Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

Grand expectations

Successes are registering here and there and it seems that America's rise is on the rise of becoming the most advance and progressive society in the world, except for one concern. Government and society must be quick to respond to this otherwise the country could slid into a civil war/disobedience which would annihilate all the β†’

Study guide history 17b

Part II In this section of the exam you will be given two of the following questions on the day of the exam and asked to write on only one of them. You will want to discuss both the issues drawing the United States into the European conflict and how it became involved with Japan β†’

Cultural matrix and summary

The main of them are the economic downfall of Byzantium, first of all the fall of its craft and trade connected with the penetration of empire by foreign traders, who undermined its economy; the poor life of peasantry and the citizens of the town; aggravation of class contradictions in the society and the struggle inside β†’

The struggles of the native americans

Before the establishment of the American Government, land ownership among the native Indians varied from communal land ownership to private ownership in some communities. With the fight against segregation, some of the rights have been granted to the Native Americans while the government is still silent on some of them, including land ownership.

A turning point in us and ussr relations history essay

RelationsAfter the German surrender of World War II on May 8, 1945, the most powerful nations in the world: France, Great Britain, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans, and the United States of America, decided to divide Germany and Berlin into four parts and govern them separately. When Stalin called off the blockade in the β†’

Classical and baroque musicassignment assignment

Baroque orchestras are small in size and the use of the harpsichord is popular in this style of music. It is believed that the formation of classical music requires more intellect and training than that of Baroque or modern music.

History – choose 1 of the questions to answer

The result of the election openly brought about the secession of seven states and eventually, the American Civil War. The risk of slavery growing was a cause of the anti-slavery group in the North.

The cause and effect of the great alaskan earthquake

Running Head: THE 1964 ALASKAN EARTHQUAKE The 1964 Alaskan Earthquake- Its Cause and Effect of Correspondence concerning this article should be addresses to Contact: THE 1964 ALASKAN EARTHQUAKE 2 Abstract This paper explores the massive earthquake that Alaska witnessed on the 27th of March, 1964 while further analyzing the cause and the effects that the β†’

Mccarthyism vs. the crusible assignment

In comparison to the Salem Witch Trials, McCarthyism conveyed the ignorance of the officials, brought fear to the masses, and endagered innocent people. The opinions of the Judges and ministers of the puritan society and those of the U.

Forum on congress

The introduction of the bill to the houses is followed by reference of the bill to a special committee by the speaker of the house and Senate's leader. The committee of house rules hands the bill to the house and senate.

Charlemagne as a christian king

Similarly, through King Charlemagne use of accessible resources, his collaboration with the papacy and various ecclesiastical and administrative reforms, he managed to stop the cultural and political collapse of the early, Middle periods and establish a basis for extensive central administration north of the Alps. Charlemagne was a prominent military conqueror, and he directed his β†’

Palermo and genoa assignment

For the full-scale of culture application to business environment cognitive competencies, this assignment will discuss the culture characteristics, analyze the culture for international business operation, study the culture synthesis, and then give recommendations according to the applications of business environment in particular. The Background of Italy Italy is a unified peninsula country in the south β†’

Tocquevilles view of american government

of the of the of the Tocqueville's View of American Government Key Features of Democracies Universal suffrage comprises of the right to vote of the adult male citizens and non-citizens, and the voting is not restricted to any particular class, gender, culture or race and wealth. Describe the importance of liberty, equality and property in β†’

The effects of the influx of foreigners to the native americans

The effects of the influx of foreigners to the Native Americans Change is inevitable in all aspects of life and the Native American also had to change in various ways in order to accommodate the foreigners who were invading their homeland. Another instance that shows the change that Native Americans had to go through β†’

World history-high middle ages

Philip Augustus also founded the University of Paris, and in 1200[-> 12] began construction of the Louvre, the palace of the French Kings. The house of Valois claimed the throne because Philip VI, of the house of Valois, was the nephew of Philip the Fair.https://phdessay.com/ap-world-history-units-1-3-study-guide/ However, Edward III of England, also claimed the throne because β†’

1920s essay

The Changing role of women- The text describes the 1920s as a time of the emergence of the " New" woman.a. Thinking Critically In a paragraph, synthesize your thoughts about the cause and effect of the significant events, social issues and individuals of the 1920; consider how this decade contributed to the history of the β†’

John calvin’s beliefs vs. ignatius of loyola’s beliefs assignment

Also the Jesuits would go on missions around the world to show the people of the world that they were doing God's work. Loyola, like Calvin, had a list of things to follow by being in his society which was called the Constitutions." The Constitutions rules for the society was: 1)The Jesuits were to be β†’

Andrew jackson, hero or villain? assignment

The state of Georgia was against the Supreme Court who was not in favor of the removal of the Natives. It was known as the " Trail of Tears." The ending of the National Bank system was the other bad deed of Jackson.

Animal farm and fascism

He is the leader, the head of the entire farm. This is also one of the similarities regarding the two ideologies in the book.

Fascism/national socialism or soviet communism

Fascism, as it was referred to, was a problem because it dictated that the nation and race was to be placed above an individual. The unity of a nation was to be based on culture and traditions, and ties to ancestry that were interpersonal.

George washington carver

During his career at the institute, he did a remarkable job that until to date many remember him. He further extended his goodwill when he consumed his entire savings to start Washington Carver foundation for agricultural research to further his need to help the farmers.

History of jazz vs. history of hip-hop

Although America is the birthplace of both Jazz and hip-hop, neither was really started by the average white American. The similarities between the paths of these two genres of music are uncanny, especially the way they both began as strictly for African-Americans and then slowly but surely, within the next three decades, emerged in the β†’

French revolution journalists assignment

His father through the efforts of a friend was able to obtain a scholarship for Camille at the College Louis-le-Grand in Paris. The frequent attacks which Desmoulins had been subjected to were followed by a warrant for the arrest of himself and Danton.

Journal 5

The empire ensured the long lasting influence of the Greek and Latin religion, culture, language, philosophy, law, forms of government and inventions on the descendants of the empire. In making the conclusion, I analyzed both classical Greece and Roman Empire culture, life style, social, political and economic life.

To what extent was a slave a thing or person in classical roman law?

The focus of this analysis is to consider in detail the legal status of slaves under Roman law, particularly focusing on the development of civil status under Roman law and how the development of Roman law affected the rights of slaves. Roman property law began with the concept of ownership, and it mainly applied to β†’

Compare and contrast early 20th century china and japan as revealed in kokoro and the true story of ah q

As depicted by the happiness in the father due to the graduating of the son, this seems to be a transition period where more graduates are beginning to secure their graduation in comparison to the old system where there were few. This explains the story of Japan being quite ahead of China in terms of β†’

The democrat and the dictator

The Democrat and the Dictator Introduction The world re-known leaders who shaped the current politics: Franklin Roosevelt and AdolfHitler rose to power almost at the same time. Through the film " The Democrat and the Dictator," Moyers Bill extensively reveals childhood lives and their different paths they used to raise to power and how each β†’

A persona of galileo galilei and his contribution to the world

Galileo Galilei was one of the most innovative thinkers in the scientific community, playing a major role in the scientific revolution of the Renaissance period. In addition to his achievements in the field of physics, he is most famous for claiming to have made observations that support the heliocentric views of Copernicus.

Summary watergate and the secret government assignment

Reason for this was mainly the public disclosure of the Pentagon Papers which exposed the lies about the Vietnam war " and its cynical disregard for American soldier's lives." Nixon was determined to fight the leak who exposed the papers to the public, namely Lesser, a disillusioned former Pentagon and state department analyst. He was β†’


The ever increasing population and the current global hunger are what prompt the use of new technologies which are very harmful in the society. Individualism focuses on the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members and it considers whether the society's self-image is defined in terms of " I" or " We".

American history: the origin of automobiles in america

The Ford Model T was the car model that became mainstream in the 1920s when the price of the auto was reduced to $310, nearly $500 cheaper than a decade earlier. The Ford Company valued the effort of its workers.

The thrill of being a fan: ku and minnesota vikings game from among the fans

Especially for the KU basketball it is something that has become so engrained in the culture of the school and the city of Lawrence that people live and die with the team. For the most part both of these sports are done in very nice stadiums, and especially KU.

Monopolies in industry

Standard Oil Monopoly One of the most dramatic episodes in the history of the United s economy would be that of the Standard Oil Monopoly which occurred when the country was transitioning from a mainly agricultural society to becoming an industrial capital. Rockefeller, an American Industrialist and philanthropist was the founder of the Standard Oil β†’


The Pocahontas story elaborates the origin of the Pocahontas Myth. The site successfully discusses the Pocahontas story from the beginning to the end; elaborating the origin of the Pocahontas myth.

How did the cotton economy shape the souths environment and labor system

This is a History and Political Science paper that responds to the question: How did the cotton economy shape the South's environment and labor system? How did the Lecompton Constitution and the Lincoln-Douglas debates affect the debate over slavery in the territories?

American history during nineteenth twentieth century

Rockefeller incorporated the standard Oil Company in Cleveland, Ohio * Within 5 years standard oil company controlled kerosene refineries in New york, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and talking over kerosene marketing terminal and distributors * September 4th, 1872 New York city's Sun newspaper exposed the Credit Mobilier scandal * Massachusetts congressman Oakes Ames, together with director β†’

How does the life of sidney poitier illuminate

Poitier became the first African American to earn a star on the Hollywood " Walk of Fame", in 1967 a run of three successful and critically acclaimed films 'In the Heat of the Night' 'To Sir with Love' and 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner' became the top box office star of the year, showing not β†’

Ben franklin vs henry david thoreau assignment

He was a signer of the Constitution and also made advancements in science that lead to technology that we use and take for granted each and every day. Thoreau wanted people to be in nature and see the beauty that lies in it.

Benjamin franklin assignment

His inept potential was arguably not uncommon but the situation and life he was apart of facilitated his rise from humble beginnings to one of the most historically significant American dreamers to date. Leo Lemma 351) Though Benjamin Franklin Is the face of American innovation had he not the support of powerful individuals and progressiveness β†’

The struggle for indigenous rights in latin america

The Struggle For Indigenous Rights In Latin America Introduction Latin America is a section of the Americas that comprise of countries where Romance languages are used as the means of passing information. Job opportunities The indigenous people in Latin America are facing the challenge of unemployment.

Comparison between mesopotamia and egypt assignment

Finally, Mesopotamia and Egypt government was different because Mesopotamia was divided into city-states while Egypt was a united and confederate state. Agriculture was a fundamental key in the production of income, and Mesopotamia and Egypt were reliant on crops to not only feed the community, but to prosper and grow as a civilization.

Governance and public policy

The relocation is a plan to maintain the economic status of the city bearing in mind the benefits associated with the presence of the school to the town inhabitants. The commission in conjunction with the state administrator intends to develop a succinct plan for relocating the inhabitants in other areas in order to retain the β†’

Significance of pi’s name in life of pi essay sample

The shortened form refers to the ration of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter, a number that goes on forever without discernible pattern, what in mathematics is called an irrational number. Finally, the shortened form of his name, Pi; the numbers that for Pi has no repeating pattern and is often called an irrational β†’

Affirmative action assignment

The question is " Is affirmative action still necessary in the United States today? " Simply, the answer to the question is yes. The purpose of this research is to show you why affirmative action is still a necessary here in the US, in the present time.

Familiar themes in works of hamilton and burr

Throughout the musical, Hamilton and Burr are shown to be very ambitious, a characteristic that I have in common with them. Although I relate to Hamilton and Burr's ambition, the reason why I sympathize more with Burr is because of how they translate their passion into reality.

Ap world history: confucianism vs legalism 9/9

Legalists did this for they thought the Chinese people were bad in nature and did not deserve to learn the concepts and procedures of living an honorable life. Confucianists thought that the people were a main priority in making a successful society for they believed how the nature of people is good and they thought β†’

Ancient india

For instance, the chapter outlines the emergence of civilization in India over the years. In this section, the chapter looks at the distinctive features of the class system, which Aryans people introduced.

Changing character of alien immigration in early modern period

Discovery of the Americas by opened up an excitement among the explorers and rush for a share of the New World emerged, as it was referred to by the explorers and navigators who discovered. Since the turn of the Century, Spanish interests in the New World were perhaps one of the most organized and resolute.

Taxation and representation debate

The British parliament in imposing taxes on colonies and plantations argues that these dominions " have been, are, and of right ought to be, subordinate unto, and dependent upon the imperial crown and parliament of Great Britain" and that the " King's majesty of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws β†’

African-american history

African-American History Introduction The entire Lewis Gordon's article focuses on addressing African-American Race, Philosophy and the Reason of Geography. African-American Philosophy, Race and the Geography of Reason.

History cxc adjustments to emancipation

After the freedom of the enslaved population on the plantations in the 1830s, the planters were faced with the irregularity of labour on the estates. A major remedy to the inconsistency of the labour on the estates was the importation of indentured workers.

Cold war cuba worksheet assignment

Kennedy had many options had to choose wisely to prevent nuclear war Decided on blockade of USSR ships carrying missiles.would sink all ships that crossed quarantine zone Called for Soviet Union to withdraw missiles in Cuba Kennedy Victory Youngest American president was able to prove himself After bay of pigs defeat -? shown as successful β†’


Besides Italy, the Hanseatic League in northern Europe, and numerous other regions, such as the Netherlands, also shared in the revival of capitalism by the end of the 15th century. It was the great voyages of discovery made by mariners in the late 15th and early 16th centuries that opened up the era of capitalist β†’

Crucible: salem witch trials and elizabeth assignment

Elizabeth Proctor was a women in the Crucible that was honorable and trustworthy. Elizabeth Proctor may have had mixed emotions about her marriage, but she was honest and a housewife that would do anything to make her family happy and her husband proud.

A samurai and a ninja

Of all the warrior classes on those feudal times, there are two types of warriors that are known all over the world: the honorable samurai and the stealthy ninja. Samurai warriors prefer the use of the Japanese katana and a wakizashi as weapons.

President andrew jackson assignment

He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office that made his years of presidency to be known as the " Age of Jackson." Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in a settlement on the border of North and South Carolina. In 1814 β†’

A brief history of the malacca

After its adoption of Islam in the 15th century and conversion into a sultanate, the town started to attract traders from the Middle East, swelling the ranks of those already arriving from every seafaring nation in Asia. After the wars ended the British handed Melaka back to the Dutch, then shortly afterwards managed to regain β†’

Response paper

Jeanne Dielman, the main character in the movie, made me to feel sad about the movie. The great part of the movie is that it depicts Jeanne Dielman as a woman with great feminine principles by looking at the way she cooks and cleans the house in addition to her determination to mother her son.

21st century america

The rise of Osama Bin Laden that disturbed the nation and the whole world shook mightily the peace, order and economic stability of many nations as the terrorist attacks on America affected the world. As the world watched the deaths of hundreds of people during the terrorist attacks and as people were horrified especially with β†’

Reform american history

I believe that the ' Abolition Movement' had the greatest impact on the American history mainly because it paved way for democratic society that believed in equal rights. While the institution of slavery per se ceased with the emancipation proclamation in 1863, but it was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that brought in a β†’

The night of broken glass essay sample

The night of broken glass, also known as Kristallnacht took place on in the night of November 9 throughout 10, 1938 throughout Germany, some part of Austria and the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia recently occupied by Germans. Afterwards German police announced that it was a spontaneous output of public as the reaction of the death β†’

Ancient chinese contributions

This paper identifies ten of the most useful inventions that we owe to the ancient Chinese culture, and then pinpoints four of the author's particular favorites. Ten useful inventions that we owe to the ancient Chinese culture Most people are aware that the Chinese invented paper and gunpowder, though cites the four major inventions of β†’

Analysis of the book madness: a brief history

Analysis Of The Book Madness: A Brief History What are some of the charges against diagnostic models of mental illnesses? This is a statement on the confusion within the profession rather than making case for the rapid evolution and metamorphosis of the human mind.

Karl marx assignment

Machines would seem to be beneficial to the capitalist, but both Marx and Blend argued that machines would lead to the capitalist demise. Blend saw the machine as the force that would lead to destruction of the capitalist.

Finale paper rough draft

Retrieved from Ashford University, AU Library website: http://library.ashford.edu/index.aspx The article describes life, views and " messiah" activity of Wowoka, who created the Ghost Dance movement in the late 19th century. Retrieved from Ashford University, AU Library website: http://library.ashford.edu/index.aspx The article is based on the memories of the Indian soldier Phillip Wells, who was a participant β†’

Medieval christianity and islam

The other dominant force in the medieval Europe was the Frankish kingdom. Their major concept was to spread the Christianity across the kingdom and fight the insurgent of the Moore and other Islamic kingdom.

Dr. martin luther king assignment

Martin Luther King Jar.' s father was a great influence in his life.Dry. He risked his live and Jeopardized the well being of his family to push for equality for all.

Was the end of the middle ages a sharp break with the past, or was it a gradual change? assignment

This a period in history between the 14th and 17th centuries marked by a re-awakening of sorts by Western Civilization, a movement from the feudalistic organization of Europe into the humanistic culture that balanced a revival of ancient scholarly pursuit with a more secular view of life and new focus on surpassing mankind's intellectual and β†’

International relations

China and Other World Economies One of the most interested parties in the case of China's advancing economic might is the United States of America. S need to work on its economic challenges, develop policies that have the potentials of competing and beating China's influence.

George orwell 1984

In 1984, The Party took its need to spread propaganda to the extremes; The Party operates the people of Oceania to say and think in a way the party deems fit. In the 2017 presidential elections in the United States of America, propaganda was at the center of the campaigns for the top contenders.

Americans are consumed by social media history essay

The government consciously and quickly shaped American perception and cultural attitudes of the Chinese from the late 1940s to the Cold War through media and propaganda. Works such as How the Far East was Lost: American Policy and the Communist Creation of China 1941-1949, America's Failure in China 1941-1950, and The China Tangle: The American β†’

Frederick douglass, independence day speech

when Due: Frederick Douglass, Independence Day Speech Interpretation Frederick Douglass praises the efforts of the founding fathers in this phenomenal speech which later culminates to condemnation of the outlook of the American Society as a whole towards slavery. Douglass, applauds the crowd for celebrating the fourth of July, and reminds them that the nation is β†’

Sword manufacturing of the early, high, and late medieval period

This symbolic importance was even shown in the Medieval swords design as the cross guard was framed over the handle of the sword to resemble a Christian cross. This meant that the production of swords was quite slow High Middle Age According to Nelson & Theuws, high middle age was a period of great innovation β†’

What was the historical significance of voltaire’s β€˜candide’ assignment

His belief that the separation of class, hypocrisy of organized religion, rampant materialism, lack of Free Will, and deficiency of compassion for others, all contributed to the lack of human liberty in the eighteenth century. She was of noble birth, the daughter of a German baron.' Candid's tutor, Dry Pompanos, were maintaining that we live β†’

History and political science

The Soviet Union is profoundly opposed to the western world and hence makes it rival in the global power domination. In this context, it is Novikov who has been able to make the best case between the two since his argument is better illustrated with facts.

The dionysian cult

It is stated in a legend that Apollo went to the city of Delphic when he was just a four-year-old boy to kill a huge serpent because it had, according to legend, molested the mother of Apollo and he wanted to avenge the mistake committed by the serpent. The paper would look to explore all β†’

Usa’s foreign policy pendulating between imperialists views and non-intervention tactics

And to back this imperialist sentiment we had things like the Monroe Doctrine, the Manifest Destiny, Social Darwinism, overabundance of industrial goods, and the military advantages of acquiring new territory. On one side we had the imperialists who wanted to expand and build something for the future of our country.

The british invasion: musical movement of 1960s

The focal point of the paper is to analyze and evaluate the British Invasion or the musical movement of the mid-1960s composed of British rock-and-roll groups whose popularity spread rapidly throughout England and the United States. As far as the future was concerned, the initial tremors of what would lead to a massive cross across β†’

The pan african movement

Reaction Paper to Williams: The Pan African Movement Synopsis In summary, Michael Williams' article, The Pan African Movement, discusses this multifaceted movement, which is thought to have played a vital role in the decolonization of Africa. The article is divided into sections that discuss Pan-Africanism, characteristics of the early emigration attempts of Pan-Africanists and also β†’

European union assignment

Two of the lads are wrestling over the steering wheel; others lie comatose in the sleeping area at the back of the cabin. Between the fury on the streets of Athens and the continued disunity of decision-makers in Brussels, Berlin, Frankfurt and Luxembourg, the lorry could stall any day.

Entering king tut’s tomb

After this was done, the King's body was placed in one of three coffins found in the sarcophagus. King Tutankhamun's body is currently entombed in his original burial tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

Role of god in the epic of gilgamesh

The ancient texts of The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Genesis chapter of the Old Testament discuss the duties and contributions of gods, men, and women, as well as the origins of knowledge and civilization. In both accounts of the creation of man, women are the bearers of knowledge, and knowledge has a negative connotation.


General Aspects of the Models Used In the Post-War Reconstruction of Western Europe Broadly and Germany In Particular That Remains Applicable In the Twenty-First Century The Marshall plan was adopted as an Economic Recovery Program in Western Europe and particularly Germany. The Marshall plan provided financial aid to spur economic growth in Western Europe, the β†’

American politics

Media plays several roles for the American political system including the role of a vehicle as it assists politicians in connecting them with the common population and in the presentation of an image of the politicians in the minds of the citizens. The most commonly and overplayed function of media is the role of being β†’

Saint patrick pioneer mission to ireland

One of the advantages that Saint Patrick had is that he understood the language and customs of the Irish people. Saint Patrick marked to be one of the greatest missionaries in history because he managed to deal with the prejudice of Irish people.

Music of the 1950s

Kayla Curlett Period 5Musicof the 1950's Rock ' n' Roll, Pop, R&B, and Swing are some of the popular genres of music during the decade of the 1950's. One of the biggest hits about the decade was Don McLean's " The Day the Music Died." Classic Pop dominated the charts for the first half of β†’

Big brother: a depiction of 1984’s dystopic society

Big Brother in the reality show possesses many of the qualities of the Big Brother in 1984. Big Brother, in fact, is held in muchrespectand adoration by the very housemates made to endure the limitations of dystopia.

Andrew jackson the common man assignment

Andrew Jackson had a very rough time when he was growing up, he was one of the few out of the prior presidents that had to teach himself how to read and write, due to wanting to become a lawyer. He was also elected due to the fact that the non- landowners had now the β†’

Vocal development throughout the renaissance, classical, and baroque periods assignment

Three periods vital to the development of vocal music includes the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque era. According to Music: The Art of Listening, the only type of music that was even recognized that the time was sacred church music.

Section ii cultural conflict

Section III The meaning of freedom changed with the activities that came by as the time moved on, for instance, when we had slavery the word " slavery" represented lack of freedom, when slavery was abolished then there was industrial age the idea of freedom changed as Americans now wanted freedom to autonomy of the β†’

Candide by voltaire:what is the relationship assignment

Towards the end of the story, Candied begins to question Pompanos' philosophy more and more. Soon after they free Pompanos and the Baron's son from slavery, the men go and find Condoned, the woman Candied had been searching to live with and love for his entire life.

Triangular trade assignment

European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, which were then brought on the sea lane est.from Africa to the Americas, the so called middle passage.[2] A classic example would be the trade of sugar from the Caribbean to Europe or New England, where it was distilled into rum. The profits from the β†’

Late 20th century united states history

This left the United States and the Soviet Union as the two dominant forces on the planet. Thus, the United States took upon a policy of containment, a policy, which was meant to stop the spread of Communism.

Beer in mesopotamia assignment

One of the developed professions was priest who collected goods in the form of taxation. The council agreed with the governor, so coffee was seized and burned in the streets and coffee vendors and some Of their customers were beaten as enmeshment.