphin became a symbol of Augustus's naval victory over Marc Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium, 31 BCE." The Cupid is the son of Venus, the Roman Goddess of love, and Julius Caesar, the adoptive father of Augustus, claimed to have been descended from Venus and therefore Augustus shared this connection to β†’

Latino history and culture

The communal nature of Latinos is represented by the use offoodin the culture, sharing and offering food to guests is important and often relates to the holidays that Latino's often celebrate. The Virgin of Guadalupe is Mexico's most popular religious and cultural image, with the titles " Queen of Mexico", " Empress of the Americas" β†’

In what ways did america’s relationship with the rest of the world

At the start of the 1970s, the Americans had just pulled out of the Vietnam War which had been a disaster for the government. The president at the time, Richard Nixon, started to talk to other countries and try to get them onside in some of the issues that could affect each of the nations β†’

“december didn’t have an infinite source of

This is reinforced by the event of the Great Depression, in which the U.S.was forced to concentrate all efforts into economic repair. With this the U.S.was able to begin a small form of imperialism which would slowly, and subtlety grow.

Today’s germany

Todays Germany Part Miniatur Wunderland, based in Hanseatic and opened in the year 2000, is the largestmodel railroad in the world and is one of the most significant tourist attraction features in Germany. Adidas's headquarters has remained in Herzogenaurach, Germany since its incorporation and is a major player in the world of sport.

Wrestling history

The sport of wrestling has been highly developed for over five thousand years, and it is believed to have begun part of the soldiers training," The Ancient Greeks and The sport of Wrestling stated. The events of the Olympic Games survived even through the rise and the fall of the Roman Empire." With the conquering β†’

Global warming

Evidence on global warming has influenced the public's understanding of the need for a solution by communicating adverse effects of global warming and associating it with some of the dangerous phenomenon that have occurred across the globe. Evidence on rising temperatures and have informed the public of the need for a solution because of effects β†’

Technological deficits in the vietnam war assignment

America lost the war because the weapons provided to the grunts and tunnel rats, although slightly different for each specialization, were unsuitable for the given environmental conditions, and for combating the guerilla tactics the Viet Congo employed. Due to the Viet Songs underground tunnels and their anti-aircraft system, the heavy bombing of the North became β†’

Industrialization and the gilded age

Considering the events in the story, it can be said that although the Gilded Age contributes to the development of American industrialization, it also brings out the bitter circumstances of the working class. In The Jungle, Sinclair establishes that the Gilded Age is the cause of the unfavorable working condition and unequal opportunities of the β†’

The history of antigua

The name of the flag is Antigua and Barbuda. This has been the research of Antigua and Barbuda.

Tea and social class boundaries in 19th century england

While tea was already a luxurious beverage at the time, when to drink tea during the day became a national cultural custom." The Duchess is said to have experienced ' a sinking feeling' in the middle of the afternoon, because of the long gap between luncheon and dinner and so asked her maid to bring β†’

The status of ukraine on the eve and during the wwi, the consequences of the russification of ukraine, the acquisition of its independence after the collapse of the ussr

The paper " The Status of Ukraine on the Eve and During the First World War" is an excellent example of a term paper on history. When the provisional government in Russia was unconstitutionally overthrown by the Bolshevik in 1917 there was a stalemate because the Central Rada failed to recognize the Bolshevik as the β†’

Cold war 1989-1991 under bush’s administration

The period 1989-1991 was the crucial one for Russia, and for the ideology of Communism in particular, when the churning process was going on. The strife at far-off places was not of consequence to the national security of U.S.and the vital interests were more or less secure, with no compelling reasons to intervene.

The nature of native american history essay

The early colonies economic expansion was due to this militaristic policy which gave them land, food, and supplies to increase the support for the colonies. Following the French-Indian War the British were in a crunch and owed a lot of money, they sought to increase the taxes of the colonies.

Andrew jackson assignment

He also opposed the government and the bank because he thought it favored the rich. Andrew Jackson also hated the Bank, which he referred to It as " the Monster".

Business cycles in american history

Studies analyzing the business cycles since the Civil War through World War II and since World War II to the present day have uncovered intriguing implications of the business cycles in the U.S. One of the most prominent of these is the subtle but definite connection between the business cycles and the politics of the β†’

Wilma mankiller video

Wilma ManKiller Wilma ManKiller is one of the most influential figures in the Native American culture. It is to this respect that she brings out the idea that the misunderstanding of the Native American issues is related to the history of ignorance.

My favorite philosopher

Full My Favorite Philosopher Philosophers gain the respect and admiration of people around the world and have long been important in the developments we are now enjoying. Thinking could have been one of the very tasks he had been doing to the end of his life for indeed he did not just influence the branches β†’

Greek mythology: zeus – this is anabout zeus assignment

History of Zeus Zeus, also known as Jupiter in Rome, was the supreme god of Olympian, He was the youngest son to six children tooth Titans Kronor and Rhea. Olympus.* Powers/Weakness' of Zeus Zeus was the mightiest and most powerful God.

The columbia history of american television

Silent Generation Analysis of the Silent Generation and Its Relation to Popular Culture The silent generation refers to a group of people born between 1923 and early 1940 in the United States. The Columbia History of American Television.

Historical development of policing in america

The period of prohibition is considered one of the dark periods in the development of law implementation and enforcement. The private-public security integration is more effective in federal law enforcement, civil rights protections, and the prevention of terrorism attacks.

Abraham lincoln-emancipation proclamation vs. previous quotes assignment

He was under pressure to do what the majority of the country wanted, and to do what seemed right in the eyes of the more developed super powers of the eastern hemisphere, like England. So the reason Lincoln carried on with the war was not to really free slaves but to keep the South in β†’

The cold war (dbq) assignment

One of the main reasons this war began was that there were huge preferences in the way that the Soviet and the US led one another and the disagreements eventually reached a final rising point, causing several feuds as well, riots. Hints to the term " Cold War."

People of europe vs napoleon bonaparte

It is essential to remember that it was the dissatisfaction of the French people about the rule by the alliance of the Great Powers which helped the return of Napoleon to the land and it is essential to regard the interest of the people of France regarding the current decision to expel him to the β†’

The history of the piano

Also called the pianoforte, it differs from its predecessors principally in the introduction of a hammer-and-lever action that allows the player to modify the intensity of sound by the stronger or weaker touch of the fingers. Around these is wound the other end of the strings, and by turning these pins the tension of the β†’

The history of art, changed

In 1956, at the age of 16, John Lennon started a band by the name of the Quarrymen. One of John's band mates, Ivan Vaughan, also a friend of fifteen year old Paul McCartney, invited Paul to the St.


Research Proposal Salem Witchcraft Trial of 1692 To make the research paper about America's history relevant, it would make an interesting writeto delve into one of America's darkest history. The proposed research is about the Salem Witchcraft of 1692.

The history and evolution of the european common agricultural policy

The beginnings of CAP The Cap has its roots in the signing of one of the Treaties of Rome[1] in 25 March 1957, which established the European Economic Community[2]. 4 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community refers specifically to the creation of a common agricultural policy among Member States that would accompany the implementation β†’

Assignment example

These are embodied by International Law which I want to delve into in the following essay: International Law refers to a body of statutes, protocols, rules, principles, and guidelines that binds all the law actors. In summary, International Law is a key and critical aspect of the International relations in every respect regarding the interactions β†’

Barbarians at the gate

The idea of the leveraged buy out of RJR Nabisco sparked when the company is facing the possibility of marketfailuredue to their release of the smokeless tobacco, Premier. In order to take the situation to a better turn, Johnson as the company's CEO, sets his eye on the leveraged buy out of his own company β†’

Michigan history2

The place was then inhabited by the French who established it as a commercial center to protect their trade interests in the North. The area was also important to the French because it acted as a link between the Great lakes in the West and the Illinois County in the South.

Jamestown assignment

Therefore, the period of 1607-1612 had many deaths because of the lack of food and leadership. In conclusion, many colonists died during the early Jamestown because of environment and climate, food, and occupations.

Why the cold war never became hot assignment

Although cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union was the main reason, there were other reasons to why it never resulted into another world war. The end of the Second World War resulted in the separation of Europe.

Restraints on the popular will

Plato's major work, The Republic, is concerned with the theme of justice and the use of Greek virtues such as temperance and courage to achieve the ideal state. One could say that Bolivar was a centrist due to the balance of the rights and duties of the state to its citizens and its citizens to β†’

The north korean state

The Chinese government has been promoting its own style of reform in Pyongyang: economic liberalization with limited, incremental political change because it wants to maintain the north as a strategic zone and also it wants to keep the Korean Peninsula divided. This because of the worries that if the North was to reunite with the β†’

The history of unions in america

The Knights of Labor was the first major union in America, attracting nearly 750, 000 members at the height of its popularity but did not have the lasting power to remain relevant in the American labor movement With the formation of the American Federation of Labor by Samuel Gompers in 1886, the American worker now β†’

Federal reserve system assignment

There are five separate parts that make up the Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Banks, Board of Governors, Federal Open Market Committee, Member banks and Advisory Committees. As stated earlier the Federal Open Market Committee includes the seven members of the Board of Governors and then five additional representatives that are selected from the regional β†’

The new deal’s lasting impact on the u.s. assignment

The reforms made to the American banking systems are the longest lasting impact of the New Deal. One of the first programs introduced during the New deal was the Emergency Banking Relief Act, created to aid with the crisis of bank failures.

Mccarthyism and the one flew over the cuckoo???????s nest assignment

In fact, Chiefs speechlessness in many ways represents the loss of the Native American voice in American history, and specifically in the process of relocation in the 1950. Both Nurse Ratchet and Chief serve as an important role historically; Nurse Ratchet becomes the symbol of the oppressive government and McCarthy, and Chief represents the Native β†’

The declaration of independence in the usa

Regaining the rights as Britishers which were taken from the colonists by the Imperial power of England was not the objective behind the declaration of the United States as an independent nation. The vision of a new nation that would thrive on the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity inspired the true independence of United β†’

Political science

The land grabbing presented by Israel with the aid of the United States is by far an atrocity to the International humanitarian law that prohibits the occupation of territories thought the transfer of Israel citizens to the occupied territory. The Electronic Intifada, 2014.Web.

Triangular trade assignment

The first segment was from Europe to Africa where commodities were exchanged for African slaves, the second segment, dubbed the middle passage was the transport of African slaves to the Americas and the third segment was the transportation of merchandise from the Americas to Europe. From the mid fifteenth century until the close of the β†’

Describe both the general and specific social conditions that existed for nat turner in southampton county, virginia, in the 1830s

of Lecturer 25 July Nat Turner Nat Turner was an African American slave that had the belief that he had been ordained by God to save his people from freedom and this was the reason that he led a black slave revolt in Southampton County, Virginia in the 1830s. It was the anguish that was β†’

The prince and the cold war assignment

Mikhail Geographer was elected President of the Soviet Union in 1989, and while he believed in keeping the Soviet Union a strong and powerful nation, he did not follow the advice that Machiavelli gives to the fullest. Geographer was concerned with the stability of the Soviet Union, but Machiavelli stresses that a prince must do β†’

History j3

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, gives a first-hand account of the capture of Africans, their shipment across the Atlantic and their transformation into slaves in America. Olaudah Equiano gives a vivid description of the Middle Passage which demonstrates the terror of the prisoners, the abject conditions on board and the attitude β†’

Who was responsible for the cold war? assignment

Though the Cold War was a result of many factors, the actions of the CSS laded a significant part in weakening relations, which eventually led to non- cooperation and conflict. Thus, the actions of the USSR were seen as a way to dominate Eastern Europe through the guise of security In addition, communism was seen β†’

Isu for history

Both the film Iron Man and the novel A Clockwork Orange, share a similarity in which characters consisted of such acts, attitudes, and behaviors; that were not accepted by others. The whole essay is going to be consisted of examples, and explanations of a deep analysis of the characters.