Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning


THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION of Location of February 10, The Scientific Revolution The so-called Scientific Revolution came about as an offshoot of the Renaissance period. The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of Capitalism The Industrial Revolution was similar to the Scientific Revolution because it altered the way people think and perceive the natural world.

African american slavery

Preview statement: Today, I am going to discuss the origin of slaves, the process of its abolition and education the blacks received during the time of slavery. According to Finkelma, Slavery in the United States came to its end in the 1770s in many of the American states.

Martin luther king jrassignment assignment

The dream to be free should not have ever had to of been a dream in the first place. It is something that every person has a right to in this world, not just the United States, yet so many still do not have it.

History of the republican party in texas

History of the Republican Party in Texas The Republican Party of Texas was found in the spring of 1867, as the people of Texas reacted to the Congressional Reconstruction Act, which was passed on March 7. Blacks are one of the groups that strongly supported the Republican Party in Texas in the early days.

History and political science: socialism

Due History and Political Science: Socialism There are a number of political, social, and socio-economictheories that claim to be the format for the ideal government. It is a political, social, and economic structure that advocates " collectiveness," which grants the means of production and distribution of goods into the hands of the government and out →

Discussion 4

and of article: Ellis Cose, " What's White Anyway?" Main ideas of article: The main ideas of the article are Immigration trends do not challenge existing ideas of America's White Identity because whiteness is a debatable concept and 2) The White Identity is no longer relevant in modern times. This means that immigration challenges the →

Royal portraiture

Royal Portraiture The portrait of Queen Elizabeth was used to indicate the monarch's work in that era that spread across the world and shows how she looked like. The symbols of imperial majesty indicate the queen's power while and common in both the Kangxi Emperor portrait and the Queen Elizabeth portrait is the throne and →

How did the designations aliens ineligible for citizenship and the yellow peril negatively affect asian americans in the years prior to 1952

First, the a majority of Asian Americans were male workers whose families could no longer be set up in the United States because of the " Aliens Ineligible for Citizenship" designation. This designation coined the phrase " model minority" to refer to Asian in the United States.

The god of god, gold, and glory: the role of european christian missionaries in china from the 16th to the 19th century

The " God" of " God, Gold, and Glory:" The Role of European Christian missionaries in China from the 16th to the 19th Century The role of the Europeans Christian missionaries in China has been a difficult encounter even since it began. Their views, in most cases, negatively affected the natives of China and; hence, →

Henry david thoreau: transcendentalist assignment

The disarray of the government in Thoreau's time did not serve to better this opinion. In Thoreau's mind a man could make a dramatic statement by washing his hands of the whole mess and therefore making a powerful statement to others.

The social and political issues of being a woman artist in the 1970s

In Linda Nochlin's essay, " Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists," she tackles the idea of what it is like to be a female artist in the 1970s, more specifically why female artists have never been held to the same degree as their male competitors. Nochlin strongly weighed in on the idea that →

A lifetime journey scarred the reign of ivan the terrible: from infant-czar to tyrant

In December of 1546, Ivan made an announcement in the presence of the Metropolitan Makari and the Boyars. The Tartars possessed the territory of Kazan, which lied along the lower region of the Volga, and it was always a threat to Russia's security.

American history

Violence between the two factions on the slavery subject was imminent thus the violence in Kansas was only a boiling point or the start of a war that was eventually going to happen. The pace of the political path only led to disagreements on the issue making the events in Kansas a starting point.

Dust bowl of the 1930s

The " Dust Bowl" was the name given to the Great Plains region that was greatly affected by drought in the 1930's during theGreat Depression. Despite all the negative effects of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression there were a few positives.

Francis bacon assignment

In 1617, Francis Bacon was made the new Keeper of The Seal, and was made lord chancellor the next year and received the title of Baron Verulam. The next he called The Idols of the Cave, which are in the minds of each individual and are based on the individual education and background of each →

Experience of freedom for euro-american (the white american) from 1865 to 1900

The white Americans interpreted freedom from the point of view of slave owners while the blacks interpreted it from the point of view of slaves. To them, emancipation is already enough for the African Americans as freedom exactly meant the removal of the bondage of force servitude.

The effects of the vietnam war through assignment

All he wanted was someone to listen to what he had to say and listen to his stories. The causes of his depression were he went through the war, saw many people die, and saw the true brutality of the war.

The story of the erie canal in the united states

A densely forested pass in the Appalachian mountains was cut through using instruments like the ax and the shovel. The young nation became a well-knit nation because of the canal According to the author, if the canal had not been built during that time, the western states of the United States might have formed a →

World wars’ after-effects and social paranoia in usa: fear of communism or japanese invasion

The anxiety of the idea of communism control during the Red Scare, and the dread of invasion during the period of Japanese Internment are prime examples of the mistrust and paranoia in which American citizens felt emotionally. This influence caused an overthrow of the government within Russia, better known as the Bolshevik Revolution, and the →

Bill gates

After they adapted the operating system for the PC, Microsoft delivered it to IBM as PC-DOS in exchange for a one-time fee of $50, 000 which was the same price he had paid for the software in its original form. In mid-1981 Gates and Allen incorporated Microsoft, and Gates was appointed president and chairman of →

An era of smart phones and dumb people

Pausing for a second, you stop to wonder, " Whatever happened to actually using the swing set? " Technologyis like a fine wine; as it matures and ages, it becomes better and better, making it appeal to large crowds of people. Just like an alcoholic, the next generation appears as if they are addicted to →

Tourism in rwanda is rapidly increasing since the genocide that took place in 1994.

Tourism is one of the key factors in the whole of the country's economy but like other sectors, tourism was affected by the genocide 1994 but it is starting to experience a explosion due to the government's new approach to work together with neighbouring countries which has an impact on the locals and the government.1.3. →

Karl marx on the working class assignment

The value that workers produce, for some part of the day, covers the cost of their own existence and the value that the workers produce the rest of the day is unpaid labor. It can be inferred that a Marxist society aspires to eradicate the right of a capitalist class to privately own the surplus →

The age of absolutism

Frederick the Great Among the prime reforms that Frederick the great sought was to modernize and unite the otherwise disconnected lands. In addition, he sought international alliances with other leaders across the globe so as to strengthen his control of Prussia and surrounding regions.

The bread givers,the smolinsky house is patriarchal in nature

The Bread givers, The Smolinsky House is patriarchal in nature The autobiographical tone of the novel ' The Bread Givers written by Anzia Yezierska gives us an essence of patriarchy when the daughter of the Jewish-American family Sara Smolinsky values American traditions and believes in the concept of becoming self independent and in contrasts her →

Dbq french and indian war assignment

The French and Indian War altered the political, economic, and ideological relationship between Britain and its American colonies in many ways. The relationship was altered politically due to Britains control of the entire eastern coastline, economically on how British policies after 1763 were designed to raise revenue to pay for the cost of the empire, →

Federal wolves at the door

Management of Endangered Species Protection for endangered animal species is provided under the 1973 Endangered Species Act. The second reason for the preference of national legislation is that state's regulations may be inadequate to protect the endangered species.

The whiskey rebellion assignment

Of course, the Whiskey rebels saw themselves as upholding the spirit of the Revolution and believed that the politicians in the federal government had forsaken those principles for the quest of personal gain. The author describes the federal government and its supporters as having " generally shared a Hobnails-type fear of anarchy as the starting →

How manifest destiny benefited america

Government funding assisted entrepreneurs by " granting 130 million acres of land" to the construction of the railroads in the name of manifest destiny and westward expansion. Manifest destiny shaped all of these actions, native Americans were in the way of progress and needed to be assimilated.

Henry viii assignment

For example, she took a leading role in politics, acting as regent while Henry was absent in France, and even played an important role in one of the most decisive English victories of the reign when her strategy helped beat the Scots at the Battle of Flodden in 1513. Jane was the first and only →


Wise men have written millions of pages of literature on the subject, proponents of various political philosophies have clashed and continue to clash with each other to arrive at the true means of rendering justice to the people, numerous enactments have been passed to get social and economic justice for them, and yet the permanent →

Mccarthyism, the fuel for keeping the fire of cold war continuously burning in the usa

The Cold War, which was fought between the United States and the Soviet Union, was a war that was fought in the name of Communism. McCarthyism is to blame for all of the results of us loathing Communism because it was Senator McCarthy who caused everyone to believe that Communism was horrible because of the →

Phenomenon of mccarthyism

The decade of the 1950s brought a significant alteration in American society with the introduction of Rock and Roll that left a noteworthy impact on the specifical youth of the country. Since the advent of Rock and Roll, analysis has indicated a new wave of independence in the youth of the country that was able →


The number of electoral votes from a state can highly dictate the presidential win.b) If only two candidates running for President of the United States would the majority rule dictate the winner of Michigans electoral votes? Nebraska as a state has 5 electoral votes; the majority rule will determine the presidential winner.c) Investigate the results →

The successes and failures of the league of nations assignment

The Bulgarians asked the League for help and the League ordered both armies to stop fighting and that the Greeks should pull out of Bulgaria. Secondly the League of Nations also seemed to have a weakness in not accepting Germany in the League.

Wonderful adventures of mrs. seacole in many lands

Seacole in Many Lands" The Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole in Many Lands is an autobiography that demonstrates the actions and activities of the Victorian period-the time it was written. Her main aim, in the book, was to focus on the pleasant things she had done, as well as her achievements; and not the color →

Art history

The clues that give this impression are that there are people haveswimmingsuits and gear on in many of the pieces. In the characters that are in their bathing suits or with swimming gear on in the sculpture Platform, the characters appear to be expressionless.

Quotes on 1984

The old man was standing in front of a picture in a rosewood frame which hung on the other side of the fireplace, opposite the bed. It was always difficult to determine the age of a London building.

60 years of indian republic

On the brighter side we assert on the very fact that we are developing, the development is essential but it shud not be on the extent of taking the lives of innocent people, snatching the shelters of poor on the name of developing big glitzy malls. Well we cannot stop developing but we should be →

The progressive era and the elections history essay

Many felt the progressives had a main objective, and that objective was to show their concern about the outcome of urbanization, industrialization, and immigration. Wilson's New Freedom program linked liberal reform to individual initiative and the free play of markets.

Social contract theory

The core concept of the theory is that the existence of the society depends on the ability of the free individuals to form rational decisions while focusing on self-interests. This means that the main aspects of the country's social aspects reflected in the preamble are the partnership between the people and the government, and the →

How the seeds for later self-government were sown in the early colonies

In England, limited government and representative government were the norms; hence the same was adopted in the various new European colonies in the New World of America. Freedom of religion and democracy contributed significantly to the self-government in colonies.

Cold war and us diplomacy assignment

Fearing the unknown outcome of what was taking place, the USSR decided to erect the Berlin Wall and leave the various partitions of the city the way they were. What was happening is that the in the 1950's, the Soviet Union was challenging the United States in many different regions of the world.

The beginning of the slave trade

Although it started in small scale, after some time, the trade grew to become one of the most significant and lucrative trade in the world. The end of the trade slowly began by certain countries such as the United States withdrawing as other countries followed.

“a different mirror: a history of multicultural america” by ronald takaki essay sample

Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Mexicans, and African Americans were mainly discussed about how they were treated in American society during that time of the war, and how it integrates with the inequality factors they have faced even though they contributed with patriotism to this land called America. Takaki brilliantly showed examples of racism through Hitler and →

Moral and political philosophy essay

The common man of any country is always under the influence of the political developments. It is the policies of the government, which always set the standards of the society.

Frederick douglass, narrative from chapter 7 to chapter 11

The valuation of the estate was necessary due to the absence of the will. Covey's house, I come to the part of my life during which I planned and finally succeeded in making my escape slavery.

Homework26 27

A History of the United s The United built a National Security by; Developing Atomic Weapons- the US developed several different nuclear weapons but Soviets followed the same strategies therefore ending the US monopoly on the nuclear weapons. Voters enumerated their confidence in Eisenhower's ability to end the war and this gave him a 55 →

The narrative of the life of frederick douglass assignment

The True Story of Slavery The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a riveting story that shows how cruel and dehumanizing slavery truly is. Douglass is able to communicate how terrible the institution of slavery is because of the physical abuse many masters forced the slaves to endure, the necessities that were not →

Success of kennedy administrations in the cuban crisis

Reasons for the Success of John Kennedy Administration's Handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis Reasons for the success of John Kennedy administration's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis This crisis is probably the closest the world ever came to a full blown out nuclear warfare. The president then made a public announcement of the discovery →

Why has bloody sunday been represented in such different ways

In source A, John Mullin an Irish correspondent gives a slightly bias view bloody Sunday but a very informative and reliable account, this was written in 1999 after the new inquiry, which may of led him to his opinion, this also makes it more bias as he already knows the facts and he writes almost →

Human sacrifice in the aztec culture assignment

Historians should emphasize human sacrifice In the Aztec culture because there was an enormous sale that cannot be Ignored, the connections to religion, and also the most Important factor, the human connection. Most of the sacrifices were all somewhat connected to Aztec gods, each one with a different reason of human blood.

Frederick douglass, “what, to the slave, is the fourth of july” assignment

The Declaration of Independence stated itself that, "[they] hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," but what's not commonly grasped is that the effects of the Declaration →

Research surprise, security, and the american experience john lewis gaddis

In the background of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on America, the world in general, and America in particular, has faced a new case for the understanding of the meaning of ' security' and the distinguished Cold War historian John Lewis Gaddis makes a reflective analysis of the concept of security in his celebrated work →

Access the methods used by either peron or lenin to maintain his position as ruler of a single party state assignment

The storming and capitulation of the Winter Palace on the night of the 7th to 8th of November marked the beginning of Soviet rule. This document outlined Lenin's aims for the future: to end the war; to give all power to the Soviet; to give all property and land to the people and worldwide revolution.

Thomas paine citizen of the world history essay

Thomas Paine was not really a citizen of any of these countries, but truly he was, as he put it, " A citizen of the world", driven by his urge to inspire all humanity to be based on reason, freedom and equality regardless of the borders or political systems that surrounded him. In Agrarian Justice →

Pocahontas and the role of women among the native people

In the book it is sad that, " Pocahontas...became famous to the London public as a beautiful Indian Princess,"." Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma" teaches us about many aspects of Native American life, and how the new settlers impacted the lives of the natives. The women in these tribes were in charge of many duties →

Slavery and freedom: the american paradox

Providing substantial evidence to support his claims and a wealth of expertise in pre-Revolutionary American history, in Slavery and Freedom: the American Paradox, Edmund S. Morgan provides a service to all Americans by shedding much-needed insight into one of the most forgotten and understudied periods of American history.

War in 1914

The German armament and the hostile attitude of the Kaiser and the military top heads was reflective of their ambitions which came forth in 1914. The establishment of secret societies by the Serbs was also a step towards the war outbreak.

Uncovering the truth behind the holocaust

He seemed to have carefully drafted the documentary in favor of the German version of the holocaust story and also seemed quite anxious to mention he is a Jew but an atheist, wearing his kippah to prove that he is not some revisionist or the like. Cole said he wanted to uncover what really happened →

A european recovery plan to continue history essay

One could argue that the goal of the Marshall Plan was to ensure the survival of our major trading partners in Europe, and providing stable markets, in order to ensure its continued economic growth and dominance. It was Because of the Marshall Plan, and its effects throughout Europe, The United States' economy grew into the →

Germanic invasions in the west/world civilization

The infighting that occurred as a result of the invasions led to the downfall of the Roman Empire. The English language is also one of the major impacts of the movement of Germanic tribes.

Holocaust memorial visit

My like and dislike about the Memorial I like the idea that the Memorial was built to remember the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust. And as such, it is only proper that German's taxpayer should be used to build those monuments as a form of remuneration for what they have done to the →

Failure of louis the 14 assignment

The series of internal and external error Louis XIV encountered eventually haul France down from its dominant position.evaluate how the internal and external error encountered by Louis XIV contributed to Louis XIV failure to establish France as a dominant power in Europe.2. In the context of Louis XIV's France an modernized economy is even more →

Das experiment

The film brings out the issue of superiority in the sense that despite the guards having been warned not to use any physical aggression toward the prisoners, they decide to harass the prisoners because they felt they were in control of the prison. The role of rules in a prison and society is to guide →

The crisis of 1798: sedition

Act of Sedition crisis and effects The act of Sedition altered the law of naturalization, thus increasing the number of years for an immigrant to be an American citizen from five to fourteen years. Freedom of the press was compromised by the sedition act.

Croatia and the european union

This is because after the recent referendum in which sixty-six percent of Croatians acquiesced to the move, and hence the country is set to join the EU in 2013. Then there are the impacts on the economy of Croatia practically on production of goods for export, with the inevitable lifting of the trade restrictions between →

History of ifrs

After that, IASB had been established Accounting Standards Advisory Forum in early 2013 to ensure the countries understand of IFRS and applied it in a proper way. After that, MASB had changed the name of Malaysia Accounting Standards to Financial Reporting Standards and they had been announced in year 2005 that they will fully apply →

Why did the league of nations fail? assignment

COLLECTIVE SECURITY ASPIRATIONS AND THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS The aim of this section is to undertake a review of the functions of the League of Nations, especially in terms of aspirations towards disarmament and a general strive towards improved collective security. Article 16, the most important part of the Covenant in terms of collective security →

Short answers

The Article and Arguments by Mallarme on Manet's Art Mallarme begins the 1876 article by clarifying his was a kind of pendant the essay on modern art by Baudelaire. The next point is that Art by Manet in the 1960's was electric in nature; he was first mannered and this earned his very mature a →

Draw their veils over their bosoms

Though Muslim women are not this secluded in the modern life, they have to seclude themselves from head to toe. Though there is nowhere in the Quran where it is indicated that women should be secluded from head to toe, women are expected to do so.

What to do with a ba in history

In " How to Get a Real Education at College" by Scott Adams and " What Do You Do with a B.A.in History" by Ken Saxon, they agree that college is worth going to but they have different outlooks on what to do with that college education. He is against the idea of " B →

Louis xiv and absolutism principles

Louis XIV's palace embodied the essence of absolutism through its Classicist symbols of power, its sheer size and luxuriousness and through the housing of the nobles on palace grounds. Louis XIV's palace of Versailles is the epitome of the principles of absolutism.

Great depression assignment

Great Depression Impact " The American People in Hard Times" Employment African Americas Minorities Women Most Pl saw unemployment/poverty as signs of personal failures Men= ashamed of being Jobless Relief eventually collapsed Thousands sifted through garbage cans for scraps of food or waited outside restaurants Nearly 2 million men road freight trains living as nomads →

How corrupt was american governance and business in the 19th century

The paper " How Corrupt Was American Governance and Business in the 19th Century" is a wonderful example of a history assignment. What was the nature and methods of American business in the 19th Century?

Globalization revisited

Coca Cola sold in parts of Africa and China, Disneyland and such other American things may not necessarily contribute to the culture but rather direct every nation to be as the United States is. Their desire to have as much power possible led to great expansion and the conquering of other lands.

The rise of islam as a religion

Discuss the rise and significance of Muhammad and Islam to the history of the religion I agree with the first student, since Muhammad was a very important person, who had a vision that led to the beginning and spread of Islamic religion. The political advantages of Muhammad and his religion was when he did not →

The facts and fictions of the salem witch trials

The comparison of historical facts and the play the Crucible are the perfect example of an exaggerated actual event. During the Salem witch trials, Tituba was asked to make a " witchcake" in order to figure was afflicting Betty Parris.

Colonists’ stance against king george’s authority over foreign lands, key role in america’s independence

The fight for independence in America began in 1775 with the beginning of the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The colonists who remained loyal to the king, the Loyalists, argued that Great Britain had helped them through war and provided manufactured goods when they were in need.

Vietnam war and communism assignment

The Vietnam War was the fight to stop the nationalist forces from unifying Vietnam under a communist government and the United States attempting to prevent communism from ruling the country. The United States help South Vietnam carry out the election only in the South and excluded most of the country.


B Du Bois Still Matters: Black Socialism in the Quest of the Silver fleece-and Beyond" The article en d, " How the Socialism of W.E.B. Du Bois Still Matters: Black Socialism in the Quest of the Silver Fleece-and Beyond" written by Wienen and Kraft highlights the early development of W.E.B.

Gandhi and hitler assignment

Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, and is widely considered the father of his country. He is a bad influence for the people of Germany and people that try to gain power.

The korean war

Korean War al Affiliation) According to Halberstam, the Korean War was a result of a combination of factors and events that followed the end of World War II, but the primary cause was North Korea's act of invading the Republic of Korea by crossing the 38th parallel that separated the two nations. MacArthur Based on →

Philadelphia art museum experience

Once you have battled the line in, the first thing that strikes you immediately upon entering the main foyer is the beautiful statue of Diana reflecting majestically off of the highly polished sweeping marble staircases that lead to the many wings of the museum. The Philadelphia Art Museum is capable of transporting the imagination through →

Dante’s inferno: sixth circle of hell assignment

In the second inner circle, the circle of suicide or violence against self, Virgil and Dante find a deserted forest with twisted weird looking trees. In the second inner circle, violence against self, Dante and Virgil meet one of the residents.

Manifest destiny assignment

In spiritual perspective, one definition of destiny is that destiny is a result of one's own decision. In terms of quality, it means that the person does all his daily activities as service to God, with a lot of desire and with the primary purpose to attain God.

Ancient china assignment

The structures that the Chinese Empire had during this period were The Great Wall of China and The Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City is a place where the Emperor of China lived.

Old english era

The Anglo-Saxon period is the oldest known period of time that had a complex culture with stable government, art, and a fairly large amount of literature. The Angles joined the Saxons in the invasion of Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries.

Marie antoinette assignment

When people think of The French Revolution, they think of the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. Marie was definitely not the cause of The French Revolution.

The influence of anglicization over the cypriot community history essay

According to Penelope Chloros, GCD is an autonomous language because it is the traditional language of the majority of a country.[1]Even though the students of Cypriot schools are being taught the Greek language, they keep their dialect and use Modern Greek only when they write.[2]It has to be mentioned that Cypriot emigrants in Britain only →

Enger tower history

He believed in sharing his success with the city that helped him achieve it and allowed Duluth to develop land near Enger Tower, including the building of a park and a golf course. The 70-foot tower was built on the highest of four mounds in Enger Park and was built by L.J.

Trans-atlantic slave trade

The trafficking of Africans has been the business of the rich and powerful where both the monarchy and the church have benefitted much so that it comprised 80% of the total British trade, helping in the development of banking and insurance, shipbuilding and several manufacturing industries. The Abolition of the Slave Trade There has been →

Summary of churchill’s iron curtain speech and stalin assignment

Stalin goes more in depth into vatu is happening in Russia and what he wants to change ND do He rallies the audience by giving statistics and numbers of supplies, weapons, and men, He also talks about his five-year plans and the completion of them. He continues with the relationship of the communist party and →

Answer question

Why did the senate ultimately refuse to ratify the treaty or join the League of Nations The Treaty was signed as a promise to end the World War I between the three major nations that had been engaging in war. The war killed millions of soldiers and even the civilians not to mention the damages →